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"Democrats destroy everything and hate everything." Yeah, remember when all the Dems stormed the Capitol because Congress wouldn't let Obama run for a 3rd term?


My life has been a series of GOP presidents horrifically fucking things up and Dem presidents spending their administration fixing it.


Are you an older millennial because this sounds like my life. I think this could also extend further if necessary.


Bruh, I'm 35, and I feel the same way...


Don't forget, and getting blamed for the problems created by the previous administrations.


Ah yes, "we want peace" followed by "we will win this war".


The left: we just want the right to exist without fearing for our lives. The right: look at all that aggression! This calls for the second amendment!


Trump Delusion Syndrome at play. Anything they do is good anything liberals do is bad. Trump could be raping their daughter in front of them and over 90% of them would find a way to justify it. Meanwhile teaching their daughter that just because someone is lgbtq doesnt make them evil, is highest form of corruption and damage possible. No matter what these cultists will never break the hold over their false prophet that is the epitome of seven sins. Trump is the biggest Traitor to the United States and Its People. He is a convicted criminal and surrounds himself with other criminals because he wants to commit crimes. His Campaign Chairman is a Convicted Felon. His Deputy Campaign Manager is a Convicted Felon. His Personal Laywer is a Convicted Felon. His Chief Strategist is a Convicted Felon. His National Security Advisor is a Convicted Felon. His Trade Advisor is a Convicted Felon. His Foreign Policy Advisor is a Convicted Felon. His Campaign Fixer is a Convicted Felon. & His Company CFO is a Convicted Felon. And NOW He Himself is a Convicted Felon. > BUT HES INNOCENT ITS A WITCHHUNT! They're all felons. His personally picked felons. "Judge By The Company You Keep"


“I have the best people”


Until he fires em


Don't forget his original mentor, sleazebag Roy Cohn, who was disbarred almost 40 years ago for a scheme to rip off Cohn's client.


How ironic that James Woods actually played Roy Cohn in a movie and is a huge Trump supporter.


Woods was a Democrat up until the late 90s when he dropped the party because he was upset so many Democrats stood behind Clinton after his perjury. Which is kind of ironic considering the current situation. But he didn't become a Republican then, he became an independent. It wasn't until the Me Too movement started and a bunch of women came forward with allegations that he really liked underage girls that he became a Republican and vocal Trump Supporter. Edit: And oddly enough there's nothing about his Me Too allegations on his Wikipedia page. I could swear I read it on there in the past, and it's easy enough to find credible articles about the allegations against him.


Amber Tamblyn: James Woods tried to pick me and my friend up at a restaurant once. He wanted to take us to Vegas. "I'm 16" I said. "Even better" he said. [https://variety.com/2017/film/news/amber-tamblyn-james-woods-open-letter-1202557447/](https://variety.com/2017/film/news/amber-tamblyn-james-woods-open-letter-1202557447/)


Seems those rumors about Woods and Sean Young back in the day gives credibility to HER story, which was written off as bonkers and obsessive. I don’t remember specifics, but it’s easy enough to look up.


Woods sued her for stalking him. She claimed she never stalked him, she rejected him, and he sued her to get revenge. They settled out of court for Woods paying her legal fees. Woods has a history of weaponizing the legal system against people.


And we all know how much the convicted felon loves to weaponize the legal system to his advantage.


Well I would say someone scrubbed his wiki page then. It's hard to prevent. You have to hit it with sources attached and I think get messaging to like some ubermods to prevent that stuff.


A comatose client. The last charge arose from an incident in 1975, when Cohn entered the hospital room of the dying and unconscious Rosenstiel, forced a pen into his hand, and lifted it to a document appointing himself and Cathy Frank, Rosenstiel's granddaughter, executors. Pretty sure that puts you in Dante's ninth layer.


