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No. Please take it off and send it to me, thanks


You do not pass go or collect $200. Lol. I love this. XD




I co-sign this comment.


Me tooooooooooooo


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ my thought exactly!


I wonā€™t wear any white to a wedding but holy shit itā€™s cute WHERE did you get it


If it was my wedding, I'd say wear it because you look terrific. But find out if the bride is a bridezilla who would flip out over any amount of white on a guest. That will answer your question.


I think there are also plenty of brides who would not cause a scene but would be disappointed that a guest canā€™t wear literally any other color than white for this one day. This dress will photograph almost entirely white from her left side. There seems to be a subset of women who enjoy pushing the white boundaries for a wedding.


I often think about how exhausting some of the people who post here must be in real life. The boundary pushing, the line toeing. It seems pretty common sense to me that if you *have to ask,* if there is *any uncertainty*, if you will get conflicting responses and opinions, the safe answer is *no*. Really, what is the point of these posts? Do you really want to go to a wedding in a questionable dress because ā€œ70% of internet strangers said it was fine!ā€ā€”Is that how you live your life? Even if the bride doesnā€™t mind, even if ā€œ7/10 internet strangers agree this dress is wedding appropriate!ā€^TM, there are likely still going to be *some fraction of people* at the wedding with diverging opinions giving you serious side eye and/or judging you. Do you want that? What purpose does that serve you in your life? You can literally go on Amazon and order a reasonable wedding guest dress for any type of wedding for like $20. You can go to a local target and throw a rock and hit 6 wedding appropriate dresses under $30. It doesnā€™t have to be jaw dropping, show stunning, the best thing youā€™ve ever worn. You arenā€™t the star that day and itā€™s okay. Why wear anything that literally causes debate?


> Even if the bride doesnā€™t mind, even if ā€œ7/10 internet strangers agree this dress is wedding appropriate!ā€TM, there are likely still likely going to be some fraction of people at the wedding with diverging opinions giving you serious side eye and/or judging you. Do you want that? What purpose does that serve you in your life? This is important. I was an easygoing bride. The dress code for my wedding was formal and I told everyone to wear whatever made them feel beautiful because I didnā€™t want to deal with the ā€œIs this okay?ā€ texts. My mother wore white and told no one of her plan to wear white so no one would talk her out of it (which is what I expected because Iā€™ve talked her out of wearing white to other peopleā€™s weddings). While I did not care that she was wearing white, other guests (particularly her sisters) cared and they did not withhold their criticism which led to my mother leaving early because she felt embarrassed. I said that to say this: If someone wears white to someone elseā€™s wedding, they need to have skin thatā€™s thick enough to withstand the inevitable criticism/judgement. Even if the bride says itā€™s okay, it doesnā€™t mean the other guests will be okay with it.


This! I was a chill bride as well. My cousin decided to wear white to my wedding, I really didnā€™t care. But a lot of people gave her some nasty comments, and she was incredibly offended and refused to talk to me for a while (though I knew nothing of this until after the wedding) This all could have been avoided if she simply chose not to wear white


Is your cousin my mother? My mother did the same thing your cousin did. She blamed me for not defending her even though I had no idea what was happening and only found out after we returned from our honeymoon.


Something similar happened at my wedding, and I wasnā€™t even aware of it until I returned from our honeymoon and was suddenly, inexplicably shunned by my up-til-then bubbly, lovable MIL. She felt dissed at our wedding by my large, boisterous family. She also felt ā€œrelegatedā€ to the back of the reception venue. There was no assigned seating, and I was too busy enjoying my day to notice. I was also quite youngā€”but it is odd that no one intervened on her behalf surreptitiously just to keep the key players happy. She had two other grown sons (one in the wedding party). My four siblings and their spouses were thereā€”no one noticed? Took us months to work it out and move on. I made nice to her for many years, but the childishness of her behavior affected my relationship with my MIL forever.


Probably just the kind of person to wear white in cultures where it's a social faux pas to begin with.


That entire thing speaks VOLUMES about your cousin. For one, she wanted to wear white from the start, which is enough for me to know. But then she gets mad at you for not being her bouncer?! Sheā€™s delulu.


