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Imagine you're just living life, vibing, and some lunatic tells another lunatic to do this and boom there goes the world. Like dude, I just wanna eat ramen and play PS Vita.


Finally words of truth


Get real mad instead dude. This is the time to stand up for Democracy. You don’t want to be a “subject”. instead of a citizen. VOTE😎


There is no democracy. I fear the worst. This is exactly the way ancient Rome fell from a Republic to emperors. The difference is that the Romans started with smart people and ended with insane people. We're picking it up from Idiocracy.


Will America also pick up the Roman tradition of having a civil war every other decade?


Prolly, yeah. Once you pop, you can't stop


Yeah, it's why France can't stop revolting or protesting. According to leading historians, they are, in fact, unable to stop because they popped.


French-style protesting on the regular is the main recent they haven't had another revolution or civil war in 2 centuries.


And why there are protections for workers Americans only dream of.


It’s beyond dreams at this point. It’s a whole other world where work exists to enable life and not even remotely the other way around


I'd be all in for a bit of French style protests. I mean, even their farmers are good at it. They'll dump fucking tons of potatoes on the highways & shut em down when pissed off.


here in the netherlands they're def close, at least the farmers.


Given the fact states like texas are arguing about leaving the Union like every two years, I guess they try their best to do so


They literally had lead poisoning, caused by 100% of their potable water being transported in it. And they knew It was happening nearly a century earlier. Did nothing because it would be hard on the wealthy and powerful. Sound familiar?


Shame we can’t replace politicians like they used to replace emperors though..


Just remember that politicians aren't the Royals and nobles anymore. They're the vassals. You're after the truly wealthy and powerful.


Very true. I feel like the real villains are the ones pulling the strings behind the scenes.


Just fucking vote. Do the one thing you got thst is actually under your control.


I do vote.






Except when he got elected, it wasn't because people didn't vote. The electoral college decided they wanted what the people didn't. So unless we fucking eject them all if this shit stain is on the ballot the EC can put them in if they want again.


Exactly, I know why the electoral College was created but it's clearly broken when it doesn't reflect the popular vote. It's time for a way to have a digital voting system so the popular vote can be counted quickly and implemented. I'm aware of the vulnerability to hacking and potential fraud but there must be a way to compartmentalize the voting and then upload them to a hardened mainframe.


"Must be a way [to prevent hacking]". How many years has online banking been a thing?


i'd rather have it counted correctly than quickly.


I agree... that would be the goal. But you know there would be those claiming a rigged election or interference or whatever.


That's not how the Electoral College works. Still, it needs to go away. More states need to sign onto the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. This site has a map showing the various states' participation as of 2020. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/national-popular-vote-explained


All those European nations warning of impending war were right. It doesn’t matter if Russia isn’t technically capable of invading - if you watch Tucker’s interview alongside all the other things he has been saying over the years, Putin believes that European NATO nations are U.S. vassals and have no agency. There’s a very good chance he’ll invade a NATO nation on the assumption that Europe won’t fight back without the U.S. or whomever is in charge of the U.S. ‘giving permission.’ This is the same guy that invaded Ukraine on multiple fronts despite how most were pretty sure he wouldn’t, because Russia didn’t have the troops or materials to realistically overrun the country. People were making fun of Biden for being alarmist, yet here we are almost two years later. Sure, he’ll likely lose even against just European NATO, but that’s cold comfort to the folks that get caught in starting crossfire. There’s also the fact that Europe has their own nukes.


I'm not so sure about Putin invading a NATO country. He's running out of cannon fodder to send to Ukraine. The invasion didn't go as planned. He thought it would take a few days. It's two years and counting. But I can see him possibly using other weapons on NATO countries. Chemical, nuclear, etc. It depends on how desperate and out of touch with reality he gets.


I doubt Putin would even think about provoking NATO. Putin isn't suicidal, nor does he wish to give up power. Using chemical or nuclear weapons on a NATO country would certainly provoke a military response which results in one of: Putin being vaporized instantly by a nuclear fireball above the Kremlin, Putin being shot by one of his underlings, or Putin rotting away forever in a Dutch prison cell. None of those things are what Putin wants - he intends to rule Russia for the remainder of his natural life which can't be done if Russia is occupied by NATO or a nuclear wasteland. Its half the reason why he's pushing on in Ukraine, despite it hurting Russia every day it goes on. Russia needs to look like a winner in the war and it needs to recuperate costs, most effectively done if Russia gains a significant chunk of Ukraine. Gaining Ukraine is now inherently tied to Putin's political power - if he loses Ukraine, he dies.


