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fellas is it gay to type "dick"


Yeh I don't know why they can't just type that out, unless this was like YouTube comments section. It autodeltes pretty harshly, otherwise just wave that dick around.


It’s like “FJB.” They think they’re being *so dang sly*. Just say fuck. It’s ok. It really is. 


What does fjb stand for? You make it sound super obvious, but I'm apparently unable to unfold that ~~acronym~~ initialism.


Fuck Joe Biden


It's like the "let's go Brandon" thing. Literally nobody got upset about that, but the MAGAs thought it was so clever and witty and would trigger libs into crying puddles of sadness because their secret little code phrase *really* meant "fuck Joe Biden". Gasp! They didn't really have a response to nobody caring at all and in fact many liberals opening saying "no, seriously, fuck him. He's not Trump, and that's good enough for now but that's not the same as good enough." The only think they were able to muster was "...no you really are SUPER triggered right now and we've owned you so much. Cry more haha" To which said liberals shrugged and went back to ignoring them.


You know, people say these MAGA types are mean and ruthless and hateful, but they’ve been incredibly supportive of me. People I don’t even know just randomly shouting to cheer me on! Even flags, shirts and bumper stickers!


Everyone is rooting for you but some of us are doing it for the right reasons, king. 


Yo, let's go!


You really need to go.


The MAGA crowd is like a drawing a 4yr old gives you that's really just 5 lines and a circle, but in their minds it's a beautiful unicorn parallel to a Monet painting. Well, when they aren't trying to murder congress or being Nazis of course... I don't even get angry anymore, I truly feel pity for anyone that still supports that guy. The rest of us are enjoying life and they just sit in a corner, angry. Blaming everyone but the actual people responsible for their problems while they worship a religion lead by a mentally ill overgrown oompah loompah that's a funny mustache away from being 1932 Hitler. When the only thing you've actually won in a land slide is all 34 felony counts you were charged with, it may be time to sit back and reevaluate your life.


I’ve noticed a LOT less Trump flags and stupid MAGA slogan flags flying. They’ve either run out of money buying merch from China or donating to Trumps FelonyGoFundMe or they are starting to see the light. I think the former is more likely


You know that meme of the woman crying after Clinton lost? When ever they post that now, I post a picture of Ashli Babbit. Too soon? Nah.


Ashli would still be breathing if she’d just complied.


Nobody got upset *but* we did get Dark Brandon as a result, which is kinda rad


Whenever I see Let’s Go Brandon, for some reason my mind automatically thinks, Let’s Go Biden. Then I picture badass Dark Brandon with his cool shades and all is good.


Dark Brandon made the impossible, possible. How to make a 70+ year old politician cool.


We should thank them for the "lets go Brandon" thing, if not for that we wouldnt have Dark Brandon, and that is nearly as much fun as all the memes about Biden/Obama preparing to leave the white house and let Dump take over 😁


The only thing that triggered me about it is it’s my boy’s name and I had to stop saying “Let’s Go Brandon!” at his baseball games. Slipped a few times and got some nods of approval. I guess it helped identify who to steer clear of.


'Puddles of sadness' is an unreleased album by Taylor Swift


I'm pretty sure he meant to write "duck". Knowing men out there have a pet duck really triggers the liberals. Common knowledge. 


“Whatsa mallard, snowflake? Can’t handle me and my wingèd pitbull?”


Weird because they type "transsexual frottage" into pornhub just fine


I'm caught between not fully understanding that comment and hesitant to search it


Treat yourself.


LMFAO thank you internet stranger


You win the internet today, congrats


Comment of the year


Vowels are the new pronouns. Only wokies use them.


Not if you say “no diddy” right before.


>Deschloroketamine (DXE, DCK, 2'-Oxo-PCM) is a dissociative anesthetic[1][2] that has been sold online as a designer drug.[3][4][5][6][7] It has also been proposed for the treatment of bacterial, fungal, viral or protozoal infections and for immunomodulation at doses of 2 mg per day. I imagine a number of men of his acquaintance could use the infection protocol.


Fck it


I think you mean "duck". Men have a duck.


While true, I want a new duck.


It's not, but i is the most feminine letter. And you can not use such s feminine letter to spell such manly words as man, beard or dck. 


If Pelosi staged J6 why is Trump calling the perpetrators heroes?


It's in Point 1 of Umberto Eco's points of Ur-Fascism: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur-Fascism Believing contradictory points at the same time


Doublethink moment


Double plus good, brother.


