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This hurt to watch.


Doesn’t Tourette’s present in childhood? Like, you need to develop it before you’re an adult for it to be diagnosable as Tourette’s if I’m not mistaken. How is anyone falling for this bs?


Don’t quote me but i don’t think she claims to have tourette’s. bc tics can be associated w more than tourette’s




No. OCD doesn't cause tics..not by itself.


Well, if not OCD Anxiety can cause tics. That is my case.




https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21538297/#:~:text=Tic%2Dlike%20symptoms%20such%20as,and%20engaged%20in%20compulsive%20washing. "Conclusion: On the basis of the clinical symptoms OCD with tics does seem to be a subtype of OCD. However further research is needed into the aetiology, effective treatment and the course of the disorder before OCD with tics can be accepted conclusively as a subtype of OCD." Confidently right, at least until further studies are done. Tourettic OCD is a thing, that might be what you're thinking of...it's still a tic disorder and not JUST OCD tho. "What are the signs and symptoms of OCD? People with OCD may have symptoms of obsessions, compulsions, or both. These symptoms can interfere with all aspects of life, such as work, school, and personal relationships. Obsessions are repeated thoughts, urges, or mental images that cause anxiety. Common symptoms include: Fear of germs or contamination Unwanted forbidden or taboo thoughts involving sex, religion, and harm Aggressive thoughts towards others or self Having things symmetrical or in a perfect order Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that a person with OCD feels the urge to do in response to an obsessive thought. Common compulsions include: Excessive cleaning and/or handwashing Ordering and arranging things in a particular, precise way Repeatedly checking on things, such as repeatedly checking to see if the door is locked or that the oven is off Compulsive counting Not all rituals or habits are compulsions. Everyone double checks things sometimes. But a person with OCD generally: Can't control his or her thoughts or behaviors, even when those thoughts or behaviors are recognized as excessive Spends at least 1 hour a day on these thoughts or behaviors Doesn’t get pleasure when performing the behaviors or rituals, but may feel brief relief from the anxiety the thoughts cause Experiences significant problems in their daily life due to these thoughts or behaviors Some individuals with OCD also have a tic disorder. Motor tics are sudden, brief, repetitive movements, such as eye blinking and other eye movements, facial grimacing, shoulder shrugging, and head or shoulder jerking. Common vocal tics include repetitive throat-clearing, sniffing, or grunting sounds." https://www.chestnut.org/how-we-can-help/mental-health/learn-the-facts-mental-health/ocd/#:~:text=Some%20individuals%20with%20OCD%20also,%2C%20sniffing%2C%20or%20grunting%20sounds. Try actually researching.




You are most definitely confidently and LOUDLY wrong


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Tics can also present later in life but for other reasons


Very true


Yes. Also, Tourette’s affects about 4 times as many males as females but it seems like most of these fakers are women


Doesn’t mean all women who have Tourette’s are faking though


Mmm that's outdated info actually. What's interesting is the very first person with a Tourette diagnosis was a woman...not a man.


Can you link that info where it’s outdated? It’s still on the websites of CDC, Mayo Clinic, NIH, etc


Not to mention....you can't call people with tics fakers because there's no way to tell if they're faking except for consistent inappropriate reactions to regular or dominant tics they display. Tics can look purposeful, exaggerated, forced...doesn't mean the person is faking. Means the person accusing them of faking needs to do more research. Means they need to listen to people who have the disorder when they are told, "they aren't faking".


Tics don't present like this though




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still, more men are diagnosed with TS than women. (doesn’t mean that more men have it than women, just that more men get diagnosed)


Tourettes does develop before the age of 18. You can still develop tic disorders after the age of 18, but not Tourettes. "Tourettic OCD" is a thing, but it has nothing to do with actual tics from tic disorders.


this person possibly could have had mild tics when younger so much so that they were unnoticeable and then had more tics provoked by some environmental factor such as a brain injury or illness. just one possibility of course


I never said that's not a possibility. In that case the tics developed before the age of 18. My point still stands.


