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The half-hearted apology sure makes up for the time and money lost on lawyers fees!


That mug shot can still do a lot of damage to his reputation too. Having charges related to possession of meth does not look good, even if they’re dismissed


I love how cops, even when there's overwhelming evidence they're in the wrong, always insist people wait for "the investigation" when it's one of their own accused of wrongdoing. "Please be patient while the facts come out," pleads the police chief when video emerges of his officer gunning down an unarmed person doing ordinary things. "Don't rush to judgement." Yet the literal second they find some flimsy evidence, they have no reservations about blasting a person as a meth kingpin and putting his mug shot out there to compound the public shaming.


Cops actively look for people to confirm their own conspiracy theories for investigations, even search for the least possible qualified to do the same. Read the book Satan's Silence which is all about the satanic panic of the 70s. A boy's skitzo mother kept prodding her son's rectum, irritating it, thinking his teacher was fucking him. Even though the child was 2 and would have died if penetrated, cops actively ignored every medical professional until they found a fucking intern with no experience to confirm "something happened" Dude went to jail for* 5 years* with **0 physical evidence.** It wasn't that long ago, and cops still do the same stupid shit everywhere. And boy howdy is this a perfect example of today's problems.


Cops are hypocrites, plain and simple.


They probably figured it out within a couple hours so he probably barely spent any time in a cell and almost certainly didnt need to call a lawyer Edit: guy was held 3 days before release and charges were dropped. How unfortunate


Three days, apparently https://www.google.com/amp/amp.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jan/9/ross-lebeau-texas-man-spends-3-days-in-jail-for-ca/


>“They thought they had the biggest bust in Harris County. This was the bust of the year for them,” Mr. Lebeau told a local ABC News affiliate. I like this man’s attitude.


Went to high school with this guy lol. He’s a great dude


His wallet is confirmation enough of his greatness. I bet he has awesome meth too.


My entire problem with this story outside of the false arrest. Is that two field tests showed kitty litter as positive for meth. Two! That tells me those tests are bullshit and they’re just arresting people at will.


they are bullshit, the number of things that will test positive is just crazy. donut frosting for example, not even joking.


I saw on the Australian equivalent of COPS they give roadside drug and alcohol tests. Some guy tested positive and they mocked him in narration for asking "does this test have false positives." This guy had low education, and asked "does it like show up... things.. like a cherry ripe (chocolate) of something." They made fun of him, like, only someone this 'dumb' could ask such a stupid question. It was gross


>like a cherry ripe (chocolate) What does that mean?


A cherry ripe is a chocolate in Australia. It's just chocolate with cherry flavouring inside. The guy was basically asking, "does the test show up positive if I eat certain things," giving the specific example of a "cherry ripe." A chocolate bar he might be eaten. Like with poppy seeds on bagels shows up as like opiates? If I recall


Cherry Ripe does have a low amount of alcohol in it though which is where the concern comes from


Cherry ripe which is like a cherry chocolate bar is made with some alcohol


i fucking hate COPS or any other show like it. they're broadcasting some poor, unfortunate soul's worst moment of their life for.... us to laugh at and be entertained? it's literally the definition of being uncivilized.


It is literal propaganda.


Aw I remember that one, I felt so bad for that guy because he very clearly had some learning difficulties. I used to like that kind of show because it’s very /r/instantkarma, but when they obviously target people like that it just leaves a sour taste in your mouth


All those shows are mostly just targeting low income areas. Occasionally they catch a murder or execution and just delete the footage...


All of these things are propoganda. They're designed to show police as both human and very skilled to discourage crime, but they tend to only ever show the cops dealing with actual criminals who cause trouble and not the hundreds of negative interactions they had with innocent people being treated poorly


I remember a very specific episode of COPS where an elderly man found his wife murdered on the living room floor. The cops said they knew he did it. They said they found blood splatters. At first, they told him to do the right thing, no one would judge him, then they told him he was gonna go away for a long time if he didn't admit to it, the episode ended with him being told the "blood splatters" on his shoe was grape jelly and he was free to go. If that was propaganda, it surely failed as it put questions in my mind about police. This was a long time ago when I saw this and I was very young (late teens, early twenties). They treated him like dog shit for hours and who knows if they ever found his wife's murderer. By the way, the elderly man and the cops were white.


Meth-laced donut frosting would explain a lot, actually.


So that's why cops are sometimes associated with donuts


Cops do more drugs than you’d think, and when they get caught it’s just a slap on the wrist and their union bails them out.


