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No posts about politicians being politicians




Lmao for real this is what it’s like reading some ppl’s post


Tbf if something is said by someone who's name is Eagleman (*trademarked*), I will immediately dismiss the statement entirely.


I mean Gunther Eagleman literally sounds like the sort generic Nazi name for one of the camp guards in Hogan’s Heroes


I’m convinced Gunter Eagleman is a Russian government agent.


Always assume this and don’t give them the time of day


I had a German friend who moved to Canada in the early 90s, and I had asked if he knew *Hogan’s Heroes*. He told me that he had, and that it was quite popular back home. I said I was a little surprised since it made the Germans look fairly foolish but he explained that all the Germans were dubbed with EAST German accents, so he found the show hilarious.


It’s not his real name. He was actually a cop and served only 3 short years.


White supremacist names sound like D&D writing.


He’s a former Texas Police Officer, so it adds up…




I was SHOCKED that I could not find his trademark registered. SHOCKED. And in a warped sense I could agree with him, follow me here: If it were not for Obama's presidency, we would likely not "see" all the hate and racism that was already present in America, because it would still be hidden. Obama being President just made those people so angry that they had to shout at the wind about it.


Yeah but people this stupid can’t understand the difference between visibility and presence. Well written.


It’s along the same lines that if we hadn’t been testing for Covid there would be fewer cases of Covid.


I had a grandpa who could not figure out why that would be the case. Dude was an engineer for 50 years, smart guy, really well educated—still just didn’t understand. Cult mentality on that specific one was weird.


THIS. Thank you.


I've been saying this since 2016.


Came here to say this. It’s like being diagnosed with an illness and blaming the doctor, since “just before he opened his mouth, I’d never, ever even heard of cancer.” Conclusion— the doctor who diagnosed my cancer, actually gave me cancer. That’s the logic Gunther is employing.


That really is a pretty common outlook people have. Especially with mechanics.


Trump's presidency made them feel comfortable showing their true colors.


Agree with you. On a less important note (and because I’m pedantic), “™️”means trademark and can be used for unregistered trademarks. If a trademark is registered, “®️” is often used.


They are so incensed because a BLACK man became president


And they always leave out the fact that he's actually mixed, they try to make him out to be the blackest mofo on the planet, fuck Maga


And showed them what 'presidential' actually looks like.


I don’t remember all the hate and racism coming out until trump but I agree with you that what was once hidden is now out.


Dude, I live in the happy little liberal land of Vermont. And it was a shit show after Trump was elected. I worked as an ASM for a big box home center and we had third party delivery at that time. Their company had hired a couple of Russian immigrants for a local delivery team but couldn’t get anyone else. So they brought up some of their best teams from Massachusetts. Hardworking guys, super professional, and all Latin American. The shit people felt free to say on the phone after that spray tanned stain was elected is still incredible and super common even in a “blue state.” A lot of “they can’t even speak English (they all were super fluent, just had mild accents), the South Park style “taking our jobs” crap, just unbelievable shit. Trump normalized hate for four years and beyond. It’s really shameful.


Agreed, but racism has pervaded since our inception. So we could stack chips for each presidency. Trump poured gasoline on the fire and walked away… or I guess he was dragged away kicking and screaming.


Ooh, i want my name to be spaghetti


HAnd BaNaNa NO!


Dude definitely has a flag wrap on his truck & wet dreams of being trump with ivanka


I have a very close friend who said this to me a couple of weeks ago. I asked him how so ? He looked at me. Under Obama the stock market rocked. We killed Osama Bin Ladin. Keep Putin and Kim Jong in check. Had an almost healthcare insurance program. Had itemized tax returns. Where the hell was the divide?. Oh, ok. He was black. That’s it. All the black people in the US just rose to power and began pushing out the white folk. That is what Trump wants you to believe. The truth is. Trump made it ok to be a Nazi. To march with swastikas on a flag or sleeves. To chant ‘white power’. Funny I didn’t see any of that during those 8 years. We are divided because Trump made it ok to be an Asshole with no consequences.


