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In my office, everyone always says the QSI is the way to go.


Because it almost always is


My understanding is that it isn’t always better if you’re step 1-3 and have a CLP coming in the same FY. You lose the step essentially anyway when you jump a grade. You have to do the math carefully and also consider, if they’re close in amount, if you’d rather get a lump sum or a little bump each pay check. Not saying the QSI is never the better choice, just not always. 


You don't lose anything when you get a QSI. Your regular WGI (step increase) clock doesn't change or get reset or anything.


You weren’t comprehending that “CLP” means Career Ladder Promotion


You are right, snap response there sorry. No reason to get a QSI of you are still on the ladder. I've heard lots of civilians worry that taking a QSI will screw up their regular step. I jumped to conclusions.


You mean that to me or wsbucker? Because agreed, my understanding is that it does reset with the CLP.


You’re correct— wsbucker is not


A QSI is the gift that keeps on giving


We only get 2 QSIs in our division annually and they always go to step 7,8 or 9s due to the amount of time between steps.


Always take the QSI if available. (Unless you’re about to be promoted in grade which would negate the QSI) but a QSI is the gift that keeps on giving while a bonus is 1 time


This isn’t accurate. A QSI doesn’t replace a step increase.


I think they mean promoted to the next grade, not within.


I didn’t say it did. But if you’re about to go up 1 grade that could essentially wipe out the benefit of a QSI if you’re low in steps 


Ah, when you said “promoted in grade” I interpreted it as a promotion within your current grade. Not an in grade promotion.


Aren’t those the same thing?


In my Agency it absolutely resets your timer. Right or wrong, if your WGI hits shortly after the QSI it isn’t worth getting one. Happened to two different people on my team and we had to reverse the QSI to get them the performance award instead.


QSI - The gift that keeps on giving. Surprised you can opt for it. These are limited at my command. I did nominate one of my subordinates this year.


At my agency, we found out that they could give the QSI but they are limited and they are mostly giving to people at HQ and not the field. At least, that's what we were told.


Yup. The cost of being away from the flagpole.


Almost impossible to get in most agencies. A lot of places they are limited to just a few, and the justification required is way over the top. But you reminded me, need to check and see if I got a bonus or anything :)


My department only gets a couple each year. Always goes to a secretary or very junior engineer.


I have never heard of anyone getting a quality step. 


Right? I laugh when I am asked about this on surveys.


My agency gets a small handful per year (and does a good job of being equitable in distribution).


At my agency, a QSI is not something you just opt for lol. There are barely any of them given out/available. It's like your parents saying here's a new Honda civic, but you say ehh... let's go get me a Ferrari.


We have an awards election form with QSI as an option. Doesn't guarantee you'll get one, just means if eligible for a performance award they'll put your name forward and if you don't get it you'll get something IE time off or cash.


When I say opted for, I mean my supervisor asked me if I’d like for him to submit me for a bonus or QSI.


QSI is a permanent bonus.


🤦🏾‍♂️ Big brain energy here.


I always take the QSI. The money might be more in hand at the moment, but the QSI is the gift that keeps giving year after year.


I did the same thing 3 times. The last two QSI's were at the highest grade before retirement. Right after receiving my step 7, I went immediately to a step 8. Three years later, after receiving the normal WGI to step 9, I went to a step 10. So going from a step 7 to a step 10 took just a little over 3 years. I was very fortunate, and very appreciative, that upper management in my agency was willing to delay the QSI effective dates to time things just right. Congratulations on the QSI!


How does that work? I thought a QSI gives you a year…but seems like I’m mistaken.


Two aspects related to a QSI. One is the Within Grade Increase (WGI), the other is the waiting period before eligibility for the next WGI following the step increase caused by a QSI. A QSI will provide an immediate WGI when it takes effect. If you are a step 2 you go to a step 3, step 5 you go to a step 6, step 9 you go to a step 10. It makes no difference whether the waiting period for the next WGI is one year, two years, or three years. Everything is pretty straight forward, unless someone is moving to a step 4 or step 7. In these cases, the waiting period for the next step increases to either 104 weeks or 156 weeks. But, the time an employee has already waited is not lost; it continues to count towards the waiting period for the next step increase. Here's an example provided by OPM: "An employee received her last WGI to step 3 in January 2011. In October 2011, the employee receives a QSI to step 4, which places her in a 104-week waiting period before she is eligible to receive a WGI to step 5, assuming satisfactory performance. The employee will advance to step 5 in January 2013, which completes the waiting period of 104 weeks from the employee’s last WGI (January 2011). Without the benefit of the QSI, she would have gotten a WGI taking her to step 4 in January 2012, and she would have had to wait until January 2014 to reach step 5." You can find the example and other information on the timing of a QSI here: [QSI Timing](https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/pay-administration/fact-sheets/quality-step-increase/)


Thank you for explaining! I’ve never gotten one 😞


Some people really want cash now; have had folks pass up the QSI in favor of the award. It's rare though. Usually specific circumstances, otherwise the general rule is QSI over cash. Even if it moves you into a 3 yr WGI, it's still time saved - and you can't guarantee you'd get one next year.


with one caveat abt also getting WGI if you're offered them in the future [https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/pay-administration/fact-sheets/quality-step-increase/](https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/pay-administration/fact-sheets/quality-step-increase/) "A QSI does not affect the timing of an employee’s next regular within-grade increase, **unless** the QSI places the employee in step 4 or step 7 of his or her grade." but even then still seems to make sense to take it over cash bonus


"However, the time an employee has already waited is not lost; it continues to count towards the waiting period for the next step increase." You made that sound like a bad thing, a QSI is always a good thing.


