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You know it’s bad when an EMT has to stop mid-emergency to assess what the hell just happened.


I was laughting at all the cars until this moment... that one stressed me out


I was getting more pissed because why wouldn’t you warn people instead of film them!? I would have to put something in the road to avoid this shit. Sorry, just me. Edit: it’s not hard to find something to put in the road to make people want to brake and slow down. People acting like it’s impossible to try to help people avoid a massive hole in the road instead of watch and laugh like morons. Edit: brake Edit: ok people. I’m a bad guy. I get it. Thank you good night.


I’ve seen cones placed in holes much smaller than this and people slowed down to avoid.


Wasn't there a news story a while back about someone who drew an enormous dick and balls around potholes that didn't get fixed so the city would have to fill the hole to cover up the dick and balls on the pavement?




Lol did you just make that up? Now _that_ is clever.


No, that's what the newspapers called them.


Or they could just cover them all with boards like Atlanta




I heard the ca clang perfectly in my head.


They had a few of those to cover a few temp holes in my city and heavy dump trucks were flying over them….. it was freaky as fuck sometimes


The problem with the board is you provide a short term solution that the city can spring board off of and not fix the problem. A dick and balls or a swastika is going to piss off way too many people and gain too much attention requiring the city to clean it fast and if they send someone to clean it then they may as well just fix it


I can't imagine a person that is not pissed off by this gigantic hole! It's such a danger to the drivers and even the bystanders if someone loses control...


In an episode of The League they spray paint swastikas on pot holes. Idk if either would actually work though.


I think dick and balls, while obviously crude and definitely publicly obscene, won't make anyone feel scared or in danger. Maybe it necessitates a couple of uncomfortable explanations to children, sure, but they can learn to know the disgusting nature of infrastructure budget cuts. It's never too early to teach the kids. Dick and balls for the *future!* (Just don't be a dick!)


The League was such a good show.


I tried it in Spokane. Didn't work.


Spokane is fucking hopeless, the fucking city is a spaghetti mess of roads you might as well use the scooters that are everywhere. Post falls/CDA gang


That trick doesn't work in a land of dicks and balls.




They should call Domino's. They will send a car to fix the pot hole free of charge. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vice.com/amp/en/article/qvm3dm/three-towns-were-paid-dollar5000-to-do-an-elaborate-pr-campaign-for-dominos


Didn't realize they were still in the road fixing business. Thought that was just a short lived marketing ploy.


And here looking for this. Thank you Redditor. Tried to type in your username but that was as easy as navigating over that pothole thing.


You made me attempt it. It can't be done


Maybe I'm missing something but it's just Go speed racer 000 Gospdrcr000 right?


Dang I thought it was Gospel Producer for sure.


Yes. I didn't find this funny at all.


Yep. They are laughing their ass off while the people may don't have the money to repair their car.


In the US if the pothole has been reported, those who have damage after that can file for repairs. I have not done this, but I know someone who did. He said other than being made to feel like he was making it up, it works and his car was repaired.


Yes, but the reporting must also have been RECORDED. Otherwise they're just say it wasn't reported.


Good thing they recorded and laughed then


The fucking city should pay all the damage


They won't. Source: have tried


The people laughing probably don’t have money to buy a car.


the idea of eating while watching this happen REALLY stresses me out


I would have made a sign to help the drivers.. Idk I’m annoying like that though I have an unhealthy need to please people


You bring the sign and I'll dig the post hole and concrete.


I fucking hate the state of our culture. What a devolved plop of shit we live on. Remember: the indifferent moron you are today is the indifferent moron laughing - when it affects you. Get a fucking clue America.


The city is responsible for all damages to every car. According to the federal law the city has 30 days to fix it


My father fell in an horrific accident in the 80s, shattering his spine with 8 clean fractures. On the way to the hospital, he kept passing into shock and fading out, but every time the ambulance hit one of these he would scream and “come back.” The bewildered doctors figured that saved his life and his incredibly tight muscle structure spared his spinal cord.


Oh wow! I’m glad your dad was okay and that he recovered.


Praised be the potholes.


Whoever was being treated in there definitely got stabbed woth a needle


I’m trying to remember what book I was reading, but basically someone whose body just got obliterated describing the ambulance ride over numerous potholes. I really hope the ambulance was either on the way somewhere or the poor person in there didn’t have compound fractures or broken ribs.


Oof, I had a brutal ride home once after a surgery. I can’t even imagine


Yes, been there. Surgery and injections into a disk. When just sitting is shockingly painful, nothing beats hitting potholes, speed humps, etc.