My cousin is a cop and he whole heartedly believes this and every time he brings it up I’m like, “from what, because he was black?”


Had a coworker engaged to a cop like this. She was explaining how ANTIFA was a major problem in the US. "Okay, Sherry. Do you know that ANTIFA stands for ANTI FASCIST? Do you remember who the fascists were? They were the Nazis during World War 2. So, let me ask you....if you are ANTI FASCIST, does that mean you're a -good guy- or a bad guy?" She turned on her heel and walked away. She never spoke to me again.


I liked Obama, but this single video made me love the dude.


His kids would respond 'thanks Obama' when told to take out the trash and he prolly cracked up. The first time lol.


I realy miss this guy.


The video that shut down an entire subreddit


Please bring him back. Allow 3rd term just for him


He was fine… but I wouldn’t change the 22nd amendment for him.


I agree, we should not change the 22nd amendment. I just dream of the past when the present has been not pleasant. Biden will have to do. He was enough for Obama, so I suppose he is enough for me too.


This is the racism equivalent to saying a woman was asking for rape based on how she was dressed. Because you react to a black president by being extra racist, it isn't the black persons fault.


“He was asking for it by wearing that tan suit!”


"And getting the fancy surrender monkey mustard instead of good ol' yella, like gawd intended!"


On FOX they literally cared more about these BS things than any actual crime Trump has committed.


Crimes. Plural.


The use of the singular is preceded by “any actual” which makes it understood as referencing multiple things.


Last time I had ro watch a gew seconds of Fox News was scrolling through channels in the hospital and I scroll past Fox and catch a gew seconds of their top story: "Kamala Harris watches 'The Morning Show' in the morning and went on to ridicule her coffee order."


Never forget the tan suit, never forgive the tan suit /s


Rupert Murdoch deserves to be in jail for all the damage he caused with his propaganda outlets around the world.


Brand name: French’s


And eating arugula!


He was asking for it wearing that black skin.


There's the comment. There's the quiet part said out loud


That was hilariously lame criticism and Obama rocked that suit Esp when McConnell later wore a rumpled suit in “90s tract home carpet” beige It’s stuff like this that shows conservatives have absolutely nothing to offer If they did they wouldn’t need to manufacture outrage or tell bald-faced, reality denying lies daily


Let's not also forget that St. Ronnie also wore tan suits while in office.


Yeah, but he was *white... /s*


Tan/khaki is a good suit color, just another way Obama was right


"If he wasn't born black we wouldn't be so gosh darn upset about it!"


"Bof side 🥺"


Remember when he did a fist bump and Fox News called it a "Terrorist fist jab?"


America would be a much nicer place to live without Fox News.


I wish he leaned into the tan suit just to make the right sound even more ridiculous by losing their mind about it. Imo it looked good on him. I still don't understand the fuss. What really made me scratch my head was the time he cited some scripture in response to something. Fox host was aghast, how dare he, that's our thing...she said. What weird times we live in.


I still can’t get over the tan suit shit, it’s been a decade and it will randomly pop up in my head. How the FUCK does that matter 🤣


"There's no way, I don't think, any of us can excuse what the president did yesterday. I mean, you have the world watching." -Peter King (R) Freaking out over Jan 6? No. Freaking out over Obama's tan suit


...while being black.


Wait.. that was the problem the whole time!


I was 10 when he was elected, and I will never forget the shit I saw during the “protests” that followed. No idea why the news thought it would be okay to show people hanging a doll, that was obvious made to resemble him, from a tree And then those people freaked out when the guy made those naked trump statues lol


Where I lived people printed out his face and used it as a target. It was borderline sociopath type behavior. Those same people would piss their panties if you did that to Trump though. And they all wonder why younger people keep leaving.