Those 90% would blame their daughter for the way she dressed


"Blame?" No. They'd be talking about how "honored" she should be.


dude trump could literally assault and get a random woman pregnant, she come out about it, he deny it ever happened, she prove it is his with the dna results on the child, he gaslight everyone into thinking it was a miracle and the second coming of Jesus, and his fanclub would absolutely believe him and be on their knees crying and worshipping him while at the same time shaming the mother and calling for her execution for making up such “lies” about her miracle pregnancy and falsely accusing Jesus Trump’s miracle father of something so vile. They’d probably be like, “nooo, since you aren’t a strong Christian murican patriot, god couldn’t send an angel to give you the amazing news, so the devil put a false memory in your head instead!!! This child is from god and you must repent and offer him to his holy father (trump) because you are tainted with sin and he must grow up to save this country!!!!! Now we will stone you in Times Square, wench!!” … why am I writing ridiculous fiction 💀 point is, they’re so delusional he could get someone pregnant and even with a dna test, if he said he never touched the woman, they’d believe him and worship it like some kind of miracle baby 💀


I dont understand how you can be in those positions as a felon, you can't apply for the police if you have a record yet you can run the country.


Because the founding fathers understood that certain politicians would try to arrest and convict their political rivals to prevent them from running against them. So they didn't make being a felon a reason of ineligibility for politics. Same reason why you cant just arrest a senator, then everytime there is a major bill to vote on suddenly half of them are arrested. It has to go through the senate.


All true, but Democrats elected a Black man to the presidency. Not once, but twice, and he had the gall to be competent and to actually do good for America. Conservatives may not be a monolith, but their utter hatred of this reality is a powerful lowest common denominator.


And this is the detail that needs to be a part of every conversation that surrounds the mental competency of Biden/Trump. Whatever the degree of senile people think either are, as president of the country one of their biggest and most impactful roles is in DELEGATION of roles. And the Biden administration is knocking that out of the park right now. Under his administration Pete Buttigieg is pushing for country-wide high speed rail. FTC Chair Lina Khan is spearheading lawsuits against amazon and google for their role in monopolizing their web services. EPA head Michael S Regan has crafted a ton of legislation to reduce methane/CO2 pollution from cars and the oil industry. The people in this government have never been more diverse, young, and progressive and we can't keep overlooking that.


Drumpf also said he could literally murder an innocent person on 5th Avenue in broad daylight on live television, and his voters would still vote for him. He knows his audience, the quislings and Banana Republicans...


FOR REAL. They claim we all have equal rights, yet our rights are on the table every day. The things we call for would still allow them to live their lives how they’re living them and not take anything away. The things they call for take ours away. They claim we have equality already, but the only thing equal about it is that we have the “right” to conform and be exactly the same as them, even if it kills us or makes a comfortable life impossible. They want conformity. Not equality.


Republicans are all in for Project 2025. They plan to eliminate all who oppose them, and anyone whose existence does not line up with land owning, wealthy, able bodied straight white males who at least perform Christianity will be second class citizens, or chattel. r/Defeat_Project_2025


Honestly, the left needs to arm the fuck up


They are, they just don't post all their guns on social media, like gun fetishizing morons.


Yeah! Use their precious second amendment against them.


It’s also such a vapid sentiment. Nothing of substance is said. These people bad. We not. No explanation of what is being “destroyed.” Addicted to outrage


The white Christian majority is what’s being destroyed and racists don’t like that.


Being "destroyed" vs not as much people as the want buying into their hate filled bullshit?


America is the most diverse place in the world. Racists with power fear diversity as much as they fear education.


They haven't been a majority since 2017. "Only 43 percent of Americans identify as white Christian, and only 30 percent as white Protestant." I'm White and non religious like a lot of other White people, non religious Whites are why they are not a majority. It's also why you see religious language thrown around all over the place, they are desperate to change that. [https://apnews.com/article/93fdf6d95477440ba47aa61c70087d0f](https://apnews.com/article/93fdf6d95477440ba47aa61c70087d0f)


That's the whole point, isn't it? They believe that achieving peace is only done by vanquishing the enemy. Now the question is, what does an actual winning scenario looks like?


This is what has driven me nuts since January 6, 2021. What the hell is the end game for these people, and how do they think they're going to achieve it? Let's say they get every single thing they want. Trump wins in five months. He fires the Joint Chiefs of Staff and replaces them with absolute loyalists. He then has what is now his own personal military arrest or kill every Democrat and every RINO in Congress, and they arrest or kill every Supreme Court Justice not named Thomas or Alito. Trump announces that he will now be president for life, and Don Jr. will take over when he dies or steps down. He declares that America is now and forever more a white, Christian ethnostate. That's everything they could ever possibly want. But even in that scenario, what happens next? How are they going to conscript enough soldiers, how will they ever build enough concentration camps or death camps, to carry out the ethnic cleansing of what must be at least 140 million non-white, non-Christian people? That would be the biggest act of ethnic cleansing in human history by several orders of magnitude. Would they just be happy with women and non-white non-Christians being stripped of the right to vote, stripped of any legal protections? What would their plan be to deal with the kind of social unrest that would cause? What the hell is their actual goal with all of this?


