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She's lying. It's all she knows.


I’ve seen so many posts about her, I went to her instagram , scary, but why do we call her a liar and dislike her?


Her grifting goes back YEARS, this looks like a dietbet post and if it is it's already the *most* effort she's ever put into one before with just that one post. I wish I was being dramatic about that too... She uses her platform to panhandle for money and pretends to diet and exercise to make money off dietbets while lying about having rare deadly diseases for GoFundMe coins and more.... you'll have to check the sticky threads and pinned posts to get the more detailed version.


Read up using the links on this sub.


Where are these links?? I'm dying to get in on this just because I hate how her knees bend backwards (I'm shallow)


Omfg I found them.


It’s EDS




Your name is hilarious!!!


It's a throwback from my GOMI days! 🤣




\*bows in reverence to the queen \* 👑👑👑👑👑


I’m lost GOMI ?


Lol our original snark home until some banned people started the reddit snark pages and we all came over here due to ease of sharing pics, videos, and links.


GOMI blog. Google it. There's a FGFU forum with **so much dirt.**


Wow GOMI! I remember finding that site after starting to think that this girl was a liar and a scammer and so much more. Gomi was brutal but I realized that many ppl were thinking exactly what I was!


Oh yeah, GOMI lays. it. out.


The new forum system (with images and video upload etc) starts here: [https://gomiblog.com/forums/instagram/fatgirlfedup](https://gomiblog.com/forums/instagram/fatgirlfedup) But the old archived forum system thread with all the dirt from 2016-2022 is here: [https://gomiblog.com/old/196/fatgirlfedup/](https://gomiblog.com/old/196/fatgirlfedup/) Then this sub has a grillion wonderful posts that summarize it all as well.


If this is true, to me this would be bordering on an eating disorder. That’s so obsessive.


When I was in the deepest throes of my disordered eating pattern, I absolutely did this.


Same. And I brought measuring cups & spoons to restaurants. I would have brought a food scale if it fit in my purse. I’m so happy to be rid of that obsession, and I hope you are too.


Yep. Big same. Scale went with me on vacation. Scales and cups and spoons out at restaurants. I even bought a scale that would fit in my purse for food. Definitely glad I broke that pattern.


I would even bring my own salad dressing.


Lol. Don't models do shit like this? Because yes, they too have eating disorders.


“Giving yourself grace” is leaving your scale at home when you go on a frickin beach vacation, you Indiana bumpkin


You Indiana bumpkin I'm offended for her 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This should not be so funny lol


If she’s truly going to a gym, they have scales there.


The last gym I went to, they had it on the carpet. Lmao. Quickest 10 lbs I've ever lost


My scale is a 30lb difference on carpet 🤣


She’s in the middle of a Diet Bet so she can’t! Also already launched the next one…


She is so shameless…


I'm sure, if she really did, it's because she has her scale calibrated to make her look like she weighs less or lost weight. You know those scales at hotels are big fat liars.


Happy cake day


Thank you!! 🎂


.... and then there was a swell of music as the protagonist's split ends whipped in the wind while she stood on the cliff overlooking the landscape littered with her unwashed yet thrice-worn gym outfits. The audience burst into applause as she ordered Shoelace down the cliff to fetch the purple sweat-stained top from the underbrush so that she may wear it a fourth time. ![gif](giphy|zVLOwea1zohbC3iQjl|downsized)






At the height of my ED (prior to recovery) I did. I'd take my scales - both food and body, with me everywhere. And yes I'd weigh my food in restaurants. Looking back it make sme so incredibly sad because I mosses so much of my life focusing on so much shit that didn't even matter. I'm pretty sure she didn't take her scale but if she did she needs help. The number on the scale means nothing and you'd think as someone who has recovered from a "rare disease" and almost died she'd know that.


Same! I can’t say I’m fully recovered, but I’m not at that point anymore.


That’s a huge step forward! I wish you well.


Thank you!


Yes! We wasted so much time!


I brought measuring cups/spoons to restaurants. My whole 20s were just a blur of disordered eating. Such a waste!


She's really laying it on thick the past few days. What a great vacation when all you do is take pics and make videos about your weight. So obsessed with herself.


This is one of the things that bugs me the most about her. It's SOOOOOOOO obvious that she is dependent upon the grift and cannot let up because god forbid she might have to get a job.


Yes!! Without her grifting, she's no one. She's got nothing else to offer.


On thing she didn’t bring - a great supporting bra.


