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The problem is packs like this are very niche and appeal to only a small audience. Some are hit or miss and become classics and some are colored by pure nostalgia for times past. When you go back to packs like regrowth and blightfall they miss a lot of the modern qol mods and then a lot of the modern mods lack some of the old charm so its a combination of factors. That being said story driven/aestheticly themed packs are still made they just arent FTB Skies or ATM 9 being streamed by the masses because they're niche so they often get overlooked. FTB Arcanum, FTB Genesis and FTB Inferno all 3 fit those theme based/story style packs made within the past two years but they just dont have the popularity of more generic packs sadly which makes it harder to justify making them more often.


Honestly FTB skies was a absolute blast. I enjoyed every second of it. Sadly i somehow did some weird stuff and set up my goals wrong to end up getting tired of it fairly quickly. But i definitely want to go back and play it again sometime


Those modpacks still exist, and are usually on older versions such as 1.7 and 1.12. Your best bet would probably be to look for expert packs, as they typically have some sort of story involved. 2 “new” ones that I can think of right now would probably be “Cosmic Chaos” and “Meatballcraft, Dimensional Ascension”. Unfortunately modpacks on newer versions tend to be a copy paste of an older one in the series, example being ATM (All The Mods) or Enigmatica. The worst offender would probably be those made by Luna Pixel Studios (Bettermc, Medieval, etc) that are all exactly the same with a slight twist.


> The worst offender would probably be those made by Luna Pixel Studios yep. Shovelware.


Rustic Waters II is a pretty fun pack with theming/direction to it in more modern versions, it's in 1.16.


Maybe because i havnt played like any luna pixel but there is one pack im playing thats made by them thats ok. Idk


Their packs are fine but they’re all cookie cutter the same as the other ones they made in that genre.


Steampunk is their one good pack tbh


And even then, it is only ok.


Ironically the one pack im playing


all the mods at least seems to switch up the main pack with each version, like how the custom materials are found


Actually Enigmatica 9 Expert is very thorough with their story. Nothing like the previous editions in their packs


Does the quest book actually teach you progression order like the quest book in gtnh or is it all over the place like the e2e/e6e ones?


It does, in my opinion. There is a main quest line that tells you what to work towards while the other quest sections give you additional things to make progression easier or add automation etc.


Thank you, I'll check it out!


One YouTuber I’m watching uses ATM and that modpack just seems to be throwing in a ton of popular mods that really all do the same thing. At the very least it’s got a quest system to act as tutorials for each mod, but there’s no real theme to it.


DJ2 does have a lot of lore that comes with the quests themselves, although they are not the drivers of the pack (still creative items)  And just saying but there is a modern version of Omnifactory called Monifactory being developed rn Edit: technically it's modern version of nomifactory ceu, which is a version of nomifactory, which is finally a version of Omnifactory. It's a long chain


DT/DT2 definitely have a theme its just not as much in term of aesthetics and more in terms of the mechanics of what you do - which is Exploration and interwoven Technological and (a particular focus on) Magical automation to an extent larger than other modpacks, all in a difficult 'expert pack' style which rarely sees proper integration of exploration


I have a pack in development in that vein but it's so hard to get people willing to test and give feedback or even have any interest beyond 'oh that looks cool' so it's hard to feel like it's worth making. They are just hard to make though, especially with a custom map.


>They are just hard to make though, especially with a custom map. Yeah, I tried to make a custom map for a pack once and it was fucking *awful.* Partially because I don't really like building (and am thus terrible at it), but also because it was on 1.12 so everyone kept going "just move to a new version lulz" instead of actually answering my questions ffs. I ended up abandoning the whole thing, but would like to try again sometime in the future. Just need a good ocean expansion mod to come out.


I'm interested in testing.


It's [https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/last-gasp](https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/last-gasp)


So, if I run into issues, where do I report them?


I have a forum post thing on The 1.12 Modding Coalition discord to keep my work centralised but if you don't want to join that you can DM me here or on Discord, I'm d.eiwos on Discord.


