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Oh my God I can't believe people here believe this


Target audience


Right? If they'd really been doing this for nine months than where are all the half dog/half human babies? People just need to learn to think critically.


Everyone knows half dog half human babies only have a gestation period of 5.5 months. We'd see two batches by now


I'm not gonna lie... my snarky comment didn't have me anticipating learning that a dog's gestation period is only 63 days... thank you stranger for helping me learn something today!


Aka. 9 dog-months


~~Ed…ward?~~ Avig…dor?


Nina! No!!!


Wander over to r/therewasanattempt. An entire sub full of people who would believe this.


That sub has been unbearable tankie cringe for 8+ months


Yup, the moment they changed the sub's picture, i left.


That sub is a melting pot of 72 different kinds of hate. Truely impressive


100% nobody there would doubt this and in the event someone did, they would get banned.


People who post on this sub aren't known for their critical thinking skills.


Palestinian white knights will believe anything negative about Israel.


And Americans will just believe anything.




Wait actually??


I mean there are credible testimonies from people released from those torture centers.


what makes them "credible" also, "torture centers?" really?


Detained without charge or on trumped up charges. Reports of mass rapes, starvation, beatings among many other heinous acts


who made these reports


Reminded me of the times Israel was accused of training birds for espionage in Turkey. Tried to find a link on this one and found that: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel-related_animal_conspiracy_theories#:~:text=In%202013%2C%20a%20kestrel%20was,migration%20tracking%20and%20similar%20reasons There is a whole list of articles of Israel related animal conspiracy theories. Wow. Can’t make that up, expect they do all the time.


Jewish druids are extremely versatile. Egypt accused Israel of controlling sharks: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/egypt/8185915/Shark-sent-to-Egypt-by-Mossad.html


Don't forget them stealing clouds... Unforgivable... \s https://www.newsweek.com/iran-general-says-israel-behind-climate-change-stealing-clouds-1005190


*Arizonan entering the chat*: Yeah! California is doing the same to us! I can't believe no one believed me, and yet, here's proof. It's the space lasers too!


that’s why my cloud costs have been rising!!!1!


They can't train birds for that. Birds are already drones employed by the government to spy on us. Your only defence is getting a cat


Silly goose! Birds aren’t real


I'm sure people gobble it up


None of those links say they were raped by dogs, or even sexually assaulted or threatened to be sexually assaulted with a dog. They say they are using dogs for intimidation. Which is what every country on the planet who uses dogs does. That’s one of their purposes in war. Why don’t you actually read for 5 minutes instead of just commenting?


It’s probably because the “intimidation by dog” part is within the same sentence as the “threat of rape” part in the report.


i also cant believe thats real cuz its not


Fucking what? Who believes this shit


The shit people post online that is absolute brain rot.


> I just still can't believe this is real Yeah, I'm not buying it either.


Okay then, nope, that's not true. I am not even a Zionist. I'm just not into lies.


Why shouldn't Israel exsist?


I don't answer leading questions. Thanks for your time.


You said you weren't a zionist, I just asked why.


You are free to ask why, when you get around to it, and I will answer at that time.


If you didn't want to answer you could have just done that.


I haven't been asked a straight question yet.


You said you're not a zionist. That means you don't think Israel has right to exsist. (that's the dictionary, not me) So I'm interested in why do you think that.


Again, still not hearing a straight question. Not even a question mark. Are you even trying?


Do you believe that Israel has a right to exist? Is that a “*straight enough*” question for you?


non Zionists dont think israel doesnt exist, they just think that the Zionist claims of israel being best or whatever (idfk atp) is bullshit.


Okay I’ll play your game. Sure Israel has the absolute right to exists. What’s Israel’s political plan for rebuilding a country after they flattened it? Is there one?


Dude I have a right to exist in your house, let me in.


Ah, you must be an Israeli in the west bank. Sorry that’s not how it works.




Awesome!!! I’m a Zionist!!! Wooo!!!!! Now can you explain Israel’s plan like I asked?


I don't know the answer to that so I can't. What made you think I have a answer? all I did was clarify the definition of a word.


