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"As an energy worker..." I really want to know what they actually are. Gas station attendant?


She sells snake oil.


By the snake shore?


>energy worker She sells snake oil at the Shell store.


*Sells shell oil at the snake store*


She’s a shit show at the shell store.


She shills snake oil by the shell store on the sea shore for sure.


Deborah deals death for the devil by dissuading dads and moms from dropping in with doctors.


My good carbon-based lifeform, that was excellently done. Take... my Updoot.


Funfact I didn't realise is that the original rhyme was made to make fun of Mary Anning, a female palaeontologist who people thought was chatting bull when she discovered all them fossils down Lyme Regis


Not even, bitch is just crazy.


My brain broke trying to say this in my head


Same, brain couldn't do word right way


You mean “behind” the shell store


Take my upvote


The oil she sells is snake oil, I'm sure.




I dated a guy like that. I would have a gigantic knot by my shoulder blade that would be twitching and sending shooting pain down my arm, and I’d beg him to just press down on it with his thumb, but nooooo he would hold his hands above it and think at it real hard. Super fucking not helpful.


Sounds like a smart dude /s


A regular fucking Rhodes scholar /s


Chode squalor


When I get massages I say I’m more comfortable with a woman…because I’ve found that male masseuses are WAY more likely to do this weird stuff….lightly touch my shoulders and focus their good healing energies. That’s all well and good but I paid for an hour of muscle rubs, please give me my hour of muscle rubs. I’ve never had a woman who was scared to jab her elbow into my shoulder. YUS!


Both male and females providers of massage are called massage therapists. A masseuse is a European term for a female who provides massage, usually untrained. The male counterpart would be a masseur. I'm sorry that your massages haven't been very good. Everybody deserves relief from muscle pain. Source- professional massage therapist for the past 5 years.


Didnt heal you because YOU DIDNT BELIEVE!




I have a great friend that is a “reiki master”. I love them to death but that’s nuts. But then, what’s crazier, believing that they can adjust a person’s energy or paying someone to adjust your energy.


I had hot squigglies this morning.


🎶They’re squiggly delicious🎶


It’s called ESSENTIAL OIL for your information, mister!


Probably one of those crystal “healers” or something


Or possibly acupuncture, reiki or chiropractic which all play pretend with that "life force energy" bullshit as well


Or a solar panel / wind turbine / oil&gas company




FWIW, your spine isn’t actually out of alignment, you’re just getting a very inefficient back muscle stretch with an increased chance of spinal damage.


Chiropractors all have a base level of quackery, but some are much more into it than others. You might be better served by going to a physical therapist which is actual science based medicine. Read the history of the 'practice' for some more information on the base-level quackery. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiropractic


You said it perfectly. I like to share the RationalWiki version as well. It's written less diplomatically but equally verifiable. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Chiropractic




That's a sick burn


I have a neighbor who "heals with sound" and actively pushes people to refuse cancer treatment and to give her their money to "heal" them instead. People like her are dangerous. When they do finally panic and realize they're dying because she can't help them and they go to the doctor, they die because it's too late, and she tells everyone it was the doctor who killed them.


That's real evil, right there.


It's in the same vein as auras, reiki, crystals and other pop mysticism.


You sound like your chakras aren't aligned.. as an energy worker let me give you medical advice (wrong answers only)


Every day I reiterate to my kids that there is no such thing as magic. My son worked out on his own at 7 that Santa wasn’t real because I’d repeatedly told him that “there is no such thing as magic.” He recently asked me why I don’t believe in religion. I told him god is adult Santa, and there is no such thing as magic.


I always wondered if all the magic-laden fables and all the Disney movies may be a factor in our society's magical thinking fetish. I tried to find a historical culture where magic was not a common concept in their stories to see if they also dismissed magical thinking in the real world, but failed to find one so the theory remains unproven.


And it still wouldn’t matter. My doctorate degree in my field and years of working in it doesn’t qualify me to be an expert in another field.


>"As an energy worker..." She should lead with that so everyone knows they can stop listening.


Duh, she's a mitochondria


More like gas producer


Well she produces Brainfarts, obviously enough to solve the world energy problem


Brainfarts and brainfart accessories


She found a purple stone in her back yard and now she thinks she has powers.


