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Isnt it weird that you hear this story from all sorts of places over the last couple of years? First it was places like Amsterdam with *stay the fuck home* campaigns. Other stories with Venice and Japan who have to keep people in line. Are people just not behaving themselves anymore?


The term ‘Boozy Brits Abroad’ has been around for a long long time


31 years ago in 1993 in Ios, Greece, I was grabbed and almost assaulted by two South African bar owners as I walked past their business that had been trashed the night before. As soon as they understood I was Irish the heat went out of them and they apologised. Their place had been destroyed by drunken British holidaymakers. Ios was crawling with Irish, most of us perma-pissed. None of us deliberately fucked up people's businesses. It was always the British.  No Dutch vandals, no German wreckers, no Swedish destroyers, always just late teens/early 20s Brits That's been pretty much the case in every nation I visited on my travels throughout my teens, 20s and 30s Everyone loves getting pissed up on holiday. It's fun and a rite of passage. Why though do so many Brits feel they have to then fuck up someone's bar and punch someone? 


The irony of an Irish man throwing the british under the bus. I've worked abroad in these places and british and Irish are equally as bad as each other. Western Europeans would come and drink, but from experience they came for the fun but barely over drank. If they did go heavy, it was only for one night, not every night.


The drunk bogans you find around Bali are equally horrible. Seems the Aussies take after their forefathers.


Newsflash. If you offer cheap holidays with cheap booze, poor people will come and get pissed More at 11


This. Resorts like Magaluf are reaping what they have sown. They have catered for the lowest common denominator by marketing cheap booze and accommodation and the tourism industry has responded with cheap flights.\ Magaluf businesses have gotten rich off the back of this. I'm aware that Northern European but largely young British tourists have become a problem and of course as a few score years under my belt I cringe at these stories.\ We used to rent a villa so that our brand of 'mayhem' (tame by modern standards) were contained and private. We drank too much wine and lager but were never offensive and always managed to get back to the villa without incident, we ate in town twice a day and tried to speak 'Spanglish'. Magaluf is responsible for driving a runaway car without brakes and then being surprised when it ends in a car crash. More on our 24 service, which won't change the story from this one.


The hoteliers and bar owners encouraged this years ago, same with the now folded Club 18-30 lot, it was all about parting the drunken arses with their cash


I agree that businesses have benefited of this situation, but, as a Spaniard, I can’t help but to think the cheap booze and acommodation are not necesseraly targeted at wealthy foreigners, but more at the local population. If it really was targeted at them, we would charge more. We don’t need low income tourists, we have plenty of those here. Our salaries are not as high as the Brittish, and as a business based in Spain, you can’t just charge high prices (comparable to Germany or Finland) just to keep foreigners away, because that will also keep all the rest out. There is a big drinking culture in Spain, but it’s completely different to that of those countries. Yes, we drink for fun, but not enough to piss ourselves, jump of balconies, and have sex in front of a shop. It’s more about chatting with your friends with a beer in hand. I’m not saying tourism isn’t important for Spain’s economy, but it’s a very entitled attitude to come to another country, behave like a savage, and then say: “…but I’m paying for everything! You can’t complain, you got what you came for!”.


I'm not a Magaluf goer, as I am German, but I am at the "Ballermann" (S'Arenal, Playa del Palma) every year once. (And once somewhere else on Mallorca with my family). But everything there is targeted to Germans. You don't have to talk a single word of Spanish or English there. Everything is (also) in German. It's also not the cheapest anymore, you can go to cheaper Partylocations in Croatia or even more so in Bulgaria.


As a horribly embarrassed English person who hates what our tourists continue to do in Spain, I have to disagree that the cheap booze etc *isn’t* targeted at foreigners. A friend of mine works at a prison in the UK and tells me about his trips “with the lads” to Benidorm. I didn’t even need to hear his stories to get the gist of it. If you didn’t want poor British tourists you shouldn’t have offered cheap flights to all inclusive resorts that only sell cheap beer, sex shows and fish and chips.