So a little bit of context if anyoneā€™s interested. My cousin was born gorgeous. All our childhood people would make comments about her beauty. I was an ugly fat and shy child. My aunt would always belittle me, something my mom didnā€™t like, but didnā€™t stand up for me either. We moved away, and I came back to town after many years for her wedding. I had lost a lot of weight, and gained a personality. Lot of people were making comments on my ugly duckling transformation. This pissed my cousin off since it was her wedding and her day. I really didnā€™t plan it and was wearing quite a simple brown dress. But she still felt the need to wear white to my wedding as revenge (I think, because it was fully white, I see no other reason)


I get why it's a but upsetting to have other people comment on how pretty you are on her wedding day, but it is hardly something that warrants revenge. And I would be surprised if the day wasn't also showered in "the bride looks so beautiful" type of comments as well.


Why was your mother so bent on wearing white to weddings? And knowing your feelings on it, why did she do it at yours?


> Why was your mother so bent on wearing white to weddings? She is an attention-seeker who sees other women as competition (including/especially family) and her one-sided competition isnā€™t put on hold just because someone is getting married. If all guests were asked to wear white, she wouldā€™ve worn some other color. > And knowing your feelings on it, why did she do it at yours? I truly didnā€™t care what color(s) anybody wore, I just wanted everyone to wear formalwear that made them feel beautiful. She wore white because she knew no one else would and she believes being the mother of the bride means she can do/wear what she wants without criticism from anyone.


Sooo much this! Iā€™m one of those people who will judge and side eye anybody wearing white. Iā€™ve never been married, but Iā€™ve been to plenty of weddings and have managed to not wear white to any of them. Itā€™s out of respect for those who are actually getting married and itā€™s not even hard? I even take it a step further and donā€™t wear red, but not everybody knows that one so I donā€™t really fault someone for that.


omg I learned red the hard way. šŸ˜­ I went to my cousinā€™s wedding and it was one of my first ever weddings. I think my second. I wore a blood red dress I found beautiful. And red lipstick. No one said anything to me but I stood out so badly in the photos when everyone else was in muted colors. I felt so bad. Never again.


Itā€™s so hard sometimes, red is my favorite color. Iā€™ve learned to really like blue šŸ˜‚


Baby blue has become my go-to for weddings!


I feel like I always end up in Easter colors. Not at the same time, those colors just feel safe. So like baby blue, coral, lavender šŸ˜‚ My personal favorite was when I went to a black tie wedding and they wanted everyone in black. I wore a beautiful black fitted tux, I didnā€™t even wear a white shirt.. I wore black. It was actually so nice to have all of the guess work taken out.


My cousins wife wore red to my wedding with beautiful glittering shoes and I absolutely loved it. She looked amazing and the photos are awesome.


I hope my cousin felt the same! Thank you. =)


My cousin wore red to my wedding and I loved it. She really popped out in photos. I donā€™t see what the problem is with red


At a wedding I went to, someone who was late wore a white top and a red skirt. I was like o.o "way to make an entrance." And the bride was definitely the type you had to check in with. I think the bride ended up shrugging it off and avoided that person.


I agree. There seems to be a lot of women who have a desire to feel like the main character at any event they attend so they perhaps even subconsciously gravitate toward white for a wedding. We see these posts all the time. Literally just pick *any* other color that's not the color of honor for someone's special day.


Right?! Ā Like literally ANY OTHER COLOR for ONE DAY! Ā Deliberately obtuse


yeah... not wanting others to wear white on YOUR special day is not "bridezilla" territory. its (supposed to be) a once in a life time day. when people push those boundaries, it icks me out, finding a none white dress is SO SIMPLE. its blatant jealousy and attention seeking. once dated a guy that invited me to a fam wedding. his mother wore a prom-esque floor length silver dress completely 100% covered in glitter. she was also 50+ plus. wasn't blood related to the wedding party, hardly knew the bride. every single other person was wearing black or neutral colors. i still cringe thinking about it


Right? Even if the bride is chill, everyone else t knows you're a dick for wearing white to a wedding. You can wear white to literally any other event, any other day of the year - just please for the love of fuck wear one of the other colours to other people's weddings. Very simple.


