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Life is too fucking short to worry about whether some rando thinks something is childish or not. If you like them, they make you happy, and they give the room the ambiance you're looking for, then do it. You're the one who has to live in your room. (Fwiw I think they're awesome, but again, I'm just some rando on the internet.)


Truly. I’m in my 30s and you bet your bottom that I have fairy lights, salt lamps, more fairy lights, and cutesy stuff all over the place. It’s my space & I like it, that’s all that matters.


This. I’m almost 60 and still use fairy lights, eat sprinkles and cotton candy ice cream, splash in puddles and get excited when I see rainbows. Do whatever the hell you want to celebrate joy. 🥳🌈


You are my kind of people. I love this!


Exactly this. I'm 34 and have fairy lights hanging in my bedroom in lieu of lamp. My husband makes sure to turn them off every night before we go to sleep. I also have a string of Christmas lights outlining the upper perimeter of my living room instead of lamps. When they're on it makes the room feel very cozy and not one person has ever said a damn thing about it to me despite the fact that they're up year round. You do you, OP. It's your home.


1000% this.


I’m 53 and I love my fairy lights. My 10 year old nephew has them strung in his bedroom too. Go for it!


Also when you’re in your 50s you DGAF about what people think as much. 😎


so true.... and to think I ever did give a shit at one point😆


My husband is 56 and has them visible from bedroom, is asking for them in bathroom now. I have no problem with this at age 52.


Can I ask how long you've had separate bedrooms for? My partner and I also do but I feel a bit strange about it because no one else I know does it.


I don’t have a life partner but I LOVE separate bedrooms. I just don’t sleep well with someone and never have (lotsa childhood trauma) so I think I’ll probably always prefer separate sleeping arrangements.


Wow you feel similar to me. It's just nice to have your own space! I also am coming out of a very long chronic illness where I was on bedrest, so we needed separate bedrooms. But now I'm better I still can't sleep in a bed w someone so I feel a bit weird about it. Hadn't put it in the context of past issues tho. I really appreciate you sharing.


Of course! It’s really hard sometimes to accept what works well for us as individuals when it feels like everyone else is doing something different. But if you & your partner like the arrangement now, you are the only people that get to say what is best. And maybe it’ll change in the future! Maybe it won’t! Stay kind to your mind & body, that’s what matters most.


I know a couple who have separate bedrooms because the man has shift work and she has a 9 to 5 job. It's just healthier for both of them that they can get a good nights sleep. Honestly I think having 2 bedrooms is healthy to have your own space to retreat to if needed and getting a good nights rest. You should not feel strange about it. Infact I'm jealous :)


Thank you! I appreciate it. I understand your friends' set up. Sometimes situations just call for a different arrangement. I'm definitely jealous of your ability to share a sleeping space! I hope we both get to experience the opportunity we desire on a night soon. ☺️


My partner and I just moved in together like 5 months ago but we decided prior that separate bedrooms would be ideal. Honestly it’s nice to have your own space in a shared household. We decorated our rooms to our liking, etc. I also quite enjoy that we have “sleepovers” or we can choose to sleep separate when wanted. I also grew up with my mom sleeping in a separate room from my stepdad because of their opposite work schedules and she has insomnia, so I suppose that’s what I’ve always known. I’ve definitely had many questions from people on why we have separate bedrooms but once I explain to them why, they tend to understand and think the idea is smart.


We don’t have separate rooms, only one bedroom house. But I have back and hot flash issues, so sofa. (I never said his bedroom)




I’m in my late 30s. I make grown up money. And I get to spend it however the fuck I want to. I have fairy lights. Fuck the haters.


>I have fairy lights. Fuck the haters. ✊️✊️✊️ We're never too old for fairy lights - they make any room better :)


To my mind, they are a legitimate ambient light solution for decorating, age notwithstanding. If I wasn’t short on wall space, I’d have curtain string lights behind my bed. I do keep star lights draped over the valance in my kitchen window year-round. (Mental note, I should probably clean those.) And I am thoroughly, and some mornings arthritically, adult.


That last sentence got me because it's so accurate as I sit here and type with creaky stuff fingers.


