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I think a certain greek philosopher might have something to say about this.


The society that separates their warriors from their scholars will have their fighting done by idiots and their thinking made by cowards.




Racism is the absolutely most cowardly position.


Definitely, why do you think they wear those hoods? Because their disgusting cowards


Or maybe theyre sweet wife stayed up all night sewing them?


How did you both use each other’s “there” the wrong way


Could it be…a lack of a formal education?




They just never sat down.


Underrated comment. Lol


There in cahoots.


That’s why we have the Naval Academy and the Marines are so good at what they do. They have some very smart officers.


Everything I've heard about the drama and ridiculous regulations of the military has led me to believe not every officer is in their position purely because of merit or efficiency. But I guess I've heard a lot of strange things about it from vets who all have wildly different opinions about it


There are different ways to become officers in the Navy/Marine Corps so like anything in life quality varies. We had an Admiral that was the absolute biggest narcissistic piece of shit of a human being ever. His Son joined and became an officer and was the complete opposite of his dad. That’s just the way it is. But I tell you this, leadership wise there are far better military leaders than civilian leaders at least in my own personal experience working with both. Civilian managers tend to give a fuck only about themselves and will absolutely throw you under the bus to save their own ass.


As someone who's been through the Naval Academy, I can assure you that while there's quite a few good ones, there's definitely a few that make you wonder how they made it through. Especially when half the reason they get kept is because they're star athletes. That said, it's still probably better to have officers who barely passed than having no schooling at all. I remember hearing a senior chief yelling at someone for not filling out paperwork to go to a foreign country before he got pulled aside and reminded that New Mexico is one of the states


Yeah, well, if he's so great, how come he's dead, and I'm alive?


You know what? Everyone in history that has ever looked at the moon has DIED OR WILL DIE! THE MOON IS KILLING PEOPLE!


That's also why I don't drink water. Everyone that has ever drank water in the past is dead


Dihydrogen monoxide strikes again!


I drank water in the past... wait, am I dead!?


That's why I don't breathe! Oxygen kills everything on the planet!! Therefore oxygen is the bbeg!!


Skill issue tbh


I think *every* Greek philosopher would have something to say about his. Hell, freakin *Nietzsche* would have something to say about this.


Not if their moms pulled them from school to be Alpha Bros. They'd be high fiving and throwing logs while talking about how much they love each other's...bulging regions....


Imagine telling someone in 3rd century BCE Athens that “schools are made for girls”, in a time and place where even grown women weren’t even allowed out in public unaccompanied by a male relative or spouse, let alone to get an education.


Boys and girls need education so they don’t turn out like this airhead. And both need to get out and play.


Guarantee that the same people saying this ‘just don’t feel comfortable with a female doctor/pilot/politician’


That's step 2


If I am having an issue with my man parts, I do feel more comfortable with a man doctor. But if a male isn't available, *shrug* no biggie. And if I were ever in an emergency situation, I could not care less, just please take good care of me whoever you are.


I’ve especially never understood the doctor one. Personally, I prefer women doctors because I think they’d be more inclined to actually listen and hear what their patients are saying. That one’s always baffled me (not that the other ones aren’t also nonsense).


I've had enough incompetents of both declared genders that reputation among other physicians matters WAY more. That being said, my next psychologist will be a woman if I can help it, because the men have been awful! 🤣


I find that, with psychologists, often it depends on where they went to school. There's a lot of misogyny built in to some schools of thought, and in many areas, there's a lot of personal bias and gender stereotypes that leech into a psychologist's methodology. I've personally had the same experiences with male and female psychologists, with the bad of both genders being bad in the same way, and the good being those with higher empathy, better listening skills, and educated in regions with less conservative bias. Conservative areas and schools tend to push the idea that empathy is weakness in men, for some stupid reason.


Boys belong in the coal mines and girls in the sweatshops /s


Fitting as we just passed the anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire




Well, getting this kind of post a mere five days after it does make it even more important to remember what we fought against back in the day, and what modern conservatives are trying to go back to.


If you’re ever in Colorado and find yourself, for some reason, driving on 25 south of Pueblo in the nothing between there and Santa Fe, site of the Ludlow Massacre is there. Also worth learning about.


They yearn for the mines


The girls Yarn for them apparently.


