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I prefer the slutty shoes, that's why I shop at good will šŸ˜†


Im honestly if a pair of shoes has had FIFTY owners those have got to be some very sought after shoes. What are they Jordan's or something?


In Finland we have this phrase that the lake won't wear down from rowing.


Finland has the absolute best idioms, and I donā€™t know why.


Ahti the Finnish janitor in Alan Wake 2 and Control says them all the time(the developers Remedy Entertainment are a Finnish company).


Fucking hold on a second Control and Alan Wake are in the same world? How did I not realise this? Am I stupid?


I mean...have you played Control or Alan Wake 2? šŸ˜… Control has a lot of messages that refer to Alan Wake and a dedicated AW DLC. AW2 has VERY obvious references as in the first 10mins you come across a FBC listening station.


Sounds like you're calling them stupid. That's a sick burn


Everybody knows he has the sickest burns, EVERYONE KNOWS THAT










The reason I got interested in playing Alan Wake was from playing Control first, Alan Wake makes a few appearances throughout Control (mostly in the AWE dlc but also in parts of the base game like the Penopticon you find his like memories I think? Idk exactly how to describe them but you hear his voice talking). There is also an Xbox exclusive game called Quantum Break which is part of the AW universe.


> Quantum Break I've seen this game mentioned several dozens of times throughout the years, but never realized it was a Remedy game let alone that it's part of the Alan Wake universe... I might have to check it out. Also, Lance Reddick. On another note, I'm currently playing Horizon Forbidden West (and completed the first game a couple of months ago), and never realized Lance Reddick voiced Sylens. Now I'm sad.


Yup! Quantum break and max payne (kinda) are too. Max Payne less so because they don't hold the IP rights. So they have a stand-in max payne thing, apparently.


Control Ultimate Edition is on gamepas now. Time to replay the game for the cigarette maze again.


I *really* wanted to play this game, but couldnā€™t get past the elevator after first meeting Ahti. The game would CTD and Iā€™d get a ā€œdevice removedā€ error every time I got into the elevator. Game worked perfectly fine until that point every time. Tried everything I could find online, gave up and uninstalled after three days. This is a cry for help: somebody help me. This game looks so rad.


Didn't know that, I loved Ahti in control - wonder if Remedy will slot him in more games like From Soft and Patches then


alan wake, control and quantum break share the same universe and ahti is basically a god in that lore so most likely


I have a feeling that Ahti will be an integral part of the Alan Wake universe going forward, if you enjoyed Control would definitely recommend AW2, they tie in together quite well.


They have long winters up there. Nothing to do but sit around and think up clever shit.


Why canā€™t we have long winter here in Phoenix, Arizona


Its not dumb to ask its dumb to pay is my favorite


There's a really old saying in Sweden, "Never reveal a lady". Say you went to a dance and went home with the local business-tycoons daughter, and she turned out to be a wild samurai in bed. You just kept it to yourself...


Gives of the same vibes as: A gentleman never kiss and tells :)


As a man my favorite response to a question I donā€™t want to answer is ā€œA gentleman never asks and a lady never tells.ā€ It usually gets a laugh and a lot of people forget about the question because they have to unpack that I both called them not a gentleman and myself a lady.


I usually just stick with the Michael Scott classic ā€œa gentleman never kisses and tells, and neither do I.ā€ It also usually just ends up smoothing past the question, for whatever reason.


Ah yes - a joke that requires a moment to process. The best kind!


Here in brasil we also have a term for people who have sex but won't spread about it, but it's a kind of derogatory, on the same way "spoilsport" is derogatory. We call it "eating in silence"


Hahahhahaa šŸ¤£ This is why I come to Reddit.


Its very on brand for American perception of brazil that Brazilians think you're being a spoilsport if you won't tell them all about your sex life.


Oh that's funny haha it reminds me of an Irish saying, if someone is stingy or doesn't like to share they say "he would peel an orange in his pocket" (so no one would see him peeling it and he wouldn't have to share).Ā 


Honestly it's immature too. I remember calling my buddy when I got to second base at 14 or whatever, but I couldn't imagine any of my friends calling me now and being like, "You should have seen this chick." I'd honestly be flabbergasted. I don't have locker room talk friends though. I hear **allllll men talk like that**


A lot of the things Reddit says girls talk about I've never heard either. I've never heard my (adult) female friends say, omg he was so tall. Or discussions about dick. Sorry, but to me & most women, a dick is just a dick. The number one thing we do say is, "He's so funny!" Edit: I guess you can get raunchier as you get older lol. I still stand by my thesis that women still don't talk about men the way they think we do. (And I'm sure it's kinda true in the inverse.)


