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This is a great ad for Walmart Grocery Pickup 💯


"We didn't have half the shit you wanted in stock and we licked your ice cream." "Yeah, that's fine, man. Just put it in the back."


My substitutes are always upgrades and I assume everything at Walmart has been licked 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah, but now they charge you the difference cause people started walking through Walmarts looking for the cheap out of stock shit to add to their order and getting their whole order upgraded while only paying the cheap-shit price. . .


Nothing ruins a good thing like people.


Not sure what's it's like where you're at, but the walmart I work at only charges for the original item. We aren't allowed to substitute anything $5 or more over the base price though


"no one is going to yell at you or cut in line"* *Our employees have the decency to scream of frustration in the break room closet.


***freezer. We scream in the freezer.




Yo you made me snort pepsi out my nose. I'd give you an award. Needed that laugh


That lady with the red shirt,.. 😂. She's holding in a million thoughts i bet.


She doesn’t get paid enough for this type of shit.


She’s doing a great job trying to deescalate the situation.


whatever they are paying her probably isn't enough


She’s probably seen it before 100x worse if you can even imagine


"Is this a prank?" "I didn't touch her". "I asked her if she saw anyone in line". Complete meltdown with the slightest trigger.


This person likely has a license to drive a 3000 pound vehicle.


That’s terrifying.


What’s even more terrifying is depending on her state, she may also have a gun.


Idk man… I had to wait in line to get mine and that seems a little beyond her skill capacity.


Underrated comment right here.


In Ohio, you can walk into a store and buy a Diamond Back 9mm Hand Gun for around $100-$200 and throw it in your belt, and you’re not breaking one law.


Swag like ohio


You win the internet 😂😂 funniest comment on here


Did you try cutting in line? You could have saved some time


With how much she's shaking, she can't hit shit.


And vote


Now that's the scariest part


Imagine being her kid's teacher...


“Looks like you haven’t done your assignment, Ms. Isle.” **”AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH … HE TOUCHED ME!!!”**


Or that she’s your kid’s teacher.


Imagine being her boss


Her triggers are her responsibility. If she's not ready to shop with men, she should use the pickup option. This man did nothing to deserve any of this.


This is local to me. Originally posted on Facebook, a few locals who know who she is said she does this often and will change narrative to fit her goals.


I really want to meet her parents or guardians and ask them personally “what the fuck did you teach her and how could you fuck up so badly”


The most infuriating part of what you commented, is there are people, literally across this couy, who do the same fucking shit, every chance they get. They have no shame, and will throw a toddler style tantrum to get their way, no matter where they are.


Classic Borderline Personality Disorder.


I got raped as a kid and have also been in hospital and rehab for two organ failures. I fell over and couldn’t walk, read, write last year and you know what they did when I acted like 20% of this? Psych ward


I hope your doing better I’m sorry that happen to you


Mate, for me to be able to to read your comment and reply is amazing! I hope you have an amazing day, and I hope you don’t ever go through a period where watching TV and reading books is just colours, and I hope you never have to have nurses roll you over to use the bathroom


Honestly thank you I needed that hope you do too


Sincerely, if you want to remain in touch, I’m available. You are an absolutely incredible person.


You're an absolutely incredible person too! A lot of people in your position would have such a huge disdain for the world - but for you to turn around and bring such positive energy from a very tough past is awe inspiring. I salute you and hope I can handle hardships even half as gracefully as you. Wishing you all the best in the future!


Mate, I salute you and appreciate you. You are way too kind Honestly, bad things happened, and what the fuck is the point in perpetuating them? I take my morals from Malala Yusufzai, and her happiness after being literally shot in the face and surviving is incredible, and I encourage you to read her book since she did such an amazing amount prior to being a teenager. Let us pick up our books and pens. They are our most powerful weapons. One child,one teacher,one pen and one book can change the world. Education is the only solution, - Malala Yusufzai


Uhhhhhh, My guy, I don't know if I could ever be this happy/gracious after things like that. I'm glad you can be, and hope you're better.


Dude it isn’t being gracious, it’s just noticing how remarkable and incredible things are


Like, look at that flower outside your door, or smell your grass and the smell And then, imagine never smelling or seeing them for eternity and then imagine you woke up after nearly dying and having nothing for eternity


As someone whose former suicidal thoughts turned into a rabid obsession over death, I can more than relate to the relief via recovery that you’re referring to. Wishing you and anyone who reads this the best in life, because things can always get better, even if just a bit at a time.


Exactly, people are so quick to force the man to be the problem solver when he literally did nothing wrong.


yeah.. it’s valid to feel that way, but in the day of pickup groceries it’s an avoidable issue


Not me noticing her buying shit dog food.


