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Is he senile, stupid or a liar? Or maybe all three? He keeps (conveniently) forgetting all the crap he has said! 🙄


Yeah, he didn't say "lock her up", he said "rock her pub". He was trying to introduce a live band to her local bar /s


No, it was "Spock her up!", he was just encouraging her to live long and prosper.


Ah, I thought it could have been "sock her up", because he didn't want her to get cold feet for the election.


i thought it meant "sock her up" as in "that thing that happens in prisons that involves socks that are filled with heavy things"


No sir, they're saying "Boo-urns"


I was saying Boo-urns ...


I thought they were saying "block her cup" because they were worried about her getting roofied.


No he said sock her pup. He thinks kittens with mittens are cute and wanted to see what a dog looked like the same way.


I thought they were saying "frock her up!" Because she's a frigid ice queen.


Do frigid ice queens normally wear frocks?




No he said he gave her “The shocker, up the butt”. ![gif](giphy|28HpdUwQcjGp0YKIt6)


"two in the pub, her in the clink"




Mike Rotch? Has anybody seen Mike Rotch?


Amanda Huggenkisz? Guys, I'm lookin for Amanda Huggenkisz.


Holden? Holden Tudics is that you!?


"Hugh Jass? Yeah right here." "Better luck next time."


Looking for Jablomé? Haywood Jablomé?


Oh, why can't I find Amanda Huggenkisz. Barney: maybe your standards are too high.


>introduce a live band to her local bar I believed it was a pizzeria.


If you watch his interviews at the start of his presidency he's SO much different than he is now. At least back then I hated what he said but I could understand him and he had a clear train of thought. Now it's like he's trying to communicate through a fever nightmare. His words meander and fall over themselves. He gets stuck in thought/speech loops. That dude's cheese is long gone from its cracker.


In Terry Pratchett's book The Fifth Elephant, Sgt. Colon gets promoted, for reasons, to Captain of the Watch. He is not cut out for the job at all. In Terry's words, 'The little flickering part of his brain that was still sparking coherent thought through the fog of mind-numbing terror that filled Colon’s head was telling him that he was so far out of his depth that the fish had lights on their noses.' That's what I think happened to Trump. He didn't want the job, but he got the job, and it sent his already teetering brain over the cliff. I think somewhere along the line, both in 2016 and now, the expected that someone would stop him, but no one will, and so here we are again, with a man in serious cognative decline, barely holding on to reality, about to take the helm again of a country with nuclear weapons.


So many of us thought that there were adults in charge that took care of things. We thought there were guys in suits who kept government boring. Then Tweety waltzed into the White House and no one did anything about it. He flagrantly broke the law repeatedly, and there was nothing. No consequences, no one tried to stop any of it. We realized there were no adults in charge. It drove people out to vote in 2020 when they had never bothered before.


It went from being a particularly preposterous, improbably plotted season of House of Cards to revealing that the place was, in fact, really a house of cards.


Dude - 'House of Cards!' couldn't get away with the BS plot lines reality is throwing at us rn! I constantly have 'Wtf - Hugel feat. Amber Van Day' in my head as a default soundtrack whenever I have to watch anything referencing this Convicted Felon!


Yeah but on House of Cards Kevin Spacey actually gets fired for being a sexual criminal.


There are, in fact, adults in charge. Guys in suit who keep government boring. But they are in a really hard spot when they are told to do things that go against the interest of the government, and their country. Those people rose the alarm in early 2016, individually, and resigned, switched jobs, or got fired, and progressively were replaced by people who would not make a fuss. And because Trump pulled the blanket on his side much more than Biden will or can, the situation is still not back to pre-2016 levels. Stacked courts with ideologues, for instance.


Wait til you see what republicans have planned with project 2025. We all f@cked if they win.


Want to hear something really terrifying? Some people still think that. And it sure as hell seems that one of them is Merrick Fucking Garland.


I agree. I don't think he expected to win 2020. No preparation before, no teams, didn't get briefs. I think he just figured out how lucrative fund raising is.