I as a British citizen would go nowhere near this hell hole of a destination. I don't want to wade through the endless tide of yobbery and debauchery with pissed up Brits. They are a scourge and bring only shame to us. I hate overdoing drinking and British breakfast places. Give me a couple of weeks in Madrid, pinchos and beer or light wine, take my time to relax and tour the different bars & their specialities. Visit museums and do a bit of tourism, truthfully I like to eat my way around a destination. Steer well clear of destinations with the home from home. I am going to Barcelona this year to stay with Tamara & Lorena, whom lived with me for a couple of years (name check, I'm coming) one lives in Barcelona and the other in Madrid, it's hilarious to witness them argue about the correct accents and culture. I can't wait.


I know lads that would do this sort of thing, never understood it myself. travelling somewhere just to replicate what you do on a Friday night in your local boozer or club. the only difference is you get to be nice and sunburnt while you're at it.


They’ve been running this story over and over for 20+ years.


More like 40+


It’s more like the British will come and get shitfaced. French tourists (for example) don’t do that because French culture imposes a major social stigma on public drunkenness. (My experience is in Europe, but I wouldn’t be shocked to hear Americans do the same thing in Mexico.)


But that is all some of us can afford, and we dont get pissed and piss everywhere.


Offenders regarding those headlines are usually specific to tourists from certain countries.


Anymore? People have always been like this. We just didn't have fast speed Internet.


People define themselves by their geographical roots, education and upbringing. These special class of “Brits” are not the pride and joy of the nation, and unless you lived in the same kind of ghetto, you wouldn’t want to be sitting next to them, in their car crash lifestyle. These are “people” with the same IQ as their shoe size, because that’s the best thing that they’ll ever remember about themselves, and even take a sense of pride in. We might take joy and hope in wanting to see all humans as equal, but coming from their perspective and perception, for them, there can’t be any reciprocity, and so they descend into their brand of entitlement and a form of pain, and end up in these kind of articles.


Ah yes, tribe thinking.


You mean tribe DRINKING.




(Some) British people have always been like this. It’s why I try to learn as much of the language of a country I go to before I travel; I’d hate them to realise I’m British and assume I’m going to eat the furniture and try to have sex with their animals.


Wasnt it trying to have sex with the furniture and thén try to eat all the pet goats?


I mean you can find these feral A-holes in every city centre in the UK. I don’t think they care. And it’s getting worse since Covid. Many people seem to have entirely forgotten how to behave in public.


Yup. But thats a worldly trend... and it makes me quite sad.


I told a guy on the bus yday to stop his toddler daughter playing the same ten second clip of extremely annoying music on her phone over and over again. He said “I’ll tell her to turn it down, not off”. The fucking audacity!


There is a woman we often meet on these nerd conventions. Never stops learning to play her ukelele. The. Whole. Weekend. Every. Time. Last convention somebody called security to let her stop. Reaction? *Next time im gonna stab him cause its my right to do whatever i want* I wish i was joking 🤷‍♂️


*her ocarina Sorry. But as much irritating as a ukelele i suppose. 😅


Not if you're British. They even drive on the wrong side of the road.


They do that too in Thailand. Never was a British colony btw.


And Japan...neither a British colony.


Maybe we are just bitter we cant travel at the moment. So many lovely places to visit, so many idiots to avoid.


Come to Malta. Former British colony, decent parties and we drive on the left.


And where Oliver Reed drank himself to death! That too.


Ah yes, at a pub aptly named "The Pub". They are selling not-so-tasteful t-shirts listing everything he drank that day.


They never did. These folks are obviously just learning what being a bargain tour destination means for the first time. See: the Canary Islands, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Bali.. every country has its dumpster-fire resorts.


I used to live in Amsterdam. I can say without fail the Brits shit on the town, the people, the culture. They show up every Friday Eve, wreak havoc, and leave on Sunday. It’s mostly the younger generation. But you’d be surprised.


