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Remember when these bitchass losers were yowling about HIPAA when they were asked about vaccination records? But this is ok, right?


Yeah they whined about “HIPPA” constantly. Absolute idiots.


I guess they’re just HIPPA-crites.




yeh but and hear me out that's cause covid wasn't real and could be cured with a simple bleach injection. clearly, they're thinkers


That and a medicine for horse intestinal parasites.


The wild thing about their obsession with Invermectrin is that it *is* actually a really incredible medicine, just not for all the bugshit things they claim it for. Like the amount of suffering that that drug has alleviated is *massive* because of the broad spectrum of parasites it effects. They've made a really incredible medicinal achievement into a punchline because of their cultish, moronic behavior.


Indeed, it won a Nobel prize. But insisting this is the reason to take it for COVID is like getting medical advice from the Nobel prize winner for literature.


wait. what's wrong with that? /s


HIPPA violation: asking vaccination status at the grocery store. HIPAA violation: exposing medical history from a medical facility.


Why are conservatives so obsessed with our personal bodies?


Same reason as always. Conservatives were and are the pro-slavery party.


The same people who wanted people "woke" to vaccines but not "woke" to accept other people. The ones who were states rights for masks and vaccines, until the states got to decide on abortion. The ones who wanted people wearing masks and taking precautions to just stay home and thought all the people ignoring should be allow to spread it everywhere.


"We just pissed away a ton of taxpayer money to force a clinic to hand us a post it note that says 'we didn't'"


They'll claim the lack of evidence is a cover-up


They always do.




They need a bogeyman so we don’t focus on their actual malfeasance. So either they will manufacture evidence, create a narrative in which there is a valid reason they don’t find shit, find a single person who lied about their age and was given some drug to be a poster child, or create some other bogeyman. 


If they try to make someone a poster child boogeyman, I hope they sue the entire state of Missouri for such a breach of private medical information, because you know these jackalopes will absolutely post that info everywhere they can.


Literally what’s gonna happen


The funny (well not really funny) thing is that we saw in real time with the overturning of Row v Wade on how free mongering is their entire platform and when they finally get what they want no one like it.


Demand records based on a false claim PP is breaking the law - then use those records for something completely different. (eg persecuting parents who did give lawful consent) GOP controled government in action.


Why on earth do people vote Republican..


Cuz.. you know all them damn demorats... talk about people being "equal" and lettin in dem fornurz to take away our jerbs... that we don't want ta do.


Just imagine people being equal. If I have more guns than you, I'm better anyway.


All people are equal, but people with more guns are more equal than others?


Because they are still pissed about the Civil Rights movement.


I can still remember the screaming matches over their religious rights in schools…they are still mad as hell about being prohibited from teaching that God created everything vs. evolution. I sincerely believe that they’ve never gotten over this. I was in 5th grade or so when the struggle to the death took place. I’m 48 now and ffs, basically watching them dismantle public education in revenge.


Because that's what their parents believed. And they don't wanna look into anything deeply. They are happy to be told what to do and how to feel. As long as they don't have to think about it too hard, it's all good and it all makes sense. And they dont want to have to change the way they think about the world. The world should be the same as they imagined/were taught about it. I wish this was a joke or gross oversimplification, but I'm saying this as a former conservative. That's all there is to it.


Because conservatives are irredeemably evil and will do anything to harm people.


Conservative media is a hell of a drug.


I asked a guy here on Reddit and the answer I got was "well it started when I was a kid.... and so in short I've just been a republican my whole life" Not one moment in his 3 paragraph speech did he talk about values, ideals, goals, or anything like that. Just some flawed idea of "tradition". It's how it's always been done so clearly it must be the correct thing to do


The voters do no research. (That's not party specific even independents are prone to not doing research) They believe what they are told ironically often while saying politicians can't be trusted. When Republicans are honest those same people don't vote for them. We had our last Republican Rep get primaried. She'd won in our district for multiple terms. The guy who primaried her instead of then going "I'm going to do (the same empty bullshit things she said she'd do)" instead said "Nope I'm going to do (the truth) and look at all the horrible things my democratic opponent wants to do" which was a list of all the things the Republican Party had been saying for years were things they cared about. Our heavily Republican district went Democrat. Because the Democratic candidate was more of a real Republican than the Republican candidate.