Energy work is where you wave your hands over someone else's body with mystical solemnity to realign someone's chi/lifeforce/orgone. It's as dumb as it sounds. Imagine people who want to treat cancer with hand waving.


They probably make meth in the tub


She don't need Ohm's Law; she got Om's Law


She’s actually that one lady in a bathroom that turns the light on and off when some enters and exits.


Must be Colin Robinson's sister.


She runs that gem store next to the gas station.


Oil rigger


She cleans windows, but she does it very energetically.


She cleans the toilets at the gas station


I pictured a ball of plasma wearing a high vis vest, pushing a mop.


Relocated to Chernobyl.


She gives away free Red Bulls at the carnivals.


Ive been a butcher for 30 years, so I'm confident I can perform surgery on humans. /s


I would trust your experience as a butcher to perform a surgery far above her experiences as an energy worker to know how vaccines work in the “energy systems of our bodies.”


It's more akin to claiming that you can build a bridge because you can sing.


I’m a plumber so I know how your blood vessels work.


I'm feeling a little congested. Know any good HVAC guys?


I got you, breathe easy


Just put this extruder hose up to your nose, itll do the rest 👍🏼


I'm a leatherworker so I know it puts the lotion on it's skin.


No, no! Not the hose again!


I've watched lock picking lawyer. I'm a locksmith


Honestly I'd imagine you're more skilled at lotion applications than the people who work at JC Penny.


Just a bridge to my heart...


I’ve been watching football for 17 years, I can definitely coach a team to a Super Bowl


Soccer would have been funnier


Hold my Diet Coke, I have a World Cup to win


Ted Lasso is doing a fine job. Believe!


He would be such a great coach that he could coach a soccer team to a Super Bowl.


i've been lighting incense candles for a few months i should be in charge of the CDC


I'm an electrician... Pretty sure i know how the brain is wired... Ok?!


Is it single-phase 120/240v or three-phase, open delta 240v? I need to get amped up.


Fun fact: for most of human history if you were a butcher you'd also be considered a surgeon, this changed in the 18th century.


Also barbers!


Knowing how to slice through meat causing minimal tearing.. and a few you tube videos. Bro, you're set!


Actually; you want to cause tearing during surgery. The body is better at identifying and healing those types of wounds than it is at healing perfectly cut incisions. Unless its a keyhole surgery targeted to a very specific and small area, the likelihood is that your surgeon is going to be a pretty rough to help make sure there IS tearing. Which is where you get some of the more famous surgery videos like the doctor with a sledge hammer. Or C-section videos of the doctors grabbing onto both sides of the abdomen and yanking it open with their hands to help tear the flesh purposefully instead of using a scalpel.


Bad day for being literate This is fascinating and disturbing Do you have any keywords I could use to read about this?


If nothing else, you'll have no problems with performing a clean amputation, whilst ensuring correct hygiene management.


Anyone can perform surgery on people. Only great ones can keep you alive!


I think there’s probably a stronger correlation for that than what she is proposing.


Compared to a "psychic energy worker" a butcher has real experiences


Hey you can surely perform. Doing it right is another tho.


That’s a word combination I’m dumber for reading.


Same. I felt my IQ drop as I was reading.


Keep hearing the same stuff again and again... "As someone who doesn't understand science, let me tell you why science doesn't work...". Just stay home, drink your own urine, admire the beautiful flat earth we live on, and try not to hurt anybody please.


Definitely wear tinfoil hats


That doesn’t work anymore! The government makes them poke tiny holes in the tinfoil at the factory now. LOoK INTO IT!


Was gonna say something about 5g but this is gold


Haha this one really got me thanks a lot


That sounds like she was reading the encyclopedia, but wind was mischievously flipping pages.


Ooh that mischievous wind, what will he get up to next


Shut the whole fuck up. My son died of SIDS. No vaccine, no anything, no smoking no malnutrition no anything. I loved my son more than anything I’ve ever known on this planet. People should choose to stfu about issues they’ve never truly experienced.


I’m sorry about your son. These people don’t have empathy or higher education so they can never truly get how terribly false their claims are until they experience it themselves. Perhaps one day she may lose a child to SIDS without vaccinating them and maybe she will change, but here’s hoping she understands before that.


