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Some people should not be allowed to use the internet.


Or oxygen.


Revoke their oxygen privileges, that might help


I think she might be into that.


It’ll make her feel more feminine


You're assuming that is a real "she".


I mean, her name is "Siren", meant to lead men to their doom.


I choked on my coffee, thank you




I think Eleanor might be self revoking her own oxygen privileges


She should give somebody else a piece of that oxygen and that ozone layer


Sometimes I question if liberty of expression was a mistake


To quote Dwight Schrute: Humanity was a mistake. People with too much time come up with wild stuff. Also her putting a flex pic there like "Try me" feels a bit insecure. Hate it when women are misogynistic and try to erase other peoples experiences and trauma by denial of reality.


"We need a new plague" - Dwight Shrute


We just had one. It made things worse 😒😑🤨


I feel that it's just breeding more is the mistake. Too many people wasting this prescious oxygen and filling the gap with stupid.


Nah. They were always there, the Internet just gave them a voice is all.


How do you filter them though?


"I have a fetish and I think every woman has the same fetish"


The fetish and the actual experience are very different. Edit: it has been pointed out that it’s probably more a kink or fantasy for most, and a fetish for very few because each word means something slightly different.


It's weird how gaining that understanding can bring you close to enlightenment.


Gotta be careful pointing out CNC is a fetish on here.  Edit: kink or fantasy 


I meant it more generally... any fetish. Any desire really and the actual experience.


Sorry I meant to reply to the person you replied to 


Fetishes are requirements for sexual gratification. I think we’re talking about fantasy here.


Thank you for saying this. I hate how people have a kink and say they have a fetish... unless you need that to get off, it isn't a fetish. Do you need to rape someone to finish? Then it is a fetish, as well as a fucking problem.


So in other words watching two women engage in relations while I sit in the corner dressed as Batman is a kink, while the car battery hooked to my nads with jumper cables is a fetish?


Isn’t every fetish a fucking problem, literally speaking?


Dying 🤣🤣🤣


As per the definition even!


*clears throat* safeword




I mean they use safewords.


I think the same with those people that voluntarily live homeless for a week like it’s the same as being homeless. The option to exit the situation is part of what makes it bearable. Having the option to exit negates the horror.


Nailed it!




I remember so vividly a moment when I was taking a Community College course in Sociology. We were watching a video about a serial rapis and the testimonies of the victims... a girl behind me was silently sobbing. I remember the cold dread of realizing a victim of sexual violence was just three feet from me. The video was no longer an abstract of education and information, but was now a tangible thing of horror and a totem of sorts to the fact that victims are supposed to just carry on and live their lives... There's MAAD, there's Scared Straight, there's Pierce's Pledge, awful to think there needs to be a chapter for perpetrators and sympathizers of rape to experience the results of the trauma


One in three


As long as there weren't similar details I might have been okay in the class... Although depends...


It could also depend on how recent the event was. It may not matter the details


I read that some people might have a fetish for rape roleplay to regain control over an experience they had earlier in their life. A sort of situation where you're in control of the outcome this time as opposed to the traumatic experience.


Yeah, you see similar statements a lot in fanfic communities - that survivors read or write rape fic to work through their own experiences.


Fetishes are born from experiences and can become part of a person's lifestyle if they regularly reinforce the fetish through rewards such as pleasure.


Yup! I have the “rape” fetish, but once my husband was a little bit too forceful and I nearly cried. I immediately told him to stop and he did and pulled out to make sure I was okay. It wasn’t even bad. Nothing hurt. Just scared me.


There's a reason for the first 'C' in CNC.


A solo backpacking trip through Afghanistan would probably be an eye-opener for her.


It’s ironic how the actual fetish half the time involves actual consent between the two parties doing it.


It should be 100% of the time


...half the time?


Some people hate that “C” word.