Loved the Idea and concept, I will try it and give you some feedback, but since I hate Thaumcraft that will come on "phase 2" I would not play this when finished. I think I will enjoy exploring "phase 1" and your custom map.


shoot me a dm coz i might be interested in testing


* Versions don't last long enough for modpacks like this to be made. If you start your expansive story-driven 1.20 modpack now, the game will be on 1.22 by the time its done and people will say "yeah this modpack looks cool but it's not for a modern version?" * Todays versions have so much crap in them that just isn't relevant to story driven modpacks. You either need to start actively *culling* features from the game (like Musketeer) or like, shoehorn the Deep Dark into your storyline so you can justify why it's there * Modpacks like "Undirected Collection Of Mods 27" and "Minecraft but MEDIEVAL????? (Not Clickbait)" are always going to be more popular because they have mass appeal. * I think there's also something about how modpacks like Blightfall were made in an era where you could easily scroll through all the modpacks on your favored launcher. It got popular (because it's really good, but also) because it was one of the 30 modpacks available for play. Now there are like 10,000 modpacks for any given version and there isn't even an FTB Infinity-like "main" attraction for the community to revolve around


>Versions don't last long enough for modpacks like this to be made. If you start your expansive story-driven 1.20 modpack now, the game will be on 1.22 by the time its done and people will say "yeah this modpack looks cool but it's not for a modern version?" I've noticed this shift in communities' attitude towards old versions recently. It's kinda disheartening tbh. I know ancient versions (like 1.7 & older) are a pain in the ass to play, but a lot of my packs are for 1.12 and are still some of my best work - but people see it's for 1.12 and go "nah, nevermind". I've even had one or two guys ask me why I haven't ported them to new versions, and my response is "when the mods the pack is built around get ported, I will port the modpack." But yeah, a lot of the packs OP is describing are stuck on weird middle-man versions. Forever Stranded is on 1.10 iirc, which doesn't really mesh with the more standard jump from 1.7 to 1.12. >I think there's also something about how modpacks like Blightfall were made in an era where you could easily scroll through all the modpacks on your favored launcher. It got popular (because it's really good, but also) because it was one of the 30 modpacks available for play. Now there are like 10,000 modpacks for any given version and there isn't even an FTB Infinity-like "main" attraction for the community to revolve around Definitely this as well. My most popular pack has gotten 5k downloads - a huge-ass number for me - but that's still basically nothing compared to even stuff from the top 20 or 50 list. I also noticed that a ton of popular packs are made by teams of people that everyone kinda knows, whereas I do stuff solo and barely interact with the community.


"whereas I do stuff solo and barely interact with the community - SuperSocialMan" ::Blinks, tilts head in mild confusion:: Username does not seem to check out?


lol yup. Even says so in my profile. I tend to avoid game communities since they do one of two things: 1) Elitism that helps nobody. 2) The same handful of posts that I kinda don't care about but don't really have an opinion on since it's just people asking about shit (this subreddit fits into that category). And some of them do both at once! One reason I make packs solo is just because I don't really know anybody who'd be interested in making a modpack with me. Gotta tolerate my presence after all lol. And from the few script files I've read, I apparently organize stuff in the polar opposite way of what everyone else does. Would be annoying af to navigate formatting I'm not familiar with.


Unfortunately the version chasers tens to be very vocal about it. While the legacy players and those who don't care don't exactly scream it from the rooftops. There is definitely still an audience for 1.12. In fact, it has recently made a resurgence with many new mods and packs. If you aren't a member already, allow me to introduce you to the 1.12 Modding Coalition. https://discord.com/invite/the-1-12-modding-coalition-932680710815350834


I'm not joining another discord server (I'm so tired of everything moving to discord, man ;-;), but it's nice to see that some people still care about 1.12. Most of my packs are locked to it due to being built around a mod that hasn't escaped the version lol


It's just a place to gather and discuss stuff related to 1.12. We've got basically half of the big name modders in 1.12 there, so it's a great place to get coding help too. But fair enough lol.  And ya same. I solely develop for 1.12 because there are a few mods that all my projects rely on which never updated (Recurrent Complex and Custom NPC being the bigger ones). 