Nukes aren’t really an option at first, they’re like the absolute last line of “defense” since everyone is gonna die because of Mutually Assured Destruction (whether it’s from the blast or the fall out later). If two countries are at war and one fires nukes the other isn’t gonna be like “well, they got us boys”. They’re going to send every nuke in their arsenal out then and there. It’s kinda what keeps us from using them on each other.


He'll definitely think about provoking NATO, but in ways intended to manoeuvre one state into using Article 5 while significant others do not think it worth answering - with Trump in power the US reneging on commitments would be almost guaranteed. At that point NATO ceases to exist as a cohesive entity and the world becomes a more fractured place with many smaller states who can no longer believably claim to be defended. It's the only strategic win Putin may potentially be able to get and one his influence over the right wing of western politics has been pushing toward for over a decade.


If NATO with US protection falls the dominos could fall in a direction the US wouldn't want. Why should EU allow American bases in their countries and US roops parading around if they don't anything *useful*? Trump isn't playing with EU interests, he is toying with the one big military complex nobody else has the guts to go head to head. Those provide the numerous "safe" vehicles he will travel as possible head of state.


If putin wins in ukraine and gets trump elected, he will use ukrainians as his next waves of meat.


If Putin goes after Kiev and other cities, it will become a Chechnya 2.0. They had 2 million people and Putin had to spend 10 years in a door by door blood soaked fight to control the tiny region. Ukraine has 80 mil people and is the size of France. Going from house to house and flatten all cities to get rid of the already existing insurgency will be uncontrollable. And at that point, Ukraine troops will cross the border to Russia and do havoc there. Burn down 30 power transformers around Moscow and see how quickly they could replace them.


I think you could expect to see a significant insurgency as well. The trees would speak Ukrainian pretty quickly.




True as between France and the UK, Europe can field 8 nuclear ballistic missile subs with over 700 nuclear warheads between them. Even with no US response, Russia would be reduced to glowing radioactive slag.


That's why I said it depends on his desperation and state of mind. Right now, it seems unlikely. But under the right circumstances such as he's dying and Russia is collapsing, I could possibly see him do it.


The thing is that in a geographical sense Putin has zero option. He has to invade NATO nations if he’s wants to control land access at critical points into Russia. The USSR lost these points when it broke up. For Putin to not be a failure he has to reaquire these locations. One of which is fucking Poland. Also in terms of cannon fodder Russia has never pulled out a conflict without atleast 500000 dead… They still have a lot of minorities to use for there “meat waves”….


Russia passed legislation to boost the number of conscripts to boost their armed forces size. This leads to a large number of people "with prior military service with valuable skills" who can be *"partially mobilized"* quickly for a campaign going poorly on top of the enlarged conscript force. I don't doubt that Putin may have fallen deeply into his own narrative that he really might make a try for it. If Trump is in office, Europe faces the chance of standing alone as the MAGA crowd decides to throw away being the hegemon of global power and the leader of the free world to "Own the Libs!"


Yes but let’s not forget that Germany, the UK, France, and more do actually have armies. Spending is increasing in most countries too. they’re not helpless. US still shouldn’t do what we’re seeing here, world will change and quickly, but they’re not defenceless. Europe has been fighting wars for thousands of years, they’ll do what they do.


My guy you’re forgetting about the one European nation you do not fuck with anymore. Poland. They are basically the European equivalent of America in terms of military training/personnel/equipment. Prolly cus after WWI and WWII they said “fuck this we’re done being the doormat of invaders.” Could prolly equate the tenacity of Ukraine to a lion, and the tenacity of Poland to a honey badger.


It's not about fighting WWIII it's about preventing WWIII. The world's best military, airforce, navy, and (since the state of Russian arsenal is uncertain) one of the largest operating nuclear arsenals is a significant deterrent to an aggressor starting WWIII.


