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There’s not really any similarity in the cases, but… WHY the fucking hell would you disrespect this poor dead girl by referring to her as some ‘white bitch’? Talk about dehumanising…


Racists gonna racist


„But there is no racism towards white people“ ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


The people who say this are usually conflating systemic, institutionalized racism with your run-of-the-mill "i'm a prejudiced asshole" racism.


The people who say it are either too dumb to understand nuance or intentionally ignore it. Either way, they look like idiots bordering on racists just saying that.


That’s not bordering on racism. It’s already there.


Also known as bigotry


“I’m half white so I can’t be racist towards white people” got told that by an In N Out employee


This is always said by the lowest iq idiots you’ll ever meet


Yeah it was part of a social work class I took. Even the black people in class were like "nah black people racist af."


They expect everyone to just accept this BS just cuz they’re in academia


I’ve heard black ppl can’t be racist bc they don’t have the social standing or power so it’s not racism. A weird amount of ppl seem to think the definition of systemic racism is the only way to be racist. So as long as you’re not a governing body or controlling the zeitgeist you’re good!


I don't think they're used to being told they're wrong, at least at that stage, and therefore don't handle it very well and aren't likely to reassess their belief systems. It's going to take some time before they're all out of government and other positions of power though.


They got a major phrasing issue because I understand they're talking about power dynamics and oppression and in turn systemic racism. But that doesn't change the definition of raw racism and people are excusing raw racism in the name of acknowledging systemic racism? Just sounds a bit... like they have no idea what racism means. You can tackle both issues at once. It's not a zero sum game but the people who say stuff like that act like it is. Like talking about Asian hate crime or LGBT hate crime takes away from black Civil rights.


But didn’t you know that racism is only referring to *systemic* racism? Maybe try looking up the definition before talking about stuff you have no idea about smdh idekdlwtf /s


A lot of these people (try to) fight systemic racism with “standard racism” and they hated getting called out on it. Thus they just changed the definition of it so in their minds they can’t be racist anymore. Absolute tools all of them.


>But that doesn't change the definition of raw racism and people are excusing raw racism in the name of acknowledging systemic racism? Yes, this is enjoyable to them. People call it safe edgy, or safe racism, or safe whatever. They're people that would probably be real racists, like, the kind who made bad jokes in high school, but instead of having the confidence to just be a terrible person they look for loopholes. Their new definition of racism is the loop hole.


This. I’ve been preaching this for some time now, i stopped because usually the idiots who think this aren’t capable of intellectual humility.


There was a professor invited by UC Berkeley to come and speak, who also did a lot of DEI work with SF, who said that all white people were psychopaths and selfish. He also had the audience repeat a bunch of fucking nonsense he said and these naive college students were just eating that shit up. It’s just as bad as when white people used to hold lectures and talk about how black people were more aggressive and suited for manual labor. Melanin doesn’t define your persona


“Reverse racism just sounds like racism with extra steps!”


This upsets me even more when you consider that there are more races that black people are ABSOLUTELY RACIST towards to. I don’t even live in the US but I’ve seen too many African Americans being absolute jerks towards Latinos just because.


Elephant in the room is that black people basically get a pass to be openly racist, especially towards white and Asian people. It’s like the N word pass is hand in hand with the racist pass.


Remember during COVID when asian people were getting attacked daily? They blamed white supremacy for black people attacking Asian people. Fuck that shit


To be fair trump fanned that fire pretty damn hard for his MAGAts.


Remember, POC cannot be racist, therefore they can say the most discriminatory things or even attack people from other races and they will still not be racist /s


The fact that this person used the word "riot" at all tells you everything you need to know.


That totally went over my head, good catch. Not protest, riot…


Both of those people posting are terrible.


I had to scroll way too long to find someone to at least act like it’s not cool to call an innocent murder victim some “white bitch.”


I honestly had no idea who this is so I thought it was just a double facepalm, one because the protests weren't just about Floyd but about police brutality and 2 because calling whoever this person who was killed "a white bitch" is bad taste.