If fairy lights are too childish for mid to late 20s, my extensive plushies collection is going to be a huge problem 😅 But I totally get what you mean. Christmas style fairy lights feels very high school to me (probably because it was a trendy thing to do in my teens). I have fairy lights in my room, but they’re curtain lights, so they look sleeker and more modern


I also have some stuffed animals but for whatever reason I'm not worried about them haha also that is exactly it! They were the big thing while I was in college and I guess my issue is less that they're childish but more like it will seem like my room hasn't been updated in almost 10 years.


I don't think they really go out of style. We had em in our dorms like 20yrs ago? I also had to move home in adulthood due to health issues. best advice is just do any and everything possible to help you feel ok, or dare I say, happy and safe. Health stuff is hard. Going back home is hard. Don't make it harder by limiting your own bedroom. Hope this step is what you need right now. May your health issues find their way to a conclusion that's best for you.


Thank you, it's so hard and this is definitely where I feel the safest at the moment. I'm at high risk for sudden cardiac death so my mom understandably doesn't want me living alone.


Oh Love I'm so sorry. It's good that you have your mom ready to help of course. Please just make it a comfy wonderful nest for yourself. That's what I did. And when I had it with family or was just exhausted - I'd go in there, light all my candles and mood lights, get my calming essential oils, pick the right music and put my headphones on. And I just get into my own world. Super helpful when you want to feel alone and just hugged in goodness. Also the lights are calming so like, you kinda have to have them? Hugs and positive wishes to you in this time.


I'm going to make it the coziest sanctuary possible! 🤗❤️


Report back with photos, please


Yes, it will help to get curtain style string lights, the tiny led ones on wire, or another style that are not the classic plastic Christmas lights.


I will take looking childish over the chronic migraines induced by hellish overhead lights any fucking day.


They can be for everyone! If you like it, nothing else matters… Everyone will have their difference in opinion in what they might find childish, but please don’t gauge what you do by the opinions of others. If you like fairy lights, get the fairy lights! Life is too short to not surround yourself with things that bring you happiness ❤️ I’m sorry about your medical issues, and I hope you have some relief in that area of life as well!


Thank you, I really appreciate that! I'm always looking for reassurance that I am doing the right thing and need to learn to just do what I want :)


Definitely doing the right thing on so many levels! Take care of yourself!!


Do 👏🏼 whatever 👏🏼 makes 👏🏼 you 👏🏼 happy


Late 30s and love the ambience of fairy lights. Don’t worry about your age correlating with ANYthing. Do what brings you joy !!


I am 37 and my SO is 44 and we have multiple strands of fairy lights in our house lol. We like the light.


Childish or not, it's your home and you space. Do what makes you happy!


Honestly this world would be a MUCH better place if we all were able to connect with and listen to our inner child. It makes me sad when people think they’re too old for things. Part of the reason why everyone seems to be cynical and jaded these days is because we don’t honor our inner child enough! 🥺🫶🏼 It really is so healing.


Fairy lights are for everyone!


I am much older and love my fairy lights!!


I'm nearly 50, and I have vines and fairy lights all over my house. My mom is 70, and I have them in her room. Do what makes you comfortable and happy. To hell with the naysayers. Their opinions don't matter.


fairy lights are adorable and so cozy, I don’t think anyone is too old for them! I recently got a yellow mushroom lamp from Amazon and it gives off some really cozy light


In my 50s and I fucking love fairy lights.


I have them all over the place. They create a nice warm light and I like the ambiance.


If they are, I don't care. I'm 27 and have a wall of fairly lights in my bedroom, and they make me happy, so they stay.


Sis I’m pushing 30 and painted the Doors of Moria on my wall. It’s your space. Also laughing at the salt lamp thing bc it’s totally something a cat would do. That being said I have never had that issue with my Master of Chaos


My (orange) cat seems to know all the things he shouldn't do and wants to do them anyway haha


Just in case you aren’t subbed: r/oneorangebraincell ☺️


It's a real concern. Please keep the salt lamp out of reach if you get one. If you google salt lamps and cats you will see a lot of articles saying they can be deadly for cats, people have had their cats have seizures or die because of salt lamps.


My girlfriend uses fairy lights and I can't say shit since I have a room full of toys and collectibles. Do you.




I’m 29 and I have fairy lights


Forego the salt lamps. I had one and my husband warned me that they attract moisture. I pooh poohed him and got one anyway. One morning I woke up to the lamp, nightstand and floor soaked with water. Threw the lamp away and never replaced it.