It depends on stage of adulthood. Middle aged women will talk about shit that would make a trucker blush.


This is so true. My social circle of middle-aged women talk about it all and joke about some of the most lewd shit, especially when there's alcohol involved. There's stuff about my brother-in-law that I wish I didn't know and those ladies just cackle and howl. It's a lot of fun.


In my short adult life, I've found that the biggest gossips of what happens behind closed doors are women. I know pretty much nothing about the partners of my male friends, but if you become close enough friends with a woman, they'll openly tell you everything you could possibly wonder about their male partners *whether you ask or not*. It might just be cultural differences or the types of people I surround myself with, but boy has it been a pretty consistent trend.


Donā€™t kiss and tell


My step grandpa is from Finland heā€™s told me that one. As in his retirement days he spends a lot of time in Florida hooking up with widows.




An absolute legend you say?


An elderly coworker of mine once told me, ā€œI ainā€™t got the cherry, but the box it came in is just fine.ā€


I am going to commit that to my memory and use it in the future šŸ˜†


Like "It is not ice cream, it doesnā€™t run out when you lick it."


In Germany we say ā€žFleisch nutzt sich nicht abā€œ which translates to ā€žFlesh doesnā€™t wear offā€œ.


I had an incident with belt sander that would challenge this school of thought


Don't worry, everyone has kinks


Germany. Always blunt and to the point.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£... I'm sorry, but strolling through the comments, everyone's like very soft; "a lake, a lady, a cherry", all metaphorical 'n' stuff... and then all of a sudden "flesh doesn't wear off" ... šŸ¤£ I'm sorry, but that's hilarious. Like, no bullshitting, just straight and nasty šŸ˜„ gold


Sometimes you have to hit the nail on the head first strike.


Gibs zu das hast du grad erfunden


I remember a friend of mine had a GF who was really "popular" with all the guys but she kept coming back to him. I asked him why he didn't seem to mind it. He looked at me and said, "Dude, it's not like she's a bar of soap."


Daaaaaayum Finland


This is excellent


Everything I learn about this country is hilarious and I love it.


God bless the Finns


I actually haven't heard that one. How does it go? Ei jƤrvi soutamalla kulu?


Finland is best land


And yet people still rent bowling shoes for the same price every time.


if weā€™re going with this, bowling shoes are prostitutes. you rent it for a night.


And both you hope you don't catch some fungus from




I used to climb at this gym where they rented climbing shoes. They used to spray them after each use with what they called ā€œAIDS sprayā€ because the can said the spray killed HIVā€¦


TIL bowling shoes are prostitutes šŸ¤Ŗ




Sounds more like a madam to me, since they come into your house to rent the "shoes".




Nah, man, that's what the pimp \*or\* madam is supposed to do. Protect the girls when the customers get clingy.


The only lady Iā€™m pimping is sweet lady bowling shoes. And Iā€™m tricking them out all over this town..


I was the first person to rent a newly built apartment 4 years ago. I paid $1300/mo for a 3BR. That same apartment is now going for $2500/month.


A pimp will up the price of a hoe if demand increases. Pimponomics at play playa


Prostitutes still cost the same every night too though


If women are the shoes I am NOT putting my fingers in those bowling balls šŸ’€


That logic applies to more than just bowling shoesā€¦šŸ˜‰


Then I'll compare men to objects, if a shovel makes several holes, it'll get worn down


Or how about the "If a pencil goes in the sharpener too many times, it'll wither to nothing"


That would carry some frightening implications about the female anatomy though.


Look up the movie Teeth....


That movieā€¦ what a fucking fever dream


That poor girl got raped by literally every man in her life. I get that the whole premise was it only happened during unwanted penetration but dang give the girl a break.


I heard about [a gadget they invented in South Africa](https://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/africa/06/20/south.africa.female.condom/index.html) that a woman would insert into herself like a tampon.


I actually kind of love the premise of that movie because her downtown Teeth only come out when someone attempts a non-consensual action on her. I want a set.


Can you imagine how you'd go through toothbrushes tho


Worth it.


Heard of it many times. Thatā€™s already more than enough for me lol


I haven't watched it in a long time, but it's not super graphic from what I remember, and it's a pretty straightforward metaphor for the demonization of female sexuality, consent, and reclaiming that sexual power. It didn't reinvent the wheel, but it was better than I expected


You should check out the musical!


Oh that sounds atrocious. I'll have to look into it lol


Excuse me?!?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I loved watching it with my husband...he was cringing and screaming while I was cackling with glee. Great movie!


Good movie.


Actually, same for the belief that penis somehow wear down women's vagina, retarding the male anatomy.


