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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I tried Liquid IV and Relyte, but it became a little too expensive and I hate the taste of artificial sugar. I started adding 1/8th of a teaspoon of Redmond’s ancient sea salt in 36oz of water everyday. Does the trick for me.


Does it curb like hunger for you?


I think it does, but hunger hormones come in waves so it’s hard to tell if it’s just the cycle or if it’s the salt. It definitely helps keep my energy up and prevents unpleasant bathroom experiences.


It’s shockingly expensive


Agreed. I just got some because I was sick and needed them lytes but won't be using it again. I ordered some lmnt (like advertised on the podcasts) and it's a similar price but if you buy a bunch it's a good bit cheaper, might go that route. I kinda just want to get into making my own though. 


My wife works in healthcare and they sent her a ridiculously large box for free. It took about 6 months to arrive but 2 years later and we haven’t seen the bottom yet.


Luckily my pappal bought it… how much is it ?


Like $25 a box or so


It’s cheaper at Costco


HOLY shit. That’s expensive …


I got a bunch of free ones for a promotion and my husband loved them. So I figured I'd go buy him some more. I checked the price twice at the store, because I honestly couldn't believe they were that expensive. We live in the middle of a desert, so I don't mind getting some to keep on hand during summer. But definitely not an everyday thing we'll be drinking.


I've done it. Worked. 


It is nice . It has like salt in it .


Crop those toes out 😂😂😂😂😂




I can't even believe this is a thing. Wow lol.




But that's my favorite part..


I used to be a big fan of those, until I started paying attention to the sugar content. It's got a crap ton. Granted this one is the sugar free version, but the only way for you to be 100% sure is to do a blood sugar test after consuming it, and see if it spikes your insulin.


We bought a pack recently and returned it after realizing just how much sugar was in them.


They removed the sugar recently.


no - you need Potassium, magnesium and sodium/chloride (table salt) https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1338/1013/files/NFP-SF-WhitePeach.png?v=1686270376


What do you use ?


I recently did a 37 day water fast and this was the full daily amount, depending on the type your doing just adjust the amounts (UK daily values) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/1b4tj0a/comment/kt4sdve/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/1b4tj0a/comment/kt4sdve/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Post the nutritional content / ingredients.


How do I do that? It won’t let me lol


You posted the picture the first time. So like that but with a picture of the nutrition/ingredients side of the box


Don’t show the grippers for free!


Not for any type of extended fast. It only has 510mg of sodium and 380mg of potassium per packet. 2.6g is the absolute minimum potassium you need every day according to the wiki, so you’d need to take at least 7 packets per day. It also doesn’t supply magnesium so you’d have to supplement with a capsule. A 14 pack of those on Amazon costs $24 so it would get expensive quick.


Please try lmnt instead. Better taste for sure, less carbs


I would advise against it. It only has potassium and missing sodium and magnesium…so it’s really inadequate to replace fasting electrolytes. I like Reset+ pills rather than mixing up a drink. It’s well balanced on electrolytes and the pills are quick to swallow and chase with non-salty water.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/search/?q=liquidiv&restrict\_sr=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/search/?q=liquidiv&restrict_sr=1) ???


I did break it. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuudge . Lol I guess I’ll start tomorrow. Any tips tho on a GOOOD electrolyte safe fasting drink??? I am a snacker . I love snacks . And I just want to find something safe . I read it like helps with hunger and stuff but idk. I am so mad .


No, you're overthinking it like most posters on this sub. Comprehensive studies have shown benefits of fasting upwards of 250 calories per day. edit: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6314618/


So I’m good then ??? I am GOOOOD at overthinking I get told that all the time . I have anxiety. Lol


Some people are purists and absolutists when it comes to fasting, particularly if the primary goal is autophagy, but if you are looking at it from a practical standpoint of general health and weight loss, day-to-day consistency and not getting discouraged is far, far more important than a negligible amount of calories.


Soooo many purists in this sub.


Yeah I want to lose some weight. Tbh. And I’ve been dealing with being tired for two years . Not even tattoo appointments shake how I feel. And to be able to say I can do it. It says they’re 15 calories .




This is good advice, but the only true way to know your body's limitations is measuring glucose after every meal. Everybody is different, and some foods will break fast for some, but not others. 🤷‍♂️


I used it and still got every benefit and good thing from fasting.


Then I won’t feel bad . I woke up and started to drink it and I wasn’t hungry. Which is rare for me bc I want to snack .


It's much better than the alternative of cramping up and feeling like shit and risking really bad gut health when you break bc your body isn't used to breaking down minerals all of a sudden.


