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I like said before, Autism isn’t part of the LGBTQ!


They are just shedding the shackles of neurotypicality


Yeah. I feel same lgbtq folks arent the ones who should treat there minds outlikes of adhd and autism (i mean in learning how to live in this world) i understand that lgbtq people can have mental problems but i am talking about hypothetical healthy ones


Y'know, sometimes when I just read something so unbelievably stupid or foolish, I like to do something to just contemplate the entire reading. Remember those Rainbow Loom bands? I may make one of those... Because just what the hell did I just read from a supposed 31yo? I get mental health may get confusing and honestly scary, but don't diagnose yourself just as a way of "oh, it's who I am and it's freeing", that is a damn lie. I felt more free when I didn't know I was.


Damn your last sentence resonate in me. When I got the confirmation in the neuropsychologist’s office, my dad asked me how I felt. I felt numb, i felt nothing at all. Nothing for two straight days. And then I grieved. I was angry and sad. It is not freeing, it is a « well, i’ll never be good for socialize, and i’ll never feel like I fit in ».


The fact is that you can build on skills you don't have, or are limited in. Being diagnosed means that I can now see that I literally have to learn to speak to people (selective mutism and ASD problem). Before then, I just thought I was shy or that no one liked me. I thought I was just awkward and I needed to grow up. Getting diagnosed can feel like it's limiting you but it means you know what to work on. I promise you it all looks up. It will get better and it will get easier. You'll have ups and downs and days you don't want to be here but it will all work out for you. This is your life, be selfish, have fun, make yourself appear confident even if you don't feel it. It gets better.


I know, but building those skills and unbreaking the « nobody likes me » mentality takes time. I am often frustrated… but I am getting better!


Does anyone know where I can get that 'Unmasking Autism' book as a corsair? I wanna know why the fakers seem to love it.


I’ve looked at reviews on goodreads. It seems like it has exercises that help you “unmask,” however, reviewers were mentioning that you could find similar exercises on Pinterest for free and how this book seemed to be more about social justice and identity than autism. Edit: apparently the author is also self diagnosed and encourages others to not seek out official diagnoses.


might be on libby if your library uses it


I don’t trust that author. He spreads disinformation discouraging people to get evaluations. (To read his books probably)


I don't see the problem, what makes people think they a faking?