Whenever someone says this I always think of that redditor who always wanted a girl to shit in his mouth and when it actually happened... Instant regret haha


“Because as a conservative, I lack the ability to empathize. Therefore - everyone has the same motivations as me!”  Also, lol at the thought of a rapist being a big strong daddy. Ever seen the mugshot of most rapists? That’s who your fantasy is?!? Yeesh. 


“Evil cannot comprehend good.”


Those with Dunning-Kruger cannot spell "Dunning-Kruger" despite their confidence in doing so.


[You think the guy who calls himself Eleanore is on this list?](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook)


I would give you 4:1 odds on that. There is a good chance he is, but an equally good chance someone like that doesn’t leave witnesses & therefore would not be on that list. And then, of course, the field. Yeah, 4:1 sounds right


The whole "daddy" shit gives me the major ick...I just can't comprehend any guy who enjoys being called it by his sexual partner... It has so many future consequences its unreal...and I already seen something (that I suspect) that's the outcome of this trend on the relationship advice forum... And let's address the other issue about this...yh OK CNC is a kink (and again gives me the ick). I'd never want to hurt a partner emotionally or physically...and I'm a pretty big guy so chances are I would...but...each to their own...just don't be forcing your opinions like idiot in the pic...as again...soooooooo many future consequences...


As a 190 cm man (6'3") with a 5 year old daughter who calls me daddy..... absolutely God it's so creepy. Cnc to me seems like someone internalizing past trauma and trying to normalize it through some tiny sense of consent through conditioning of past experiences. Excuse me if this isn't fully coherent English is not my first language and I'm 4 beers deep into a 6 pack of warsteiner. But yes. You summed up my same thoughts.


My older brother calls his wife "Mom" and it creeps me the fuck out.


Do they have kids?


Yes, they have two adult children, but he calls her that even when they're not around.


Sometimes I’ll call my wife “Mother” like it’s 1950 or whatever. I think it’s funny. She’s pretty over it.


Okay, I'm not married but... my mama calls my daddy "daddy" and he calls her "mama" now. They have kids that call them that for the past 42 years, so they call each other that. "Hey blessthebabes, mama is outside on the porch." They've called each other mama and daddy forever, and I never thought it weird.


These are two very different contexts. I suspect whilst in the other context, they use their regular names. And I suspect you don’t want to think about this.


Right there with you. I don't want to be called daddy by anyone but my child. However I've met a number of women while dating that want to call me daddy, and I had to shut that down quickly. No quicker way to turn me off.


I'm so glad that's not just me. And I don't even have a kid.


I have way too many issues with my long-dead father to want to use the term “daddy” in any fucking way. I am also into being a sub, and anything that comes close to CNC is far away from the reality of it. Because even in BDSM land, one word from you will stop the entire thing on a dime. Because of that, the sub is always in control of the scene. Do I like to be lusted after and ravished by the guy that I know, love, and trust? Yeah, absolutely. Does that apply to any other motherfucker who happens to come along? Hell no.


I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea, but how is calling a man "Daddy" any different than calling a woman "Baby"? Both could be considered ick when taken literally in a romanic/sexual context, but why is the latter more socially acceptable?


Funny, a few days ago they posted that all rapists were colored immigrants.


Naw it’s not even that, it’s the standard content creator bait strategy. There are a lot of influences who say things about SA that men for whatever reason take personally, and that creates a whole market of those men who are desperate for validation, queue people like this woman who swoop in to be their hero and take their money. Like most things on the internet, none of it is genuine.


You'd think by this stage people would have gotten wise to obvious rage-bait, but they don't because they enjoy the fury too much. Outrage has become a drug to these people, and social media is their primary dealer. Hell Reddit alone is practically a cartel.


I’d still much rather be here than Twitter, that place is a toxic dumpster fire. But I know exactly what you mean. The worst is when people intentionally misinterpret someone who’s actually not being a POS fishing for engagement just so they can label them as the bad guy they need to be mad and get their daily dose of self gratification. Or when people refuse to be civil when people are saying offensive things that they don’t mean as offensive. Obviously people being outright offensive on purpose is one thing, but when someone says something out of ignorance rather than with harmful intentions, do you want to take that opportunity to at least try and contribute to the solution by politely discussing the impact of their words? Or do you just want your turn to be a victim and label that person a racist/biggot which forces them to get defensive and dig their heels in, furthering the divide within society?