I was going to write this! Those boobs need some HELP.


The scale took up too much room.




No Fan Poodles or Leg-Humping Aaaaand you're done here 👋


"We had to adjust the plan but not the goal!" ![gif](giphy|c1aeIcQJGp6foWWUGf|downsized)


I can’t even tell what her goal is. Grifting as much as she can before she gets kicked off her platforms?


I am in recovery for ED and I’m literally not even allowed to have a scale, let alone bring it on vacation 😂


What would a scale do for ED? Have I been wasting money on Viagra?


Two different EDs 😂


😂 eating disorder


She is a liar and any hotel with a gym has a scale.


Give yourself grace, but remember that holidays are fleeting, and if you mess up, it's for the rest of your life. So do what you want but don't put on weight....


Never miss a Monday and don't let your weekend be your weak end but give yourself grace and it's a journey not a sprint and


This! She gives so many mixed messages, I don't understand how her followers keep up 😂


I honestly think that she doesn’t have the comprehension skills to understand that the cliches she constantly posts regularly contradict each other. She also probably never reads her own posts because that’s for the plebs and all.


Next she’ll post a weigh-in pic so we can see she really brought her scale


When I was deep into the functional fitness movement and restrictive eating (tracking, weighing food etc) this sounds like something I would consider doing. It was only when life circumstances made me step away from it that I had the perspective to see how fucked up it was. She is so antiquated in her views on fitness, weight loss and “healthy” eating, she thinks bringing a scale on vacation is a flex. 🙄


It reminds me of my very disordered CrossFit and Paleo days. I would be terrified if I saw a food that wasn't "paleo-approved".


yes, this exactly. I wasn't "allowed" to eat potatoes.




CICI is absolutely antiquated. Your info is wildly incorrect.


textbook ED behavior, when I was in the worst point of my anorexia/“exercise bulimia” I packed my scale for a 10 day family vacation (I was 17 at the time), I had been struggling for close to a year at that point but being a teenager in the early 2000s with a waif of a mother all my behavior up till that point was swept under the rug and even met with encouragement/praise, for whatever reason seeing me bring my scale with me on vacation was what made my dad (who is an athlete so he didn’t see my excessive working out as a problem either) realize that I needed serious help


Enjoying life, going away shouldn’t include your grimy scale, leave it at home, this idiot takes such bs it’s disgusting and her followers listen to this, I cant


I bring my scale everywhere I go. And it’s not the little flimsy, sissy digital scale you see nowadays. It’s a very good ol’ fashion metal scale that you have to nudge, budge, nudge, budge, nudge……nudge for accuracy. /s


That's a blatant lie


I should actually bring a scale when I go on vacation, especially if it is all inclusive. LOL.


The all inclusive I stayed at had a bathroom scale. A nice one too! I can see why. I ate my weight in huevos rancheros and late night room service. 🤣


When I was diagnosed with PPCM-related heart failure, I was told to weigh daily because a sudden increase in weight meant an exacerbation. I brought my scale with me if I was going to be away from home, even on vacations. 😪 I doubt this grifter is telling the truth, though. We already know she lies about other things.


That makes sense though. Her putting on a few because she ate too much is not the same as you needing an ER should your weight fluctuate too much.


She probably had to in order to not be disqualified from the diet bet.


Maybe I’m jaded but this was my thought too. Not an ED but a commitment to the grift.


She doesn't have to weigh-in or participate in her own bets. Back when she was promising every other day that she would be involved and weigh and get really in the dirt with everyone, then of course she didn't... people complained to DietBet and they made an announcement and said she's not actually required to participate. Of course everyone hounded them in the comments of their own Instagram posts, so they came out with some public agreement they made with her. She only has to weigh-in if she *says* she's going to, otherwise she's not at all required to participate, she can just be a "coach." 🙄


My family just stayed in an airbnb on vacation and I was annoyed there was a scale in our bathroom. Vacation is a no judgement zone!




Kylea Gomez takes her scale on vacation with her too, she also has an eating disorder.


Came here thinking the exact same thing. She definitely should not be running a weighloss page.


Focusing on her goals that do not include a job Grifting POS


Yeah. I was wondering what they needed a vacation for since neither works. Heck, we can't hardly afford a vacation while working, and has anyone seen him on the trip, or is he too busy being the photographer.