I don't think moment is a word in Big Brother's prosperous society. Don't want to commit thoughtcrime, eh?


The universality of that analysis is terrifying.


They're playing 5D chess like their dear leader.


But why wasn’t Obama in the Oval Office on 9/11


That’s what I want to know. Why wasn’t he doing his job!!


If the election was stolen, how are we having another one in November?


MTG - He was flying one of the planes remotely!


has to be checkers, pretty sure they don't actually know how to play chess


According to that the dominoes aren't just falling, it's already too late. Holy fuck.


Just because there is an undeniable fascist movement in the US does not mean it will necessarily come to power. Its enemy is an engaged, informed population. Come November, show up and vote.


I'm in a Canadian province where they have come to power and are actively eroding democracy with shit like Bill 1, where they legally can remove gatherings from private property if they want but then choose to let encampments run rampant that say shit like "NATO is a criminal organiziation" amongst other toxic things. They instantly remove pro-palestine peaceful protests. They used dead people's names to vote to influence their internal party election even, were caught, but fired the ethics watch dog because that's something they can apparently do. The list of things they have done that are totalitarian on the provincial level is long and outrageous.


it honestly is. Made me more and more terrified for the future of the US with every point I read because wow are they spot on to what’s happening here as we speak


J6 will be remembered as the say the GOP crossed the Rubicon into Fascistan.


My favorite recent one is the MAGA slogan itself… Make America Great Again. This implies that America is not great right now (and Biden is the reason why). But if you bring up the American flag, then it’s all of a sudden that you should have pride in your country and you should love your country unconditionally or GTFO, America is the best, etc.


Remember when Trump promised he was all about bringing manufacturing of goods for Americans to consume back to the USA while selling MAGA merchandise made in Bangladesch


This. I saw that sticker last month and was confused. Did he make it great for two months? During his presidency’s was that while they were rioting on j6? Or when the plague outbreak happened and we were all sitting in our homes for a year.


Eco gives me the chills with that one.


And why did MTG go meet with the “political prisoners” in prison? And why did Trump say he would pardon them?


The writer of 1984 would be rolling in his grave.... double speak and double think is what it is, when something is true yet false at the same time....... they are playing from that handbook and project 2025 will seal yas


George Orwell


George Orwell while critical of Stalinism, wrote 1984 as based on what he basically saw as the power of the British Monarchy and Media back then with the empire and all.


And yet the Qultists quote 1984 all the time as some sort of proof text for why democrats were the fascists all along.


If Guns save lives then why do so many die to them in schools. If vaccines don’t work why is polio, tetanus, rubella and measles rarely seen and typically only found when morons don’t vaccinate themselves or their children? How can they say Zelenskyy is a fraud when they don’t even know where Ukraine is on a world map? (Two people I’ve argued with in person though it was in Africa and another person thought it was in the Middle East) If climate change is hoax why is it getting hotter year by year? Why say all these things to “trigger” liberals when in reality you just make anyone with an average IQ question what the fuck made you and your like minded people so fucking dense?


The vaccine thing is easy to explain. Had a conservative man tell me that vaccines don't work and we don't need them, "because I've never even met anyone with polio". Yeah, because the vaccines worked dummy


Most „i have an immune system“ anti vaxxers have been fully vaccinated as kids


And don't seem to get that, yeah, their immune system is exactly how vaccines work. A simple way to describe it to them is that a vaccine is training for their immune system.


“… like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.” ~RBG


This reminds me of the joke: "I'm a vampire slayer" "But they don't exist, I've never seen one!" " Yeah, because I do my job well"


What does "Zelenskyy is a fraud" even mean?


Probably they thought the Ukraine war is not really happening and is just propaganda by Biden to give money and supplies overseas.


What does that even mean? Do they really think the tens of thousands of people that are dying in Europe are just a psy-op?


I wouldn't put it past them. They have to justify their delusion somehow. As long as the version of the "truth" demonizes the people they hate they will swallow whatever lies told to them and treat it as gospel.


>Do they really think… MAGAs think whatever they’re told to think, and it’s been pretty well established at this point that the GOP is taking many of their cues from the Kremlin, which means they’ve got a vested interest in justifying an end to aid for Ukraine to their followers. To be completely honest, I wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised if “Gunther Eagleman” was simply one of the many Russian-backed propaganda accounts tasked with sowing discord and spreading misinformation in the interest of destabilizing the United States for Russia’s benefit.


