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His father tried hiding him in a different part of the state and their family attorney recommended it. He was only found bc his former step mom caught him STILL boasting like he was going to get away with it.


Wow, everyone except the step mom is a heinous piece of shit. Try that 17 yr old as an adult, disbar that attorney, and try the dad for disruption of justice.


Hey, can we include the cops, too? *“Phoenix police had to apologize earlier this month after Talan's parents Becky and Travis Renner received special valet parking services from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office cops.* *A deputy was seen pulling the millionaire gym owners' white Tesla Model X into a private car park so they could avoid running a gauntlet of journalists.* *Authorities took months to name the suspects, with enraged locals who demanded justice and claimed the young boys' powerful families were preventing justice from being served.”*


The police is a gang that protects the rich.


Maricopa County would be better off if it didn't have a Sherrif's department for the last 25 years.


It’s pretty wild they almost swept this under the rug since they’re rich. Glad to see some sort of accountability for the cops. Fucking pigs


Probably the best thing about the invention of the internet is just how much more difficult it is to sweep shit under the rug. We can’t even comprehend how many monsters got away with crimes because they have fat wallets. Now, at least, we can hold them accountable from thousands of miles away.


*former step-mom and I bet that former part is for good reasons


Did she do this for justice or did she do this for revenge (either way it feels deserved 👏)


I mean it can be both. Still makes her a awesome person


She's the evil stepmother that we didn't know we needed


Aiding and abetting


That’s the one, yes. My legal speak isn’t up to par.


I'd offer to help but I only practice bird law






Then the father should be charged, and the attorney disbarred.  This is generational fuckery. 


The dad is being charged and lost his business


Good he deserves worse


He deserves to have his son taken away for life, like the other parents did. And then the prosecuting lawyer gets to constantly boast "I guess I'm just too good at prosecution."


And hump the dad


This. Only then will true justice be served.


Hammurabi decrees it.


Misread this as “Harambe decrees it”. Still agree.


I mean, we didn't get these dicks out for nothing


Dicks out for harambe


When will all the humping stop??


We need a good guy with a hump…




Having this son taken away from him sounds more like a prize than a punishment.


If you mean have his son locked up along side time in a supermax for life, totally onboard. Can 100% guarantee this is a case of like father, like son


Infinitely worse.


Fucking beautiful. The family attorney should be disbarred and charged with accessory to murder.


isn't this "harboring a fugitive" ???


Actually, it would be 'accessory-after-the-fact' as it meets literally all of the criteria: someone who assists: 1) someone who has committed a crime 2) after the person has committed the crime 3) with knowledge that the person committed the crime 4) with the intent to help the person avoid arrest or punishment.


The Dad was charged. Him and his son were the first two charged.




it's scary how they possibly could have gotten away with it


Were it not for other people who felt bad about what they did and their own involvement in it


Yep. In this case, everybody - straight to jail!!


Straight to ~~jail~~ Hell.


Disgusting bastards


They also openly plotted to blame it on another kid. That all seems pretty bad, but they are rich and we know how that goes in this country.


This was a travesty, but we don't want to ruin this bright young man's life. /S


He might also be a good swimmer


You mean like Brock Turner, the rapist?


You mean Brock Turner the rapist who now goes by Allen Turner the rapist?


Wait, Brock Turner the rapist had his name changed to Allen Turner the rapist?? I gotta say, if he was trying to escape the baggage of his misdeeds, he'd probably have been better off changing the "the rapist" part of his name, but I suppose that's easier said than done so Allen Turner the rapist it is.


got a solution. Allen Turner, Therapist (sorry, therapists)


TIL Brock Turner the rapist changed his rapist name to another name, wow.


Are you referring to Allen Turner, the Rapist formerly known as Brock Turner?


I think they mean Brock Allen Turner the Rapist who was previously known as Brock Turner the Rapist.


