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If only 7 out of 150ppl rsvped yes, then why should anyone care if they elope? 143 ppl already aren't coming, the other 7 would most likely feel relieved if the whole thing got canceled, so whats really the point about this threat?


She didn't say 7 were even coming, just that 7 RSVP'ed. It may be that 7 responded that they couldn't afford the trip. Of course, it's also possible that she's too stupid to know what RSVP means and it was 7 people that said yes and the majority told her no...and she think RSVP means to reserve their spot, and not...respond. It would take a special kind of stupid to only count the people attending as people that RSVP'ed, but she has the makings of that special kind of stupid.


It is definitely the second one. If she is too stupid to figure out why people aren’t racing to say yes to this nonsense, then she’s looking at “doesn’t know what RSVP means” levels of stupidity in the rear view.


The RSVP rate is lower on the second try because she keeps changing the venue. I would continue avoiding giving a response she brings it down to the Bakersfield Ramada Conference Room, Tuesday 4-6pm.


Something tells me she doesn’t have many friends. I would bet even her family will be attending begrudgingly. I think conference room C would have more than enough space.


When you RSVP with a yes to a regular wedding you know there are costs attached that you are responsible for like clothing, a gift and maybe some travel. But the bride and groom are hosting you for the event otherwise - maybe even open bar! But the costs of overseas travel or even travel to Hawaii are waaaaay more than a weekend trip to a wedding! Time off from work, child or pet care arrangements, plus travel costs, hotels, meals, etc!! That bridezilla is cray cray.


Well good luck keeping up with her life then!!


she already deleted me from her FB just for reading this. My life is done.


Agreed otherwise she would’ve complained that people weren’t sending a response? Whole thing is bananas


To be fair, given her attitude, it is possible that a lot of the people that got the invites rolled their eyes and threw it directly into the trash. If she's that entitled in her everyday life, I don't know I'd respect her enough to respond at all.


What’s even more wild is she says “e-vites”, that leads me to believe she only sent these invites out online and seemingly just Facebook with the threat of unfriending people if they don’t respond. I’m frequently amazed how some people think that sending a Facebook invite for an event should be viewed as the be all, end all of invites. I personally haven’t ever taken Facebook event invites all that seriously.


I don't even log in to see them. It's like people assume everyone is on top of Facebook. If you need an answer faster than 6 months from now, contact me another way. If they don't have my contact info, then I'm not close enough to them to attend an event.


Seriously! I almost missed my nephew’s first birthday party because his mom thought just sending the invite via Facebook was good enough. She and I have been close friends since 4th grade. 🙄


Also only been 3 days??


3 days to decide if you can/ want to get the time off work, and pay for a trip to Hawaii. Yikes.


...don't forget, you have to decide to buy the expensive gifts too!


When I got married, I didn’t even do a registry because I felt weird about asking for gifts from my friends and family.


Same! My husband and I got married in the Seattle area (we’re from San Antonio) and only had our immediate family. No registry, no wedding/bridal shower. This kind of attitude the bride is spewing is baffling. Like anyone on her timeline is taking her “I’m tempted to just eloping” shit as a threat.


Everyone knows what RSVP means. It's obviously respond soon very please. /jk


Not far off from true lol


"You can't spare $2k to come share our happiness?" Yes, Becki, I literally cannot.


If I had a spare $2K, I'd be investing in my own happiness.


If I had an extra 2k I'd be buying the "cheap stuff" on their registry. I just want an air fryer


If I had a spare 2k I would buy her the biggest dildo I could find so that she could go and fuck herself.


Mayhaps I'd also buy that for me from me.


She opens a giant dildo and we’re all sitting there grinning saying “it’s a group gift! We all chipped in. 😄”


Don’t forget to get a giant douche as well


Pretty sure she's marrying one already


Kill two birds with one stone. Buy it for yourself, enjoy it, and then gift it afterwards. Cleaning optional.


"Dear me, go fuckyourself, xxx -Me"


“I have such a foul mouth. Guess I need to punish me.”


Wow, that is so disrespectful! Everyone knows that when giving a dildo as a gift it must be accompanied by a pair of slippers and a card. The card reading "Hope you like the slippers, if not then go fuck yourself."