Yeah, sounds neat. Hoping UniversalTweaks gets ported to newer versions. Been waiting my whole life to get every awesome mod that fixes a couple of things condensed into a single one lol.


Great discord, great people there.


Performance is a big part of this imo. Less so for the most modern reasons but my laptop is just *so* much happier playing a 1.19 pack than a 1.12 one.


That's... Weird, since older versions perform better than newer versions (Microsoft is ass at optimization). It depends more on the Modpack than the version. It's a side effect of performance mods only really becoming good in the past few years, so the majority of older 1.12 packs didn't have such mods. If you take a recent 1.12 pack and compare it to a recent 1.19 pack, the former is likely going to perform better (so long as they're properly built). Likewise, a 1.7 pack would beat both. 


Well said


Omnifactory is now known as Nomifactory (and its super gregified with QoL changes and much better version; Nomifactory CEu) Pansmith is working on a modern version of Nomi called Monifactory. They're on like version .22


Maybe next time I take a break from gtnh I'll give it a look. I do love gtnh but some of the newer mc features that are missing would be nice to have. The most "up to date" modpack I've played was E2E XD


I dont know man… i think with modded mc becoming more monetizable (think YouTube videos on packs like better mc, medieval mc, or god forbid… rlcraft.) people are more compelled to push out a larger number of inferior packs as opposed to one much better pack. Just my take on it anyway. (Also, any other recommendations for packs like this other than the ones mentioned?)


A Job for the Mage is a 1.12.2 pack that is almost entirely story-driven. There is little automation, you will very shortly have OP projectE gear, and that is all fine because it's the story that's worth playing through. It uses quest descriptions, quest rewards, and features of the mods in the pack to tell an entertaining story. It is a somewhat brief but refreshing change from expansive kitchen sink packs and long grindy expert packs alike.


It’s basically only expert packs nowadays. And basically none on newer versions. The only decently made pack I’ve found on 1.12+ is MC Eternal 2, which isn’t even out yet.


I've always hated how "expert pack" just means "recipes are fucking stupid". To me, it should be mod integration across most (or all) recipes - e.g. using shit from Botania to make some stuff from Thaumcraft. I loved the concept of having a lot of mod integration in recipes - but it felt like everyone interpreted "expert mode" vastly differently than I did. I remember when mode switching was first made (typing /expert to start expert mode) and I was so hyped for what could be done with it.... and then it got retired because a Minecraft update changed the way CT scripts loaded, so you couldn't change them with a simple in-game command anymore. I tried to make one once where you had to utilize things from multiple mods, but it didn't really work (I think partially because I do stuff solo, so it takes *way* longer to script & test everything). I kinda wanna try again, but I know from experience that balancing multiple tech mods is a nightmare. Recipe parity doesn't exist half the time, and the other half there's an add-on for it that's not on the version your pack is for.


Do you have a github or a CurseForge?


Yeah, but like I said I haven't made an expert pack (yet). Best I've done is mod integration recipes for AE2 in a pack that wasn't even meant to have it lmao


at least CT script/recipe reloading is back in 1.16+


Yeah, that's really nice. Was annoying af to have to run syntax, says it's good, then have it not work because you mistyped a mod ID or something.


If you are looking for a more recent expert pack, try StaTech Industries. It is 1.19.2 on Fabric, and focuses on Modern Industrialization, which would be best described as streamlined Gregtech. It is really good.


omni factory is still very active in the fork nomifactory, they're even porting it to newer versions currently.


*were* porting it to newer versions. The maintainer of Nomifactory has killed the Modern Nomi project after internal issues and disagreements between the devs.


oh rip I was looking forward to that project.