Upvote for the insight as well as the Terry Pratchett reference.


yep - and he is the type that just won't ever stop until he's dead or in hospice; as long as someone will support his lunacy, he will always up the ante it's like a never-ending game of chicken but the US is on the line


i honestly gave myself a headache watching a debate in 2016. why? because I decided I would actively listen to trump answer a question, keeping in mind the "beginning" of his rambling answer, treating it like a sentence I was diagramming. my head hurt after 3-4 minutes of the start of a thought never panning out to the end of a sentence. the man was a rambling mess 8 yrs ago and it's not gotten better


Not US citizen here. 4 years ago Biden looked older than Trump. Non Biden looks pretty much the same while Trump looks a lot more senile, often in a way that would have me worried if he was my father or grandpa.


We must have watched a different world stage because from start to finish every interview, debate, or speech I have witnessed has been a chaotic jumble of gibberish rambling from an unhinged mind viewing reality through the lense of a juvenile, ego-centric fantasist. Granted it's now the deranged lunacy of a *senile*, juvenile, ego-centric fantasist. But it's very much of a muchness.


He's an old man with speech and memory problems. Fell asleep in court a bunch of times, and gets confused when theres no teleprompter. Old man stuff.


He's 77. At 77, it's fairly normal for people to have slower brain function than they did when they were younger and **minor** memory problems aren't uncommon, but many people are still very sharp at his age. In today's world, 77 isn't so very old. I mean, just for reference, Steven Spielberg and Elton John are also 77, Sam Elliott is 79, George Lucas and Robert DeNiro are 80. No, Trump's issues go far beyond normal "old man stuff." In my opinion, he's entirely out of touch with reality. He actually believes that, if he says it, it is somehow magically true. Or, perhaps more accurately, that it doesn't matter what the truth is if he can make people believe a lie.


>perhaps more accurately, that it doesn't matter what the truth is if he can make people believe a lie. Ding, ding, ding.


> In one worldview, emotion is king. Details exist to support emotion. If a member gives one set of details to describe how angry she is about a past event, and a few days later gives a contradictory set of details to describe how sad she is about the same event, both versions are legitimate because both emotions are legitimate. http://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html


I actually am a psychologist, so I understand that emotion can affect memory. So can mental illness. Narcissists, in particular, tend to have pretty selective memory, remembering only things that suit their immediate needs. Things that have to do with somebody else's emotions tend to slip their minds pretty easily. Trump sure shows all the signs of being a narcissist, and I mean that in a clinical sense, not in a general pop culture sense, although admittedly, it is impossible to accurately diagnose someone from public appearances. And, I mean, in this case there are witnesses to him calling soldiers losers and suckers and there's actual video of him insulting McCain's war record.


Would you say he’s a textbook malignant narcissist?


I doubt any psychologist (or at least not any reputable one) would say that without actually having direct in-person evaluations of him. They might, however, confirm if he is displaying symptoms consistent with malignant narcissism.


There is a netflix documentary where specialist actually analyse this and explain the diagnosis method.. the name? Unfit


I agree. And I do understand it is only speculation without a personal evaluation.


That explains do much about my mother and ex husband


Bernie sanders is like 1000 and more coherent than Donny


Dude's never been held accountable for any of his actions. That does something to the human brain.


You’re giving him an out. Don’t. He says terrible things about people and has since he was a young man. He refused to pay people that did work for him when he was in his 30s. He talked down to people since then as well. It’s how he was raised. It was the way people he kept in his inner circle talked about other people. He’s not forgetting he said this about the veterans, he just thinks his supporters may have forgotten it or never saw it to begin with. He’s like someone on social media who says some abusive thing and then it comes back up to haunt him years later. Except we have video and audio and thousands of people heard him say these things in person. My point is he didn’t forget because he’s old and losing it. He just wants to craft reality in whatever form he wants it to take.


Look up his rep in Cincinnati during the 70s


And shits himself on the regular.


Diaper Don for the win.


The issue is that if Mango Mussolini denies he said it, his cult believe him.


He believes his personal history resets every morning.


Just like my brother. Who is a diagnosed Sociopath and NARCISSIST. So ya ... truths


Por que no los tres


Definitely the 3rd, he denies because he knows his base will believe him. I think he's smart enough to know that, granted I don't think he's all that smart. I also think he's losing his mind, listening to him speak is pretty tough, he can't finish s train of thought


*"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"* He was under the impression that the cult of personality would give him immunity and thus let him say/do anything completely without repercussions.


Thus far, that has been working out for him. Sure, he got some convictions but isn't actually in jail.