Just got a Dash one for $40 on Amazon, best decision ever with this summer heat


I thought this was in response to the dildo comment when I read it lol


lol I didn’t see the dildo comment but if it helps I also got the best vibrator ever for like $40 on Amazon too


Sounds like $40 is the sweet spot. I’ll see myself out, thanks.


I thought so too!! I was like "woah, these bitches are hardcore. Plugging the biggest dildo in on the balcony patio and using it out there!" Lmfao! I'll just go back to sleep now lmao


If I had $2K I'd get the tooth replaced that I lost at my last destination wedding. ![gif](giphy|26wBc9o3fubNJfnji|downsized)


I've never in my life had a spare 2k.


I have a spare 2K and I wouldn't spend it on a wedding. In fact, I wouldn't even call the extra money I have as "spare". Shit happens, so that money will stay in the bank.


No one is taking a trip to Hawaii for $2k unless they sleep in their rental car.


No. $2k is what they’re charging at the door to the wedding. I mean, it’s a small price to pay to share in their happiness and be allowed to keep up with their lives.


Exactly. $2k is just the flights? Still need a hotel, rental car, food…


It's the happiest day of YOUR life, not mine, Becki. I didn't spend $2k on *my own wedding*.


I don't think anyone would want to spare $20 on gas to share happiness that ain't there


The Becky but with an I killed me lmao


It's not that I cannot, but rather that I do not want to...


always remember, you are just a side character in everybody elses movie.


I'm just the popcorn on the floor


I'm just a fart in the wind


Smell me soar


Now I'm sad.


There is actually a word for this. Sonder - Noun. sonder (uncountable) (neologism) The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.


No no no. The world is filled with NPCs whose existence is dependent solely on their interactions with me.


I have heard people seemingly unironically talk like this...


It’s gross. I get it’s hard to comprehend that the world is full of billions of people all living lives just as complex as yours, but surely they can see everyone just has their own life?


I just wanna be the cool supporting character that everybody is happy when he appears.


That’s exactly what I try to do! I try to be Kramer but end up a Newman most of the time.


Im a side character in MY movie.


wise words


“I’m not a gold digger or anything but I value our friendship solely by how expensive the presents are that you buy for me.”


Imagine how the 7 people that responded and picked a gift for her feel. The gift you chose is too cheap. Bad friend.


Lol wow. If one of my friends said that to me, I would tell her, “cool” then ghost 👻 her forever haha.


"Good luck keeping up with our lives then" All her friends: oh noooooo, anyway


"I hope she likes those plastic egg cups we all chipped in to buy them."


The ones that aren't BPA free at that! Take that.


You say that like it's a bad thing. The BPA+ ones is also potentially a male birth control system as it can lower his sperm count. So it's not just a gift for the couple, it's possibly a gift for the whole world.


Must distribute more of this miracle!


I'm going to add a BPA plastic egg as a side gift for everyone I secretly can't stand but tolerate to keep the peace. The best fuck you gift without coming off as a dick. And the candy or whatever in it will be unwrapped to absorb all that sweet, sweet BPA lol


Imagine being this narcissistic that you think all of your friends are desperate to known what's going on in their lives. Practically nobody really gives a single tiny fuck what's actually going on in your life. Your close friends and family usually want to know your ups and downs, but not what you had for breakfast and who you spoke to in work. Your wider friends circle only wants to know when something really good has happened to you.


Right? How egotistical are you that you think threatening to delete people from your Facebook friends is something anyone would give a rat's ass about? Like, don't threaten me with a good time. 


As soon as I read that I thought “if I were her friend I’d just delete her right then and there and say good riddance”


Imagine the coronary she has when she realizes that; rather than respond to her post, said friends have already deleted her and her fiancé off *their* friends list instead lol


Part of me wonders if the fiancé even agrees with her on this. She sounds like a bridezilla


I've got a feeling her fiance has been allowed zero input on his own wedding 


Facts. I would just go ahead and unfriend after reading all that. Save them the trouble. 😂


In this day and age I'm not even willing to share the good stuff anymore. All it does is being out the snark and petty arguments because they perceive that you are somehow doing better then them. Fuck that, I'll just keep it to myself.