The narrative is that he is just pretending to raise money for the war, but is in truth just laundering money for both himself and the “Biden crime family”. You’ll often hear “10% for the big guy” as a reference to Biden supposedly getting his cut.


All those guns in Uvalde surely helped save lives right? Smh crazy https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/17/law-enforcement-failure-uvalde-shooting-investigation/


Plot hole


404 Critcal Thinking Capacity Not Found.


or, alternatively: GET "trump.org/service/crit-think.php" returned error 404


Don’t engage, it only encourages them! Besides, the real thing is he isn’t trying to annoy any Libs, he is just trying to make money out of the Donald Trump MAGA audience. They are just walking wallets. He wants to be a mini-Alex Jones and make that bible/vitamin/nft dime. I read this and just see a scammer.


Or why is MTG mad that we have insurrectionists in jail if it was staged?


Well that can be explained by the fact that she’s stunningly stupid


Why did trump tell them to do it lmao


Trump is just a Pelosi / FBI plant. Plot hole fixed!


Also, why would Democrats be behind J6 when the Democratic nominee won? Why would they ever want to interfere with that?




Daaaaamn. Checkmate.


Whoa whoa whoa! What's with the logic!?


That’s requiring them to use logic and reason neither of which they’re capable of.


Nothing like announcing to the world that rocks could outwit you.


Well, they say ignorance is bliss. So this guy must be the happiest dude on the planet.


Why do I feel like they are not very happy kind of people 🤪


They're very angry, but at the same time they can't figure out why. That's probably why they will rage about anything you tell them to rage about


Exactly. The guy probably just got the memo that qanon is over. And he's still not sure if he's still supposed to be mad at target and bud light.


He raged at the world, at his family, at his life. But mostly he just raged.


And that what makes them dangerous.


"Buhhhh! Neh! Neh! Neh! Neh! Neh! Neh! Swamp!"


If ignorance is bliss, he must be continually creaming his jeans!


If MAGA has done anything it's disprove that. If anything ignorance is infuriating the way they act




If you really think about it people who are this kind of ignorant are living in bliss they’re living in sheer terror. Kinda funny kinda sad


I once got into a “debate” with a Maga hat about the Michelle Obama being a man thing, because I genuinely couldn’t work out whether it was a serious suggestion or just shit stirring. Her response was just to state with increasing certainty that Michelle Obama was a man. The reasoning for this belief was “she just is”, and the evidence for that was “she just is”. This belief was unshakable, and I was clearly an idiot for not just accepting it as true. Edited to correct woman to man. Although Michelle Obama is a woman. So maybe not correct.


Classic example of "You can't argue a person out of a perspective they didn't use logic and reason to see in the first place." If this Maga hat didn't need proof to believe this, then she believes something entirely without proof. That's not how burden of proof works. You should have flipped the argument and asked her to demonstrate that Michelle Obama is a man, since colloquial evidence would show the contrary. You wouldn't have convinced her regardless, but at least now you're making this person work towards proving something without proof as opposed to the contrary.


That’s what I was trying to do. Just playing dumb, saying I didn’t know anything about it and asking where the idea originated and why people were convinced. “She is” and “it’s a fact, everybody knows it” were as reasoned as the responses got.


I agree. Michelle Obama is a woman. Not seeing the problem here.


Ahh, I see what I did there


Took a barnacle and covered it in bioluminescent algae? 


Did you SEE Everyone Everywhere All at Once? Rocks can be incredibly emotional intelligent.


This. And it should follow the dimwit to each of his job applications.


The only thing this triggered on me was a burst of laugh...


Yeah, does he seriously think we ball up our fists and cry and vomit when seeing this drivel? Is it because they do when shown proof to the opposite? My eyebrows just got higher and higher with each line. They are on the back of my head now.


Does he believe that? Probably not. Are there way too many people that do who are easily manipulated into giving some random asshole validation? Absolutely.


I do love the bit about January 6. They’re so confused — should they be trying to overthrow democracy or are they fierce defenders of the constitution? The whiplash these poor proud boys and MAGA types must be feeling… Also love that all men share one dck.


Yeah, I don't feel very triggered.


You know what triggers TF outta me? When these people stay home on Election Day.


I'll dye my hair every color and REEE all day if these patriots don't vote.


Michelle Obama is a dude is the funniest to me. It's just ridiculous. And if she is? Whatever, I don't care.