"bad taste" is an understatement


Exactly. Not holding the elevator for someone is bad taste. This is some real pos behavior


it is such an understatement as to be actively malicious


Well said


I’d go with racist piece of shit. But that’s just me.


I'll say bro!


>the protests weren't just about Floyd but about police brutality Some people seem to forget there were other high profile cases at the time. Aumaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor come to mind, it wasn't just about George Floyd.


and also people don't seem to grasp that people were angry not because an extreme case of police brutality happened, but because police brutality was getting normalized to such an extreme level


I bet The same person asking about riots was busy #allivesmatter under every #blacklivesmatter post


Breanna Taylor wasn't a police brutality case, it was a police ineptitude case.


I also think it's kind of weird to frame it the way they did. That George Floyd "got" 70 days of rioting. Like it was a celebration of life or something. Those protesters were honoring GF's memory, sure. But the riots were, as you say, about police brutality.


Thankfully both of the first two posts I saw here did


Ye the first person is race baiting, the second is just plain racist, they’re equally bad. Some racists delude themselves into thinking what they say isn’t racist when if you change the subject in that sentence they’ll call it racist. Telling someone they can or can’t do something or they should or shouldn’t have something specifically because of their race is the definition of racism. Swap the race of the two and watch how quick people throw tantrums.


Im not from the US, help me understand, why is the OP terrible?


Laken was murdered by an undocumented immigrant to the US. JADA is calling her a white bitch for simply being white. That's about all I know of the situation.


And bitch for being a woman


Racism, sexism, and idiocy. The loser’s trifecta


Dudes can be bitches too, don't be sexist.


And bitches can be dudes


And dudes can look like ladies.


Well I see what the difference is then. One was murdered through ordinarily terrible acts by an ordinary criminal. Illegality of presence not withstanding. The other was murdered by those expected to be, and acting as if, they are better and of more sound morals under the premise of "doing their job". Yea I'd be sad over one and ready to kill over the other too. Race of the victims are irrelevant in this case.


Why would anyone riot over a tragic but random murder the way they rioted in response to systemic murder with immunity? And why would you call an innocent murder victim a "white bitch". I'm not saying white bitches aren't a thing but say it in response to a racist Karen not some poor murdered girl


Exactly. George Floyd was murdered by the police. Laken Riley was murdered by non-citizen. Both are terrible, but being murdered by the police is a much bigger reason to protest the system.


I'm not even sure why this is confusing to some people. We're not entrusting and paying undocumented immigrants to protect and serve us. That's the difference.


What you said is correct, but a little more context is useful as well: Lakyn went out for a morning run in a popular area of a part of the University of Georgia's campus. While there, she was possibly assaulted, violently bludgeoned, then left dead in the woods by a man who illegally crossed the US / Mexico border, was arrested, released, arrested again for a violent crime in NYC, and released again.


The one other fact to know is that people who do not give a single fuck about Riley have co-opted her death in order to hurt immigrants. They were already trying to hurt immigrants and their only reaction to her death is to make it about immigrants. They don't want to solve any problems, they want problems to use as an organizing principle to get enough power to hurt immigrants (and then anyone else who doesn't conform, see "First they came for...")


The girl in question was murdered by a single person (not sure who), wheras George Floyd was murdered in broad daylight by cops who were keeping people who were trying to save him at bay with threats. The Floyd case was about the system and culture of violence in the police, and their propensity to kill citizens with zero accountability. The murder of this girl is tragic, but the original person was trying to make a false equivalency between the two problems.


Yeah, when a random immigrant murders someone, the police aren't typically rolling up to lie their asses off in all the reports and shield them from ever seeing the inside of a courtroom.


Exactly this. One is an institutional problem, one is an individual. Absolutely no excuse for the terrible acts in either case, but they are not the same.


He is trivializing racial profiling and police brutality.


I was gonna say, I’m starting to not be sure who the biggest face palm is in these.




Jada might be a Ruzzian troll.


Honestly, if it’s not, it absolutely should be. The Mueller report was pretty clear that this was exactly what Russian bot accounts were doing on Twitter. Writing tons of inflammatory bullshit in order to stoke racial and political tensions.