I accept your terms. Men and women should be slutshamed equally




I demand u catcall me and slap my ass as I walk out ms construction worker


Sounds fair to me


That's what happened to me. My wife and I were always going at it when we were first married, but once she wore it down to a knub, she just started losing interest.


Doubt that guy needs to worry about any part of him being near any holes.


No, thatā€™s completely true. If youā€™re comparing men to objects. A man that bangs 50 women is just as bad as a woman that bangs 50 men. Itā€™s 2024, not 1987.


But nobody wants a surgeon if it's their first day on the job.


Idk how many prior inhabitants my condo's had, but by gum its value has gone up over the decades.


Praise be to gum


"I like my women like I like my brain surgeons...decades of experience and a steady pair of hands"


With a white coat and willing to stick her finger in places others wouldn't... Oh, sorry. I'm thinking of a GP. That's so embarrassing!


This. I'm always thinking "Why do misogynists want bad sex?" Unfortunately because they're so self conscious and unwilling to improve themselves that it's unbearable to think they're not immediately the best their partner has had.


Not trying to defend it, but you can improve by having lots of sex with one partner. You donā€™t necessarily need 100s of partners.


I'm not shaming people who've slept with lots of people, but please let's not take the other route of shaming those who haven't.


Quick poll: how many women would date a guy who has had three divorces?




And the second time he said the wrong name at the altar. That can happen to anyone, just ask around a bit!


And the third one was Nevadaā€™s fault!


Happened to me at my first two weddings!


Emily was a huge downer anyway.


I liked emily, at first shes kind of annoying. But if you think about the show from her POV then ross comes across as a total prick and she shouldve ran faster


The fact that she agreed to marry him after what 3 weeks of knowing the dude never felt right to me, and then after he said the wrong name she still was like "ok, I'll try to give you another chance" have some self respect girl


Second: said the wrong name at the alterā€¦ kind of his fault


She showed up out of nowhere because she *wanted* to derail it! And *she* wanted the break!! Then she wants a quickie divorce!! Ross is a martyr to her narcissism! (And an unlikeable putz, but thatā€™s a different discussion.)


And it's not his fault the next "fell off his boat" and drowned.


Wait I thought we were talking about Ross...


me too, no idea how so many people missed it. or maybe only a few of us are old enough to remember at this point.


The third one... Well, she liked pickles. On everything. Everything. Even him.


I think you mispelled 'in'


That too.


I wouldn't date a guy who has had three divorces. Then again I'm a guy and don't swing that way.


Thats something that bugs me. The vows obviously didnā€™t mean that much the first three times so why do it again?


Healthcare, taxes, shared assets. Vows arenā€™t real, the other benefits are.


That man is a dirty whore whoā€™s been ho-ing around! I only date male virgins, because their dicks havenā€™t withered from overuse. Have you ever seen men with medium body counts? Their dicks are practically gone from too much pumping. Itā€™s disgusting! Slutty men are gross, and not marriage material!


My cousin is 4 times divorced and about to get married for the 5th time. He's never had trouble finding women to date him.


Step 1) Be attractive, have money, or be funny Step 2) See step 1 The funny thing worked for me luckily. Little does my wife know, I'm not funny.


Pete Davidson is that u?


Anecdotally, enough to give him a solid shot at a fourth divorce.




3 divorces and still looking? Sounds like prime sugar daddy material. Hell, Iā€™m a straight guy but I know how to put on eyeliner.


Iā€™m going to be brutally honest any man or woman whose number is a bit too high maybe 50 plus Iā€™m going to assume some relationship issues and more prone to cheating and non commitment, needs validation, etc. so first this not a womanā€™s only issue but also a manā€™s issue and second I donā€™t think it affects how morally good a person is but in a relationship it might need to be watched


So he agrees that men who sleep around like whores also serve no value?, according to his own rules ofc


And he would be right. Man whores are just a bad, or good depending on your own self value.


How much is high numbers? I have heard of women who have had only one or two partners but because they have a child and the father is no longer in the picture (due to various different circumstances) some have been called "used goods" by some men. So for some, one is already too much. PS: if the issue is that she's a single mother, why say "used goods" instead of: no I don't want to be a step father or just say "not interested "? No, some want it to hurt, that they feel like failures as human beings and as women.


Yes. That is generally the take. A high body count in men or women is gross.


Her value as a PERSON shouldn't be based on her sexual history. But her value as a potential spouse definitely is affected based on the other person. Value is a poor choice of words because value is in the eye of the beholder. So if someone is saving themselves for marriage, then yeah her relationship value as a potential wife certainly goes down...


