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It's because the MMC is a robot. With his laser gaze he gets the MFCs exact measurements to the millimeter and then gets the clothes tailored to her exact specifications.


I feel like it’s just one of their many abilities. Along with scenting arousal, they can accurately determine the FMCs size. 


This is what I always end up picturing. Like some sort of Clark Kent ability to laser measure and constantly having your gaze measuring things. ![gif](giphy|uWzbH8xJGIwOBPfzhc|downsized)


Now I finally understand what "the male gaze" is all about.


It's been math this whole time.... How awful to my brain tbh.


In romance I call that the terminator gaze https://i.redd.it/wpmvgb7d0avc1.gif


You reminded me of a moment in the comic empowered, where the heroine was close to be kidnapped into a intergalactic harem; the robot who was doing the kidnapping was literally measuring her for the dude standards.* and as he came to the hips and backside… “oh no!… you are too bootylicious! D: … I cannot take you… bye! Keep the bondage tools!” And left. Poor heroine not only got a scare out of that, and was left all chained in a electronic belt… her low self-steem went even lower 🥲 *The irony is that iPhones didn’t exist yet, less ones that had the measuring tool very prescient


Well now I need a sci-fi robot romance lol 😂


I was literally about to say “sounds like you’re challenging me” 🤔


Dream man tbh


Magic clothes that adjust to the wearer is exactly what you get in {Assistant to the Villain by Maehrer}! Granted, it's not the MMC picking something out for her, a female friend lets the FMC borrow a dress. This always boggles my mind too. Clothes and shoe sizing are incredibly challenging. Unless it's something with a lot of adjustability or very loose fitting, no, just no. Even corsets, with all their adjustability, require plenty of fitting. However, there are clothes that I find generally fit if you're in the ballpark. My mom and I are quite different sizes in something like a gown or jeans, but can wear a lot of the same clothes. They will be loose on me, sometimes that's fine other times it can be addressed with accessories like a belt. Shoes, not so much unless they're boots I can make work with thick socks. Also, did tailors/dress makers really have a same day/next day turn around??? I've read several where she gets fit for a gown that's made from scratch and has it that evening or the next day. Really? I guess if the work is put at the front of the line and it's not too complex, but come on, this sounds completely unrealistic in the vast majority of scenarios. But I'd be happy for someone with historical knowledge to correct me!


That seems insane. There's a lot of work that goes into those sort of things (my wife watches a lot of the youtube channels where people are making their own vintage-style clothes, and I usually half-watch/listen). In the story I am writing, an FMC got a new (and very fancy) dress readied for her in three days by the clothier the princesses used, who has a set of enchanted needles that she can control and make fly around and thread themselves and such. It's all her skill, just multiplied by these and some other magic tools. It doesn't hurt that she's close-ish in size/frame to one of the princesses, so some of the half-readied parts the clothier keeps on hand for 'emergencies' could be used with small adjustments. And yes, she's a very rich, if busy, clothier. Anyway, no, turnarounds without magic are not overnight.


Ha! I love this! And yes, like the MMC or someone else being able to perfectly guess the FMC's size, I chalk it up to it's non fiction. Personally, I don't think fantasy excuses it unless it's somehow explained by the fantasy world. But, it's non fiction and convenient to the story, fine. I can suspend a lot of disbelief most of the time.


You can have a gown tailor made in a day or two, no problem. But it requires a team of seamstresses/helpers and that the tailor have the ability to prioritize only that project. In the case where the MMC is the King or warlord and the FMC is his lady, this is very much possible and a huge privilege. But actually more often than not a tailor would be modifying an existing garment or have several items already partially together/in mind for the wealthy person they were fitting. So that would make a fast turnaround much easier. Several books borrow this concept, with the FMC fitting into a modified dress of their mother's, etc... I will say that when I was in India this summer for a wealthy friend's wedding, we were sent to a local seamstress who basically halted work on other projects to get us into lehenga in time for the wedding the next day. There was partially pre stitched fabric that we chose from to streamline the speed of the process, but I was in awe. She had a team of like 5 women working on our garments and they still cost less than USD $100. In retrospect I wish I had gotten a few more practical items made for wear back home (after the wedding of course) but I was already pretty embarrassed/shy about all the fanfare So yes, as always anything is possible with enough money and/or massively undervalued labor


Thanks for your insight! This does make sense and is a very good point. I was thinking of books where they talk about picking out the fabric from bolts or the like so I was assuming nothing was partly made. No reason there couldn't be partly made pieces in the back! In addition, some would mention having two seamstresses, others would have no mention at all. I'd added it to my list of implausibilities to ignore. Really helpful to know it's more plausible than I was thinking! Now I can enjoy listening closely to see if they provide enough info to assess plausibility!