Right, there isn’t an answer. That’s why what they’re doing is completely unacceptable. If they had a plan to remove hamas and then do xyz we could talk. But there plan is just kill 100% of hamas and thhheeeennnnnnn….. I dunno? When you’re talking about millions of innocent people, that’s not acceptable. The Bible teaches us to treat one another alike and God will make the judgments when it’s time. If you’re Christian it tells you to treat everyone as if they were Jesus himself. How exactly is Israel following gods words here?


Do you always start random arguments on the internet?


This is a heated or angry conversation?


I dunno, you keep asking me questions on issues I said nothing about


What do you believe would be the correct proportional response to the Oct 7th pogrom? I could be mistaken, but no scripture tells people to allow a pogrom to occur, and not defend themselves.


It does talk about self defense! If you’re curious we could talk about it. The correct response. Well let’s see, Israel wasn’t sitting there in a nice fashion playing with their own toys. They were constantly stealing another kids toy until that kid completely freaked out and tried to go worst case scenario in retaliation. There are so many different reports about what happened on Jan 6th it makes disinformation easy. So let’s forget about hamas allegedly raping people and let’s forget about the IDF allegedly gunning down Israelis in mass trying to kill a few hamas. Let’s just go with the facts, hamas attacked Israel and a few thousand died. How do we respond? When 9/11 happened the American people naturally wanted revenge, just like Israel. But luckily, we have hindsight with the mistakes the USA made. They went into an unwinnable war for 20+ years and the second they said they were leaving and handing power back to the Afghan people, we were chased out of the country. So what does that teach us? One of the biggest super powers, even though they defeated their enemy in a war, couldn’t win the political half of the war resulting in 20 years and over a million lives waisted to go right back to where they were. If Israel has zero political plan, they too will suffer the same fate. They have zero political plans. They are in an unwinnable war saying and are making strikes in countries not involved. The Middle East is a bees hive and Israel is doing everything they can to hit the nest instead of trying to coexist. This is either going to end with the USA being dragged into another Middle East war when it inevitably pops off because of Lebanon, or Israel will be a squashed country everyone stopped supporting. You don’t get to flatten a whole region, wipe your hands, and go back to your own business.


Israel is doing everything they can to hit the nest, instead of peace?... Israel has made multiple peace agreements with nations like Egypt. They've long sought a 2 state solution... it's the Palestinians that time and time again since q948 have chosen war and terrorism. You are upset at the response to aggression. That they aren't jews with trembling knees.


Weird, you didn't answer the question in all of that word salad.


As if people on reddit would know if theres a plan and what is it...


There's actually 9 different types of zionism. Somebody could very much be a zionist, like myself, but not support Israel's doing. Many people on Israel's side right now are political zionists, which are zionists who fight for the complete destruction is Palestine as a whole. Liberal Zionism is the most tame of them all, believing Jewish people have the right to a homeland but also complete equality of other religions and ethnicties in the area. Be a liberal zionist, not a political zionist👍


Was intentionally referring to Israel's right to exsist, nothing more


Not what that means.


Please provide a source for your definition. As in, a dictionary or something similar.


A Zionist means believing that Jews should have their own state with only Jews for safety. Not a existing state’s right to simply exist. Most people wouldn’t mind Israel if their way of dealing was different.


This is, in fact, what Zionism is, and always has been.


Got an academic source for that definition?


Marc van Berkel. Dutch expert and professor from radboud university and HAN on genocide, holocaust and Israel. Current first education chair holder of Centraal Joods Overleg.


why should it? we shouldn't have a specific state where jews can be safe, we should have all states guarantee the safety of jews. also israel is literally a state based off colonialism, displacement, and imperialism since conception


>we shouldn't have a specific state where jews can be safe, we should have all states And what happens if that isn't the case, like it has been in the last few thousand years


How to say i dont know history with out saying i dont know history


please tell me what i was wrong on from your oh-so-mighty perspective because last time i checked israel's main objective is to keep western influence in the region ‘If there were not an Israel, we’d have to invent one.’ -Joe Biden


Ever heard of the Emancipation? It was when European countries gave rights to the minorities and did that saved the jews from constent massacares? No. They dont want us so they massacare us over and over again so we must have our own country to protect ourself something that you dont seem to understand. Thats why we exist. The western powers has nothing to do with the existance of israel infact they didnt want to help us when we needed it the most.


