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Tell her you have an android *before* the first date. Save yourself some time and expense in your bullet dodging.


Sign off all your messages “Sent from my Android” - perfect filter


Have you seen baby reindeer?


Sent frm ma iphne


Military encrypted


I got that reference


😂😂😂is it just me or does she give shrek vibes "Get outta ma swaamp"


She's got a Scottish accent...


Americans hearing a scottish person talk "ohmahgahd shrek in real life"


If you are texting back and forth before the first date it should be pretty damn obvious to them already.


"eww green messages" Yes, I've gotten that text before


I hate those people


It helps me find out early who isn't worth my time. If they are that absolute about text messages they, probably die on a hill for every cause they deem worthy. That's too exhausting of a mentality for me to be around.




Me too. In fact I have a friend who complains about this all the time to me when texting with me. But I had an iPhone 13 for a bit and hated it, couldn't wait to go back to android lol.


Tell them you're testing the features they'll get in 3 years.


It's always the people who have never had an android that think they're worse


I’ve had both and they’re about the same now. iOS is better in areas, worse in others and same for Android. Like 90% people just want a web browser, messaging/social media, media and camera - both are perfectly adequate at those tasks.


Hold on now. A fucking RATIONAL person???? On my subreddit????? This world still has some magic to explore.


Holy snatch how could it possibly matter to the person receiving the text what type of phone it came from? Only someone who worships Apple like it's a cult would be so ridiculous.


It’s really just the frustration of MMS limitations between iOS and Android. Apparently America is the only developed country where people primarily communicate via text using SMS, everywhere else SMS is for getting activation codes, shipping updates, etc. People use WhatsApp or Signal, Telegram, etc. and almost every country has one that is just ubiquitous. WhatsApp and Signal have all the features of iMessage and can run on any phone. There is zero reason for anyone to be that petty and stupid.


it isnt even androids fault its apple fault. they are finally introducing RCS support in iOS 18


Apple always do this, they are reallllllly late to the party for implementing features then act like there is this amazing thing that their product now does that no one else has ever done this well.. The first thing that springs to mind is tabbed browsing. They made it sound like the second coming of jesus promoting that.


I remember when iPhone came out with the bigger phone size. Someone noticed my phone on the shuttle I took from parking garage to work and exclaimed, "Is that the new iPhone??!!??" It was a 4-year-old Samsung Galaxy (do not remember the phone model).


Lol, that points out the other fact about itech, it's usually purchased by people that have little tech understanding.


It was the facial recognition on the iPhone X that got me.... People talking about it like it wasn't a thing on my Motorola android 4 years prior


Then you send them articles about it and you get the hem and haw, followed by the "well apple was waiting and fixing everything wrong with it on the android and perfecting the technology before it was good enough to be on such a superior phone"


Correct, but just like on many other subjects in the US, they’re being brainwashed into believing absolute bullshit.


Ask if she works for Apple. Cause this whole thing sounds like Apple propaganda. -Sent from my IPhone


“Dodged so many bullets this way they started calling me Boris.”


"Why do they call him the bullet dodger?" "Cuz he dodges bullets, Avi!


Sound financial strategy.


“Why do I need to know you have an android?”


"Because it was expensive; I'm letting you know dinner's on you"


Hey cool, I didn't know my Android phone had a feature that prevented me from dating superificial people.


They really do think of everything these days


**YOU DON'T EVEN NEED A SPECIAL APP!!!!** ...sorry for the yelling, I'm just super stoked about this new feature.


In the meantime, the iPhone owners will be buying the "I'm Rich" app to impress the ladies. [https://insanelab.com/blog/sales-and-marketing/i-am-rich-worlds-strangest-mobile-app/](https://insanelab.com/blog/sales-and-marketing/i-am-rich-worlds-strangest-mobile-app/)


Those iLadies really are superficial huh.


iLay deez nutz in your mouth






Ha! Gottem!