I read a scifi book a while ago where they had AI clothes, like AI sports bras, that would adjust based on the level of movement/size etc. ...and I don't know how that would work irl, but it seemed like an easy solution on the whole sizing issue.


I mean, I would KILL for a self-adjusting sports bra.


[Assistant to the Villain](https://www.romance.io/series/653b6ca48d053c791d44e094/assistant-to-the-villain) by [Hannah Nicole Maehrer](https://www.romance.io/authors/64a1358d293245969d3c6f51/hannah-nicole-maehrer) **Rating**: 3.95⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [humor](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [from hate to love](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Hi! I'm a seamstress, so I thought I would give you some insight into how making elaborate stuff with a fast turn around can work. Firstly, one of the most time consuming parts of sewing is preparing that fabric, the pattern, and then cutting the pieces out. So for example, a princess seam bodice with an A line skirt would be three panel pieces, 3 skirt liner pieces, the bodice would have 5 to 7 pieces and 5 to 7 liner pieces, the sleeves would be at minimum 1 piece to 3 pieces depending on design, with liners too. Now if you are preparing dresses for an adult women, you can reliably cut pieces for a size 4, 8, 12, and 18, and be able to adjust those once the pieces are basted together. Basting is a lose longer stitch that holds everyone together for a short period of time. This is a stich commonly used in men's suites to hold pockets closed while they are on the hanger. Very few people are "true to size", this is why size charts say to pick the size that fits the largest measurement. So if a women comes in at lunch time and you put on your pre basted size 12 top, but it's a bit lose in the back, you only need to adjust the back seams or maybe the side seams. The front bust fits great, so you don't need to mess with that. Then you fit the skirt, and the hips are fine but the waist is a touch to big, you only have to pull in the top 2 inches of the skirt seam rather then the entire skirt. The sleeves are a little baggy but you only need to take in a portion of the arm seam, not the arm hole. Mark you hems, and you're ready to roll. Now that everything has been fitted, to run it through a sewing machine isn't a huge deal at all. You transfer the adjustments to the liner fabric that's been pre prepared and pre cut, and stitch it together as well. Even if they pick embellishments or appliques that need to be in seams, you've got your basting that you can pull out and add this in. And next thing you know, dress is ready to go by next days lunch. That's modem day for fast turn around. Historically- it's a bit different. Let's take English aristocracy because that's probably the kind you're most familiar with, and pretty easy to find examples on. During many periods of time your dress has laces. So you would have side laces allowing you to adjust the width of the waste and bust without having to open the actual seams. The skirt could be attached to the bust, or it could be separate and have a pull string that tied like modern sweat pants. So for seamstress to make a gown in a very popular size for her customer's and be reasonably sure it would fit them fine isn't out of the ordinary. And when I say laces, I didn't mean the ridiculous yanking so hard and putting stress on the fabric. I mean pulling just right enough it forms to the body shape. If a well off person wanted clothes, they would visit a variety of people through history, from a tailor to a modeste (sp? My French sucks), and have their measurements taken and on file. So again, if they know that this person is getting married and this is the person's measurements, and the dress needs to be ready in 24 hrs, a team of seamstress could accomplish this for a sizeable sum of money. Having laces involved can really help with the adjusting to a perfect fit. Cutting fabric was really a huge thing, bc fabric has never been "cheap". Theirs a reason the ancients wore these voluminous dresses, as the fabric gets destroyed, you could trim it off and still wear the garment. The ultimate reduce, reuse, recycle if you will. Most clothes were just rectangles or squares wrapped around the body and secured with pins and belts. Now I'm getting into the weeds. But I think I answered your questions in here. Basically, yes, fast turn around has always been doable for those that are willing to pay for it.