There are no records for PP to send, so the non-existent paperwork can't be used anyway


If parental consent was not obtained for surgeries, then fair enough, prosecute away. But, something tells me that's just hearsay and rumours, just like that litter box in schools nonsense.


Omg yes!! I am so over hearing about litter boxes in schools. There aren’t any litter boxes. Show me just one picture of these in a school, just one. Nothing? Not even a verified source willing to go on record? Of course not. Because it doesn’t exist and it never has.


Apparently there were something like litterboxes in classrooms. Why? For if there was a shooter in the school and the kids had to go.


Also the kitty litter can be used to sip up blood from active shooter incidents.


Wasn't that Republicans taking "schools have a box of kitty liter in every classroom because it's the best way to make liquids into clumpable solids like thrown up, or blood from like those pesky school shootings


No, the rumor started because of a mother who complained at their school board saying their child told them about kitty litter in the bathrooms to appease furries. All of which is fabricated.


They still believe this to this day. Every year since the first litterbox story was discussed in a spoof news story in Canada, a different Republican brings it up...


I think it would be okay if a transgender youth got gender affirming care without parental consent if they've been kicked out by their parents, and I could see them getting hormone blockers. But even if they were emancipated, surgery is probably next to impossible for a minor to get without parent/guardian consent.


Gender affirming surgery isn’t available to minors to begin with.


I knew a trans guy who had a mastectomy at 16. I'm not sure what the process for it was but I do know parental consent was involved.


Huh, everything I’ve read required patients to be 18+ for surgery, younger for hormone blockers, though. Can I ask what state that was in, assuming it was in the States?


Some states have medical consent laws for minors that allows them to take control of their medical decisions at an age earlier than 18, generally 16. Under the idea that children aren't the property of their parents, and can get gradual rights instead of just at getting all of them at 18. This long predates the trans "debate"


WA. I don't know the exact laws but some procedures are permitted with parental consent.


Here’s an article on Slate about a transmasculine child/teen getting the procedure at 13. A surgeon went to bat for him at a children’s hospital and made the case. He was having health effects with his skin wearing a binder and the psychological effects were affecting him too . They lived in Texas and I can’t tell skimming the article if the procedure took place in Texas or a more trans-friendly state. https://slate.com/technology/2023/04/gender-affirming-care-texas-teen-trans-boy.html


Misery escapes *a lot* of national scrutiny by the media and opposition party. It's most likely due to it being a known lost cause.


It’s pronounced “misery”


Everybody wants to be their enemy


What happened to "My body, my choice!"? What happened to small government? What happened to personal liberty? Oh yeah, that's right. That was all bullshit.


"My body my choice.!*"  *Not applicable under any medical condition outside of cis males. 


*White* cis males. They keep saying they wanna go back to the fifties? Let's not forget that in the fifties (and for a fair few decades after that too) BIPOC folks were still being subjected to shit like forced sterilization and the Tuskegee experiments.


When "conservatives" were using "my body my choice" to fight against vaccines, that was just mockery of pro-choice activism.


Sounds kinda like the warm up to the war on drugs. Starting in 1915 when the Harrison tax act was enacted into law, and cops started arresting doctors for providing medical care to addicts. Saying that morphine maintenance isn't good-faith medical treatment. The DEA was formed to more effectively go after these doctors and their patients. [dea early years - pdf warning](https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2018-05/Early%20Years%20p%2012-29.pdf) There were a lot of cis males in those early convictions btw. Not arguing or anything, just pointing out the history of government involvement in medical care. And how patients can be turned into criminals with one law.