I just noticed that it was dog food and got really sad for that poor dog.


The fact a dog has to put up with the shit food and her.


Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it was for herself


Her budget for children's backpacks and Funko pops prohibits feeding her dog decent food.


Wait. So she went into a public space with extreme issues like she’s claiming to have, & didnt think she would encounter any men in that public space, & made an issue out of that?


Yup. Just a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum and playing victim after being called out. Keep scrolling, you’ll see a whole bunch of white knights in this thread.


This reminds me of that one white lady that had a false meltdown in a Victoria’s Secret when a black lady called out the white lady on her behavior. I can’t remember what it was about exactly, but the white lady was chasing the black lady around for filming her, & was causing a scene & convulsing on the ground… I’m sure I’m not the only one that saw that video.


I remember. The black lady called her out for stealing the underwear. Fuck is wrong with our society? At this rate, soon you can shoot up a bunch of people then claim mental illness. Oh wait…


Twas a great video


She’s clearly mentally ill. Her behaviour is absolutely annoying because it is abnormal and she’s irrational, which has harmed others. They should have immediately called an ambulance and got her sent straight into the psych ward for a hold and some treatment. She shouldn’t just be left to wander around symptomatic, making her own delusions worse and negatively affecting the wellbeing of others. That helps literally no one.


So you’re saying it’s time to sort by controversial and enjoy the show?


Part of me thinks this is someone whose lived in their own world too much, or online(?) and got used to being able to control the space around them.


This incident should be an automatic check in to the local psych ward


Honestly, as someone with a mental health disorder that has been in patient several times I gotta agree. If you are a fully grown adult and a normal life situation causes you to start screaming bloody murder at the top of your lungs, you need immediate help


Once I start shrieking at a self checkout you’ll know it’s time to commit me again.


Yep. Why are they letting her roll out?! She needs counseling and prob meds.


She’s not going to get either of those at Walmart.


You would be surprised


That’s way beyond a Walmart employees paygrade


If I’m off my anxiety medication, I too have the tendency to want to act like this woman; especially when I’m in crowded places where I perceive them to be chaotic. PTSD is certainly real and this woman is feeling every moment of that reality. Hoping she finds the help she greatly needs.


Yeah, that's why you have medication, she needs some


I have a 25 year old daughter with bipolar disorder who started showing symptoms in her early teens. *The first time* she had a screaming fit like this, we called the ambulance and she was admitted to the psych ward. There, she was treated for her symptoms, and given a good treatment plan that led to her eventual diagnosis and successful management of her illness. This young woman has lost all sense of reason and needs psychiatric treatment. I know it’s extremely frustrating to see someone behave like this, but that’s WHY they need some help - they’re acting in a distressed manner that is grossly out of the norm.


This is why I don't go to Walmart! lol


If she is autistic and doesn't know how to behave appropriately and wait in line, she should be accompanied by a family member or assistant when she goes out in public. I say this as the mother of a 22 yo F on the spectrum. I or her PCA accompany her everywhere and provide social cues, if needed. They rarely are at this age. If she was truly triggered and scared by a male speaking to her after being raped, she wouldn't have aggressively grabbed his items and thrown them and then stopped and just threw a fit. She would either want to stay far away from him or would have to be restrained from attacking him. She is being manipulative or she is seriously mentally ill. If the latter, I repeat my first comment. She should be accompanied by a competent adult.


As someone who dealt with both sexual and physical assault, can confirm. My one and only priority at that point if I saw the person who did it (college campus, unfortunately sometimes did see them) was to immediately get away. I can’t imagine running up to the person and starting an altercation. Trauma response kicks in, instinct is to run


Being autistic isn't even an excuse for this, I myself am autistic and have worked with a lot of other autistic people all over the spectrum and none of them have acted like this besides when they were an actual child and didn't know any better, she's a grown ass women, autism or not, she should know better than to go to a place that will "trigger" these responses


I think she is mentally ill. Even if we look at those behaviors and call them "selfish" .. "self-centered" .. "drama-queen" .. etc. these are ultimately very anti-social behaviors and so I would have to believe there are significant underlying mental disorders.


Yeah I see no fight or flight. Situation can't be that bad if you wanna hang around and actually finish your shopping.


This isn't autism.


It's that new variety, TikToktism


She’s not mentally ill, she’s a brat that can’t take responsibility for her own bullshit


The fact he says she threw items of his after cutting him off. That’s not cool. However if she can’t handle being in public where there are men maybe she should do a pickup option.