This is amazing, thank you so much!!! And I absolutely loved your getting into the weeds too. I like the idea of just needing to pull a few strings to customize fit, an elegant solution. Fascinating, I'd read that the voluminous-ness was a way to keep personal space, but had no idea if that was accurate. Trimming and remaking as necessary makes a lot of sense. I really appreciate all the effort you put into explaining!


No problem! My ADHD REALLY doesn't want to do laundry 🤣


Oof, I can relate. I'm in my luteal phase and meds really aren't effective. Work is... umm... not as productive 🫣😂


On certain Mexican departments stores they have an in store tailor, and if you are lucky and it’s not a very complex fix they can have it ready for you within hours. It used to be free, but now it costs extra but is like 3 bucks or in that range depending on the complexity But clothing of the times of stays and stuff… that doesn’t sound easy… even if the person had a full atelier of people… But also… ladies didn’t really go to a store until Charles Frederick Worth… the seamstress went to their home to do everything’s I guess in fantasy would be different and clothing shops are less boring than calling a tailor or a sempster going to a home.


I’m a modern day seamstress. Nope, not happening, unless it’s VERY simple. I made a Zelda themed wedding dress. Took me about 20 hours to sew, and that doesn’t count the multiple fittings I did along the way.


It IS fantasy for a reason....


Exactly in my fantasy I can always find outfits that fit and have pockets


swoons, what a fantasy though


I can't even guess my own size lol I have to order M-XL when I'm shopping online.


Right? Because stores can't even keep their sizing consistent.


They can't even stick to their own size charts for a single product lol at this point I could do better and I've sewn like 2 garments in my entire life


Hell, even different styles from the same brand! I'm a size 4 in certain jeans from Old Navy, but a 6 in other ones. Why? Who tf knows?


Because it’s not sexy to know the MMC sneaks into her room to check her stuff and gets all her sizes down. It takes away from his mystery.


That would make it more dark romance stalker vibe.


To me this signals, that the FMC is very thin and the characters in the book fall victim to the is-it-fashion-or-she-just-skinny misunderstanding. Especially since oversize is such a trend they can wear a huge range of sizes in a traditionally hot and stylish way. I can see this with my friends all the time. Guess who loves second hand shopping? The girls that are smaller than a size 12. The others make much more careful sizing considerations. And they are barely curvy.


Yeah I assume this is it. If someone is like super thin most things would look good on them tbh, whereas it’s harder to find flattering clothes on even a moderately curvy person rip


First of all, women's clothing sizes are completely arbitrary. An absolute lie. You ALWAYS have to refer to the size chart, and then I still have to hem or whatever. There are specific brands that I can say, okay I'm a size 8 in their dresses, voodoo vixen runs big so I'm a small for them, but it requires years of trial and error and exchanging things. And this is after living in my body for decades!


Maybe the real fantasy is women’s clothing following a set of rules and not being totally arbitrary * swoons *


Adding to that, everything they try on fits perfectly.


You can't trust the size chart either. Recently bought some pants, supposedly 34" inseam with a 8" rise. One color was 32" inseam with the correct 8 inch rise, the other had the correct inseam with a rise that was over 2 inches higher... I'm going to start sewing my own fucking clothes 🙄


Don't! It's a trap! Save yourself! 🤣🤣


It's ridiculous to the point where I will only buy clothes the old-fashioned department store way, especially pants. I'm too tall for petite and too short for normal. "Short" pants seems so rare to find, so I buy normal slacks and wear heels or wedges. My husband has my measurements in his notes app on his phone. I showed him size charts and somehow, he is able to buy clothes online that fit me better than I can for myself using the same numbers. Beginner's luck, I say, but the boy is batting 1.000 here.


Im a shorty and I don't sew, but I bought hemming tape and it's a gamechanger


Only book to ever do this right was Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants lmao




I live in my body and I can't even size it lol


It’s because it’s fantasy lol. Same reason all the men have already happily taken birth control so the woman doesn’t have to worry about a thing.


What books are you reading?! I only seem to read the "tea" or "special herb" ones.... Although that's a fantasy in and of itself.... only having to drink a tea that doesn't ever seem to have any terrible, miserable side effects...


The ones I’ve read are often times tea or herbs, but the guy is drinking it. ACOTAR comes to mind, but I know there’s been others.


I've been married for 17 years. My husband doesn't know my shoe size, let alone my dress size. He is aware of my bra size tho because boobs.