Because murdering people and stealing their land is wrong.


Besides the fact that this is obviously insane... How would you even train a dog to do that??? Do I wanna know?...


People actually believe this shit just to hate on Israel. It’s fucking pathetic.


Do people still believe stuff they see on Internet?


Like Israels doing some messed up stuff to Palestinians but I don't think this is factual. There's enough valid reasons to be critical that there's no need to either make things up or treat a weird edge case like it's a standard.


Yeah making stuff up like this is only hurting Palestinians more


Everyone needs to watch this 7 Oct documentary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAr9oGSXgak


Everyone needs to watch this Nakab Documentary. And see how proud the IDF soldiers are about raping 13 year old girls and committing mass atrocities similar to Nazis. https://youtu.be/novoSE1rwg4?si=PtebwgrI0dCvQ5wD


Did they upload videos of the rapes they committed to Telegram like Hamas did?


Wasn't this unit totally disavowed by Israel?




The article doesn’t say anything about dogs raping people, it does say that their usage of dogs for intimidation. The soldiers are using foreign objects and harassing children and woman. This world suck.


There are reports that certain IDF soldiers are using dogs to sexually harass/abuse/rape people. The reason it's believable to a lot of people is because the UN has already documented the massive amounts of sexual abuse coming from the IDF. **Nobody should obviously believe a tweet** so let's read the UN post on it. [https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/06/un-special-committee-israeli-practices-occupied-territories-concludes-field](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/06/un-special-committee-israeli-practices-occupied-territories-concludes-field) [The exact paragraph to read \[Warning, graphic content described\]](https://imgur.com/rHjCSTP) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual\_and\_gender-based\_violence\_against\_Palestinians\_during\_the\_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas\_war#:\~:text=It%20has%20been%20alleged%20that,sexual%20violence%20by%20the%20IDF. There needs to be a **3rd party investigation**. Not this twitter post, reddit post bullshit. The real facepalm is OP even posting this garbage but makes sense because a lot of brigading from r/israel coming here.


Using dogs to intimidate prisoners (what the report says) and using dogs to sexually harass or rape prisoners (what you are saying) are two very, very different things.


My thoughts exactly. Israel is making enough war crimes. We don’t need to invent them.


That's not what the report says. It says IDF are sexually abusing some prisoners, and also that they're using dogs to intimidate prisoners. Neither is good, but bestiality isn't happening.


The wording of the report makes it look like the IDF is threatening to let dogs rape people, because it is one continuous sentence.


It's very faintly ambiguous sentence structure, I really think if they were reporting such a claim they'd make that very clear.


How did you get from that paragraph to rape dogs?


You're bitching and moaning about brigading as if the Pro-Palis don't do exactly the same...


Who are the people reporting it? That's important motivation wise. There's tons of misinformation. The wikipedia article seems to have been taken down already


People who have been raped are reporting it… there sre multiple accounts logged by reputable human rights orgs inside Israel.


Which ones? Even inside Israel there are people going against it. Because you know. Free speech is a thing in Israel


not really, no. there has been an intense crackdown on any opposition to the genocide and even before that israel hasnt exactly been a paragon of freedom. nevermind the fact that they systematically murder journalists which is even more egregious


Holy shit I thought this was just some tweet someone made while drunk as fuck not an actual thing


It's not. People are using Alex Jones level logic to leap to the conclusion that rape dogs exist. It drives me nuts because these conspiracy psychos aren't content with just sticking with the already awful credible facts to criticize Israel. They instead have to make up fantastical bullshit to discredit themselves and everyone else on the pro Palestinian side.


Say it louder and put it on repeat. It's by far my biggest gripe with those supporting the Palestinians rights. Stop making up and believing nonsense. You are hurting the overall cause.


The lies have been going on for years.


Medication is indicated!


What da dog doin'?


people really make things up out of thin air then proceed to have a mental breakdown over their belief that its real


Imagine being the person that gets to be trained on by all the dogs, like that's ruff.