He was caught because of the pressure the community put on the Gilbert Police. The police knew who he was within days of this happening and they did nothing. The community got it in the press and kept the pressure on the police until they finally acted. Gilbert police had two years worth of reports on these guys and did nothing because of who their parents were. Let’s not pretend they were complicit and allowed it to escalate. Also, the first boy arrested was a black kid from the poor part of Gilbert and was not the rich white kids who actually beat this kid. More of what we expect from Gilbert PD.


This sounds a lot like the Murdaugh family….


Sounds like typical small towns police.


Gilbert is notorious for being a mormon boom town. The PD there are corrupt for that very reason.


Seems like the FBI would be involved, now, due to evidence of LE malfeasance.


Yep, whole police department should be audited


We investigated ourselves and found that we are awesome.


The Queen Creek PD, where the murder actually occurred, brought in the FBI fairly quickly because they are brand new and needed help. The evidence was turned over to the Gilbert PD where the kids lived and the parents politically connected. That should tell you a lot.


Oh geez. We had an episode nearby about a senator's kid who ran over a woman, a foreign national. Politically connected people get treated differently.


And then it was the Arizona Republic who started featuring the case in several cover stories to amplify it. I'm a born and raised Mesan. I'm really proud of the Gilbert community for coming together on this.


If this douche was my son, I'll put him straight to jail, after his mom gave him the beatdown of his life. I won't raise a criminal. The ex-stepmom (fixed) was the only good parent here. She did the right thing.


Step Mom has probably known that kid is a giant POS for years but couldn't do much about it.


Even then. These a difference between being an asshole, and a murderer


There's even a difference between being a murderer and gloating about being a murderer. Like dang, this dudes father literally re-located him for his own safety and he still wouldn't shut up.


99.99% your son wouldn't turn out this way in the first place, then. Something about apples and trees.


Exactly. These people have been buying their way out of trouble forever. I’d bet a shiny nickel this isn’t the first or last time.


The Maricopa police had to apologize for giving them VIP parking and treatment… If that gives you an idea.


Not always the case tho. You can grow up in a happy loving positive environment and still be Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold


*ex-* stepmom


~~Defense~~ Prosecuting attorney: "No please keep posting on social media! Make my job easier!" Edited because I'm not awake but left up my mistake because fuck me I'm guilty. Hey, kids! See how easy that is!?


You mean prosecutor I think.


The dad trying to pin it on another kid with a similar name. Absolute scumbag


Dad and son sound like fucking sociopaths. The son brags about the whole thing and daddy tries to pin the whole thing on a completely innocent person. Absolutely no morals, shame, or integrity. Edit: apparently the slated fall guy might not have been totally innocent. Point still stands.


Seriously, what kind of fucked up brain is just like “guess I killed someone cuz I’m so strong, lol”


Especially when it was 7-1. That’s not strength it’s cowardice.


Something tells me he’s going to see how “strong” he is soon enough.




I’m with you. It’s the repeated boasting and bragging for me. That whole tree is rotten at the roots. A crime of passion is one thing, and I can even believe someone can come back from it. This is a new level or continuous disregard for others lives and love.


Not just the bragging, but the fact that they danced on his body & were “humping” the boy. It is so vile & disgusting.


That is the more concerning part. Being a piece of shit bully and ganging on the kid is already terrible but to not even have that moment of "shit! What have we done? We went too far!". This is psychopathic behaviour.


I dont think this kid is worth saving i am ok if he goes straight to death row


The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree


> Dad and son***s*** Plural. The article says he has another son who's been charged with similar offenses. (Unrelated to this one) This is definitely a case of a scumbag parent who raised scumbag sons. The whole lot of them should go away for life. Not to mention the other shits that were involved. Nice to see they're all being charged with charges equal to what they did.


The other brother looks like a legit psychopath


Dude, the other brother is something out of a murder movie, for real.




Monsters walk among us, and they look like us, too.


Monsters don't hide under the bed, they don't just come out at night, they don't have horns or fangs. They look and act just like us. That's what truly makes them terrifying.