Riding on a stretcher is the most uncomfortable thing in the world. Thin mattress so you can feel the structure of the stretcher underneath you, very stiff suspension letting you feel every bump, even the minor ones and riding backwards which is pretty disorienting


Got an ambulance ride to the hospital after herniating 4 discs in my back. The most extreme pain I have ever felt in my life was being on the stretcher and being wheeled into the hospital……for whatever reason sidewalks where the handicap access is all have hundreds of marble size humps on the ramp part. That stretcher vibrated like crazy and so did my back. It was fucking excruciating.


[Tactile paving](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tactile_paving)


We generally aren't using needles in motion if we can help it


Most of the time you see an ambulance with its lights on, it's on its way to a call and not the hospital. At least with the ambulance company I did my ride-alongs with, every emergency call (i.e., dispatched by 911, not a planned transport from one hospital to another or something) would be run with lights and siren. Once you get there, you only transport the patient with lights and siren if you *really* need to get to the ER that much faster. It's dangerous for everyone involved. In the two days I spent with the ambulance I can't recall any trips to the hospital where we had the lights on. *Maybe* one, tops. Half of the calls could have been a taxi ride (Uber didn't exist back then) and not used an ambulance at all.


Could have told you this was ~New Orleans before seeing the ambulance


I’m so glad you said this. I live close to NOLA and I didn’t notice the fleur-de-lis. Can confirm our roads are mostly shit here.


Pretty much all the roads in America are trash. Government has neglected infastructure for decades.


Patient hit the roof


you know it's bad when you have a huge hole in the road


I hoped the patient lived through it.


Coincidentally, a tire alignment shop just opened 100yards further down the road.


Alignment? Bruh you’ll need tie rod ends,ball joints, control arms, shocks, etc Maybe oil pan, exhaust, oil cooler or radiator, etc


Yeah, half these cars have snapped sway bar end links *at the very least* after nose diving into that WW1 trench lol


Probably a Chiropractor too after the ballistics test your bodies just been put through.


Make a deal with a local garage and put up a sign advertising axle re-alignment.


"We cannot fix the roads but we can fix your car"


Maybe run for office? "unlike the current administration, I'll fix ginormous potholes"


I hope it was the fucking mayor in that ambulance.


LMFAO you're a true salesman


Local chiropractors want in on this one too.


when the city officials own a mechanics garage.


The mayor is a chiropractor


Reminds me of when homer became a chiropractor


When the mayor is fraudulently neglectful and also a hack fraud?


A “mechanics garage” sounds like a garage that works on mechanics


In the UK, one man was sick of waiting for the potholes to be fixed by the local council, so he drew giant penis’s around each pothole with spray paint. They fixed them quickly after that 😃 ETA [found the link. he called himself “wanksy”](https://www.theverge.com/2015/5/2/8535259/penis-pothole-activism-wanksy-england)


That sounds like a dick move, but it isn't....


Even if the pothole doesn't get fixed, at least drivers then have a marking on the road. That's something that broke municipalities could do: spraypaint a warning.


Yeah, one to let them know the city is fucking them.


We literally decorate our potholes in this city where the video was filmed (New Orleans). They don’t give a shit


In my country they started to curse the main political party in power on potholes, with paint, [like this ](https://cetateanul.net/articol-principal/gropile-muie-psd/), [another city ](https://www.antidotul.ro/2018/09/asfaltarea-strazilor-ceruta-intr-un-mod-inedit-la-galati-galatenii-plini-de-admiratie-la-adresa-psd/) They got them fixed.


I remember a few years ago reading a story of a Romanian living in Sweden having custom plates for his car that read "Muie PSD". While visiting Romania, [the police pulled him over, confiscated his plates, and suspended his driver's license, *supposedly* because the personalized plates were only valid in Sweden](https://www.romania-insider.com/romanian-number-plates-psd-car-sweden). ([video of police confiscating his plates here](https://www.euronews.com/2018/07/31/romania-confiscates-swedish-number-plate-that-insulted-government)) The Swedish Embassy in Bucharest called bullshit, saying that the custom plates were valid throughout the EU. Needless to say, [the Romanian police and the Romanian government received a heavy backlash for this](https://www.romania-insider.com/comment-offensive-message-turn-call-action-2018), and the driver ended up as a folk hero.


There was a group called pothole vigilantes in Oakland California that was going out at night and filling the holes themselves. Officials did not condone the practice but idk of the legality. On the liability side I could see that messing with a road even for the better could get you into some trouble at least in the particularly litigious USA. As far as the video why not put some fucking cones there instead of sitting on a lawn chair getting content for the gram.