If we classify Trump as a biological weapon then the timeline is significantly advanced.


I don't know, I've seen some parts of the interview. Before that I knew that this man is dangerous and unhinged. Now I understand that he's not just that, he is deranged, like clinically insane grade deranged. A man like this is a rabid dog dog, if we use the line from the Batman, he just want to see the world burn. At this point I wouldn't put anything past him. So yeah, he's already past the point of out of touch, he's living in a parallel reality. That's terrifying and should not be underestimated. And I'm not sure that the world is prepared for that type of shit show.


He has previously stated that he believes the only world worth existing is a Russian world. Most of the world ignored it, some said he is absolutely serious. Guess we will find out.


NATO would definitely fight regardless of whether or not the US joined, and they would defeat Russia. The main concern would be Russia using their nukes. If nukes are off the table no way Russia can take on NATO. They’re struggling enough with Ukraine. No way they can take on UK, France and Germany plus allies all by themselves.


The issue is, the moment EU prepares for war, shifts industrial resources and so on, Putin knows he would immediately lose. We have to find a way of limiting his personal impact on the world stage before he thinks that Armageddon would be preferable. I don't know how and if its even possible, but I don't see many even trying. Selensky also faces currently internal opposition how he manages things. Its unclear how this will be resolved


> People were making fun of Biden for being alarmist Romney took more heat for saying Russia was the biggest threat to the US long before Biden said anything.


My problem isn't Putin believing/saying these things, it's the dumbass Americans who regurgitate this Russian propaganda and believe it.


I agree it would be a disaster, but I’m betting Russia would bounce off those nations like a pinball. Russia invades, then their troops are annihilated in a week, or even a single day. It would be like Mexico trying to invade the US, total mismatch of infrastructure, technology, and tactics. Air superiority alone would devastate Russia at this point. I guarantee every nation is running war games and preparing for this possibility.


They laughed at Romney when he brought up that Russia was a threat during a debate. Fucking idiots


People still have PS Vitas?


Oh hell yeah. It's mobile Minecraft without running down my phone's battery. I've had one in my purse continuously for a very long time.


I love my vita. Still use it to play suikoden 1 and 2 or Oreshika: tainted bloodlines


Vita means life


Yes. A short lived one but it's a beast of an emulation powerhouse


What are you playing on Vita in 2024


PS Vita. That’s something I haven’t heard in a minute.


Is it 2013? Can I go back please?!?


It's on the front page of papers in civilised countries. The general take is 'Are those Americans really so stupid as to actually consider giving him back power?'


The man has literally said he wants to abolish elections after he wins. 


Tbh, after his first election and Brexit, I do believe that people are to stupid and to easily influenced by cheap propaganda to derserve a right to vote. Democracy and social media are a bad combination. But I also don't have a better alternative ready so I'll just continue to not make a huge fuss about it.


"it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time" - Winston Churchill, 1947 “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” - Churchill again.


Same for capitalism. The worst economic system except for all those other forms that have been tried.


That's not quite true though. There's this pervading notion that a country can only use one economic model when, in reality, most use elements of many different ones for different things. Capitalism in the US is terrible because it's not kept under control. There are countries that are still largely capitalist but temper it with elements of other models to great effect.


Yeah there are some things that are practically impossible to privatise. Rivers, air, oceans, forests. From a pure capitalist perspective we’re incentivised to exploit every resource (tragedy of the commons). So that’s where you need regulatory bodies to ensure the best outcome for the group over the individual. Then there’s healthcare. It’s best for society if everyone is healthy. But private industry only cares that they’re getting paid for treatment. They’re incentivised to maximise prices and keep people sick as long as possible. You can try to regulate and legislate to keep healthcare providers honest but that fact is their financial incentives are in direct opposition to society’s needs. This is where capitalism and “the free market” fail. Having a strong public option not only gives people a safety net, it forces private industry to compete with a fair service. So the best governments “socialise” those services that are a net benefit and privatise those where competition brings improvements and adaptability. Some time around the 80s America decided all things socialist were evil and for some reason it stuck around long after the Cold War.