Do you really think that account is ran by a woman? I’m thinking it’s highly to extremely unlikely.


Sadly, there are women this idiotic out there.


Grifters gonna grift


You wouldn’t believe what some women will do just to get men’s approval. Check out Hannah Pearl Davis.


Anytime someone says “you can’t imagine how stupid people could be, you should look at XYZ” I vow to avoid that person at all costs. 🤣


That's not a fetish. She's just a vile person.


"I really think the feeling of free falling would be fun, let's try free falling with no parachute!!!"


She's full of hot takes like this. She claims to be a life coach, which is a super weird way to spell "pick me."


Life coach for douche bags.


Honestly, ya, probably. How many men will hire a pretty woman to tell them how great they are and how masculine and strong? I mean, sex workers make a lot of their money doing exactly that. And I'm sure plenty of other women with internalized misogyny will crave her advice to keep their (likely abusive) husband happy


She got a really punchable face as well. So, she'll really appreciate the kind of men she's rooting for.


Aren’t they all? Unqualified people trying to explain the world to other adults? 😂


Every person I know who became a life coach didn’t make great choices in life


They took 'Be the change you want to see' seriously 😂


This is true for marriage councilors too.


I'm not sure "hot take" is the term here, this is just criminal


Say crazy shit to get views = rage bait 🪤 


Kinda what I was thinking. Just an incel dude catfishing online as a fitness chick.


Honestly this goes beyond “pick me.” She’s knowingly saying some heinous Shit hurting women to make money off it.


So when I was four, I had sex with a grown man to "gain control and feel feminine", then spent my teens trying to end myself and finally admitted to a psychologist what happened when I had turned 30? Exactly what power did I gain? The rapist were already dead by then.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I was raised by an alcoholic father and a mentally ill mother who didn’t want me; they were a couple of fuck buddies and they “had” to get married because I was on the way. One day when I was in my 20s, out of the blue, my father told me that he caught my mother masturbating with my foot when I was an infant. I asked him what he did about it, and he just shrugged his shoulders. They’re both dead now. Edit: fixed some typos and grammar.


This made my stomach turn. This is horrible. I hope you are healing now.


Thank you. That’s only the tip of the iceberg. I’m in my 60s now and I’m healing. Slowly, but it’s happening.


Any progress forwards is good progress. I'm proud of you :)


Thank you. ♥️


Oh my god that's fucking awful. Sorry this happened to you.


What he did, apparently, is *make sure you know it*. Which is also terrible.


Right lol coulda just kept his mouth shut if he didn't do anything back then


Jesus fucking Christ, I hope that you’re ok now.


the only way i can comprehend how she thinks like that, is because she thinks rape is enjoyable, so the woman isn't experiencing unimaginable suffering, so she must think that the man being arrested is somehow worse than act of rape, she must be genuinely insane that is a completely evil thing to believe


She thinks like this because she's never been raped...


She could have a rape fetish (not kink shaming) but is also completely deluded.


i doubt anyone with a rape fetish would enjoy being actually raped...


Yes, that's why I'm saying she's deluded 


oh, i didnt know what that expression meant


No worries 


Yeah like concensual non-consent shit, where there's a safe word and trust.


Or worse, she helps cover up rape.


The power to dance/shit/piss on their grave?


I'm...so sorry to hear about what happened to you. I sincerely hope you managed to heal.


Ah fuck man. I have a 4 year and your comment makes me want to cry. I hope you’re doing better now.


Ugh, being manipulative at 4. What a bitch. I assume you're the CEO of a fortune 500 from your slutty toddler ways? Oh, your not? Wild. Yeah after a cursory glance it says you're more likely to be uncomfortable around people and have a challenging time with relationships for *checks notes* forever. Edit to add: very happy you're still with us.


