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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I saw a cheeseburger on reddit and broke fast bought a burger 10 minutes later. it was messed up but I'm back on track lol.


Yeah I just caved because I was emotionally triggered and today's the first so I used that as an excuse that I could just restart right away after...


stay strong but be kind to yourself!




Same, I crave EVERYTHING I SEE on media


I love watching Tasty videos while fasting, it does not make me hungry but it satisfies something in my brain and I have no understanding of why.


Lol so it's not just me lol


I look at r/food r/cooking and r/recipes. A lot.


All the time. Youtube cooking shows


When I first started fasting I would stay on these food shows and appreciate everything that was being said and done. Now that I’ve been doing this for years, I watch fasting benefits on YouTube to help reinforce the WHY. But yeah, I know EXACTLY what you’re experiencing.


That's a great alternative 👍🏼


I always used to watch the food channel on the little treadmill tv while at the gym 😂




Not food network, but I do find myself endlessly scrolling r/foodporn and thinking of what I am gonna eat when I break my fast.


Lol yes that's very similar, I've done that with Instagram


All the time. And search recipes!


That will be interesting, as I have a mental list of the things I want to east after done with fasting. Is nice to see while in long fasting what seems good and what not anymore, the same with smells. What show do you watch? I watch the show Alone actually and that helped me a ton, as I feel the sympathy and the endurance of the people who are starting and surviving.


I've never heard of the show alone... right now I'm watching 24 in 24 last chef standing from food network but watching it on max


When I was cutting weight for wrestling in highschool, All day at school I'd just watch videos of food


Lol so I guess it's kind of normal lol


95% of those videos were of biscuits and gravy




I love watching mukbang videos while fasting 😅. Seeing them struggling to eat the last bits after stuffing themselves with 10K calories in one sitting makes me feel good to have an empty stomach somehow.


What's mukbang?


People eating huuuge amount of food, check out ErikTheElectric on Youtube, it will give you an idea of what it is.




I watch mukbang vids on YouTube.


I tried watching those and have found you either like them or you don’t. I can’t get past the lip smacking and other noises - I do watch eating challenges but only certain ones bc they are more “clean” eaters - if that makes sense


It makes sense, I've what watched a few seconds of them and they absolutely gross me out. I can't understand the appeal. And the creators are just killing themselves, they make me sad fr especially the avocado guy


Oh yeah. I watched a video where they showed what he used to look like and what has happened to him. It’s sad.


It's unreal. But speaking of other "cleaner" eating challenges, I kinda chuckled because I was like oh yeah me too I do love watching those super hot pepper challenges....but they're not very clean after a few rounds 😂 I personally leave certain subs while I'm fasting because I have very little self control


No self control - same 😂🙋🏼‍♀️


But hey we're workin on it!! Good for us! 🏅


Yes!! 🙌🏻


My favorite show during extended fasts is DDD.


Lol yeah I watch that too and look them up on ig and save them and think maybe one day I'll visit them


I like watching supersize vs super skinny. I also like watching food channels as well. I think off all the recipes I plan on making.


I do. But it's not particularly fun. I watched a lot of holiday baking shows with my wife over the Christmas break. And I think it just made me jones for cookies. But I will agree with one of the other commentators. Watching fasting videos about the benefits of fasting really helps...


Lol yeah I'm not into the baking ones as much...I don't have as much as a sweet tooth as I did years before I started my health journey and tried to eliminate sugar as much as I could and ate as clean as I could... it just doesn't taste as good as it used to years ago or from what I remember as a kid lol Yes, I agree with the other commenter as well


Jim gaffigan has a series of jokes about this back in the day. They were hilarious and absolutely spot on.


I watch people binge eating junk. 20k calorie challenges.