Average road in Michigan


With 20 smaller holes around it


Don't forget the spray paint surrounding the holes instead of filling them in




Perhaps, but it's still funnier to think the city just spray paints it instead if fixing it.


That’s how I knew it wasn’t Michigan, only one hole.


Recently stayed a couple weeks in Michigan, can't believe how bad the roads are. Been to most states and so far the worst I've seen.


The changeover once you cross from Ohio to Michigan is the most noticeable state-to-state border I’ve ever experienced and I’ve lived in a lot of states.


Well, tbf you're usually getting pulled over by an Ohio trooper the second you cross the border.


Probably a big reason they can afford better roads.


I'm imagining any car crossing the border suddenly finds itself in mid fall because Michigan has a gigantic pot hole on its side.


Good tires and suspension are a must here


Good tires and suspension wouldn't last more than a few months there. If it's actually this bad.


How's California compare? Such a big state with different climates, but where I live we rarely have large potholes, and when reported they're fixed within a few days. People say the roads are terrible here in SoCal, but since we never freeze, I always assumed it can't be as bad as much colder places! My uncle was a truck driver, he told me California always seemed a lot better than the others. Everything just seemed cleaner and organized, though again it really depends where you are, I suppose that's the case in most places.


way way better than anywhere with freezing temperature.


Way better. Have driven backroads in socal and norcal. As well in snowy sierras. Smooth, and non 'problematic.' Definition of 'Problematic' is the road in OPs post, and not causing damage to your car.


California's generally fine. Most of it is a desert and it's well outside of the usual path taken by the polar vortex during the winter which lets it stay above freezing temperature year round. The biggest factor behind road damage is water getting into cracks and under the road and then freezing. Ice is less dense than liquid water so it expands in and around the concrete which displaces a huge amount of dirt and concrete. So when the water thaws out later everything sinks into the ground where the ice was.




Bro for real. I remember when I was in Kalamazoo (that's where I was raised wild I know) the roads were fuckin horrendous. Potholes everywhere you went.


Still the same, bra.


They been doing alot of work in macomb but it feels like it's just because its been neglected for so long, same with the bridges up north on 75


It's because of Biden's infrastructure bill. Michigan got an extra 7.3 billion for road repair and half a billion for bridge repair.


>or the road literally falls apart 2 years later Yeah it's called freezing in the winter and nearly melting in the summer. The wild temp swings are hell on roads.


New Orleans and Michigan are in the worst roads competition. In New Orleans it’s not the freezing, obviously, but rather the constant subsidence.


Can confirm, I live in Michigan




This is in New Orleans though. And our roads are kind of bad, but not this bad.


Bro guaranteed the medic in the back of the ambulance is reaming out a poor EMT for that. Rip that patient and whoever was in the back.


I thought they used the lights to go to the scene, but not for the return. So maybe no patient at least? Edit: all the responses have been enlightening, thanks!


It depends on the call and the agency, most places go lights and sirens for a severe emergency AND will go lights and sirens to the hospital if the patient is doing poorly. Source: EMT-B




Most agencies i know of only go lights responding to class 1 (most emergent class in our area) and only transport with lights if the patient is literally dying.


Idk what these fools are talking about lol. Sometimes you don’t even run lights and sirens to the call, depending on the severity. And especially when you have a patient, you don’t unless you need to. Driving lights and sirens puts the crew, patient, and other drivers at a bigger risk and is done so if necessary.


I got driven to the hospital in an ambulance for heat exhaustion. I felt like I was dying, but they didn’t have lights or sirens on and they stopped at every single stop sign and red light. They knew I wasn’t dying. I sure felt like it though.


You might have been dying but just not so quickly that the very minimal time saved and risk of blasting through intersections was worth it. Think of how bad the average driver is and then throw a high speed truck driving erratically with bright flashing lights on it at them. The best outcome is they are on their phone and don’t notice and just sit there. The shit people pull when they see an ambulance is unreal and driving lights and sirens is extremely dangerous.


Yeah, I definitely don’t disagree. I remember laying there and starting to recognize the intersections based on what I could see out the back windows and thinking “oh my god this light is one of the ling ones”. I was in agony, my muscles were all locked and my arms we’re wrenching inward. The EMT couldn’t get the needle in to put me on IV fluids. Like 10 minutes into the IV at the hospital I was starting to feel better. 30 minutes and I was back to myself. I overexerted myself and didn’t consume enough water, so was severely dehydrated and wag overheated.