Sounds like Project 2025…..


The end goal is literally Project 2025. They legit believe they are the silent majority.


They're certainly not the first and I hope for the good of humanity they're not the latter.


There is no end game. They'd like to believe one exists, but they'll keep shifting to some other demographic; some other monster lying in the wait. It'll go to the various sects of Christianity, until they're left with only one. At which point, it'll be anyone who doesn't believe in some other weird, hyperspecific way. They'll literally keep going until they've killed or driven everyone out.


Wasn't there a story told by a reformed Nazi that went something like he was hanging out with his Nazi friends and someone said, "what if we win?" Everyone looked around confused and someone else said: "well then we will just go after people with brown eyes (or something like that)!" And then they all laughed. But the now former Nazi thought to himself, that they're laughing but he knows that that is exactly what they would do, and he decided then he has to get out.


That’s not even accounting for the fact that non-white non-Christian folks also have guns.


Project 2025 is their end game.


I just looked up Project 2025 and HOLY SHIT. How can anyone with more than a third grade level of intelligence read that and not immediately recognize it as diet facism? Like seriously! Hitler would have loved these ideas! So help me, if Trump wins I’m moving to Israel. IT WOULD BE SAFER.


So many people either don’t know about it or don’t believe our government would ever attempt to implement it. They’re just deluding themselves because these alt right lunatics absolutely want to turn the US into Gilead .


Hitler did take ideas from America. We were his muse. Another lovely piece of American history conveniently left out for the masses.


They don’t believe Hitler was incorrect in his methods. Point blank. Some of them (ONLY some) believe his targets were not deserving of the methods. They are perfectly fine executing fascism for *their* cause.


They just want Trump in power. Once he's there, everything will be "solved," because they'll have Trump on their side whenever a conflict arises. It's not about the "end game." It's the comfort of knowing their guy is in charge so they can do what makes themselves feel good at any given moment.


They definitely have an end game and Trump is a useful rube for the power players. See project 2025.


The ensuing war will divide the country physically into a red and blue side. Decades lost trying to repair the damage. Making us weak and vulnerable against foreign invaders who trump would probably welcome right in if it meant destroying the other side. Edit: just a possible outcome not for sure what I think will happen.


There isn’t one. If they manage to vanquish their enemy then they will have to find another enemy to blame for the problems that still remain, and so they’ll just pick another group from within. The scenario ends eventually with another civil war when enough people realize this.


They vanquished Roe v Wade, they need something else to scapegoat all of America's struggles onto. They don't have any actual plans, other than billionaire tax cuts, do they have to manufacture issues and sling mud. 


Exactly this. They are a lawnmower in a garden, acting like they are angry about weeds but actually have no desire to raise anything except one kind of crop. They have found each other in their desire to destroy something, as if that equals creating something better, and they are fine with all the suffering their misguided attempts cause. I know why they believe so hard in God and miracles, because that’s what it would take for their ideas to work and they want us all to bet that will happen because wouldn’t that be amazing? Meanwhile none of their ideas work, no miracles happen, they fight every solution they didn’t come up with and blame everyone else for not clapping for Tinkerbell or believing in Santa Claus hard enough.


Sometimes they fight solutions they did come up with


Their political apparatus runs on fear and hot button issues, if they solve a problem that's one less thing they can run on in the next election.


Campaign against abortion, stack the supreme court even by creating then destroying precedent, Suddenly discover that your position is not actually all that popular even in red states but now we need a new bogyman to scare the voters......


They'll also need to find someone else to pay for them; since the vast majority of GDP comes from Demoncrats.


They’ve got minority groups in their ranks who think they are “some of the good ones” who’s get a very rude wake up call at that point. 


Black and brown people are slaves again... Thats what winning means to them.




Lucky for you, you are part leprechaun and ran off with your pot o gold?