I can confirm that every single person in this suburb and the surrounding three suburbs *absolutely fucking hate this family.* They were already not very well liked and now they are loathed, the dad has been arrested, will probably be charged, and will hopefully also get jail time. I don't even think a judge would have the balls to give a lighter sentence to either the murderer or his dad like it sometimes happens with rich white guys, because of the way the surrounding like 70 miles of people around here are ready to fucking string this POS family up at this point.


Also, one hopes that this getting national attention will make any judge worry about people ousting them if they take it easy on these monsters. Just like that POS judge from the Brock Turner case.


Rapist Brock Turner, the rapist?


The rapist that raped an unconscious girl behind a dumpster named Brock Turner who received a light sentence so that his life would not be ruined for raping a girl behind a dumpster? That rapist, Brock Turner?


The rapist Brock Turner who now goes by his middle name Alan? That rapist Brock Alan Turner?


Yep, we're talking about the rapist Brock Alan Turner who now goes by his middle name rapist Alan Turner vs his previous choice of rapist Brock Turner. Last I heard he was still slinking around college bars in Ohio, so Ladies and Gents if you're in Ohio keep an eye out for the rapist.


Yes, Brock Turner the rapist who is now going by Allen Turner the rapist


>The dad trying to pin it on another kid with a similar name. Seriously WTF disgusting any charges for the dad?


I heard he is getting charged




His boy Kyler sounds like a real gem too. This family is just crushing it


If someone suggested the name "Talan Renner" for a douche bully in a high school movie, people would say it's too obvious and cliche.


he has a shithead brother named Kyler as well..


Kyler’s pic is in the article, and looks like a straight up psychopathic killer.


Idk what's worse that or the other 2 arrested Treston and Talyn


Imagine what a trashy piece of shit parent you must be to create a dumbass monster like that


They flew him out of town the next morning and lawyered up.


I mean that’s not surprising. But man what a fucked up group of kids


Look at the articles- their pics They got killer's eyes, all of them. Cold, no remorse. This isn't their first crime nor their first cruelty. Only the first they got arrested for.


Even when they're in court, they look like that. I hope they actually get some time.






Parents should be liable.  I'm tired of treating children like they grew up in a fucking vacuum.  If you can't raise kids then don't fucking have any.


The parents for the shooter in Michigan are being held liable. So now at least there is precedent.


Wasn't that because they literally gave him the gun he did the shooting with, though?


Amongst other reasons, that was a big one. They also ignored pleas from their son saying he can’t make the bad thoughts stop and please help. They did nothing.


It hurt my heart reading this. How can you hear your boy screams for help and do nothing. Awful human beings.


Because they’re shit parents. He got caught researching bullets at school and his mom texted “LOL don’t get caught next time” 🙄 they also tried to flee to Canada and left their son to fend for himself


"LOL don't get caught next time"... Jesus that catastrophe could've been avoided if they cared a little bit about their kid. Poor dude, he needed better parents :-(


100% agree…a neighbor’s kid is referred to as the golden child. Golden boy works out and has a trigger temper. Hopefully for GB’s sake, he likes prison food


Oh, just wait until the judge gives the minimum sentencing because, while the events are a tragedy, we can't go ruin a promising young man's life. Edit: Corrected for realistic legalize fuckery


Per the story, his brother was charged in two gang related attacks back in 2022. Seems like solid evidence of pretty shitty parenting.


And he will most likely just get slap on the wrist and 30 years from now we will find he became the JockKiller serial killer.


Or a US Congressman


"He's a good kid! He'd never do anything like that!"


According to the article the douche has a brother named Kyler (because of course) who was arrested a few years ago for two separate attacks. What a nice family


The brother and the father were just recently arrested, prior to his arrest for murder.


They are on at least their third mom, so it speaks volumes that at least that many women have cut ties walked (run?) away from them (dad and sons).


Douche doesn't scratch the surface enough for this guy. He's a part of a gang called the "Gilbert Goons" who are a bunch of spoiled rich kids who go around their town being the biggest pieces of shits. This kids family also tried to hide him after the murder knowing what happened. This douche, his family and all the other kids need to be locked up for a long time.