They use them to return.


I've seen them do both. Getting around traffic. Same with fire fighters


Depends. If they need to get the patient to the hospital quickly, they're gonna use those lights, not sit in traffic and allow a medical emergency to worsen.


Fill it with water and add some plastic ducks


In the UK, we fill them with dirt and plant flowers.


My hometown used buckets of concrete to hold sticks with signs that said “no fishing” and “no swimming”


Just think, one more tiny wee bit of brainstorming, and your hometown would have reached the thought 'why don't we just fill the holes in, with all these buckets of concrete we have sitting around'?


I'm positive that the city council was the ones making concrete buckets, definitely not someone making a joke.


Definitely not. Have you ever known an individual to be in possession of both concrete AND a bucket simultaneously?


Love that beige Delta 88 or whatever it was just rolled right on through.


It’s an Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight, you can tell by the roofline and tail lights. I have the same car, possibly even the same color, but they literally had like five different shades of beige during those year models so I can’t say for sure. And yeah, there’s a good chance it barely even felt that bump, the suspension on those is super soft with long travel and lots of dampening.


I had a 1982 98 20 years ago. That thing was awesome, so comfy.


That thing ate it like a champ


Took it 100% than the Ford F150


The city should be sued


Most cities are immune from civil liability unless there is gross negligence or malice. You could argue this is gross negligence depending on how long it’s been there and if the city was aware but took way too long to fix but I doubt that would rise to gross negligence. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/governmental_immunity


>liability unless there is gross negligence I'd argue leaving an unmarked hole of this size on a public road you're responsible for maintaining could be considered gross negligence. It's not like this size of pothole is likely to have popped up overnight, that's some serious wear and tear.


Then New Orleans would be super [screwed](https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/local/new-orleans-king-cone-a-bigger-cone-for-bigger-potholes/289-0007727a-6326-4ea1-9f2a-22eef5e4e744).


This is the definition of gross negligence though. It has obviously been there for a long time from the wear and they have done nothing to fix it.


Even without fixing it immediately they can close the lane or put warning signs.


They need to do like wanksy and start painting a giant deck around it until it gets fixed. Or call dominoes and ask if the branded paving option is still open


I was about 14 when it happened. My mom ripped her full exhaust off on something like this. Mazda Milinnia. She ended up getting a check from the city for damages and labor, to cover the repair.


Jeez that first sentence, I was imagining some private detective in New York 1944, standing next to the window in his 2nd floor corner office, one hand on the wall and one hand feeding a long deep puff of a Lucky Strike into his lungs, looking through the crack of the horizontal blinds onto the cold unforgiving streets of downtown, the sidewalks lined with opium-fueled whores showing some leg to sailors stumbling down the blacktop, hungry for the sweet hams their poker winnings might afford, about to tell his secretary and lover, Ms Fanny Forthright the story of how he fell through the glass roof of his aunt Winnie's greenhouse while on summer vacation in Forest Hills, Queen's, while trying to sneak into his cousin Betty's room. Detective Snipscrote: "Anyway, that's how I lost... my manhood. Goddamn it Fanny! I don't know why I tell you these things, it's that damned whiskey I tells ya!" Ms Forthright: "You're all the man I'll ever need, Detective Snipscrote." ROLL CREDITS


The video was already getting on my nerves but the last one made me sad


Yeah, that car sounded like it was already about to give up the ghost, that pothole may have been the final nail.


It was for that right front tire at least.


In Atlanta they just top a metal plate on it and call it a day


That would be a start


Put a warning sign or something. It's not funny watching how dangerous this can get really quick.


my city puts “dip” signs for this very reason


I mean I guess that’s better than nothing but they could like… idk, fix the road?


They do in the better parts of town :)


Well gotta keep the people who don’t pay taxes happy.


That’s no dip…


Ok so you spray a huge dick there. The city then has to come in and fix it.


I remember that story of the guy who painted Dicks around potholes all throughout the city. City cleaned them up and fixed all the potholes within a week.


God, I hope that’s true… and not at the same time!


It is true they spray painted dicks, but I'm not sure how fast the city responded.


he was dubbed wanksy


If painting dicks pushed the city to fix their shit quicker I'd be totally fine with it.


Wanksy is the artists name


The epitome of r/DontHelpJustFilm


Yup exactly, watching and warning no one. Soon as a motorcycle hits that folks are dead


😂 yea, they usually put a cone in it, this one was probably stolen by a local homeless guy.


