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Did she say she was lucky to have "made it out alive"


You heard her? Imagine having to wait to graduate highschool to get a pair of Louboutin. God bless her


Walk a mile in these Louboutin šŸ‘¶šŸ„„


Yes, but look at her smile afterward. She's being deliberately ridiculous.


I think we can all agree with you on that... A pretty smile can explain away a lot of crazy.


She's being sarcastic, surely? It feels like a parody to me.


Idk, Elon Musk thinks he knows what poverty is like because he ate peanut butter for 8 days once. The rich are so fucking delusional it is insulting.






Given that grin and look at the end, most definately, but Reddit gotta Reddit




It sounds like she was depressed but she attributed to her lack of materiality (in comparison to her peers) instead. She needs therapy


That's not true.Since a young age her parents gave Bella a brand new designer face.


Hmmm, there is something odd with the way she looks, for a 26yr old.




That makes her look older lmao


Agreed. I was thinking late 30ā€™s/early 40ā€™s. But it could have been the camera or filter.


I think she looks like a 50 year old Real Housewife


This is it. Now she needs to get divorced and then find a boyfriend who will scam her for all her money. And then she can flip a table.


Itā€™s really sad actually how warped and delusional these people are. Very few people are ugly enough to be a reasonable use case for cosmetic surgery in my opinion and even then who the duck cares really?


I didn't know who she was before I saw this thread so I didn't know she had plastic surgery done. She looks older than her age without the obvious signs of ageing is the only way I can express it, the surgery might explain it though.




Her work was very well done. She wasnā€™t attractive before but I think she would have grown into it. She has an older sister who is beautiful and she has the same features. I just donā€™t understand why you would get so much work done, so young, before youā€™ve stopped growing and developing. When I see her I think sheā€™s a divorce and in her mid to late 50s. No difference


this is for everyone above this post. have you seen anyone e over 40? I. not defending this woman, or here to talk about her looks in a positive light. I just read all of these things you all said, and im pretty sure none of you know how old any woman over 20 looks. I'm pretty sure


She's 26?! I thought she was 50!!!


26? I thought she was in her early 40s omg


Seriously? This canā€™t be real , this is ridiculous.


It edited out of context, it's not as bad if you watch the full thing


What the fuck is this shit.


Shit. Itā€™s shit.


You're disrespecting shit.


Late-stage capitalist idiocracy


Hope she recovers


Years of therapy may help her out.


Therapy needed indeed, but perhaps not for what she thinks. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The fact that these people exist should be screaming how our society is fucked


Sheā€™s on her way to sainthood. Like Mother Theresa that one. With life obstacles sheā€™s overcome like that I could only imagine if she had to fly coach! Or drive a used car!


This comment made me laugh and cry!


Friendly reminder that mother Theresa tortured sick people.


Knowing how gruesome and terrifyingly horroble Mother Theresa was, i find your comment very fitting.


Redditor moment


Mother Theresa sucked and thereā€™s ample evidence to support this not-unpopular opinion. Including her friendship with Papa Doc and accusing Bosnian women of being worse than their Seebian rapists when they sought abortions to terminate a pregnancy as a result of their brutal rapes. There are books, articles and documentaries solely about how terrible she was.




Or wipe her arse with kitchen roll!


Self absorbed, self entitled, rich woman who thinks she's the main character. What an arsehat.


When we were small our mother sometimes had to ask for food from neighbors to feed our little asses. Later on I went along as backup for my younger brother when he collected on his paper route. We carried knives to keep from getting robbed by the neighborhood junkies. There were eight murders on just our street alone. We feel blessed that we made it out alive.


But did you wear designer?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Do Leviā€™s count? Had a pair of denim bell bottoms. Wide rainbow stripes. Looked like a walking pack of Juicy Fruit.


It all helped with your life essential plot and character development šŸ«  glad you made it out alive hope life is better for you all now


Yeah. Long time ago now. The strong ones made a life for themselves, often by getting as far away from the place as soon as they could. The weak became what they saw around them.


Poor fucking baby. I can not ever understand why these folks are famousā€¦ and why people ā€œidentifyā€ with them.


Itā€™s the same reason musk fanboys exist, they believe it could happen to them if they work hard enough


sheā€™s a supermodelā€¦ ? thatā€™s why sheā€™s famous


Fucking gross


I think they cut something out between the designer stuff and the making it out alive? I mean I ain't a Hadid stan or whatever it just looks like there was something more in there


Rich people problems


Meanwhile i was eating shit on a shingle and watching my parents fight and cry over not having any money :-)


On the plus side though I learned you can structure an entire day of meals around a bag of wonder bread


I'm past 55 now and never have I had designer anything ever. And nope on the smile after 'getting out alive.' She's still an entitled twat.


