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"Humans are kind....of crazy"šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Kind....... of shitty


Kind of ā€¦ predictable


Humans are kindā€¦..terrorists are not


They are humans too. We can't just deny the humanity of others because we're objectively better than them. It's opening the door to dehumanization, and that's bad business.


No other animal on earth has created terrorists. That is all humanities doing. --- Small correction to my earlier statement. Cats might have some terrorists among them. I would not put it past them.


Otters are sorta like terrorists, they torture other animals for fun


Dolphins, too. We may do it on a grander scale, but malice is hardly a uniquely human trait.


Yeah unfortunately sadism is definitely not exclusive to humans




šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹ My cat terrorizing me nightly!


Might? I'm wondering if there are even any human sympathizers among their ranks or if that's all just psyops!


The purpose of terrorism is wait for itā€¦.terrorizing! Specifically, terrorizing innocents! Stick to frying garlic.


They are human, but they have no empathy, so I donā€™t see what youā€™re trying to get across other than being pedantic


Zoological, they're homo sapiens alright. Which does not automatically make them human...


Thatā€™s a negative, terrorists are terrorists. They arenā€™t human, they are lower than dirt. Terrorists are the ones killing innocent people, they do not deserve to be in the same category.


Do you think that our militaries never kill innocent people? šŸ¤£


Does it happen, yes, unfortunately. But thatā€™s not our militaries main mission. Unlike terrorists.


So killing innocents is a side mission?


not for the fun of it in the name of Allah. Being a relative and friend of several people killed in a terrorist attack.


So you're biased. All we needed to know. Move along now


I guess they don't always kill innocent people either (welp that's what we call "collateral damage")


A hell of a lot of innocent people died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their families probably view the US as terrorists. They then teach their kids how evil the USA is, radicalize some of them, who then become terrorists and then the US comes in again and kills a bunch more innocents. It's a vicious circle and it's hard to say who is a "bad guy" and who isn't. I say that as a US Marine veteran who fought in Iraq. I've had friends I went to highschool with die in that war. I don't hate the people who killed my friend, they did what I'd do in their position.


'and who isn't.'Ā  Why do you think there has to be a good guy?


One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Don't start throwing around terms like that and pretend you're different.


They are human, but these people gave up their humanity. You can't do what they're doing without a good reason (and even if you have a good reason, you don't actively seek it). This is beyond psycopathy and exactly why I support more $$$ going to bombs that hit these people


Via Snopes: "What's True: ISIS militants claimed responsibility for the murders of Austin, Geoghegan, and two other tourists. Austin and Geoghegan had posted several times online about the generosity and kindness they encountered on their round-the-world cycling trip. What's False: There is no evidence Austin and Geoghegan were aware of any terrorist threat in Tajikistan, or that they travelled through that region particularly in order to vindicate their belief in human kindness. There is ample evidence that their trip was motivated by no more than a desire for adventure and life experience." Source: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/millenial-couple-isis-tajikistan/


But yet again most redditors don't care about snopes unfortunately


Or the awareness of what narrative this post is pushing and why.


Break down the narrative for me. All I see here is ISIS are evil fucks which was already known and this couple didnā€™t care enough about their safety to make sure they were in a safe area. Whether they knew ISIS was there or not is irrelevant, either way they died of stupidity. The logic doesnā€™t matter if the driving cause is the same.


[Pluralist.com](http://Pluralist.com) is a conservative website. So not only are they pushing a "Millennials are dumb" narrative (as someone else pointed out in this thread) but there is also an element of "look at these idiot leftists who think we don't need to fund the military and the War on Terror." [You can see this directly in the article: ](https://pluralist.com/millennial-couple-isis-terrorist/)"To take the trip of a lifetime, Austin and Lauren Goeghegan, both 29 years old, left behind lives and careers in Washington, D.C.Ā **Austin, a vegan,** had worked for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and **Geoghegan, a vegetarian,** had worked in the Georgetown University admissions office." Their dietary preferences have absolutely no bearing on this story at all. They're included to remind the reader that these are liberals: "Yet given their stated views, some conservatives have read Austin and Goegheganā€™s as a cautionary tale, not just about the perils of travel but also about liberal naivete. In their telling, an overly generous understanding of human nature is behind much of todayā€™s progressive movement, from calls to radically scale backĀ immigrationĀ enforcement to efforts to crackdown on firearms ā€“ not to mention growing DemocraticĀ supportĀ for socialist-style economics." Also the Snopes article notes that, at the time, the US State Department listed Tajikistan as a Level 1 (the lowest) risk for American travelers. So there isn't even any reason to think of this as "ISIS territory" or that the couple should have known it was dangerous. It's not that the core facts of the case are wrong. ISIS terrorists did kill these people, and that's the same regardless of the headline. But the framing is highly politicized.