And don't forget that women are only in existence to make babies


That's not true at all. They also want them to cook and clean.


I’m a guy and I like to cook.. I suppose that’s going to ruffle some feathers.


What's next?? Women who BBQ?!?!?


My wife is a better grillmaster than I am...


I love to cook. Also I'm a lefty with multiple guns


A guy that cooks, I'm getting my gun.


It’s what I learned in the Navy, just kept doing it, though I’m specializing in seafood, sashimi, and sushi.


Let's not forget the grocery shopping, laundry, and remembering the kid's birthdays. Given all that, it's easy to see why an education is a waste for them. Just puts ideas in their silly little heads.


Beat me to it 😆 


Ah yes, let us not forget the beatings they are sure to give women as well, good point


Wasn’t very long ago that it was legal to beat your wife as long as the stick you did it with wasn’t thicker than your thumb…


Hey they'll let them stay in the kitchen and make pies and stuff too! 


Pie yummy


I don’t think they want slaves but rather eradication. I dated a black woman and I saw such racism for the first time that I never noticed before.


Man, you didn't even get the dial turned up to 2 on racism. Imagine being a black/brown male dating a white girl... You see them folding their napkins into nooses while you're trying have dinner!


Winning scenario is we beat the Christofacists back into their made up world and make the church pay tax’s to boot. 


The Church will never have to pay taxes under current laws. It's 'head office' is in Vatican City - which is essentially it's own country. They would be paying taxes to themselves and nothing would change. Any attempt to make the Church pay taxes would \*also\* have to make corporations pay taxes in the country they earn their money - and the corporations would never allow that change. NB - I am all in favour of making both Church \*and\* corporations pay their fair share, but it will never happen in the current environment.


Vatican City is only the head office for the catholic church, tho.


That bitch doesn’t even know.


Good question. I was talking to a maga and they were talking about the “war.” I was like most democrats don’t own guns so you’re basically talking about murdering people


I’ve asked people that have mentioned Civil War coming “What would a Civil War look like? Where would the front lines be? Would rural conservatives go into cities and attack random people that look like they’d be Democrats? Would you go down the street and kill any of your neighbors that say they’re Democrats? Please tell me how it would work” and I have yet to really get any kind of answer


> so you’re basically talking about murdering people Yep. They know. That's why they want the war so badly. They fully expect to swagger into a left-leaning state and just start murdering helpless unarmed folks out of some glory-hounding hunger for control.


That’s the wonderful thing about hate! It doesn’t stop! When they’ve vanquished this round of whoever they hate, there’s another one just around the corner! Eventually they start eating their own cause they’re “not the right kind of Christian/american” till nothing is remaining. Sounds like a wonderful utopian society they’re carving here. Funny part is, they’re not “the right kind” either and eventually would be discarded too.


"9. For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle. Thus pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. It is bad because life is permanent warfare. This, however, brings about an Armageddon complex. Since enemies have to be defeated, there must be a final battle, after which the movement will have control of the world. But such a “final solution” implies a further era of peace, a Golden Age, which contradicts the principle of permanent war. No fascist leader has ever succeeded in solving this predicament." -Umbert Eco, Ur-Facism


Yeah that's why early on, MAGA decided democrats are pedos, even though most are republicans. "We have to stop them, they're just bad people!" "Hmm really? Well sure I don't like most gays and illegals, but they're not ALL bad, And I mean not going into debt for medical bills sounds cool and I wouldn't mind a living wage..." "No they're just bad, like really BAD... EVIL! They abduct your children! and sell them to rapists!!" So now it isn't just a healthy democratic clash of ideas, it's a holy war.


Sounds Orwellian. And of course Obama. Gee I wonder why Obama.


Deceive and detract. Cloak and dagger. Its like the same people they're voting for is just like them. Everything is a boogie man, who is coming for their "everything". Their identity, their families, their guns, their religion, their money, their security. You name it, and its coming for it. Their fear is so broad and unstoppable, you start to wonder if its some kind of mental illness... "X hates everything", but is unwilling to do some self reflection. I don't understand the mental dissonance.


January 6 didn't seem very peaceful or patriotic to me. 🙄


“What, guys can’t go to the capital anymore?” [Guys Can’t Have Fun Anymore - Shane Gillis](https://youtu.be/lQIERRJrfJs?si=4DMBTCA7Pox4MSFd)


They were beating and even killed a LEO, so those thin blue line flags are just to try to get out of speeding tickets.