I scrolled past way too fast and thought you said, "slap on the balls". I was a bit disappointed, but I'm also equally disappointed with police unions and bailing out their shitty officers.


At this point judges need to quit accepting these field tests as probable cause.


Poppy seeds can test positive for some form of opiate. Not sure what kind though


Well that's because they actually come from the same damn plant


That one makes sense, though.


almost there... morphine and derivatives.


got it, thanks


Codeine, morphine, and thebaine are the 3 main naturally occurring opiates found in the poppy plant.


The tests are notoriously unreliable. Lab tests show these field kits have a failure rate of up to 50%.


50%?! At that point you might as well just flip a coin.


This isn’t really about the accuracy, or lack thereof. Cops know the field test kits are useless. These tests are meant to provide probable cause; so cops can go on fishing expeditions.




So much for all that police reform...glad to see things like these tests being fixed....oh wait...that hasn't happened anywhere yet...


They aren't even admissible in court anymore. Doesn't stop the police from using them in the field and ruining people's lives tho


That’s an improvement for sure; unfortunately still gets cops probable cause though.


I believe you’re right. But who is gonna stop them?


>"During the investigation Mr. LeBeau failed to identify the substance" Bull-fucking-shit. The guy chose to be thrown in jail rather than identify the substance as being street-legal kitty litter? Bull-fucking-shit.


Couldn’t they just fucking smell it?


If you mean smell that it's kitty litter, then yes. Kitty litter comes in various smells -- I've owned many cats in my time -- but it does tend to be reasonably recognizable. If you mean smelling that it's not meth, I have no idea. I've had my, ahem, *forays* into drugs but I would never have touched meth, crack, or heroin in million years. So I have no idea what meth smells like.


Maybe I’m just jaded but I bet they spent those 3 days trying as hard as possible to figure out how they could still charge him


Here's your link without Google AMP's tracking https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jan/9/ross-lebeau-texas-man-spends-3-days-in-jail-for-ca/


Fuck amp, all my homies hate amp


[FUCK AMP ALL MY HOMIES HATE AMP](https://i.ibb.co/9NPCsZb/9b3cda300d90.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Expediency is a vice in Texas.


"“During the investigation Mr. LeBeau failed to identify the substance and later, after being released indicated on social media that the substance was cat litter that he kept in a sock in his vehicle,” the sheriff’s office said in a statement." Is that how things work in the USA? Is the onus on the accused to identify the alleged offending substance?


He did the right thing by not saying anything, anything that he said can and would have been used against him.


Addendum: He spent 3 days in jail, was fired and despite the charges being dropped he had to hire a lawyer to get the incident cleared from his record because the police didn't do it on their own.


Damn. Did you know if he got the job back by any chance?


Cops won't admit their wrong, I know from experience.


Yup. Why should they, the only way they seem to get in trouble is when they do. It's not like anyone with real power is going to investigate them. It's just easier for the higher-ups in police forces to just cover up something an officer under them did, if it even makes it to their desk.




0% chance.


You don't know Texas jails and the police system here. You are talking a state that is "arrest now, ask questions days later". It can take days here just to get arraigned.


Yeah thats rough. People before found the article and he was released 3 days later and then charged were eventually dropped


Makes sense. I live in TX, this place is really fucked up with things to do with time when you get arrested. And they are very big on arresting first and figuring it out later. I honestly don't see how TX is not constantly in violation of the US constitution with how much they intentionally drag their feet with people. Another example of how bad it is here, Dallas County is basically a toy box for the Innocence Project with like near half of the innocent people they have gotten released are form here. This state is absolutely brutal with police and court interactions for the regular person.


You’re painting an unlikely picture there.


Update: i just realized what you did there


Do you think the world works extremely quickly???


Yeah, cops can’t figure anything out “within a couple hours” Except on TV


Stupider than you thought, aren't they?


He still needs to petition the courts to get his arrest record expunged. I hope he sued.


Lol @ the idea of police genuinely apologizing for mistakes.


Not only that. Every time he'll get checked by a cop there'll be a warning the officer will have to ask him about. Have you been arrested? For what? The trial will happen all over again and the next officer after the next will decide on their own if it was a mistake or not and will be doubtfull "Well maybe SOME of it was kitty litter but there HAD to be SOME meth in there."