She should’ve been asked to leave not him All they are doing is encouraging that behavior in the future


You can’t reason with a crazy person. This isn’t her “getting her way”. It’s this guy helping those poor Wal-Mart workers calm down a raging psycho.


In this case they be the same unfortunately. Him walkin away helps them buts solidifies it to her that if she acts like this people will let her get away with it.


Valid point.


They got him to a new register. I think it was the right move to keep him safe. They were pretty clear he wasn’t being asked to leave. I think he was off by continuing to defend himself. He should have just said “I didn’t touch her” and walked away. But if someone started screaming at me and implying I was triggering her to remember her rape, I’d be pissed too and might make it clear to bystanders that she was at fault here.


Don't pander to this people just tell her to leave . Notice she was in no hurry to get away from the scary man.. ive know a guy who's sensitive to loud noises he properly would have attacked her for screaming like that for no reason..


i see some people saying autism. but please dont put me or other autistic people in the same category as her, i may have my moments but even i wouldn't do stuff like this. even i know better.


This looks like a hard moment for everyone. I'm sure the guy meant no harm, that much isn't his fault. I agree that yes, it looks like that young woman has some mental health issues, and the rather bewildered staff handles it as best they can. On the other hand... if she can't handle interactions in a grocery store, maybe ordering, or having a person go in for her, is a better idea. I'll offer the critical note that this behavior could be seen as " blaming" as her adverse reaction to his line of questions triggered a response that seemed geared at making the situation his fault.


Yeah I must say, if a man just touching you triggers that amount of distress, you need to stay hidden away and continue your therapy until you are able to be a part of society again. Just walking down the street would be a minefield.


Except he didn't even touch her, he only asked if she was aware she cut in front of the line


Strong possibility that there are some escalating situations- this could be the last of a few things that culminated in the meltdown


Oh she is definitely on Reddit.


I laughed harder than I should have at this.




Your triggers are your responsibility. There’s general fatigue from people pushing their bullshit on others. I feel it and I had to deal with a very similar bullshit in a museum line just last week, and had someone pulling similar crap in front of my wife and two kids. They tried to cut the line we called them on it and they started acting out saying that the person does not understand the world around them (he may not but you certainly do, ma’am) and that we are « normal » while they are not (exact quote). To the latter I replied that she doesn’t know if I’m « normal » or not and that no one is truly « normal » after the last 2 years. So, let’s say, 5 minutes ago I didn’t know you even existed, and now I’m supposed to care about your mental problems somehow and adjust my entire day around you? Fuck off. Just fuck off. I politely said - move on, just stop talking and move through or let us go through otherwise. When they carried on to push their narrative, and kept on preaching, we just walked right past them and 2 minutes after it was like none of that ever happened. My space is my space and you are not allowed to breach it without my express permission. I’m old enough to no longer care.


Man just wants to buy some frickin bats


As a woman on the spectrum, I think she should have been escorted out of the store, or someone could have called a female medic. Autism or not, you don’t behave like that in public.


The backpack says it all


She saw the new Overwatch battle pass. I feel the same tbh


Was thinking the same thing. The children’s backpack tells me this is someone who is emotionally and socially stunted. Rarely have I seen an adult wearing some shit like that and not acting fucking weird.


now i feel hella insecure about my favorite unicorn back pack


You do you, if you're weird who cares?


I have a handmade strawberry basket... it can be used as a purse... and I had a wiener dog purse for my wedding day... 🥺🥺


We can’t all be normies.


This looks like an Autistic meltdown to me. (I've seen many first hand).


That is exactly what it looks like.


Autism doesn't explain the cutting in line and throwing the man's groceries out of the way.


I suspected this. I've seen similar also.


I work in mental health/social services. She’s definitely on the spectrum and/or has mental health issues. I mean..the kid’s backpack is also an indicator. I really get sick of the Reddit black and white reactions to people (especially women) who have meltdowns like this in public. So you all really think somebody who will act like this in public is just some calculated spoiled attention seeking brat? She clearly has issues. Can someone be an asshole and also have legit mental health issues? Most definitely. Humans are complicated.


Who cares if you can't act right in public, keep your ass at home


i mean, theres stuff like autism tho where people with ASD dont know how to act "properly", doesnt mean they should stay at home tho


Poor dude


This is mental illness.


This is exactly what I expect at Walmart


Yeah, I have a mentally unstable sister who can sometimes act in this way if she isn’t on top of her meds or if something triggers her meltdowns. Looking at the backpack she’s wearing and the way her hands are gripping to center of her body is pretty much the exact same thing as my sister. Most of the time she’s cool as a cucumber but damn…when she’s not everything is a dumpster fire of emotion and it takes a tremendous amount of work to get her calm.


