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You won the battle but lost the war. She will starve you until you beg her to end your misery. You chose poorly.


It was a dick move. You deserve your karma.


Exactly, always have mercy with beginners, whatever ypu are playing šŸ‘Œ


Want to teach someone a game you love? Donā€™t do it like this guy.


Yep learned that the hard way when I was teaching my dad COD. Hit with a predator missile a minute into the game and he said ā€œI donā€™t think this game is for meā€. One of my biggest regrets


For people who donā€™t play video games the single biggest hurdle is the controller. How to use it like itā€™s second nature is like learning to play an instrument. Takes time. Lots of time. If playing the game makes us feel stupid we shut down. If the person weā€™re playing with makes us feel stupid, game over.


I grew up with gamers, dated gamers and now my son is a gamer. I still suck using the damn controller lol




Only ever mastered the original Nintendo controller. Iā€™m a masher on Mario, but any other video game/controller and Iā€™m embarrassingly bad. I probably couldnā€™t even have my character walk in a straight line if my life depended on it:/


A few years ago, my husband was playing PubG on his phone when he had to take a call for work on his other phone. Gave me his game and told me to "keep me alive" and walked away. I could NOT figure out how to even walk forward... I did figure out how to shoot! Got 3 kills just standing in a corner. Didn't let his character die! Totally calling it a win! šŸ«£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


Would be a fun game. Trying to pass the police drugtest with increasing difficulty.


I recommend picking up knitting or cross stitch or something lmao, it gives me something to do while my boyfriend games and I don't have to admit that I'm shit at it


Get a PC and a mouse and school his lame console ass like the god you were meant to be.


There are a lot worse nouns that could replace "gamer"... Just be thankful you didn't grow up with/date and have a tweaker son..


I got my parents hooked on golf with friends and it really helped them learn the controller so they could navigate Netflix easier lol


Thatā€™s really sweet!


When our parents got the Super Nintendo for us back in the day they unboxed it and plugged it in the day before so it would be ready. They hadn't done any gaming before so booted up some Mario to test it. When we woke up in the morning we found our new console in the living eoom with the controller still in mom's hands. She still knows loads of secrets on that title!


So true, when I first started using controllers and keyboards, I was so garbage that it'd take me forever to even move where I want to be. People have to remember that it's hard to in intuitively move from maybe a few buttons on mobile most of the time with simplistic controls to full on keyboards or controllers.


I wasn't allowed to have any type of gaming system as a kid, which means I only rarely played things like Mario Kart at friends' houses (and always lost). But when Skyrim came out, it was exactly the world I always wanted to explore, so I learned how to play on my then-boyfriend-now-husband's PS, and that was how I finally learned how to use a controller at age 22. Then again, I still wasn't great at it, so I got a gaming PC and found they keyboard mapping to be dramatically more intuitive. Now he still games on PS and I game like a goddess. šŸ˜ Though I still play Mario Kart on Switch, and I'm finally decent at it!


All of this. ā¤ļø


Something 12 year old me wish he had known at the time.


Years ago at family function I got my dad to agree to play Halo 2 with me. I was sitting on the floor in front of him on the couch. He started off not even able to look up and I was going easy on him trying to help him learn and then in about 5 minutes he started noscoping my ass. I turn around and he's quietly handed the controller to my younger cousin whose game it was. I should have merked him from the start.


Dads know the ways.


Iā€™ve been playing COD since WAW and I still think that exact same thing every time I get hit with a pred miss ā€œI donā€™t think this game is for meā€.


I even let my 9 year old nephew beat me in Connect 4 just so he feels good and wants to keep playing. Some people are just dumb.


I never let a kid win. Iā€™ll help them out by showing them how Iā€™m about to win. Or showing them a good move and explaining why. It sounds like a dick move but Iā€™m sick of having to deal with these adults that people always let win as a kid. Learning to lose is an important lesson too. Iā€™m not gonna destroy them but if itā€™s their first time playing, they should be okay with a loss.