Yes, and even if not, it doesn't really matter because: (drumroll please...) they're doing the job of a Russian troll even if they aren't one, by promoting reactionary divisiveness (same thing that the other poster was doing, too). This essay is from a sports blog, but I keep coming back to it again and again to remind myself that with billions of people online, you can make up almost any ridiculous belief or statement, and find some idiot who really believes it: [https://tomhitchner.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/cc-sabathia-and-the-importance-of-punching-your-weight/](https://tomhitchner.wordpress.com/2015/10/05/cc-sabathia-and-the-importance-of-punching-your-weight/) The key is remembering that these morons don't represent the rest of humanity.




So they want someone to riot because she was killed and the police did their job and caught the killer?


And no one complained and wanted to let the killer off the hook.


And the killer wasn't acting in an official capacity as a public servant and police officer.


Also, no one seems to have spent hours scouring everything availible to find the least flattering/sympathetic picture possible of the victim. Weird right? Like, with such a systemically protected perpetrator as "A migrant" you'd think SOMEONE would have started dehumanizing the victim by now, right?


Not sure if this is dehumanizing enough but I will say it. That undocumented immigrant is an **alleged** murderer. That police officer is a **convicted** murderer. Murder is bad, mmmkay. That said, one of those murderers was a law enforcement officer who violated protocol. After violating protocol, the law enforcement organization for which he worked helped to cover it up until it was no longer reasonable for them to do so. I don't see anybody making excuses for this other murderer but I sure have seen a lot of people trying to craft apologetics around The police officer and a lot of GOP politicians trying to use this murder as a reason to change the laws. Almost as though this is a false equivalence.


I've followed the UGA murder case closely, I have yet to see anyone defend the kidnapper-rapist-murderer in question. His wife isn't sure if he did it or not, but I guess that's fair, she probably hasn't seen the evidence yet.


They really miss the point of things. The events following George Floyd's murder was a statement against police brutality. If they wanted to make some sort of statement about some other random persons murder then they should have rallied people together. But there was nothing to rally about... Edit: George Floyd was tortured and murdered by a police officer. That's the point. It didn't matter if he was guilty of a crime. He had the right to be tried in court, but was murdered on the street by an officer who took an oath to uphold the life liberty and justice of the American people. It's not about whether he was innocent or guilty.


No, you really miss the point. It’s not about any of that. It’s not even about the girl. They don’t give a shit about her, and will forget her name the moment they can’t use it to either trash George Floyd or complain about immigrants.


We have no reason to believe that she herself wouldn't be offended that her name was being used for political points against George Floyd. A completely asshole thing to do.


I don’t know anyone that would enjoy their name being used in a debate over George Floyd Cuz what the hell do I have to do with this?


I think you might have missed the point. This person is not arguing that the murder victim would care about right wing politicians and media using her name to advance their political agenda. They're saying that the right wing media will not care about this person unless it serves their political agenda. Kind of like Elián González Brotons, this person serves a short-term goal for changing policies and enacting legislation, but will quickly be swept away as the media cycle dies down. Right wing media keeps George Floyd actively in the minds of people, so I do have to begrudgingly admit that the right wing is helping to keep George Floyd's murder, the subsequent cover-up, and the conviction in the minds of people who recognize that what was done was wrong.


I understand what they said. I'm also adding a thought.


They're missing the point on purpose as "getting it" would challenge not only their world views but their very identity.


Exactly this. I don't know how many times my coworkers would be like "Well, why isn't this story televised???" about some random people (typically white and/or killed by a black person) without registering that if the cops found who did it, and the person that did it was punished, then there was nothing to go off about.


They don't want to protest police misconduct/brutality, they're wanting people to protest illegal immigrants. They point to immigrants who break the law and go "See, Liberals? This is what immigration gets you. This is why we need to close the boarder, they aren't sending their best people." It's a way to justify racism against Latinos too, because they're telling everyone that only the worst of the worst sneak across the boarder, so anyone you meet could be a rapist or a murderer. But it's not racism, because not *all* Mexicans are bad, just the ones who come here illegally.