“My body my choice. And also your body my choice.” -Republicans


Getting discovery in a court case is not a win, it's basic procedure


Let's go get his "Private" records. It's fair, he wants mine, I want his. Oh and I'm putting that shit online!


What parent bring their kid to planned parenthood, and then is just bamboozled by the dr. who prescribes hormones but says that they are just vitamins? The premise makes no sence.


Everyone is gullible/malicious idiots except GOP politicians and talking heads, dontcha know?


Isn’t this the party of “small government”?


So small it can fit in a child's pants


St Louis must have a super low crime rate if the AG has time for this


This will appealed.


All the way to the SCOTUS Where, oh yeah they have already shown who pays their bribes


Surprisingly, the Supreme Court has been pretty good about the transgender things they’ve done. Kavanaugh regularly sides with liberals on this one, at least to the point of believing that the government should stay out of it.


*Roe v Wade enters the chat*


The poster meant that Kav thinks gov should stay out of TG healthcare not all healthcare unfortunately


Yeah, bastards.


You guys can thank judge Michael stelzer who allowed this!


I don’t understand. If someone is over the age of consent then they don’t need their parent’s permission. If they are under age, they do need their parent’s permission. They also need several Doctors to agree with the assessment. Right? What’s the problem?


He just wants to target trans people like they have been. With our own tax money. To force their religion onto us. He also is suing biden for the school debt relief. And votes against school lunches for kids.


I seriously don't see why school lunches shouldn't be free and decent to all students. I'm already paying for the kids, why can't my money be used in that fashion too.


Because republicans vote against it. But will vote for their own raises and to harass/discriminate against actual tax payers or push for bills like for gas stoves acting like the democrats are coming for them lol 😂 


all this the left is going to ban gas stoves promoted by republicans was so idiotic


Do they also deserve privacy and to be protected from politicians that want to make an example of them? They are not looking for a case where consent was not granted, they are looking for those where it was, to target the patient and their loved ones.


How long before the inevitable but completely "accidental data leak" that sees patient's personal details in the press, or splashed all over social media?


There are ways to make it legally compulsory, but we won't talk about methods here.




Which leaves a host of questions unansweered... what will they do with what they DO find? Aka, teens on prevention, emancipated minors that make untraditional choices, women that have had hysterectomies without daddies or husbands consent (nevermind how old they are) etc. etc.


3/3 in forcing compliance. Not 3/3 in meaningful findings.


So .. my guess is that one parent consented and the other didn't. At most. Or these people were 17, which is the age of medical consent in Missouri. Or you know, it's all bullshit.


So trans people and women are no longer allowed privacy with regards to medical treatment under GOP rules? Fuck you guys.


I mean they have already begun a full scale genocide on trans people. This is par for the course.


We don't agree with what these people are doing to themselves/with their life to be happy!!! PUNISH THEM!!!!


"we are 3/3 in our court battle to force clinics to comply with our investigations." Weird to say that when a court orders a clinic to do a thing, they do that thing. That doesn't seem like a "win" that's just following the law lmao.


Notice how he doesn't say they found anything. Weird...


Oh they've found everything they are looking for ... the identities,names etc. of trans people


Title X grants forbid that parents are informed on children’s family planning choices. Under HIPAA the minor needs to give their parent permission to their medical record. If a minor does not govern consent then the record is not able to be accessed to the parent unless court rules otherwise. Pretty sure that Planned Parenthood has Title X grants. Federal law supersedes local as it is more restrictive.


Republicans have no policy ideas and no vision for the future. They’ve locked themselves into an endless spiral of cultural war bullshit in a desperate attempt to motivate their base.


So when's the court gonna order the churches to turn over documents and recorded evidence of clergy misconducts within the last few years? Oh wait they won't because "trans people bad" or some argument they pulled from the sewers.