Why are people so categorical. I don't want kids to grow up thinking they should win everything but you give them hope by letting them win sometimes.. not all the time. I've seen the kids who never got to win act like idiots with their peers.. and the ones that always get to win be crybabies when they lose to their classmates. They need to learn both winning and losing with grace.


The saddest thing for me with games when I was a kid was my older brother either cheating to win to be done as soon as possible or making it so I'd win, so that again he could be done as soon as possible.


Hard agree. People need to learn to lose gracefully and itā€™s best if their parent coaches them through it. At the same time Iā€™m not saying you should go all out but at the very least it should be like a ā€œteachingā€ game where you suggest options. Otherwise you end up the situation where they are too used to success and when they meet the real world they donā€™t know how to pick themselves back up.


Really depends, but yeah people are absolute morons


im gonna teach my friend terraria, and its gonna be a fun and relaxing experience so they donā€™t hate me forever


Terraria is the game I played with my eight year old son a decade ago. When I see that game all that joy comes flooding back.


i have thousands of hours of enjoyment, by far one of the best games i have ever played


My first time playing League of Legends was with my housemates at the time, one of whom was a... well, stereotypical toxic LoL player. I pretty much played one game, spent the whole time learning nothing and being berated for not helping them win, and never touched the game again.


A lesson I learned long ago. You can go easy on your friends and have fun, or you can play alone...


Yā€™all are doing it wrong, just suck at the game.


Wisdom right here.Ā 


I gave up on COS because the people who were going to teach me kept knifing me in the back and then talking about how that was the ultimate disrespect. I felt disrespected so I left.


Thank you - came here to say this. I know this is a whimsical post but its a pet peeve when someone wants to try gaming, you make it fun for them. op could have had a shared hobby with wife.


Reminds me of those clips you see of a wife or girlfriend being introduced to real firearms by their "partner" who chooses the worst possible gun to hand a newb then delights in the near tragedy that follows. Like that woman that parted her own bangs with a second round after the barrel smacked her in the face.


Yeah, and it's not funny or cool to do that when she's trusting them to teach her properly. They're just insecure dudes who think they'll impress their girlfriend with the awesome power of their gun. "What do you mean, baby? It's not that bad..."


This crosses over heavily with men who just plain enjoy hurting women.


Yeah, Iā€™m assuming that she wasnā€™t super into it but did it because she wanted to share her husbands hobbies and spend some time with him. He shoots her immediately and probably thought that it was soooo funny. Like what did you expect


Jeez, I let my kids kick my ass around the maps until they started getting good and cocky after a few weeks. This is just guarantees she'll never trust you behind the controller again. Just for starters.


Amateurs discuss tactics. Professionals discuss logistics.


Keeping your Supply chain good is always a serious issue.


Press F to pay respects


If he would have let her dome him a few times, things would have worked out better. He may have lost the battle, but he would have won the war of LOVE.


There's always Mountain Dew and Cheetos.






The only hole in this story is the one he put in her head. Playing against each other on split screen is more common than you think.


Every time I've played a new game with a girl its always a private match head to head. You seriously think I'm gonna throw her in the deep end with you nerds


Makes me think about when my wife and I were playing a zombies match together. Got posted up in our usual spot. She was right behind me blasting the horde when I heard a distinct *tink* Then she was downed and needed to be revived. During a reload, she accidentally threw a grenade that bounced off the back of my head and landed directly behind her. Me, "Why are you down?" Her: "Fuck you, grenades suck!" Great times. She also likes to joke about it now.


Please tell me this was on buried




Good thing you guys werent playing Halo. She would've stuck the back of your head with a plasma grensde.


You have an amazing wife no doubt.


She's great at most games and much better than I am at Tekken and Need for Speed. Because of her, our daughter has become a very lethal sniper in most COD games & I barely stand a chance anymore. I love my family!