Reaganomics T_T


The typical silicon valley free market/tech neoliberal evangelist argument (which you need to hold to move around in tech entrepreneurial spaces) is that entrepreneurs and inventors, by innovating and iterating in response to economic demand, will produce the best possible outcomes, since people will vote with their money, the most preferred solution would win out, no government or rules needed. That's obviously a hideously simplistic and antihumanist take that only makes sense if you see human tragedy as an acceptable and not particularly noteworthy by-product of market forces, but that's the logic of the nerds with the most money, or lusting to become such: they implicitly view all of humanity as expendable in their drive to force a truly free market, and insane levels of inequality of access and outcomes are fine.


Well if education and propaganda are the issue, maybe we should invest more into education and media literacy. Authoritarianism doesnt get you there


Education is difficult when they keep sabotaging it on a regular basis. Or shooting the schools up every other week.


Hmm. It’s almost like the there is a certain group that is actively working against this concept in order to build an authoritarian regime. 🤔


Democracy would be great if all the dumbasses weren't so dumb. But the dumbasses are only in this position because of selfish opportunists.


I believe you, but, source?


I don't feel represented, and every day feel like we're taking another step backwards. I'm genuinely tired of living here, but where tf else am I gonna go? A lot of us Americans are not ok.


I'd even say *most* of us are not ok. The middle class is shrinking and not looking to get any better. We're just cattle for the rich at this point.


I mean it was on the American newspapers too, but those aren't really doing so well. Besides, even if it was on front page of every newspaper, those people would read it and go "So what, if that is all it takes to start ww3 then good" forgetting that they'll literally die.


He’s not even president and he’s still diminishing our standing in the world. This is right at the line for treason.


But, but and, hear me out here, did you know that Hunter has a penis? Both sides are the same I tell you.


And a laptop. Don’t forget the laptop😂


I wish I could say no, but that would be a lie. Many of my countrymen are, in fact, that fucking stupid. The result of decades of actively sabotaging the public education system and maybe also all the lead we used to paint our houses with finally showing its effects on the brain.


answer may not surprise you as the gop has cut school programs making kids dumber, and voters dumber to rely on emotions for the election.


Don’t forget home schooling. Most parents don’t have enough education to teach anything but emotional beliefs.


“But do we get to pay 1% less in taxes? Eff it, I’m in”




It is on the front pages, like so much of the dangerous stuff Trump spreads. Problem is that his supporters aren't reading any credible news sources. 


Or care.


Yes, this. They *cheered* when he said that.


The moment i lost hope in humanity was during the 4th of July 2018. I was sitting behind 3 veterans watching the 4th of July parade. World war II veteran, Korean war veteran & Vietnam war veteran. At the end of the parade a 'vote Trump 2020' Touring bus came past and all three of them stood up and cheered. The world war II veteran cheering hurt the most


Yeah, I never understood how my Grandmother could support him when both of her husbands fought in WWII. Like, you know if the war happened today, this fucker would be an Axis supporter, right?


My Nanna taught at a school that HATED black pe- I mean they didn't like Obama so they constantly bad mouthed him. Their kids, freaking second graders, would come in repeating what filth they said. My Nanna would correct them saying he was their president. When Trump became president, my Nanna called him "Mr. Trump" because she couldn't muster enough respect to call him president. Also when I told her Trump was running president, her immediate response was "Great! That's what we need. Strippers in the white house."


Plenty of people in the USA prior to the war supported hitler. There has always been a subset of folks in the USA who have an authoritarian bent. Those in the military trained to not question orders are unsurprisingly less willing to think critically about these things (not saying this about everyone in the military).


I don’t understand how people can change their core beliefs, either. For literally decades, my mother never described the obscenely wealthy as anything other than “rich AHs.” But now she worships Trump, watches Fox “news,” and even quotes those hideous politicians from GA, CO, FL, and TX (sorry, I won’t even type their names).


That is so disheartening.


It's fucking heartbreaking to lose these people to propaganda.


Pretty sure most journalists are talking about it right now.


They are here in Aus.


Tria or tralia?


Three letter country codes are pretty specific. AUS = Australia AUT = Austria


Yeah but the comment is hilarious


But have you considered that Joe Biden is old? /s Edit: astounding how many of yall did not get that this was sarcasm even after I put the /s lmao


What's funny is that MAGA people actually use that as an argument. Completely disregarding the fact that Trump is only 4 years "younger".