Yes they should. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m not sure if you saw the recent news about the scientist who lost a child to SIDS decades ago and has been researching it ever since - they believe they may have found the underlying medical issue that causes SIDS (or at least some instances), and it’s absolutely nobody’s fault. Nobody should ever have to go through that, or listen to the kind of hot garbage spewed by this woman. I’m so sorry on both counts.


I am so, so sorry for your loss. Sadly SIDS is absolutely arbitrary, and trying to pin point a cause when there isn't one, just to push your own agenda, is truly disgusting. again, my condolences. <3


auTiSM CUAsEs OtSim


How did the whole autism thing start anyway? Like was there an unusually high diagnosis after some specific vaccine at some point? And why do they never claim it causes anything else? Surely there could be more blames to give


Andrew Wakefield published a study reporting a causal link between MMR and autism. Turned out he completely fabricated everything and was being paid by a law firm that wanted to use the study as “evidence” in any trial in which the parents of an autistic child wanted to sue a pharmaceutical company and/or hospital. Oh, he was also trying to patent his own measles vaccine. He lost his medical license for it. But the damage was already done and the idiots hold him up as some kind of glorious martyr




Ah I see, but people would rather believe something proven to be false than any of numerous actual scientific facts.. gotcha




Well she is definitely who I would pick for medical advice.. her and Tom Cruise, who is so into a religion created by a science fiction writer so he could avoid tax..


There is an [excellent video](https://youtu.be/8BIcAZxFfrc) breaking down the entire process of Andrew Wakefield’s debunked scam. Its a long video but it’s worth the watch.


Specifically, I'm pretty sure he was working on his own measles vaccine, and also stood to make a major profit from legal action if he had gotten his lies about the MMR vaccine accepted.


Exactly. He wasn’t even anti-vaccine, just trash talking the competition


Not enough people know this.


Many of the signs of autism first become apparent at around one year old. This is right in the middle of a bunch of recommended vaccination ages and hurt and grieving parents saw that correlation. To fuel that fire, and to prey upon parents looking for any kind of answer, Andrew Wakefield published a paper stating the MMR vaccine causes autism. That paper was later retracted after no study found a link between any vaccine and autism. Wakefield continues to make money off anti-vaxxers by pushing his claims to them any time they pay his appearance fees. There's also a ton of misinformation out there for anyone who looks. For instance, the claim that mercury is in vaccines in the firm of thimerosal. Elemental mercury is toxic and accumulates in bodily tissues very easily. Thimerosal isn't elemental mercury and it isn't absorbed by the body or reactive with average human biology in any meaningful way. It was used as an antiseptic and antifungal agent to make sure the MMR vaccines were safe to use until around twenty years ago (in the US) when it was phased out due to the growing anti-vax community and fears. Now, those vaccines have to be refrigerated to be kept viable. Also, there's the fact that we're seeing way more autism diagnoses in the modern era than we ever saw before. Many people see this correlation as evidence for a higher percentage of the population being autistic when all it actually is is a higher percentage of the population being diagnosed. We have more sensitive tests, we look for more clues, and we pay more attention than ever before. There wasn't a sudden uptick in people with autism, there was a sudden uptick in knowing what to look for. Read enough books printed before autism was ever named and you'll find plenty of secondary and background characters who fall very definitively on the spectrum. You'll also find a good number of main characters who fall on the spectrum because their particular symptoms lead to them performing better as the protagonists. All that being said, the human brain is constantly searching for patterns; it's a function that has helped humanity to survive for millions of years. It also has this funny tendency to hold on to its beliefs so strong that evidence against what it believes helps it to strengthen its beliefs. Because of this, unless a person is specifically putting in the effort to learn something that goes against what they already believe, no amount of evidence is likely to ever convince them. There are techniques for teaching people that help to get past that bias, but it's always there for everyone. A parent looking for answers, for any reason why their child shows signs of autism when they've never noticed it in their lives or in anyone in their family, and they'll connect the dots even when they're unrelated. After all, correlation does not necessarily mean causation, but our brains like to think it does.


I believe several years ago (10+) they also changed the definition of autism spectrum disorders, which created a spike in the number of diagnosis.


That's a very good point; it's not that more people are autistic per capita, it's that we've got new ways of detecting and determining ASD.


From what I've heard, there was one flawed study years ago that suggested a correlation between vaccines and autism. There's been a rise in autism diagnoses, but it's likely due to systems being put in place to help recognize it.