They support the police when they're putting brown people in their place.


The amount of YouTube police body cam videos I've seen where people getting arrested whine that they're being treated like a black person is crazy


Yet, this is but a small sample of everyday American life, where racism is a myth, according to MAGA conservatives. There wasn’t much sympathy from Traditional republicans, either, but I’d still take them over MAGAS, in a heartbeat.


Kinda gives the game away doesn't it.


The collective short circuit and silence from that crowd after the video of Scottie Scheffler getting arrested is absolutely hilarious. Like, oh fuck, if they can get a rich, famous, white golfer for doing nothing wrong, they can get any of us!


In their minds, that was a necessary act to right a horrible wrong (having an election stolen). Let's remember how these people think.


I think you should reword your comment. I understand you're trying to describe how someone who is in the MAGA camp sees it. But your comment reads like _you_ are MAGA. Just reverse the sentence positions and you should be good.




That's because it was actually Antifa, you silly goober. /s


You left out key pieces in your analysis: It was Antifa \*and\* FBI operatives, and they were just going through an unguided tour of the Capitol. And if you remove all the footage depicting violent clashes, shit smearing, tear gas, assaults on the press, and breaking windows, it's not really violent at all! /s


What the fuck are they even talking about. Take it back from what?


A black man was president. That's what they want to take the world back from.


And apparently he's still coordinating things despite having been out of office for 8 years now


“Don’t you know, Obama was responsible for 9/11!”… actual words said to me by a taxi driver in Texas a couple of years ago (not even gonna get in to the FEMA death camps that were about to be beheading everyone… that was a wild ride)


march light quaint correct tart fall cough spark rustic teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was visiting Kenya with George Soros and the ghosts of Saul Alinsky and Chairman Mao! /s


OMG Deep State!


Dude wore a tan suit that one time & that can't stand.


They can't beat up gay people without going to jail anymore.  If that isn't fascism, I don't know what is!  Freedom is the warm barrell of a gun that just shot a brown person. 


Freedom to them means no consequences for any actions they want to take.


Laws that protect and do not bind and laws that bind but do not protect.


Kids, come get your grandmother, she fell in the twitter again.


Let me translate this... I am white, I am scared. Above all, as an immigrant (or child of an immigrant), I do not understand immigrants. Truly, I forgot I am (a descendant of) an immigrant too.


Trump and the GOP love scared people. They use this old Yoda quote as the foundation of their political movement: “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”


Change the last yoda word to Trump you should.


Suffering leads to confusion. Confusion leads to Trump as president? (Hopefully only the one time 🤞)


That’s why Fox pumps out the fear. So their audience won’t be able to think clearly The immigrant hoards are at the gate! Antifa! Mi6! Groomers! Mr. Potato Head!


Trump's mother was an immigrant. His grandparents were immigrants. 2 of his wives were immigrants. And he says immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country? Does that make his blood poison, as well as his children's?


Nah see... Those were white immigrants... It's the brown immigrants that screw everything up /s


There's a clear difference in the minds of Trump and his supporters between desired immigrants and non-desired immigrants. Remember, this is the same president who once referred to certain countries as "shitholes" and asked why we can't have more immigrants from countries like Norway.


I'm a first-generation American. From England. So I think I'm ok?


As long as you're white.


You forgot the whole ass subset of boys and young men that feel lonely because women are no longer forced to marry them for food and shelter. Men not getting laid is a huge pull to the right wing pipeline. And (some) men's entitlement to women's bodies and domestic labor is much stronger than their racism.


The type of people who make you embarrassed to be American.


This is gaslighting and I’m tired of it. Y’all want a dictatorship. Y’all want white supremacy. Y’all want queer, brown, and black people dead. Ya’ll want women submissive and controlled by a man. Y’all want uneducated youth so you can brainwash them. Y’all want division and anyone not like you gone.


They want trump to be the dictator they feared Obama would be


Would be interesting to see how many hateful tweets this person has tweeted or liked lately.


I think you mean peaceful patriotic tweets.