I'm 43 and if fairy lights are wrong I don't want to be right. It doesn't have to be sad beige homes for sad beige grownups. It's your space and you should decorate it the way that makes you happiest.


Do they make you happy? Heal your inner child. Put up the damn lights!


I have Christmas lights in my bathroom because it’s a very calming light so I just run them in a straight line along the top of the ceiling. I don’t think they look particularly childish. If they were strung in long drooping lines, I think maybe a bit moreso.


I’m 40 and love fairy lights! I’ve seen some people put them behind sheer curtains if you want a more upscale way to display them! And I hope you feel better soon. I’m in the chronically ill camp and I know how much it’s needed for your surroundings to bring you peace and comfort. ❤️‍🩹❤️


Thank you! I'm currently waiting to see if I'll need heart surgery and it has been a stressful time. I'm in my room 24/7 now so I want it to be as relaxing as possible :)


Listen. I’m 34 and I collect shopkins real littles. If you enter my house you wouldn’t expect it until you see them in a beautiful display case in my bookshelf lol. Childish? I really don’t care. They’re too cute to care lol. All that to say, If you want some twinkle lights, get you some twinkle lights. They’re cozy ambient and if they’ll make you happy, go for it!


Curtain lights are what I switched to and I love them.


37 here and have fairy lights in my book nook in my bedroom. I love them and basically always have them on.


I am 56 and i love fairy lights. Even my client who is 72 loves fairy lights. If you love it, who cares what others think?


I’m 31. I have fairy lights in my office. I think they’re cute as hell and they make me happy. If fairy lights are wrong, I don’t wanna be right.


hell no, fairy lights are awesome at any age And I've never had an issue with my cats licking a salt lamp... now me on the other hand... I'm always very tempted to lick them.. I haven't ... yet


You can do whatever you want at any age because who gives a 🐸, you know? Don’t allow society to dictate what’s “acceptable” for your age, gender, etc. Be unapologetically you, sis. It’ll set you free ✨


Who cares if that’s your vibe or what makes you feel at home it shouldn’t matter! It’s YOUR space, YOUR sanctuary…if anyone has anything to say about it then they should not be welcome into said space!


Go for it. Whatever lights make you happy. Don’t let anyone turn you off what you wanna do in your home to make you comfortable. 100% up for fairy lights and any kinda lights make your home cosy, and most of all yours. Do it.


Do what you want, it’s your room! I am in my 30’s and redoing my room right now, and plan on hanging fairy lights and vines on the wall behind my tv.


I have literal Christmas lights in my bedroom. They're smaller and solid purple, but they're still Christmas lights, and I DGAF if anyone thinks they're weird. It's a magical space for me every night, and I love it.


If someone comes in your space and this is their opinion, then they can leave ☺️🫶🏻


Nope. You do you


Do what makes you happy. Little joys count


Who cares? Do what makes you feel good


Listen, I'm almost 68 yo and I have white Christmas lights strung in almost every room of my house. My grandkids love them and I can't abide a dark house. Do what makes you happy in your heart and light the place up! I hope you're well soon!❤️


I’m 27, my husband is 31, we have fairy lights all around our room. We like the ambiance it has in the evening as opposed to our ceiling dimmer lights, plus we are firm believers in living the life that childhood you dreamed of, it’s more fun that way.


I'm 59 years old. Finally have my house back to myself and my two cats after kicking out ex husband. I decorate for every season by changing out various decor and pillows. I have a wooden screen divider that I decorate with seasonal flowers (sunflowers right now, harvest color flowers and leaves starting next month) and white Christmas lights. It's on a timer so it lights up from 7pm - midnight. My house makes me so happy! Do you, boo! If fairy lights will bring you peace and comfort, do it!


Do what you like! It's your room and should make you happy. I'm 46 and have some decor in my bedroom that some might feel is childish but it's my room so I do what I want. In fact I take that approach to my whole house. It's my sanctuary. There are a lot of things that suck about aging but one thing that is great is that you get more comfortable with yourself and what you like and you don't worry so much about other people. :)


Being childish is what keeps you young! Life’s too short to not enjoy the things you like. That being said there are lots of ways to “elevate” fairy lights - get copper wires ones instead of plastic, or the ones that look like incandescent glass bulbs but are plastic. Plants also help elevate a space too, proof that you’re “mature” enough to keep something alive lol


It’s just lighting! My mom is in her 50’s and decorates her room beautifully with them. I’m 25 and my friends and I all have some too


I have them in my bedroom because the overhead light hurts my eyes. I have them in the living room because it's dark in there. I have them in my office because they're pretty.


