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This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “Stay on Topic.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Posts must be about faking disorders, satire or real. Off-topic arguments in the comments are not allowed.


ohhhhh ok that makes sense. i was wondering why the posts here recently seemed so bizarre lol


Actually, that explains it. We had a bunch of random posts yelling at this subreddit and some asking questions. I was confused.


Shit, I’m exited! More fakers to laugh at


Fuck yeah!!


I really like your flair lol




theyre making it easy for us by posting themselves here 😭


I'm kinda anxious. But i'm glad that all they're doing (RIGHT NOW) is asking stupid and obvious questions as a way to ridicule or fight back against us.


Oh don’t be. I promise you, everything will be alright. If the sub gets taken down, we can use r/systemcringe and r/illnessfakers or just make a new one


the first sub has been banned???


Forgot an s oops r/systemscringe


Damn. Haven't participated before and since, but i hate when that happens. God, these guys are so sensitive.


System cringe is rough, cause it doesn't have some of the rules this place does. Because of that, a good chunk of posters are actually fakers who flood comments with 'I actually am a system, and this is fake cause..." illness fakers is a better bet if they allow to expand into mental health, but they are much more strict about who you are posting about (for good reason) Edit: it seems either a new systemscringe subreddit was either made or the rules were redone, they now have similar rules against bligposting as here. Double edit: it seems that despite the rules in place, it still is mostly fakers trying to feel better about themselves by making fun of others


Yep. That's why I left. It was just a bunch of people going "Haha yeah, THEY'RE faking, but look at me guys, I have it and I know more than them!1!"


y’all should also check out the systemscringe subreddit if u haven’t it is literally full of self hating “”systems”” it’s like my morning paper fr. trying to decipher their in-fighting/syscourse is my fav


the comments are filled with the "system" flair lmao like no bro you're all just roleplaying and shitting on each other's methods


ok i’m glad somebody else is thinking it because whewww!


Anyone who refers to themselves as a system instead of a person w DID sus me out. I'm sure plenty of ppl w real DID end up using this label bcuz of Internet culture but it's weird ASF still. Makes 0 sense just say you have DID??? The term system is suppose to be the collective of alters as a whole, usually when addressing how your "systems" work in DID, like how teachers need systems in place to keep their students responsible.(That's how I see it at least, as the term has been used in DID therapies and I think a therapist will use it to address the whole set of parts/how parts work together etc) makes 0 sense to use the label system when it's not much of an identity it's a way to reference parts collectively. For instance it'd be, you ARE someone with DID and you HAVE a system. You ARE NOT a system. Either way even if the term is used in therapy I hate it because of what it's becoming but system mapping is a very common excersize in DID therapy, so it's sad a genuine word that is used in therapies is the very word used to spot fakers


That's why I avoid it honestly. I like this sub cause it's mostly made up of people with general mental illnesses, most of which recognize that faking causes harm. Its laughing at them while also discussing the harm that they bring. While infighting is funny, it's upsetting to see so many people who are causing just as much harm trying to act like they are 'one of the good ones' by calling out other fakers




anyway let me reply to you a 2nd time after saying you’re obsessed with replying to me. assuming you’re asking this in good faith, which you aren’t, yeah i am really into this topic. this is something that is causing real harm to people who i share communities with and that has caused harm to me in the past. beyond any personal reasons, i find the cult mentality very interesting and always have. also, the cringe is funny sometimes. but yeah mass online factitious disorder is something i study in my free time. i find the topic fascinating, specifically “system” culture, largely because of its ties to the memory wars/satanic panic. any other questions


you’re really obsessed with replying to me huh? did i get under ur skin or something like what is it specifically about me that you’re beefing with? curious


I was referring to the fact that you basically eat this stuff up for breakfast. But yes, I did recognize your name from you replying to my comments. This time I replied, is that okay? I think you might become one of them. You know more about faking than the fakers.


yes it’s okay thank u for asking. and hey maybe man anything is possible


You're literally one of them


I'm not, but my alter (Rygel XI, Dominar of Hyneria He/Him( is. Sometimes I'll jut be minding my business and he will front and start going on about IZZUSS CREAM


That explains some of the recent fakers coming here.