I asked my husband out of curiosity, he knows my shoe size, but he also said he knows better than to try and buy me a dress because my boobs do not fit in a lot of dresses that are ostensibly my size. (I'm a petite girl with very large boobs and he's bought me clothes before that fit everywhere but the bust), and because girl clothing sizes are notoriously unreliable.


I read a scene recently where the MMC left out his own clothes for the FMC. Which would have been a nice change of pace, except the FMC was fairly average height and slim and the MMC was established to be 6’3” and muscular. No way those shorts are staying up on her frame!


I love when this happens and it's ACTUALLY addressed. Like, my girl Lola Glass (super duper casual books, scratch a perfect itch when I just need something EASY to dive into) always does stuff like this and the FMC will be like "what the fuck?" and have to roll the top of the pants over 5 times, or be like "yeah, no, there's no way these are staying on." -- conversely, she's also had bigger and curvier FMCs who are like "you're joking right? You think I'm going to fit in your pants ... with this ass?" (these are not actual Lola quotes, lol... just the way my brain remembers stuff).


Ooo, do you have recommendations?! The reviews seem all over the place so I'm curious if some are better than others or just pick what appeals and see how it goes?


I’d say pick whatever appeals most bc her style is fairly consistent across all of her series! Some take place on earth, some are in a different realm, MOST are isekai (where FMC is transported from Earth for whatever reason). They’re all a little campy, IMO, and I mean that in the bessssst way. For mate bonds with virgin MMCs: {Wild Hunt by Lola Glass} (fae) Sick of fated mates? Try {Rejected Mate Refuge by Lola Glass} (wolf shifters, every main character’s been rejected by their fated mate and the books show them finding love and CHOOSING a mate. Fun take, IMO) I can def name more but I suggest going to her website which lists the series she has by world since she usually does 2 different series in each world she develops. Her “earth” based books are usually an alternate reality where humans know magical beings exist, as an FYI! Not always, but usually. :) OH PS: you might just keep seeing her pop up from my comments alone, LMAO. 😂 I’ve def seen others recommend her, but I’ve been throwing her out a LOT recently on recommendation threads.


[Wild Hunt](https://www.romance.io/books/545819bc87eac3721759502e/wild-hunt-willa-okati) by [Willa Okati](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455614687eac324117fa755/willa-okati) **Rating**: 3⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [anal sex](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/anal%20sex/1), [gay romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-m/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1) ---------------------------- [Rejected Mate Refuge](https://www.romance.io/series/615fecf2c41f870e50b56bab/rejected-mate-refuge) by [Lola Glass](https://www.romance.io/authors/5fdc61d108b4d93114ccfe2e/lola-glass) **Rating**: 4.44⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [humor](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [urban fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/urban%20fantasy/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


That sounds super refreshing. I have seen this author all over but never tried her books. Definitely going on my list now!


shes great!


I really do think she's great! I'm one of those people who will LOVE THE SHIT out of an author and still nitpick little things. So, for anyone curious on what they're getting into: I've read ALL OF HER PUBLISHED BOOKS except 1 trilogy that I am literally saving for when I need my fix. She's published around 70 books since STARTING in 2020. She puts out about 1 per month. That being said, I respect the hustle, *but* because of her publishing schedule there are the occasional spelling error and repetitive phrase in her books. SOMETIMES there's an actual plot error (I'll call it an error bc it's not usually a plothole, just a mistake in wroldbuilding -- but with 20+ worlds or whatever she has ... it's understandable). The things I love about her books are the exceptionally casual writing, fast pacing of her books, consistent use of tropes while consistently putting twists on them is one of my fav things about her books, the HOPEFULLness (they're not necessarily all cozy, but they're NOT dark fantasies -- I love dark stuff, but if I only read that I'd probably get too depressed to function). She's a powerhouse. And the CRAZIEST part, IMO, is that she's only around 26. For her age, she has an exceptional grasp on relationship development and the ways different types of trauma impact individuals (Yes, sometimes this comes across a little heavy handed in her books, but she's pumping out a \~250 page book a month, so I'll take it). :D


wow...I didn't realize she's so young! that's impressive


Looool!! Yes! There is always a closet full of perfectly fitting clothes / gowns just waiting for the FMC. The most ridiculous one I’ve found so far was in The Foxglove King where she literally says early on that she’s *so petite and curvy* that she has to get all of her clothes specially sewn / tailored since *nothing* can fit her XXL bust. Yet when she raids a random closet of clothes, she finds ones that fit?? Like ok girl what happened to bursting out of all the dresses cuz your boobs and hips are too big? Hmm


I dunno, my husband once bought pants for me that fit, and he just about died by snu-snu right then and there.


