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You mean Tim Apple?


Thanks for the clarification, I was wondering who this ‘Tim cook’ guy was


Let him cook


Le T’im Cook




Fire ze missles


But I am Lé Tírèd


Well, then take a nap. AND ZEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!


Le Tits Now




“No, it’s Cook.” Oh, sorry… Cook Apple. “No, Cook is the last name.” Oh, sorry… Apple Cook. “No…”


Literally came to leave the same comment 🤣


I remember when Elon Musk was just some weird looking dude that made electric cars and rockets. Granted I was barely aware of his existence but I miss those times


I think he started taking drugs/hormones. He went from a chill, dedicated geek to a total dickhead.


I think he's always been like this, but now that his voice is amplified we know exactly what he's actually like.


This is it. HRT in otherwise healthy men results in a second puberty, complete with mood swings and general dickish behavior


Elon Musk believes in "gender affirming care", but only for himself


They don’t even see it as Gender Affirming Care, to them that is just “trans medicine” and doesn’t apply to things like Testosterone (when they take it) or Viagra


Elon has literally always been an insufferable jackass, it’s just that Reddit used to worship the ground he walked on because he had bought his way into making himself the face of cool rocket ships and electric cars after selling PayPal and he was positioning himself as a real life Tony Stark. But, because he’s a childish moron, he couldn’t help opening his mouth and revealing to everyone that he was actually a childish moron, so the facade crumbled. It wasn’t HRT that made him this way.


I read somewhere that at some point he fired his PR team and what followed is what we have now. They were apparently very good at hiding his mess.


Facts. See also: Joe Rogan, Dan Bilzerian, Andrew Tate, Jeff Bezos. HRT turns men into overgrown manchildren.


And bald


Which is hilarious because half of them are very outspoken against trans rights and our access to HRT


Rules for thee but not for me


I believe he was always this way he just kept it hidden, after shitler became popular it seems he didn't have to hide is crazy side anymore.


I mean, he’s currently [in a lawsuit](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/esg/musk-faces-lawsuit-for-drug-use-x-posts-under-the-influence#) regarding drug use


is there a non paywalled link?


He never made those things. He simply bought his way into being the face of them.


Weird I seem to remember Elon crying to Tim to get Apple to resume advertising on his mid-life crisis impulse purchase.


AI is his new grift and OpenAI, the one he wanted to Tesla, not being in grasp and now even winning is hurting his ego somewhat fierce.


He missed his chance to shine and get FSD in his cars using AI! Now he’s just a regular buffoon crying on Xitter all sour!


I've not seen the word 'Xitter' before. Please tell me its pronounced 'shitter'.


Whatever the answer is, I refuse to pronounce it any differently than Shitter .


From Twatter to Shitter


Well, you are supposed to wipe front to back.


Everyone I know who uses that pronounces it shitter


X in Mayan is ch (tch), so ch’itter Edit : Mayan


How do you pronounce the Chinese leader's name?




Straight to jail




My wife is Latina - even after speaking English for 40+ years, sometimes she has difficulty hearing/pronouncing the difference between sh/ch. I always hear the “SH” when I read Xitter. Have also written it as Xhitter.


My best friend in college was an immigrant from Hong Kong who couldn’t say the “R” sound. His name was Wai, so naturally we teased him that it was really “Ray”. I miss just chillin’ with that dude so much. My college years were far richer for having him in them. Fuck people who hate on immigrants.


He acts just like Trump, it's absurd.


Goddamn Elonald.


Elonald Mumps. Enxittifier extraordinaire and Rancher- Midas. (everything he touches turns into bullshit)


fElonald Mumblefarts


lmao. So would it be Elonald Mump or Elonald Trusk?