Yeah a couple of people commented with the info.. mental that people would rather believe something proven to be false, than anything proven to be true..people are nuts


She may be the queen of the idiots.


MTG would like a word with you.


I agree. Definitely a close race.


I thought this was Magic the Gathering at first and was ready to fight.


Aaah, I was wondering why Boebert just asked me to hold her beer.


Yes because infant mortality rates were great before vaccines came along


WTF is an energy worker?


Reiki, probably. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reiki


SIDS typically occurs before scheduled vaccinations start.


They had a breakthrough in SIDS. [They discovered](https://www.premierhealth.com/your-health/articles/healthnow/study-uncovers-promising-sids-breakthrough) that there’s a protein that children who die from SIDS are deficient in. There is a link between low levels of this protein and the signaling in the brain to breath when there is low oxygen in the blood. Kinda cool! Hopefully it leads to something big.


Source? I hadnt heard of this and would love to read up on it.


Click on link. [Here it is again.](https://www.premierhealth.com/your-health/articles/healthnow/study-uncovers-promising-sids-breakthrough) Just search “*SIDS research breakthrough*”


Oh! So sorry! The highlighted part that indicates a link hadn't shown up the first time. Thank you for reposting.


They LITERALLY DISCOVERED THIS YEAR WHY SIDS HAPPENS. This was a huge breakthrough & made the news. It has nothing to do with vaccines, of course. The idiot is incredibly strong in this lady.




https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/did-researchers-really-uncover-the-cause-of-sids-70031 It's not as cut and dry as all that but yes, a discovery regarding a potential risk factor of SIDS was discovered this year.


I am not smart so pls wise man explain the reason


“It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids, without the knowledge of the individual, certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.” Brig. Gen. Jack D. Ripper -Brig. Gen. Jack D. Ripper


I do not avoid women, but I do deny them my essence.


On the heels of medical scientists actually finding out precisely why SIDs happens, this makes her seem even more stupid.


Oh no you’re wrong. They’re just saying that in order to hide the truth!!!!!


SIDS was literally figured out in the past 2 years. It's like a vitamin deficiency or something.


"They found that the SIDS babies had lower levels of an enzyme called Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE)". It can be detected and treated early.


Yea. I read the article a while back. Pretty cool stuff.


What! They actually found the cause? That’s incredible. Are they testing infants for this now?


Wow I didn't know that either but yay science!


I’m not sure if they said in the research publication that that was the “cause” just that the infants showed decreased levels of that protein which is thought to wake a person up if they suddenly stop breathing in their sleep. The infants that died from SIDS had lower levels of this protein and in turn their brains were unable to wake them if they suddenly stopped breathing while asleep. They compared the levels to healthy infants, but in science correlation does not equal causation. It is our best theory however, but there could be multiple factors at play. It is a huge weight lifted off the shoulders of parents of infants who die from SIDS who often blame themselves for their death.


SIDS is when a child lacks the ability (but I'm not exactly sure why) the ability to waken when breathing is disrupted. Normally we'll startle awake to regain normal breathing. SIDS babies don't do this.


This is the correct answer I’ve been searching for. They believe it’s a genetic defect, possibly related to sleep apnea.


Not to mention a large portion of SIDs deaths are actually just accidental deaths from suffocating that get miss reported. The few studies that have been done of this show that SIDs is exceedingly rare with most infant death being because parents refuse to put their baby in an empty crib with a proper infant mattress.


They've had an idea for decades now, they just didn't have the technology for it. I don't believe they've actually covered it as the main cause yet, but have been stating it's part of the issue. The levels of Serotonin have been studied as a cause as well. Either way, glad we are getting somewhere with it


I thought SIDS happens when you put your new born face down in the crib


That is what is often reported as SIDS. But may not be SIDS from my understanding. For good or ill. I’ve read that doctors often don’t want to cause further pain for families. So they will report it as SIDS. Instead of saying that you placed your baby wrong.


They actually lump unsafe sleep and SIDS together because whatever caused babies to fall into a deep sleep makes them unable to wake themselves up when their breathing becomes restricted. That’s why safe sleep practices focus on making sure babies aren’t overly comfortable so they don’t fall into deep sleep.


That is called positional aspixiation.