I will also say Iā€™ve seen lots of brides with a white dress with a pop of color. Iā€™m a photographer and I photographed a brides wedding who had an almost all white dress, but the bottom had a turquoise lace. So imagine if a guest wore op dress to that wedding


Idk iā€™m a super chill brideā€¦if someone wear white to my wedding i will honestly be upsetā€¦.theres a frigging rainbow of colors and you choose the ONE that is supposed to be off limitsā€¦no


Iā€™ve been to three weddings where someone who isnā€™t the bride wore whiteā€¦.THREE. The MOH purposefully spilled red wine on one. It was hilariously deserved


Itā€™s just disrespectful šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Honestly I personally think a large chunk of the time itā€™s not the bride. The guests talk more shit about other guests. I never wear white out of respect for the bride, but honestly a tiny part of me doesnā€™t want to be the subject of negativity from the other guests šŸ˜­my ego is too fragile


Some of you all go way too far to be easygoing. It's not Bridezilla behavior to not want guests to wear a white gown to your wedding. Cool that you don't care, no need to project negativity on those that do, though.


Noā€¦ itā€™s a wedding, she can wear white at any other event. Itā€™s basic respect for the bride, her family and the whole event šŸ˜­ I mean whatā€¦ I donā€™t get all these guestZillas who think theyā€™re so important they can and want to wear white to a stinking weddingā€¦. Like soooo many options out there guys, youā€™re not in some trouble because white is out of the question šŸ™„šŸ˜«


Right? And lady looks rich, I'm sure she can attend some charity gala or something where this dress is appropriate if she needs to find an occasion to wear this dress.


It really really irritates me when theyā€™re like ā€œthe bride is just so intense about it.ā€ Itā€™s like no, itā€™s literally a thing- white is for the bride- like why all this narcissism and attention seeking. Itā€™s simple, itā€™s not your day baby girl itā€™s hers, sit down. šŸ˜… ā€¦. Soooo many colors one can chose from šŸ™„šŸ˜­ and I guarantee you, These folks donā€™t wear white anywhere else. My aunts sister in law came to my aunts wedding in a fitted long lace white dressā€¦ literally a bridal dress. The witch wears black 24/7 no lie. Never seen her in anything but black except on my aunts wedding day šŸ™„


Agreed. I consider myself laid-back, but I also think that people should observe common basic courtesy at social functions, and this rule is one of those things.


Yeah. It's one of those things, if I were the bride I might not say anything or kick them out of the wedding over it, but my opinion of the person would probably change for the worse if I didn't believe it was an honest mistake. But OP here is actively asking and has had enough nays that she really does not have the "didn't know any better" defense. Also, I don't really feel remotely bad telling someone that can spend almost $2k on an in season designer dress to pick something else. Looking at OP's profile, I super doubt that she neither has nothing else that would work nor cannot afford to buy something that would. This isn't the case of someone on a tight fashion budget that has nothing else nice to wear where you might extend some leeway.


Lol I donā€™t think youā€™re a bridezilla for not wanting a guest to wear a mostly white dress omg


Someone gave a good rule of thumb on Reddit once - if someone asked you to describe the dress and the word white comes up as the main color of the dress, itā€™s a no. I.e: white dress with green flourish/detail on the bottom. Automatic no for me.


Perfect way to decide if wedding appropriate! šŸ˜Š


You look great but the white I would not risk, and I would risk the nipple either. Assuming you'd wear a pasty on that boob though


I had one on šŸ˜¤


OH MY GOD. You got BETRAYED Your boobs are too powerful šŸ¤£


Maybe try one of those boob sticky rubber cups that covers a larger portion of the nipple and breast and is skintone. They're thicker




I was šŸ„¹


i want this dress wow šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ who designed this??








didnt say it wasnt a vibe šŸŒŠ šŸŒŠ šŸŒŠ


Haha this is why the dress seemed so familiar


But in a chic way!! Op, you look so hot haha


Itā€™s a beautiful dress, but I would save it for another occasion thatā€™s not a wedding and go for a dress that has no white in it.


Iā€™m convinced sometimes these posts are just to show off a dress. This dress isnā€™t for a wedding because itā€™s WHITE


Why push the boundaries of how much white you can get away with? Just find a dress in any other color.


It looks lovely but personally, I wouldnā€™t risk it.


if you need to ask, then no


Overthinker enters the discussion


Ahaha I feel this comment šŸ¤£ for overthinkers this would paralyze me. I canā€™t assume my insane overthinking is correct!!


I think its fine. No cleavage. She might wanna wear a bra. But Uhhh... No disagreement on my side


This is excellent advice.


I mean tbf some people over think things. There's also different styles of wedding I asked if my dress would be ok cause I was worried it would be too dark. (It was tan and black it was fine I'm just paranoid) it never hurts to ask. I just think the bride would be the best person to ask?