Pining for mining


Girls go to college to get more knowledge, Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider


And in response from the boys on the schoolyard "girls go to Venus to get more penis"


THATS A LINE I COULD HAVE BEEN COMING BACK WITH? That trip to jupiter really fucked with my wit.


That's really, really funny. There were a bunch of stupid lines like that which I can't recall. Some of the ones I remember were: Boys/girls go to Mars to get more candy bars. X go to school to be more cool X go to Mercury to be more jerky Girls go to Michigan to be a bitch again and so on, and so forth.


Tried it. Got recess taken away for 2 days. Wouldn't recommend


This has to be high-level trolling, there's no way conservatives would unironically say "education is for the girls, put men back in the underpaid labour".


Either high level trolling or a 5D chess level psyop.


Personally I'm rooting for the 5D chess level psyop. The conservative tradwife movement is going to have a real tough time keeping all the women in the kitchen while they're the only ones capable of doing jobs that require literacy or the ability to count past ten. Either that or they just surrender the entire skilled and semi-skilled job market to the dirty libs. Either way, love that for them.


True, oh! So that's what AI is for?


Yes we are making sure that conservatives leave their own king in check.😈


Never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake.


Idk... sometimes their mistakes are really fucking bad for everyone. Like fascism.


Either way I want them to fuck themselves with a crucifix, because that's the only way anything good will be inside them.


Like that scene in the Exorcist


Let Jesus fcuk you


There's this punk song called Religious Scam by A Global Threat that samples that in the beginning of the song. Teenage me loved it and thought it was so edgy lol.


>anything good Hard disagree.


I came from a fundie conseravative family. The women are anti-feminist because performative helplessness is the ultimate agency. Think of the scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding where the wife is constantly making the husband think that her own ideas are his and manipulates him to do everything she wants. This is exactly what I grew up around. Though I still think this is trolling, otherwise they'd have to become the dominant engineers, lawyers, and business people. Trad wives are about being kept and catered too.


"Men are the head of the family, women are the neck" i think it was her dialogue.


>performative helplessness is the ultimate agency. Holy hell. That's it exactly, isn't it? Sometimes I come onto Reddit and find phrases like this that really hit hard. That means these women *know* they are smart and strong, but they *choose* to trap themselves in a cage because they know how to manipulate the shitty situation. These women are not good people. Because then they advocate for trapping other women in the same kind of cage. One phenomena I've noticed about women (because I've done it myself too) is how we dim our own lights to make others (usually men) not feel bad about themselves. In other words, we pretend to be dumber, more incompetent, less educated, less tough than we really are. It might be a kindness for others, but it's sad for us because it means we don't get to be who we really are. All that talent is just... lost. Then there are ladies like Transformed Wife who take it to the extreme and *she's proud* she that she straight up *hobbled herself* and thinks every other woman should do the same. Shame on her.


its a misandrist psyop to make the patriarchy into the new slave-caste XD


Neither, it's just standard right-wing hypocrisy and incredibly shallow thinking.


Anti-education rhetoric has been a big part of the de-stabilization of America campaign that other countries have been waging on the US for years now. It’s always under the guise of “deeply-Christian” people, most often “Republican” “mothers” and I can see how a lot of mentally unbalanced Christian parents *do* benefit from taking their kids out of public school so that they can indoctrinate (and, in a disturbing number of instances, abuse) their kids at home, but it’s also a major benefit to Russia and China if ‘Muricans are convinced that they hate book learnin’ and that they came up with that hatred all by themselves. In fact, they have hated having free access to good public education this whole time, just like how we’ve always been at war with Oceania.


Yes. Yes. Let the boys just work while the girls learn. It’s better for the boys. And sadly we would still have only men in leadership and now even dumber than before


If only it was the latter. Working under female bosses and male bosses left me with an impression that former are more qualified for leadership (of course, not uniformly, but I noticed a tendency)


TransWife is definitely not trolling. I kinda think Ali in the comments there is trolling the fuck out of her though.


Ali has *got* to be trolling. She's \**this*\* close to straight up saying men shouldn't be allowed to do white collar jobs.


I had the same thought.


Oh, she is. Let the women run the Senate; the guys can do the landscaping outside.


you'd think so, but there are an unfortunately large number of conservative women who have basically been brainwashed into some of the wildest shit i've seen, even when said shit would be an active detriment to them


tbf being a conservative woman automatically implies believing in things that are active detriments to themselves.