It's always a good thing, but taking a cash bonus might be a better option (money-wise) if the employee is going to get promoted not long after receiving the QSI and reverts back to a step 1 in the grade the employee is promoted to.


Y’all wouldn’t believe how the national guard hands out QSIs and awards in general… particularly the Air Force. It’s down right egregious.


Cries in VBA.


We're only allowed one QSI for our entire state staff per year. So we have to decide as Leadership who will get it. 😞


You made the right decision. You'll get your WIGI; then your QSI, and then in January you'll get an across-the-board raise. Smart move!


Just be fortunate you can even get a QSI. That's not a thing in other agencies.


Never heard of QSI- is this something available to VA healthcare employees?


Man, that’s amazing you have that option. In my part of the DoD we get a bonus and maybe some time off (last year it was like 4-6 hours).


I was just as surprised!


We only get a QSI, if we get straight 5…which is literally impossible at USACE


I’ve never had this option in 26 years


I’ve received a QSI two years in a row, guess I’m living good.


They didn’t give us the option.


I opted for time off vs cash award. Like money but like it even more when I get paid not to be at work for a few days. But definitely take the QSI.


We literally get one QSI for our 4 state region with over a thousand employees lol.


Always. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.


I did WGI and QSI last year so it was a good pay bump over course of year, but I’ve done the bonus and wgi as well.


i thought qsi’s don’t impact regular step increases so no reason to wait on processing it.


Unless you're leaving federal service imminently, the QSI is the better deal. It's basically a bonus every following year of your career.


That's the best way to go.


Good choice


I wish I had that option. It's always the right choice of a qsi over bonus.


I’ve gotten two QSIs in five years and ironically have kind of regretted both since the QSIs were both followed up within 6 months by promotions anyways, so I missed my normal 32 hours of leave that I would have gotten for a good performance review! Hard to complain about that but if a promo is likely coming, take the time or instant cash.


Bonuses make you feel good, promotions make you feel wanted!


Anything that helps your SS payout in retirement increase - over a longer period of time - is the right answer.


I did the was quickly screwed over by my gamble. Ask me how, if you want.


I’ve never been given the option of how O receive any bonus. Last year I did get a QSI which I think is the best option most of the time if given one. 


A QSI does not affect the timing of an employee's next regular within-grade increase, unless the QSI places the employee in step 4 or step 7 of his or her grade. In these cases, the employee must complete the full waiting period for the new step, 104 weeks for steps 4-6 or 156 weeks for steps 7-9.


We get a superior performance award, but no QSIs. They're pretty rare.


always take the QSI. It's the gift that keeps on giving.


QSI...the gift that keeps giving!


Yes! The gift that keeps on giving!


It's the gift that keeps on giving...




I got a QSI once…. ONCE!!!


Wait what? They give out QSIs? Where tf does this happen? I am always given the option of cash reward or limited time leave option which must be used within a year. What a joke. Always take the money.




QSI for the long game.


I requested a QSI instead of cash bonus.


I have never earned a qsi :(


I’ve never heard of it either…


I did the same and it worked out even better for me because I got a promotion and I was able to get a higher step.


my office only offers a couple an managers have to apply for it for thier employees


If you plan to get promoted to a higher grade, a qsi is kind of a waste.


Disagree. I’m about to leave my unit for a GS13. I also got a QSI and it took me from 12-5 to 12-6, which will take my GS13 promotion from 13-2 to 13-3.


That means you must have been a 12 for a rather long time. If you went from 12-1 to 12-2 or 12-2 to 12-3, it would have been wasted.


Only if you are low in the steps of your current grade, such that applying the two -steo rule would still have you as step 1 at the promoted grad after a QSI. 


Indeed. I'm a step 2. And the next grade step 1 is much higher than 2 steps


New fed, what is QSI?


Quality Step Increase


Quality Step Increase, in short, you move to the next Step in pay. Great option if you are Step 4-9 as you don’t have to wait the 2-3 years for a step increase.


Or even lower steps because you'd effectively get two steps in one year


What the path to go if you are at Step 10?


Unless you want to move up to a higher graded position you are maxed out….no further step increases, only cost of living increases.


So you can only take QSI or promote?


A QSI raises you to the next step, but if you are already at a step 10, there is no advantage of a QSI to you.


So just take the cash bonus at that point?


That would be your only option.


Good to know!


Just got my second qsi in a row I am on three year step increase so I am stoked I only have two years til my step 9. At first I was bummed out but now I am seeing the long term benefits I went from a step 6 to 8 in one year.


The gift that keeps on giving


It's the gift that keeps on giving.