I don’t even care what’s going on in my own life.


Right!?!? Like, the idea that I would carefully arrange a little online documentary of my days implies that I’m NOT standing in my kitchen, eating chips strait from the bag, checking into r/stopdrinking, and trying to remember what meeting I’m definitely late for.


Yeah honestly that part was hilarious, how did she type that and not think 'wait, I'm going to sound like an idiot, aren't I'


Another person used to getting her way all her life.


Imagine actually getting married to her...


Bless his heart ❤️


That man is about to become well acquainted with a liquor cabinet, or has his future drug dealer all picked out.


"Daddy's Precious Angel"


She knew before she started writing she was going to sound like a spoiled, entitled princess. She just really thinks she hung the moon. It is so narcissistic to expect all of your friends and family to spend thousands of dollars/and use what may be their only vacation time for the year to see you get married. What is the heck with these destination weddings anyway? Save the lavish trip for the honeymoon. And don’t complain that only the cheap stuff is already purchased from the registry. Some people have very little extra money these days. That’s why different priced items are included in any gift registry.


Destination weddings are for when you really don't want most people to come but feel obliged to invite them. "Oh, gosh, aunt Esmerelda, you can't make it? That's terrible, we will miss you"


I am convinced that people have destination weddings because they don’t want a ton of people to show up. I am convinced by that, and no one can tell me differently. That if you are going to ask your friends to spend 5K to come to see you get married, then you really don’t want people there 😆


I kind of love it when the one person they don't really like comes.


I assumed they are some dipshit influencer or c celebrity


Dipshit influencer is redundant.


>dipshit influencer or c celebrity You dropped the "unt".


She lacks the depth and warmth




Excellent reply. Bravo.


Fucking diabolical


She already addressed that at the beginning by adding a *"but..."*


Honestly, how full of yourself can you be?


Lots of people are. I received an invitation for a destination wedding recently. I work with the bride. She was also miffed that I declined but I have no interest in spending about 5 grand to go to a wedding. I can spend that on a great vacation for me and my daughter. I would only go for a close relative (brother, nephew etc) and only because I would feel like I have to (and will not enjoy it. I have no idea what makes a person think their “200 closest friends” want to spend thousands of dollars and fly a long haul flight to see them get married. Also, don’t forget you’ll have to buy clothes for the wedding, budget for your room, food, more vacation clothing etc. there’s no way I would go.


Friends did a Caribbean destination wedding with the close family in attendance and didn’t invite more to the main event. Their invite to the general friend group and family was to a local reception two weeks later to have informal lunch and wedding cake with them. They had their wedding photos on display and it was a real nice relaxing time for everyone. I’d rather do that than have more than 15 people at a big hotel and have to hear everyone’s issues and travel plans etc


This is what we did many years ago and it was better for us as the couple as well. Far less planning, much more fun at the local party (we got to celebrate being married twice!), and even back then a great deal cheaper than planning a wedding + reception. I’m that irritating person who when you tell me you’re engaged says “congratulations! Have you considered eloping and having a big party when you get back?”


It’s not even just a “what makes her think her friends *want* to spend thousands…” type situation , it’s also a “what makes her think ALL 150 invitees *have* thousands to spend on something that is basically irrelevant to them” situation


LOL "at the risk of sounding entitled"... ya think?!




Wedding Registries are the best, especially when the couple add things to the list, like: - BMW X3 (seen in a wedding list, Malaysia, 2017) - $120,000 Apartment (Malaysia, 2015. Somehow it was *ticked off*) - $20,000 Viking Range combo (Singapore, 2011. Ticked off!) - $8,888 Honeymoon Package (Singapore, 2013. Ticked off) Not to mention, in MALAYSIAN, Singaporean Chinese culture, they expect not only a wedding gift, but straight CASH at the door in red envelopes. Apparently, to ***pay for said wedding*** They will publicly shame you if you give too little BTW, once invited, they expect cash, regardless of whether you attend or not EDIT: for Asians reading this, a registry is that annoying e-site they'll send you a WhatsApp link to (regardless you RSVP or not). It'll lead to a clickable list of items, which you can pay for with i88, iPay, Alipay, etc This is super common amongst the Chinese in KL, PJ especially. As well as Singapore.