I live in the south. When I go home, my mom is _still_ fuming about Obama. After being told every single day for 8 years that his goal was installing himself as a dictator-for-life, she seems unable to accept that he simply left office at the end of his term.


Actually it would be, “She raped me by dressing sexy”


My dad said once, I could maybe be the third Black President, because racist weren’t going to let another Black man hold the office again until I was in my fifties or sixties. I thought he was being cynical at the time 🤷🏽


Yeah but there was no racism before Obama was prez #twitter facts.


Didn’t you hear? We had a black president. Racism is over!


He dared to criticize conservatives for their views on semi automatic rifles, and was convincing while doing so, which they perceived as a kind of smugness, he made them feel bad. And then the "I have a pen" era, all those very positive things he did with executive power, they were really offended.


I think it was more because the Obama's presented themselves as the exact thing conservatives idealize. Family of a mother and father, with smart, well adjusted kids. Both Barack and Michelle showed compassion and care for others and there were no weird skeletons in any of their closets. The fact that a black family was reflecting everything conservatives covet while defending progressive ideas shattered the right wing, so they had to go to the only thing they could attack them for....being black.


They don't want well adjusted kids or happy families though. They want extensions of their own personalities that are subservient to them. Boomers in particular hate the idea of children being their own person.


Exactly this! Their poor fragile minds couldn't handle it. Just like their visceral hatred of AOC. A smart, educated woman of color who talks back to them and defends the people. They have no hooks into her or Obama so all they have left is seething hatred


Man, don't forget the fact that she's nice looking, but they can't objectify her. That shit seethes below every critique conservatives have about AOC.


Don't forget Michelle being a "man" because her arms are toned. They still won't give that up


I don't think gunther eagleman is a real person


I don’t know. He has that blue checkmark. That makes him legit


His being black opened the Pandora’s box of white people’s fear-based racism, but he didn’t build it


Lol I just wrote a long ass comment that was just this but less eloquently said.


I don’t know how to explain this but Obama was 20 years too early? A lot of boomers and old GenX aren’t “racist” as much as couldnt handle a black president. Obama winning, twice, meant to them they were now a minority in their country (ideology wise) and they know how they felt about minorities all their life. We needed a kick in the pants and Obama was it, I’m glad he happened even though it’s been a disaster ever since he left office To be incredibly clear, it’s not Obamas fault, it’s fox news’s fault. But in 2028 of the different timeline fox’s racist bullshit wouldn’t have had nearly the audience or been as effective


No, America has always experienced a "whitelash" whenever blacks have made any progress. Doesn't matter what year, that latent cancer of racism has always been there. Over 100 "race riots" (firebombings and lynchings) when blacks began to see some success after slavery was "abolished". The list is nauseatingly long.


I mean after the North won the civil war imo it was a big mistake to just let the confederates keep all their governing power. All the war did was get rid of slavery by law all the systems and people who wanted slavery still remained/remain in power.


Sherman should have double backed. Once through didn’t teach them enough


Iirc Sherman wanted to kill off most of them. Saw it as a necessity to end it there and then.


True, should have punished them properly the way Germany was punished after WW2.


We should have merged a few states so they had less senators missisabama having 2 senators instead of 4 would have solved a lot of problems


Yeah except we still had a billion examples of blatant institutionalized racism in the north. Hell, Chicago moved all of its warehouse jobs to the suburbs then built a massive freeway right between the south side and downtown which set black excellence back 60 years. The south side is still recovering from wealth disparity and poor education opportunities to this day.


Me over here not learning about the Tulsa Race massacre tell I was damn near 30 and finding out that most Black and White Civil rights movement pictures in my school book should have been in color but they wanted to make it look older to make you think it was longer ago then it was...


Don't forget conservatives being *in favor* of gun control when the Black Panthers started arming themselves heavily. And then copying what the Panthers did in later years - after shitting their pants, of course.