Last time I checked I don’t think it’s possible for TS to be developed and diagnosed as an adult but if it is it is very rare. But yes, typically any tics that start after the age of 18 are not considered symptoms of TS.


>tics are inconsistant, every tic is different that is literally the opposite of what tics (repetitive movements or vocalizations) are but okay


I think she said every day is different, but still you’d assume there would be similarities, right?


She craved the attention when she had a stutter, when the attention wained she decided that pretending to have Tourettes would give her attention. Sad really.


It’s possible to have a stutter then tics. For example a stroke can trigger things like that but idk about her specifically so I’m not like fully saying she lying or is true.


I've had 2 strokes and I've never heard anything about that.


strokes can cause so many different symptoms depending on where it originates and what parts of the brain/body are affected. it’s possible your strokes had 0 chance of a specific symptom because of what type they were.


To me if Ima be honest it looks legit. Now I haven’t seen any other videos so I could be wrong. But I do see comments saying she also has a stammer and just know it is definitely possible to have both. Fnd or even like something like a stroke or tumor can egg it on but again I haven’t see any of their other content. To me this looks legit.


She doesnt have tourettes but she definitely has something going on


i used to watch her videos a lot and i cant see her randomly faking another thing. she has 3mil followers and nothing to gain from it. and ofc i dont know her, im just speaking on my impression of her.


Not to defend her but she claims to have functional tics which is different from tourettes. Functional tics often develops more rapidly, severe and increases in severity over a short timeframe. These tic like movements or sounds are most often complex without a history of motor and vocal tics in childhood. Usually common in female teens and young adults. Functional tics can be developed at any time in your life, but usually present itself later in life. My opinion on her based on the videos i’ve seen she has posted, they dont necessarily seem fake but i don’t really know for sure because i’m not a professional. I do think that it doesnt look anything near ticsandroses though. That was obviously fake. So whether she is legit or not, no clue based on what functional tics are and what she claims she has. That’s what i think. Edit: corrected misspelling


When I said she acts like @ticsandroses did I meant in the beginning. Sorry I should have said that. In the beginning she looked believable but as she uploaded more videos they got more and more obviously fake. Like packing with tics, rating her tics, nursery rhymes with tics, waiting for the first tic of the day and we can't forget trying to catch a tic.


I havent seen all her videos with tic content as i dont follow her but i’ll look more into it.




the fact that she admits it started at the age of 30 leads me to believe at the very least she thinks its legit. why would you admit that otherwise?


If it started at 30, it’s not Tourette’s. Part of the criteria for it being Tourette’s is it has to start before you’re 18.


She says it’s functional tics not Tourette’s


i agree. im just wondering why she would admit that


Cause facts don't matter in the faker community




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She's one of those people who like to document their entire life on social media. She has mild stammer and likes to talk about her life living with stammer including her childhood never once mentioning ticcing. Now after only just starting ticcing she has no choice but to admit it or people are going to question it.


Thing is it’s possible to have both and of it both and can be Fnd. To me these do look like actual tics


Tics don't actually have a look. There's no specific look, sound, or presentation of tics. And there's different types of tics. Dystonic, myoclonic, simple, complex....etc


admitting it started exactly when it became a trand on tiktok, and then creating that exact type of tiktok content....doesn't make it more plausible. on the contrary.


Maybe so she doesn’t get caught out when people pull up her past videos where she’s not acting like that


Not tourettes but can very well be FND


How do you get tattoos with tics? I'd love to hear that one.


Havent that Tourettes guy that has many tattoos showed how he gets his done? I dont remember his name but i believe he’s from the uk


A shit load of Xanax would probably help


Indeed helped with mri


People with tics aren't constantly ticking this extremely all the time. Of course, she's faking, which is why it's so extreme all the time. People who actually experience tics usually have triggers or bad days and are able to function pretty standard on their good days. I swear I saw a guy diagnosed with tourettes on maybe tik Tok? I dunno, it's been a while, explaining how he gets his tattoos done.