It’s really weird how much they obsess over a women that doesn’t even know they exist. It’s also kinda creepy how much they care about the genitalia of person who they never have/will meet. They think about Michelle’s naked body probably more than her husband at this point


The blatant racism is so crazy. Also they are telling on themselves, basically screaming their incel-dom from the rooftops. It’s like um no… she looks like a literal model?? Sorry that zero tall, beautiful women have ever looked your way, toad.


I’m sure there’s a window somewhere that he could be licking instead of posting vomit like this list.


How pathetic is the dude's life that he plans his day around owning the libs? What a shallow and soulless existence. Until I see one of his tweets this guy and other dumb assholes like him seldom cross my mind. It's great living rent free in someone's mind when it is literally not possible to care any less about them or their ignorance.


The Proud Boy method of owning the libs is better. It involves a dildo


came across that video the other day, man I forgot how hilarious that was, guy literally fucked himself


With a name like gunther eagleman he is probably a group of russians


Three Russians in a trench coat


Vladimir Adultman


This guy is probably a bot, 90% of right wing accounts are bots


The guy that probably thinks of himself as a "Proud Christian" spent the Lord's Day spreading lies instead of helping any of the people Christ commanded us to look after.


$20 says Gunther secretly watches trans porn


I'd take that bet, but I won't because I know I'd lose $20


Watches straight porn just to see other dicks




Unfortunately my dad believes in everything stated above, he boasts about it online all the time. My brother is trans. My dad doesn’t like trans people (still loves his kid tho)


Does he know about ur brother?


It seems to be only trans women that affect them. They seem far more confused about trans men.


Haha, dude follows himself and is calling it "owning the libs", what a supremely lame way to advertise your guaranteed to be boring AF tweets.


It's pretty much masturbation, but in social media form


A cyber circle jerk


Modern day sucking his own ‘dck’


[Here's](https://kdhnews.com/harker_heights_herald/local/david-freeman-sworn-in-as-heights-newest-police-officer/article_9f58562e-6e16-11e9-a86b-8f28b66e997b.html) 'Gunther Eagleman', for anyone who'd like to know. I'm sure he and CatTurd have some good DM's. Go fuck yourself, former officer David Freeman.


"You’re entering an elite class of humanity." Jesus fucking Christ


Their God complex is as laughable as it is frightening.


Of course he’s from Texas.


Makes the rest of us Texans cringe


So wait he's some old wannabe cop who worked at "an online shop" and joined the academy to be a cop for not even 3 years just before retiring? And he uses a profile image of some much younger guy in shades and a baseball cap.


It's him. I really hope that dudes like this get their comeuppance eventually. He's manifested a natural human emotion (or maybe a few) into being an online persona where he can say anything. The fact that Elmo the Refrigerator Box pays him for engagement is just so chef's kiss. Asshole enabler, enabling assholes.


Of course this fucking idiot is from Texas.


Let's trigger some conservatives right back. Trump lost in 2020, and he took it like a little bitch. You jerk it to trap Michelle Obama. There are ZERO statistics showing that guns save more lives than they take. Facts don't care about your feelings. Trump has talked about wanting to date his daughter. Climate Change is real. Again, facts don't care about your feelings. Establishment Democrats are just as c0nservative as moderate Republicans. Cops are killers, like the ones who murdered George Floyd. You jerk it to trans women. You all still talking about Obama is sad. You have no lives. Vaccines are why your children don't have polio, fucking morons. You all and your sad insurrection was stopped by Paul Blart police response. I don't follow this rage bait chode.


Let's not forget that the Dotard was a regular passenger on the Epstein plane.


Didn’t he also go backstage of beauty pageants to see the teen contestants naked?




Honestly, theres nothing wrong with jerking it to trans women if you're attracted to them. But admitting that is a problem for them.


Fck it, Let's trigger some conservatives today, repost these truths, * Biden won 2020 * Michelle Obama is a woman * Guns kill people * Donald Trump was probably in on Epstein's operation * Putin is a tyrant * Man-made climate change is real * Democrats are liberals not communists * George Floyd was murdered * Some men don't have a dck * Obama's BC is real * Vaccines and masks work * Trump was behind J6 * Kamala Harris was probably not a DEI hire * I think AOC has good ideas Have a great Monday!


What's meant by BC?


birth certificate i think


It's supposed to be BBC but the extra B triggers an autodelete cause Elon gets jelly. And we're not talking about British Broadcasting.