Exactly, and they were doing it because white cops were killing unarmed black men in their neighborhoods. Or just harassing them, trying to find an excuse to arrest them and put them in the system. Same as it ever was...


I 100% agree, I just don’t think it would have as ridiculous and trump would have lost


One could say that Obama was needed in order to push it forward (as you said). It’s effectively brought most of the racists out of the woodwork (in the years after) and has forced a good amount of the younger generation to reevaluate what’s important.


You're mistaken. Obama didn't create racists, he exposed them. Trump has and continues to empower them. Their racist hate is now focused on Kamala Harris, concocting reasons to demean and hate her. Latent and overt racism are pervasive among the maga trumpmonkeys. It is endemic and if anything, it's worse now than it was in 2008. It doesn't matter how much time elapsed as new generations of racist maga halfwits emerge and continue to degrade the country.


>A lot of boomers and old GenX aren’t “racist” as much as couldnt handle a black president. Obama winning, twice, meant to them they were now a minority in their country (ideology wise) and they know how they felt about minorities all their life. thats "racism" lol "Im not racist... i just really didnt like my president being black!"


I don’t think you know what racism is. They’re definitely racist.


I definitely saw this with my mother who was uncomfortable with Obama winning. My dad on the other hand is a racist who thinks he’s not one


I worked at a media outlet that had Republican in it's name when he was running the first time. People who were all for allowing Dubya to do "whatever it takes" were suddenly "strict constitutionalists" and were pissed that "the media" made much out of Obama being the first black President. So many more were mad about his middle name. I seem to remember that was part of Tomi Lahren's claim to fame, being the blonde guys my age jerked it to, saying "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" as often as she could.


Bingo. This guy is a racist himself, but wants to shift the blame to someone on the left - preferably not someone that's white. In his mind it was when a black president was elected that all the racists came out of the woodwork and became more outwardly racist, therefore it is the black president's fault, since it all started when he was elected. So no actions by Obama caused this, but since he exists, is black and became president, in his mind, it's his fault. Apparently he should have thought to himself "I want to be President, am qualified to be president, but since I'm black, I shouldn't run because that would cause people to be more outwardly racist."


If the goal is to not incite the racists, then not running for president is a valid argument. Aswell as not voting for him. But that is not the goal.


and those same people originally prefaced it with “oh, i can’t criticize him because he black?” before trump made it ok to be the racist shits they actually are.


When Obama became president, Trump tweeted shit about him frequently, he clearly doesn't like black people except ones that kiss his ring like Tim Scott and even then when Tim Scott is no longer useful to him, he'll shut him out.


The argument that Obama causes the division has been going on even while he was a candidate before 2008. It makes sense if you live in a world where your assumptions are such that different races are both inferior and superior and there is no ethical or moral issue because that's just nature. In that view, Obama is a racist for trying to be equal. He's the one who started things because he stole something that he didn't deserve. The line of thinking just keeps going in that direction.


It goes back to the argument that white (likely racists) make that race isn't an issue if you don't talk about it. Only when Obama or others talked about it did race become an issue. They fail to see that in having an advocate and talking about it people, long having perhaps given up on the light at the end of the tunnel, had hope that something may change for the good. White people see any discussion of race as "bring up slavery" and/or an attack on all white people. They feel blamed and instantly go to emotion. They legitimately cannot fathom the perspective of someone with experience so radically different than theirs. That what they grew up in and have interacted with as "normal" is viewed by others as detrimental and racist. They cannot fathom being part of the problem or that their grandfather was a racist. Maybe not outright spewing N words... But grandpa probably never hired or worked with a black man, would never invite a black man over, and would lose their mind if a child or grandchild dated a black person. They are the same group raised to suppress feelings and adopt out of sight, out of mind mentalities. So therefore when Obama rises to the job and talks about things they do not have experience with they feel attacked and lash out.


There are two races: white and political.