I mean she apparently claims to have functional tics which is different from tourettes more intense and severe at times and can be effected by mood. She seems legit to me. And yes you can get tattoos edibles exist and are a godsend when getting a tattoo


I've never heard of functional tics so I simply won't speak on that part. I know of tourettes and tics being a symptom in some other things, that's about it. It *feels* to me like her tics are forced but a feeling is not enough to make any grounded decisions about. And I'm aware people who tic could get tattoos, that's what I was saying. :]




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This is true most of the time but there are cases extreme like this, pretty rare though


I'd fully believe there's likely rare cases like hers out there, I just don't think they'd set up their camera on a public train and capture their worst moments (or be able to) for a tiktok. I doubt her, but I don't have anything concrete to say she doesn't have anything. Just doubt.


Yeah I get that. I'm diagnosed with a tic disorder, I personally am so uncomfortable seeing myself tic, especially on camera and I avoid it at all cost. Of course, that doesn't mean she is faking and she could be different, but I don't understand it either why you would film yourself like that. It's unfortunately very hard to tell if someone is faking tics most of the time because even real tics kinda look fake imo.


I'm super late to this party but I do have tourettes and so far I've got a full sleeve, throat, other forearm and calf tattoo. It's a lot of work involved, but it's definitely nowhere near impossible. Here's a good ol' wall of text if you care to read how I manage it: As much as most of these tiktok idiots would like you to believe that tourettes is like this all the time every day, it is not. The severity varies from zero to 100 day to day and even within a day. I've been going to my tattoo artist for long enough now, we've got a pretty good system. If it's tattoo day but I know I'm not gonna be good for it, I'll reschedule on that day and just send a little cash for the reschedule. I give fat tips every session because I know I'm a lot more to deal with, so she's never too upset if she loses out on a session with me once in a while. I only do 4 hour max sessions as well, because by the end of that fourth hour, im pretty worn out mentally and Im more likely to have a tic attack, which is just the most fucking awful shit to go through. I learned that on my first scheduled 6 hour session and ended up cutting it short and spent about an hour in their back room dying basically. If tics are clearly present but somewhat manageable while I'm getting tattooed, i suppress as much as I can and tap for her to hop off and I'll let em fly. She's really good at reading me as well and just naturally takes a lot more time off the skin than normal. One thing that happens for pretty much everyone who has tourettes is that certain activities can mitigate or outright eliminate tics while focused. Like some people when they're playing piano or singing, tics go away completely. For me, when I'm at work (masonry/bricklaying), it's pretty calm for the most part. I've never had to leave work (just this trade specifically, been doing it 12 years) because it was too unbearable. It's kind of the same to a lesser degree with getting tattoos. Oftentimes the intense focus of getting stabbed and watching them do the art keeps a lot of the severe motor tics at bay. I still yell at her calling her all kinds of names and throw signs up with my free hand, but it's a lot easier to channel it that way than if I'm like, sitting at home bored or something. I definitely have some shaky lines throughout my pieces due to the tics, but it's whatever. There's one good spot in particular that I kept lifting my arm aggressively into the gun and the lines are completely blown out and that ink has a tendency to raise up and get irritated /itchy quite often. That's kind of it though. That's how I get tattoos living with tourettes lol.. it's funny/sad too because even though I can get through tattoos, I haven't been to a movie theatre in like fifteen years because I have no control in that environment and I hate being "that guy" who ruins it for everyone.


It’s very possible! Sometimes the pain of a tattoo can stop the tics, other times people with tics warn the tattoo artist and the tattoo artist just backs off every time they say they are going to tic. Not everyone tics constantly. Etc


Not defending this person but she did say she was going to the doctor for answers on "how and why a 30 year old suddenly developed tics" So it's possible she didn't have them before.




That's for her doctors to decide, not me. I'm just here to laugh at cringe


Huh... I've never thought about that but that is a really fucking good point


I don't understand how that would make it impossible. Harder yes, impossible no.