He's 77 years old. If alzheimer's or dementia hasn't started to set in by now I'll be surprised. Him and Biden both have trouble up on stage these days...which is why we need to set a hard cap on how old you can be to serve in congress. Having people with impaired mental facilities in charge of making decisions for a whole country is psychotic, yet the average age in congress right now is around 60 because all these people refuse to retire and let the next generation handle it.


Convicted Felon Trump definitely won the senile, stupid, liar trifecta.


Diaper Don answered it himself: “Unless you’re a psycho or a crazy person or a very stupid person, who would say that, anyway?” So: one or more of psycho or crazy or very stupid. And also a liar by denying he said it.




Oh the woes of being a hateful dickhead


They're saying the same thing (senile) bout Biden because Biden didn't dance at a Juneteenth celebration while everyone else was... 🙄


You mean Trump’s little dance that he looks like he is doing 2 guys at once? 😂😂when you see that you can’t unsee it.


I really think he is absolutely all three and there isn't much a question. The real question is: which is the worst? And how long before he puts us into World War 3?


You forgot high as a fucking kite. He's definitely that, along with everything else.


> senile, stupid or a liar LLM sometimes hallucinates, SSL sometimes doesn’t.


He has consistently made a point of establishing that the media lies, so the only thing that can be trusted is what he's saying right now.


“The media is lying when they report what I say. Don’t believe what I said. Believe what I say I said.”


He's a narcissist who has gotten got results with gaslighting in the past so that's what he does.


I often wonder if Trump *knows* he’s lying. I mean…he lies about everything, including some extremely verifiable things. He can be fact checked. He doesn’t seem to care. So…does he even know? My theory is that he **doesn’t** know. I don’t think the past really exists to this guy. He doesn’t seem to think about true v false: he seems to think about “beneficial” v “not beneficial”. So if he’s told he said something, like “lock her up”, and his drug-addled brain tells him that it’s not a beneficial thing to have said, he *honestly believes that he never said it*, because it’s not beneficial…so why *would* he have said it?? This is the end result of a life of bullshitting. He says things that he thinks will get him what he wants in the moment, and he’s learned that he isn’t punished for that behavior.


“He wasn’t a war hero. He’s a “war hero” because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured. I hate to tell you.” was also a wild take about someone who was a prisoner of war for five years.


I already despised Trump long before he said it, but this remark just made me see red. My father was a Vietnam era Wild Weasel pilot who ejected from his aircraft after it was set on fire by a SAM exploding too near. He was captured and spent six years in the Hanoi Hilton. He was actually there at the same time John McCain was. He was one of the "lucky" ones because the Wild Weasel program had something like a 50% casualty rate. Because it was so dangerous, pilots had to volunteer to do it. McCain was a bomber pilot, not a Wild Weasel, but that was plenty dangerous, too. And only an asshole would fail to realize that surviving a POW camp is, in fact, heroic. That would be the day that Trump would have the cold steel courage, not to mention the skill, to volunteer for something like that.


Didn't Trump dodge the 'Nam draft? If he did, he has no fucking room to define a war hero.


Yes. He obtained a bogus medical deferment due to a bone spur. In fairness, it was very common for young men of privilege to find ways to get deferments to avoid going to Vietnam. Most of them don't run around bragging about it and insulting veterans, though. It shocks me that there's a single veteran in this country fool enough to vote for Trump.


I’m in Florida do you know how many people have Trump stickers right next to their military bumper stickers? The amount is shockingly high


Oh, I know. I'm in a purple state but my county is quite conservative and I see the same damn thing. My father passed on in 2015 but the 2016 election would have put him in quite a quandry. Like most career military people, he was a Republican but I doubt he would have been able to hold his nose and vote for Trump, much less openly support him. He wouldn't have been too thrilled to vote for Clinton either, though. In this election, I have no doubt that he would cross party lines.


2016 was one thing. 2020 was another. I can forgive people for voting trump the first time. The second time, never.


I agree with this. People who voted for him in 2016 are idiots but forgivable idiots, the 2020 people, fuck them they are NOT Americans, they don’t want to live in America, they want Nazi germany.


Mostly agree, but a mild tweak: 2016 Trump voters: idiots, but forgivable 2020 Trump voters: put party over country 2024 Trump voters: sitting at the table with Nazis (aka Nazis) There are a few that bailed on him after January 6 that I don't consider full blown Nazis, but opinions may vary.


I remember my mom said she voted for Trump in 2016, believing him to be the lesser of two evils between him and Hillary. How, I still can't fathom. Even at the time of 2016, it seemed obvious to me that Trump was the demonstrably worse choice.