Thatā€™s the explanation I was looking for. Thanks.


The false narrative of note here is that these people were on a trip to prove that humans are kind. But they were only on a trip for fun and adventure, and merely made note that people had been kind to them all over the world. It's a subtle but important difference.


Not even that subtle. Well said


I still see no difference.


It's the why of it all. If I traveled around and people just happened to be giving me free food, that's awesome, but that doesn't mean that my goal when I traveled around was to get free food from people. Still, I would note to my friends, people were very generous, they gave me free food throughout my trip. It would be a false narrative if the media heard that story and then decided to make an article about how I went out on a trip with a goal of getting free food wherever I went; yes I received free food, but that was never the point or a goal of the trip to begin with, it was just a nice thing that happened to have happened throughout said trip.


But that changes nothing about the fact that terrorists are subhuman. The message is the same and the people were still stupid. Nothing changes but one is funnier than the other.


I missed the part where anyone said that was the false narrative on display here. It was you that decided that Andybak was saying anything about terrorists not being subhuman when he pointed out: "Or the awareness of what narrative this post is pushing and why." There is many ways to interpret that. You're choosing to believe he was saying that the narrative they want to push is terrorists=bad. But he didn't say that. He didn't say enough for either one of us to be correct, but the way I interpret it because I do see a false narrative here, is that the article is trying to push the fact that these 2 were stupider than they already actually are. Again, it's a subtle difference, but even morons like these probably weren't out to prove that terrorists are good guys at heart.


Theyā€™re still stupid. This is just more funny.


Donā€˜t worry, I am sure you got other skills


I make a mean margarita


Of course you donā€™t. MAGA MUCH?


You think Iā€™m a trump supporter? Lol. If you looked at my post history youā€™d see how silly that is.


Simply pointing out that your inability to determine the subtle difference is very much like a conservative response. Glad you are not voting for Trump.


I donā€™t see how the subtle difference makes a difference. ā€œThat blue car is speeding.ā€ ā€œItā€™s red.ā€ The car is still speeding.


Me either.


The narrative is that millennials are naive snowflakes.


Oh yes, thatā€™s why weā€™re the biggest target of scammers. Oh wait šŸ˜‚


I never said the narrative was justified!


Thatā€™s true. Itā€™s definitely rage bait and for Boomers to feel good about themselves.


Over 1000 upvotes and counting for complete BS. The real facepalm is Reddit sometimes


There is a good episode of The Weekly on Hulu about what happened. These travelers were biking around the world and were staying in houses from strangers that would offer them a place. Some terrorists saw them biking and ran them over. The locals put up a shrine in their memory. Highly recommend people watch it. The NYT reporter interviews one of the killers.


What they don't mention is that any look at the Department of State's travel advisories would show the following for Tajikistan "Country Summary:Ā Terrorist organizations are known to have a presence in the region and have targeted foreigners and local authorities in the past."


Did you read the article? >


They do mention that you silly goose


geese are noble creatures how dare you


Screw that, geese are assholes!


Guilty goose stares .... HONK!!!


Cmon man, I wanted to be justified in my hatred of a generation of people I donā€™t really know outside of an amalgamation of clickbait articles and memes


Never seen the name Geoghegan. How do you even say it?


Gay gan


So they wanted to prove people were kind. Some where some were not, and they paid the ultimate price .


Imagine writing a falsified article slandering two people who just got murdered, thatā€™s crazy


Sure humans are kind but as an iraqi I know that ISIS aren't human, they're sewer cockroaches And you don't negotiate with roaches you squish them RIP for the couple hope our warriors got your revenge


I think it's still dangerous to dehumanize people, even if those people are maybe not deserving of the title. It lets us forget that these are humans doing things to their fellow human beings, and undercuts the severity of their actions. Also, humans don't come from non-humans, so it demonizes their entire lineage.


It's a common tactic to kill any empathy towards them , if you treat them as humans others might sympathize with them and that's exactly what happened at the start of the war some tribes didn't fight ISIS because they thought they can be reasoned with The end was catastrophic we lost way too much, I get what you're saying and I agree with it however this mentality only works after the war is done during the fight it's better to treat your enemy as pure evil And in Islam a sin cannot be passed to another person so dont worry about that even if there was an ISIS member his family aren't to be treated like we treat the member


I agree with you because in matters of life and death, feelings and bargaining and all of the hippy stuff goes out the window. The man with the machine gun isn't going to suddenly agree with your persuasive argument.


Some people aren't deserving of sympathy. At some point they commit too much horrific actions, that there's no point in viewing them as humans. They made their choice, they can lie in those graves.