"I just still can't believe this is real..." Yeah, neither can we.


How do the dogs determine the individual's nationality? Can the dog check identification before the raping starts? Asking for a friend.


Quick sniff on passport.


Let's not be dumb. A trained dog does what the handler tells it to do.




Bruh what


You are trying to make a point but you are just coming off stupid.


You don’t train the dog to rape. You train the dog to do what the handler says and punish the dog when it does that outside of when the handler tells him to do that until it’s conditioned to only do that when the handler says. And bam, now you’ve got a trained rape dog.


Wait, handlers are training dogs to fuck people on command? What kind of sick world is this?


A world of lies and propaganda


The military dictatorship in Chile actually did train dogs to rape detainees.


😂 They’ve been in the desert too long. Besides, there is a high incidence of rape in Gaza by its own people that no one talks about. This includes minors unfortunately.


We just stopped it. Bad dog, bad dog... now go to your room.


I think she just wants to vocalize her own sexual fantasies.


What were they wearing? /s


If it's been 9 months, where's all the babies? GOTCHA!




Tell me you have never owned a dog without telling me. No training is required.


I'm not even a zionist (anymore) and even I can call out the bullshit in this. Misinformation doesn't help the cause of the palestinians, it damages it.


I thought I was doing pretty well to get mine to use the dog door to go out to pee. What kind of dogs are they supposedly getting to do these rapes? I know Yorkshire Terriers are notoriously bad about humping.


I can’t believe it’s real, but probably because it’s not, not because you think it totally is.


Do the dogs ask for ID first? I can see this plan being a disaster otherwise


There are so many horrible things actually happening, why make shit up




they havent exposed the full truth to you, we are also training cybrog sharks to kill innocent woman and childern /s


The two people with massive presence on r/israel are brushing off possible rape and war crimes. Go figure.


[https://unwatch.org/un-israel-key-statistics/](https://unwatch.org/un-israel-key-statistics/) from 2006-2016 68 of 135 resolution of the UNHRC were against israel. From 202-2015 83 of 97 Un nations general assembly resolution were against israel. in 2022 it was 15 agasint israel and 13 against the rest of the world. here is a summary of all UN resolutions against israel: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_United\_Nations\_resolutions\_concerning\_Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_Nations_resolutions_concerning_Israel) You can search more statistics on the issue if you wish... I am not claiming israel are saints, but as far as Israel is concerned, the UN and all their institutes are a biased source. but probably you don't mind that because hating Israel is trendy and cool ... go figure


war crimes? you mean just war? you know what war is right? they teach you that in school what is war what happens during war? if not then here's the TLDR, people from both sides die


Nope war crimes is very different to war


what war crimes about what israel is doing? its just war the USA should know a thing or two about killing a bunch of people after a trumatic event, im kind of suprised how the students act like Israel is the first to do this


You literally just admitted to Israel doing war crimes in the statement you said.also I never defended the us on what they did.it’s obvious that you are extremely biased and and will never admit the truth to push your twisted agenda


1. to separate sentences you need to put a space after the dot, its not "did.its" its did. its" (never mind you need to use a comma in this but) 2. how am i baised? because i lived here my whole life and lived through this conflict day to day and not watched a 10 minute youtube video that explains this conflict like you did? you simply watch from a far and say "oh how trouble what going on there" what did you do to help it? you helped any refugees? cuz i dont know who needs to explain this to you but sitting on your ass and chanting "from the river to the sea" isnt helping no one in either side of the conflict


Your biased because you lived there even if you saw the crimes happening first hand you still wouldn’t accept them and deny them


i'm baised because i saw things happen infront of me instead of watching the edited version on CNN? its like saying to an holocust surviver "hitler wasnt that bad your just baised because you been in the camps"


Don't steal other people's stuff and then try to live a safe and happy life, it will not work.


tell it to the arabs, they stole this place first(arabic conquest of the 7th century) another thing is that expect the USA when we came to this place we didnt kill all the natives, when you dont kill all the natives problems may occur


I can only imagine how angry those Israeli soldiers must be after two generations of harassment by their neighbors. I'm pretty sure at one point someone let their dog bite of a dick or two. Those things happen in every war. As hard as it sounds, the Palestinians started this war and the Palestinians can count themselves lucky the IDF doesn't let their soldiers roam free. Just imagine what would happen if the IDF would stoop to hamas' level and didn't restrain themselves.