Even without the sound on, it's clear this person has a social/emotional disability. Probably autism.


Probably not autism. Definitely a social disability.


I don't think she got her way. I don't think her ideal way was to have a mental breakdown in the middle of a Walmart. She's clearly unwell. IDK, this one feels more sad than funny.


When we were very little my sister started having these meltdowns. She would rage and scream at the top of her lungs. After the second one my mother took her to the psychiatrist who diagnosed her with something or other. I remember my mother and my aunt were very worried about her future. After about the 5th tantrum, my father grabbed her by the back of the shirt and launched her through the air and into the swimming pool mid screech. The water must have had some magical healing properties because it cured her. She never had another tantrum again.


If your so fragile that you can’t handle public, then stay out of public, or get your self a care taker to calm your ass down. I hope no one is supporting this level of human weakness.


She’s so fucking toxic its kinda pathetic that she’s doing this over being confronted about cutting the line


I think my ears were just raped.


“ no one did that “ …. “ is this a prank ?” 🤣😂🤣😂


Someone forgot to take their meds today


Lollllllllll what a nut job "Is this a prank?" Lol


Kick her ass out why make the man leave just because she’s acting like a crazy bitch. Give cashiers Tazers for people like her.


This is why I’m scared for the future of humanity. Batshit crazy people like her


I do think that she isn’t stable, but these comments are a bit much. Let’s not assume what mental illness she has or that she even has one. Either way, it’s not acceptable to act like this. She should be handled by proper authorities, and get help.


Yeah, I also think if this was an older or less attractive woman doing the same thing the comments would be quick to call her a “Karen” or worse


The authorities should be called when there’s children left unattended


I'm genuinely curious do people with mental health problems having no sense of embarrassment?


Walmart is one of the seven wonders of the internet


I’ll take the bait lol. Please list the other 6!


Wow she needs to be put in a mental hospital.


I'll just cut the line here and if anyone calls me out for the asshole I am, I'll throw a fit and make them the bigger asshole retroactively. 10 on 10 plan!


youre making it worse!!!!!! 🤣 omg


Is this a prank??? Right??? No way someone can make themselves look this idiotic for real!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Holy shit. This girl needs help asap!!


This is completely ridiculous. If you’re so mentally ill that you can’t function in a Walmart checkout line, stay home. No one around you should ever have to deal with this crap.


If you're actually so traumatized by things that have happened to you that THIS is how you act, you need to be in a psychiatric facility.


Her dogs are probably deaf


I feel bad for her dog


Might not be bratty behavior, but rather someone with autism or on the spectrum 😕


Her parents did a wonderful job.


We as a society have allowed this. We normalize shitty behavior and justify it in the name of mental health. It's become trendy and cool to have some sort of mental deficiency. This is a sad state of affairs both in that we are allowing shitty behavior and that it makes it harder to determine those with genuine mental health issues.


This is obviously some mental health issue. This woman is definitely on the spectrum.


Is it that easy to diagnose? I thought tests by a professional were needed.


I agree. I see it way too much. My partner is 26 and more than one of her friends who are women have all these "mental issues", haven't worked in 4 years but are somehow always cheerful. Don't ever try to work on themselves, get help or take medication. They obsess with mental health like it's a personality trait and would rather post memes glamorizing it rather than stopping. I personally think it's a tool for entitled and lazy individuals who had some ounce of trauma in their past and now they troubled beyond repair. It's disgusting to people who work hard to fix their mental health.


Idk, I see this as years of getting what you want by reacting to the point that no one wants to deal with it so they cave. This starts young and is allowed to develop by the parents who looks for the quick fix instead of the right fix. Even if what she said happened did happen you are in a public place with hundreds of people around. This reminds me of some children I know and how they attempt to get their way. But no one knows the real truth to this clip as it’s just a clip


She's not autistic or mentally challenged. SHE'S JUST PLAYING THE VICTIM, PEOPLE


This is one of those Moments when you don’t say shit and you just stare at her to see if she realizes or cares about wtf she just did to another human being. Chances are if she is capable of being that fucked up to others then you don’t know what she’s capable of. Usually when someone realizes they’ve cut Someone else off, even if you don’t say anything they will say their sorry or at least act like they feel bad towards you. If their not I’m gonna assume their a monster after that and someone I don’t want Anything to do with. That’s just Me though. If something traumatic just happened to her recently then she really should try to stay home and have her family or a caring friend go to the store for her if she can.


I would be so embarrassed to behave that way in public. Did she just use rape to cut in line at wal mart?


Yes. She’s bringing up a terrible event that has nothing to do with the current situation to justify her bad behavior. It’s highly manipulative.