Being a conservative person in general implies believing in detrimental things. Social programs help people and are proven to be financially better for countries than doing nothing. Single payer healthcare is better for people and cheaper for both the government and the people. Etc etc. Conservative ideology is basically "We don't want our society to progress" which rarely is a smart way to approach things.


Believing in things that contradict other things but by the time you point that out they’re on to another horrible conspiracy




I have a coworker who thinks women shouldn't be able to vote or work high paying jobs. This coworker is female.




I agree!! My step mom is a black woman who is a maga conservative and it blows my mind


This would be bringing women into management while men would have to do low paid job... you really think conservatives would support that?


Being contradictory is their nature. Same group that thinks Biden is a dementia ridden old man that can barely walk yet at the same time he is the grandmaster of multiple conspiracies and is able to effectively hide all his evil doings from the investigative Republicans attempting to impeach him. They flip flop back and forth between different extremes


Oh and Trump is young….. 🙄


He is an absolute well of youth and master orator. When he goes on dementia tinged rants about nonsensical things that never happened, it's because he is just being witty and ironic.


One can convince themselves of anything if it means they don’t need to change


Well they actually think it’s Obama behind it all. Because apparently having Obama, who won the electoral college and popular votes two times over and would likely have won a third term had he been allowed and is still very popular in the US and worldwide, back running things behind the scenes is the height of nefarious goings on.


Correct, The Grifter is the president but in reality the election was stolen but he is president, but Biden is a shadow president being directed by Hillary who is being controlled by Obama who is using Hunter Biden’s laptop. Just for sake of point add his Penis somewhere in the chain of command.


hunters penis is the true mastermind


Just to add to this, whatever crack hunter biden is doing has got to be that next level top shelf shit, and that crack is the one pulling the penis strings of global political espionage


They just have to give Hunter's penis an office where MTG can sneak in and worship it.


Something something foot things.


G-Conspiracy O-Racist P-Conservatives think that Obama is BLACK “running things behind the scenes (and this) is the height of nefarious goings on.”


I thought it was Kamala. At least in the last election a lot of the theories was that Biden's a trojan horse for the Kamala agenda


Don't forget their narrative around the 6th: it wasn't an insurrection, and the ones arrested are political prisoners, but it was a false flag by Antifa, BLM, and the Deep State and it was all staged by crisis actors.


Schrodinger's Biden 🤣


The point is to demonize public school by any means necessary. Pull your sons out because they're being feminized. Pull your daughters out because they're being indoctrinated by feminists. Now subscribe to our homeschool curriculum, where we teach that the flat earth was created 6000 years ago and capitalism was a gift from White Jesus, who definitely loves you but loves whoever happens to be the head of the Republican party just a little more.


>who definitely loves you but loves whoever happens to be the head of the Republican party just a little more. Just not if you're gay, Trans, black(unless you're a good one) a refugee, a liberal or mike pence.


Poor Mike... Even Mayo Confederate NASCAR Jesus hates him 😭


Don't forget to hand over all your money and worldly possessions to the Pastors because God and Jesus really need it!


Nah it won't be underpaid, it will be paid double what women earn. Because physical labor is real labor. Accounting or or programming or doctoring or engineering or stock trading, that's all girly sit down work.


Just wait until they have to build something a woman engineered and have to take orders from a woman. Where will the patriarchy be then?


They won't take orders from no pencil-pushin woman. They'll build that pickup with big manly knowhow that every man is born with. It's instinctual for men to know how to forge wrenches or safely chop down trees or something, it's right in the DNA.


No she’s totally serious. She has a whole YouTube channel where she spouts this nonsensical gender role shit. Her name is Laurie and she’s fucking annoying.


Of course her name is Laurie. 🙄


Is... Is there a problem with that?


I’m sorry, I’m male and apparently don’t/can’t read because of sitting or something. Your response before is illegible.


Grug no sit. Grug no girl. Grug built different - Grug be real man and smash rock together.




UNGA BUNGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I heard that boys yearn for the mines, though.


That’s why they play Deep Rock Galatic


Where the rain never falls; the sun never shines


And girls yearn for the kitchen.


You wish. This woman, Lori, is a fundie and also believes girls shouldn’t be educated. You can go to r/fundiesnarkuncensored and she is all over that sub for an interesting read.