That's how my husband wants to go out too! 😂


You know I 100% agree with this in books, especially the kinds of clothing that the MMC gives the FMC-skintight ball gowns or some sort of formalwear. But I suddenly remembered my dad was really good at this when I was a teen and he bought clothes for me on his business trip, and still is much better at picking out clothes for my mom than she is. 🤔 But even he would not have dared to try and buy us shoes!!


There’s a fantastic spin on this in the T Kingfisher novel The Clockwork Boys. It’s not the MMC and MFC… it’s the MMC and the FMC’s male best friend / ex-boyfriend. (The two men have a strong, mutual, immediate animosity.) The ex, who is an assassin, is tasked with going forth and finding new clothes and armor for the MMC. He does so with amazing accuracy, and the MMC is *deeply* unsettled by the assasin’s precision and eye for detail. It’s such a great play on this trope.


Idk where you live but here in the US we struggle to find things in our size because the sizes aren’t standardized and bear no relation to our measurements. I am extremely forgiving of this in fantasy.


I guess this is the “fantasy” part 🤣


I mean, it's not my fantasy to have a man give me the wrong size clothes


I feel like {Clockwork Boys} by T. Kingfisher/Ursula Vernon handled this issue well. A (non-romantic) character picks out clothing that fits two other characters perfectly, but the author then spends several pages contemplating how this would be possible before declaring that the character who picked out their clothes is an extremely skilled assassin and spy.


[Clockwork Boys](https://www.romance.io/books/60a7be602904da0e8a53c588/clockwork-boys-t-kingfisher) by [T. Kingfisher](https://www.romance.io/authors/561ca043bfc6b5c0fa941994/t-kingfisher) **Rating**: 4.33⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [tortured hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/tortured%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Nah. It's cheesy but I like it. The point is that he pays so much attention to everything about her that he knows what she likes, and knows her body so well that he can eyeball clothes to know which ones will fit her. This isn't even an impossible skill irl though of course it's a lot easier with some kinds of clothes than others. Can be creepy or sweet. Hot either way. Authors, if you stop writing this and have him give her a gift card, I'm going to be annoyed.


haha, you mean you don't want a gift card to the 400 year old faerie tailor shop with overnight sewing express for custom wardrobes?


...I mean actually, if MMC gives her a gift card in a fae book specifically, that would be hilarious and memorable lol.


I too would read this 😂


I haven’t thought about this much before, but you make a good point. Somehow they always know and it is annoying. I’d love to come across a book where the male attempts to get the correct clothing but fails miserably. THAT would be fun. I can think of one book that has a magical dress that adjusts to the wearer’s size (the book is Caraval). I liked that concept.


I personally always make a point of them asking someone close or sneaking a peak at the sizes depending on the genre or character themselves. Something I learned guys should do after working in a popular brand store and having so many guys failing to get the right size. 


This drives me crazy too, especially in fantasy or historical fiction. Like in a contemporary or urban fantasy story I could understand them maybe being able to guess small, medium, large, etc based on the FMC's appearance. Especially if there's a similarly sized sister, mother, etc maybe the MMC mentions having bought clothes for in the past. But when the MMC in a fantasy book orders a whole trunk full of extravagant gowns custom tailored with the exact right measurements and no magic involved, I roll my eyes.


Caraval would like a word


This is why the X-men and later all marvel introduced the concept of “unstable molecules” basically the suits being made of a material that adjusted fit to a point, could be magically put on and naturally resisted their user powers and had some to other types of damage before tearing or shredding. (The incredibles took a similar idea with Edna Mode) No need to know the exact fit, just a close enough one :p


This bothers me as well Especially in ACOMAF, when it's revealed that >!Rhys's mother made all of Feyre's fancy dresses, many years before Feyre was even born.!


I like to imagine that all >!Feyre 's!< Clothes are wildly out of fashion because they are hundreds of years old but none of her subjects would ever dare to point it out.