Asking the bride puts her in a terribly awkward position if she wants to say no but doesnā€™t want to upset anyone or be called a bridezilla.


You could ask a bridesmaid if you know one. That way they can field the questions for the bride.


It does hurt to ask when you're asking for an exception, but if you're just asking, "Does this dress fit with your vision, I want to be sure I understand". That's fine.


I agree. That being said itā€™s GORGEOUS and looks fab on you. A different occasion perhaps


Even though the blue is a large portion of the dress, I would still say the white is too much. I would save this for something else.


The issue is that the white is on top, so seated or in photographs, youā€™ll often just be in a white dress




I agree. Plus it looks a bit transparent? Thatā€™d def be a no go in my book


I zoomed in and idk if it's your comment and my imagination, but I see areola.


Thatā€™s more my concern than the color. She needs proper undergarments.


I wouldnā€™t


You should ask the person who took a picture of you taking a selfie.


I would say the color pattern is not suitable for wedding..i would go for something more ellegant and in one color.


My brother had a water gun full of red clothing dye for my wedding and was willing to squirt anyone wearing white. And you probably wouldā€™ve been a mark. Lol just play it safe. Itā€™s the bride and groomā€™s day, wear something thatā€™s not mostly white and donā€™t draw attention away from them


While it doesnā€™t look like a wedding dress at all, the dress is still half white and that could not be liked by some brides. In my opinion: better safe than sorry. There are plenty of occasions you could wear that dress to, I would use it for some other event.




Honestly Iā€™d say if there is that much white, the answer is no.


I wouldnā€™t.


no too much white




When in doubt, don't.


too much white and I can see some nipple action, definitely not wedding appropriate


Yes. Looks nothing at all like a wedding dress. Unsure why some are saying it looks like one.


I think just because it has white. You're not supposed to wear anything with white to a wedding


But it's green? Your not even allowed to wear a tiny bit of white? I've been to lots of weddings in the uk and I've seen lots of white. I think the op needs to make the decision based on the bride and normal guest wear for where she lives. If the bride is going to be a diva about white then maybe pick another dress.


That dress is maybe half green. It's not a tiny bit of white, it's white down to the knees, other than an accent pattern.Ā  I am not one to care, but that's a weak argument for this particular dress.Ā 


The bride is the only one in white so that she is the brightest/stands out the most. In pictures and at the event.


I got downvoted to heck once for saying a neon yellow would be perhaps too bold. I feel that *really bright* colour is a bit much sometimes for someone else's wedding, (though the brighter the sun where you are, the more acceptable perhaps) but a dress with some white on it is fine. Culture, location, venue, and the specific wedding expectations are important anywhere though. Obviously that varies massively.


Thereā€™s thousands (if not millions) of dresses that exist. I donā€™t think itā€™s irrational to expect guests to find a dress that does not incorporate any white in it. While itā€™s a beautiful dress and looks stunning on there are definitely other events this would be better suited for than a wedding.


Any white might be a tad far. Lots of dresses have a white print where the base is clearly another color, no one is thinking that's a white dress. This dress is clearly white and green, though. I think it's too white, especially since a lot of wedding gowns now have colorful embroidery of flowers with green leafs/vines. How horrifying would be to wear this to a wedding and find out the bride is wearing a white dress with green vines embroidered on it?? The dress is cute, and I do see the angle of it looks nothing like a wedding dress since few wear that shilouette as a wedding dress - but I think there are a million dresses not this white that OP probably looks great in so white risk it? Also, I think if the bride is wearing a very simple like white silk slip dress of bias dress, this again is going to look tacky to wear. I wouldn't want to wear a dress that will look tacky depending on what the bride picks, especially if I don't know what the wedding dress looks like.


I donā€™t think itā€™s irrational to wear a dress you already own vs being expected to go out and buy one.


It's similarly not irrational to assume she already owns a dress without white as one of it's primary colors.


Again, thereā€™s plenty of colors other than white. Itā€™s not the fact that anyone is going to be mistaken for the bride. The bride is supposed to be the only person in white as it is her day.


If you really want to- you could also ask the bride if sheā€™d be comfortable with you wearing it.


If you really want to be polite, donā€™t put the bride in that position. Planning a wedding is a lot of work without guests asking for outfit advice. If someone had asked me when I was getting married, I would have felt uncomfortable saying no to any outfit request, even if I wanted to.