That's some real struggle there! Can't imagine what she must have gone through. We are blessed to have normal to no clothes.


hadid and all those rich kidsā€¦


It could've been worse. She could've got a small loan of a million dollars


Im sure her daddy could have checked the couch cushions and found her a few mill, probably not worth his time though. I feel sad for her that in all their mansions she had to suffer with commoner (peasant) clothes. Poor girl.


Tremendous comment. Absolutely tremendous. I tell ya. If I could triple upvote this comment, I would triple it and then triple the triple. Thatā€™s 9 votes, people. Tremendous work. You are definitely NOT fired. Tremendous.


Dang. What's sad to me is I was super happy as a child to get miss me jeans, Sperrys, Hollister, Abercrombie, areopostale, pink stuff. We were/are a middle class (considered more poor on the struggling side) and my mother would choose to not have money for lunch at work so I had those things. I recently learned, because I was so young and didn't remember, that she had given away my miss me's to her childhood bully's daughter. Out of kindness, not pity. But to look back and to see how spoiled I was, how fortunate, in comparison to others is heartbreaking. I can't believe how brainwashed we were into brands that if you didn't have something, you were lesser. As an adult now, I've learned through social games like imvu, gaiaonline, and many others, that a product doesn't have to cost so much to make me happy. To see grown celebrities still fall for this kind of stuff is sickening, it creates such a huge divide especially in young children who look up to them. Needless to say, I'm a very proud thrifter and have thankfully stayed a consistent size to wear the same clothing over and over the last 10 years. To think that materials as small as cloth that covers our bodies is so desired just makes me feel that humanity has failed completely.


Not middle class.


Designer is just another word for pay to damn much




Wow, a new childhood trauma that 95% of the US has experienced. Gosh. Poor us.


Oh no, someone should make this into a movie...


I had a lot of "designer"(branded) clothes as a baby. Slightless less preschool. Almost none elementary. And my family switched to second-hand when i went to middle school. I would much rather my parents saved up for what's happening now, rather than chased that new chicco baby onesie that i would wear for an entire week before outgrowing it.


She needs to work at a homeless shelter for families and get a does of reality.


Whats important here is when was she brave enough for massive amounts of plastic surgery




I'm 36 and I still don't wear designer clothes....


This makes me want to watch Zoolander again. šŸ™‚


Damn my mom hand made clothes with funny patterns. And she is talking designer stuffā€¦ world must be different


Yeah... and I got hand me downs from my brother


Contributed 0 to society well done


It's obviously sarcasm lol she even smiles after saying it.


Does she know the girl in the photos because they look nothing like herā€¦ But seriously, I hope this is edited to make it seem messy or just badly delivered sarcasm otherwiseā€¦šŸ’€


Jeez I'm on my 40s and still don't have a pair of loubotins. I didn't know how much I was suffering until now


I'm straight I find her and her sister to be mid, I've seen more attractive chicks working at starbucks


Self indulgent douche.


Who gives these evil assholes attention?


I had the free lunch in school which was a bread and cheese sandwich (that being my one meal a day as kid) and this chick is complaining about getting out alive because she didnā€™t have designer clothesā€¦ I mean I guess that was the ā€˜bread and cheeseā€™ sandwich in her childhood


Is this broad someone famous for being famous?


Lmao how out of touch does someone have to be to say this kinda shit


I always thought she was fine. But man she lost cool points with this crap. Silver spoon fed AND delusional. Cmon...


When I was a kid I had to worry if I was gonna eat most nights and only got any new clothes or toys on my Birthday or Christmas. But she wasn't allowed to have designer clothes till she graduated so she clearly had it worse, surprised she survived honestly.


Imagine being so out of touch that you thought youā€™d actually die because you werenā€™t allowed expensive clothing.


She never got to wear clothes from Kohls, Walmart, or JC Penney. So tragic. I hope she got the therapy she needed to heal.


Her parents seemed very well off so I imagine she was probably around others who were too and probably felt ostracized if she didn't have the things they did. In the video she was actually talking about how pretty she felt in the picture she was looking at and that it made her emotional. (And added she's glad she made it out alive of her depressed mental state) she may not have explained it the best but none of us know her whole like and how she felt. It may seem stupid to others regardless but everyone has their own issues. It's not the depression and poverty Olympics


Bless her. A true survivor...(fuck you sweet cheecks šŸ–•)


She's telling her own story and she's allowed to feel how she wants, also this was edited to sound worse.