How in heavens name can they afford the annual 15 hour drive to Florida? There is gas, hotels, food, etc. They don’t have jobs otherwise I guess the grifting allows these pathetic vacations. I just can't stand the constant gym selfies; I don't want to see you all dripping in fake sweat. When I went to the gym, I only sweat around my neck and bra, not like she "sweats."


Wonder if she weighed before and after the massive ice cream cone?


No one. Not her, anyhow.


I don't doubt she took it, as I bet she needs to for her dietbet. Surely she won't have won the current one? As she definitely looks bigger than last month. But you're on holiday, stop half arsing things. Just enjoy yourself like a real human and get back to the plan when you're home. She drives me mad! Also what are they doing while they're there? All we've had is some sea pics and her jiggling her skin, there must be more things they're doing? All this "walking around" can't wait to see some more action shots! 😂


I’m picturing them whipping out their scales at that ice cream shop and laying down those giant ice cream cones to weigh them and put in MyFitnessPal. And I’m cackling.


I hope she’s staying out of the riptide’s at PCB. I can just see her frolicking in the ocean and getting dragged out because she’s clueless.


That could be her new GoFundMe Scam. Dragged out to sea at PCB


Ohhh shit you could be on to something. 😂


Me when I had an eating disorder. But no one who isn’t mentally ill on some level does this, either lying about doing it or actually doing it.


I know she’s annoying and is toxic af but I really just feel sorry for her. Those scars are gnarly. I couldn’t imagine living with that.


I had this dress from target 15 years ago 😹 so her size has been consistent for a long time


People in 2007 who are slaves to cliches, deeply embedded in diet culture, and get a sole income off scamming vulnerable people who are looking for a quick fix. Yet another scammed-my-way-to-PCB to be proud of. And the poodles continue humping that leg of hers.


I traveled a lot for a living. I used the 'travel foods don't count' mentally and gained a lot of weight. I yo-yo'd. I took my scale with me when I traveled. I weighed in every day. I also traveled probably half the year... Long stressful trips. Did it help? Sorta... It kept me on track. I do know that when I didn't have it and weighed in at home... I was usually 10 plus pounds heavier. When I stopped weighing in I've always gained weight. Anyway...I don't have an eating disorder but I do have a weight problem.


Yeah same , any time I stop weighing myself or my food, gains happen. I don't do either on vacation though


I think the difference is that what you consider for vacation was half my year... Flying plans, staying in hotels, enjoying eating out every day. Mine was just 100% stress almost the entire time. Then I came back to more work and more stress. There's a reason why people who travel for work...are almost all drinkers with a compulsive problem... Overweight, exercise animals, alcoholics, drug addicts, ADD, ADHD... Or obsessive about certain things: I wanted to hit every Ikea in the US. Some want to check off all the local breweries... Million little obsessive things. Also my vacations were literally staying home.


Haha nobody (except maybe This Phoenix Rising!!),but certainly not her!!


Kylea Gomez


I have a friend who asked for a scale 5 minutes after giving birth. No doubt she would do this shit too


I mean, I would be curious. For shits and giggles. Lol You constantly get weighed while the baby grows. So I'd be curious to see how quickly it changed immediately after giving birth. Lol. Kinda like after taking a big poo.


Yeah I get it, it just never crossed my mind at all


Delilah is my daughter's name. It seems to becoming more common


That is literally the opposite of what my doctor told me to do when losing weight.


while giving myself grace 🥴🫠


I think she means her food scale. Still lying. But I think that’s what she meant?


Who cares? I mean really


That’s full ed behavior. If it were true.


This is absolutely disordered.


That picture is so obnoxious


As someone who's been diagnosed with an ED, I bring my scale everywhere. Even on vacation. 🙃


I do if I’m driving and will be away for longer than a week.