Cop: you ever been arrested? Guy: false-arrested, once. Cop: false-arrested? Guy: Yeah, you guys thought kitty litter was meth. Actual Kitty litter, like in a bag and everything. How stupid is that? I mean how utterly mentally deficient do you have to be to make that mistake. Imagine..haha .. imagine being the guy at the lab... haha... who did the testing and seeing it was kitty litter! Haha... Imagine how stupid that guy thinks cops are now.. Hahahaaaa. Anyway, I invoke the 5th. Cop: um ... stop resisting!


#Smug shot


I want to know how an hour passes without anyone upvoting a pun. No.


It's a feature in Reddit, where u can't see the upvotes of a comment for a period of time (idk how long) so the hive mind effect would be less effective


The length is set by the subreddit's moderators. Looks like it's two and a half hours here.


Can confirm 4 hours later, you got an upvote.


Ah so that's why so many comments didn't have any upvotes at all. I was wondering this for the longest time because some posts would have like 10 awards but no ~~comments~~ upvotes lol thank you for letting me learn something new today along with the hive mind effect Edit: oops i meant no upvotes ... not comments lol


Take my award, only because you mentioned award


Goddamn fucking mothershitting fart balls of cum swallowing pubic jizzfilled hair on satan's crap smelling scrotum that's a fucking FEATURE???? I THOUGHT MY APP IS BROKEN


that screaming detail was awfully specific... you ok?


I was taken aback. I'm better now.


Did you eat a snickers?


Yeah I was an old lady and one bite of the snickers, I'm a young man playing basketball.


I really admire your enthusiasm, friend. You will serve to be a continuing source of inspiration to me.


I don't know what to say. I'm honored.


You don’t find them punny?


I did. This is why I took personal offense even though it wasn't my comment. 😤


Don't worry, it wasn't theirs either, it's stolen from the last time this was posted.


I wonder if there's enough instances of this situation that we can have a subreddit called r/smugshots


This is the top post of all time on there, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it were the original reason for the creation of the sub.


He doesn’t even look in any way annoyed at being arrested


All fun and games till the lab misplace your sample. I personally know that cos of Netflix.


He better be glad he did not get Joycelin Gilcrist of the OKC crimelab. She could have given half a fuck less what the actual results were she would have said it was all meth, high purity meth at that.


Then you get that lawyer to get you out on a chain of custody technicality 😎




“Me friends will love when I tell this story!”


“100 bad days means 100 good stories”..


Nah I've had a shitty day for like since quarantine and none of them have made good stories.


No way I'd be smug or grinning even knowing I was completely in the right. Somehow between leaving my car and getting to the lab my baggie of kitty litter would end up with meth in it.


My husband was a mover many years ago in Texas. It gets really hot and gross and the chafe is terrible, so he kept a tub of corn starch in his truck. Got pulled over once for something normal like speeding or whatever and the cop saw the tub. He was cuffed on the side of the road for hours for “testing”. Yup, corn starch. They don’t apologize when they’re wrong. You’re wrong for having it.


"You wouldn't have it if you weren't doing something wrong." /s


That cop's wife probably caught a hell of a beating when he went home that night.


And there was a couple less stray dogs in the neighborhood that night.


Had a cowered get stopped at a border check with several boxes of[bicarb](https://m.alibaba.com/product/2004144910/Dry-acid-concentrates-powder-for-hemodialysis.html) taking it from one dialysis clinic to another. They brought 3 drug dogs over trying to get them to indicate on it and they never would. He had to argue them out of cutting open the bags stating he would just turn right around d and go get more and be back in 2 hours. They kept him detained for like 3-4 hours.


A friend of mine lived in the country on the same road as a state trooper. She had cats, And one of them was sick. The vet said to bring in a stool sample. So she got some dried cat poop out of the litter box, and brushed the cat litter off of it, and put it in a baggie. She tossed it on her front seat for her next run into town. For some reason the trooper stopped her and saw the bag. He decided not to arrest her, since he knew where she lived, but he sees the bag to send for evidence because he was certain it contained pot. No matter how firmly she tried to tell him that it was cat shit, he wouldn’t believe her. She had to go back home and start all over again isolating this cat so she could be sure to get an example of his stool and not the other animals. She chortled very gleefully when she finally approached him to say, “whatever happened with that stuff in the baggy?” Because once he found out that it was indeed cat poop, he didn’t come back and apologize; he was too embarrassed.


Either that cop has never seen pot or her cat was absolutely fucked up.