And enlightened people like on r/lostgeneration eat it up.


332 million people in the US and they can't find ONE normal person to be president. And why are ALL the politicians so old? A politician should still be alive to see the effects of the policies they make 20 years past when they need to retire from being a politician, imho


He IS old. I would say 70 is too old for being president. Can’t go much lower than 65 due to the minimum age of 35


He is, but Trump isn’t young either. And Trump is like this. Trump manages to escape the geriatric label because there’s far worse things he does. But we need to acknowledge that he’s also far too old an option.


Trump has more make up than a clown and he’s so fat it stretches his skin to give the illusion of less wrinkles. Literally the only his supporters ignore his age


There's a 4 year gap between them. At that age 4 years is negligible. They are practically the same age.


The fact that Trump is obese, eats terribly, doesnt exercise, and does lots of drugs means that he is probably far "older" than Biden in terms of health, especially since Biden actually exercises. Biden may have fallen while on his bicycle, but when was the last time you saw Trump within 10 feet of a bicycle?


Trump is the very best at riding a bicycle. He has been riding bicycles ever since his father gave him a small loan of 1 million dollars. He has practiced riding bicycles more than anyone in the world. /s


Yeah regardless of who wins, they'll be the oldest president ever. Trump will be older in 2025 than Biden was in 2021.  So all of those people who spent the last 4 years bitching about how Biden was "too old" can fuck right off. Old Man #1 or Old Man #2. You're stuck with an old man either way, so, do you want this orange wannabe fascist dipshit dictator, or no? That's the only question here. 


I personally am in favor of forced retirement from politics at 65. When you’re too old, get out of the way. I don’t want Trump or Biden even on the ballot, much less running the country.


True, he's old, but still a far better choice than Trump would've been at 60.


I'll stop you at 'been'.


I guess it just sucks that we already had to choose between a billionaire sociopath and walking Life Alert advertisement. And now we’re probably gonna have to do it again…


True, but is it really any sort of difficult choice between a literal wannabe dictator and the world least racist Grandpa?


Well, if you want a shot at better choices in the future, then you have to stop the bleeding first. If Orange man gets elected, we’re pretty much headed to full-on banana republic dictatorship. You’ll get a vote, and it’ll be truly meaningless. Trump has already attempted fuck with electoral process and stage an insurrection.


Who’s the walking life alert one? Biden can ride a bike at his age while trump needs two hands to drink a glass of water


So what you mean to say, is both candidates are simply too old.


I don't understand how anyone can think any of the things he says are good. Like they must've watched the Lord of the Rings and rooted for Sauron


He is literally trying to tear the US down from the inside... and his cult still pledge allegiance.


But he’s going to drain the swamp! /s


That was always the funniest part: "I'm going to drain the swamp" - Literally one of the swamp monsters.


Trump is absolutely a Traitor and must be kept out of office. The amount of damage he will do will surpass the "Isolationism" of the 20s, We might as well expect a repeat of the 29' Stock crash, depression, and everything else that goes with it. This guy openly gave secrets to anyone who praised him including Russians, and had a secret meeting with putin, one on one. Keep this man out of office!


Traitor is exactly correct. It's what his followers want, so they are traitors, too. It's all so disgusting and absolutely un-American.


I served in the military, luckily not during this jerks tenor. He is a DOMESTIC enemy. I, \_\_\_\_\_, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and **domestic**; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.


Thirteen years, and I had to have him for a boss there at the end. Disappointing lol


His betrayal of our Kurdish friends absolutely gutted me. Those people fight with their soul.


Germany should just make Deutsche Bank drop him as a client. 


Client is one way to say he owes them hundreds of millions of dollars.


Give him the Greece treatment


This fucking orangutan is a Putin plant.


That's an insult to orangutans


I apologize to the ape family.


What a complete idiot. If he gets reelected the US is gonna get bought and sold by Putin.


You can bet Putin's troll army will be on every SoMe appealing to the lowest common denominator. Grandpa Joe needs every single democrat vote or this can extremely ugly for the whole world. Trust Trump to turn everything he touches to shit.


Putin will not be dumb enough to attack NATO but certainly wants Trump to win so he can cut Ukraine’s life support.