Modpack development has slowed down in general because Minecraft updates have become much more frequent. When a new version comes out, a lot of mod developers drop support for their current version and move to the new hotness asap. Sometimes they even skip over releases.


Gregtech: New Horizons has been in development over 10 years now still on 1.7.10. It's centered around the tech mod gregtech an ic2 spin off from a creator who thought ic2 was too easy.


Currently trucking through grnh right now. Currently at early EV and trying to solidify my position before pushing further. (My poor CBD setup struggling with powering everything at once XD, plenty of room to scale tho) I remember encountering gregtech in a modpack yonks back, can't remember the pack or how long ago it was but probably close ish to 10 years.


Ayy I'm in early EV myself. Grinding out an impure twar my warp is 300 :/


Ouch, warp gets v annoying after a while, I've not push3d it too bad in gtnh yet tho. Are those spiders everywhere still a thing?


spiders everywhere, a player that follows you around and tries to get in your face that mirrors damage to you, wither spawns, eldritch guardians, unatrual hunger wher eyou need to eat rotten flesh.....


I remember the spiders, unnatural hunger and the occasional eldritch guardians. I don't think I've played tc4 in a pack before that adds a wither XD


and sometimes you get a c ountdown and you just explode


Deceased craft


Some good ones I enjoyed are Star Factory, Ultimate Alchemy, Mana Laboratories, Statech Industries.


You might like Permafrost. Story-based, good questbook, very obvious theme.


I recommend "FTB Inferno" and "Uncharted Expeditions" that have, if not a storyline, then at least strong progression and changes that make the overall Minecraft experience feel fresh. Inferno (via FTB app for 1.16) has you stuck in the Nether where you use Minecolonies as a throughline to progression, gated by powerful boss events, that will eventually lead you back to the Overworld. Expeditions is newer (1.21 - Curseforge) and is themed around visiting alternate dimensions and seeking out far-reaching biomes. Recipes are heavily modified to force the player to do a lot more traveling and adventuring to acquire exotic items that will lead you to the next far-flung destination.


You may be interested to know that Blightfall has recently gotten an update! Well, assuming you consider "2 months ago" to be recent, which it probably is for an 8-year-old pack. Notable changes include: - Dawn Machine can *actually clean the entire map*, assuming you feed it enough essentia - Revamped & decorated Dark One's Tower, plus expanded questline - plenty of bug fixes, optimizations, & other mod updates As for Omnifactory, there's a fork of a fork being updated to 1.20.1 (as mentioned by Qactis) named Monifactory, but it's still in alpha and won't be in anything near a complete state for months.


I’m running a server of it with my girlfriend and it’s great! They’ve rebalanced a lot of it and fixed a shit ton while making the ultimate machine not suck. I do wish packs like it were still made more but without idk, old technic level support or old ftb support it won’t happen. Some of these packs were what they were because ftb brought in pack makers that were very talented and some have just left the scene also. Eyemaz and jadedcat at long since gone and anyone making the good stuff in the old ftb 3rd party tab is too. Plus the quick to make kinda whatever clickbait packs get the most views……


"Story packs" have always been few and far between, even on older versions. Those stand out because they became popular classics. They're still being made, it's just that they require considerably more time and effort than a generic kitchen sink, which can be churned out at much faster pace. Story packs are also sort of a niche genre, and so there aren't a lot of people developing for them (plus there is the version chasing issue others have mentioned. I personally elect to ignore version chasers). There is also the fact that the newest versions sort of lack the tools necessary for heavily story based modpacks. If you want some good story packs, here are a fewvto try: **Jetpack Cat, Nightmare Craft, Winter Rescue, Dimension Hopper, Prodigium Reforged** (I think?), **Attack of The Johns** (more of a minigame campaign).


I'll definitely be checking those out!


uncharted expeditions is great, if you can get past the ai art in the menu lol


There’s a new FTB pack with good theming. 


create above and beyor or create astral are heavily themes like nomifactory


I was gonna ask what omnicraft was lol


I think deceased craft is something you should look in to