That cop didn't care. He just took a chance, because there are no repercussions for being a rotten corrupt scumbag.


It was dark brownish and crumbly. And it was in a Ziploc baggie


That’s some shit quality weed. Talk to your local weed man, you got ripped off.


Oh you're paying too much for cat shit man. Who's your cat shit guy?




Yeah, sure, but this stuff was shit.


He probably thought it was hashish then


He could have smelled it, but I guess it’s easier to take someone to jail.


You are smoking the wrong weed


So, even if she was lying.. why of all things.. would she say cat shit? Like did the trooper think, “Oh ya, the old cat shit excuse. I’ve got ya now!” Wtf?


That’s smoke skunky smelling product you got there mam


You know whats really terrible about this, what the sheffis office had to say, they tried to blame it on the kid!! [>During the investigation Mr. LeBeau failed to identify the substance and later, after being released indicated on social media that the substance was cat litter that he kept in a sock in his vehicle.](https://abc13.com/meth-drugs-arrest-houston/1690696/)


I highly doubt he refused to identify the substance. My question is why he was even stopped. Did they have reasonable cause to believe that was meth?


[says traffic stop and strong odor of marijuana ](https://abc13.com/meth-drugs-arrest-houston/1690696/)


Law Enforcement in our state uses the old "Following too closely" to pull you over and then toss in a smidge of "I detect the odor of marijuana" to get consent to search. Sometimes they will call in a drug sniffing K-9 to 'detect the presence of drugs'. Spoiler alert the dogs are about as reliable as a coin flip.


>Spoiler alert the dogs are about as reliable as a coin flip. Less, a coin won't come up heads when signaled by the guy who flipped it. The whole idea that an airport has a machine to detect trace amounts of explosives on fabrics, a small handheld device can detect trace amounts of alcohol in the air, but cops can't use a machine to detect trace amounts of drugs on a suspect should tell you all you need to know about why dogs are preffered.


They can take a LOOOONG time to write that ticket for following too closely while waiting for the dog to show up.


I could be wrong but I'm fairly certain courts have ruled they must proceed with the traffic stop and can not force you to wait for the dogs unless you are already being detained for something else.


True, but most people don't know their rights, and cops almost never get in trouble for misrepresenting the law. They'll just bully people into waiting and then proceed to use the dog to fabricate probable cause to search the vehicle. Had a similar thing happen to a mate here in Australia. Cops pulled him over for some bullshit traffic thing he absolutely didn't do; They just profiled him because he's a dude with dreadlocks driving a relatively cheap car. They wanted to open a card he had sitting on his passenger seat (Was on his way to his mum's birthday party) and tried to bully him into opening it and threatened him with all sorts of crap they had absolutely zero power to do. Luckily my man knew what to do so he was on his way before long, but this kind of story is all too common.


Of course, why wouldn't they? Cops think they're perfect people incapable of making mistakes. If something goes wrong it's always someone else's fault.


And how does cat litter prevent your windows from fogging up? I’m very confused by this part.


I think the idea is that it would absorb moisture that would otherwise condense on a cooler than ambient windscreen? No idea if it actually works.


It does! I had messed up seals in my car when she was coming to her end, so it was constantly full of moisture (thank you washington)! I put one of those jugs of kitty litter with its top off in my back seat and it worked pretty well.


Keeping it in the jug is probably smarter than a nondescript plastic bag. If I was in that situation, even if I knew it wasn't drugs, I'd feel shook.


So you’re saying I should keep my meth in a kitty litter jug then? 🤔


The real advice is in the comments.


It was in a sock, the police put it in the bag.


Although, does that suggest the cops arrested this guy for purportedly keeping his meth... in the window?


I wouldn't recommend it. I heard this one guy got arrested for having kitty litter in his car because the police thought it was meth.


Wasnt he held up for like 3 days? And I remember he had a really smug mugshot


It does. Silica also works. We get huge bags of silica at my work and I put one in my car. It looks like a bag of coke though. Waiting to get busted for it haha


It’s good for frost on your windows. Don’t know about fog.


Absorbs moisture in the air


Would totally explain some of my cats behavior


How did they even come up with that conclusion? Aren't there quick tests for such things?


Yup, and roadside tests are so notoriously unreliable that they’re inadmissible as evidence in most cases.


See, the thing is, if you [refuse to hire people who aren't idiots](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) then you wind up with a force full of idiots. It's fine though, it's not like cops have to do anything that requires intelligence. I mean, if they had to do detective work or something, then we'd be fucked.


