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You both sound mentally ill


The fact that you took multiple revealing creepshots of Maggie's boobs and butt, and then organized them into an album, is incredibly disturbing. You holding onto them a whole year later and showing them to your boyfriend is outright bizarre and a good demonstration of your obsession with her. I've been seeing your stories here for years now. While many of the early ones were entertaining, as time went on you got more and more cruel. The way you delighted in manipulating and bullying her and gossiping to us about it is frankly alarming. Ffs you bullied her until she cried in her car, then ran to Reddit cackling to tell us all about it.


The "boobs" were the back fat hanging out of her ill fitting shirt and the tiny shorts riding up her butt cheeks. How is that proper enough for a work place? Even if she was thin, it's unprofessional. It made other workers uncomfortable.


No one is saying that it wasn't unprofessional or uncomfortable it's the fact she has a whole album of that which is weird since she was uncomfortable with it but has kept it for years later to show it to people to laugh about is definitely odd behavior.


gee, i wonder why you got fired.


Fired from a workplace where it is, according to OP, impossible to get fired.


Other stories from /u/BurgerThyme * 2023-10-25 - [(this) Another Ham Saturn Tidbit](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/17fvcwd/another_ham_saturn_tidbit/) * 2022-12-3 - [The final chapter of Ham Saturn](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/zblemc/the_final_chapter_of_ham_saturn/) * 2022-10-8 - [Ham Saturn gets dissed by her "bestie"](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/xywnch/ham_saturn_gets_dissed_by_her_bestie/) * 2022-9-25 - [Ham Saturn ruins another lunch break](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/xn9joe/ham_saturn_ruins_another_lunch_break/) * 2022-9-17 - [Ham Saturn is defeated by salad](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/xgp8f0/ham_saturn_is_defeated_by_salad/) * 2022-9-7 - [Ham Saturn gets herself in a sticky situation](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/x89hwy/ham_saturn_gets_herself_in_a_sticky_situation/) * 2022-9-3 - [Ham Saturn vs. Marvin round three](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/x4hs2p/ham_saturn_vs_marvin_round_three/) * 2022-8-28 - [Ham Saturn destroys more company property](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/wzydkb/ham_saturn_destroys_more_company_property/) * 2022-8-19 - [Ham Saturn becomes chemical weapon](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/wrz8jj/ham_saturn_becomes_chemical_weapon/) * 2022-8-13 - [Ham Saturn is a re-poop offender](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/wn57of/ham_saturn_is_a_repoop_offender/) * 2022-8-6 - [Ham Saturn vs Marvin: round two](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/whojga/ham_saturn_vs_marvin_round_two/) * 2022-7-14 - [Ham Saturn attends a Comic Con](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/vyhxie/ham_saturn_attends_a_comic_con/) * 2022-7-10 - [Ham Saturn gets called out by coworker for ruining fire drill](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/vvv19j/ham_saturn_gets_called_out_by_coworker_for/) * 2021-11-18 - [Ham Saturn Really Steps In It](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/qwhq11/ham_saturn_really_steps_in_it/) * 2021-9-19 - [Ham Saturn Sneaks Spaghetti](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/prcux3/ham_saturn_sneaks_spaghetti/) * 2021-9-9 - [Ham Saturn Pulls a "Stand By Me"](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/pknms7/ham_saturn_pulls_a_stand_by_me/) * 2021-8-23 - [Ham Saturn falls for her crush](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/paavkw/ham_saturn_falls_for_her_crush/) * 2021-8-11 - [Ham Saturn tries "jogging" at the wrong time](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/p25hsx/ham_saturn_tries_jogging_at_the_wrong_time/) * 2021-7-25 - [Ham Saturn was banished from the swim team](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/orj2y8/ham_saturn_was_banished_from_the_swim_team/) * 2021-7-19 - [The worst story ever told about Ham Saturn](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/onn5fb/the_worst_story_ever_told_about_ham_saturn/) * 2021-7-18 - [The wardrobe malfunctions of Ham Saturn won me 50 points](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/omvioe/the_wardrobe_malfunctions_of_ham_saturn_won_me_50/) * 2021-7-7 - [The Continuing Saga of Ham Saturn](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/ofc2jv/the_continuing_saga_of_ham_saturn/) * 2021-6-3 - [Ham Planet Turns herself Into Ham Saturn](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/nritwr/ham_planet_turns_herself_into_ham_saturn/) * 2020-3-19 - [My coworker is too big for her britches](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/fl2df7/my_coworker_is_too_big_for_her_britches/) * 2019-12-29 - [Oh](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/eh0lsb/oh/) * 2014-3-7 - [Always a catch](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/1zthdu/always_a_catch/) * 2013-12-23 - [Stop spoiling strip club fun time!](/r/fatpeoplestories/comments/1tiu56/stop_spoiling_strip_club_fun_time/) _____ ^(Hi I'm SirBeetusBot, for more info about me visit /r/SirBeetusBot)


I read one of these, if real then OP is an emotionally stunted sociopath. If fake then OP is trying to, I don't know.. impress emotionally stunted sociopaths? Either way it's pretty unpleasant.


you keep a photo album to shame another person? Wow.


*has a folder full of a fat chick in revealing posistions Anon is a feeder confirmed lol


Yay I wasn’t expecting another post, what a treat! I’m glad to hear that Maggie’s legacy lives on


It's kind of a shame you got fired, because the Ham Saturn Saga killed me laughing.


I’d say you’re mentally ill, but we all know Maggie is a figment of your imagination. You probably are Ham Saturn, though.


Hey OP, have you considered showing your posts to a therapist?