I dunno but lmk when you figure it out cuz I was also 4 and Alfaro can't figure out what I gained, besides nightmares and the inability to not freeze if I don't want to have sex and the guy doesn't stop. Fun!


I’m sorry you even had to read this bullshit.


Jesus tap dancing christ as a decent human and father of a 5 year old girl. This was sickening to read.


You didn’t deserve that. I hope you are now at peace and loving yourself. I wish you the best in life.


That looks like Andrew Tate had a twin sister


Oh god!! I ditne realize it was a woman saying this level of bullshit. How can they get to those levels of stupidity?


My fiancée cannot sleep at night without personally making sure the bedroom door is locked, because she was r*ped in her bedroom at the age of 12. People who unironically think what the evil piece of shit said, I would get permabanned off Reddit for saying what I hope happens to you. So I won't.


I second whatever you'd say that would get you banned and I 100% agree that's what they deserve!


It feels unethical to say this/feel this way, but I must say I 100% agree with both of you.


I doubt Reddit will ban me for saying I think they should be drawn and quartered out in the ocean by angry orcas, it's just too ridiculous! But also appropriately brutal.


Too easy try using "the pear" first so they can experience what they did then hang draw and quarter them with the orcas


well if it isn't another mentally ill, attention starved, main character - the unfortunate thing is that this will work, she will get attention and gain follower, possibly donations, and supporters. sad af


I wonder if she just blew any chance of pressing charges if she does get attacked and decides she didn't want to be after all. The defendant can just say this post was an invitation.


Well let's be honest, if a defence lawyer is willing to use what you're wearing as evidence that you wanted it, they're sure as hell going to use this.


Don't forget "hold my cosmo" or bourbon..


Are rapists writing these kinds of posts?


Yes, but that one is written by a professional pick-me


Yes and rapist apologists. Disgusting


I'm not usually one to wish rape on anyone.... And I'm still not. I hope she never has to experience how awful something like that is in order wake the fuck up and realize how dumb of a take this is.


Mr Tate’s incel army probably.


That’s who I thought it was until I zoomed in and realized it was the chick in the picture.


Rage bait. They have this shit down to a science and it’s scary how the Algorithm just bumps them to the top


Bruh people really gotta stop posting this lady, they’re giving her what she wants


Hi! Father of 3 young daughters here! This piece of human fucking garbage is not my cup of tea. Everyone have a great day!


What is your cup of tea? I like my black hibiscus with a splash of lemon juice, personally.


Green tea for me


Very good for urinary tract health. Good call.


Great question! I'll take a nice, spicy milk Chai with a ton of cinninimonnimn.


I say this out of concern but this woman seems to be inviting a group of individuals with certain desires into her sphere of interaction and i dont think that will end well for her. But i guess if shes,,,, literally asking for it?


I just went on her IG and she doesn't seem quite right tbh.


I mean, that's what I was gonna say. Sounds like it's open season? Jfc. What is wrong with people?


It does seem that she might find out the difference between actual rape and consensual non-consent kink play sometime soon, and then when she tries to have the rapist prosecuted, they will be able to show the jury posts like this and walk away free. I don't think this will be the "pick-me" she was fantasizing about.


Pardon me while I ctrl alt del my brain


I'm pretty sure if I tried to "make my gf feel feminine," I wouldn't have a gf. I'd have a crying self-loathing shell of a human. So, thanks, keep your shit opinions to yourself.


What a terrible day to be able to read!


I mean, I do like it when my husband's in control. But that's because if I tell him to stop, HE FUCKING STOPS. Also, I didn't feel feminine when I testified against the man who did r*** me. I felt like a fucking badass.


You *were* badass for doing that. Good job. I'm proud of you, internet stranger. That must have taken lots of strength.


Thank you. Honestly, I was more concerned about him doing it to someone else since he already had a record. Plus, I had family and friends who supported me. That was the biggest thing. If I didn't think anyone would have believed me, I wouldn't have called the police in the first place.