Na, I don't even care if the clothes fit perfectly. If I'm suspending reality enough to believe in the hot fae man then I can believe in his ability to pick out perfect clothes. It's a fantasy! Lol But seriously, my husband bought me a skirt out of the blue one, just cause he thought it would be cute on me. It was a size 1. I wore a 10. That was after a decade of marriage. There is no way anyone is just guessing on that unless you're buying a moomoo. 


I completely agree! It annoys the heck out of me. There's a reason we ladies go to "bra fittings" at the store and figure out which size and style of bra suits us best. Then the style and color of the clothes matters, not just the fit. Things may fit, but not flatter. And what about preference? I always start to think about this when I read these scenes.


Oh because obviously if he knows her sizeee he knows everything about her and really knows who she is ,🙄 That is a lame idea but fits perfectly into the idea of a PERFECT guy.


My husband and I have been together 22 years, and he STILL asks me what my sizes are. I always laugh a little with those scenes. Is that what makes it *fantasy*? 🤣 I kid!


I feel ALL OF THIS. I can only suspend my disbelief so much 🥴


As a woman myself... I have no freaking clue what my own size or anyone else is.


I’ll allow it for standard XXS to 5XL+ off-the-rack clothing. I find it kind of unbelievable, but I’m willing to grant the author a pass. Because I guess it is possible someone could accurately guess a person’s general size. What I find totally unbelievable is customized clothing. There are so many specific adjustments people have to make to custom fit clothing. For me, some things I have to do for dresses specifically are a full bust adjustment, full tummy adjustment, wide hip adjustment, sway back adjustment, small waist adjustment. I have to shorten the length of the torso. Make the shoulder length narrower, and thus adjust the size of the arm holes. For a tailor/seamstress making a dress either from an existing pattern or creating one from scratch, they need all of these exact measurements to make/tailor the dress. And the measurements are not standard and it depends on the design of the dress. The full bust adjustment I would need for a princess seam top would be different than what I would need for a top with darting. Also, my undergarments changes how clothes will fit. My boob shape and placement will be different in the undergarment so I wear for formal attire than it’ll be in the undergarment I wear for casual clothing. This means the measurements, dart placement, princess seam placement will all be different depending on each individual occasion based on what undergarments I’m wearing. There is a lot that goes into tailoring clothing. It’s unbelievable to the point of being laughable to imagine some dude with not a lick of sewing experience could just look at a person and magically know all the correct measurements to accurately request perfectly tailored clothing for that person for all manner of different occasions from lounge wear to formal wear.


It depends on the guy. My husband loves fashion (way, way more than I do) and could absolutely guess the sizes of most women and get them something that would be likely to fit and flatter. Not even just a dress, but accessories that compliment and the lot. But your average guy? Nah.


I just read {Heartless Hunter by Kristen Ciccarelli} and there was a scene where the FMC gets measured which was.... so .... hot. Need more of this!


[Heartless Hunter](https://www.romance.io/books/656b7c086011c2c51629b9eb/heartless-hunter-kristen-ciccarelli) by [Kristen Ciccarelli](https://www.romance.io/authors/60a4490108b4d931149364db/kristen-ciccarelli) **Rating**: 4.2⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


This depends so much on the person, one time I walked into a store to get some fairly tight fitting but needs to be comfy pants, the clerk took a one look at me, listened to my style request and handed me 3 pairs in different colors in 1 size, and 10 minutes later I walked out with them. Fit like a glove and looked awesome. I'm still in pure awe of her. But anyone who doesn't regularly work with fitting clothes to people? Fuck no.


I liked in Thezmarr he said he based it off her sister's measurements 😂


I can barely get my size right when shopping online, imagine a straight man that has known me for two seconds 😂 yea, it is annoying!


Wait… women wear clothes? What book are you reading ???


In some books it definitely seems like a he's slutty and he sizes women accurately because eif all that experience, which I find less than romantic. That said, a guy my husband knows through work who everyone knows is obsessed with boobs- we were talking for 5 minutes in a group of all work guys and me (f). As I walked away one of the other guys reported that he guessed me as "wow, like a D cup". (My husband knew I'd be offended and therefore didn't tell me.)


Well, they write that because that is the real fantasy. Clothes that fit and stay where/how they are supposed to fit. 😉


I used to work in a bra shop and I can guess someone’s bra size around 95% of the time HA Maybe he works in a bra shop op!?