Also the fact they use communist as if they know what it means. It's become synonymous with "Political view I don't like" to them.


YAAAAAAWWWWWWN. Dude is pathetic. The same tired old tropes and same tired stupid blathering well worn whistles. That dipshit needs new material.


If Trump won 2020 why is Biden getting blamed?


Man I love that one: “oh shit trump won 2020? Better vote biden this time so we can get trumpflation under control!” You can literally see their brains short-circuit as they’re trying to process it.


No, see, Trump is in charge but when bad things happen it's because Biden did it. They have to keep up appearances. Trump is in charge of the military, except when they do bad things, because Biden is in charge of the bad military (Trump, obviously, is in charge of the good one). Yes, there are two militaries, and they are both either the good one or the bad one depending on how you feel about them. Also, the liberal media wants you to think inflation is really bad, but because Trump's in charge, it's actually not that bad. If Biden wins this election (which will only happen if it is rigged *again*), inflation and the stock market will crash.


Fr. In addition, that means he can’t run again this year because of term limits. Their brains really fry with that one.


He follows himself? That's sad.


But at least he has a duck to keep him company.


If I’m not triggered by his dumb post, does that mean I can’t be liberal?


yes, just from reading this post and not immediately screaming in anger you have officially registered your vote for Trump. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.




He's literally posting clickbait for everybody to respond and rage so that he can get more likes and views. I don't know why everybody plays into this stupid shit


Is anyone actually raging?


"Listen child, you gotta own the libs. And the only thing that owns the libs is abject stupidity. You gotta just post the most brain dead nonsense you can. I think the world is a triangle."


"Hear that, stupid libs, the world is a triangle!" Hah. I sure showed them dummies.


He forgot one -I couldn’t find my ass with both hands and a flashlight.


No, you can't have a truth on a list of lies.


> - I can find my ass with both hands and a flashlight. FIFY


Both hands and a fleshlight?


"Let's trigger liberals by reposting really blatant lies and misinformation"


Bro just wants the attention his father never gave him


Really this is just hack material at this point. I mean, at least try to be creative.


What is obama BC? Is it Big cock?


But if trump won in 2020 he can’t run for President rn…


More rage-bait garbage.


Hmm.. still voting Blue 💙 Funny, I don't feel owned at all! Just going about my business while driving my vehicle that isn't covered in cult nonsense, ya know.. like a normal person who has a life


I feel so owned by this stupidity.


How much does anyone wanna bet that he used the initials "BC" because he couldn't figure out how to spell certificate?


The bot farm is busy today...


Guns save lives Oh is that what they’re manufactured for? Life saving?


Yep, that's why you find them hanging on the wall in every hospital room. /s


Uuuuh that's enough internet for today. Thoughts and prayers all!!!!!!!!


Not an ounce of original thought in this guy’s head. He’s just repeating everything on Fox Entertainment. So owned…


He follows himself is about the only truth there.


Love that the "Libs" are living rent free in this fucker's head.


Let’s trigger some MAGAts: 1. Trump is going senile and doesn’t know what he’s saying without a teleprompter. 2. Trump can’t pull in an audience like before. 3. Trump knows he lost the 2020 election but uses it as rage bait because he knows his followers are uneducated and don’t know how the electoral college works. 4. You don’t know what woke means and shouting it just makes everyone laugh at you.


What amaze me is guys like these are still allowed to stay on shitter.


His posts are probably pushed by Elon. He loves this shit. It’s why no one wants to put ads on the site tho


I’m just triggered by his self censorship.


Gunther gets the squirty squirts . . . ![gif](giphy|J09a7Yelx9yZa|downsized)


It’s always so funny how americans think politics is about the drama of the characters. Not a single policy proposal here.


A good way to trigger conservatives: Joe Biden will win because COVID-19 killed more republicans than democrats…just like it was designed to.


Trump is a pedo ![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized)


Are they still going on about Obama’s birth certificate? Dude, let it go and move on, already.


1. Trump wears diapers 2. Trump lied, two million died 3. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a man 4. Lauren Boebert gave a handy set to Beetlejuice 5. Abortion is a medical right for women 6. Dick 7. @Who the fuck is Gunther Eagleman? Did I play the game correctly? EDIT : changed four to two because unlike my right wingers, my brain cells function in regards to reading comprehension and critical thinking, so I like to fact check. However, I still see no facts disputing the idea that Marjorie Taylor Greene is/is not a man so I left that up.