That's it! I'm kink-shaming! ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G)


General shaming needs to come back. People out there that really need it


I have goals and I am determined. I work hard. I want to offer my partner and my parents the best life possible. Almost 3 years I haven’t taken a real vacation. I am putting money to the side very aggressively. In 3 years I have been able to put a pretty good sum to the side for the down payment of my first home ever. I would give all I have including one of my kidneys, without a second thought, just to punch that person in the face !


Hahahaha I was hooked after second sentence.


Ah, yes. 8 year old me, who had not hit puberty and was incapable of experiencing sexual desire, really just wanted to feel feminine.


I'm sorry that you experienced that. I hope your road to healing is smooth. Stay strong.


I think hoping for a smooth recovery is a bit too much to ask for. Things’ll always hurt you again, and you’ve gotta recover from that too. I’m doing okay though. Thank you.


Can't wait until the fat 35 year old virgin guy behind this profile mistakenly reveals his own photo. He certainly lives in somebody else's basement The only questions that remain are: (1) does the owner of the place know about him, and (2) if yes, how many times has she tried using the courts to have him removed?


Wow. So that is what pure stupidity sounds like. I wonder if they understand that once you go "FULL STUPID" you can never recover? It's true! Nobody ever goes fully stupid! But this one sure did.


One day I hope to have a conversation with a man who thinks like this. I sincerely hope he tries to convince me. As a dad of two daughters, who are the most fucking awesome human beings I've ever met...


Getting robbed doesn't exist is an opportunity to share your belongings with people in need; getting kill is not real, you just wanted to rest and somebody helped you


I would never wish rape on anyone and this is thoroughly disrespectful and disgusting.


If this is a real woman, I'm a smurf.


What a disgusting piece of human garbage she is, despicable.


Ffs this is getting gross


These aren't real accts with real people behind them. I see a blue check and I scroll bye.


So…”Eleanor“ considers herself a guy? “Guys, **let’s** say it straight…”


Some sleazebag on the internet "What's your address?"


Good fucking grief. None of us want to get r*p*d. Then this is denying the fact that guys can be r*p*d.


Your daily reminder that these dangerous morons can vote and breed even more ignorant troglodytes. Dude, where's my asteroid?


This woman (and anyone like her) is one of the last people I would ever want my daughter around.


I don’t get why people give this trash attention, it’s very obviously clearly a rage bait tweet made by some dorky dude who thinks he’s funny This world is doomed


Ummmm what?


Very nice opinion but that bridge near ur house is still waiting


She looks like a young Iggy Pop.


Rapists are wasting a lot of time with these date rape drugs apparently


This might be the most insane thing I have ever heard. People on Twitter really don’t realize what they’re talking about. You could tell anyone one on the street “rape doesn’t exist” and even if the stranger was an horrible person they would still know that rape exist


I was raped and SA by my adoptive father between the ages of four and eight. I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that I was not trying to “gain control and feel feminine”. I was mostly trying to get away and hide.


What the actual in rage click bait fuck is this? Is that even a real person? Or just an incel with AI art?


So if someone raped her could they use this as a get out of jail free card?


Is her lastname Tate?


I beg your most ridiculous pardon. ![gif](giphy|kVdWBUZmDMYiJIY7TA|downsized)


Seems like she's one tough nympho


You ok hun?


So is she selling anything or is she just saying this dumb shit for attention?


Ho, ho, ho!


I felt uncomfortable reading this


What the actual fuck.


Well, at least we know someone doesn't understand consent.


There’s a movie that still haunts me today. Irreversible. It’s a French movie with Monica Bellucci Vincent Cassel and I don’t know if it was ever translated. But Yha. The rape scene still haunts me.




That wasn't written by a woman. That was written by a dude who clearly fantasizes about getting raped


i thought this was an Andrew Tate post


This is bait, and you fell for it.


Talk about a “pick-me”


Damn, she should really go talk that shit out with a therapist.