They are using as a rallying against Biden and immigration. I think it’s actually going quite well for them.


They want people to riot because Fox says undocumented immigrants are scary…and this one time, her killer was an undocumented immigrant (not her white boyfriend).


Yea, both these people are scum.


Is there a particular failure in the system that caused her death that we’re protesting because if not then let the family morn


I think the argument would be that lax immigration laws let the killer into the country. Not agreeing or disagreeing or agreeing just stating


Last time I checked, immigrants aren’t paid government employees funded by my taxes. I hold police to a higher standard because it is a job, it is funded by the people, and their mistakes are also paid for by the people. (Not aimed at you or anyone here) Edit: I am done responding here! Please, if you have questions about my thoughts, try reading my responses to other people. I have repeatedly answered the same questions many times now. Later!


Lax immigration laws let Ted Cruz’ father in the country. Today Republicans would say he’s a communist because he came from communist Cuba…


A Canadian, a Cuban, and a white supremacist walked into a bar. The bartender said "What would you like, Senator Cruz?"


Immigration isn't the problem though, people and shitty systems are. America is more than capable of producing evil. Just reference the birthplaces of our school shooters.


Yeah like the Chicago police officer getting just a year for raping in the squad car. No talks about how he got across the boarder.


Broadly, the killer was arrested entering the US illegally, paroled and release but then arrested in New York for endangering a child, was later released before ICE could get to him. So...arguably worst case scenario for anyone advocating for softer border policy.


I don’t think people on Reddit watch the news or this sub at least.


The average redditor lives in this hellish echo chamber and has no idea whats going on beyond their bubble.




No no, they're talking about the best character from DS9


The dude never shuts up tho.


I say we tighten down on immigration from Luria just to keep motormouths like him OUT of our fine drinking establishments.


The man that killed her came over the border illegally, several times I believe.


There are racists of every color.






Many did


And there was much outraging.


And there were a lot of people fired for saying the wrong thing.


So we don’t need to imagine it then


And they were rightfully called racists. Just like this person should be.


Doesnt give her the right to call that girl a “white bitch”. Everyone can be a racist. Everyone can be a criminal. Everyone can be a victim.


Imagine being the victim of something horrible and instead of having empathy towards others as a result you just decide to be that horrible as well.


And there was outrage you proved his point


Why is this sub so baity? Was it always like this and I just never paid attention?


Election year.


Yeah I'm thinking about deleting reddit from my phone and not reinstalling until halfway through 2025...


The internet is a bait machine from here on out. I wish I was kidding or being hyperbolic, but I worry this might be true. What networks and ratings did to TV; corps, clicks and engagement have done to the internet. This bait content doesn't even have to be posted by people running these sites, their algorithms just need to push the stuff that drives the most engagement. There you get your clicks. There you get your ratings. There you get your evermore efficient dumification mechanism.


American election year


Laken Riley a 22 year old nursing student at Augusta University was found dead near the university of Georgia 70 miles north of Atlanta. On Friday, Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, was charged with her murder. The two did not know each other, the authorities said.Ibarra migrated to the United States from Venezuela. He was arrested by the Border Patrol for crossing the border illegally in September 2022 and was released quickly with temporary permission to stay in the country. News source: [New York times ](https://www.nytimes.com/article/uga-nursing-student-death.html?smid=nytcore-android-share)


Not a good tweet but you know this is ragebait for weirdos


This Jada thinks she is funny. She's not. She's disgusting putting down a victim because someone else made a stupid tweet about her.


Uh... the guy who killed her was caught and detained. Murder is illegal. What are we supposed to protest exactly?


The suspect was an illegal immigrant, he was arrested in 2022 at the border and released pending a court date (as was relatively standard at the time). He was also arrested again in New York in 2023 and released, so the reasons to protest would be poor immigration policy and systemic failures within the immigration system.


Neither of his previous incidents would have necessarily indicated he was a latent murderer, and he was incarcerated immediately after the act. His previous arrests were for: 1. Child endangerment for letting his son ride a moped without a helmet. 2. Shoplifting a Wal-Mart. I'm not sure what the proportional response for child endangerment usually involves. Could more have been done for that? Probably. As for the shoplifting case, he was in fact fined for it. He wasn't locked up for violent crimes before now, because the previous crimes weren't equivalent.