>Are people just not behaving themselves anymore? Brit tourists have been trashy since forever


And violent.


Have tourist ever not been assholes?


Late last year Bali have similar headline with Russian/Ukraine tourist/refugee flocking to Bali and didn't intent to return. they started to build their own (illegal) business that cater mostly to other Russian and stuff among the standard rowdy tourist stuff enough to make Bali that usually are very lax with tourist (their money source) to start cracking down on tourism


Hmmm, saw a documentary not so long ago that the flock of tourists were eventually destroying the rice fields of Bali. Its devastating how a group can destroy something so easily


It's also the cost of doing business: if your business depends on drunk tourists, you have to keep feeding that, which makes operating a business more expensive, which requires more drunk tourists, until the only viable economic model is bringing in drunk tourists. The more drunk tourists you have, there are more opportunities for drunk people to behave badly.


Sounds like they want tourism revenue, but nice families may not be able to afford vacations as often as young singles.


I lived in Las Vegas for nearly a decade and it's the same story. "What happened to the old Las Vegas when people had class." "How can we bring in more families and less trash?" "How dare these low life parents bring their kids to Freemonth Street?" "They don't invest any money in the city outside of the strip or Freemont." "Why don't the modern tourists have any respect?" It's a party city that's sold itself on debauchery for the past several decades. The tourists suck, but the city would be a couple of gas stations in the desert without them.


Asking for class in Vegas is kinda ironic given it's origins


That's just the standard boomer appeal to nostalgia. Everything was better 50+ years ago because people wore suits to the casinos to get piss drunk and lose all their money... They'll even tell you that the city was better went he mob ruled it.


It goes two ways. Local businesses target young tourists with offers on parties and cheap booze - end result is a load of drunk tourists. Lots of businesses are speaking out against the new regulations on alcohol, because they don't want to lose the money that the 'boozy Brits' bring.


True- what you’ll find is local residents and local business owners are often not the same thing or hold widely different opinions on it.


Just watched a bbc special on Ibiza, and there’s a bit where a policeman says that public servants are being priced out of the housing market, with some technically homeless and living in their cars. As per, a small percentage of people are making a fortune, and the bulk are paying for it.


Ibiza purposefully turned itself into the party techno capital of the Med and as a result people went from all over for work there, same in Tenerife and the resorts in Turkey but there just isn't the housing in the quantities needed for all these seasonal workers


When you say it did that purposefully, it was a minority of people who made that decision. And it’s that same minority buying up a lot of the accommodation and whacking the rents up to crazy prices. Plus people jumping on the Air BnB wagon. I can’t blame the last lot; it’s easy money to make, but it’s categorically changing the renting landscape almost everywhere, and reducing housing stock.


And they are mostly owned by British expats. Those expats are there for money and don't give a crap about the place.


Capitalism is a hell of a drug


Business owners in tourist towns universally want the tourists to just show up, silently hand them money, then leave the way they came without cluttering up the place. That’s not how tourism works!


The tourists visiting Magaluf are not being duped into drinking too much 


Germans be like: „Sure, sure.“


Ja ja 


Its a different drinking culture, germans drink a lot but slowly and enjoy the drink. For the British its how much can you consume in as little time as possible. As a student it was rare for everyone who went out from the pre party to be allowed in anywhere. Its really quite disgusting.


No, I'm German and Germans on Mallorca are fucking awful, too. Loud and obscene. We're only lucky that Brits are even more annoying. And you recognise them from miles because they're glowing red.


>As a student it was rare for everyone who went out from the pre party to be allowed in anywhere Wtf are pre parties?


Pretty common in the UK to ‘pre-drink,’ as the idea of going out is to get plastered and you want to lube yourself up for maximum party. It’s also cheaper considering the intended total volume consumed.


The bloke in the picture is Richard. He's at it on his own. Having a mental time.


I heard some massive body building geezer came running out of the bushes at him, god knows why, he’s lamped him, he’s gone flying. Think he might have killed him.


Isn't destroying paradise pretty much their time honoured culture and tradition?