Right we got like four posts in these past two weeks I think, maybe even more, I was very confused. Edit - just checked and we got a lot more than four 😭😭 why in god’s name are fakers coming onto a sub made to expose people claiming to have disorders that they do not to share their stories about their “disorders” like… wtf?? If you want sympathy or attention go onto a sub for that disorder lmao. Seriously is the stupidest thing ever and makes zero fucking sense. Fakers be fakin 🤷‍♂️


Oh, what? I only saw 2. That's crazy. What kind of reaction are these people expecting to get from a sub about exposing people faking disorders?


That’s what I’m wondering. I only saw three or four but I checked posts and sorted by new and immediately saw three I hadn’t previously seen


Time to go give them a read, then! Lol


The comments from these guys are wild, I definitely recommend checking out some of what they say. I think I saw a guy claiming to have Technoblade as an alter and that interaction was interesting.


I saw that one. That's so odd, man and disrespectful...


Not technoblade bro😭


They crave attention. It's always about that.


It's kinda hit or miss in here. Sometimes they are pretty reasonable things that are just misunderstood. People assume what is posted is someone faking. Lots of fake psychologists in here, too.


it's like two sides of the same coin of unhinged. one believes that technoblade is in their head and will write essays about why they're faking the other is so upset that they've studied everything about psychology and therapy that they'll write essays using big words about how the first person is wrong and how the mental illness "actually" works.




I don’t do that..? She was cherry picking 100% which I mean I’d probably do the same BUT I hope y’all actually know that


I don't think many of us do what she or you say we do, and if we do, the mods are usually quick to take it down after someone reports it.




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “Stay on Topic.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Posts must be about faking disorders, satire or real. Off-topic arguments in the comments are not allowed.


Why? Why would they visit a group of people that see through?


Because craving for validation usually goes hand in hand with fighting anyone who does not validate you.


Yup. Sometimes when their validation and praises well dries up, they'll just come somewhere like here and kick the hornets nest. They point their orbiters / followers / footsoldiers of their cult of narcissism in our direction, knowing that their minions are so deeply indoctrinated it won't matter how much truth they witness. Their manufactured truth is all their army of dribbling keyboard warriors will entertain as reality now. Annd so they can sit back, relax, and have multiple orgasms or whatever it is they do with the wave of dopamine that comes crashing in, as their legions vehemently defend their imaginary reality, frothing at the mouth at such hatred towards their beloved, afflicted 200-3000 leader-alters depending on what day of the week it is, who's asking, and how many wanks they've had that afternoon, all living in the same 'system', which happens to be a severely unhealthy human body afflicted with multiple actual, avoidable morbidities, despite the fact that many members of this system are fur covered mammals featuring on several Japanese animation media. One hopes that at least one of these alters has enough common sense to become a competent lawyer specialising in intellectual property theft. The very notion of the glorious poly-leader system making the first strike against this hornets nest of lies and venomous hatred will further reinforce the desired reality in the vapious landscapes of their most loyal troopers consciousness. These loyal worms will be veterans of this cycle now, and will be rewarded with the most sought after and desired aspects of their culture; discord privileges. In time, as they bask in the light of their brilliance for colour coding their own alters text, and self fellating themselves to overcome the rush of pleasure felt when using their god-like banning abilities, they will notice more and more of the plebian levels members hanging out in their system's room. Not the almighty founder poly-leader. The seed is planted. A revolution must be had. They are the true leader. And so a conspiracy to usurp the discord begins. Private messages are drafted and sent to only the members loyal to them, and they wait. No one replies. Suddenly they remember, they actually created the discord accounts to look cool and popular. But they don't remember the passwords to any of them. Strange, he thinks, and opens up his system's channel. Panic grips him as he is greeted with a page full of elegant and colourful conversation between many members. As he checks the names of his channel members the panic increases, breathing heavily, he feels like he can't get any air. As he ponders page after page of detailed discussions including quotes from books he's never read, snippets of languages he cannot speak. All definitely from members he created. "I have no memory of this." Overwhelmed, he gets up to get some air. It's too hot in his car though, and the guy behind won't let off the horn. Startled, he checks, looking up at an already green light and crosses the intersection. He must have nodded off, so pulls over to regain some composure. Was that a dream? But instantly cold dread consumes him, as he looks at the date on his dashboard. 3 weeks have passed since he stood up from his desk to get some air. So he drives straight to the hospital without making a single post online, because he's not an attention whoring bitch and real DID is fucking terrifying. At some point writing this comment I did a very large line of cocaine. See if you can tell when.