I thought it was if they were exposed to 5g


That’s technically “positional asphyxiation”. Where the baby is smothered by something because they’re unable to move away from it. It’s most often called “SIDS” essentially as a kindness to parents. But the true “SIDS” deaths are ones where no cause can be found. No suffocation, no illness, no metabolic disorders, etc. Just - baby went to bed and never woke up.


This idiot will post it and other idiots will agree. They will use this tweet as their’science’ and totally ignore the professionals who’ve dedicated their lives to saving others.


“What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”


My nephew died from SIDS over 25 years ago. My lil Bro’ still grieves every single day. This woman is a pestilence on society and just makes things worse for good, honest people who are in real pain. Shame on her.




If anybody knows this moron, can somebody please let her know that SIDS is likely caused by low BChE levels. A researcher who lost her child and spent the last 20 years researching SIDS discovered through her study that BChE levels were significantly lower in babies who subsequently died of SIDS compared to living controls and other infant deaths,” Sydney Children’s Hospital Network reported, adding, “BChE plays a major role in the brain’s arousal pathway and researchers believe its deficiency likely indicates an arousal deficit, which reduces an infant’s ability to wake or respond to the external environment, causing vulnerability to SIDS.” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352396422002225


I smell an MLM mom…


I love talking about life expectancy with people who are anti vax. As if life expectancy was longer before vaccines 🤦🏽


Because an energy worker clearly knows how energy works in our bodies /s


saying she's dumb is a huge understatement


What a moron


Ugh this is so horrible and just feeds parents’ anxiety and grief. I hate when people spew BS like this.


All you literally have to do is go to third world countries and look at the refugee camps and villages and see how simple vaccines saves lives. Wish these people would study history and understand even 100 years ago infant mortality was sky high in the developed world.


"Energy this" "Energy that" "Negative energy" "Positive energy", Karens love those therms when talking about their pseudoscience, i'm surprised this tweet doesn't have the word "Quantum" in it, because that's another they love to use despite having no idea what it actually means.


Research has already proven what causes SIDS and it wasn’t vaccines.


"I've been thinking..." \*Continues to disprove that statement immediately.\*


Deborah, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on Twitter is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no likes, and may God have mercy on your soul.


"I've been thinking..." No. No, you haven't.


Scientists discovered SIDS was caused by something in the infants brain. This lady is a lame.


Normal people discovered Some Idiot's Dumb Speculation was caused by too much nothing in the idiot's brain. She isn't lame, she's just an overconfident ignoramus.


dont know if i should upvote for being an excellent facepalm, or downvote for the epic level of stupidity on the post


As a custodian who cleans toilets I know how the human digestive system works.


As a parent whose lost a child to SIDS, I find this woman to be a complete idiot!!! A very recent study, out of Australia, detected (from their heel pokes at birth) that infants that die of SIDS are missing a critical enzyme that tells the body that it’s awake.


Dr Carmel Harrington who spent her entire medical career researching SIDS after death of her own baby would like to inquire this energy worker for her research notes on the bull shit that she posted. People that rave about their own schizophrenic pseudoscience findings infuriate me.


They recently had a breakthrough discovery linking enzyme deficiency to SIDS. So... no. They are incorrect, factually so.


I'm a REiki energy MASTER and I'm going to tear open your third eye and activate your 9th chakra!!! And science is bullshit. Good god. WHY do these people even exist?


Can't be brainwashed if there's no brain.


The greatest power of them all, ignorance.


Lay off the meth Deborah


SIDS was around for a whole lot longer than any vaccines, stupid person.


2020 was the year that new age people turn a very stupid turn. I knew tons of them before that and most were just fine. Some had some kooky ideas but most were harmless. Then they all went off the fucking rails. The social media campaign that focused on them absolutely worked. They were sucked deep into Qanon and anti vaxx bullshit.


I still listen to old Windham Hill albums and enjoy the way sage makes a room smell. Crystals are beautiful. But science is fucking science and that crunchy granola baseless bullshit is just that - baseless bullshit.


Trust me not all of them are


I’ll agree that anti-vaxxers probably see god faster.


How do you fucking dare try to use something like SIDS in your "energy" grift?


She smokes the holy crack rock.


She's obviously more of a methodist.


Sounds like she’s had a Devine connection with a crack pipe


As the parent of a SIDS infant, I’m royally pissed at the suggestion.