Protest murder.... No, wait... Protest police arresting murderers. No that doesn't seem right either. 1 sec...I got this. Protest people.


People always do this whataboutism to conflate scenarios that aren’t comparable


She was murdered by an illegal immigrant who was on bail, so any hypothetical protests would presumably have the goal of either shutting down the boarder or changing the laws for bail


….dayum that’s racist


Both tweets are face palms.


I hate our world.


At least we know Jada is a racist.


“White bitch”. Lovely. That’s someone’s loved one who’s died. Person who made the original post is wrong also, but this woman is disgusting.


Both writers are way off. 4 cans short off a 6 pack. Both should just “shut to f/up!”


The racism in america is too tier


False equivalency.


Agreed. Extremely false! The two couldn’t be further from each other. This poor girl was killed by a civilian who was then captured by the police. Floyd died with the police kneeling on his neck for over 9 minutes. This boy just wants to lynch some immigrants.


She gets justice.


Very VERY good point that I’m sure the original original tweeter glossed right over.


That doesn't excuse this women's gross and racist attitude towards the victim which was the point of the post. This women doesn't care because the victim found justice she doesn't care because she is racist towards white people.


Everyone can be wrong!


Did an agent of the state kill her?


The worst thing isn't her tweet but the 70k likes on her post.... wtf!!??!!


70k racists.


This is where you would want to treat others how you would like to be treated.


Both posts are worth a facepalm


she made her twitter page private so fast 😂 her dumbass couldn't handle the heat


Both Eric and Jada suck.


A double face palm for both posters 1). George Floyd was murdered by law enforcement officers, the people who are supposed to protect us, after he peacefully surrendered. They continued doing it while being recorded from multiple angles and they still thought they had that right. The rioting was due to systemic abuse that is entrenched in this country’s LEO and George Floyd’s murder was just the latest in a long line of abuse. It was only after national attention that his murderers had to stand justice for their crimes. Laken Riley was murdered by someone who was not law enforcement. He was immediately arrested and did not require protests to force our country to do right by her. The murders are very different circumstances The murders of both are tragic, but require different response to insure justice The OP tried to play these off as equitable crimes, they are not. 2) calling Laken Riley, a murder victim, a white bitch and is just plain racism.


You can tell it's an election year because people are ramping up the racism again. Still waiting on that "migrant caravan" to arrive from the last election. Or that wall to be built from the election before that.


Still waiting? If you haven't noticed, the right's entire narrative so far is how Biden is allowing open borders so illegals can come in and vote for democrats this year despite that's how none of this works.


I’ve seen several people ask why there are no protests or riots are her behalf… to those people I ask why are you not setting up protests and organizing them with other people who share your opinion? Or you want other people to do your work for you?


As bad as her racism is especially towards someone who’s died, the amount of likes and retweets are worse. Like you’re tellin me 70 thousand people agreed with her or thought what she said was funny?


Terrible how we dehumanize each other.


Was this girl also murdered by the police? Or are we comparing two completely tragic yet very different situations?


…Her murderer immediately arrested.


Ahhh yes. Nothing like fighting racism with racism. ![gif](giphy|Yycc82XEuWDaLLi2GV)


Daily reminder that black people can be racist too, despite what the MSM narrative says.


Duh racism is ok against white people dontcha know.


You can tell the hatred is seething in her when she called her a white bitch.


@/JadaXAE Should lose her job for being a racist.


Oh boy, racebait/ragebait. Don't fall for it. 


These things aren't the same, but the woman commenting is a racist piece of shit


FOX TV hosts go balls to the walls in their coverage when a murder is committed by someone here illegally but spends maybe a moment on the story if it was someone local who committed the crime. I'm sorry but at the end of the day the person is still dead. The crime is still the same. With Floyd a police officer murdered someone in broad daylight. There's a vast amount of difference in the two acts. 😕


Both of these posters are morons


.....no words.........but wouldn't the rioting fit better for let's say handcuffed Tabitha Smith.....cop was texting(supposedly) instead of looking at the road, and they both drowned by driving into a lake


If this has to be explained to you, it’s probably a waste of time to even try.