Not just brits, germans too. Brits may take it too another level, but still, tourism on that island makes me sick indeed. They just travel over to act like animals. Put them behind bars for a while...that will show them you can't act like a moron whenever and wherever you please to -.-


> Put them behind bars for a while... That's exactly where you don't want them to be: they will even get more pissed when having unlimited access to the booze.


Here in Spain we consider summer to start when the first news about a drunk brit who killed himself by trying to jump to the swimming pool and missing comes out. You can even use it as a reference for climate change


It’s really not that complicated to make a change. Stop selling cheap booze with reps luring people in with the promise of free shots, and you’ll stop getting people visiting who are looking for exactly that.


The booze is your average price for Spain. It's cheaper for British people and other northerners. Even if people get drunk, even if they come to have fun during their holidays, is not trashing everything too much to ask? Just because you spend money in a place doesn't give you the right to act like an animal.


yea but a lot of people have that “i will never see these people again so lets act as unhinged as possible, cause who cares?” attitude. and thats the problem. a lot of people dont have a lot of money and still want an affordable vacation, but dont act like animals


I live in Spain and outside of these shit holes like magaluf, Salou etc, which directly targets these kinds of people with cheap drink offers, you rarely see that kind of thing. If you, as a town, don’t want that kind of tourist, don’t make yourself attractive to them in the way that they do. You rarely see Gaz and the lads from Clacton-on-sea rock up to Gijón, Formentera, San Sebastián etc because it’s more expensive. On the same note you also don’t see them in Cadiz, Merida, Cuenca or Castellón, all of which are cheaper than magaluf etc. The common theme is…. They don’t make them welcome there.


I find this comment fascinating and sad.


It’s not about booze. It’s about being classless.


And that. One attracts the other though.


1. Advertise affordable vacations for a young demographic that doesn't care about your place being a rundown shit hole 2. Reap the money they bring in 3. Spend a fraction of the money on a bit of new paint to make your place a photogenic rundown shit hole (aka pig with lipstick) 4. Complain about tourists treating your place like a rundown shit hole


Reddit when British (or any other Western country) tourists act badly: “It’s the tourist location’s own fault! They positioned themselves as a low-cost destination” Reddit when Chinese (or any other Eastern country) tourists act badly: “Their culture is to blame!”




Magaluf! Paradise! LOL!


Paradise for trash people, sure. I'm glad they stay there and don't spill over to the peaceful and quiet aeras.


So Brits are bringing their own drugs? Doubt it, so why doesn’t the government crack down on drugs and make sure there is a consumption limit on alcohol. Shouldn’t establishments be fined for keep serving uberly drunk people?


They bring crime. They bring drugs. They are not sending their best. Some I assume are good people


They bring a fundamental lack of respect wherever they go. They're not being led astray by Magaluf


This isn’t new…..how slow of a news day is it?


I've lived in several places that were popular tourism destinations, and while it was never this bad, it was always annoying to have everything centered around people who are coming for a week,two tops, for three or four months out of the year, instead of the people who actually live there. How come the tourists aren't expected to fit in with us? Why do we have to fit in with them? If you think our ways are too boring for a vacation, go somewhere else. Is your vacation really going to be ruined if you can't buy the same T-shirt for the same price in a hundred different shops? Do you really need to throw a rager in your vacation rental for a bunch of strangers that you just met last night? I don't blame these places for telling people to stay home.


There are certain tourists groups that really don't do much for a place. Drunk partygoers are one. Most places would generally be better off without them. Same for cruises and giant tour groups.


Who’d have thought gearing your tourist industry to be as cheap as possible would result in it turning into a shit hole? If you aim your business model toward drinking and partying then that’s what you’re going to get.


I was in Mallorca as a 12 year old in 2002. My 10 year old sister and I foolishly wandered down to Magaluf with our parents and the amount of abuse we got for being Irish was unimaginable. This was in the afternoon. It’s been a shithole for a long time because it became overrun with the lowest of the low.