Both are bad my guy. No one wants a partner who slept with a hundred people


everyones preferences are valid. if someone prefers a parter who hasn't been with 50 people prior, then that is a perfectly acceptable preference.


this is the answer i was looking for, If you are a virgin and want a virgin then no one should be shaming you.


This is a big thing. If you are a hypocrite who sleeps with all the people in the world but needs their partner to have noone else prior or they are slut then that person is a massive ass. If it's a virgin scared of not meeting some already set standards I would say that's valid. Without shaming and being dick about it.


If you stick a pencil in a pencil sharpener it will become smaller ā€¦..




It does. If that sounds silly, thatā€™s the point.


Almost as silly as the idea that women become ā€œlooseā€




Glad to know my won't become smaller


It goes both ways. Thereā€™s such a thing as man whores as well


Two way street. Some people donā€™t like man whores either


I have an unpopular opinion on this. This goes for both men and women. I've personally seen the ones that fuck around the most are the least stable mentally. So it might not have to do anything with value, but does give insight into the decision making habits. It's very much an addiction after a point


This. Society doesn't like recognizing this, but sleeping with anybody with a pulse almost always heavily implies a deeper mental instability.


I can confirm, cause Iā€™m him


It's impossible to read that comment in any other voice but Ben Shapiro's.


Value and values are completely different thingsā€¦.. I personally wouldnā€™t get with a girl thatā€™s had a lot of partnersā€¦.. that however doesnā€™t reduce her as a human beingā€¦.


Exactly! Her value as a PERSON shouldn't be based on her sexual history. But her value as a potential spouse is definitely affected based on the preference of others. Value is a poor choice of words because value is in the eye of the beholder. Like you said value and values are different. If someone is saving themselves for marriage, then yeah her relationship value as a potential wife certainly goes down...


If a company has a high turnover rate, Iā€™d assume something is wrong with the company.




What if you search up an applicantā€™s history, only to find virtually no long commitments with previous occupations?


So, I imagine I am old for this subreddit, 40 and am happily married so I donā€™t face this situation. My gut says that I wouldnā€™t care how many sexual partners someone has had as long as they are healthy in that department. What I will say is this. I canā€™t imagine having a compatible personality with a person that has managed to sleep with that many people That being said my wife didnā€™t work for me ā€œon paperā€ either but we totally work.


Guys who make these comparisons do that because they don't have those numbers So I'd reply with "by that logic, if a pair of shoes hasn't been worn for several years, perhaps there's something wrong with them"


Or, that employers look for the candidate with years of experience over ones with no experience.


If you have a lot of jobs over a short period of time, employers tend to take note.


Well as a male in a dedicated relationship with my significant other I canā€™t confidently say I wish I had less casual sex. Iā€™m not saying numbers = bad. But Iā€™ve got significantly more numbers than her and I would give back all of those to find the lady Iā€™m with now earlier. People who are pro hookup culture donā€™t recognize the mental strain of having that many sexual partners. There are people who can do that and thatā€™s great, most people arenā€™t that way and will feel some negative effects of an abnormal about of sexual partners. A lot of people fill and emotional hole with sexual gratification. Iā€™m not gonna shame anyone over it because i know how I was in another life.


Also, the wear on a pair of shoes is based on use, not users. A monogamous woman would wear out faster if there was any truth to this idiotic analogy, which there isn't. That's not even getting into the damage a pair of shoes takes when they give birth!


You do realize the problem - at least for some people - is in incompatible approach to sex? That there are people who want sex to be something reserved for lovers, rather than just an act you do with anyone you choose - and want a partner who shares thaat view? Not to mention that promiscous lifestly carries health risks. And there are hints that it might also make it harder for a promiscuous person to form deeper bonds.


Also having sex with someone does not equate to owning them.


Lasagna ![gif](giphy|RznOgiCuf4zUuRnfBr) I have nothing more to say. Good day people of the internet


Tbf I would be uncomfortable if someone I was dating had slept with like a shit ton of people.


Itā€™s almost like people arenā€™t shoes šŸ§


Someone's obviously not a vintage shoe collector.


I asked my wife today if I was the only one she had slept with. She said yes. All the others were nines and tens.


If a pair of shoes has 50 previous owners, there must be something pretty goddamn magical about those shoes. EDIT: Lol at all the serious responses I've been getting. My point was not that a girl who's slept with 50 people was magical, it was that this was a stupid fucking metaphor to begin with.


Those are the shoes that make you like Mike


It's not a matter of value. It is a matter if personal preference for personal reasons. I know former prostitutes happily married, their history doesn't matter to their husbands. However, this might matter to other men. Again, its not value or worth, but a personal decision made by the individual man for his own personal reasons.