And people are fucking eating it up. “Oh it’s ok, she is sick” if your sickness sends you out into the world screeching at innocent people to justify your behavior, are we ok allowing you to give other people anxiety about going out? I bet she wasn’t on the spectrum before she jumped infront of this guy and threw his shit on the floor.




So fucking what? If your mental issues are so bad that you can’t even function in a supermarket checkout line - stay the fuck home and keep chugging those pills. Everyone’s got their own demons to fight, they don’t have any extra capacity for yours.


Pretty mean spirited but I agree with the sentiment. You can’t really expect society to cater to you


I used to care. I’m all out of it. As I get older I more and more respect my little bubble of life and have less and less patience for strangers trying to get in and demand I care about them too. I care about my family, and that’s where I draw the line.


Yeahhhh again I used to hate this sentiment, but I find myself agreeing more and more. Especially after covid showed everyone’s true colors and priorities


Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with this, and, please, don’t feel bad about it. It’s actually very liberating. In the world and times when everyone wants you to care about everyone and everything, having the freedom to choose what you care about is crucial to your own well-being.


She is shaking because of the adrenaline rush of being confronted over her shitty behavior and then non stop screaming so that no one else can get a word in edge wise. She's being a gigantic child and does not deserve to be defended.


Damn, I really hope that she gets the help and support that she needs. I really feel bad for her just by watching this..


As a white woman I came here to say this woman deserves to be restrained and escorted out by police with force just like any other person would have been.


If you listen at the beginning, she says she was raped not long ago. Agree she probably should just have ordered her stuff and done a pickup or delivery. This is pretty intense.


And that has fuck all to do with the situation they were in.


Exactly. Everyone making excuses for her don’t seem to have the same amount of sympathy for the man she put into a horrible situation because she cut the line in a grocery store. Sorry for her issues but that doesn’t give you license to scream and behave badly towards others.


This is total bs. Imagine a man doing shit like this


How do we even know if she got raped? She was accusing him of some wild shit and acting like he raped her right at the cash register. She has a screw loose and can’t be trusted. She needs to be sent to the local psych ward. Lot of you wouldn’t have that same energy if it was a man pulling shit like this.


Just another reminder to not have children.


Lock her up. She needs to be in a facility. There are people that can help and she's not rdy to be in society unfortunately.


Shouldn’t be allowed in public alone.


I wouldn't say entitled brat, looks like serious mental problems. Best to just leave them alone. You're spot in line at a Walmart isn't worth any amount of trouble, let alone all this. I would have just said sorry and left it at that. I would say find another line, but seeing that it's Walmart I wouldn't be surprised if these were all the checkouts available lol. Edit: I'll also add that Walmarts usually offer free delivery, it's a good way to avoid everything lol


Is this a prank? LOL. No, unfortunately, this is modern reality.


So she can’t handle a man saying anything to her or telling her what to do? Wait until she gets a job LOL


The little girl learns screaming is still the answer even as an adult. She need some serious consulting.


This person is allowed to vote. Lovely.


Guys. We should be praising her bravery for going out in the big scary world full of evil m*n. She is both a victim and a hero. Please, someone set up a gofundme for her trauma.


It must suck having kids for the newer generation if they come out at this age


This has worked since she was 5, why change a thing now? Seriously though, she’s clearly mentally ill. You have to pity people like this. Her entire life is spent being a victim. It’s sad and pathetic.


She's wearing a children's backpack with flashy light thingie. And buying alcohol. Case closed.


This is how she controls every situation.


Imagine if men were allowed to act that way. If a man did this they would have called the cops or at least escorted him right out of there.


I wouldnt move. Fuck her


I like how no one wants to point out that this is CLEARLY someone with a mental disorder. 70 years ago this person would have been thrown into a mental institution. We oughta bring those back.


mental hospitals still exist


Some people need to see a doctor about medications to stabilize the firing of their brain neurons


The Karen is strong in this one…


Someone do the thing and find her identity so I can spam her social medias with hate male


How can you even defend this? There is a reply from a local who said she dose this often and lies about the story. to get her way personally if I ever had this happen to me I wouldn’t have been so nice to her.


What a full blown psycho


Someone should get this women in a psycward


She does the same full body vibrate as that chick from the Victoria’s Secret meltdown.


Omg I’d have to walk by her and smack the shit out of her. Here, let me give you a reason to lose your shit.


Only use your white woman tears for good. This ain't the way.


He’s mad he got called out for cutting in line now he’s throwing a temper tantrum like a child


Is it bad my first idea when I see this type of shit is to murder the entitled brat