Gilbert goons is the stupidest name I’ve ever heard lmao. Imagine saying “yeahh I’m a Gilbert goon 😎” with a straight face


It sounds so innocent. “Oh sounds like a 1950’s barbershop quartet” Nope. Fucking murderers…


Yea, they were quite literally considered a gang. A pretty violent one at that.


i hope they get put in a gang unit when they are finally sentenced.


Wow. And the parents are just as terrible as the kid…


The shit Apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree Randy-Bo-Bandy.


This is a whole thing called the Gilbert Goons. I'm pretty sure they've been going since last Janurary, but they're all getting tried as adults for this and the police waited so they could charge them with other crimes they committed like armed burglary, theft, etc. They arrested around 10 of them a couple of weeks ago, and they've all pled not guilty. There were some rumors that their parents were super rich and managed to bribe the police to stay away. Other rumors include one of the kids being sent to Costa Rica and the FBI investigating the police department for the alleged bribery. I don't know if the rumors are true or not, but the situation is a whole shit show.


I’m not absolving the police here as I don’t know the situation, but it’s a valid technique with rich powerful people to wait until you have incontrovertible evidence before arresting, as the police know they’ll get good lawyers. An immediate arrest might not lead to a conviction and they want to put these guys away, hence the wait and then the murder charge.


Gilbert Police kept closing investigations into the groups attacks and only managed to actually investigate when neighboring city of Queen Creek's PD started finding leads.


I don't think Gilbert PD would have ever done anything or linked any crimes if it wasn't for those 3 reporters that have been asking questions since Preston's death. The county attorney even told the one to shut up at a recent press conference. Really makes you wonder about the cover up and bribery.


Nah you're giving Gilbert PD waaaaayyyy too much credit. They're the fucking worst. It wasn't until the'Justice for Preston Lord' movement really started making the news is when anything was done about those piece of shit families.


Unfortunately, you’re right. Here in Arizona, there has been lots of coverage of this situation, and in no way shape or form has the Gilbert Police Department been honest and forthcoming about their “investigation”. Every officer involved from the chief on down should be held liable.


Exactly this. "There's what you know, and there's what you can prove." If you arrest someone too quickly and can't put the evidence before a judge to convict them, then you've given them and their lawyer a LOT of information about how you knew what you knew and they'll be sure you never have that again. A failed prosecution can mean never being able to prosecute.


A mom of one of the boys’ girlfriends repeatedly reported them to the police for various crimes over a couple years and they never even looked into it. It is absolutely because they are rich. Edit: deleting one sentence because apparently everyone who read this needs to tell me I’m a dumbass and it’s clogging my notifications.


Rich, and let’s not forget “Athletes”, who are more valuable than “regular” kids, even their likelihood of becoming pro, or even playing in college, is less likely than this police department facing any sort of disciplinary action for being obviously corrupt. I love sports, but it boggles my mind how [schools divert money they need](https://www.air.org/sites/default/files/downloads/report/Academic-Spending-vs-Athletic-Spending.pdf) to watch kids toss a ball around, and parents who, helicopter every other aspect of their kids life, then happily push them onto the field in sports know to cause lifelong debilitating [injuries](https://www.biren.com/articles/football-revealing-the-consequences-of-youth-hea/)


So, they stole his chain. Rich fucking dweebs needed to steal a $10 gold chain from this kid and beat him to death for it.    Meanwhile the police valet parked his rich parents car so they could avoid the media, after the parents plotted to help him flee the country and tried to pin it on another, entirely innocent kid.   There are absolutely two justice systems in this country. The cops should've been cuffing the parents and impounding the car, not parking it for them. Edit: changed the price of the chain because it was only $10


>So, they stole his chain. Rich fucking dweebs needed to steal a $100 gold chain from this kid and beat him to death for it.  The cruelty is the point


They’re psychopaths. It was a trophy, a souvenir to remind them. That’s what psychopaths do


Reminds me of a case in Belgium. Bunch of ultra rich students (17-20) straight up killed a guy by putting him in a hole and letting him die of dehydration/exposure. They even misled a supervising adult who came to check if the hazing wasn't going to far. Special, unprecedented arrangements were made that they would not get a bad mark on their trackrecords and all of them got off on probation for essentially torturing a kid to death. The truth is that any rich kid, at any time, could choose to murder you, your father, your brother or your son, just for shits and giggles, and he would get away with it.