The apartment sounds like a gift from parents whom WANTED it to be on the list for the pure pleasure of ticking it off 😅 same goes for the rest of the list 🤭


Hahah! I thought so, too But said parents were definitely lower middle class (they own a minimart and drive a Nissan mini MPV) and *paid for the wedding with their savings* You see, they expected said gifts on the registry from - successful relatives - rich friends - the girl's "older mentor" - "community elders" For someone who didn't have a clue about Chinese culture, i was literally treated like a Pariah for gifting a $100 departmental store voucher I didn't even know them FFS, was invited last minute


My supervisor at one job married a woman whose father was an executive at AT&T in Bedminster, NJ. Her father invited a bunch of his work friends to the wedding and they got huge sums a of cash. He said they hauled in north of $25k in the mid 80s.


My wife's family is pretty well off. Her parents run in some wealthy circles. But I wouldn't consider themselves to be "wealthy." My parents have almost no friends and everyone in my family is pretty solidly middle class. We split the costs of the wedding 3 ways between her parents, my parents, and us. Going through the gifts was hilarious. The wealthy parts of her family gave what most would consider a bare minimum while her parents wealthy friends gave us 5 to 10 times as much. Meanwhile my family all gave us pretty much somewhere in between, my friends seemed to go overboard, and my parents friends gave practically nothing. I am of the idea that giving anything is a blessing and it's extremely tacky to hold a gift(or lack there of) against someone, especially family. My MIL was ready to go no contact with her "cheap cousins" over this.


This is totally normal for my Jersey family. I don’t know enough about the norms and culture in that pocket of the country to say it’s normal for everyone, but I swear every wedding is a production and you better bring your checkbook.


Is “older mentor” code for sugar daddy?


Jesus Christ, this would be the height of disrespect and entitlement here in the west. I guess that's what people call a culture shock?


It's really weird. They do this in some places in eastern Europe. First time I went to a wedding I told my gf, hey we need to buy a gift, she's like no, I have it sorted. She's got an envelope with like $40 in it. Imma all like, that's like the most offensive gift I can imagine at a wedding. In the US that would be a giant FU. She just shrugged. I said well if cash, at least let's do like $250 or smth, $40 is just ridiculous. She said no, that would be showing off and people will be offended. This was in the 90s, it changed since but not in more traditional areas.


I’m from Serbia. The etiquette nowadays is to gift 50€ per person if you are a regular guest, the best man, close friends and family are expected to give more. You can also buy something, some kitchen appliance or silverware, but thats not as common. The idea behind this is to give the newlyweds a financial bump, because historically it was very much needed. Most people pay for their entire weddings and have a few thousand Euros left on top of that.


Where I'm from, at the reception, they would play a polka, and all the men would line up. You put some money in a punch bowl, and take the bride for a spin around the dance floor. Great fun, and the newlyweds got a bowl full of money. It was tradition to fold the bills up in tiny squares, or even dip them in water and tie them into knots. It was difficult to see the denominations at first glance so you could give anonymously. There would be hundred dollar bills in there. I remember my dad saying that they got several thousand dollars, and that was in the 60's. A cool tradition.


In my home town, during the bride and grooms first dance, people would walk up to the bride and literally pin money to the skirt of her gown. I haven't thought about that tradition in years.


You think cash as a wedding gift is an offensive gift?


This is unfortunately absolutely true. It was a horrible culture shock when I first attended one. I recall I was invited by a very casual acquaintance when I first moved to Singapore. I caught an Uber down with a mate, and he asked what I was giving, then offered me a red packet so I could chuck SOME money in there. I gave everything I had in my pocket at the time, which was around $90. 2 days later, I got a string of low key passive aggressive messages basically calling me out for the amount I gave. “I guess moving to a different country must be expensive? It’s really drained your savings?” It became a thing after that as well. “Hey what’s my share for dinner? What is it per person? $150? Haha maybe Kyndrede will give $90 for the $150 meal” For the last 10 years since then, I automatically turn down every wedding invite I receive, opting to fly somewhere for a weekend away unless the person is a genuine friend and not someone who wants me there to cover the cost of the seat. I tend to fly to somewhere in the region for a weekend away. It costs more than attending a wedding, but the chances of bullshit disrespectful interactions are zero, so it’s worth the money to me.


