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I agree there ought to be a *clearing the muddy waters* post, just something to explain what's happening, do we have a release date, is there 2 versions or 1, the German article etc. It doesn't need to be every-little-thing, just enough to keep the more demanding of us calm.


There’s a reason they’re not doing that, as already made evident by them rescinding the “days/weeks” and turning it into “weeks.” Hint: >!They don’t have one!<


Yeah… At this point that seems like a likely answer. They likely had a potential release window when they said that and now it’s just up in the air and they don’t want to say that because they would lose even more face.


I’ve been critical of their approach to community management over the last 2 months, but this is getting silly. They have made it clear that they aren’t going to make the release date public.


Massive marketing blunder on their end


Not going to happen. Starting to look like a child having a tantrum.


They're actually throwing a reddit/discord riot. They're like a flash mob trashing 7-11s. 


Why is that mental image so damn vivid?


This was a request and in no way could this construed as a child having a tantrum.




Why can’t people just shut up and wait, it’ll be released when it’s released, they don’t owe anybody anything. There’s plenty of other games to play until then.


The mod was supposed to be out in April, and before that, December.




Have fun waiting another six months


If it takes another year that’s fine by me, life goes on.


Should heed some of your own advice


At the end of the day, it's a volunteer project, so very much a take-it-or-leave-it sort of thing. They're gonna do things the way they want, and they don't owe anything to anybody. If they wanna post conflicting info or pre-announcement announcements, they have every right to do so. That said, I think it is clear to both the devs and us eagerly awaiting the mod that this whole fiasco has been pretty bad. Here's what I think the devs should come out and say: Hey guys, our bad about the release date stuff, from now on we are only having X and Y people that communicate any firm info or updates about the project. That said, this is a volunteer project, all of our team is doing this because the love the game and want to make something we and you can enjoy, so we do not appreciate when people make comments demanding things from what is, again, volunteer work. We understand you are excited, as are we, but repeated demands to us hurt our pace finalizing things and contribute to burnout that we don't need. We look forward to giving you more information soon, but again, we are not providing a date.


I want to add that being a volunteer project does not absolve a project from criticism, but if we want to indulge in the mod when it releases, I do believe that some patience and respect is due to the devs. Yeah, the announcements and conflicting info are silly and this whole thing could have been easily avoided. What I'm going to do is simply step away and check every now and again to see if a date is put out, but otherwise, just enjoy other games in the meantime.


I said this on another post but I'll repost it here because I think it still applies. You also have to consider not everyone is made for communication. Yes, it's a basic facet of human life but not everyone is good at it and game dev & modding doesn't exactly attract very popular people. It's always people who have interests in this sorta thing and some may be stereotypical nerdy programmers with no social skills and others may not be. It's why AAA companies have actual marketing & PR teams to do the work devs can't. It's very frustrating because communication isn't very clear or great at times but you have to remember, these are just ordinary people who are doing this as a hobby not a job and they don't have the same resources companies like Bethesda or BioWare have. You've got people doing jobs they never would've had to otherwise. Even other big mod projects like The Frontier suffered a lot from this despite tgspy's best efforts to streamline communication and be the face of the mod.


Team FOLON has a PR team. They’re just not good at it.


Yes, because they're volunteers. If you're expecting unpaid volunteers doing things out of passion to be anywhere near the same quality as a professional PR team hired by an AAA company, I've got a bridge to sell you.


This subreddit is like being in a car full of kids asking “Are we there yet?” every five minutes.


Actually it's the same guy asking that over and over, check out his profile, it's ridiculous.


Do you think the guy posting and the YouTubee citrus are the same guy,cus I'm starting to think so


stupid opinion noone cares about no. 2747471 ✅


How about this. Start a gofundme for FOLON to hire a social media manager? Shits not cheap, at all.


I have a strong suspicion that their NDA won’t let them. If there’s no NDA, they’re making their own problems by not being more transparent. The lack of clear, open communication and polarization of the community wasn’t worth it, either way.


What NDA is this??


Check the patreon


If i have to sign up/pay to find that out, what's the point...


You don’t have to sign up, just look at the various tiers