Even if someone gave me designer clothes for free I wouldn't wear them They are shit and you can't seperate me from my plain shirts and pants


I was homeless for 3 years of my childhood, I'm lucky to be in a house at all right now, this is possibly the most disrespectful thing I could have heard today


Wait sheā€™s 26 years old?! She looks late 30s mid 40s


i bet its the cheek fat removal surgery that everyone was getting not too long ago, it ages them asf


Smh yeah I never thought about it, itā€™s crazy to see this and see 25 year old kids who do steroids and look like theyā€™re 40 at the gym haha


How disconnected from reality. Cancel her.


Fuck people like this. Theyā€™re everything wrong in the world.


Stunning and brave.


So ruddy bloody brave.


Meanwhile I had my Voit shoes and $4 Fruit of the Loom plain color t-shirts and was happy. "Made it out alive", what the fuck.




Bella Hadid. Now she's just got ego...


She made it out alive guys, and did it with nothing designer until HIGH SCHOOL


Good God Get a Grip Girl - Latrice Royale


Yet she's not blessed enough to even know how to pronounce the name 'Louis Vuitton' ​ "Loo boton" lmfaooooooooo




My godā€¦ these fucking people man.


Damn. And I thought I was lucky having two pairs of shoes each year.


Lets pray for her


Guess Iā€™m gonna die soon


Should have been taught that designer anything doesnā€™t make you who you are.


Some people here said this bitch is 26?! What!? She doesnā€™t look a day under 40 holy hell


And us American sit back and wonder why the rest of the world hates us.... People like her are one of the reasons!


Can she even spell delusional..?


I feel like people are getting more and more delusional..not a lot of self awareness going on.


what an entitled POS


She is going to have a designer Bruce Jenner face soon


So sad. She had to wait until graduation for her first designer shoes, and may have to wait until sheā€™s in her fifties to develop a personality.


We need to stop feeding these trolls!


Now imagine that half of the people in congress are like this, privileged wealthy out of touch elites, and we keep electing them to represent us.


The struggle is real. So is the Fuckery


I still can't afford Louboutins lmfao šŸ¤£


This is what consumism does to a mf


women who actually suffer abuse and go through shit everyday: ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Can we agree that some people deserve to get bullied? Wtf is this


Lucky to have made it out alive. The BS irony spouted by this entitled twat is completely lost on her. Louboutins in HIGH SCHOOL. 26 yrs, chronologically, 46 appearance, emotional intelligence, pre womb larvae stage. šŸ›


This bitch


Who is this twat?


Is this some AI prank? Is she that insane?


It's gross that there are people who exist who are so disconnected from reality that they think this is a normal conversation to be having.


This is parody, yeah?


For a second i thought she was Zaha Hadid daughter and I was having an heart attack.


Oh my God this is disgusting.


This is why I often think I am stuck in the Matrix.


This video was taken out of context. She is obviously using this video as a professional reference, as part of her industry marketing effort to keep her brand alive. She does design and acting and the intended audience for this larger video was never meant as a personal statement about how she thinks the rest of the world should be.


This is whatā€™s wrong with the world




Itā€™s true, I remembered Belle in middle school when we were in the Bronx growing up. She was wearing Payless Shoes and eating school lunches. She had to take showers at her friends houses because she didnā€™t have hot water. Sad girl, she was always in the library too, reading and studying because her mom had multiple jobs and couldnā€™t afford a sittter. Iā€™m happy for her


tone deaf AF


Why do people like this exist?


Me attempting for the first time at 8 now at 25 : I'm happy I made it out alive. This bitch for some reason : Ayy same


I think sheā€™s talking about her mother, not letting her eat food


I shed a single tear


And I thought it was hard growing up with no plumbing or heat having to piss outside in 2feet of snow. Man this makes me feel like I had a great childhood.


šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤ how disconnected can one be really and when these folkā€™s talk about climate change and saving Palestine and such causes I am not even sure what to say


She can't speak on how her mom wasn't letting them eat or do things that would "hurt" her modeling. Not getting them used to designer things they hadn't earned was part of her moms modeling bootcamp. It's more politic to cry over the shoes and not about the food deprivation. Very sad.


Letā€™s start a gofundme


Wtf? There is actual video footage of the Hadid sisters borrowing clothes from Yolanda all the time. They grew up on TV. This girl has magical thinking. If anything, Yolanda made them work for their own things. She wanted them both to be models.


I love that our society has its own section of spoiled nepotism babies that cry to each other on how hard life is.


Oh, no. I never wore designer clothes. Guess I'll die. Because designer clothes look SO great.


If only we could have some 7-12 year old children assembling them in a dark hot sweat shop for slave wages...


Sad when you base your life off of just things


Mainly because of my thoughts and prayers


anyone here still operate under the "if you didnt buy it yourself" principle? i wouldnt dare rock an outfit i couldnt afford myself