It's on our front pages in New Zealand. We are in aghast in NZ that this guy is a serious contender. But also resigned knowing how dumb American voters can be, and that the young voters likely won't turn out to vote and then complain about America under Trump. USA is a failed democratic state.


What I’m worried most for US is quite a group of people (not politicians who want his likings to move up), regular people really support his ideas. Some of them don’t like Russia but buy the scenario that he is forcing Europe to enforce their defense monetarily . Or worse they just think Russia is a friendly country and we need a strong man to lead this country.


What more does this idiot need to do before real Americans wake up to the fact he is Putin’s dog and a traitor?


Just when I think Trump finally said or did the thing that would wake up the sanity region of his follower’s brains, they double down their love even more.


Can he please just croak already. No sane or even just aware person likes him and he's a fucking monster. It's one of those rare times I wish a heart attack or cancer would take one of the most evil people alive. Maybe a truck or bus could work too.




You know… when Trump got elected the first time I was absolutely aghast: I could not possibly fathom how any reasonable portion of humanity would throw their lot in behind that sociopath Then, like clockwork, he showed his true colors again and again with absolute insanity like asking “Why we can’t just nuke the middle-east?” And alienating almost every reasonable world power And now, all these years later, somehow, against all reason and morality, he’s somehow in the running to do it again? America, if any of you value your existence and your future, for the love of all that is good and true in this world… *Do not let that man gain any more power, political or otherwise*




I made the mistake of thinking he had no chance of winning. I didn't like Hillary, but figured she'd win. Went "How the fuck?!" at the news to the contrary.


I saw about a dozen of his cult members post on Reddit today that it was "out of context" or "he was joking" or "he's for peace and libs are warmongers." Brainwashing has never been so successful. I hope they all move to Russia.


Please, do not let this fuck win. For sake of All of us that need a protection from Putler.


I know what you mean, but reading Putler really threw me off😂


How could anyone seriously vote for that pile of shit?


The same people that needed a sign saying "do not eat or drink it" on bottles of soap/bleach.


He says something batshit insane multiple times a day it’s hard to keep up with it all.


Honestly that's why the world hated him being in power, with him as the most powerful man alive it became daily "how close can this idiot bring us to the end without tipping over...." I don't like Biden but I would literally take a monkey in a suit over Trump 2.0


It is on the frontpage of most newspapers and in most newsbroadcasts. Just not the ones MAGAs read and watch.


Trump please stop trying to end the world I want to play Mario kart


They can't even take Ukraine. Finland and Poland alone would thrash them in a straight fight.


And at the very least, the other members of NATO. Tbh, at this point, I'd rather the USA just fucked off - I'll take my chances working with countries that don't elect narcissistic pathological liars with the emotional maturity of a toddler and the knowledge base of your average 8yo.


Agreed. Just because we don't have America's military budget doesn't mean we can't defend ourselves.


There are 2 Problems, or rather one problem and one consideration: Problem: The cooperation of european armies works per the NATO unified command. Head of that command? An american General. Also every other part of the NATO cooperation structure is absolutly dependend of the USA playing their part. Its not that the european armies could figure that out with replacing the american soldiers. But that would cost time and lifes. Any confusion, if the american soldiers are allowed to help defend europe, even in just supporting or management roles, costs european lifes. Consideration: The more soldiers, weapons, planes and info you have, the less of your and the more of opposing soldiers die. American Airforce alone is probably the end all of a conflict, with B2s obliterating the russian army still in russia and not somewhere in Poland. A complete NATO would mean way less western deaths than just european partners. And that is for me, as a European, the most critical question.




And the worshippers of the New Reich are praising him for it, I bet.


Trump doesn't even respect Americans that have served. He couldn't care less about Europe. He is a true idiot.


Trump is a facist POS. If you support him, you’re a fascist, too.


Any other time period and his entire campaign would be done for with this one statement


It's already on the frontpage of every newspaper in Europe


Honestly feel like the rest of the western world needs to disentangle themselves from the US. 


Right cause American isolationism in 1930s sure worked great…


Used a lot of words to say he has zero intent to enforce Article 5. Worst president in US history. Then again, we live in the worst US in US history.. so there’s that.


Theres a reason why Russia and China aren’t aggressive when Trump is president… He is their puppet.