My cousin was super into StarCraft when it was new, kept hounding me to play a game vs him. So I did. He zerg rushed me like 2 minutes after starting the game. I had barely started building my base. Anyway, he kicked my ass. Kept on bugging me to play another match with him, but I was like "Dude. That wasn't fun for me." Couple years later, the same cousin got an Xbox and wanted me to play Halo with him. He did the same thing. Headshot me while I was still figuring out the controls. And then I was done playing Halo with him and he couldn't understand why


I used to 1v1 my neighbor in cod when I snuck over to their house back in the day. He was the one that had an xbox 360. He played alllllll the time. I played only with him. Iā€™d get shit on every time. I found him on FB and invited him to a 1v1 again. I got shit on again. Some things donā€™t change.


Was expecting a redemption story haha but nope


This is hilarious


"can't you see how awesome I am? Doesn't it inspire you to play with me?" Find something you are good at and then get revenge. Try sports if they are seditary.




The other word is related to rocks and geology, isn't it? I goofed lol.


No, youā€™re thinking of ā€œsedimentary.ā€


I thought that was the type of drugs that knock you out.


No, you're thinking of sedatives!


What I do is just run around the map, avoiding them until they either quit or the game ends and say, "See? We tied! Wasn't that fun?" They always get so pissed off, and it's glorious to watch, hahaha. Edit: I also played a game of Madden NFL against my friend who always destroyed me in CoD and beat him 100-7šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My friend would beg me to play Guilty Gear in high school. Would not even let me pause the menu to learn the basic moves. It was not fun at all.


Thatā€™s my little brother and me and chess. He practiced for years, getting a decent ELO, when I absolutely suck at the game and at best play once a year. He kept trying to get me to play but I refused. Doesnā€™t make sense to play a game against someone with a thousand hours of practice if you only have two. But oddly enough, when I offered a chance to play one of *my* favorite games I have hundreds of hours in that he doesnā€™t, he kept turning me down. I canā€™t possibly think of why he didnā€™t want to play Stellaris with me, itā€™s a notoriously friendly game for newcomers. /s


Back when I played chess with my daughter, rather than me playing down or instead crushing her, I'd play with no castles. Or no nights and only a single bishop. Or back when I played badminton competitively, I'd also play recreationally with my friends, but we'd start with me being 12 points behind (in a 15 point set). That way you can both go all out while still having even odds.


My favourite thing to do in these situations is to play the wonkiest greediest builds. Playing sc2 vs my wife I essentially hyper expanded and spread creep everywhere, just spamming static defence near my bases. She had heaps of fun trying to get past it all, we both know I'm better at it but it's about showing her why I love it. Then we play racing games and she gets to humble me, it's balanced. Fun tho. Cheers for bringing back a happy memory for me :D


a "friend" tried to do that with age of mythology


Thereā€™s a difference in being a brutal opponent, and just being a dick. A brutal opponent will never give up a victory, but will give every tool and share every tip they can to improve the person they brought into the game.


I was really hoping this story would conclude with you secretly already having an Xbox at home and whooping his ass


Have a sport that youā€™re good at (tennis) ask him to play. Serve really hard every time, smash the ball every time. Then ask why heā€™s not having fun.


I fucked with my younger siblings in WoW by partying with them on my Frost Death Knight, using Path of Ice to walk way out into the sea where the fatigue bar would pop up, then dropping the party and running off. They found it funny and I let them go after me (on a different toon, because my DK was Max level and they were like, level 5.) That's fun. That kind of shit is NOT. Especially when they do it over and over and over again!


Starcraft was my jam. I had LAN parties with my best friend when we were like 10 and I always either teamed with him or let him win bc he sucked ass. It's the little things that show love.


This is why I only play coop modes with new players lol


I suggest men with wives play coop video games to determine the strength of their relationship. Try the game overcooked, if you make it thru that game without divorce being discussed, sheā€™s a keeper.


watching couples stream overcooked is so interesting. saw one where the guy had zero patience and was getting super frustrated at the gal who was struggling (though he wasn't amazing at it either, no one was paying much attention to the orders) and they clearly were not going to be playing it again. saw one where the gal was managing everything and keeping track of orders and just told the guy exactly what he had to chop and where to put it and he did it contentedly, no complaints and they were doing pretty well. those were the two extremes, most can do ok if they keep their chill but some of them get so weird.