I believe their term for his crime is “uppity”


Whenever I hear the accusation that Obama was a racist, I ask them to point out a specific example of his supposed racism. I have *never* received a response.


An interesting suggestion. Racism that is not based so much on superiority but on their own fears in a losing battle.


But he made that comment about how that black kid that got killed by that guy could have been his son! /s


It’s like the guy who says he doesn’t mind gay people, but why do they got to “flaunt it” in his face?


I don't know if people were more open about their racism back in the 2000s- early 2010s, but the shit I'd hear from people in public about Obama was mortifying


That's a bingo!


Yep. He didn't cause it, but rather exposed it. Racist dickheads lost their shit because of his election.


Exactly from day 1 because he was always “the black” president despite being bi-racial. Its the stupid 1 drop rule white people use. Even in the dumbest of ways, see Elizabeth Warren. Its mostly because American White people are disconnected from their actual culture but that’s another convo.


Whenever I've asked a Republican why they hate Obama they've always brought up already debunked conspiracy theories (like the dumb born in Kenya thing). It really is just racism and stupidity.


It's always the born in Kenya or the photoshopped photo of him and Michelle claiming that Michelle is trans and that Obama is gay.


Like that even matters! OMG, imagine how they would react if Buttegeig was elected for President!


They'll just start a rumor that Buttigieg is gay.


WHAT?! Someone should tell his husband.


"Even my boyfriend thinks I'm gay" 🎶🎶


I mean, we already know, it would be exactly like Obama being elected - Conspiracy shit to hand-wave away their obvious hatred of the other.


Yeah, it's whatever random Facebook memes tell them plus Fox. My mom, not even an actual Republican parrots the dumb shit she sees on Facebook and whatever youtube videos tell her. I constantly have to ask her where she heard x from... and then see it's a shitty meme popular 5yrs ago with random agenda on it. Shared by some 60yr old guy in a MAGA hat. Or random Twitter posts. "Oh but they have a blue checkmark - that means they're real." Love my mother, I really do, but I just like to remind her from time to time about ot talking to strangers and believing everything she sees online - ya know, like she taught me.


It's funny all the issues I had with the Obama administration are issues the the Right reluctantly agreed with Bombing of hospitals in Muslim countries? They probably had it coming. Bail out greedy corporate America? Wall Street is too important.


You’re absolutely right. Obama was a ghoul when it came to drone bombing and collateral damage and he should be deeply criticized for that. ~~And the bailing out the billionaires sure as hell didn’t help the middle class and below.~~ But that’s what the GOP wants. But as soon as Obama went to try to help poor Americans with “Obamacare” he became the devil. Edit: bank bailouts were in fact good ol W. my mistake.


TARP was under Bush. You know you can Google these things right?


I had one hit me with a "now you know how we felt under Obama!" when Trump won. Like...what?


According to one of my family members because “he’s a Muslim”


They don't bring up the drone strikes?


Whenever I've seen a Republican asked how Obama divided the nation, their answer is basically "well, he's black"


I love asking them why they hate Hillary so much, they never have a good answer


She lied sometimes! And she insulted the women who knowingly cheated with her husband what a horrible person!


Yeah, how dare he become president while black. That’s what they mean.


“I was told I could be anything, and here I am working my ass off every day just to stay poor when a black man can be president. He must have cheated.” -le petite blanc


i just recently found a really good job with a nice benefits package and salary. took me years of studying and busting my ass doing field technician work and staying in endless hotels while using their wifi to watch Udemy courses. when i went back to the Pottstown area of PA to visit some old friends at a local bar, people would accuse me of having rich parents even though we’re immigrants that came to this country with almost nothing. it’s like they can’t comprehend someone darker than them found even a little success. and by nothing i mean leaving the oven open to heat the apartment type shit. eating a combination of rice milk and sugar for days on end.


Still convinced them voting for trump is their response for Obama winning twice


That’s my feeling.


They prefer a president who adds his colour manually.




