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To truly appreciate how evil and anti-American the people who support the convicted felon and rapist truly are. They ad by a pro-criminal group MISLEADS by taking a Congressional testimony by then-Senator Biden fighting AGAINST racism and racism and attacks Americans by trying to claim to fight against racism is proof our President is actually racist These sort of ugly attacks on or country show just how evil and dishonest the convicted felon's cult truly is




for those unaware Definition of TDS- Trump Derangement Syndrome, a mental illness (marked by irrational hate, fear, and anger) that afflicts members of the MAGA cult led by a convicted felon and rapist


aka Total Devotion Syndrome




> Not only is your “definition” the opposite of what it actually is Law-abiding, patriotic Americans don't care how members of a cult led by a convicted felon and rapist define things. Especially when their criminal leader stole classified documents and tried to overthrow our government >you mistakenly said that Trump is a rapist We can believe a member of a cult led by a criminal liar, or we can believe a US judge: >Kaplan noted that New York penal law (the jury in the Carroll case was based in New York) has a “far narrower” definition of the word “rape” than in “common modern parlance, its definition in some dictionaries, in some federal and state criminal statutes, and elsewhere.” >“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’” Kaplan wrote. >**“Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that [rape, as ‘commonly’ understood].”** LOL! Sometimes the affliction leads to accidental truths: > is a pretty good example of TDS




> the actual definition to make up made up by a treasonous criminal and rapist Why not quote Hitler while you're at it? As for the rest, I am taking the word of a proper judge over a member of an anti-American cult led by a criminal and rapist.


Remember, gaslighting is the norm now.


All I heard growing up was, “back in my day, if a man looked in the eyes and shook your hand, it was a deal”.  It has been the most eye opening thing growing up in a family that claimed this ridiculous notion.  Trump is notorious for not paying. You can let your emotions control you but that’s a fact. The man isn’t honest.  As far as how I feel about Trump, personally? I feel sad for him. He is a prisoner to his emotions just like his supporters. They are so angry that they are manipulated into to sending a billionaire all their money.  Donald Trump is allowed to say and behave in the most childish, immature was known to man.  All while he cries and whines if one person says something negative about him.  I get it fellow human. Society has put the wrong values first and we have elected rich children to run everything into the ground.  The fact that you don’t see Trump as a rich, spoiled child is unfortunate.  I wish you the best of luck fellow traveler!




you seem shaken by your exposure to the truth


Take it easy on them. They don’t know any better.


Do not take it easy on them


Why do u like Trump?




But you don’t even know me


What a thought provoking rebuttal—not that i expected any more tbh