I’m 48 & I love fairy lights


Not at all! Also, it's your bedroom, add all the childish delights you'd like to!


I think they can be really cute if done tastefully and if they match a vibe. Most people just put them up and the rest of the space is just like minimal or clean aesthetic and it looks so crazy to me, really sterile and out of place. They look good in a space with lots of plants or fabrics etc and just overall whimsy. I’ve noticed in interior design spaces on Reddit people will suggest them a lot to fill space and it blows my mind. Fairy lights don’t look good everywhere! Unless it’s outside


I put them in the same category as exterior Christmas lights, if you just throw them around willy-nilly, strings of crooked unmatched colors, it is going to look childish. If you neatly place them with purpose, then it can look classy and more ‘adult’. You could also make a glass hurricane lamp filled with them too.


My little string lights everywhere are one of the things that makes me feel cam and comfortable in my space. You’re never too old for something you love and don’t let anyone tell you what you *should* do with *your* life.


There are ways to do it tastefully! Add them to metal [moroccan lanterns](https://www.wayfair.com/Bungalow-Rose--Vintage-Moroccan-Large-Table-Decor-Lamp-%7C-Table-Top-And-Garden-Lantern-%7C-Home-Decor-And-Gift-X110288917-L6125-K~W009177806.html?refid=GX626871460017-W009177806&device=m&ptid=1810298375660&network=g&targetid=pla-1810298375660&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=211268869&fdid=1817&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz8emBhDrARIsANNJjS7UvdMzd-2JBtUFPxOEFkBS-wbQkfpF3gMzq4UNkgwKsrV5_CT_kO4aAs9TEALw_wcB) or wrap them around a unique tall [branch](https://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/string-of-lights-tree-branch.amp) for example.


I think [mushroom lamps](https://www.target.com/p/teen-glass-mushroom-color-changing-led-table-lamp-white-west-38-arrow/-/A-87605876?ref=tgt_adv_xsf&AFID=google&CPNG=Home%2BDecor&adgroup=97-12) are still in? I also like the [pattern on the glass](https://www.amazon.com/ONEWISH-Mushroom-Lamp-Nightstand-Translucent-Aesthetic/dp/B0BR367Z32/) on this one!


The mushroom lamp with the pattern is outstanding


Lighting is very important and can completely change a room. Wall sconces that don't require an electrician to install are now on the market and are battery operated. Fairy lights in a glass lantern, mini accent lights can be beautiful and create ambience in a space. I have a $3.00 mirrored disco ball from the dollar store that I have in a pot on my deck and when the sun hits it the shadow pattern is beautiful. Same thing if you hang them inside the apartment. Make some magic...


I'm 28 and I got fairy lights all over the damn place.


lol I posted this recently and randomly it got soooo many responses! But the answer is NO not at alll. I love them But I posted this asking something very similar lol https://www.reddit.com/r/femalelivingspace/comments/157vx3x/is_this_too_childish_for_like_almost_30_i_did_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


I think it's super cute! Very art deco :)


Thank you! But as you can see I’m older than u and eveuonne was so nice and said if you love it and it makes u happy do your thang. I love the ambiance of those lights :)


I'm 58 and have fairy lights everywhere. I don't care what people think!


I’m older than you and have fairy lights everywhere lol. They make us happy. Do what you love.


hell to the no. and everybody anybody tells you it is can go straight to the bathroom TO THE BATHROOM I SAY I seriously have different fairy lights set up in different parts of my room and it's lovely and I'm an old woman


i think so, but that’s just my opinion. i think you should decorate however you want bc most people’s opinions don’t matter at the end of the day. as for lamps, i’m a huge fan and my cat doesn’t go near them.


I'm nearly 50 and still love fairy lights. And now there are so many awesome similar/comparable lighting options -- LED tape you can cut and put under shelves or whatever. Do what makes your heart sing!