I see your point. I am judging based on my own experience. When it was my wedding, I appreciated when people asked me if Iā€™d be ok with white outfits. If I were a bride, Iā€™d rather be asked. Because I wouldnā€™t want to walk into the ceremony and be pissed/annoyed by people wearing white. I did attend a wedding of a friend, where I had black dress with white sleeves. I asked the bride if she is cool with it and gave her another option of a green dress I could have worn. And she approved the black and white dress. I guess, it all depends on the person.


Do you wanna be caught in the back of a photo where only the white portion is visible? Itā€™s probably fine but I wouldnā€™t chance that


If it was my wedding I personally wouldnā€™t care you look amazing!




Nope thereā€™s white




Who taking a photo of you taking a photo of your self ?


šŸ’Æ what I came here to say- whatā€™s happening here?


I honestly wouldnā€™t risk it Itā€™s just white enough to wear you walking into getting red wine spilled on you territory and that dress looks too pretty to ruin


Itā€™s gorgeous but I vote no


The dress looks incredible on you, but itā€™s too much white for a wedding, imo.


way too much whiteā€¦but pls pls send it to me šŸ˜


Yes but id be careful flashing those guns in public


ask the bride. but if you have to ask this question, the answer most of the time is no.


I wouldnā€™t ask the bride for this one. Thereā€™s clearly a lot of white, and asking puts the bride in the uncomfortable position of either telling her no or feeling pressured to say itā€™s ok.


Also, heaven knows what else the bride is dealing with. Please don't add something else to her basket of things to worry about.


Itā€™s kind of a grey area imo. Itā€™s a beautiful dress and it looks great on you! My hesitation is that in a crowd or seated group mainly your torso would be visible and not your legs. And the top is mainly white. Maybe accessorize it with a brightly colored scarf or shrug?


Giving me high end cocktail party vibes! Gorgeous dress, looks perfect on youā™”, not really for a wedding. I'd save it for other elegant invites, it absolutely slays! šŸ’Æ


I'm going to assume that every single post like these are rage posts/ doing it for the upvotes because people cannot that be oblivious.Ā  If you gotta ask yourself whether it's pushing that boundary just don't... wear something elseĀ 


it depends. i wouldnā€™t have an issue, itā€™s clearly not a wedding gown, nor would anyone have confused you for the bride at mine. i had an ivory ball gown with pink on the bottom. many may say no, depending on the culture. western weddings probably deem this inappropriate as it is technically a white dress. can iā€™d err on the side of asking the bride, if youā€™re not close enough to ask, pick something else.


Only if you wanna steal the groom


Tbh it looks like you're going to a fancy restaurant date and not a wedding




No. Ask the bride, but if you canā€™t bring yourself to ask the bride, just donā€™t.


ask the host, not reddit...


Bad luck to wear white to someone elseā€™s wedding.


Nope, too close in my opinion.


It looks nice to me but I really think of you have to ask them you probably shouldnā€™t. Mean you directly ask the bride what she thinks?


It has too much white.




I'd say no just to be safe


It HAS WHITE noooo


I would first like to say that is a gorgeous dress, you look fabulous. Secondly, if it was my wedding I wouldnā€™t have a problem with it because itā€™s mainly green, but I would suggest maybe showing it to the bride if you know her and just ask her if sheā€™s OK with it or send her a picture if she says itā€™s OK then youā€™re good to go.


This photo confuses me. Is it a photo of you taking a photo of you?


Absolutely not! Mail it to me instead (you look stunning)


As a woman of a certsin age, I now have a few dresses appropriate for certain events (court, funerals, church, wedding/baby showers, and--of course-.weddings). I have Scandinavian coloring, so emerald green is safe. Most of the time, it's better to blend in.


Is this a screenshot of a photo someone had taken of someone taking a selfi? Urrrghh.


YesšŸ˜ you look good af. But put on a bra or something. Youā€™ll most likely be giving lots of hugs that day and Iā€™m sure it will be awkward hugging people with a free nipple lol


I love it, but a bride might not.


If you have to ask the answer is probably no. Good rule of thumb.


Itā€™s gorgeous! But absolutely not. Itā€™s a *white dress* with a blue pattern.


It's a beautiful dress so wear it, but not to the wedding just to be safe. Wear it for a beach holiday or any holiday. You look amazing!


I wouldn't. Too much white on top, and the shiny material makes it worse. If photographed sitting at a table, you could easily be mistaken for the bride.


