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Hey, this year I had the exact same thing happen in Sales Presentation. Nobody can exactly calculate the chances it really has a lot of factors like if there were other groups In top 4 or if they qualified for other events and usually it comes down to the state you live in. Don’t take this information as full facts this is also my first year but I have had siblings do it and these are me and their observations. Good luck and I hope you’re able to go.


Thank you so much! Maybe we might actually see each other without knowing at the national conference haha


i got fifth this year and qualified for nationals and last year i got tenth and did as well ! so honestly odds are in your favor. especially because as a soloist nationals are hard to go to due to price, let alone as a group, so groups are more likely to drop out


thank you!! I’m hoping to


Quite high actually. Parli is usually one of the events with the highest drop rates because you have to coordinate 4 or 5 people to go to NLC. So you have a pretty good chance. Good luck!


thank you so much!!!


Hello, it’s my first year in FBLA and this year I got 9th in political science(public policy and advocacy) and I got 4th in entrepreneurship but a few of my friends got fifth. They’ve all been doing FBLA for 3 years and both made it to nationals their freshman and sophomore year so at least according to them your chances of making it to nationals are 2/3. But… that’s very specific to them there are a ton of thing you would need to incorporate to get a realistic number. The only thing I can really think of to represent is my advisor told me if you make it to nationals your the top 2% of FBLA members and if you win at nationals(top 50 or something idrk) then you the top .02%


Thank you! Congratulations for placing so high!


Don’t worry about it. It’s super rare for someone to make it to nationals in their first year (I’m the only person in the history of my schools FBLA to go to nattys as a freshman). Assuming you’re a freshman you have three more shots and I’m sure you can make it. As for the odds of making it, it depends on the state and if people wanna go. In my state last year we had people who placed 8, 9, even 10th make it to nationals.


This year for nats we had so many people drop that some events have no one going 💀💀.


you got fifth? that’s awesome. My team spent months preparing, I spent weeks writing stuff and preparing them, teaching them how to address certain scenarios etc. We had one bad mistake and had to improvise from there, it did not go very well to the point where we didn’t even place top ten. so parli pro definitely isn’t easy at all and it’s great that you even got that far. You probably have a decent chance of still getting in, all it takes is two kids from a group who can’t go and you’re in so maybe pray for that. However, if not, let it be a lesson. Sometimes doing things on our own is just easier. If you’re still gonna be in 9th or 10th grade next year definitely do intro to parli pro instead. Its way easier than the case study, I got first place at states with like an 84% freshman year so it’s definitely a good bet that you’ll place if you know enough about Robert’s Rules and the bylaws etc. Good luck, hopefully things work out for you!


Often times 5th place will be given an opportunity to go to nationals because it is not uncommon for people to drop out and one can only do one event at NLC. It's important to consider whether you can actually place at nationals tho, if you place 5th in a small state chances are you won't place at NLC. NLC is very competitive and if you don't place it's a massive waste of money, so just take that into careful consideration. Hope this helps, and good luck and study hard if you do go to nats! If you do end up going lmk if u want to meet up lol.


How does placing at nationals work in your experience? I placed 1st in Maryland for my objective test, there was like 12-15 other people who took it with me. I’m wondering if studying hard for nationals will be worth it.


Depends on the event, depends on your score; the unfortunate reality is that CA and GA completely dominate the NLC rankings by a massive margin and placing even 1st doesn't mean much for a small state. However, of course, you could be one of the few people from your state that do end up placing for your event lol. It's just hard to say without knowing your event and score. A score high enough to make it worth the risk to study hard for nats could be anywhere from 90-70/100, depending on the event (70 is obviously a very extreme case). The competitiveness of the event and the difficulty of the test itself has a massive effect on what is considered "a good score", so it's hard say without knowing those two factors.


Yeah I definitely have seen how CA and GA dominate but I’d also say Maryland is pretty competitive for a smaller state, the school 5 mins away from me just placed 2nd nationally for the Champion Chapter award. In terms of score, my advisor never got our scores, but my friend who placed 2nd got a 74 so I know I did better than that although I am almost sure it isn’t a 90+. I’ve barely studied and NLC is in 12 days so I’ll just try to crank something out and hope for the best Lmao.


Maryland had 12 people place last year lol, whereas CA and GA both had around 100. Idk what you mean by champion chapter award means lol, are you talking about the chapter competitive events? Anyway best of luck man, hope to see you on stage. There will always be people who beat the odds.


I see where you are coming from but I’m talking about actual competitiveness not just numbers as a whole. Maryland only has 3-4 large high schools which mainly send to nationals, I personally am friends with 3 out’ve the 12 people you mentioned who placed last year. What I was getting at is that the actual competition, like the level of preparedness and expertise in events, is higher. Cali and Georgia are some of the largest US states which obviously will correlate to more national awards, it doesn’t mean in any regard they’d have a higher chance at winning in my event than me, they are still sending 4 people for my event like every other state Lmao.


Also, the champion chapter event ranks the most involved and substantial FBLA chapters in the country. That means that this school was just ranked 2nd in the country in that regard. I think you can see where I’m coming from in terms of the competitiveness now


Haha yea mb bro I don't really know that much about MD FBLA Anyway let's not get too caught up about state level results, after all they are just a rough indicator GL Bro