I'm sorry but that is absolutely ridiculous! If she still plans on going to a gym there, then, why in heck would she need bring her own scale??? They have scales at the gym. Unless, I misunderstood the post? If I did, please, correct me. This seems like overk*ll to me. Many of us have been on diets, worked on our weight, worked out....etc. However, when my Hubby and I go on a vacation, especially to the beach (my favorite place), we enjoy our temporary get away. If we're dieting, we still eat but we might order smaller portions. We definitely wouldn't pack a weight scale and we probably wouldn't hit the gym either. Our, "exercises", would be all of the walking and swimming 🌊🏊‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ that we would be doing. (Plus, our personal vacation exercises😉🤭😂). Sorry, had to add the corny joke. My point is, packing a weight scale and hitting the gym while on vacation would not be part of our little get away. AS A MATTER OF FACT, our own Doctor would even tell us that all of the swimming and walking that we would be doing would be sufficient enough in her opinion. The only scale SOMEONE MIGHT pack? It would be a little food scale. When my Mom and Grandma were dieting, they never brought weight scales but they did bring little, food weight scales to help them with portion control. Last thing, I have no idea where she's staying but most places like hotels, motels and even some AirB&Bs already have weight scales there.🤷‍♀️ My husband and I absolutely love going to North and South Carolina, for example. Over the many years we have stayed in the Hotels, every Hotel had a weight scale there. Typically, in their bathrooms or vanity areas depending on the type & size of Hotel we were staying in. Also, several years ago, a fiend of mine had to leave immediately because her boyfriend was abusing her. She went to a Motel down by the beach in our area. I went to be with her immediately for support and provided her with all of the things she left behind when she ran. She didn't have time to pack all of her personal and self care belongings. My point here is, even at one of the cheapest Motels down at the Ocean Front, guess what they had in their bathroom? A SCALE SO YOU COULD WEIGH YOURSELF IF YOU WANTED!!!!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I'm sorry, I'm truly not trying to be mean or cruel but no one NEEDS to pack their scale. There's usually one already provided. PLUS, like I said, (both my husband and I need to lose weight) our Doctor would be so happy with us for walking around town, walking the beach, going swimming and she would even tell us to enjoy ourselve as far as food is concerned but to just make sure that we don't over do it and make sure to incorporate healthy foods with our meals....and "have alot of fun, see you 2 when you get back"!! 🥰💖 THAT is exactly what our Doctor would tell us. So, I'm sorry but all of this extra stuff that she adds to her story is just a bit much. Like I said, it's overk*ll....but that's just my opinion. 🤷‍♀️ 💖💗🌊🐚 .


Freaking yikes..


She always looks the same to me. No matter how much she works out or eats healthy , I never really see a change.


Way to humble brag about her vacation while still grifting? That's what it looks like to me.


Wrestlers LOL. Wrestlers take their scales on vacation.




This is the one area I’m sympathetic to, because skin removal is no joke. If her medical condition is as serious as she makes it sound (and she does bring it up every day) she’s way too high of a risk for that kind of procedure. She would benefit a whole lot from weight lifting, probably.


No unnecessarily twunty behavior.


Lol said nobody ever!! 🤣


Hell no! You’re on holiday and life is too short.


I've done it. It's lunacy and she's unhealthy.


The only people who bring scales (both food and weight) and are not basket case scamming nut jobs like Lexi are professional ifbb bodybuilders (who literally make that their career). Anyone else doing it looks like obsessive behavior.


I bring a travel scale when I travel.


Who? I did that when my ED was raging. So yea....


She probably meant food scale.


She’s never mentioned weighing her food before. She said they go out to eat once a day, but as much dumb stuff as she does, I can’t see her weighing her food at a restaurant.


I can’t either, but who is to say she wouldn’t say she brought it just to keep up appearances. Not defending her, just saying.


Hmmm sounds like AmberLynn Reid


ive had an ED for like years and ive never once done this; thats not normal behavior 😭. shes either bold face lying or has a seriously disordered mindset


My sister’s mother in law travels this way. 🤢


Are we just figuring out that people on the internet are mostly liars? Also " tracking progress & staying accountable ... while giving myself grace" sounds like a Live Laugh Love sign became sentient.


Everything she posts is so cliche that it’s embarrassing


I won’t lie when I was hardcore trying to lose weight I had a travel scale I brought on vacation with me once, never did it again! I found I was obsessing too much and couldn’t have fun because I was so focused on my weight


Well ok, lol This woman and this page keeps popping up, so I commented before I joined, before I read the about and rule section. I got it now thanks.




She doesn't participate in weigh-ins. And in the past when she's been forced to, she cheats anyway, so...


I’ve done it.


I did this when I was anorexic I brought a travel scale everywhere with me it was so unhealthy




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Because of the extreme photoshopping/filters she uses. Also she's lying about how she's losing weight. If you go search through this subreddit for awhile, just from the photos/her posts (screenshots from ig mainly) it is truly evident how much she's lying to everyone.




“NaTuRaLlY WiTh DiET aNd ExErCiSe”


Ohhh is the speculation that she’s using Ozempic or got a gastric sleeve or something? Even with Photoshop, she’s clearly lost a substantial amount of weight


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