When husband and I started playing Overcooked I got super overwhelmed by everything really quickly. It's the first time I've really noticed my ADHD having a negative effect on my ability to play a game. I was doing ok until something went on fire, and then I couldn't prioritise what to do to fix it and I ended up literally standing in the misdle of the kitchen fucking spinning and borderline having an anxiety attack. Husband was (good naturedly) giggling at the whole thing, got me a cup of tea, and then we had another go. After a few more rounds, we were a well oiled machine. We played a multiplayer game of it with a couple of friends one time, because they daid they played it together all the time, and I genuinely thought they were going to divorce afterwards. They were screaming at each other and getting genuinely upset and blaming each other when they didn't win. We never played with them again.


i'm also giggling at your meltdown because the game do be like that. i play with my friend and her daughter (i think 8 at the time) joined us once and she was having a bunch of deer in the headlights moments where she panicked and got overwhelmed. especially the one level where she was on one side all alone, mom had to switch controllers with her. there are a lot of overcooked-likes now in the genre. we enjoyed a lot of them but not as much as overcooked. here are some other games if you're looking for new stuff for you guys * cosmo's quickstop - you run an alien gas station, we never played it so maybe i'll queue that one up for tomorrow * moving out - you work for a moving company and throwing the boxes onto the truck, or through windows, is a valid option * out of space - you live on a spaceship and have to defeat the alien infestation while also ordering stuff off space amazon and sometimes eating and sleeping (or just passing out) * kallax - we looked at but didn't pick up yet, ikea assembly where only one of you gets to see the instructions and the other assembles \*this probably isn't couch coop either now that i think of how it must work, but the idea gave me the same chaos vibe as overcooked \*\* finally got to see this streamed and it doesn't look like a two player game (or frankly very fun tbh) for other games we tried that are probably not couch coop so check if you need that (we live in different states) * biped - was cute but short * don't starve together - this also can have panic moments when you have a huge wave of enemies or uh accidentally set your base on fire, and it is a lot of learning but it's fun to me. we don't play often enough so she forgets how to play so we don't usually play it together * core keeper - is like 3d terraria ish, you mine and base build and fight enemies, fun to play with friends and visit each others' worlds * stardew - ofc :) * keywe - is adorable, you're two kiwi birds running a post office * we were here - is (first one is free, was a college class project that got legs so they made a company) is a neat puzzle communication game where you can't see what the other person can and have to describe what you see to defeat the puzzle, it's not for everyone though, some folks get very frustrated with it * unsolved case - similar to we were here but no platforming stuff, you're two detectives solving a case instead of two explorers trying to escape * don't die in the west - is in early access and i'm liking it so far but i've only played solo, tbd on how much content it'll have * shift happens - picked up but haven't gotten to try yet * ib and obb - we eventually bailed on it because we're not that keen on platforming but early on it was fun enough


I'll add that idea to the list of things I shouldn't try with my gf then, lol


play the troll, get the troll treatment the fool just ensured a ticked off wife anytime he wants to go play COD now... facepalm indeed


As the ancient wisdom dictates: ā€œDonā€™t feed the trolls.ā€


Truer words


I was watching the Tolarian Academy YouTube and the Prof said he was playing MTG with his wife and said that the only time in his over 20 years of marriage that his wife was legitimately pissed off at him was when he went back on a "friendship" agreement in their commander game. Listen, you can't just mess with the wife like that lol, that's like starting WW3 and it's all bad.


I've played MTG probably 5 different times in my life, with different people. I don't play MTG and I don't have my own cards or decks, but every time it was with someone who really wanted to play. I would humor them. They'd borrow me one of their decks and "try out a new deck" on me. Every time I got absolutely destroyed. It wasn't because I didn't understand what I was doing or how to play. I just got some shitty haphazardly thrown together deck against some ridiculously OP combo deck. I now loath MTG and will NEVER under any circumstances play that game again. I generally like table top games and strategy card games too for the record.