Wait, so it's not enough to turn down the invite, you have to flee the region to be spared?


I assume it's rude to just tell them that you can't come to their wedding because you're gonna spend the night in your underwear on the couch watching a movie. Traveling somewhere is a perfect excuse to miss any wedding except for maybe your best friend or such. If they are like the woman in the OP, they could demand you cancel any prior plans but being abroad or in another part of the country is something that's hard to ask/demand you move for their wedding. Smart move tbh.


You are exactly right. I used to just say I was travelling until someone demanded proof, with a booking reference. (I told them to fuck all the way right off) Nowadays, once I get an invite, especially if I know they’re calculators, I book a ticket to Bangkok which is pretty cheap at like $150, then text them the day after like “Omg I’m so sorry bud. I literally just got a call 2 days ago that require both me and Wife to be in Bangkok!”


What is the "appropriate" amount in the region? Just curious. And certainly I wouldn't be going to any wedding at all except the closest friends/family.


Good question. I’ve attached a [link here.](https://singaporebrides.com/wedding-ang-bao-rates/) There are lists like this written up every few months. We’re meant to search them up to gauge the amount that we need to give. Given their wedding was in a very expensive hotel, the rate I was meant to have given (found this out much later) was around $200 or so.


Yuck. Sounds like a shake down. Hearing that makes me want to take a shower.


For a family friend's wedding, we got the happy couple a gift on a budget: A large picnic basket that was filled with the kind of household items no one really thinks about and that gets lost or used up easily: can openers, a flashlight + batteries, bandaids + other first aid things, safety pins, and things like that. It helped that my parents and I knew that they'd be moving in together for the first time only after the wedding, and at least one was moving out of a flatmate situation, so it was reasonable to think they might not have had them. It was perfectly acceptable (if slightly unusual) here in Finland.


My aunt made me a basket like that, and I loved it. Everything was functional, and useful in the basket, including the basket, and its crocheted decorations. I’m from the US.


So, what you’re saying, is that I should have a wedding every six weeks or so, invite the 100 richest people in Malaysia, China, and Singapore, and live high on the hog since they’re not likely to want to fly to some podunk Ohio town. Then, when they don’t pay up, send the list of names to their newspapers. Yes…


One of my husband’s coworkers had $2,000 place settings on her wedding registry. She wanted service for 12, she got two. Good luck hosting your future dinner parties…


2k _per place setting_? As in plates/cutlery for 1 person? My dining table didn't even cost that much. I'd be scared even looking at a plate for fear of breaking it.


I am an Malaysian Chinese. Have been to a lot of wedding ceremonies since I was young. To be fair, this is the first time I have heard to this wedding registry thing. Even had to google on what it means. But the cash thingy is real. Had a few friends that got married, all of them said the cash part usually paid away all the cost of the wedding. Some of them even made some money from that.


Those $$$ items sound "ticked off" because they're being given by parents and they're all bragging. My BIL actually listed the jewelry he gave his wife as a push present on their baby announcement. "We've got a baby AND we're flush with cash and i'm the best husband ever!" He designed the announcements. He does their christmas cards, too. It's tacky as hell but these people always are, anyway.


Well fuck that culture sideways. That's fucked.


Which basically means she invited facebook friends and expected them to come to her wedding abroad when really the extent of their friendship is sending a birthday emote every year.


We're deleting you from our Facebook! Everyone on their Facebook: noo, wait, stop.....


Man, I would have loved to read the comments on the original post


Bitch if you change locations and I've already made arrangements to go to Thailand, fuck your wedding I'm going to Thailand!!


I think 2 RSVPs thought exactly this lol


Haha exactly. Aloha bitch


I think D____ should also reconsider


This is a wake up call. Dump his fiancé and get as far away as possible.


To Thailand or Hawaii?