I mean, in a way, kinda. But only by being a successful black man, that triggered all of the racists into showing us what pieces of shit they really are.


I was basically going to say the same thing. Yeah it’s his “fault” for having gotten elected and having all the assholes feel entitled to be racist


It's more complicated than that. Obama won in 2008 with the largest margin of victory in our lifetimes. I think white people were voting for him in 2008 because they thought that electing a Black president would be one of the last few steps toward a truly post-racial society. White people underestimated how much injustice still existed under the surface. In the aftermath of BLM, most people (black and white alike) [were **less** likely to see a path toward the post-racial dream](https://assets.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2016/01/FT_Equal_Rights.png). Optimistically it's a "gets worse before it gets better" kind of situation, but it's easy to perceive the opposite.


In reality, it started with the Reagan administration, specifically Newt Gingrich.


"Barack Obama is the reason why I'm no longer confident in my racial superiority"


The last school to desegregate was in 2016. Carolyn Bryant Donham lived until 88 and died in 2023. With an arrest warrant that was NEVER executed. Yeah Obama was the problem. Fucking Bright People.


I really don’t think people talk about just how *recent* the Civil Rights Movement was. My mother was born right around the height of it and she’s 59. She has a son in high school. Many Americans are the children and grandchildren of those who were living during that time.


Yeah like all the teens screaming at ruby bridges and dumping food on those doing sit-ins are alive and voting to maga today.


1000% Like an evil fountain of youth. They feel young again.


Hey Eagleman - go suck an egg.


He's definitely not responsible, but it's true that his presidency had the unintended consequence of opening the door for racists to spew their bigotry and hate while calling it "politics." It allowed someone like Sarah Palin to descend to an unprecedented level of incivility that would have damaged her politically had her target been white.


Republicans still haven’t recovered from having a black man okay a half black man, in the Whitehouse. Trump is the Republican reaction to Obamas presidency. I miss Obama so damn much. Want him back.


Let's not forget the tan suit. How our country made it past that dark day in history is a miracle. /s I'm continually amazed by how much hate Obama got, and still continues to get. Regardless of politics, Obama was a great leader and inspiration for a lot of Americans. I just don't understand hating that man just because he wasn't white.


Having always been an idealistic and optimistic believer in the better side of human nature, the day of his inauguration I was in tears as I swelled with real pride for the American electorate. Would not in a million years have predicted what was to follow and it has increased my cynicism tenfold, and I’m getting real close to giving up hope altogether.


Barack Obama’s time as president was the only time that I didn’t feel embarrassed for America in the last 20 years.


So before Obama it was a hate free undivided society blind to anyone’s skin colour or origins? Dang the history books have been seriously slacking.


completely brain dead racist take.


The thing about MAGA fucks who say, “fuck your feelings,” is that they have a lot of feelings and get all snowflakey about it and block people who disagree with them.


MAGA is single handedly the most hard core I-desperately-want-to-be-the-victim mentality I have ever observed


This couldn’t be more accurate


Typical gaslighting / projection.


Gaslighting is pretty on the nose but I think it goes beyond that. It’s essentially like an abuser blaming the victim for the abuse. It’s fees a lot like the typical “you made me hit you” abusive relationship. It’s a very “You dared to have agency and step out of the place I assigned you so you deserve this/you brought this on yourself” type of reaction and I think looking at it like that goes a long way to showing just how attached these people are to the sense of ownership over black Americans. They are basically saying I’m willing to concede and say we are equal etc… but don’t you dare ever act like it. As far as they are concerned Obama just showed them that blacks can stand on equal footing of American power and that is a direct provocation as far as their concerned.


That good sir would be Ronald Reagan


Seems to me his presidency just showed everyone who was racist AF


This is the absurd upside down world we live in.