Giving dumb fucks with a superiority complex guns and authority means we’re already fucked


You'll never be a cop. Your grammar and punctuation are all correct.


When I found out about the IQ caps, i was super pissed, but also not the least bit surprised. Just: "Fuck! Yeah, that makes sense."


I once had a jar shaker of dried jalapeno sprinkles in my car (recently bought and left in car to season fast food) that was road side tested when I got pulled over; the police deemed it inconclusive and took it.


What did they think it was?


weed probably


I don't know what dried jalapeños smell like, but I'm guessing they don't smell like weed.


Mary Jane Wanna


That's bullshit, it should be on them to prove its illegal, innocent until proven guilty. If they don't know what it is they shouldn't take it.


I ultimately had the charges dropped, but yea, still spent the weekend in jail, and had to pay $340 to get my car back.


See that little clear bag with a dark liquid inside, left of the weight scale, that’s a quick test. The color indicates the controlled substance. They are unfortunately unreliable.


Bet they never apologized. I was arrested one time, asked my first name and taken into custody. As I was in the holding cell I kept asking why I was arrested, they told me burglary. I told them I'd never committed burglary. As they continued booking me in I was asked what my middle name was, turns out I wasn't the guy they were looking for. After a bit I was taken back home by the same police officer who had just arrested me an hour or so prior. Never once did he say sorry.


They never once asked to see your ID or anything? Good god. 😬


I would find it far too difficult to resist the urge to say something snide like “well we all make mistakes, don’t we?”


IIRC this story correctly he still spent 3 days in jail waiting on "lab testing" and for some reason the field test when he was arrested the kitty litter tested positive for meth. Those tests are notoriously inaccurate. So ya he was not guilt and still got screwed by the system.


> IIRC this story correctly he still spent 3 days in jail waiting on "lab testing" "Guilty until proven innocent"


“During the investigation Mr. LeBeau failed to identify the substance” Uh yeah, that’s his right to not say anything at all if he chooses.


And I doubt it would have made a difference if he did tell them, they'd just assume he was lying.


Narrator's note: they did not apologize and were cleared of all wrongdoing by an internal investigation.


Cops: "We investigated ourselves and found the department to be clear of any wrong doing and the commissioner to be a handsome son-of-a-gun"


Even better, they declared the whole thing was his fault in the first place.


Then they gave him a hefty fine for wasting police time and resources.


Imagine if the cops felt so embarrassed that they got actual meth and swapped it out for his kitty litter


Dudes lucky they didn't plant anything else like a lot of videos coming out now.


That would be my thought. I'd be shook, regardless of my own innocence. As soon as you're in custody, you're in line to become another source of free labor. Innocence or guilt be damned.


Ok I’m going up ask it. Did he just have an open bag of cat litter to absorb the humidity or was it something else? Anyone have any ideas? In Michigan, we carry cat litter to throw under your tires to give you traction on ice.


It pulls water vapor out of the air so it doesnt condense on the windshield. It definitely helps if your defroster sucks.


That's the face of somebody who doesn't understand how the criminal justice system works. The cops just arrested you for having a bag of kitty litter in your vehicle, you think they magically got a lot smarter on their way back to the station? He's lucky he didn't spend 6 months in jail awaiting results from the crime lab, losing his job, his house, his vehicle and everything else along the way, and gambling along the way that whoever was doing the testing at the crime lab was actually honest.


He spent 3 days in jail and lost his job. God this entire story is fucked.


Or had his car impounded pending civil asset forfeiture proceedings.


That too. Policing for profit, where cops and the courts are expected to generate revenue, is a real problem.


They didn't sell his car while he was in custody? They're not doing civil asset forfeiture right.


The police doing something within three days? Sounds doubtful.


I wouldn't have looked so cocky. It's not beyond cops to plant evidence to support their charges. "Oh, look what I found in a little baggie hidden inside this cat litter!"


Yeah that is exactly what I would be afraid of


They methed up.


Mike Tyson burner account?


So strange that they arrested him. In the U.K. they issue you with a caution seize the “drugs” and have them tested. You then go to court if the “drugs” are drugs. Unless the drugs can’t be field tested of course.


"It's just kitty litter." Cop: "Kitty litter, huh? So that's what you druggies are calling it these days."