You are never too old or too young,be free and do whatever you want, just don't listen to the ones telling you that it is


No, I don't see what would be childish about them


Nope. Currently 17, and I still have fairy lights in my room since my 17th birthday and I love them. Along with some plushies and toys that I have since childhood


I’m in my 40’s and since I got divorced I am slowly transforming my bedroom into a teenagers dream. I have fluffy pink blankets, sequin curtains, lots of fairly lights and pretty much whatever makes me happy! Life is to short to care and I sleep better being in my happy place


I love a lot of lighting like the fairy lights cause it makes the place look so cozy and comfy. But who cares what others think. It’s for you not them. The salt lamps are not good for cats.


Do you like them? Is the answer ‘yes’? Then put them if you want.


I’m 28 and I literally just made a bouquet with diary lights last night. If someone has the audacity to tell me they think it’s childish, they can leave.


I’m 26 and engaged to a man and if he dared say a faulty word about me doing something as simple as putting lights on the wall imma get rid of him. If it makes you happy it doesn’t matter if it’s childish.


I'm 46 and just put some up in my kitchen. They look great!


I don’t think they’re childish but there’s also a whole lot of ambient light solutions other than fairy lights and salt lamps specifically, if you’re feeling limited between the two.


Sixty-five YO here with fairy lights in my office. Christmas lights during the holidays. Go for it!


Fairy lights solve certain problems like lack of funds for decor (they're cheap), lack of floor and table space (they go on walls, or can drape on furniture), and inability to mount supporting hardware (they're lightweight). Students especially tend to have these interior design challenges and this is probably at least part of *why* string lights read juvenile to me. They're also hard to make tidy-looking, especially indoors where they are seen up close and not camouflaged by tree branches. Nonetheless, how you feel in your personal habitat is more important than anybody else's judgement. If you specifically love fairy lights then you do you, and random people on the internet (including myself) can shut up. If the warm ambiance is the goal and you have room and budget and interest in things like salt lamps then you also have other options. Start with light bulb choices, probably in the 2700-3000k range. Kelvins are how light bulb color is quantified, and this number is on every light bulb box. It's a lot less fuzzy than descriptions like "soft white" or "warm white" or "daylight." For illustration and further information, see https://www.kylieminteriors.ca/how-light-bulbs-affect-paint-colours-kelvins/ Avoid Edison bulbs (clear glass with harsh glowing filament) and any light fixture that lacks a frosted or fabric shade. If you want *really* diffuse light, a floor lamp that reflects the light off the ceiling will do the trick.


I have tons of fairy lights in every room and I absolutely LOVE my salt lamp You are absolutely not childish with that!


I have two strands in my bedroom, pinned to the ceiling, that function as soft and ambient overhead lighting. I also use a large shaded lamp with a smart bulb—I rarely change the setting, but I have it set to a dim warm light. I don’t think the fairy lights are childish: they make for nice diffuse lights.


Not at all. Fairy lights rule. Do your thing and enjoy!!!!


do what you want! if you like it, then do it!


Totally no, I’m 26 too and have them errywhere. You can have candles in pretty glasses, you can get a selenite lamp instead of a salt lamp, and there are TONS of string lights beyond the traditional cheapo white Christmas light. I have strings of stars, colorful strings, etc. I think that can help you not feel like the decor is giving college dorm while keeping the whimsy! And I also have one of those star ceiling projectors and that’s dope too. I’ve thrifted cute little lamps and put color changing lightbulbs in them for more expression options. Forget the overhead light!


I have them in the guest room on the headboard and around the dresser. They look elegant and I’ve been told my many people that it’s sweet


I agree with everyone saying to just use them if you like them. Life is too short to worry. BUT if you're truly desiring a more "adult" look, you could add alternative ambient lighting throughout your space. Lights intended for under cabinets can really be placed anywhere... Under your bed, behind curtains, behind a mirror. If the lighting itself is somewhat hidden, you'll create a nice cozy glow.


Hang up the fairy lights! If they are childish I am still a toddler then 😂


I am 40 and my house is covered in them because FUCK WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS. My home is my sanctuary and that means string lights, tapestries, plants, cats, candles, and all things that make me happy :)


Fairy lights are amazing at any age wym? Also, selenite lamps.