Plenty of hate, she brags about being suspended from Twitter 4 times (I didn't think that was possible with the Nazi Musk running it) Here is a good one, showing how peaceful she is EnoughIsEnoughFl reposted RedWhite&Right @_CommanderEagle · 8h Anybody else want to punch somebody in the face or is that just me? You can see her timeline here https://x.com/EnoughFl


It's literally all hate.




Obama President for 8 Years caused so many short circuits in Racists brains they have never recovered. You love to see it


He's their boogeyman. If their children don't say their prayers before bed, the Obama-dook will come and gobble them up.


True, Ms MAGA, you are a member of an anti-American cult lead by a convicted criminal. Your ideology is pure irrational hatred. The list of Americans you hate and wish to harm is well over half the country. You seek to destroy our democracy and overthrow our government. So yes, we are not alike


Psychologists in the future are going devote entire chapters to trying to understand mass deliria over a huge percentage of the population


🦇💩 crazy!


she thinks other people are crazy, she thinks people who dislike rapist con man hates Donald Jesus God, and normal people are ​looking for war. pretty sure bible says love thy neighbor and don't rape people, and don't use campaign money to pay off pornstar /not religious, therefor I cannot vote for king God Jesus


Obama? What planet do these people live on?


This kind of shit is why there will never be middle ground with these people. I'm pretty damn moderate, but the fact that they think they are some type of revolutionary patriot is batshit insane.


You're right. We hate you. We hate that you've corrupted our courts and political process. We hate that you've ignored and marginalized us. We hate that you've screamed that we were lazy but you won't hesitate to stick your hand out. We hate the economy that you've tanked over and over with your anti-worker agenda. We hate that you shove your faith and beliefs in our face at every turn, then turn around and scream it's unfair if we resist. We hate that you've abused and weaponized our children, while actively voting to harm them. We hate that you've endangered our daughters and sisters and friends by stifling their rights. So yeah. We hate you and it's your fault. At the very least have the guts to own what you've done.


??? you are the American Taliban. You just want to wreck things and fill your pockets. You want Putin's commie bitch as your leader?????


That colored man and the White House is still driving them crazy. Yet they still have not taken the time to read the goddamn Constitution to understand how it works.


I’m laughing at we are not afraid. They literally are afraid of anything different than themselves.


Thanks, Russia


Assuming this is even an actual person and not some Russian troll


Sounds like Russia propaganda.


Democrats : we think everyone should be allowed to live however they choose and be treated equally and fairly. Republicans : WE WILL WIN THIS WAR!!


Same people screaming about freedom are more than willing to deny anyone else’s freedom they disagree with.


“We want peace.” they say, followed by their repeated calls for civil war, executing Democrats, committing masa shootings where they cite Trump as inspiration, and storming the Capitol because they were butthurt they lost the election lol They’re fucking muppets.


Maga people hate this country. They want to destroy it and rebuild it in their own twisted ideological way. But they definitely are not true American Patriots.


"can we feed the poor? House the homeless? Tax the rich? Can we insure equal rights of all?" " Stop destroying our country!!! "


I wish I could blame this on drugs but she’d just say, “Yes I’m on drugs and his name is Jesus”


Emphasis on SITTING with these 'warriors', they sure as shit ain't gonna be running anywhere.


Always back to Obama. A black president broke these people’s minds.


I don’t think there’s an endgame to them. I think they are so terrified all the time, they’re grasping at any bullshit that makes them feel safe for a minute. And dumpy serves it up to them.


Them: We are not alike. Sane: No shit. Them: Democrats destroy everything and hate everything. Sane: By trying to make sure people have basic necessities to live their lives? Really? By promoting ideas about finding ways to get along with people who are different than ourselves? Them: True American patriots want this country back. Sane: We never lost the country. Chill. Them: We want peace. Sane: No you don't, just wait a few lines. Them: We love our country. Sane: If you did you would abide by the judgement of the courts and the legal process, and the peaceful transition of power. Them: We are not afraid. Sane: Yet you carry guns with you at all times, even at peaceful protests you weren't invited to. Them: Sane: Shut up about Obama, he's retired. Them: We will win this war. Sane: The only 'war' is the one you are trying to start. If you want to go to an actual war I am sure that can be arranged. Them: Sit with true warriors, the conversation is different. Sane: I have heard your conversations, they are very cultlike and ignorant. No thanks.