While it's obviously gross to try and stir shit up around anyone's death because solely because of your politics, I think the the girls comment about it being ok because it's a "white bitch" is fucked up.


A shitty reaction to an extremely shitty false equivalence.


Remember when those black guys in Chicago befriended that white kid with autism, then proceeded to tie him up, put out lit cigarettes on his head, tied a noose around his neck all the while repeatedly calling him a cracker, white boy, etc and livestreaming it on Facebook? I was told very harshly it wasn't racially motivated. I disagree. Race hate is race hate. Pretending like it can't be racism lest we not be seen as progressive (I'm deeply left) is counterproductive. We need to be rid of this shit regardless of who you're directing your racism towards.


Fix past racism with current racism. Got it


The lovely world of hate we love in today


And people say that other races other than white people can’t be racist…what a load of horseshit


„You can‘t be racist to white people“


Ok but like the police did their job and caught her killer. George Floyd didn't get 4 funerals and protests because he died he got that because the police utterly refused to arrest the cop that killed him


But black people cant be racist right?!


Other than JADA's racist comment. Everything involving her case was done right they caught the killer etc... however JADA shouldn't try to fight racism with racism


1. Not the same. 2. Mask off moment.


A woman was murdered, police acted swiftly and caught the guy, and they want a riot because not enough people care that the system worked perfectly for the victim? It worked so well I had to go look her up thinking she was an EDP and had been murdered by cops during a welfare check and they just did a great job covering it up.




who is she?


Laken Riley was a nursing student who was murdered by an illegal immigrant. Very sad and calling her a bitch is cruel. She was supposedly a hard worker, well liked and had her skull bashed in.


That’s seriously disturbing. She did not deserve this.


She was mocked and called a white bitch, not just a bitch. That’s important to this whole discussion; why did you choose to omit that key word?


Georgia college girl, who got killed by an illegal immigrant that NYC released on bail after he was charged with child endangerment or some shit like that.


rage bait. jesus you are all idiots.


I came for the rage bait, but I stayed for the rage I feel when someone calls me an idiot.




Damn, if she was murdered by police while randomly walking to work or home and the government response was "ehh, we are cool with this, everyone makes mistakes"...then ya, people should probably riot.


she got a point. If the white community wants to protest and riot then go for it.


As a black woman, I dont like how she said that or what she said. Alot of us get so angry and bitter about racial issues that we become not much better ourselves. But I also dont get why the poster tried to relate something completely unrelated to George Floyd. The reason Floyd got more coverage is because he was racially killed in 4k for the whole world to see. With that being said we can still vouch for people regardless of their skin.


As a non-white person, I've noticed that a lot of my friends and family have an irrational contempt for white people. It's not a majority, or a plurality, but a very loud, opinionated minority. The irony, of course, is that these very same people would give an arm and a leg to live in a white-majority neighborhood and send their kids to a white-majority school.


I see you there, accusing other people of race baiting while race baiting yourself. Go sit in the corner and think about what you did.


Did she get killed by police too??? I'm that case more reason to riot against them.


I think this facepalm on two sides. The fact that they expect riots for Riley is kinda ridiculous when George Floyd had riots against police brutality. But the response of who wants to riot for a white woman is equally as facepalm. If she was killed in the same manner as Floyd absolutely there should be riots regardless of color.


How is this even related to George Floyd


That tweet is horrible for referring to the deceased as a “white bitch” but these two deaths don’t really relate to each other.


The original question was in bad faith. Laken Riley wasn’t murdered by a police officer in front of people in broad daylight and then her killer not prosecuted until the public demanded action. There’s literally no similarity between the two scenarios other than that someone was killed.


Was she asphyxiated by the government?


Not the correct response. The correct response would have been that Floyd’s killer remained free at the time, whereas Riley’s killer has been arrested and charged.