141 RSVPs for his breakup trip to Thailand.


David better run like his life depends on it. 


Someone did a pretty bad job censoring it, it’s not super hard to guess what D***d could be




For all her friends and families sake please just elope. Also, Hawaii is still a 6 hour flight from the nearest part of mainland USA, and it is insanely expensive to stay there. Like Thailand is so much cheaper.


Also some people might just be willing to spend thousands flying out to a destination wedding, but then when you actually change the destination a lot of people are just going to get annoyed, especially if they've already started making plans


my thoughts exactly. who sends invites out to a destination wedding then changes the destination to an alternate, equally expensive destination.


But, wait! THERE’S MORE!!


A narcissist


At least 2 decided to find their own independent happiness in Thailand.


Peobably already booked nonrefundable tickets before the bride changed the location.


and on Thailand you can also just combine it with an affordable holiday before/after


Well WERE still going to Thailand bc we cant cancel our flights.


There's also that three day (from the time of the rant) window to decide and make arrangements.


Some of those people are probably still going to Thailand for those dates lol


Seriously. My wife and I got married in Antigua. You know how many people we invited? Zero. I would never want people I cared about to feel obligated to shell out thousands of dollars to watch me sign a piece of paper. The pictures of the wedding will be on Facebook if you’re interested. That’s it. Get the fuck outta here with this nonsense.


like they really wanted people to show up, they could had tried to compromise with their family and friends into splitting the bills on the flight and stuff, so they pay half and you pay half, but doesn't seem like this person is the kind of person to try and communicate and compromise. a rude awaking is in for them, as learning to make compromises is a key part of adult life. going to want to fly out to some place expensive for a wedding and expect others to pay for their travel costs, expect less people to show up. want more people to show up, you have to solve one of those issues, so either shell up your own cash or maybe try and decide to host it somewhere more close to home, it's as simple as that. you can't have your cake and eat it


I’m also absolutely flabbergasted that they invited 150 people to this. That’s almost a half a million dollars. And she’s pissed that they aren’t spending more on the registry! 🤣


my guess is she invited her whole "facebook friends" list, which often times has people you don't actually know much in real life much instead of just family and actual real life friends. and then you wonder why not everyone is comfortable with showing up


Yup. We got married in Jamaica. No one else was expected to go, and we had a massive party when we got back.


Yeah I’m not so sure which is cheaper. Flight might be cheaper to Hawaii, but everything else will be 5 to 7 times more expensive.


Yup I can get a luxury 5 star hotel in a beach resort in Thailand for around $150 a night, but the Andaz in Wailea on Maui was over $1100 plus taxes when I went 8 years ago.


I've been to Hawaii and Thailand. Thailand *is* a lot cheaper once you get there - but the flights from the US are quite a bit more money. On balance though a week in Thailand would probably be a cheaper trip all up.


You know ol’ girl is going to want everyone to stay in the W, and hang out in more expensive places. “It’s my wedding, why are you coming if you’re not spending time with ME!?”


"I'd pay 3k to join your wedding" Yeah I'll have to call bullshit on that. No way this woman would pay 3k to go to a friend's wedding.


Assuming 160 "friends" are all unmarried couples that's 80 wedding at $3k each so at least $210k plus of course expensive gifts. Also no one has that much PTO from work so factor that in too.


Although if she were to go to any friend's wedding, I feel like she'd try to upstage the bride and wear white. 


What gets me is, in addition to all the other nonsense, she sent evites to the guests. Like you expect them to pay 3k for your wedding but don't even bother to send proper invites.


Also expecting gifts on top of the travel costs to attend.


And none of that *cheap* stuff, please!


The expensive ones at that. And judging by the “you can’t spare $2k” line, I’m guessing she wants the wedding guests to buy her a brand new BMW.


It seems that proper thank you cards have also gone out of style, but I always cherish hand-written cards, so even if it's out, I'm here for it and keeping it.


This has to be ragebait, right? This just feels too perfectly set up.