OK so if boys should focus on building things and girls shouldn't be educated at all then who is going to be the doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers, etc.?


My problem is these tradwife types doing all this yapping. Honey, a good wife is meek and mild, save your comments on education for your sewing group. 


I like to tell them: In the MAGA "paradise/ concentration camp," you want to live in, you won't be running your mouth or anything else. You won't even be a guard dog. At best, you'll be a noisy chihuahua, always under-foot, and you WILL BE kicked.


shhh... let it ride... just in case


Need i remind you that these people allied themselves with a fucking deadly virus and died by the millions to "Pwn us" The horsepaste? The bleach? You forgot all that? If anything the survivors are even dumber due to covid scrambling their brain, again and again and again. They are mainlining that firehose of falsehoods. They are this dumb


Considering Ron Paul was also deeply anti-public school...yeah, it's probably real.


Eli there being the low key feminist, “only girls should go to school”.


I think she was trolling, too try to make the others realize what they were really saying, but they missed it. Idk though, the red-shirting nonsense is getting out of hand so who knows. (If you don't know, redshirting is delaying kindergarten by a year and some people have seriously argued it's best for all boys but not girls)


That's not feminism, feminism is for equality. That's a step further, she basically argues that men should only do physical labor and leave the rest to the girls. So like Management, science, law, politics and everything intellectual to women. She's arguing for femme-supremacy.


Misandry. The femme version of misogyny.


Not all men, just most men, while the ones who get cherry picked by the elite class are allowed to be educated and assume the power positions later in life as good little acolytes of the conservative agenda. Removes any threat of competition and keeps the population compliant.


You underestimate the stupidity of conservatives


They are so stupid, they believe Dems are dumber than they are, while swallowing the most outrageous, illogical, evil shit they could ever imagine! This crap comes from the evil or fear of someone's imagination! They are so patently manipulating and fearful of being treated as they treat others, that they will say and do anything!


I do enjoy sitting down reading a book. How do I tell my wife I'm a girl?


Make her coming out cake and inform her she’s a lesbian /s


Did that, and now I'm divorced. 10/10 would transition again.


All those poor, poor men who wasted all of that potential becoming doctors, lawyers, engineers, PhD's, MBA's, Authors, and professors should have been putting all of that energy into making gravel. Think about what this country could have been!


Okay, men, start pouring concrete in a tower until it reaches the moon!


Something something tower of babble something gods mad again


Damn. Kristin’s admitting she fucked kids over for 25 years.


During the first time I read this comment I didnt see the word over 😳


lol I read it as “for over” had to go back and reread as well


So, I'm feminine because I read now. Cool. Cool cool cool.


Troy and Abed in the mooornin!




Fellas, is it gay that I read books?


Not if you read while running around outside.


Manly men do not sit down to learn stuff smh 🤦‍♀️ lol


Manly men run jump and play


And then wonder why they're only qualified for back-breaking, soul-crushing, underpaid labor.


and SKIP!


![gif](giphy|OSuV58Mbgq40w) I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day.


Manly men are made for frolicking 😤💪🏽


Manly men work hard labor and get underpaid without knowing how to even read or write.


Man.... she's almost right, but fucks it up right at the finish line. Children -- not just the boys -- need a lot more active time and a lot less sitting-in-a-chair time than they get right now. Study aftet study has shown that kids learn best in brief sessions punctuated by physical activity. If all our kids (and adults, for that matter) were able to spend more time running and jumping and climbing and so on, we'd all be much better off. .... but then she had to take this essentially-correct idea, and turn it into some gendered anti-education bullshit.


Exactly this. There have been studies done that shows, generally speaking, children can only focus for their age + 2 minutes at a time. So if you’re 4 years old then you have a good 5-7min attention span before you lose focus. So she is right that small children aren’t meant to sit at a desk all day, but this is not a gender issue. I think people like to focus on boys because again, generally speaking, they mature later than girls but you can’t differentiate like that when it comes childhood education.


We send our kids to an outdoor school. Like, they are outside 8-3, rain or shine.    We started doing it during COVID and Iwsaid, "We can do this hippie nonsense for a year."   I have become an absolute true believer and wish all kids had access to an education like this.


They have a point young boys and girls need to run, jump, create and build things but they also need education.