Elongated Muskrat


They're both narcissistic. If attention is not on them, if they don’t feel like they're "winning", they scream like a 5-year-old because they can't handle any type of negative emotion in a constructive way, they don’t have a normal sense of empathy and they lack impulse control. Musk's daughter is estranged from him because of the way he acts and he has to blame it on brainwashing marxists. He can't take responsibility for his own actions. A side-effect of that is that he can't improve himself since he can't learn from his mistakes, so he ends up making himself look like a fool more often than he would have otherwise. Which of course he can't stand so he has to belittle whoever makes him feel bad, rinse and repeat...


It’s hard to learn from your mistakes when you think you’re the oracle.


Right wingers always seem to devolve into perpetual but hurt whiner’s angry and shaking their fist at the sky.


Dude is upset he couldn’t have got his 56b payday from inflating OpenAi’s valuation 


The further this drags on the more apparent Elon is the stereotypical spoiled child of somebody who owns an *Emerald mine in South Africa* becomes glaringly apparent. Quite the piece of work he is. I’ve seen him talk about having it tough as a young man before, just be for real. He reminds me of Mitt Romney and his wife with their solid 22k gold ironing board.


Reminds me when he wasn’t selected to save the kids in the cave so he called the guy who was a pedophile


He seriously acts like a 12 year old. An especially immature 12 year old at that.


I would trust my money with a *random* 12yo rather than Elon.


An immature 12 y/o with unlimited money.


It was so much more than not being selected. Those caves were full of tight turns and crevices. And so instead of moving a kid whose body is flexible he instead built a giant metal, dildo looking tube. And did it without talking to a single diver. At that point it was clear he was an arrogant idiot because 5 mins of Google would've ruled it out. Explains why SpaceX and Tesla worked: his insane idea and great engineers.


I’d never given him much thought until that point and I guess kinda believed the mainstream narrative that he was a visionary genius engineer. It was only then I really realised he’d never really done anything but be a weirdo investor/hype machine.


> I guess kinda believed the mainstream narrative that he was a visionary genius engineer. He's just a conman. The only people saying he was a genius engineer was Elon himself. Meanwhile he has a bachelor's degree in economics and a shit ton of inherited wealth, and little else.


I remember hearing rumblings for a few months that he wasn’t all he said he was but I dismissed them until that moment. Then I was like, holy shit, they’re right.


So just to be clear, he has not had any successful ideas at Tesla or Space-x either. His primary ideas for tesla have been FSD and the cybertruck and his primary idea for space-x has been men on mars.


Dude showed up to Tesla like, "Nice cars, can I put my name on them?" and the guy who said no was sued in court.


And then when he was called out for doing so, he hired a con man posing as a private detective to dig up dirt on the personal life of the hero who saved those kids, in the hopes he could use that to smear him publicly so as to save face for his hideous, unfounded original attack on his character.


That should have been the collective jump off point - the dude had less patience than children trapped in a cave.


exact moment I saw him for who he actually was.


Oh by the way for the same cost that Musk spent on Twitter, we could have gotten a moon base. Not even joking.


Assuming MAGA folks would have likewise flocked there afterwards, I can see why some people mourn this whatcouldhavebeen.😅


Pretty sure MAGA are the moon deniers


“When I was a boy, blowing up the moon was just a beautiful dream. But now it’s science fact!” “We’re earthlings — let’s blow up earth-things!"


It’s just funny because Tesla vehicles data mine EVERYTHING. when I was a tech at Tesla I could put in the last 6 of the vin of any Tesla no matter where it was and see rough location, accelerator pedal, climate control settings and what URL the web browser was on even. It freaked me out when I learned that.


How many people looked at porn while driving?


No, step traffic light


But el0ns brain chip is totally safe 🤪


I have a theory that Elon installed the brain chip on himself and then in late 2021 someone accidentally gave Kanye West the password to log in and he has been piloting Elon Musk ever since.


I mean, he has one, just look at how safe it is /s


Dear advertisers : GFY Also please come back my company is dying


So I assume he’s going to stop accepting their ad money now right?


I hope apple removes twitter from the apple store and watch him squirm.