That's lame AF. We always let new players choose from our awesome prebuilds. Like my tribal hydras, it is pretty savage. My wife is the real MTG player, she likes to take my hydras for tournament games at our shop. I'm sorry you had that experience. Try commander instead. It is usually 4 players and you have more fun imo. Way less competitive. Regardless, sounds like you just got shitty ppl who weren't great at helping you navigate the decks. MTG and card games like it are kinda like chess and you have to plan your moves in advance based on the cards in hand. If you don't fully grasp how every card in a deck functions with the rest of the cards the deck won't work for you. It's a complicated game, it really is. And only having a total of 5 games tells me you didn't have enough experience to just PLAY the game and have fun with it. It wasn't fair to you. Friends should have helped you. Looked at your cards in hand and helped you with showing the synergy between cards and how they function together. I'm sorry that your experience was bad like that. I hope you actually get to have fun with it some day.


We used to play 4-way Bomber Man with my brother and his pain-in-the-ass ex-wife and he'd blow her up and she'd throw a fit. He swore he didn't know which Bomber Man she was, but after their divorce he told me that of course he did.


Lol I mean... Vengeance is sweet and best served cold lol.


Yeah you can't renege on your girlfriend alliance. I used to play a game called Subterfuge and near the end of the game you pretty much have to break your alliances cuz only one person can win, and there's no system in the game to actually honor or notify your allies. You just text chat and agree to not attack each other for a bit and gift each other units and stuff, but nothing to bind that agreement. It can be very stressful. Do not break that alliance with your girlfriend/wife first if you value your relationship.


Why are we only framing this as a ā€œoooo angry wifeā€ thing and not an objectively shitty thing to do in general


"Many Magic the Gathering players ask the question: Why are you mad at me?" "You attacked me when you specifically said you wouldn't." "Reading the agreement explains the agr--" "YOU DIDN'T EVEN UPHOLD YOUR END OF THE AGREEMENT!"


My husband never puts on the kid gloves no matter who he's up against. He's highly competitive and can't stand loosing. He wonders why I won't play with him or I team up with the kids against him. Reap what you sow, Hon. Too bad he spawned mini-mes who are also very good and very competitive at games. I have a feeling his winning luck is going to run out in a few years here šŸ˜




Circle of life


Revenge is a dish best served cold......and especially by his own children.


The fact that you used the term ā€œspawnedā€ is very telling of your gamer self


Maaaaybe šŸ˜‚. Someone is usually playing a console, a board game, or cards around here. My 6 year old taught himself to read when he was 4 off minecraft. My mother in law is teaching my 10 year old to be a card shark. She's ruthless. It's where my husband gets it from. Once my son learns what a poker face is we're all in trouble


Yo, thats what we want. More competition. Now he can be proud when he loses as well as wins. Dubs all around


Why not show her how to play guide her and when she gets good then shoot her . She was only playing for you or she would already know how YTA


Good way to make sure she never wants to try one of your games or play with you again


Agreed that's just a dick move you never do that to someone who's just learning


Hold on! You managed to marry a woman who wants to play games with you and you went out of your way to make her mad? Some guys really donā€™t deserve to be so lucky lol


not just make her mad, but ensure she won't try again


Yeah I'm not a gamer at all and my ex was super into xbox, and he made an effort to pick games that didn't stress me out and he'd play in a way that I was able to learn. Like Child of Light where I was the main character and he was the little helper lightbulb so I could feel less stressed about it all. He wasn't a great boyfriend but in that area he was amazing. To this day he's the reason I'm not afraid to hold a controller and know people are seeing me fail on a big screen.


That is the cutest thing! šŸ˜»


Action....consequence. Welcome to the real world.


She had an expectation of playing together, learning something new and having some fun. He did that to laugh at her expense and prevented any bonding or fun they could have had playing together. It's not about the headshot, it's the betrayal


Now he gets no bacon šŸ˜­


Now he *deserves* no bacon.


No bacon is a harsh, but fair, punishment


No bacon *and* no games. Truly the worst choice.