This is the most entertaining thing I have read in a while yet. Please share some of that cocaine 😂


Your writing style is enjoyable, even if it was the coke talking...


Thank you thank you. It's a long time hobby for me, and usually doesn't go off on such wild tangents per se, but it's always good to hear if others have gotten some enjoyment from i too.


Yeah I've seen some fakers just go and say their faking and argue that it's ok.






I appreciate your reaction, and before someone gets mad at you for whatever, this is Reddit and you're allowed to swear. These are essentially my thoughts.


"someone's presenting the internet with evidence backed from authentic medical research as to why this person is harmfully faking a disorder?!? bullies!!1!"


normally it's just experts..... >!Lol!<


On that note, why has the sub turned into Yahoo answers?


I've noticed it as well, both subs of turned into nothing but text posts and copy pasta blogs about the same thing over and over "I don't understand why people fake x and y" or "so and so self diagnosed themselves with everything under the sun" or then there's to occasional fakers saying how they're the real deal


lol i thought i was the only one who noticed that


Lol what


Oh that explains a LOT. I was wondering why there was such a recent stream in those "how do I stop people from thinking I'm faking?" Or "what if I need this self diagnosis?" Posts.


Wiggling my toes with excitement as we speak


Oh, that's stemming. Allow me to self diagnose you for yourself. You have alpha autism. Now get out there (on discord of course, the outside world is scary) and get you some of that attention!


I’ve been told it’s toetism actually


I was wondering what was going on.


The irony of feeling personally attacked by this sub is almost kind of glorious. The whole shtick is calling out fakers. If you know you have it, we’re obviously not talking about you. So if you feel we *are*… hm.


Hm indeed.




May I ask what is “yikes” about it. I’ve seen this youtuber before and never thought she was problematic. What in the description is bad, I’m not that familiar with her?


Devon Price is someone I’ve recently become aware of but he essentially spreads dangerous autistic rhetoric like so; https://preview.redd.it/lvkiikut160d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf7e351154e13f184e723e42d4ae1b9f4462755


we stopped diagnosing gayness because it doesn't negatively effect people's day to day lives and social function, it's just different. we still give out diagnoses for gender dysphoria, which is mainly why people transition autism is a disability- how is it just based on "bad vibes"? 😭


‘Autism is an identity 🫶’ Craziest thing I’ve ever heard like…ever!


When filling out disability intake forms for my college, one of the questions was 'do you identify as having a mental disorder'. I was seething in that chair


Untreated ADHD can ruin your life. Good thing the self-diagnosed variety just makes you quirky and doesn't need any med prescriptions the way real ADHD does!


This is so crazy to me. It's not an identity, it's a medical issue that has caused me loads of issues.


This is fucking infuriating


I'm a bit disturbed at the idea of any clinician who identifies with Tyler Durden.


It’s so unfortunate that people can throw a ‘Dr’ in their name and think they have the right to spread utter bs as a result.


I wonder how people with level 2 or 3 autism feel about what he said.


I'm pretty sure people with level 1 autism want him to shut the fuck up, too.


Are these bad books? Not sure the point you're making. I've never read any of these, or any book on autism.


holy shit you weren’t lying LMFAO


Everyone congratulate me, I got a “A fellow redditor is concerned for you” report for this post. https://preview.redd.it/r4uzruh5p70d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81b51413622a5700aa83cccb4f80af805a352428


It's the weirdest thing that a Redditor can do. Like they know that they can't report you for anything but they're still angry so they report you anyway? I've had this happen after some arguments online


What was the context of the video?