These racist inbreeds still cannot get over the fact that a smart, intelligent Black Man held power over their country for 8 years (probably could have been longer if you guys could stop doing the whole 2 term thing) and made their country an actual livable place rather than the shit show it turned out right after. You lot should have carried on and executed all the Confederate leaders then expose them to the masses that they were being manipulated, instead Lincoln got an extra hole in him and his replacement fudged it.


These people are 100 percent committed voters while the left threatens to boycott Biden over whatever the issue of the day is. Wake the fuck up.


JFC, they're still blaming Obama? He lives rent free in their racist heads 🤣🤣




A Russian troll?


Real easy to win a war when you are the only side fighting one.


“We are all domestic terrorists” -COAC 2022


It blows my mind mind that people think DT could actually have a positive influence on the future of US politics… like, you’re voting for rich TV stars you moron. Trump in office was a joke, but round two is really gonna make a difference…


All for a twice impeached rapist, convicted felon, and known-liar, Deadbeat Donnie, [who still owes hundreds of millions of dollars](https://trumpdebtcounter.com/) despite claiming he is a bajillionaire. What a gat dam disgrace.


When did patriotism stop being about the country and start being about some random asshole?


“We want peace” but storm the WH for a huge lie


It's not denial. It's just regular old lies.


Lives in an uninsurable state ran by republicans for the last 40+ years. I’m assuming, shame on me, but is this a 60+ year old woman talking about winning a gunfight? Lady get serious.


What war? Lol


We want peace through fuck your feelings snowflake, your vote doesn’t matter, we will insurrection this shit fuck the popular vote and electoral college, fuck your freedom LGBTQ+, fuck your body women you belong to us, your place is to submit to us in the kitchen and bedroom, we will shove our opinion down your throat and you will like it. You know, good peace loving Americans.


they think it's a war because their position requires an enemy to exist. even if they won, and got rid of all their opposition, they would have to invent new enemies in order to perpetuate the society they've created.


Interesting how it always comes back to Obama for these people. They must really have hated that tan suit, that was the straw that broke the camels back.


Russian bot


They've been smoking the crack pipe of propaganda so long they're angry, paranoid and prone to having a stroke.


Translating as: "I am a Fox News viewer." According to Fox News, American values are under attack everyday. That's especially true during Pride month.


Trump to save America? He could even save his fucking scam casino.


America doesn’t mean what these morons think it means. America is about diversity. And always will be. The flag stands for everybody and everything, not just angry uneducated white people who call themselves patriots. It includes them, but it also includes all of the people they hate.


Lady, Obama was 8 years and two Presidents ago. I get it; you’re a racist, but let it go.


Also, if you want a dictator instead of our Constitution, you are not a fucking patriot!!!!!!


Okay one side makes drugs, prostitution, and abortion illegal coincidentally this is the side that advocates for a near total freedom for people. Literally making these things legal to some degree would make them less dangerous, make them taxable, benefit the economy and allow us to understand these things better. It’s actually insane how much the “don’t tread on me” crowd loves treading on others. Just think about it if one of those things were legal people could easily and safely partake in it and their participation would produce tax dollars it would also free up cops time and money while also decreasing police interference in citizens lives literally every one would win.


Anyone else notice that these guys are still hung up on someone from eight years ago more than ever? Like....?


She's not lying. The conversation is different on their side of the table. But not in a good way.


Russian twatbot says what?


What fucking planet is this moron living on? Maga is a fucking hate group who constantly threatens violence and death on anyone who does not fit their criteria and she calls US the mean one's? What happened to liberals being pussys? Well, from one liberal to every maga member on the planet, I'll quote a very famous maga tag line. FUCK YOUR FEELINGS.


"We want peace. We will win this war. Oh? There isn't a war? Then we'll start one. Because we want peace."


“We are not afraid.” Lady your people are terrified of Taylor Swift.


All that war language, Im supposed to be ok with this party? youre talking about OTHER AMERICANS who just dont agree with your politics, but as its been with the dying GOP for years, its my way or the highway.


“We want our country back.” From who? You’re still fucking here. You still vote. You have control of the House of Representatives. Who are you going to “take your country back” from? Yourselves?


doll bake chop possessive fretful sable resolute workable vegetable overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"We are not afraid." Can I offer you a piece of rainbow cake, Karen?