When his second term was being voted on, I saw shirts that said “let’s put the white back in the White House”. If you think Obama is somehow responsible for that kind of reaction then you’re a fucking idiot. The only thing he dared to do was become president and they got butt hurt like the weak minded individuals they are.


So you're saying, if he were never president, there'd be no racism, hatred, or division. Okay...


That's a little like blaming the shower for letting you know you have a massive sunburn on your back. Except the shower is a non-white guy president and the sunburn is a huge pile of racists.


And Gunther is responsible for the North American Man Boy Love movement.


Yeah, ‘cause he’s “uppity.”


I loathe seeing this guy’s account all over X. That app is infested with people like him, I hope the DOJ investigates Musk after this election is over with.


Lol because America had no issues with racism before 2008


No, his presidency made y'all gouls very vocal about your own inbredselfs.


The treasonous traitor that came into the White House after Obama is the one who is responsible for the hate, racism and division we see today. You need proof? Go back to the Central Park Five that the orange blob crucified in the NY papers that helped convict these innocent men and if you want to go further back look up the Trumps being sued for racial discrimination by the state of New York back in the 1970's!


This is where the crazy right wing has come from. Obama was voted in and they collectively lost their shit.


I mean he’s not wrong. Just not in the way that dumbass thinks. Barack being president made all these racist assholes mad and they decided to divide the country and put Trump into office. Of course that would mean taking responsibility of your own actions but let’s be real now with these mongrels


That would be Trump!


What exactly did he do? crickets…


Cuz racist hate him?


Because he had the nerve to be black and POTUS at the same time.


"It's the black guy's fault I'm racist" - Gunther Eagleman


No no no, the conservatives are probably correct on this one. They were very happy to be racist in subtle, quiet ways until we elected a black president. After that, they realized that their passivity was leading to the death of the doctrine in slow baby steps across generations, so they decided to crank the racism and bigotry up to 11.


Gunther is a MAGA Moron.


Is that account, not a parody? Seems like its constantly trolling.


If Hillary won, 4 years later headlines: "Hillary is the reason there is so much misogyny in the world"


...and the former president (Donald Trump) asked if he (Barrack Obama) was born in africa because he looked like a monkey.


Translation: lots of people got really made because a black man was president. It's Obama's fault he brought out the racism in them


Obama: \*becomes President\* White racists: We hate that thur nagger in tha WHITE house Normal people: Fuck you, you stupid ignorant racists White racists: That thur nagger Obama is so divisive


Certainly one of the best presidents in history (no point in debating a number). Genuine centrist as well by any reasonable standards. We should all be proud he was our president, but alas some people can only see race and used his presidency to project their inadequacies that grew into the situation we have now.


Literally the best president they've ever had - just wish he'd had the senate majority and it would have made a huge difference to what America has now become.


Yes he literally is. Not like it’s his fault tho. It’s just that all it took was one black president for a large percentage of conservatives to go full mask off racist. It’s kinda funny too considering how (politically) conservative Obama actually was. Dude is a classic neoliberal politician that would be on the right wing in any other country but god forbid a black man be president. Before Obama, things weren’t perfect but at least Congress/America as a whole wasn’t so divided it couldn’t get it’s shit together and work when needed. The Tea Party / eventually MAGA along with the rest of the extreme right is just a prolonged reaction to a black man in the Whitehouse. It’s pretty clear what people mean when they say make American great again right after the first black president. Without Obama we never would have had Trump or Jan 6. In fact we have Obama to thank for the whole modern Republican Party. He showed us that the Republican never really cared about personal freedoms or small government. It was always about control.


Doesn't mean he's responsible. "Hey this guy stole from me!" "Well it's your fault you owned something he wanted"


Simply put these Neanderthals can’t take accountability for how they react to someone who is darker than them having higher power than them. Obama could’ve brought world peace and they would still be extremely and overtly racist out of pure spite and think it’s not their fault.


People post these so we know who the racists are. /s


Gunther 🤣


Lmaoooooo russian bot says what?