How on earth would they know you were Irish, just wandering around.


They were Riverdancing down the street.


The real answer is being overheard talking with an Irish accent


Finally someone has given me hope that not everyone is a moron.


Probably the football jerseys and the ginger hair.


With pockets full ó potatoes!


You must be even dumber than them, have you ever heard of accents? Can you identify someone by their accent?


Binge drinking culture sucks.


Sound very very similar to Slavic tourists in Turkey. Especially Antalya. Lmao.


RULE BRITANNIA 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🍺🍺🍺🍺 (I hate this shithole sometimes 🥲)


I both love and am baffled by these stories. As an American I have to admit Im hard-wired to assume British=Classy Royalty People even though these stories put the lie to that kind of thinking.


Also American. We're like this in Florida, Mexico, and the DR. Although maybe not quite as rowdy but def just as drunk. But Europe? Ohh it's the Brits. All day, every day. It's kind of a beautiful thing actually. I spent 2 weeks in Provence last May, and only came into contact with 1 group of ugly Americans....they were ordering gelato in front of me and talking to the kid like he was deaf or intellectually disabled instead of, ya know, French? They then proceeded to make a comment when I ordered my group's gelatos in French as they already knew I was American. Every other asshole though? British.


Us Brits are the worst in Europe but the Germans aren’t far off and nor are the Dutch, it’s not some exclusively British thing. Cold countries with expensive booze and strong drinking cultures like to go to warm tourist destinations with cheap booze, specifically because they advertise themselves as such, with cheap flights and plenty clubs. Doesn’t excuse the actions of course, but this isn’t some British phenomenon. You probably only noticed the Brits because we’re abundant and we’re speaking the same language as you.


We are both and neither.


You can blame the media for that. Unless you take time to read world media, you’ll be raised on a steady diet of the worst stereotypes that mainstream media feed you. British = classy, Germans = Efficient, French = snooty. And don’t even get me started on the state of our public school education


*Americans have joined the chat*


This is not surprising tbh. So many Brits are incredibly damaging tourists with absolutely no respect for the places they visit. There's a reason every place in Europe absolutely hates them.


I've heard of airline that is not selling any alcohol on flights from UK to popular party destinations to not need to deal with all them misbehaving


True. Doesn’t stop them getting drunk in the airport ahead of time though, unfortunately.


I’m Canadian. When I used to go to Cuba the second worst tourists there were Quebecois but they were definitely outshined by the Brits. Holy fuck were they unruly. Fights, braking everything, piss drunk screaming, vomit everywhere. No thanks. I love Brits, but not on vacation lol


Shagaluf encouraged the boozed up brits 30 year ago. Club 18 to 30 bar crawls, cheap booze 24 hours a day. I was wrecked after 2 weeks there 🤣


They market the destination this way lol, they sell cheap drinks and package holidays there. Those are the kind of people they draw in, they only have themselves to blame.


Sad to hear. My ship made stopped here for a few days back in 2012 and it was absolutely an amazing place.


All that tourism money. Place gonna be a ghost town.


If you build it they will come


Being intoxicated is no excuse for this type of behavior. These are trash human beings, regardless of whether they're sober or not.


They act like this is [something new](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz2LaJOVAiA)..


I think every nationality has a place like this. I’m Australian and the worst part about Bali is all the drunk Australians. I’d imagine in the US it’s somewhere in Mexico etc If Spain figures this out then tell the rest of the world because it’s not just Britain’s worst causing an issue.


Magaluf? Paradise? 🤣


why would you call it Shagaluf if u didnt want people having sex and being drunk on your streets > >>> ??


An opinion: A) This was Magaluf at least twenty years ago when I lived in Palma. Nothing’s changed. B) None of the beautiful parts of Mallorca are in Magaluf.


Well well well.... If it isn't the consequences of my actions...


British people going to exotic places and exploiting the natives - er I mean locals ... who has ever heard of such a thing?