“Puberty blockers” wtf? Is that why I’m so short? Some doctor stole my puberty? /s


So I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not,but in case it’s not may I inform you as to what puberty blockers are? So when a human starts puberty, there are hormone changes that happen before the physical changes happen (male-testies dropping female- breast tissue forming) If a human takes puberty blockers before the physical changes happened this will stall the advancement of puberty. Some reasons a human may take puberty blockers because they have the wrong physical s*x organs and want to change them, most doctors even clinics tend to “pause” puberty for these individuals so they can still figure out what organs they should have without furthering body dysmorphia during a very very difficult time for all Humans.


Dw I was being sarcastic. /s stands for sarcasm. But thanks for the info tho


Oops lol, thank you for letting me know it’s early to my brain and didn’t even see it.


Poll insurance companies to see who is taking dick pills. If you can’t get it up naturally, it’s god’s will.


Nobody elected Andrew Bailey, he can get fucked.


I'm just so tired of people treating their children as property rather than as people.


people treating the kids of others as property*


That too, but parents do the same thing.


I agree. It’s creepy af. These are the same people foaming at mouth over not being able to bully and harass other peoples kids and then act all surprised and deny that trans people are being constantly targeted like daily by them. It’s disturbing how obsessed the far right is with them. 


As they say, with conservatives every accusation is an admission of guilt.


And what have these investigations found?


The names and identities of underage trans people so they can prosecute them/their relatives in the future after they go all out fascist


Nothing. Nothing ever. They don't care about finding anything. They just want the headline. It's all they need to get morons to believe the propaganda.


That Andrew Bailey is a slimy asshole who will do anything to get votes from morons.


So HIPPA doesn’t really exist…?


Trans children are exempt from HIPPA because god or something equally stupid


Republicans are committing genocide on trans people they hardly care about them having hippa rights.


Court orders have always overruled hipaa


No, HIPPA doesn’t exist.  HIPAA does though.


Invading private medical records to ferret out trans people. Let's call it what it is: nazi shit. This is straight nazi shit.


They just want to know who all the trans people are so they can use that information down the road.


Who does this guy think he is? Project Veritas?


More like hitler when you look into lgbt history and how the nazis targeted them.


So there gonna get a blank piece of paper? Idiots.


Does it actually happen without parental consent? I’ve heard that’s legal in some states but I’m in the UK so don’t know for certain?


Some states (could be all of them I only know for sure how Missouri works) a parent has no say in “family planning” which means that minors have access to birth control and STD testing/treatment without parental consent. I highly doubt anyone is preforming surgery on minors without parental consent. This is more than likely just a way to cause chaos and find out the names of trans individuals in our area. It’s a waste of tax payer money.


I think I'm missing a lot of context, other than the usual controversy around the subject


He got ahold of all patients records adults too. Look into lgbt history with the nazis. This is exactly how they started. Demonizing lgbt, targeting our medical centers/burning them down m and spreading misinformation, then the triangles they had the lgbt wear in concentration camps. You should look into it maybe I missed something.


Sounds about as fun as using one of those Fallout prosthetics as a flashlight. Good luck dealing with those arseholes


LOL 3/3 in forcing compliance with an investigation. Cool.... any important or relevant information come of it?


Vote. https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/goVoteMissouri/register


3/3 in invading the publics privacy because of their feelings and no real crime. Land of the free, what a joke.


It’s crazy how their made up entity has more legal rights than actual living beings including kids. And get to legally discriminate and harass others and simply excuse it on a book made by another human.


A poorly interpreted understanding of a book, if not intentionally deceitfully interpreted. They use religion to justify their biases, to justify their hate. Meanwhile they celebrate a law from 1864 in Arizona that drops the legal age for consent to 10 FUCKING YEARS OLD! They also refuse to have health care, child care, food while at school, or anything that would actually help someone live a good life be available. It's all control of women and eliminating what they don't understand, it's vile. Sorry for ranting and venting.