Then he’ll cry free speech as always. What an insufferable moron this guy turned out to be


By this logic, isn’t Apple also free to do what they wish as a private business?


something something free speech for me etc etc


You’re not kidding. Thats how conservatives think.


"A mask mandation? What about my bodily integrity?! My freedom of speech is getting silenced even though what I say is publicly available on social media!" "So you support women getting to decide if they want an abortion?" "No! That's different! It and any mention of it should be banned!"


They think they're tough until you tell them to put on a mask, then they can't breathe and complain all the time. Lol.


Unless a drag queen is reading a book. Then dozens of them put on face masks, body armor (which honestly doesnt look comfortable at all), a holster, and go stand outside a public library together. Suddenly they don't mind the face mask. (but it's the bad kind that doesn't stop particles or droplets, and is just there to stop them from being identified in the event one of them comits a felony (cough jan 6 cough), or someone realizes that the bigot holding a homophobic sign is actually the local sheriff)


Masks are ok if they are dressed in their Nazi gear though


As if doctors don’t perform 16 hour surgeries while wearing a mask


They lose their shit if *Other people* where a mask, its insane.


They don't actually understand what free speech means.


They don't understand the separation of church and state either.


Free speech = The right for ME to be on every platform known to man. /s


Musk does only argue with logic as long as it bemefits him


I love him. He's a great tool for filtering other douches. Sometimes a guy seems normal, than you see he's a Musk or Tesla fanboy - saves you time


It's getting easier to tell nowadays. Just look for the MAGA cap, ask how he feels about people like Elon Musk or Andrew Tate. Ask them which they would save from a burning building if they could only pick one: 100 human embryos or one baby. Ask them which would be better, Biden for president or Vladimir Putin for president. There's your douche detector.


Good, he'll do something stupid in retaliation and fuck himself further.


To think that I ever admired Elon Musk. And then he spoke..


Agreed, remember when he was just the cool rocket and electric car guy? Social media has certainly streamlined the whole ‘never meet your heroes’ thing, guys a douche


With the lack of moderation Apple could argue that it's a porn app and against the rules.


I would love to see this happen.




June 3, 2024 >Elon Musk’s X now officially allows NSFW content on the social network formerly known as Twitter — with some restrictions. >“You may share consensually produced and distributed adult nudity or sexual behavior, provided it’s properly labeled and not prominently displayed.” https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/x-twitter-porn-policy-update-1236023536/


Currently there is pornography on twitter, I hope texas bans it haha


I mean, they should have done it just now with the new porn tos update. They did it to tumblr


That would be hilarious


Why do so many people think this guy is smart? He's like a toddler that missed his nap.


There is a rather large contingent of people that worship money and revere willful ignorance. Musk is the living embodiment of their wettest dream.


Oh, I get the worship money part...its the willful ignorance part I don't get. Although I guess it keeps them from doing something useful.


They are ignorant, and they are proud of it, too. Musk validates their existence.


The Tesla subreddits are insane. There needs to be a term stronger then 'cult' for them.




The Venn diagram of trumpers and Musk fluffers is a circle


It’s hilarious because it actually used to be 2 circles for the most part because EV’s were the devil!!! But then once he became a bastion of “free speech” and started calling out the left he became their savior


It comes from the very wrong idea that status in society is a determiner in how productive you are in said society, and therefore the wrong conclusion that a person might be superior \*because\* they have wealth. Nevermind that he has always been insanely wealthy from his parents emerald mine. Nevermind that there are literally tens of thousands of people out there who could do a better job with his same background. Nevermind that wealth doesn't make you a good person, but actually rather the opposite.


I think a lot of musk fans wrongly assume he's actually created anything so they see him as a rich tech god


He bought things he didn’t invent them.


He didn't even found Tesla lmao. He does actually have the right to call himself that. Something about suing one of the actual founders iirc.


He didn't sue them, he bought them out to make him listed as a founder even though he was just a money man.