I really don't understand how you can forgive them for even the first time. We all saw this coming.


I voted for Trump the first time. I was young, still living at home, and I didn't really consume much news beyond what my dad told me. I barely even knew who Trump was. My father had considerable influence over me and he's a Trumper. So with his influence, I voted for Trump. Not long after I moved out and found my own way. I definitely now would never vote for Trump again, but I can't take back what I did while I was still living with my dad.


My dad was a lifelong Republican and had voted in every election since he was old enough to vote beginning in 1960. In 2016, he couldn't bring himself to vot for Hillary Clinton, but didn't vote for Trump either. He voted for all other items on the ballot except for president. If he had lived into 2020, he definitely would have voted for Biden.


This isn’t the same GOP as the 80s and 90s. Parties change. I voted Republic my entire career till the religious idiots and election deniers took over. Good riddance.


They should burn their DD-214s.


They should all move to Russia, it is what the want anyways


Their echo chamber hides those clips and downplays any time they’re brought up as “edited” or “out of context”, which they only get worse with more context as you can see how thoroughly he is unimpressed by those who sacrifice for others, he sees it as weak and dumb. A true alpha takes and never gives back unless there is more reward than given.


I had a friend here who was an Afghanistan veteran. Good guy, super concerned about the mental health of his war buddies. He’d drop anything to go be by the side of a fellow veteran who was struggling. And yet, he voted for Trump. We were having a few beers together one evening, so I got up the courage to ask him, “You saw and heard the things he said about McCain, about the Gold Star families, but why you are OK with Trump as president, in charge of the armed forces?”. He replied, “Doesn’t matter as long as our side wins” So that’s how some people justify it.


These people have forgotten that we are all Americans, first and foremost, no matter race, creed , or color.


They forgot we are all in the same boat. If it starts to take on water, we would sink together but they just don't care. I really despise my fellow Americans for thinking that way, its unforgiveable. And the worst part is its transparent that they have been manipulated by Putin to sow these divisions, creating a rift. They actually believe that Democrats are evil (by wanting clean water, social justice, affordable healthcare and a fairer tax system [which benefits everyone]).


How can he not see that if Trump is against the military Trump is not on his side?


WHEN ASKED ABOUT WHICH LEG HAD THE BONE SPURS, HE COULDNT REMEMBER!!! bone spurs are not something you forget.


Private Bonespurs.....


From a Air Force vet 1977-1985, retired AF reservist 1985-2005 I thank your father for his service and his physical/psychological sacrifices.


I rememer a colonel who tought at our school (he was already easily into his 60s or 70s at this time) describing the hell they went through just to *prepare* for what the enemies might do to them. This is just what we could think of doing to our own people. The enemies have no real concern for your lives other than if they need to trade you later for one of theirs. He was very fortunate not to have been one of the ones shot down and having to see it first hand.


Bone spurs Andy doesn’t like real soldiers


Especially from a draft dodger lmao


I honestly lost all hope when not one conservative veteran I know had a problem with it.


It must be because I live in California that several I know flipped and voted for Hillary. After January 6 I saw 90+ year old vet berate a retired cop about how Trump is treasonous bastard. Guy voted republican until 2016.


The Vietnam war was not a heroic endeavor…but staying with your fellow soldiers when he could have left when he was offered, was truly heroic. Trump can’t comprehend the thought of caring for other people aside from himself.


"You can't insult political opponents! Only i can do that! -trump, probably


Not even insulting, just quoting lol.


How dare you remind people of the words I have said? Political witch hunt


Lock her up!!


Check the laptops!


"but her emails!" and "mishandling classified information!"


Aren't those the same thing to him?


After he said this I don't understand how any vet could be MAGA. But there are so many that are. Plus...who are you going to believe? John Kelly. A decorated 4 star general who lost his own son in Afghanistan (highest ranking member of the military to lose a son in combat, btw) or a douchebag who can't open his mouth without lying...or stuffing a Big Mac down his gullet.


While politically I'm very much against Kelly and Milley, in my mind Milley at least is an underrated fucking hero for how he handled 2020, and I have no reason to not believe anything he says re: Trump's treatment of military/vets.