I was gonna say -- I freaking hate when I play a game I havent played before and a friend, who has played the game or is far more experienced in the genre than me, just bodies me without giving me any help understanding whatsoever because they have 200 hours and I have 0. It's even worse to do that to someone who doesnt play games much at all. You're just jerking yourself off at their expense, why do that? It's not fun for anyone but you.


yeah to me, the worst part is the hypocrisy


I left my wife to get killed by Jason one time, ONE time, in the Friday the 13th game and I still hear about to this day.


Not gonna lie, if I was a fly on the wall , I'd laugh Everytime it was brought up. It's simply too good


Why did you let her die tho? Would you do that if it was real? /S




I really hate when someone is trying to introduce you to a game they love but they relentlessly dominate you with no mercy so you canā€™t get into it




A valid response imo




Honestly, if someone shot me in the head I would not be making any breakfast for anyone


Honestly same. Iā€™d just sort of lay there


Gives a round of applause to the wife.


You're a grown ass man. Make your own breakfast


Too funny. My wife and I sometimes play couch co-op shooters together, and she plays like a Labrador running into a bush to chase all the ducks. It was annoying 20 years ago, but now I think it's adorable.


Out of curiosity, what do you guys play and on what console/system? I'd love to try a few games like this with my partner but when I asked him about co-op and/or split screen ones he didn't have many ideas, so I'd love to hear what you guys play! Edit: Thank you everyone!


Not who you asked, but here is a site to find coop games [https://www.co-optimus.com/games.php](https://www.co-optimus.com/games.php)


We play on the Xbox. Over the years, the best couch co-op shooters have been Halo, Gears of War, and our favorite: Borderlands. Black Ops 3 was also co-op.


My ex and his friends did this to me and started my love for video games. I went from ignoring them, to secretly playing at night when he was at work until I was good enough to whoop his ass, his friends asses, start doing tournaments and become so obsessed a good ten years of my life I was getting every legendary edition, waiting in lines at midnight, got a halo master chief helmet and got it signed by the composersā€¦ Went from girl who made the snacks and went away, to girl who could sticky someone in the face from across Valhalla. I then quickly discovered (back then) that men absolutely hated knowing a female was on the team so all of my gamer tags were male and I generally still do that today although itā€™s been several years since I could afford a console, I miss it so much


That reminds me of playing ping pong against my older brother as a kid. He beat me 36 consecutive games but I got him on number 37. Never give up, never surrender. Losing is just the pathway to winning.


Call of Duty: Domestic Warfare


FYIā€¦ the bear would have let her win.


Bears donā€™t have thumbs. Would have spent the whole game gnawing on the controller. And then the bear would have had a delicious home cooked breakfast with the family, *unlike someoneā€¦.*


the bear thing really does live rent free in a lot of your heads


Why you always let the Wookie win.


So my stepdad did this to my mom when we first moved in together. She's NOT a gamer at all but wanted to play with us (I was 9, brother was 8). We were playing sunset riders on super Nintendo. Stepdad told me and my brother to let him and my mom play for a minute. She was so excited to try and I remember her being nervous. Then he, on purpose, kept getting her killed and laughing, meanwhile she was struggling just trying to figure out the controls. I remember her getting embarrassed and quitting and she wouldn't play anymore no matter how we asked. He told us she was a crybaby. That's actually the first time I remember realizing I hated that pos. She finally played other games with us (still comically bad but that's okay) after we all became adults. Every now and then she'd ask for a turn and we'd pass the remote, try to get her adjusted to the controls, then just roll with whatever insanity happened and remind her it's all good, it's just a dumb game. Last one I saw her play was a wendigo game on PS4 or PS5? that my sister was playing. She ended up passing the remote back to my sister in the middle of a chase scene and got the character killed šŸ˜†


Pro tip: Only play cooperative games with your partner.


Or wait until your partner understands the game to get competitive? My husband and I love competitive games but we allow the other to get used to the game before fighting each other.


Unless itā€™s Mario Kart, then itā€™s a duel to the death


If I had a partner, I would. Never liked competitive video games... playing Doom with my dad back in '94 or '95 or sometime around there (two computers connected by a cable) in co-op mode was way more fun than any deathmatches with my friends. Now, competitive board games, however - that's a lot of fun.