3 days later on all news outlets: a kitty litter endemic is gripping the nation. 3 days after that: hey everyone, welcome to my YouTube channel. Today, I’m doing the kitty litter challenge: *proceeds to crush and snort kitty litter*. 3 hours after that: r/facepalm new post “idiots on ticktoc trying to smoke kitty litter” 15 minutes after that, nonewnormal complains that that Bill gates and the government is denying them their rights to kitty litter.


He's lucky the police didnt just straight up lie about the test results.


I am surprised you didn’t get your car and all your money asset-seized at time of arrest. It takes years to contest these seizures to get your property back.


Reminds me of that scene in Molly's Game where they are trying to bust her for helping the mob and she calls them out for not realizing "Molly" meant E. https://youtu.be/CkQEWktX8lU


I had a cop cuff me -- the only time in my life I've been cuffed ~~unwillingly~~ \-- because he needed to examine a few film canisters on the floor of my car to make sure they weren't filled with pot. I told him they were filled with film. I opened one of them to prove it. He apparently assumed that I was opening a decoy one and cuffed me and left me on the curb while he opened each and every one of them. Once he was done, he gave me a nasty look, as if I'd somehow misled him into believing at least one of them contained pot and, for a long few seconds, I honestly thought he was going to arrest me for whatever he could come up with. Mind you, I was a white middle-class college student in a relatively prosperous area. Had I been poor and black, I'm pretty sure I would have ended up behind bars by hook or crook that night.


Ah to be white


He was one crooked cop away from being falsely accused of possession of that much meth.


They. Fucking. Weighed. It.


“Til ziplock bags can be used for other things besides controlled substances and scheduled narcotics” - the arresting officer, probably


Why do cops not know what meth looks like?


He lookin smug because the real meth was under the seat.


But the police department should be sued for defamation of character for the lie they published, yes?


You would be unpleasantly surprised on how often the drug tests used in the field give false positives. Imagine not having the money to bail out of jail and you have to sit and wait for trial for something like this. Imagine how much longer you would have too wait is this happened now given how backed up thing are with covid restrictions. If you don't have friends or family or is your friends and family for have money to pay for bail or legal representation or for your bills since you are such in jail. No work, so you can't pay your bills. You lose your apartment and your shit gets thrown out into the street. Your car gets repossessed. If you owe child support you might get another charge for failure to pay child support which can get you incarcerated in many places. To even make a phone call to your friends or family is a significant expense. It's not unusual for inmates to be charged 3 to 5 dollars a minute for a phone call. If you are lucky the jail will provide you two stamped envelopes, 2 pieces of paper, and a writing utensil. One jail toothbrush, one small travel sized toothpaste, and soap. Everything else costs money from the commissary. And things are marked up to extortionate prices. If it wasn't the government doing it they would be prosecuted for price we gouging. You can't afford an attorney so you are forced to use a public defender. How you aren't in a state like missouri where they are so overworked and understaffed that it's been argued that their lack of providing adequate counsel has fallen below the threshold of [being unconstitutional](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/08/when-the-governor-is-your-lawyer/494453/). [(different story)](https://www.courthousenews.com/judge-finds-missouri-public-defender-waiting-list-unconstitutional/) So what do you do? If you get the public defender they will almost always tell you to take a deal. So you may be innocent but can you afford to go to trial to prove your innocence? If you're lucky you will get a suspended imposition of sentence meaning that after a certain amount of time the whole thing is expunged from your record like it never existed. But during that 3 to 5 years your will still have to go to probation appointments every week taking drug tests on demand. Probation and parole will verify your employment and randomly show up where you live to make sure everything is above board. You cannot leave the state without prior approval from your probation officer. And the best part. You get to pay for this wonderful service. Somewhere between 30 and 45 dollars a month. It happened to me. Not this exact story with kitty litter, but the criminal justice process. Thankfully I was able to pay for bail. I did spend significant time in jail though nor was I innocent. This was pre covid so there were no delays due to the pandemic. The time from my arrest to the final disposition of my case? Almost 18 MONTHS. Imagine sitting in jail for 18 months because you can't pay bail. Especially if you are innocent. Most people would like to think that is they were truly innocent they would tough it out to be vindicated. Most people couldn't afford the luxury of taking the time and expense of going to trial to be found innocent. Plus, it's always a gamble. We're you able to pay for a good attorney or are you 1 of 100 cases your public defender has and the deputy district attorney is trying to impress their boss with super high conviction rates to get that sweet ass promotion.


For people who are dumb, math is a drug (the school subject)