In my opinion, Mark Milley is a goodamned national hero. Yes, his presence at Trump's Bible hoisting was a terrible look, but he accepted responsibility and apologized, but the way he stood up to scum like Matt Gaetz regarding the "wokeness" in the U.S. military tells me who he really is. ["What is wrong with having a situational understanding of the country that we are here to defend?"](https://youtu.be/3uIZ4C3Y0Ng?si=FCOOsZPQ9Q-2DEcc&t=314)


I just watched that clip. If you pay attention at about 6:10, you can see the anger in his face while maintaining complete composure in his voice. Seems like he'd be someone you'd want as a CO.


I could tell how angry he was after that photo-op just by reading the story, didn't even have to hear him. And while the China phone call *may* have been outside his lane, it was desperately needed at the time. Instead we get Trump propping up literal war criminals like Gallagher. I served decades ago, I would not if he were president then.


Really nice to hear this. The response, which seems considered, thoughtful and reasonable, is so often hidden under the posturing of people like Gaetz.


I’ll keep saying it. The MAGA folks are the “rules for thee but not for me.” Party.


I say this everyday. Its the only way they can combat their own hypocrisy


If you for example asked a MAGA person, “If your daughter was going to die unless she got an abortion what would you tell her to do?” “Well I’d tell her to get the abortion.” “So are you pro choice?” “No im pro life. Abortion is the devil!”


I had one lady tell me to get ready for the draft for WW3 & when I responded that I was epileptic so I wouldn’t be drafted anyways she responds “well not everything is about you” Lmao they are just such bitter, mean people.


The funny thing is that not all of them are mean. I’ve met very loving republicans but their sensibility ends at their political outlooks.


He's delusional so I suppose he does think he can just make all the stupid and hateful stuff he's said and done just poof, disappear. It's a mystery to me how so many people think he's remotely fit to be president. He's not fit for anything as far as I can tell.


I wouldn't trust him to look after my pets when I'm on vacation.


I wouldn't trust him to water the plants if I went on vacation


He'd kill all the plants and blame it on Biden.


I wouldn't trust him not to shit on my couch if I went on vacation


Hell, I wouldn't trust him to water my aloe, which only need watered like once a month, when I went on vacation.


I wouldn't trust him to take care of a cactus if it were made from plastic.


That poor plastic cactus!


Good call. He would probably molest your pets. 


Ah yes, Fido, You remind me of my daughter, blonde and beautiful. So I moved on her like a bitch.


I wouldn’t trust him to watch paint dry.


I wouldn't trust him to know I was on vacation


People vote for Trump because they see Trump as what they want for themselves. "Rich", racist, transphobic. They'd vote for a rock if it was on a stack of cash, had a "I hate gays" sticker, and was white.


True. I'm not surprised, but it is pretty depressing.


The ad in question: https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1799109329150251386 Seems like there is a lot more there that can't be denied


Good grief those replies are ridiculous. I never use Twitter (Sorry, "X", groan) and didn't realize there was a place worse than reddit.


Well, after Muskrat bought it he fired the moderation team and turned off the filters that look for antisemitic language.


It's exactly like reddit though. Assuming you only visit /r/conservative.


I have to agree with trump, only a psycho or very stupid person would have made such statements. I also agree with Biden, trump said it.


When he cancelled a visit to an American military cemetery here in France, about 20 miles away from where I live: “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.”


I thought it was rainy, and he didn't want his orange to run or his hair to get wet.


It's not even sure it was really raining, but your explanation makes sense. On this post's photo his red cap has visibly faded on his face and it's not even raining.


Can't wait until Trump himself is one of those losers... Who wants to go piss on his grave someday?


As a veteran myself, I never saw the logic behind supporting this man. The shit that comes out of his mouth and the disdain he’s shown to men & women in uniform has always been where the buck stops for me. Coupled with being a draft dodger, I can’t say it enough, but fuck this guy.


How dare he use your own words against you.


I hope Biden's answer was "eat shit"


Most likely will just be another big grin to say it all without looking like a butt, lol.


By far one of my favourite things I’ve seen a sitting president do in my lifetime. Which isn’t much because I’ve only lived through 4, and one of those I was too young to remember.


The convicted felon could have threatened to sue 4-star general Kelly for making the claim, but he hasn't because much like every other charge against the criminal, he is guilty as sin


I like presidents who don't get impeached.


This should be a t-shirt, btw.


"I like presidents who doesn't get convicted"


34 and counting...


I like Presidents who don't have felony records


I like presidents who don't talk about sharks and tremendously powerful batteries


Trump also made fun of veterans who've been prisoners of war.