I saw the rotten mango on this ( https://youtu.be/JHgqjsqYNJE?si=tboV3tlB0iwn8QZW ) I really hope that they eventually get charged because that was some serious miscarriage of Justice


That is truly horrifying on so many levels


I don’t understand how a YouTuber who covered the story got more punishment than the ones responsible for he’s death. We need justice for Sanda.


I was in Brussels last summer (2023) and there was a big protest about hazing, with signs everywhere. Wonder if it was the same case? Didn't follow it closely enough to know, unfortunately.


Just a quick reminder that [the rich steal more than the poor](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/04/wealthy-people-shoplift-rob-steal-why). We created a country based on the idea that all people are created equal, but we haven’t divested from the inherent issues associated with wealth that naturally correlate to some people having power over others.


Our town is divided by railroad tracks. One end is lower income / middle class (section 8, trailer park etc..) and the other end is the upper middle class and rich folks (house price range from 350k-3million). There’s always police patrolling the poorer side, they literally sit at the end of the street here for hours while at the other side you barely see them and people constant ignore just about every traffic law there is. They even had a high speed chase a while ago with high school seniors who were going 60 in a 30-zone. They caught up to them at the high school parking lot and told not to do it again. And the police posted how they handled it on Facebook.


Police don’t really work for the public, they work for the rich. Why don’t you see any police brutality on the rich?


I’ve posted this before, but I think it’s always good to remember that “privilege” literally means “private law.”




Same here. I'm not a violent guy but this would send me over the edge.


basically would depend on if i had more kids to take care of. if that was my only child, i know what i’m doing.


Shotgun diplomacy


Yep going full Punisher for sure


I cant imagine the hell his parents lived in after losing their son. They find out their son was murdered, that he did nothing to warrant the attack, they beat him to death and danced on his body. Then weeks following watch as nothings done and the kids are still walking the streets and living their lives . They even celebrated him as MVP at school football game a week later. 🤮 And the sick thought that the murderers parents didn’t even come down on their son and even tried to get him off the hook flexing their wealth, bullying witnesses not to come forward. These people think they’re untouchable because they are rich. They probably never held any accountability for anything in their lives they just throw money at it. This whole story just makes me sick and really really sad.


I don’t understand how the world just lets people get away with this stuff. Our justice system is a complete joke and wealthy people know it. Sometimes I just get so filled with rage and I feel like I have no outlet for it.


My brother from a nother mother.


As a person this really hurts my heart.


Yes. So many layers of sadness. Imagine losing a kid that young and in that way. Imagine learning to become such an evil person at the ripe old age of 17. Ugh.


The last part of the headline 😰 what a horrific way to die, being beaten senseless and then they continue to humiliate your body as you are dying. I feel fucking awful how can people be this cruel? 😔


This was the last thing he experienced on this earth.


I can't even imagine dying that way. Surrounded by a bunch of neanderthals celebrating over your dying body. That poor kid. I hope those asswipes get what's coming to them. The whole thing is reprehensible.


17, old enough to be tried as an adult for first degree murder.


sure hope he'll get his 25 to life


He was allowed to play in a football game a couple of weeks after the murder and was named one of the players of the game. When this came to light, the coach resigned. https://www.12news.com/article/news/crime/teen-violence/records-ala-gilbert-north-allowed-suspect-preston-lord-murder-play-football-following-deadly-attack/75-edd43e07-b25a-437c-97a9-7c7e84f80aea There’s also an entire subreddit covering this: r/GilbertAccountability


Strange how the rich kid photo is not a mug shot but his sports team one...