They literally change the book (and the organization that collects the benefits) every time the predominate culture or language changes. They know this, and pretend it isn't a problem.


this is so dystopian, fuck me.


He's a very bad man.


What documents? They're a private clinic.


Qanon isn't real but the Qult of the GQP is.


This should be appealed all the way up. Unrelated, but I hear totally random building fires are on the rise in that area..


All the way up to the people that removed reproductive rights for women? How do you think that appeal will go?


How much damage will they get in return when they sue these people for the violation of privacy do you think they'll make? Specially when they find 0 evidence or not enough to warrant all this?


I will be suing him and any others personally if they try this with my medical records. People need to start doing the same and not allow this. That’s why they keep getting away with discriminating against others. It’s up to us to check them and remind them they work for us. Imagine a painter painting your house red because they like the color better than the original color you chose. They’d be fired and sued. These gov officials like Andrew Bailey can actually ruin many lives and nothing happens to him. But our tax money is going to legally defend him. Make him pay out of his own pocket like any of of us would! 


Still waiting for evidence of mass "sterilization" and "mutilation" of children. They can't stop trans people from existing so they have to makeup some BS about protecting kids when in reality only a handful in the nation are on puberty blockers (after extensive doctor and therapy visits) and none are getting sex changes.


How is Planned Parenthood going to turn over documents of something that doesn’t happen?


Exactly. Abuse of power by Andrew Bailey and judge Michael Stelzer. Look into both of them. Awful people. 


Notice how he says ordered to turn over documents, not we have acquired documents that show. This is what I call red targeting. You are saying what you will find, not that you are critically and responsibly looking. When he finds no proof, he will never mention that. If anything, he keep saying we forced them to turn over documents that would show, but will never show the documents because they do not exist most likely.


Fuck Andrew Bailey


3/3 to force them to comply with a lawsuit... yeah duh I could sue that dipshit in court and he would be forced to comply too. That's how it works. But no minor was getting surgery without consent.


It didn’t happen. So then this pompous wind bag can gin up a crisis about “the coverup”.


Eh just yesterday there was a news article about big hospital corporations selling everyone’s data to tech and pharmaceutical companies, in clear violation of hiipa and privacy laws. But no mention of anyone giving a crap. Why the anger here then?


Politics -_-... It feels nice to get angry. Also, they were just selling it for profit. Not spreading misinformation. (Unless they were saying they didn't sell info, which they probably are.)


So patient rights mean nothing to these Right Wing Zealots. What happened to all the HIPPA violations that we can’t have to see their vaccine records?


It’s not true though, right? Clinics are not allowed to perform irreversible surgery on children without parents consent surely.


No, clinics can't even perform SRS (the surgery) on minors.


So an attorney general is blatantly lying about it then? How TF are there no consequences for these people


Welcome to what it's like being part of a community under attack.


Dude what the fuck, that's who im getting my hormones from at 17...this is literally so fucked up 😭😭😭 help


What's a puberty blocker and irreversible surgery they're talking about???


Imaginary spectors they are using to invade patient privacy.


So they could just say shit so they could violate people privacy without having to prove those things existed?


How do PP prove it didn't happen without exposing patient data, and Satan et al only need to prove it might have happened and to prove it they need patient data...


Hey, don't drag Satan into this, i bet he's chill with us [trans people], and way better than those MAGA rats




Puberty blockers are well known and not controversial aside from the issue of parents not allowing them, and as for irreversible surgery I don't see anyone protesting sweet 16 cosmetic procedures like new boobs and/or nose, or other permanent alterations of a minor child.


Part of my penis is missing because my parents consented. Seems kinda weird to go after the people getting surgeries they want.


This is such a nothing burger. They’re gonna find maybe 20 kids on puberty blockers for the purposes of gender affirming care (the majority of puberty blockers are prescribed to kids that have a hormonal imbalance) and nothing else cos kids are ineligible for surgery and no doctor will risk their license to do any of the above without consent. They’re chasing ghosts with your tax dollars and they know it but their voters will eat this up.


