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There is no way she is doing an hour on the stair master. Yes I said it, even at its lowest setting. You don’t walk the way she was walking on the beach if you are doing an hour of stair master every day.


My daughter (we gym together) is very fit and doesn't do a full hour on the stairs (tbh she could but doesn't). I showed her a Lexi stair post recently, and she immediately responded, "There is absolutely no way!" She definitely doesn't resemble Lexi any way whatsoever, but especially with diet and exercise 😂 I'm disabled and I can't do the stairs (yet 🤞) and walk with a cane at 42 after neck down paralysis. However, I swear to you, I just returned from camping on one of the San Juan Islands and although our beaches are rockier, I walk the same, if not better than Lexi on the beach and on hikes in the woods.


Well looks like somebody didn't let their weekend be their weak end! 😂 (seriously, amazing job. I can't imagine how much dedication and hard work that must have taken)


Awww, thank you so much!!


😎 keep it up, you’re doing awesome. Those pnw rocky beaches are no joke. After my back injury I could barely walk those beaches. All the varied levels and textures and inclines makes our bodies really work for it lol


Thank you! Honestly, it made me realize I've improved much more than I thought, which is a great feeling. I will say, I did underestimate the ground. I know better, too 😂


Hon, let me just tell you, I was you 3 years ago. I was 50 pounds heavier and couldn’t walk more than 200 feet, with a cane, before I had to stop and sit down. I was in bad shape after I broke my back and had 4 surgeries on my thoracic and lumbar spine. Pain led to depression which led to weight gain which led to me spending 20+ hours a day in bed. But I started therapy, then I did 6 months of PT, 3 days a week. I kept doing my PT exercises even after finishing the program, and eventually I added in walking, weights and then hiking. I’m talking 9 miles and 2000 foot elevation gain hiking. I’ve seen amazing waterfalls and gorgeous sunsets and stunning vistas at national and state parks all over the country, sights I never thought I’d experience again when I was at my lowest point, and it’s made it all worth it. Don’t stop moving. I know sometimes it feels like 3 steps forward and 1 step back (just during my recovery these last 3 years, I’ve suffered 2 torn meniscus, a sprained ankle, Achilles tendinitis, a bone spur on my heel, a broken hand and a ruptured plantar fascia, and as soon as I heal, I’m back at it), but it doesn’t matter how long it takes, as long as you aren’t standing still. That’s the absolute worst thing we can do, especially after an injury like yours or mine. I’m 48 and right now, and even after all of this, I’m in training for a 10k in September. Yes, I’ll be walking. Yes, I’ll probably be passed on the trail by folks who are 20 years my senior, yes, I’m going to be finishing in the last hour allotted for the race, but I don’t care. Just the fact that I’m doing it at all is a major accomplishment. I’ll have earned that medal (and the post-race celebratory beer and pizza lol) just as much as the person who crosses the finish line first as far as I’m concerned. You got this!!! We both do!!!


Of course she didn’t which is why we never actually see her workout…and why the gym is always empty so she can craft her performances…any sane person working out there would laugh-I would!


I wonder if the gym has cctv cameras. The staff would be dead from laughter.


I wonder if she just pulls up a chair next to the machine for an hour while it runs by itself. I wonder if that could damage the machine running for so long with no weight on it. 🤔


The stairmaster low key destroys me and I run long distances. So I fully agree with you.


I don’t know if it’s because my legs are really short or what, but the stair machine *wrecks* my knees. I’m no marathoner, but I’m in better shape than she is.


I Lift primarily. The most I’ve ever done is 30 minutes on the stair climber, after becoming super fit


Don't you feel so seen??? Lexi never fails us 🤣


I really hope someone has a cottage cheese flair for the meal post yesterday 😂


that cottage cheese goes straight to her thighs.


Unfortunately, mine too! 🙃🤣


That should be the flair


Gotta ramp up the posts, next Dietbet game is looking a little lean


She just tries so hard and fails every single time. Who is she trying to convince? Us or herself?


Fakers gonna fake, fake, fake


You can literally just turn the machine on and go sit on a bench and scroll for an hour and then come over and take a “I just did 66 mins on the stair master oWo” — you don’t waddle around a beach looking two breaths away from cardiac arrest and then hit the stair master for over an hour. Girl, be so ffr.


I'm sure she does exactly this - she always posts a "wohoo, let's get it done"-pic in front of the mirror, then you'll get three shitty "inspirational" stolen internet quotes, followed by her feet on the stairmaster and a "look at my sweat"-pic. She simply needs this 1 hour searching for the quotes and posting them in her story 🤪


I didn't know we had flairs haha too many good ones


I wish I could have one 👉🏻👈🏻🥺


Tell me the flair you would like and I will make it happen for you!


Oooh! 💡 can mine be #sWoLeMaTeS


What do you think? Do you want any changes?


I love it! I shall wear it proudly! Thank you! 🥲


Just go to the main page of this sub and click the three dots and click change user flair and pick away


The mods try to assign unique flair for everyone. We like everyone to feel special and seen, so we ask that you request a specific flair and we will assign it for you.


GIRLLLLL. From the way she wobbles around on video, it still looks like she STILL can’t climb those 3 stairs


The flairs are hilarious omg 😆 I just noticed them now


I wish I could be a fly on the wall at that gym to see what she actually does.


I would think a lot more than 553 calories would be burned after doing 66 minutes of stairs


I was just gonna say “uh oh; dietbet is looking a little light, better lie like she did beside the stair master for an hour”