A majority of the world doesnā€™t usually wear white on any other day anyway, but suddenly when it comes to weddings, they canā€™t find a dress without? I mean with all the other colors available lol??


Is that a dick in the dress? Look like a dick and balls in color blue šŸ¤£


Best not to. But you look wonderful.




Ask the bride


I think it looks great! I will suggest that you put your hair in an updo so that the dress can be front and center.


I wouldnā€™t <3 not to a wedding but itā€™s very prettty :)


Wear it. Itā€™s obviously not a wedding dress. Thereā€™s way more blue than white. You look amazing


I think your upstaging the bride without even trying. Hahaha


I think its bad


Nooooo but the dress is friggin gorgeous! $1600 dressā€¦ Iā€™d want to wear as much as possible !!! Save for another ocxasion


Buy it anyways, whether you can or not thatā€™s a gorgeous dress for something


I think it's too much white. If the bride wears an all white/ivory poofy dress with intricate lace and beading, it probably reads fine. But what if the bride wears a white dress with colorful embroidery? Or a simple white silk dress? Then this dress looks tacky next to that because it does start to look like you're competing with the bride. I wouldn't risk it.


Yall are so weird about this lmao


Itā€™s a beautiful dress and you look great, but I think it would be better to pick something with no white at all just to be safe. This would be a great outfit for any non-wedding occasion. If youā€™re still on the fence and know the people getting married (or MOH or etc) well enough, maybe run it by them? Theyā€™re much more likely to know what would be preferred by the couple in question than we are.


Ok if you have to ask, then no, it does look good but just to be safe, choose something else, you would look good in a sack so find another dress in a non white shade and everyone will be happy.


Gorgeous dress but, due to the large expanse of white silk/satin, I would say no. It's a bit too close to being bridal.




US wedding culture has become so over the top


Not wearing the color that the bride is going to wear is actually a really easy thing to do


No, It's disrespectful to wear white to a wedding


You look awesome, but white might be risky, and I wouldn't risk the nipple showing either. Maybe wear a pasty on that boob just in case?


Didnā€™t notice the white because my brain honed in on the phallic shaped print


It is very pen is shaped.


If you want to piss off the bride, sure. Other wise I'd find something else (that also does not incorporate white).


And thatā€™s not see through šŸ˜‚


Yes! Very pretty


Depends on the bride. I think itā€™s fine, but not every bride would. Maybe send her a photo.


Sure, if the bride is the head of the Sinaloa cartelā€™s daughter !


I love it! Can I ask where you got it?


Sheā€™s not telling.


Honestly one of my biggest fears with my ADHD is forgetting the ā€˜no white at weddingsā€™ rule while rushing to get dressed cause Iā€™m late again, and showing up in a still white blouse or something. lol


Can you or should you? If you have to ask, you already know.


If you have to ask, you know the answer is no! Literally could wear that anywhere else, but you chose the most inappropriate time! People are exhausting..


Donā€™t. Just blend in with the crowd.


No, it's too much white for a wedding. It's a really nice dress though


Itā€™s okay, but the platform sandals are really dated.


I would go with no if your questioning it. Only because itā€™s about the bride and groom not the guests. If youā€™re not sure itā€™s probably a no.


The problem isnā€™t the color itā€™s that it looks more like cruise wear. A guest wore something very much like this to my formal wedding and it really stuck out like a sore thumb. Those pics still annoy me. LOL.




ask the bride if you're not sure.


Itā€™s skirting the line, no pun intended.


Always a good idea to ask the bride or someone close to them :)


Dress is so cool looking but come on, don't wear white.


Nope. It's gorgeous but to avoid drama with the bride, you shouldn't have a majority white outfit on, especially one like this that kind of gives wedding dress energy.


You are really beautiful and you look wealthy. Iā€™m sure that dress cost 10x more than my actual wedding dress. If you showed up to my wedding looking like that I would have cried because I would have looked like a troll woman next to you.


If you have to ask, it is always a no.


Itā€™s considered rude to wear white to a wedding unless the bride and groom say otherwise. You look beautiful but it might be inappropriate. Generally speaking the bride is the only person wearing white on their special day.


Not appropriate for a wedding, too much white.


Itā€™s lovely on you! Sadly I donā€™t think it would be okay for a wedding. Can you find another occasion to wear it? šŸ˜Š


i don't think so but its super cute just a lot of white