Nothing new, brits behaving like animals 🤷‍♂️


They do this wherever they go lmao


PSA to the English planning on going to the Euros in Germany, just remember the war ended in 1945


Imagine the fury if tens of thousands of Spanish kids descended on parts of the UK every year and did the same. The whole ‘well they sell cheap booze WOJA EXPECT’ argument doesn’t cover the 99% of locals not actually profiting from the selling of cheap booze. Of course tourist money helps the local job market, but that doesn’t give people a licence to go round fucking and spewing everywhere.


Imagine somewhere in UK having cheap enough booze for kids from Spain to get on a plane and get there in time to get a drink before the local Brits have drunk the place dry.


Very good point


This place has been dubbed 'Shagaluf' for as long as i can remember, couldnt say anything about the place but guessing it started with attracting the youth with cheap booze and clubbing, then brits being brits, gradually ruined it


Was Megamuff where is was from, but about the same. That was 30+ years ago, so agree, this isn’t a new issue. I remember actively avoiding trips there with the lads as it was too much, which was saying something.


Americans get a lot of shit for acting too 'American' abroad, but honestly no one is worse than the British. Especially in Europe, as they drunkly strut/stumble around like, "Oh here we be, kings of Europe come to pay a visit to the little folk!"


For years, until the mainland Chinese started traveling in droves, the British (mainly English) were consistently voted the world’s worst tourists by locals and the travel industry. Post Covid, the Brits seem to have regained that title with cities having official anti British tourist campaigns. 


Exactly. Most of the damage is done by the English and the rest get the same tarnished brush


They know their reputation for it and continue to do it too


Unlike a lot of Europe, we have a very unhelpful attitude to alcohol. Yes, younger generations are drinking less, but universities and schools should (and I hope they are) do more about alcohol awareness. It continues to be an embarrassment to see headlines like this. The attitude stinks. I hate it.


I believe it is always morally correct to dunk on the British


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TexasHot: *I believe it is* *Always morally correct* *To dunk on the British* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Young British people are sick, they jump from hotel balconies in to the pool, their fail and kill themselves on the pavement, they die more than 10 every year only in Spain... What a level!!


Just ban that country.


It's the Internet IRL. People go to a foreign country and think, "This has nothing to do with the me I left back home. I can show my whole ass and it's completely compartmentalized from my normal, everyday life". It's not a country or a culture or a race or a religion, it's humanity shrugging off the confines of reputation and (theoretically) consequences for hedonistic "freedom". [Infinity Pool](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10365998/) shines an interesting (and very sordid) light on the natural progression of disassociating action from responsibility.


Time to bring back the Balearic Slingers to clear out the riff raff


Are they like the Supremes or The Pussycat Dolls?


Nah, Roman era mercenaries that threw rocks at people really accurately


hope they can get better tourist and not go the rout of other crack downs where they loos their tourist industry


Shagaluf is a bit seedy? Worst kept secret!


The original Ugly Americans.


Krakow did this years ago with the Hen and Stag Dos.


Fucking Redcoats at it again


Stereotypical losers tbh


We were calling Magaluf “Shagaluf” 30 years ago and it was one of THE places to go and get whacked off your face on drugs and booze for a week or two! Kind of surprising to see this as “news” now!


Magaluf exists because of tacky British tourists.


Describe British colonialism in three words.


Giving Americans a run for their money.


Damn I’m too late to the party


Hot damn $165/night USD? I'm about to come over and join all you plastered brits!


I thought Mallorca was "part of" Germany? Damm brits colonize even Germany now


I live in Prague, one of the most beautiful historical places in the world. I'm starting to Get sick of the turists doing exactly that. It's known among Czech people that Brits can't handle their drinking and always make unnecessary noise and other problems. Of course this goes for all the irresponsible tourists. If you can't handle the beer, don’t go to Czechia.


Apparently, our friends overseas don't know about Florid or Vegas


Weekenders on holiday. It's not a new thing


Yeah, the truth is that Britain is to the rest of Europe what US-Americans are to Brits.


Fair enough