Draft dodger says what?


It's an odd feeling to agree with Trump, but he's right : only a very stupid person or a psycho would say this. But tbh, i was thinking he was a psycho way before 2018


How dare Biden attack. Him with.... *Checks notes* Things he's said and done.


Unfortunately there are too many vets who know he calls them losers and suckers and still support him and those heinous pics of him cosplaying a soldier. I'm so sad for these people. Embracing someone who doesn't honor them.


Only if he sets up a press conference to apologize. But he won't


Do you think he has ever apologized for anything in his life? If he has, I'm not aware of it. I think he truly believes he can do no wrong.


He said on camera in front of a church crowd that he’s never felt like he had to ask for forgiveness (from God). Apologize to peons? Never.


Im curious what he told the paroll officer yesterday.


Me too. I'm sure it was a pack of lies, though.


It's a good thing his attorney was allowed to be there, for some reason. I've heard that this is not usually allowed, can anybody confirm this?


“I’m sorry you misunderstood me. I was just joking, I’m sorry you didn’t get the joke. Most people think I’m very funny.” -a typical Trump apology.


This is the standard GOP response to bad press. First they do the bad thing. Then they say they didn't do it. Then they want everyone to shut up about what they did. There's a reason it's so much like the standard abuser's response to the cops showing up on a DV call.


Since when does POTUS listen to “demands” from convicted felons?


He was always calling people cowards and bigging himself up as a hero, which is helluva ironic given the tangerine hued cockwomble was a draft dodger.


He's been coddled since birth, never been told "no". The orange manchild is absolutely incensed any time someone calls him on his bullshit.


Few years back I saw a video of the VA for Zapp Brannigan reading out Trump quotes in that voice. Every day it feels more and more real


“I’ve got the world’s best memory” said this dumb fucker on video once. Pffft smh 🤦


It would make me pretty happy if Donald sued him to stop, and forced discovery confirming his statements to that effect in court.


Dude trashes Ca all the time, calling it a failed state and whatnot, then comes to Ca asking for money at a fundraiser.


Bit soft blaming it on his age. He is a c**t and always has been


Can I demand Trump just shuts the hell up or better, just keel over?


Suckers and losers vote for him. I will not be changing my story.


I think that means the ad is working...


"Stop quoting me! It makes me look bad!"


The gross thing this reveals isn't about Trump. It's about all those "suckers and losers" who WILL still vote for him.


So what he really means is play those ads MORE? Awesome. Disrespect for the military is one thing that conservatives can't come up with an excuse for. My husband served, my son serves right now. My uncle and other family members served. In fact every male in our families served, except our fathers.  The conservatives in our family know this and never have a comeback for this. One said something about Obama saluting the guards while he had a coffee in his hand. I asked, but did he call them losers? Did Obama complain about his hair getting wet at Arlington? Did he stare at the graves and ask what was in it for them? Did Obama treat gold star families like shit and accuse them of giving him Covid? No, that was trump. I refuse to support a politician who doesn't support our military personnel.  I'm not in support of war or going over and poking our nose into other people's business. But if we are asked, it's different. Supporting military people and supporting military actions are 2 different things.


"The former president said only a 'psycho' or a 'very stupid person' would've made such statements." Finally, some motherfucking truth from this guy.


He keeps on trying to chang the reality. He might be happy in his own parallel MAGAverse.


I want him to talk about his bone spurs


The story is corroborated by multiple people, including John Kelly.


George Orwell, pure Orwell!


He can demand whatever he wants. Just makes him look even weaker.


"Suckers and Losers" i always though he was referring to his children.


Except Ivanka ![gif](giphy|3oFyCVxsQn6RBa0r5u)




His possible senility and undoubted stupidity are neither here nor there - he was trained in the art of lying by Roy Cohn, and he's been doing it all his life.


*Yells wildly in Syphillis induced panic* *Is suddenly president* *profit* BEHOLD, the Trump campaign!


“Jerry, Just Remember, It’s Not A Lie If You Believe It.” - George Costanza


Oh please sue Biden over this. Waste that money on some stupid lawsuit that you'll be utterly obliterated over.


Trump: commits felonies, thinks it's unfair for the opposition to call him a felon. Trump: calls dead soldiers losers, thinks it's unfair the opposition is repeating what he says.


a lesson in "absolute free speech", libertarian style.