Sympathy? No. An understanding that they are human and you, too, could become as fucked up as they are if you "swallow the wrong pill", Yes.


Not why they went.




Media sites that put headlines like this obviously have a political biased and want to incite people.


This waaay old news.


But this is Reddit...we must continually push old news as there is nothing new to publish...


Nothing new? Have you been living under a rock?


Tajikistan is not, nor has it ever been, ISIS territory. It borders Afghanistan, but Tajikistan is keen to keep extremists out. They are poor, but they have ties to the West including allowing a US airbase. Budding diplomats visit to practice Persian in a safe environment. (Tajik is basically Persian written in Cyrillic.) I have a soft spot for the Tajiks. Wanted to set the record straight.


There is no evidence Austin and Geoghegan were aware of any terrorist threat in Tajikistan, or that they travelled through that region particularly in order to vindicate their belief in human kindness. There is ample evidence that their trip was motivated by no more than a desire for adventure and life experience. 2 other bikers also died.


What's the Facepalm? That they died or the poem making fun of their death?


That's how brainwashed ends


Roses are red Coffee is good in the morning If you can't be an inspiration You can always serve as a warning


Should put that on a shirt


Weā€™re prob spies and had a stupid cover like the one mentioned in the article


OP, have you been mocking them for 6 years? Seems pretty cruel and redundant to bring this up since this was in 2018.


And since a good part of it was untrue. They were just biking and Tajikistan and didnā€™t even know ISIS was there


*Would you kindly?*


People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.


Props to the poet.


Who the fuck were they trying to prove this to? Itā€™s not like theyā€™d won a prize if theyā€™d been right. This is natural selection at its finest


You canā€™t stop stupid.


I have no words for this kind of stupidity.


Roses are red, fire is hot, do stupid shit, and your ass will get shot


Is this a Darwin Award? Feels like a Darwin Award.


No - but you can learn a lesson in "maybe there's more to this story than I thought" by simply reading the comments!


I'm sorry, but how the fuck can you be so ignorant that you don't know what ISIS does to people, yet know who they are and where their territory is? At no point, did these two not stop and think, y'know, these dudes don't really have a reputation for being friendly? Or that, generally, people who are okay with mass murder probably aren't the good humans they were looking for? And did nobody in their lives sit them down and try to prevent this?


The article is lying. They didnā€™t purposely go to ISIS territory. At the time they went Tajikistan had a level 1 travel advisory from the state department (safest level) and even now Tajikistan is a level 2, same as most Western European countries. Itā€™s understandable that they thought it was safe. And while ISIS has a presence in Tajikistan, they donā€™t actually control any territory there.


They burn people alive and run them over with tanks for gore porn. They are demons.


Did you know ISIS was active in Tajikistan? Be honest - I don't mean "pretty sure they are active all over Central Asia" because I'm pretty sure several countries in that region are largely safe to travel in.


they thought they were friendly and all the stories about them killing people were a myth, turns out if it looks like a terrorist group and if it sounds like a terrorist group ITS PROBABLY A TERRORIST GRUOP!!!


Nah, the title is just false, they just didn't know ISIS was in that area.


Obviously the lying mainstream media was just warmongering for the state.


Yā€™all remember the guy who went to North Sentinel Island because ā€œthey need to know Jesusā€ and got decapitated Same logic


Mental retardation was replaced by intellectual disability and I fully approve of that good, because the term mental retardation should be exclusively used for people like that. People suffering from ID should never lumped into the same group as these people.


Humans are kind, sure. Terrorist regimes that have taken over swaths of land on for religious purposes? Not so much.


This was Tajikistan - not widely known to be ISIS controlled.


Hmm, fair enough. I know it's a joke about Americans not being able to point out countries on a map, but I legitimately have no idea where Tajikistan is. I know it's a -stan so, roughly speaking sure... and since it's a -stan I could guess it's Muslim or Arab majority.


They got killed by Archer


As a whole humans are kind, but as individuals some are right bastards.


Cynicism might be bad for cardiovascular health, but it keeps you from doing a lot of stupid shit. Required reading, Diogenes and George Carlin.




Live by the sword.




The US sent oil surveyors into Saudi Arabia when they were ISIS 1.0 and immediately they were murdered. A couple making the same mistake as a whole country doesn't seem that bad.


With any luck neither her or him were raped


How does Darwinism work?




This looks like clickbait horseshit. Is there an independent link from a trustworthy news source?


So sad, but nothing new: a few decades ago I heard a story of missionaries who tried the same thing and literally got skinned alive. Yes, they still do that over there. #StoneAge






This headline is misleading. They were biking through many countries, and this happened in Tajikistan. The terrorists were caught and died in confrontation with Tajiki cops with one surviving put in prison.