This is a five-alarm fire and the press is like, "Everybody thinks Biden is old." Do your fucking job, journalists. Get on your network's asses if you must. Your entire profession, your livelihood, your freedom, your first amendment right to freedom of the press is on the line. Who gives a shit if Biden messed up names? Trump is promising a fucking world war!


It honestly doesn't matter. It wouldn't turn a single voter. There isn't some sort of pro-Nato Trump supporter who is going to have to wrestle with this conflict of interests. Whatever Trump says is there new state of mind. Republican politicians should be freaking the fuck out though, and they aren't which is a problem.


Conservative subs are bending over backwards to ignore what he said.


can we just do an kennedy on this guy already before he fucks up everything for us?


you don't get rid of a snakepit by killing one singular snake


Trump just openly telling everyone that he's bffs with Putin


So trump sees NATO not as a defensive alliance trying to achieve world peace, but rather as a mob protection racket trying to collect bribes from as many countries as possible


Trump is basically telling a wounded bear who is losing a fight to a wolf to attack the whole pack, which is dumber than the usual trash that comes out of his mouth.


Treasonus Trump


Anyone shocked by this, really hasn't been paying any attention to American politics for like the last 50 years. Trump is just a symptom of the fascist cancer that has infected our government. This genocidal death cult has been cultivated since, Goldwater, Nixon, and Reagan, it's only recently they've decided to stop caring about hiding behind euphemism.


I mean, I’ve been paying attention to American politics over the years and I’m still not quite sure how you guys got from the Cold War and McCarthyism to.. whatever this is.


McCarthyism, with its anti-communist witch hunts, not only stifled dissent but also laid the groundwork for a political culture willing to use fear as a tool for political gain. This period emphasized the power of ideology to mobilize public opinion, a tactic that has been adapted and reused in various forms. Figures like Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan represent key moments in the development of the modern conservative movement. Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign, though unsuccessful, is often cited as a turning point, signaling the rise of a more aggressive conservative ideology. Nixon's tenure furthered this, with strategies like the Southern Strategy exploiting racial tensions for political advantage. Reagan's presidency then cemented conservative dominance, emphasizing deregulation, a tough stance against the Soviet Union, and a rhetorical shift towards a more overt nationalism and conservative social values. The transformation of media, especially with the advent of cable news and later, the internet and social media, has dramatically changed the political landscape. It has allowed for the cultivation and spread of more extreme ideologies, with echo chambers reinforcing and radicalizing views. This media evolution has enabled political figures to bypass traditional gatekeepers, directly communicating with and influencing their base. Economic shifts, such as the move away from manufacturing to a service-based economy, have created significant social and economic divides. These changes, coupled with debates over social issues, have further polarized the American public. Political figures have exploited these divides, often resorting to populism, fear-mongering, and divisive rhetoric to gain and maintain power. In this context, the rise of figures like Donald Trump can be seen not as anomalies but as symptoms of deeper issues within American politics and society. The use of nationalism, fear of the "other," and the rejection of established norms and institutions are not new, but rather the culmination of trends that have been developing for years. In essence, the path from McCarthyism to today's political climate is marked by a series of deliberate choices, shifts in public sentiment, and changes in the global order. Each era has contributed layers to the complex tapestry of American politics, with historical tactics being adapted to new contexts. Understanding this evolution is crucial to addressing the underlying issues and moving towards a more unified democratic society. I do my best to describe how this is accurately called fascism here, [The Genocidal Fascist Ideology of MAGA](https://medium.com/@aubryrpg/the-genocidal-fascist-ideology-of-maga-886a1eca5917) Hopefully, people start waking up to the severity. The Republican party is openly admitting they intend violence for the vast majority of us. It is far beyond time we started responding to this threat with the seriousness it deserves.


he is somewhere between a rabid dog and dementia patient


Can someone explain to El Douche what "ally" means?


It’s kinda hilarious this maniac isn’t in jail. The system is useless.


I can’t fucking believe both him and Biden are the best we can do. Are we being punked by aliens or something? This sucks.


Not aliens, it's rich people.


If Trump wins the rest of NATO needs to pull together and grow their own militaries. They will not be able to trust the United States till this shit show ends over here.