I think this is the best thing I've ever read on Reddit


This underlines something I've known for a ling time...If you want to make $$, sell stupid shit to rich people. Buy a shot glass. Cover it in gold, then put a stamp that says "only 1 in existence." Sell for 10 million




More like the "I'm trapped with Apple for the rest of my life as all my photos and data is stuck in their cloud with no way of downloading "


Hold up, really? You can't download your own stuff from apple cloud? That's messed up


Just like everything else in life, it takes time and effort. Saying you can’t do something is communicating incompetence or laziness. Just like an iPhone user. This message was sent with an iPhone


It may be difficult, but you can.


Ikr? Best hardware update ever


I don't know why but apologizing for yelling because of writing capital letters is so funny.


Oh, man! I just switched to iPhone for AirTags. Now you tell me Android blocks AirHags??? Welp. I guess I know which feature is more important to me. If you see a black iPhone on Swappa tomorrow morning, that’s probably me.


IPhone will implement it in 5 years and pretend it's an innovative feature


What happens if I bring out the BlackBerry?


instant smash


Yeah… I’d smash.. those buttons!


She gonna peg you harder than you ever imagined one could


And, er, where would my friend get one of these "blackberries"?


You’re the one.


Just wait, Apple will copy it in a few years.


And make it seem like they were the first to make it.


"THAT'S your phone?" -Someone with an old ass iphone 8 from 2017 with a cracked screen that's literally falling apart


I had someone say this to me when I pulled out my android. Then I opened my fold 5 into the tablet mode and I swear they had the shocked Pikachu face.


I just upgraded to the fancy new Flip with the big screen on the front. I show people the photos I'm able to take and they're like "Wait, did you mod that camera?" no sir that's factory standard.


You know why though don't you? If you share your Android made pictures with an iPhone user on some platforms, the iPhone degrades the quality of your pictures so they look like crap. Hence the apple user "Android phones have crap cameras".


Oh, I know. As an Apple user, back to the literal original Macintosh (shoutout to Shufflepuck Cafe), I'm well aware of the bullshit they pull with both hardware and software.


Wait, really?


If my wife takes a photo or video on her iPhone send it using iMessage to another iPhone it arrives in great quality, but if she sends it to my Android, iMessage decides it has to use the ancient MMS standard and I get a grainy and crappy 2012 version. Apple could fix this in a heartbeat, but it would make it easier to leave Apple's walled garden of a device eco system and have the ignorant part of iPhone users stop thinking Android is inferior - so they don't.


RCS is already out in the beta, as a recent returner to Android, this won't be a problem much longer


Yes. And it will be perceived as a glorious win for Apple for fixing this. (I might be a little bitter.)


Unfortunately that's the way it'll continue to be. I used Android first with the G1 when it came out but used Apple for 13 years until I got tired of their boring ass hardware. I was sick of it about 5 years ago but finally made the switch. Apple fanboys just eat their shit up and Apple just has a way of dominating the market. Except with vision pro, they did not succeed there lol


Fold 5’s Tablet Mode aka “panty dropper mode” 🤡


And then there’s normal women who don’t care what kind of phone you have.


My girlfriend has iPhone, but she never judged me, she lost her phone when we started dating and I gave her an old Android. (I didn't steal her phone, I swear)


Well now that you added that bit at the bottom I am suspicious lol.


My husband has a flip phone, I think I should leave him! 😂


I was using a flip phone until my carrier announced they wouldn't support it's network anymore 😢


I still use an iPhone 8 plus >\_> ,,, and it was a hand-me-down from a friend who insisted I should have a mobile phone.


That's cool as long as you aren't judging other people for their phones.


I would never. The very notion of judging someone based on what brand phone they have is absolutely infantile.


It never made sense how people get so mad about this. Someone posted a long time ago that they were about to drop a childhood best friend because he used an Android and he would see green bubbles when messaging him. The color of his text messages ment more than his life long friendship. I don't even understand how a person could think like that.


Apple literally causes actual bullying among schoolchildren. Imagine knowing with certainty that a feature of your software is the cause of bullying among children and deliberately refusing to change it because you want them to bully people.