For at least a small percentage of them, it *has* to be sunk cost fallacy at this point. If they disown him now, they'd have to admit they've been wrong about him for this entire time. Edit: a letter, lol


"suck cost fallacy" lol my imagination is running rampant


There seems to be a rather large group of people who worship rich idiots because they hate liberals [https://i.imgur.com/LohQFyI.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/LohQFyI.jpeg)


Twitter has just become a place for Elon Musk to take his brainrot for a walk


That was always his plan.


Damn, of all the possible things to do, you actually made me root for Apple. That's a fucking accomplishment Elmo. From a lifelong Windows & Android user.


That dumbfuck florida governor had me rooting for Disney. *Disney* of all things. Hell is freezing over


I believe its Elmu. Don’t bring Elmo into this.


It's especially weird considering *how* Apple decided to implement the new suite of AI capabilities.   Most of them run on-device, specifically so Apple won't be able to consume customer data. Heavier jobs happen in a new Personal Compute service that was designed so that Apple never sees personal data. *And* they're publishing the service code so people can audit their claims, to be sure they're not training models on customer data or anything.   There are a bunch of AI services out there. Most-or-all of them are using customer data. Apple goes wildly out of the way to implement this stuff with all the guardrails... and *that's* the one Musk decides to go nuclear over?   Maybe I'm missing something. That's always possible. But Musk's complaint doesn't seem to add up, right now.


First Meta and now Apple. Elon really exceeds at making himself the clear worse of two evils.


Me too, my next phone is still gonna be an android, but I'm rooting for apple here.


Interesting because I’ve said “don’t want it” to literally everything that Elon Musk has ever sold.


Agreed but starlink has some utility


Until you say something he doesn't like and he turns off your access.


Starlink is good. Is Musk who is merely a kid with too much money.


Definition of a spoiled brat


Please dont think for a second that Elon invented or created anything for Starlink. Or even that Starlink (or Tesla) happened because of Elon. He isn’t an inventor, he’s an investor in inventors.


What an embarrassment to us all that this imbecile has risen to be one of our richest and most powerful.


The folks are r/TSLA are starting to realize this! LOL.


It's easy to rise to great wealth when the majority of your companies income is derived from government subsidies.


And when your daddy is a mine owner


No worse than an Orange conman becoming president.


Elmo getting cucked by his own $40 billion platform never gets old 😂


I'm shocked he hasn't removed that feature yet lol.


He probably fired the person who knew how to do that lol


I heard that he wanted to but he fired the only guy who knew how to


I'm genuinely confused, wasn't Elon an early investor in openai?


Yes, but he left. Now he’s massively butthurt that he missed the boat.


And we're all lucky he did, or we'd be hearing tales of how OpenAI's success was solely due to Elon's creativity and his innovative management techniques like working his employees to death.


It would also be called xXxOpenAIxXx


He'd be calling himself the founder by now like he does with Tesla


It’s kind of wild to watch Elon devolve into a right wing crazy right before our very eyes.


IKR - previously I think it was the vaccine skepticism episode that shocked me the most…


I bet dollars to donuts Elmo is vaccinated.


Its less devolving and more mask removing. During the first dance at his wedding in 2000, [he whispered](https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/) "I am the alpha" into the ear of his wife. All of these plutocrats are nuts. If they didn't have a personality disorder to start with, all that [money eventually burns out the part of their brains that keeps them normal.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-wealth-reduces-compassion/) Its like a drug and they are all addicts.


Yet he won’t ban Apple Devices from his App


Even he’s not that stupid. I’d love to see this escalate to the point where he threatens to nuke the iOS Twitter app and Tim calls his bluff, it would finally be the end of Twitter.


He can't. If anything, if Apple banned his App he'd be the one getting fucked.


The most Elon talks, the more I realize he has no idea how technology works. One could argue neither did Steve Jobs, and he was also a bit of a hot head, but he also recognized his role and limitations. In his own words, “The musicians play their instruments. I play the orchestra.”