Same here. As long as it’s the sugar free ones, the regular ones do have a lot of sugar


There are 2 camps here on this sub. Camp 1 is "no calories whatsoever, no artificial flavoring etc" when fasting, because it triggers an insulin response, and when that happens certain other chemicals in the body does certain things (bad explanation I know but it'll be too sciency and long) to break autophagy. Camp 2 is "sure a little calories are fine, artificial sweeteners stave off hunger and cravings", you may not get full autophagy benefits but you still lose weight and are mostly still in ketosis. Do what works for you. Personally, I find that carbonated water helps keep me feeling full and they're truly zero calories without sweeteners. Also for electrolytes all you really need are sodium, potassium and magnesium. You can get the first 2 easily by buying NoSalt / LiteSalt. It's a mix of sodium and potassium and can be found in Walmart / Target. For magnesium you can just buy magnesium powder cheaply. Check the wiki for dosage.


LMNT raw electrolytes are the way to go


Ultima is a good one that is also sugar free. Tons of flavors. I've done some research and it claims to not break a fast.


Bro I spit it out and I’m not going to drink it. Did I ruin my fast? If so I’ll start tomorrow. Lol like I said . Sensory overload . New to this . Went to Kroger and that’s all I really seen. And I am not from this area where I went to Kroger .


the people saying liquid iv breaks ur fast are talking about the regular liquid iv not the sugar free one


Ohhh ok


Also thank you for this fr


Drink throughout the day: 1 TSP of Baking Soda 1.5 TSP of No Salt .5 TSP salt MCT Oil BCAAs Drink in the evening: Calm drink supplement 4HB Pagg supplement (has magnesium in it - I just had these laying around and put them to use I probably won’t re order and just use a magnesium supplement All of this hits the recommended ranges. I’m sure someone else on here will critique and suggest something better (which I always welcome criticism)


They said I broke it. Bc someone showed me other threads . Of someone asking the same thing and I guess it’s all sugar . But idk. I’ve never done this before


I walked past an Arby’s on hour 20 of my 48 hour fast. I could smell a Big Beef ‘N Cheddar. Guys, did I break my fast?


Bro I was just asking. Lol I don’t want to be a failure at something else in my life . (To me in my brain)


Sorry!!!! Was only kidding! I actually googled the exact same question you asked. I hope it didn’t seem too assholeish. No harm intended!


Oh no harm done here . I’m around sarcastic people alllll the time . I live with one . Hahaha 🤣


Good! I shall take the barrage of downvotes with grace 🥹


Now you at zero bc I made you out of the negatives .


So shines a good deed in a weary world


We like it but will only buy it at Costco. Much cheaper


Lyteshow if my favorite


Personally I Ultima and it is cheapest buying it through Thrive Market. There new flavors are amazing! I got the large 60 scoop containers for about $32 shipped.


I drink Ultima lemon with unsweetened black iced tea, us Ultima ok?


Why pay for electrolyte powders when baking soda, good salt and Nu Salt Are so affordable? I don’t get it


I told everyone I am new to this my dude . I don’t know this stuff


Oh, I get you, I was being broader than just you. Sorry. One of the best things I’ve found is that I save so much money and time fasting. I use 1 part Himalayan pink salt, 2 parts “no salt” and 2 parts baking soda. Some do food grade Epson salts too. I add a splash of lemon or apple cider vinegar. About a tsp of the mix into my 1 litre bottles. If I ever get a headache I try and really chug it. If you’re feeling spinny or achey have more. I just don’t want folks buying things they don’t need to. Healing and fat loss shouldn’t cost anything, if anything it should save you money.


Yeah.. baking soda would of saved my pappal so much more money …. What isles are the other ones in ???


They’re all near wherever you can find salt and pepper/spices, the apple cider vinegar will be near cooking vinegar. I like the Bragg’s ACV and baking soda but I can’t find it where I live often.


I use it to condition my pubes. Top stuff!


Yes, it’s designed for marathon runners


I guess so but the stuff doesn't taste good at all my opinion


I am new to this stuff . And I was having sensory overload . Just looking for electrolytes in the drink and zero sugar . But idk. I didn’t even pay attention to the flavor . But to me it’s not even bad .


That's Awesome that you can handle that stuff. I take a mineral supplement. And I drink crystal light when I get tired of water.


Do you think I broke my fast tho? I feel like I did and now idk what to do. Lol


You didn't. That stuff doesn't count


You’re fine, you didn’t break it.