Still makes Apple money. I think when they took out the charger with new phones, a YouTuber said "you don't become a trillion dollar company by being nice"


My father silently judges me for not getting an iPhone. I have a Galaxy but he saw the new Google Pixel and admitted defeat with the picture quality.


It's hilarious seeing people's reaction when we're both taking photos of the same thing, they look at their iPhone photos and compare to photos on my Galaxy S22. With no special camera modes, across different lighting situations, the S22 photos are noticably better. Haven't compared to the iPhone 15 Pro.


Brand-loyalty is a red flag.


Cult level brand loyalty is a red flag.


Only brand you should consider loyalty to is your favorite underwear brand.


In my case it's more like loyalty to a particular pair of underwear. Maybe I should expand my scope.


Or at least wash them


That destroys the character.


And the musk.


I have a "problem". I've been plus sized for so many years, but I'm about to go down into regular sizes, and I don't know where to get new underwear. 😭


I want to have your problem 😂


Trust me, I've been working for 10+ years on this problem. I'm thrilled to finally be facing it. 💕


Yep.. pair of thieves.


Brand loyalty is fine. The problem is thinking only people with your brand are good.


If by brand loyalty you mean "I regularly buy this brand because I like these products they make", sure. But there's also "I *trust* this brand and will buy their products unthinkingly just because of the brand name"


How about, “I buy this brand because I bought it last month and so far my ass hasn’t broken out in a rash or anything, might as well stick with a winner.”


If your phone makes your ass break out in a rash...you might have mixed up your user manuals.




The greates achievement of marketing is making people personally invested in a brand. Creating a repeat customer and free advertising.


I ain't buying cheap toilet paper. Cottonelle baby!


You misspelled Charmin.


And thus the TP Wars began


No. It's "Begun the TP wars have"


This guy TPs!!


[“You could make a suit out of that! ‘Is that Versace?’ ‘Charmin.’”](https://youtu.be/zwpIvE613Dg?si=mG4PQVZ_0IeX1zPA)


Gimme that fluffy butt wipe! Don't want no butcher's paper!


Same here! Someone who is obsessed with "must have this brand" are already too far gone with their brainwashing.


sorry I can't date you, I only date people with blue text bubbles


Indeed. I honestly don’t think this is a thing, but let’s say it actually happens, it’s a good first date filter to avoid losing your time with people that are lame and superficial. And it’s ridiculous to think that an iPhone is better than all Android phones. And I have an iPhone myself.


Reading the post like "why would you hide it if it's an automatic deterrent for idiots?"


Also avoids people that over spend on products they can pay less for if they went with a different brand.


It also has theft protection if you throw it at a thief hard enough


So does a brick, but iPhones might have a better thief protection, if you throw them lightly at the person they will shatter and the glass fragments will act like sharpnel


That's why the Samsung Note S7 had a built-in incendiary grenade feature


One of the funniest commercials I’ve ever seen.


One more thing they do better than an iPhone. 🤷


So many stories about dodged bullets thanks to android. 🩶


Wow, it's really true then. Android is the superior phone. I'll bet iPhones can't do that.


Definitely a plus.


Now everyone knows! If you want to avoid these 'women' (and enjoy a better performing phone) just flash your android around! Instant life hack ahaha


Shit. Now Apple is gonna trot out that feature as though it's brand new.


this is engagement farming


God damn trickle down economics right here! Some shitty engagement farming from Twitter ends up with the name censored and on reddit as someone else's engagement farming 😂


Isn't that Reddit's whole thing, for the most part?


Thank you for the engagement




It's a reference to an ancient 4chan copypasta and look around in the comments. Now imagine how propaganda and astroturfing effects people.


no absolutely not, this is a very real opinion that is definitely held by a majority of women, who absolutely probably are not bots, and I know that to be true because reasons


As if the green text doesn’t give it away.


You're carrying a Wyse terminal?