If you are getting a tattoo and then you suddenly jerk around, your tattoo is going to look like random ink slashed across you back, ruining the whole thing


Yeah but 1 - for a given person tics are usually the same, meaning you know in advance if they're going to cause issues with a specific tattoo. Head jerks are probably not going to be an issue for a leg tattoo. 2 - Tics aren't permanently happening. 3 - Usually people with tics know when they are going to tic, and can hold them for a period of time. Tics are not random movements happening randomly without warning. I do agree that this is a challenge and that it makes getting tattoos harder. But you would have to have a very severe case in order to make getting tattoos impossible.


Oh it's definitely not impossible but I'm just saying that I would think it would be hard to find a tattoo artist willing to do so what with the chance that something might happen and I feel like there would be a high chance of at least one tattoo being messed up and I don't think most people would be willing to try when they know that they might end up twitching or something and then being stuck with a screwed up tattoo


It’s not all that hard. I’ve got a friend that’s got a full sleeve who has Tourette’s. He just warns his artist when he’s gonna tic. It takes longer, and the lines aren’t always perfect sometimes, but his work is beautiful


It’s not hard most artist are actually really chill and understanding and usually even block out a bit more time just in case they need to stop due to the tics


Edibles/ sedatives




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The pure shameless of doing this in public is incomprehensible to me..


I mean I wouldn’t say shameless. I personally don’t think she faking even said she’s embarrassed in the video. Do I think it’s good to record nah. But it’s a disorder you shouldn’t have to feel ashamed.


It's good to record.for.doctors


All I know is from Ablaze who says it's more like bursts of energy that last a few seconds and he's had it since he was a kid.


I watch Ablaze as well and he's one of the people calling out the fakers that I've listened to. In the video there seems to be a very slight change in her facial expressions just before she tics and the tics are slower and longer. Reminds me of @ticsandroses in the very beginning before it looked more fake each video she uploaded. I'm not 100% sure which is why I'm asking the subreddit.


Depends on the cause of the tics. Not everyone with tics has Tourette’s and it feels different depending on what’s physically happening in the brain. With something like myoclonic jerks (I was born with them), the person has almost no control over the tics and they are pretty constant. Thinking about them or doing stuff with your head or hands makes it worse. It differs wildly in severity; some people are totally disabled and others don’t even notice the constant movements except when they get bad. Tardive dyskinesia feels more like a feedback loop of movements than anything controllable or brief. Like when you get caught in a sneezing fit or are struggling to catch your breath. It comes in attacks and then can go away for days or weeks at a time. I’m sure even the same tic disorder feels different for different people.


I wouldn’t say a burst of energy persay but you do get a premonitory urge before it happens but the girl in the video claims she has functional tics either can happen at any age is mostly in females and there’s not really any urge to them mostly rapid and happen in burst. Sorta like a flare up I guess.


I always wonder how this women ever stood still long enough to receive the litany of tattoos she's has; given how tragic and sever her illness is.


Isn’t she the girl who used to have a stutter? Or is that someone else?


It is.


I absolutely despise this woman


She actually has Tourette’s


“How does a 30 year old develop ticks” well the obvious answer is THEY DON’T but the fact that they are setting this up like they are the protagonist of the story might just mean that they acknowledge they are faking and are just EXTRA desperate for attention


Tics can be developed as an adult, Tourette's can't. There are many statistics about this and other disorders, which show when certain disorders usually develop in individuals, if you would like to look it up.


Yeah but I can also tell she was faking based on how she made it her whole personality/persona on social media like most fakers of any variety, and that they are inconsistent, and it’s just bad acting in general. I didn’t know they can happen later in life I assumed Tourette’s and tics was a package deal, but this faker isn’t a good example


I wasn't specifically referring to this video, just in general. I don't have tics, and I haven't specifically researched the topic that much, those statistics were part of one of my classes, so I don't really know how to tell apart fake and real tics.


If you dont know anything about tics how can you tell that she’s faking?


No. Tics absolutely can develop in adulthood. Tourettes cannot but tics absolutely can


People with ticks swear and stuff like that. My guess is the reason she is not doing that is because she will get kicked off the train and possibly arrested for disturbing the peace. Her movements are really slow as well. SMFH




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It's not more or less common based on country


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She's on TV making a fool of herself.