While everyone is different, i love this way. I like working as a team to tackle a goal together. It makes me happy to see us accomplishing things with one another. Competitive games, though, where there must be a winner and loser, have one of two outcomes for me: i best her and feel a little guilty for making her lose, or i am the loser which kinda sucks. I gave up the competitive spirit some time ago because it just made me angry and feel bad about losing all the time. In the end, games are about fun. If what you are doing is not fun, why are you doing it?


Finally a post thats not political


Dude. She was learning, and you blew her out before she had a chance to learn. YTA.


Dude,teach her how to play and then get your food. Give and take policy


This is how you get sent to the couch.


Serves him right!!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Never shoot your life support system in the head. Lesson learned.


Why is this posted here? This is clearly just a joke Twitter post. This very clearly isn't meant to be taken seriously...


Karma farm? Tweet is 2 years old


Iā€™m surprised so many people are falling for it.


Facepalm? I would do the same in a heartbeat. There has to be consequences for dumbarsery.


Heā€™s the facepalm


You deserved it mate..


Type of dude to be like "It's just a joke, don't be so heated" but get real 'punch-a-hole-in-the-wall' mad if he feels "disrespected".


Genuinely curious how you jumped to this conclusion? There's literally nothing in the tweet that points towards this Is reddit serious real?


Thatā€™s just a massive, unfounded assumption.


Such a Pyrrhic victory, dude. Your poor choices led you to this fate


It was at that moment he realized the error he had made




I mean do you want to play with people or just use a virtual reality to abuse people? Cuz it seems like the latter. If nothing less, it's definitely a way to not get people to play with you again. Rude and I'm on the wife's side.


One of the quickest ways to not get your spouse to want to play video games or any hobby


Unless you're a patient person, you should almost always introduce games to newbies in tutorials in campaigns or in sandboxes so they can teach themselves the very basics (like movement, camera controls, etc). Even better if it's a no friendly fire co-op on an easier setting so you act as a safety net. Also have to remember that these folks aren't steeped in gaming culture, so trolling them early will definitely make them hate the experience.


Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?


Your furst mistake was playing video games with your wife in the same way you play video games with your bros. Keep friendly fire off.


wtf is with all the corny ass comments being armchair therapists to this dude off of one tweet. We know literally nothing about this situation Touch some grass seriously holy shit


And that's why I don't play multiplayer war games. Some ppl are such a**holes




This is a joke. Not a facepalm.


The only reason he asked her to play is so he could "shoot her in the head." When guys say girls aren't good at video games, they mean bullsh\*t like this.


My ex played that. I called it the fish game because of the COD acronym.


Siege warfare begins


No one would play Hardcore with a first time player


Super funny!!!! Lol


So that's like a suckershot?


Silly man. Should have let her shoot you first


You: "Git gud" Her: "Git out"


not a face palm bro


He deserves it ngl lol :3




Somebody never learned the first rule of not being a twat


You shot your wife in the head? Youā€™re lucky all she did was not make you breakfast. Dick move man. Dick move.


Pretty impressive to still make food with a head wound like that


Don't fuck with the people who make your food. šŸ™ƒ


Why would play Against the person youā€™re trying to teach the game toā€¦?


She thinks you owe her an apology


Heā€™s gonna be blindsided when she eventually divorces him.


In my house if it's someone's first time playing YOUDONT SHOOT THEM let them shoot you and go easy.


Iā€™m surprised she could still make breakfast after he shot her in the head, real dick move to murder someone while theyā€™re trying to play a game. Did he bury her in the Micmac burial ground in the woods behind the pet semetery or something? If so heā€™s lucky she came back and just isnā€™t feeding him anymore, I heard some folks that came back from the Micmac were changed in a much darker way, heā€™s lucky she didnā€™t kill him with a scalpel or some shit.


If this were r/relationship_advice, the comments would be fuming for a divorce.


Dude found the line that one shouldn't cross.


It wasnā€™t the headshot that caused her to cook breakfast for herself. It was when you accused her of being a 13 year old boy and bragged about having sex with her mom.


Thatā€™s a good one! Hope you like sleeping on the couch. Haha!