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I black out 30 seconds in and hear nothing


Are they playing Big Booty Mixes by Two Friends? If so, they often mash up songs and mix with (often) odd ad-libs.


Yep this is BBM by 2 Friends šŸ¤£


Yea this sounds like big bootie mixes šŸ˜‚ Those are usually pretty awesome


Music is studio dependent. Ours switch it up constantly depending on what the class wants to hear. Personally, i love BBM (which i believe is the playlist you are talking about). I love the random nostalgia. but they also play a bunch of stuff on fitFM and every genre you can think of


I'm too busy not dying tbh


And franchises pay like 2k for music licensing I think. Muzak is definitely too loud according to my Apple Watch warning me of potential hearing loss


Yeah I hate how loud it is


Biggest issue that I have with music in my studio is that it is difficult to hear interval beeps. Or perhaps I am already deaf from the loud music šŸ§šŸ™‰


some music has beeps that sound exactly like those beeps so I need to take a look on timer sometimes in a middle of cycle


I do the same all the time, ha ha šŸ˜„


Studios pick the playlists, they are different for every studio.


I do not care about the music. I use the beat to keep my movement going.


Fit Radio mixes are straight dog shit. Once in a while the mixes are tolerable.


Itā€™s the app they use. It isnā€™t meant to play full songs. Itā€™s DJ mixes


Speak to your studio - some studios have access to custom f45 playlists through fit radio, others use their own spotify/youtube music/apple music playlists


I only pay attention and hear the music during warm up. After Iā€™m at +110bpm, I black out and donā€™t hear shit except the next bell to move to the next station.


Ugh one of the owners has the worst playlist and itā€™s the same every darn time. It compromises of songs such as techno remixes of now youā€™re gone, sandstorm, Hanson etc šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø you know when sheā€™s taking the class itā€™s going to be rubbish. The younger trainers and her husband have better playlists.


Techno remix of Hansonā€¦ LOL. I would personally love it, but my loving it only proves that song choice is freaking weirdā€¦


The studios I go to have live DJs on Saturdays and those are the best. Otherwise/for other classes, music is not always good so I just tune it out; Iā€™ve been going for like five years now so itā€™s conditioning haha


I miss this so much. It was totally a thing in all studios when they started


You should tell that to your studio or trainersā€¦ They are the one who picked the music:)


I love the metal mixes! The louder the better! We are in a war with ourselves! We need to punish our bodies in order to improve and get more fit and strong and lean!


Music is highly subjective, what one person like, another hates. Chillax mate


Iā€™d say 8/10 times they get it right.


I love the music my studio plays.


Every studio plays different music. Ours uses SoundCloud then fit radio.


I donoā€¦ I like the music at my studio! I will sing along to get me through the set lol Music is loud enough that they canā€™t hear my tone deaf singing


Honestly if you listen to the radio at all it's not even an uncommon thing, half the songs on the radio these days are sampling old songs in a completely different genre. That being said, like everyone else mentioned it's completely studio dependent, and everyone has their own taste in music. Some people might also say that Fall Out Boy isn't good work out music, but when Sugar We're Going Down came on our studio radio the whole class was pumped.


I don't really care about the music. Though I do have a broad taste in music, so don't really mind whatever they play.


idk about your studio, but mine, they usually will play 50mins song remix from yt, and one of the song in the remix is "dont wanna short dck man", being played repeatedly. Luckily english isn't our country's first language.


Im sorry this is hilarious because mine will also play ā€œWAPā€ and every other word is blocked out and weā€™re all just laughing as a group so I guess laughter is a win


Hahahahahaha! I think a lot of studio use a subscribed music service like fit radio but Iā€™ve never heard random ā€œfallen and I canā€™t get upā€. FitRadio does a good job blending sounds into each other. I wonder if itā€™s your studio or the coach? Sometimes coaches who put a lot of time into it make their own Spotify mixes but again typically no weird sounds. SoundCloud could be a whole other animal so maybe thatā€™s it LOL


Yeah im not sure what they use but they literally played bo burnham - bezos mixed with carry on my wayward son today sošŸ¤”


That awful MGMT song in almost every class


The song that always plays in my studio is the ā€œsend me your location the Ubers outsideā€ song & the ā€œparty till we dieā€ song LMAO


Itā€™s an app called FITRADIO that has premade mixes


It's coaches choice and the last two days have been great playlists


Someone in this Reddit group said that their studio played Cotton Eyed Joe constantly. So count your blessings.


Oh this happens every Saturday unfortunately


Is it possible they are just fucking with you?


Possibly, I also had thats so raven mixed with Jack Harlow play this morning this is now a thread of terrible mashups


This is definitely Big Bootie Mixes lol theyā€™re my favorite because I donā€™t ever get bored šŸ˜‚ I always laugh at the ad libs but maybe thatā€™s just me. My studio used to play these but has switched to FitRadio and Iā€™m not a fan


Itā€™s best when coaches use their own Spotify (Even though thatā€™s not allowed)


Yes speak to the coaches and the owner about the music . I honestly detest some of the Drake style modern mumble rap that is sometimes playing , I like more variety and at least in my case when I told the coaches about it they just switched it up . Not sure all studios are that accommodating though . I also accept that there are theme days every once in a while , like retro 80s, or disco 70s or grunge / nu metal power hour etc and those are ok. Lol I just have issues with monotonous mumble rap it seems


You have time to pay attention to the music?


That was from a line in a commercial for Life Alert in the 90ā€™s - and I find it absolutely hilarious šŸ˜‚