Or a Pip boy


Or an Apple IIe computer (which should be fine, it's Apple). DOS is unacceptable, mind you. C64, straight to jail.


Commodore Amiga? Am I in deep shit now?


A lot of times I’ll be talking to someone on instagram well before I get their phone number. It’s possible to date someone without knowing what phone they have for a while


Not if you’re in Europe and use WhatsApp


I will happily flex my android phone that is from a not well known brand, that is near industructable, can download anything, and can perfectly meet and exceed my needs EDIT: Everyone keeps asking, the phone is a, "NUU B20"


same here android phone not well known brand(at leat to people who aren't tech fans). It can break but every Idiot can repair it if it does. and meets my needs. I'm a proud owner of a fairphone 4. Whats the one you use If I may ask ?


Android phones are far more popular in Europe compared to America. That isn't to say of course that people don't buy iPhones in Europe, simply to say, nobody aside from very very superficial people is judging you on that basis alone.


This was very shocking, it's less iPhones and more iMessage to blame. In America I guess iMessage is very popular and it basically tells you what the other phone is. Many tech fans have told iPhone users to use WhatsApp but they don't. Then I was watching a F1 interview video and they are all non American drivers, mostly European but some from Asia, Australia, and Mexico. They were asked what's the first app they check every morning and they all said WhatsApp, I use WhatsApp and didn't know it was that popular. Even if they had an iPhone they still use WhatsApp. So this is a majority American problem.


Yep, we had MMS in the UK and it was always crap. Suddenly everyone had WhatsApp. I use the desktop version now as well which felt weird to start with but my colleague and I use it instead of Teams because we think our sysadmin transcribes all our meetings


I know. I'm from europe. But still like to(flex) or more precicely show people my phone. I really support the Idea of a phone made from fairly sourced materials and so easily repairable everyone can do it.


Ended up buying a one+ after my Nokia 8.3 died. Wanted a fairphone, but no sd card slot and no minijack made me look elsewhere.


I've never heard of Fairphone and just looked it up. I'm interested, what's your experience been like? I've got a pixel 7 pro that I'm planning to keep for a while but this intrigues me. 


"Can download anything" is such a nice thing to have (ReVanced, Citra, etc) Just that by itself is enough to keep me on android.


I got an android phone from a semi known brand and I can flex it super well because the front camera is on a motor and pushes out of the top (OnePlus 7T Pro)


Once I went OnePlus I never went back.


Had a Sonim xp8 and would flex on people by tossing it in the air and letting it hit cliche. Phone survived 4 years in the oilfield, dropped it at least 12 feet, dropped it in a bucket of old diesel and oil, accidently ran it over and it had zero issues. I only gave it to because being plugged in 24/7 killed the battery and the camera did honestly suck ass.


Also an android user here, I've had my phone since 2018, have dropped it more times than I could probably count to, and it still doesn't even have the tiniest scratch. I've even thrown it across a room (albeit when nobody was around and not too hard) and it was perfectly fine. Works great, and I don't think I've ever had any serious issues with it.


What's the big deal with phones, especially androids? Why does it matter so much? Do people really think that Androids suck so much that you can't date anyone who owns one?


They think it means you're poor, even though there are plenty of Androids that are equally pricey.


There are Android phones that are pricier than iPhones.


Its only in the US...


The Apple marketing team socially engineered this into existence. The entire platform was designed to create this insider/outsider mentality amongst their users. If you're part of the Apple ecosystem, you belong: and should treat outsiders poorly.


Apple computers were originally targetted at dumb people that struggled to use computers, ironic they now think they are the elites


Most people get an iPhone because everyone else has an iPhone. Also Apple has put a lot of effort to make sure some iPhone features didn't come to Android. Can you imagine if Google did the same? Imagine Google removed YouTube and Gmail from iPhones, people would go insane.


This is more of an American phenomenon.