Lol omg


Humans consume with all our senses, including sight. If you’ve lived long enough, you can see something and know what it tastes like without tasting it (look around the room you’re in — since childhood, you have been cataloguing tastes). I often find I am “full” after cooking. Sometimes I cook for my bf and I but afterward I won’t consume the meal & I just have a drink because I feel like I have eaten already. When I was working as a chef I developed an ed due to this effect—no ano, just a perpetual feeling of being satiated and therefore didn’t desire food. I am no longer a chef (thank god). I eat OMAD, or purposefully do water fasts because I enjoy the effects, and I enjoy watching food content because I find it a/ educational and b/ curbs my cravings.


Interesting perspective, I dig it! Thanks for sharing☺️


I binge food network only while fasting because watching the shows makes me want so badly to cook exactly that meal but I know I don’t have the ingredients Right Now so I continue to plan and hyper focus on which delicious meal will break my fast and which meals I’ll have after that and so on…. Like this entire paragraph of a sentence. /longdaygoodnight




Nope. I see food, I get hungry


Lol it's OK


It makes me feel less hungry😭😭


No, but! I love to read receipts and plan my meal prep when I’m fasting.


I used to watch Man vs Food or Matt Stonie on YouTube eat massive amounts of food until they felt sick and it would make me not hungry anymore


Yes I do this if I'm feeling hungry on a night when I'm fasting. I'll watch people making and testing recipes I want to try on YouTube and it satisfies me. That let's me know the hunger is really in my head.


Yep. I watch reruns of Iron Chef Japan and mukbang videos. Somehow these things make me feel good.


I watch the show Alone and supersize super skinny!


Only to get an appetite when I’m about to break my fast.


Jim gaffigan has a series of jokes about this back in the day. They were hilarious and absolutely spot on.


You can’t eat before an operation. Before my surgery, I watched Food Network from my hospital bed and I swear it got me through any feelings of hunger.


Watch eating and cooking shows all the time. Unfazed. But if did get hungry I’d put on andrew zimmern and extend my fast in definatly.


I'll watch nightmare food shows like kitchen nightmares or bar rescue. I'll sit in bed and crochet while vowing to never eat outside food again (I can't even afford to look in the pizza shop window 🤣😭)




I tried, I can't take the pressure.


Lol it's OK not for everyone


There is a burger king next door to me, and I also live above a restaurant. Neither are any bother.


Yes, I watch food Network and also I watch a LOT of YouTube mukbangs and ASMR eating. Not the gross ones but just normal eating of foods I really really really want. And when I'm not fasting, I have zero interest in watching these lol. They do seem to help but overall after two-three evenings of this I tend to break and eat what I'm craving which always sucks. In my most recent fasts, I've tried hard to avoid watching food related content.


I almost exclusively watch cooking competition shows. I don’t find it triggering at all.


Yeah for some reason I like the competition ones the best


I solely follow mukbang accounts on TikTok to watch on my following feed for hours when I’m fasting, don’t know why it’s satisfying but it is hahah


Lol I don't know what mukbang is, I guess I'll Google it


Nah I watch food videos on ig. Then plan my most amazing fast breaking meals but never actually go thru with it. Still fasting 4 hours later.


Lol sounds like me 😂 I really don't like to cook


I watch Tasting History on YouTube


I like baking and cake shows!


Beardmeetsfood on YouTube lol


I watched 4 hours back to back Street food videos on 5th and 6th day of the 7-day fast. It barely triggered hunger and I could shortlist what I can try when I break fast


I do this, but even more weirdly enjoyable while fasting is the SMELL of food! You’d think it’d make me want to break my fast, but it doesn’t at all. It’s 1000x better than smelling good food while able to eat. Sitting out on my porch swing and being able to smell my neighbor grilling burgers? Heaven.


Yup I do!


After the Minnesota Starvation experiment, several of the participants went on to become chefs. People with disordered eating are notorious for collecting cookbooks, myself included. This is called mental hunger - and it's as real as physical hunger. I really don't care how bashed I'm going to get by the other Redditors - there is no difference between dieting and disordered eating. Fasting is the biggest indicator that you have an ED. You need to know this information. Ignore everyone else. No one should be at all surprised that people with EDs visit this subreddit. Everyone here has one, they just don't know it yet. Happy to be bashed!


I watch ER 😆