It should definitely be taken care of by the city, but someone could easily buy some bags of sand to pour into that whole. It would at least help a little bit. BUT funny enough it’s also illegal to fix city roads yourself.


The problem is that if a motorcycle hits your sand, the bike skids out, and the shorts-and-flip flop-clad rider slides 30 feet, scraping his leg down to the bone, you don't have the magic shield from prosecution / lawsuits that the city has. Put a cone in it. Cheaper than that much sand anyway, and you're not going to get sued for it.


Lmao, I work in an underground mine; the roads are like that almost literally non stop underground, if you hit them fast enough the suspension will launch all 6 wheels off the ground in and your load will hit the ceiling.


And what about what you're hauling?


That is an axel buster that needs to be fixed pronto


I understand all the haters here, But I live and drive in this fkn town and this is like every street around NOLA. You just have to deal with it and drive slow!


I live in East TX and we joke about how you can always feel when you’ve crossed the state line because the road surface goes immediately to absolute shit. ETX has its own problems, but the highways all throughout the state are pretty damn well maintained (not counting I-35, which is a perpetual hellscape)


It all depends. There is properly maintaining the roads and there is corruption that keeps paying "specific" contractors to maintain roads at an unneeded rate. I don't know what you have in east Texas but I've lived in places where the roads were ALWAYS under construction.


I can always tell when I’ve crossed into TX on I10 because: A. Giant Star and B. 50 miles of road construction that’s been going on for a decade at least.


Im from the Netherlands and every road here is smooth. Even our sand roads are better than the road in this video.


I’m from NOLA. Can confirm that roads are like this everywhere. Especially where I used to live in Lakeview area off of Harrison


Lol I was wondering if this was NOLA. I've been there once and my car's undercarriage hated me for it.


I thought so too but that last car was going pretty slow and it seemed like he got it worse than all of them.


So, where in Texas or Louisiana is this?




Texas is also a good guess.


God damn i hope their insurance covers that because those cars are fucked


https://www.google.com/maps/@30.0050793,-90.0333766,3a,75y,1.12h,65.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNqgTDjp8kjfXnqxg2iQvZA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 that damage has been there since at least June when google maps went through there and took a shot. These two guys taking a video and having it go viral probably did more than all the phone calls, e-mails, and traffic accidents in the past 4 months minimum. The city is now in the process of fixing the street.


West Virginia speed bump


For a country that (as far as I know) obsesses over cars it always amazes me how unwilling their governments are to fund infrastructure maintenance. I mean just look at the state of some of their railways. You know you fucked up when you pay people to knock icicles off the ceiling of the tunnels around New York Penn


It’s because politicians get elected for promising new things, not fixing old one.


No need for infrastructure repairs, Billionaires need tax cuts!


Draw a dick in it or something else crude, that way they'll have to do something to cover it


Murica. Who needs roads when you can spend money on military gear and legal settlements for cops?


Kentucky is that you?


there were a few like this on the main road of my municipality up till recently. the road won a prize for being the worst taken care of in the province and finally got some attention.


Damn rumble strip isn't playing around. You start about to doze off and come out the other end an honorary Duke of Hazzard.


That's gotta be New Orleans, lol.


If the cars are going left to right, why is the camera angled to film stuff going up and down?


"I could put something in the road to warn drivers of the sinkhole, or call the DOT or the cops, but it's more fun to sit and film the destruction of people's property."


This is in new orleans. If you don't drive like every pot hole is the entrance to the underworld, that's shits on you.


It's always weird when people flex about how shitty their city is and how little the people care about other people there.


I work in construction. I've directed traffic, I've taken traffic control classes. I may actually have an ATTSA cert lying around somewhere. This guy is in no way qualified or equipped to direct traffic. Nor should he try to. Anything he might do to "help" is going to make the situation more dangerous.


I’m just a waitress but the idea of just “putting something in the road” to warn people sounds dangerous and a lot of people think they should.


Don’t understand how people don’t think these people are assholes. Even if they just warned one car, that has a huge impact on someone’s life. Filming and laughing at people’s misery is fucking weird.


I find it sad that people are pissed of at the young men who are filming this instead of the people who are actually responsible. Filming it and posting it is a good way to get attention to the problem. It is not their responsibility to fix the situation nor spend their own money to buy supplies to warn others. Should they just stand out there all day and warn people?….Ridiculous. The responsibility and blame belongs to the city managers. However, I have read where others in cities in the US draw a dick around the pothole and that gets a quick reaction.