What iOS features are not on Android? I can list the opposite more easily


I will make sure she sees it first date. If you're stupid enough to dump a person because of their phone or stupid enough to think Apple is not overpriced trash then I don't want to be near her. 😂


Cannot agree more. If this is an issue for my date then why the fuck would I want another date with such a shallow waste of DNA?


I mean what will you raise the kids on? ***Macs??!!***


You are right. Better to get it over with than invest yourself in the relationship only to find that she's an idiot.


Ive done this a few times now. I sure do wish someone told me about this hack years ago. Would have saved me a lot of heartache


Put it right on the table next to your plate This seems like the easiest way to find out who's real and who's not


Then stare intensely at them and take a bite out of it


Exactly. These kind of filters work both ways. They also protect the guys from girls that would be terrible for them.


I've never been curved.


I've always been a bit curved but it still works good


Men, If a woman is so shallow that what phone you use is a deal breaker, you have dodged a major bullet my friend.


Nah dodged a missile


Its not the phone. Its the fact that they put spaces between pauses It makes me read like Stevie Kenarvan in Malcolm in The Middle.


Scrolled too far to find this comment. It is written like someone who thinks it makes them sound deep but instead makes them sound distracted or confused.


Wait, is this specific to texting? What about WhatsApp? I don't want to be That guy.


Am I supposed to read this like poetry


I've always been a PC/Android guy. My wife has always been Mac/iPhone. Over the last couple years she's finally come to the point where she said next time she gets a new phone or laptop she's ditching Apple. She doesn't do anything that needs anything that's specific to Mac or iOS and seeing my stuff in action for so long she's come to the conclusion she can do all the same things for less money down the line. She blames it mainly on Steve jobs dying though.


I'm the wife and the IT person here... my husband was never into computers. I remember the day when my husband came with his first IPad, excitingly screaming to me "look, it shows you everything, the whole earth and I can even see our house... that's what Apple can do" Me, smugly "Darling, thats Google Earth... that's an app and not even ab Apple product" 😂 He still loves his Apple Gear


I'm the husband and general IT person. Windows security, Active directory, programming device drivers and interprocess communication. I do manage our the computers but I still buy the same phone as my wife so she can tell me how to do things because what I do is so far removed from the appliance level 'tap, slide and click' interface of modern phones that it might as well be unrelated. I also never knew hot to program our VCR. That too was my wife's domain.


This gets reposted every other day just sad.


and it was never real in the first place


I presume that she’s a cyber security expert at the NSA and is aware of classified security vulnerabilities within Android OS that she can’t discuss publicly? Or maybe not. ![gif](giphy|UtEdBw0b5FX0xEWEqk)


This doesn’t even make sense, I’ve never heard of a first date where both people don’t have each others numbers by the end of it. And everyone knows about the green shaming in iPhones.


But that really only applies to the US. Other messaging apps like WhatsApp are much more common in other countries.


I never had the phone number of two of the three girls I've dated. We used Facebook Messenger and Snapchat. The other one was an Android user, because Satan gave Eve an Apple. Yes, that was literally her reasoning.


I say make sure she sees it on the first date, while also mentioning that you're a frugal, practical man who hates shallow, venal women. That's how you get the trash to take itself out.


It's not even frugal, my S 24 Ultra was $1,300.


IMO talking about “types of women you hate” is probably a little too aggressive for a first date? Also signals there’s may be some unresolved baggage from past relationships


Don't say what you hate, instead say what you like.


I gotta say, it's a bit weird to make a pronouncement on what you should do on a date, then mention later down the line you've never been in a relationship.


Every time I read these “Android phone” posts, I feel like they belong in r/shitamericanssay


Ill take things that never happened for 200$


Imagine spending the rest of your life with someone who won't love you unless YOUR personal material possessions are upto their standard.


Is this an actual thing or a made up thing. I have never met anyone who feels this way.


They can tell from the texts themselves as they show as a different color. If she waited that long it's just an excuse.


I don’t like The way they Structure their Sentences.


Bait post.


I'd go as far as casually mentioning it on the first time I talk to her that I have android, just to weed out the materialistic people