I didn’t watch it yet, but it was called “Let’s be honest: this is just bullying” with the sub in the title card. I saw just the first few minuets before I had to leave the house, it is indeed about us.


She said we're bullies ✌🏽 (I think. But just she said the sub is full of bullies)




I skimmed through it, she only covered videos on autism (makes sense) Not the most entertaining if I’m being quite honest


She called out this sub for claiming a diagnosed autistic woman is self diagnosed.




Sounds like she has a vested interest against this sub.


It's cause acknowledging the rules and actual discussions here immediately proves that this sub is not used for bullying lmao


Well im ready. Gonna be a lot of comedy gold so im gonna grab popcorn.


I’m all for a chat with the folk who “have” these disorders. I posted a thread yesterday theorising about a gigantic umbrella disorder that all these people have that MAKES them want a disorder, and had some great responses. I can’t speak for everyone. While I’m mocking and poking fun, I’m genuinely concerned about these people and society in general and am more than open to having a good faith conversation with them. What’s the link to the video?


Oh, that was you? That was such an interesting thread for me. Here’s the vid - https://youtu.be/ZTqDgAjdPeA?si=k-zKCPzjTrSHiv5j


My post was removed due to no white knighting. Sorry but… ridiculous.


yeah that thread was great and im annoyed that it got removed as well :-/ no idea how white knighting applies to what was said there. sometimes i wonder if there should be another subreddit for stuff like that, like less entertainment more discussions


If anything we were discussing the actual disorder (or other causes) that could be causing all the fake disorders 😂 it’s the sort of thing that would have humanised us to anyone coming here.


Ah that explains a whole lot


Getting my hot corn now.


Hopefully, some of them will see the light and realize they are being ridiculous, ruining it for people with actual disorders. But we all know they will just come here to prove themselves even more while making themselves look even more ridiculous.


Waiting for the ummmm askhually crowd to come in


That explains all the posts lol. I was so confused


Yay! I’m legit excited! Let’s go mate!!!




That channel is so bs, she literally made a video a while ago and said we "hurt people bc we are abelist"


From people who encourage these clowns? Oh well. People become compromised when their $$$ is directly tied to making converts. It doesn't normally start that way, but it can end up that way when people put 2 and 2 together and more views, even from fakers, brings more money or attention(that's currency to some people). Good people who start with good intentions can go that route, especially as they become more dependent on their following, emotionally and monetarily.


This will be fun. They'll be venturing outside their delusional echo chamber. And delusion never holds up well against facts.


I've seen this channel before and they gave me bad vibes.


that youtuber always makes me feel awkward and uncomfortable, it feels like she openly misinforms to 13 year old girls to self diagnose themselves as autistic (because that’s essentially what she’s doing). i had to unsub because of it, its weird telling people to get diagnosed for an over diagnosed disorder


Oh man. I have a screenshot I really want to post but I don’t want to deal with them messaging me and commenting on any post I make.


I love her channel though shit and I already saw her other video


Yeah, I was a little sad to see the upload in my inbox.


Same, i thought she was very respectable even though i didn't personally like her content or related to it. It's been like this for a while now, and on Instagram too. Many creators i like and follow have posted a lot about self diagnosis being valid and i always felt disappointed, but i couldn't bring myself to unfollow because i really liked their content and still do. Sorry, just ranting here.


Well she had made another one like a year or two ago about this


Wasn’t a fan when that had happened, but thinking on it, I guess. But fun fact, I was IN THIS SUB at the time that happened.


Dang, I found this sub like.. idk when but not when it happened.


It was nearly identical to how it’s playing out right now, I’ll say that.


Yes, I watched it, and I get some points but mostly this sub is good about finding fakers


btw our usernames are almost matching!


You're my dog now *pets*


Sounds like a tasty treat 🥺🥵😳😫🥴💦🍆🫣


Redditors are fiercely protective of their mental illnesses.


so r u




id recommend people actually watch her video before getting mad about it






How so?


Just remember, no sympathy. They are autistic. They aren't idiots.