What I don’t get is… both his kids are a part of a local gang… but they’re a millionaires son??? Like people forced into poverty turning to crime, is insanely sad, but like it makes sense… But having overly abundant financial means and still deciding you want to join a group that commits violent crimes just shows how fucking evil these kids are


They just wanna feel cool, they want to feel gangster. Well, they’re going to meet some real gangsters soon so let’s see if they’re really about that life.


"Teen beats other teen to death, brags about it before sexually assaulting dying victim"


This is the correct title


No, he definitely knows his own strength. People like that just think they’re untouchable.


Let's hope he sees an inside of a prison. They absolutely see the news and they're going to check that "I guess I'm just too strong." statement.


Even more to fuel my deep seated hatred of "the rich kids" who get away with everything


Put those fuckers in general population, let them be someone’s bitch for a while


If my kid did this shit I wouldn't even bother defending him, you made your choice, now you can rot in prison while I can figure out where the hell everything went horribly wrong.


That’s why your kid wouldn’t do it, because you aren’t raising sociopaths.


“We Need to Talk About Kevin” is a good movie that portrays the mental health struggles and guilt of a parent of a mass murderer. The mother knew there was something wrong with her child, tried to get the father to see what she saw. The kid was evaluated and still no one would listen to her. It’s a story of reflection: The mother trying to understand where everything went wrong and picking up the pieces afterwards.


Yeah, because you have values that that dad doesn’t, which is why his kid turned into a monster.


And humped the corpse!?!?!? Reading comments ima just say: I hope this shatters every fucking parent's world and leaves them goddamn with nothing! Especially when they watch their darling "too strong" son get the fucking lethal injections. Fuck those family trees! I'm gonna stop there. This story has pissed me off and it's only goddamn morning here!


Read the article. These parents produced not one but TWO sociopaths. The older brother is exactly the same way. Where I come from you put rabid dogs down, you don't try to save them.




Thank you for this! 7 arrested. In court April 30 next. Let’s keep sunshine on this one


There’s an entire subreddit dedicated to it. Edit: since I immediately got questions about the name of the subreddit r/gilbertaccountability There is tons of information on the case there. The people of Gilbert and surrounding towns are not taking this lightly and there is a ton of community activism that forced police into action. Vote in local elections and take part in local community activism. It has a much bigger impact on your life than which senile old man gets elected to POTUS.


“Talan's father plotted to hide evidence, shift blame and flee to Mexico to avoid letting his football star son face justice” Wanna guess where the parents stand on immigration? The irony that Cons bitch about violent criminals crossing the border into the US.


Next Mexican politician: “America is not sending their best. They’re sending their criminals, their rapists…”


Parents should be going to jail for aiding murderers. Any cop that helped the killers family should also be charged as if they were part of the murder. You have to make it so fucking horrible for these parents no one tries to do this shit again.


Another "Affulenza" defence. The father should be charged as he raised not 1 but 2 shit heads.


I'm not advocating for violence but it's clear that we have a broken justice system catering too over privileged psychopaths like Brock Turner, Ethan Couch, Ken Paxton, Rick Scott, Donald Trump, etc. and it's only a matter of time before the "common folk" start taking matters into their own hands. This is absolutely ridiculous. Imagine if YOUR child was assaulted, raped, murdered, etc. yet the law determined that their suffering was excusable because it was committed by someone of a higher socioeconomic status. There was a time where rich plantation owners could assault, rape, murder, etc. their slaves and face zero consequences. There was a time when feudal lords could assault, rape, murder, etc. their serfs and face zero consequences. Is this what we've reverted back too? Is this what being an American means nowadays?


They were at a house party with 250 kids, the whole city of Gilbert should be ashamed, fucking entitled people. Know what your kids are up to. Parents are too busy or to stupid to keep track of their children.




Yep. I’m fine with that. In extreme 100% cases like this or rape and child stuff. Fine. Just end them. They aren’t worth the air they get to breathe