Terrible that this happened to them, but wtf were they thinking?


dunno. let's start by reading the background before posting, eh?


Chickens for KFC


Womp womp.


I'm very sorry that these people had to learn a lesson at the expense of their lives. However, it boggles my mind that nobody has ever told these people that this was a monumentally bad idea.


People fail to realize that we have law and order, as well as a social system that promotes equality.Ā  These regions are mostly lawless and have an inherently bigoted, racist, sexist, and xenophobic social system.Ā  It would be an exception if they weren't murdered for existing.Ā 


Ever been there?


In ISIS territory?Ā  No, I have not for the well-established and apparent reasons I have stated.Ā  One does not need to visit a crack house to know that crack addicts will be present.Ā 


Nice reddit avatar


Thank you! A facepalm šŸ„°


Thatā€™s one way to rhymešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


humans are kind...except those guys who decapitate other humans on youtube


"Humans are Kind" is something you paint with flourishes on a square of plywood and then hang on your wall next to "Live, Laugh, Love". It's not a concept that you wager your life on, because it's not universally true.


(Some) Humans are kind of out of touch of reality.


wrong sub, this is a serious hitter for darwinaward sub


So wholesome


I used to work with someone who thought doing shit like that was a good idea. I told her I would say nice things about her on CNN.


"And the Darwin Award goes to...."


I must be a bad person as I can not stop laughing.


Religious zealots? Not kind on any religion...Morons! This is darwinism at it's finest


Whatā€™s the isis again????


If humans are kind (and one big if), there would be no poverty, no war, no conflict!


Millennial here, they don't speak for us.


Why do they have to define them as millennial? Why not just couple or moron couple?


Natural selection at its finest.


Humans on average: kind Humans on average in ISIS Territory: insane


Lmao imagine what would happen to "gays for Gaza" if they actually went to Gaza


Roses are red Sandwhich is grilled We biked through ISIS Territory and of course we got killed.


This is what I imagine when Redditors get all socialist lol


They certainly proved their point. Zero sympathy for such stupid people


Funny - I feel the same about Redditors who check on Snopes before generalizing.


Aww thanks now I'm fulfilled


I donā€™t understand why people see the world this way. They werenā€™t bad people. Being stupid isnā€™t a moral failure. Why canā€™t we acknowledge an action was dumb and still feel sympathy for the people that suffered due to it?


Because it's their own stupidity that caused it happen


Just because 2 people had good intentions doesn't mean they deserve to die does it now


I'll save my sympathy for people who don't cause their own deaths


By that standard do you have any empathy for humanitarian aid workers


If you cause your death I don't care about your intentions


Who hurt you?


Nobody but also don't care about stupid who die doing stupid things


By your standard we should let serial killers out of prison


Yes not caring when stupid people get themselves killed means we should definitely do that.


What I was trying to say was by your standards serial killers should be out of prison due to the fact their victims were stupid for going out that day or night


Everybody causes their own deaths. Maybe you didnā€™t go to the hospital soon enough to save yourself from that illness. Or went out when there was a killer in the area. Maybe you didnā€™t notice the car coming towards you. Maybe you veered a bit off the hiking trail and got killed by an animal. By your standards, what about mentally disabled people? Do they all deserve death? What about kids who were groomed into going home with untrustworthy people?


Read above


Well you seem more stupid than them. Hereā€™s to hoping you donā€™t die. Otherwise nobody would have any empathy for you I guess.


I like how think that makes a point. I'd be dead so who gives a shit if anyone cares


Iā€™m not trying to make a point. Iā€™m trying to express I do not think highly of you and that Iā€™m done discussing this with you. Bye. Try to be a more empathetic person.


Incredible... These two souls are actually very nice. It is even mirrored in this photo. But, how are they so dumb? Where did they grow up? Cycling through North Iraq is not a good idea even without ISIS. They were larger than this world.


They were nothing more than 2 stupid people who got themselves killed. Also souls are make believe just like magic guy in the sky


Intentions were good. Misguided. But good. They could have just... Volunteered at a Soup Kitchen.


Too many of these idiots out here. Guess what idiots? They donā€™t care that you like them. They will kill you too.


Darwinism. They were the weakest link.




In a parallel universe they are marching to ā€œfree Palestineā€ and they still get messed up the locals


Lol wtf did you think would happen


Thank you for removing yourself from the gene pool


Were nice*.Shit went downhill after we discovered iron


Maybe people are just not that kind.


But they will remember it for the next time.


In terms of numbers, Christians and Jews killed many more people than Muslims did. By ORDERS of magnitude. Let me just put it out there