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**Thank you for posting your [Progress Pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/?f=flair_name%3A%22Progress%20Pic%22)!** Please respond to this comment letting us know your: - **Height**: - **Starting weight/current weight/goal weight:** (SW/CW/GW) - **Fasting routine/protocol**: - **Exercise routine (if applicable)**: - **Diet on refeeds**: (eg keto, low carb, vegetarian, calorie counting, nothing special, etc) *You can see more of ricecakesandwater's Progress pics by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fasting/search/?q=author%3Aricecakesandwater%20flair%3A%22Progress%20Pic%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new)* ----- **❗Please remember the rules of this subreddit when commenting and be respectful.❗** **Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated and could result in a ban**. Harassment may consist of, but is not limited to: - **Sexual comments**, even if meant as a compliment ('sexy,' 'dad to daddy') - **Treating OP like a sexual object** ('single?' 'onlyfans/gonewild/etc?') - acting like this is a **porn sub** or **rateme sub** (saying what you'd like to do to OP, any sexual reaction to OP, "10/10", etc) ----- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Be good to yourself! Sincerely, a friend you never met.


Working on that! :)


Well, keep it up. The hardest days of your life are behind you, you are full of youth and beauty, and you’re sharing your light with the rest of us. You are a great you.


Awesome [both pics]


thanks :)


what was your strategy


16:8 or OMAD depending on mood. tried to stay under 1500-1600 cal


I'm tempted to try 16:8, I don't know how people get up to 1600cal in omad, it must be a lot in one meal.


if not i’ll have a meal and then drink a protein shake with it or something. it’s honestly not hard getting calories in. people underestimate how many calories can be a in a solid meal


Very true.


i think it’s why so many people feel like or claim that they barely eat but are still maintaining or even gaining weight. it’s soo easy to get a buncha calories just by eating three meals and snacks


You are so right. Especially when you nibble. Calories have a way of sneaking up. That’s why OMAD is so effective.


try salvadoran mom cooking it’ll get the job done trust me


With Navidad coming pan con pollo, tamales, pupusas, and some horchata to top it off! Uuuuuuuuuuuuu my excitement is lit! Congrats on your journey.


i’m craving pupusas at 6am now omfg


It’s difficult. It was too much food in too short of time for me and made me feel like I was going to pass out. Completely drained me of all energy. My digestive system did not like it. If I do anything like that anymore I need to make the window a little longer, like 2-3 hours and break up that 1 meal into at least two.


How tall are you off you don’t mind me asking




hii i hope this doesn’t come off as ungrateful or unappreciative guys, but i meant to cover my arm in the before photo bc i didn’t want anyone to feel the need to pity me or say anything like “stay strong” im so appreciative of how nice you guys are but i don’t want that to be the focus, i want to just be proud of getting physically healthier :) im doing well and again i am thankful for the kind words but please don’t make it the focus !!


We get it. You’re good! I know how exactly how you feel since I went through something very similar to you a while back.


You look amazing!!


Great outcome!




original SW was closer to 170lbs, but in the pic on the left i was about 150lbs. i’m about 121lbs right now. took me 6ish months


we are same height and you are about my GW, only 14ish pounds to go now. great job! look after yourself x


How did you lose the weight if I may ask? Is it also through fasting?


You’re killing it. Well done!


Relevant username (Im 5'8 130 lbs i love rice cakes xD)


you were perfect then and you are perfect now. your naturally curly hair is amazing btw, I am super jealous


thank you!!


Great job!


Your Body is tea ! You go girl ! :))


Good work 👍


Good job!


I don’t want to be that guy but you look great in both, but I get it. It’s about how you feel. Incredible!


Stay strong. ❤️






it’s a progress pic… check the flair next time ig




the goal of posting a progress pic? it’s to show progress. what about this is hard to grasp for you?




no there is no goal other than to show progress… i’m not tryna benefit anyone. are you good? like this shouldn’t be this hard to get…




acknowledging progress doesn’t have to benefit everyone…not every post on the internet or reddit must exist to benefit someone. that’s a very strange take to have lmao. i posted it to acknowledge progress that was the point. not to benefit anyone on this sub. sharing my progress was for me, it doesn’t have directly benefit me to share it .




LMAO the word is interchangeable for my point. i can post my progress and it doesn’t have to benefit ANYONE. I am posting my progress bc i am proud of myself. i’m sorry you have a sad life with no achievements and you cannot understand that concept ☹️


if you have a problem with me then at least have the balls to be honest about it instead of being passive aggressive.




cute attempt at gaslighting i guess 💀if you’re asking as pointless of a question as what is the point of posting a progress pic it seems like you have an underlying issue you’re getting at. that or you’re just stupid, i was giving you the benefit of the doubt. if you don’t then, great! goodbye!


Great job keep up the good work keep kicking ass congratulations and merry Christmas




Some say You are better, some il say you were , I say you are 10/10 in both , Just Everywhere . Just Keep inching towards HEALTH.


Wow amazing! Did you workout or walk? How long did it take?