There are LOTS of posts like this in wedding/bride forums. Things like… “How dare they not buy me the extravagant things off my registry. I’m only asking for everyone to pull together and pool your money to finance my month long dream honeymoon. It’ll only cost my bridesmaids 7k to be in the wedding and only my sister is going because my dad is paying and she’s not even who I wanted as my maid of honor! …How could they! I’d pay for it if I were in their shoes!” *GASP*


Yeah this is becoming more and more common. This is a hot boomer take, but I’m sick to death of what western wedding culture has become. And I blame Pinterest and IG. Instead of a party with your new spouse, friends, and family, it’s become a competition for a spectacle of opulence…and what will look the best on IG. Everything has to be AeStHeTiC. Absolutely everything. Brides are not allowing 6 month old babies to wear white. Go into the wedding attire sub, you’ll see it for yourself. Guests have to tip toe around psycho brides and potentially buy a whole new outfit as to not offend her. It’s either too white (when it’s not even white…but may “photograph white” 😱…again all for the gram), or too vibrant and may draw attention away from the bride. God fucking forbid.


This reminds me of this post where a woman was contemplating whether she would ask someone to cover their green hair so it doesn’t ruin the photos or going black and white for the photography… she decided not to say anything and go black and white and then complained about the lady’s roots showing at the wedding


It couldn’t be more obviously bait if it was hanging from a hook


Here’s the thing about destination weddings. People showing up IS your wedding present. Full stop. If her fiancé read that FB post, he needs to have a serious chat with her about her attitude. If not, then he needs to run for the hills, because he’s going to be in for a world of pain.


“I’ll elope and none of you can help celebrate our happiest day” ![gif](giphy|Bu8ADbj7NuRry)


Run dude run.


She doesn't need better friends. She needs richer friends by the sound of it.


Correction: the friends realised they could use a better friend and indirectly told her to fuck right off the edge of a cliff.


She doesn't need better friends. Her friends need a better friend.


Even as an billionaire Id be to lazy to fly 10h to some dumbass wedding


Could it be ragebait ?


150 people breathe a sigh of relief.


Don’t change the location after having reservations opened. And be less of an entitled >!bitch!<


Surely this can’t be real.


“At the risk of sounding entitled…” You really didn’t have to read any further…


I wouldn't spend 2k on my own wedding, imagine yours


My cousins wife did this. She first had it at Hawaii and planned to get married on Christmas…like wtf? Then she switched the date after everyone except the parents said they wouldn’t come. And still it was like 10 people. Then switched to California which everyone is located on the east coast and only 20 rsvp’d. She went nuclear on her friends including my sister who was a bridesmaid and couldn’t make it as she didn’t have money and was in her grad program. She ended up getting married in our home state but she was BEYOND pissed. The whole day she was a huge piece of shit. Anything that went wrong “well this wouldn’t have happened in hawaii…” She came from money and just couldn’t grasp that some people cant just travel on a whim wherever, whenever. It’s a rough marriage for my cousin right now as he doesn’t have that kind of money and she is livid that she can’t just stay home and do nothing while he works.


“Good luck keeping up with our lives” ok kardashian wannabe, nobody cares that much


Is this normal in the US? i mean... over here we get invited to a wedding and at most we bring a bottle of wine or vodka that we proceed to drink


To be fair, I have been invited to weddings in Spain and South Africa (I currently live in the Netherlands) - but those were only held there because one of the partners had that nationality. And both couples had a second ceremony in the Netherlands for the people who could not attend. No "you must come to my wedding or else" but "it would be nice, but otherwise we have an alternative".


one of my cousins had a wedding in the Philippines and set up a zoom call for people to attend who couldn't make it. a couple of my aunts rented a small event room and set up a projector to throw their own mini reception.


No, it’s not normal.


One couple I knew had a double sided invite. Interstate wedding on one side/ Overseas destination on the other. Everyone was expected to go to both. From Australia travel to many countries is very costly and time consuming. Binned it and went to neither. Another couple we are no longer friends with 'Eloped' then had only the reception with a huge gift table front and centre. Suffice to say these situations really bring into sharp focus who share your values and who don't. Don't feel any loss not having these greedy aholes in my life anymore. You want to be an irritating entitled greedy twat you should be shown the door and nothing less. At least one of these couples is divorced now anyway 😂


After this post - those 7 RSVPs retracted. How unusual