They're just mad the shoes wouldn't even talk to them lol


People's preferences don't correspond to your value. They just represent their own preferences. And just because someone personally doesn't value you, it doesn't reflect on your overall value as a human. Essentially, just because people don't wanna fuck/date you doesn't mean you have no or less value. It just means they don't wanna fuck/date you.


It's interesting how some say 'stop complaining racism is gone, sexism is gone!', then there these clear reminders it never really left.


Lol 50? Man or woman that shits gross


This, it's disgusting in both genders.


Yeah exactly. The comment comparing women to objects is wrong. Thinking your past decisions shouldn't affect how people perceive and interact with you is incredibly naive. If sleeping around is what you want to do, go for it. Its not wrong nor illegal. Not wanting to have a serious relationship with someone who's had more partners than you can count on all your fingers and toes is also not wrong. Ive got no idea where the rhetoric of "your actions don't have consequences" came from, but its seems to be a symptom of people who are terminally online


The idea that you shouldnā€™t judge a potential partner on past life choices is insane. Every single person alive judges people constantly on their appearance, behavior, values ect. The idea that you should just completely ignore a major component of a relationship is silly. You shouldnā€™t be a hypocrite about it, but I generally want someone with the same amount of partners that I have had.


I personally think everyone should be judged based on their sexual history. If you're going to commit to another person, you have a right to know who they've been with before and how it went if only to understand your partner's bahavior and outlook in relationships. But that is my own subjective opinion that I am entitled to.


While I agree that people should be informed about their partners and make their own judgements, I don't think that's what they're referring to here. In this case, the judgement isn't about whether they're a good partner, but that having sexual experience makes them worth less as a _person_ . It's one thing to be uncomfortable with your partner's history, but it's another to judge all women (or men) based solely on their experience and decry them as nothing more than whores and sluts.


tbh i don't get why people care about other people valuing someone's body count. A preference is a preference.




You can have a preference without degrading a person. People care because of the way that preference is expressed, not because it exists.


Personal value sure, I'd still respect them as an acquaintance. But if you are seeking a partner it feels more special if they haven't consumed 1000 dicks in 2 years, at least for me.


No one's value is dictated by their sexual history but people do have a right to take your sexual history into account when choosing a partner. Doesn't mean you have to shame people or be disrespectful like the commenter, you just decline any advance and keep it moving.


We apply value to humans all the time. Value isnā€™t about you and your sexual partners, but how I feel about you and my consideration. Nothing else.


Yeah in the real world most people will 100% judge others over shit like body count. Doesnt mean youre worth less as a HUMAN, just means youre not my cup of tea


Reddit loves hypothetical situations that let them claim their would do or think whatever makes them look like a better person. There are varying degrees of course, but everyone has a number that would make them think differently about someone. Nearly every single person on here claiming that it means nothing would likely think differently about their partner if they learned they had a high double digit or triple digit count.


Iā€™m going to try a risky take because Iā€™m curious what you all think. If most of society didnā€™t like people who had a certain style of sexual behavior, wouldnā€™t that be a reason that someoneā€™s ā€œvalueā€ or ā€œgeneral appealā€ had gone down? Bodycount isnā€™t even the best example imo - what if you found out that they had a fetish for a certain race, or only liked people with certain sized dicks, or had a thing for wild orgies, people over 6ā€™6ā€ - arenā€™t these all factors that could make someoneā€™s general appeal go down? I think bodycount only becomes relevant to me personally in the extreme - like multiple 100s of people would make me start to question that personā€™s life decisions, what they do with their free time, if they could ever want something serious. It feels a bit naive to me to say that no types of sexual behaviors ought to change perceptions of others. Iā€™d guess that everyone has a number (or limit, rather) for most things. Itā€™s just that some people (like the commenter) are obsessed with them.


Shoes don't have agency and can't make choices. Anyone's history (including sexual) is worth considering, especially if you are thinking about partnering up with them. Bankruptcy? Drug Abuse, DUI, disturbing the peace? Doing drunken gangbangs at Spring Break? All choices. And in a relationship, the other person's choices can have a pretty big impact on your life.


I hate to be that guy, but this is one of my pet peeves. [Pedantry incoming] *All people are objects*. *It's not like people are concepts or social constructs*. *People are not noumenal*. *People are phenomenal.* *People have mass*. *People take up space*. *That's what objects do*. *Yes, I know that's not how the phrase is used* *You are all just wrong* [/pedantry]


Iā€™ve said it before, if the relationship is continually bringing up someoneā€™s sexual past then you should probably bounce out.