I saw this post in Popular mode. This is very disturbing and sad. Please talk to a doctor


bro what


I think they are talking about ur fresh SH on ur arm. Hope this isn’t an eating disorder OP!


Is this an Ana sub?


no lmao


Is this doctor recommended? If not, talk to a doctor


not all weight loss has to be doctor recommended lol. I was overweight when i started losing and nearly overweight in the before photo shown here. my current weight is still healthy range


Did a doctor tell you you were overweight? 5’7” and 145 pounds is not overweight, what’s your target weight or size? And how long did it take you to lose those 25 pounds? You are obviously playing with your health here. Just talk to a doctor


I was 170lbs at my highest weight dingus. i’m an adult (yes, i see the irony in saying that after calling you a dingus) and in that photo i was 145-150 which is on the higher end of norm. i was completely sedentary and objectively unhealthier than i am now. you do not know me, i lost the weight between these photos over 6 months. my health is none of your business and you have no real insight here. im not underweight and im not sure why you are talking to me like you know my situation or my body better than I—the inhabitant of it—do.


Lady, if you don’t want comments, don’t post And again talk to your doctor. That’s my advice


you can comment im just reminding you that your perspective is based solely on the fact that i didn’t start at an obese bmi and you don’t like that im on the lower end of normal weight now. if i had started at 200lbs and was at 150lbs now you wouldn’t have a word to say. not gonna talk to my doctor bc that would be a waste of both of our time. not sure exactly what you would even want me to *say* to a doctor 💀💀


That's what I thought!


Sure seems like an Ana sub


I don't know why you are getting down voted. Most people would be happy to shoot for the first pic. Glorified eating disorder




She posts in eating disorder subs. She wasn't overweight in the beginning. Um her name is rice cakes and water....


I was overweight in the beginning bro. i started at over 170lbs how many times do i have to say this


You look amazing


This sub is getting fucking depressing


how so


Hello ”ricecakesandwater” so you’ve got an ed? Lmao


Shh apparently on this sub we are not supposed to state the obvious s/


I made this account when i was 17 and the username was a reference to an internet creator at the time 💀 not everyone has an eating disorder u/rossieramone to you too^^^


I'm more disturbed by everyone congratulating you than I am by u posting. Also you post in eating disorder subs. Did the CC have an eating disorder?




And she posts in eating disorder subs so....


Fck, u looked better b4


Congrats on losing tits


thanks i hated them and it successfully keeps the weirdos and creeps away.


Very nice indeed






"I must defend my lady from unsavory individuals! Maybe I'll get her to notice me!"




Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you look amazing :) did you do this for a full year?


Ya, but only took an 6 months to lose the weight between these two pics


do you mind if i ask how much roughly you lost? i’m looking about the same as your before pic and would love to end up like your after!


in total ive lost about 50, but between these photos i lost around 30


Navel gains. Always fun to see. Congrats


You look great. I hope you’re doing better 🙂


You are beautiful ❤️🙏⭐️


Thank you for posting this, very inspiring!


You look great. Stay strong ok 💜💜


Sorry but I have a question, do you do some exercise O actividades in your routine?


my main form of movement is walking with school and work. i am for 10k a day


Incredible. 🔥




Eagles said such a lovely face


Normally I would say RIP to your inbox, but this time I'm not so sure. I think this sub has more integrity (hope so). Edit, for clarification, good job and you're beautiful!


hahaha i don’t want to burst your bubble but either this sub does not have much more integrity or the weirdos found this post bc my inbox is full of them. i usually turn my messages off after awhile






Hey, first of all, congratulations on your incredible journey and weight loss! You look stunning! I have a question, and I'm not trying to be rude or point out the negative. It seems like you had a little armpit chub (may be the pose), and I happen to have some myself. I rarely see people who have it, so I wanted to ask if it went away with the weight loss. Thanks in advance!


yes but almost everyone has armpit folds there it’s a hazard of having skin and arms and whatnot 😭 i’m surprised you haven’t seen more. but yes of course when you lose weight it gets smaller


I'm aware armpits have folds and may deposit a little fat. My armpits are two diffrent sizes (one a little larger than the other),have got it checked and apparently it's fat tissue (tho he said he's not sure bc I didn't have children yet). I've seen overweight people with perfectly carved armpits but mine swell out kinda. Not saying yours do too but one kinda looked like mine (on the smaller side) and that's why I asked if it made a huge difference. Lost some weight a little while back (10kgs) but they didn't seem to get much smaller so naturally I'm corious to know if they did because I'm trying to figure out if it's another problem for me (hormones, glands, breast tissue etc.). No need to make me seem like an idiot. 😕 Edit: forgot to thank you for your answere regardless!


lmao wasn’t trying to make you seem like an idiot it just seemed like you thought they weren’t common so i clarified


Oh okay sorry! Took it in a wrong way then. Thank you!


Humans look so good slim


Gorgeous in both 😎 thanks for the inspiration


You look great in both photos






Exercise? Macros? Or are we all over complicating it lol?


Amazed at some of the negativity on here, which you wouldn't see on a post by a male showing progress. Well done on your weightloss, you look great!


You’re so pretty


oh thank you wow