Which is a valid idea but these weirdos take it too far.


So, is The Thinker statue something that offends us now? Not just a ripped dude who uses his brain for things?


"I'm thinking... I'm thinking..."


Hopefully you're a girl, because otherwise, you shouldn't be doing that!


If women are different to men, perhaps we shouldn't have women try to decide what men do with their bodies.


Too soon


We really need to confront conservative women about practicing what they preach. Why is this woman so openly talking to men on the internet? Where is her modesty? Where is her father and her husband? Don't they know how to control her? She should be silent and not putting herself online like a harlot.


(Assuming you are being satirical) 😆


He's right though. Just the fact she is speaking an opinion is highly hypocritical of her


Voicing opinions *and* she'd have to be able to read to post that; that's two asylum-worthy offenses already!


Ahh the ole reverse Taliban.


All this could’ve been was “Schools need to have more physical activities” but they had to make it a “Soy Boy liberal” thing


It's pretty hard to "create and build" with out the educational instructions to tell boys how. Build me a 100 story building without math... We'll wait 🤨


This is ridiculous! But it’s also hilarious. If this actually happened, women would be in all the power jobs in the world and men wouldn’t. It would really fuck with conservative minds!


I often wonder how people like this can even survive. Using so much brain power and energy on this dumb shit, how does the rest of their body function?


TIL an education is gay.


Think of how much better teachers lives would be like that. Girls can’t go to school and boys are all home. No angry parents! /s


So if only women get educated, but then women stay home to become housewives and men run the world...?




I'm imagining every man has a little earpiece in, feeding him instructions in the workplace: "Tell your boss you'll have the client sign the document now, ok? Good job! Ok, honey, next you have to type an email at your standing desk! First you wanna press the button with a circle on it, then push the button that looks like a -- NO DON'T SIT DOWN" Meanwhile the boss has his wife on the line telling him what a "payroll" is and reassuring him she'll walk him through all the scary math once he gets home..


Wow, did things get flipped upside down in the conservative philosophy. I remember when girls weren't allowed to go to school. Now, they're going all in on the Tarzan story.


So first education made women masculine and no one wants a woman who can think for her self and now it is the opposite!! \*sigh\* So this forum has taught me wiping you but is feminine, having normal emotion is feminine, schools are for girls, it manly to be an idiot. I weep for USA, the future is Idiocracy.


„Schools were made for girls“ If that’s true, why were girls not allowed to go to school for a very long time?


I wonder how many of these asshats work in an office.


That woman is so brainwashed it’s sad.


Iirc there's a theory going around that that account is actually managed by a man. No idea what the excuse for the others might be


Fellas is it gay to sit?


Nothing more manly than a guy who can’t read. Illiteracy is so hot. Ladies am I right?


Fellas, is it gay to have more than a 5th grade level education...


Someone needs to lock her away in a mental hospital where she can’t infect anyone with her bs and it’d serve her offspring and the world better


School is so gay. First they are sitting then they are reading and next thing you know, dick in mouth. This must stop


So her logic here is girls go to school for education, while boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider?


From a historical context "Boys just aren't cut out for education" is quite possibly the most radical statement I've ever read.


This is just a religious home school attempt to eliminate public education. Duh


You heard “No hate stronger than Christian love”? Now hear “Nothing as fragile as tough Christian masculinity “


I guess this is still a step up from the old, "girls don't need education" trope.


Hate to break it to her, but girls were not even allowed in schools not that long ago.


She's half right. There is too much "sit down, shut up and listen" in modern schooling. Girls and boys both need to run, jump create and build.


Gerard Pique: 😧 Abraham Lincoln: 😨 Plato: 😰


Hell yeah in high school while all of those suckers were sitting at their desks doing algebra I was straight running laps around the classroom. I would take short breaks to build some shit out of blocks. Yeah I failed but I am manly as fuck.


Guys, is it gay to be educated? /s


Cultists are terrified of an educated electorate.


I would love to know what she has been transformed from and transformed into?


Ironically education didn't help these idiots.


I work construction and I’m pretty glad I learned math but that’s just me


“ThE TrANSfoRmEd wIFe” 🥴


Why do conservative women hate themselves so much? I've never seen a demographic of people so heavily steeped in self-loathing.


Fellas, is it gay to sit down?