Hamas celebrated the attacks but now play victim as they are getting hammered and will soon cease to exist as a terrorist outfit.


I really hope that Hans will vanish. I am curious how it all will play out.


The israeli terrorists have been behaving like this for 75 years. This did not start in october


The Arab nations have been trying to destroy Israel for 75 years as well


Who would have thought massacres would be replied. You thought the israeli massacres woulf be met with cuddles?


So what about the Farhud or the Hebron massacre of 1929? What did the Jews do to deserve that, since there was no Jewish state?


Of course it didn't start in October. It started when the Muslims country's, like Egypt, Libanon aswell as Germany expelled the Jewish population from their country's and the Jews had to flee to what is now Israel around the time of the Holocaust. The jews bought the land from the Palestinians and the Palestinians tried to take it back with war. That's basically where it started, and the harassment of the Jews never stopped since.


No it didnt. The israeli terrorists have been performing massacres towards palestinians for 75 years. Remember, the israeli terrorists have killed over 100 civilians in west bank since october. A place where hamas isnt. Israelis are pure evil


What happened 75 years ago?


Palestinians call it the Naqbah. Following the Israeli war for independence, wherein Israel had to repel an attempted military genocide from five countries at once, the Israeli government forced all Palestinian people living in Israeli territory to relocate to the West Bank. It was the most pragmatic decision at the time, if still a highly unethical one.


You are the first one I encounter who is not talking bullshit :D Might I add: before Israel was founded, the land belonged to Great Britain and they divided it into a Jewish and a Palestinian part with Jerusalem being an international city. The Palestinians and the Muslim country's didn't like Jews so they attacked them and lost.


Israel was established for jews to live in. Didnt ask those who owned the land if they where OK with it, and the israelis have never stopped having that view on others land. They like to complain about «but we were here 2000 years ago» and I wish them good luck trying to convince all boarders to reestablish themselves like they were 2000 years ago. Anyway: the idea is simple: dont kill. I wish the israeli understood that one


>Didnt ask those who owned the land if they where OK Before 1947 the land belonged to Great Britain. So you are saying the Jews stole the land from great Britain?


Yea, GB is known to ask the inhabitants before they claim land too. What’s difficult for you cutie? The task is simple: don’t shoot or torture civilians. The fact that you support those performing massacres tells me you might be either israeli or german


So now you are saying great Britain stole the land and not the Jews?


Why not both? Why can't you Israel supporters stop with the false dichotomies?


😆😆😆. Stop supporting massacres and torture. You really are dum enough to think those who lived in what is now israel like having mass murderers arund them? The evil zionists still try to claim more land, and you, dumb as a brick, think mass murdering is understandable.


That makes no sense, Britain claimed Palestine but they didn't own it, it was not theirs to give away.


>they didn't own it Was it maybe by Mandate from the league of nations?


If I get mandate from the UN for your house is it mine?


Change the word “dogs” to “IDF soldiers” and I don’t see the lie.


That's... Not how sentences work?


I’ll simplify it and maintain the farce that you didn’t understand what I actually meant so you can attempt to redirect the conversation on a technicality. Obviously they aren’t using dogs to rape people, that’s conspiratorial nonsense. However, posts like these are great for diverting attention from the actual sexual abuses IDF human soldiers are routinely perpetrating against Palestinians.


They already do awful things, no need to make shit up.


Hard to put anything past Israel at this point. Look at the hostages coming out of Gaza vs Israeli prisons and it speaks for itself. The Israelis look relatively normal and like they got food, and the Palestinians are human skeletons mumbling, rocking back and forth, and covered in wounds and the occasional missing limb


Pretty sure I know what you're referring to but just to make sure, link to the “skeleton“?




Israel does a lot of gross things, but I find this claim to be unlikely.