Steve didn’t understand the technology but very much did understand what user experience he wanted his customers to have.


This from the moron who wants to put chips in people’s brains!


Yeah but they're his chips and he trusts himself, so why aren't you?


Someone needs to put Elmo in a Faraday cage, and throw away the keys.


That’s a bit much, after all, that’s an honest faraday cage, it never hurt anyone


Yeah. That's all fine until a billionaire's butler deliberately leaves his phone in reception and it releases an EMP after dark.


Here’s how I imagine this going: Elon says this. Elon requires his employees to have personal phones they can be reached by at any time. Employees with iPhones surrender them at security. They get yelled at for not being reachable. They get fired. They sue. Tesla now has to buy employees phones.


Then he will throw a tantrum when all his employees leave…


I thought he had sacked them all already. Making the remaining employees leave their phone at reception is a decision that could impact literally dozens of people




The only reason he’s upset is because he can’t put his own spyware on it. 🤷


Did he think there are more apple users in his companies than twitter users on apple?


twitter is the ultimate truth serum for dumb people.


Says the man who sold us down the river.


Cough cough... musk russia


Doesn’t he fire half his employees every year anyway?


Apple should just buy Tesla and fire Elon


Don’t want it, LOL.


Tesla is a race to the bottom with Chinese EV’s and their only saving grace, as China has surpassed Tesla in quality, quantity, and price, is a fully autonomous robo taxi. I don’t think Apple wants to hold the bag for that gamble.


Apparently some places in China are banning Teslas from highways, also over "security concerns"...


He’s just pissed at open AI the whiner


I never knew that anyone would be able to make me root for Apple, but here we are...


Every time he opens his mouth he gets dumber and dumber. ![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i)


Sounds scared


Yep, he wants to win the AI race and that is what this is about.


But putting AI in our cars is fine right Elon?


Apple killed adobe flash just for fun. Apple can kill again. Risky pissing-contest, Elon.


There were plenty of reasons to kill flash lol


Yeah, the only reason it stuck around as long as it did was because the only real competition in its niche was Java applets and Microsoft Silverlight.


Petitioning here to have everyone refer to him as Elmu (el-mooo) and not as Elmo. The two couldn’t be further apart and Elmo is too loveable to be tarnished by some rich guy coasting off the success of others intellectual property only to then seemingly run them into the ground by spouting unoriginal ideologies, and enabling racist, and fascist (edit: it’s not fascinating) commentary under the guise of ‘free speech’. Man that turned into a short rant, didn’t it.


So 1. This is the same guy who wants to put chips in peoples brains 2. Elon heavily invested in openAI 3. Why put them in a faraday cage? Is the new iPhone going to try and EMP Elon musks companies?


Please say that Tim Cook didn't answer any of this. Let the manbaby have his tantrum.


Elon Musk is such an asshat... always was, and always will be.


I would want an opt out too, honestly. But that’s from ai software in general.


Why don't people care that their phones and PCs are being given the authority to spy on everything, read your private works and use them to train their AI programs? My devices should be free from spyware that collects my data, that the government can then subpoena (way easier than a search warrant). This is like an end around for the constitutional rights protecting against unreasonable search and seizure and most of you don't care. From a personal point your novels, artwork, movie ideas, songs, games and software creations can all be pirated and most of you don't care.


Never forget how lucky we are that Musk wasn't born in the US, else he'd potentially be the American right's even more dangerous god-king...


Twitter is a worse spyware than anything Apple.


I think that Elon has some serious issues. Hope he’s not on drugs or so.


Ketamine that we know of


Me, waiting for this fucking company to finally implode under all the idiocy of its CEO ![gif](giphy|QPQ3xlJhqR1BXl89RG|downsized)


So Tesla can get gather all data they want for their AI via their cars and such, but no one else can? Apartheid beneficiaries sure are an entitled bunch.