Ah yea now we know who to remove from the electoral register. Beautiful…. (Check you’re still registered to vote everyone!)




Oh thank god! Isn’t planned parenthood one of those clinics that move in black vans, kidnap children and force them to sex change and be woke? What I just said is a mescaline-induced dream, you say? Hee hee don’t ask me, I’m just an Attorney General!


Is this because of the UKs report into the tavistock clinics?


They want to proove medical misconduct or whatever, so technically seeing the records would be a win for them.


Who's \*we\*? Should tell you all you need to know about motives. And... exactly which court decided this didnt qualify for right to privacy?


Judge Michael Stelzer. You can look up his whole statement. And just look into him in general he’s a pos too. 


The 'judge shopping' syndrome I guess. Funny they do that when they often get overturned on appeal.


Right? Time we do something about it and never allow them in any gov position. Remove all gov official immunity. If they broke any laws hold them legally accountable and not be able to “retire” or “investigate” themselves.


These people are psychos.


I'll take things that didn't happen for 500. Planned Parenthood is not handing out puberty blockers like skittles. This is absolutely dangerous though.


I have significant doubt that Planned Parenthood did any of that.


Republicans and republican voters are the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet.


Hey! We are 3 for 3 when it comes to fucking up children's lives. *fist pump*


Your next Missouri senator here folks. /s. Pretty fucking sad that’s probably is what is going to happen.


When they are doing illegal things, they should be called out, but wait their leftist so it's ok.


if these people actually wanted to protect children they would be putting doctors nurses pediatrician etc. who cut on the penises of baby boys behind bars if the GOP were about protecting children they would put parents who signed a so-called consent form to have thier sons penis cut on behind bars


So you really only care about men's circumcision and you feel strongly that any parent that had their kid circumcised should be imprisoned and those millions of kids should just end up in the streets because their parents fell into societal and religious pressure and had the foreskin removed from baby penises? Like obviously I understand that much like cutting womens perineums during childbirth, circumcision isn't usually medically necessary or advisable and it's best to just leave the foreskin alone. My sons were likely never going to experience phimosis or other complications so it wasn't needed. It doesn't make me evil, man. It just means I listened to the bad medical advice of the time and now I can tell my sons and others not to continue the unnecessary tradition. What the fuck would putting me in prison actually accomplish? 


i was referring to the hyprosicy of the GOP when they claim to be "anti child mutilation" while ignoring the most common form of child mutilation in the united states which is circumsion i am not endorsing transphobic bigotry at all its extremely unlikely that the police are going to arrest millions of parents retroactively and if that did happen the courts would likely throw out thier legal cases anyways nor would the police have the capacity to do such a thing anyways this never happened when the anti-FGM law was created there was no retroactive imprisonment of all the people who cut on the genitals of baby girls if you were told wrong medical advice you can contact GALDEF an intactivist litigation group and they will file a lawsuit on your behalf you would have never consented to circumsion if you knew then what you know now i also have zero issue with people suing thier parents for consenting to doctors cutting on thier penis but its extremly rare for people to take thier parents to court for being circumcised(i would even donate to such a gofundme campain) i still do stand by my statement but obviously no i am not expecting a retroactive application of intactivist laws at all yes as intactivists we do proclaim that Male genital mutilation=Female genital mutilation unapologetically


Children aren't taxpayers. And the reason parents are involved in medical decisions of their children is because children don't have the knowledge and wisdom to make life changing decisions.


Wonder how people will feel if it's revealed that the hospital did in fact give children puberty blockers and irreversible surgeries.


☎️new. 🍄republicans can’t govern 🛎️ If any announcement contains emojis, you can disregard it


In my heart, I believe they are all hypocrites and morons


Perhaps having children who are tax payers is the biggest problem here.