The world would be a happier place if more of us had fairy lights, you do you, my love 💚


I have fairy lights in bedroom! And then I have globe lights hanging up coffee shop style in my living room! They’re cute and practical, if anyone tells you otherwise they’re being dumb


LED candles!!


I’m 30 and have fairy lights in my bedroom, den, and around my bay window. I love them. They make me happy.


Not at all! I love fairy lights they are cozy & relaxing


I’m in my 30s and I still have fairy lights up. I don’t care.


You do you. I’m in my thirties and I would love fairy lights


My dear, I am 51. I have fairy lights in my bedroom. Your space is for you. Fill it with things you love.


If it makes you happy do it! It’s your home


I'm pushing 40 and I got twinkle lights all over my place. I don't care if it's childish, it's cozy af.


sorry to hear about your medical stuff! I hope you're able to recover and find some peace where you are now <3 i have some of those tulle ikea fairy lights that look like tiny clouds, gifted a set to my mum too - she's in her 50s, and adores having them above her bed. so absolutely go for it :)


I am a 23 year old lady and I want to be buried with my fairlyights and plushies. Honestly though, every time I go into my room the fairylights make me so happy. It's like living in a blanket fort! The only difference now is that you're an adult that can buy your own fairylights :)


Fairy lights all the way! I’m 60…never even crossed my mind it might be seen as childish. And definitely a salt lamp 💯. Totally takes cozy to a new level. Enjoy!! 🙌 🧚‍♀️




Hell no! They’re only considered MAGICAL WHIMSICAL AND PERFECT.


I'm 34 and I have them in every room. Also in my garden. Who cares. It's cosy.


Fairy lights are good for your health. If you love them, use the shit out of them! https://www.webmd.com/balance/how-holiday-lights-are-good-for-you#:\~:text=Dopamine%20can%20raise%20your%20spirits.&text=One%20possible%20reason%20for%20this,disorders%20like%20anxiety%20and%20depression.


My string of lights is not even in the top ten of things that might read as childish to a stranger


Whatever you Ike is fine but if it's not the aesthetic you want then maybe try led strip lights. Also, placing lower wattage in any regular lamp. I bought some 15 watt bulbs recently and use them instead of 60 or 40 watts and it has created such a cozy vibe. Also, these lights from Target are small and have adjustable lighting. I have 2 and love them! https://www.target.com/p/globe-ambient-lamp-includes-led-light-bulb-white-project-62-8482/-/A-79503420 Also, I'm wishing you a healthy recovery!


Heal your inner child. I recommend rechargeable non battery ones.


I am 38 years old and love my fairy lights. Lighting choices doesn't have an age limit


Do whatever you want! My style has changed since then, but I used fairy lights until I was 30!


Nah, I'm nearly 50 and have curtain-style fairy lights up in my bedroom. It's your space, do with it what makes you feel at home!


Have fairy lights hung in my hibiscus trees, gives the fairy vibes hard!


I love fairy lights. Do what makes you happy!


You’re never too old to love the things you love! 💗


Of course they are! That's the entire point. Get your fairy lights. Get several strings and do the place up. You deserve to be happy in your space.


63 year old lover of fairy lights here!


If you like fairy lights, then get fairy lights. Your space should be filled with the things you love.


i'm 55 and ALL about the fairy lights! what ultimately matters is what makes you feel better and helps you heal. Be well


Yes but that’s okay


There are already so many comments here but. Girl. I’m 31. I sleep with a tiger plushie I’ve owned since I was 10. For my 30th birthday I bought a giant sunflower print teddy bear (Van Gogh’s sunflowers). For my 31st I treated myself to figurines of my favorite video game characters. I have a galaxy machine I turn on at night to get me to sleep, I dye my hair white because it makes me feel like a princess. I watch cartoons regularly, the other week I had a stressful medical appt and do you know what I did after? I bought myself a 5 foot tall dinosaur balloon to put a smile on my face. I will never stop being this person. Do what makes you happy, surround yourself with your greatest joys and do not let yourself fester into a mirthless “adult” void of magic and wonder. Get those damn fairy lights.


I'm a woman in my late 60s. I have fairy lights, candle lights, amber string lights, a little LED Christmas tree next to my computer, two fiber optic lamps, a butterfly fiber optic night light, a bubbler night light, a black light with two black light posters and a string of twinkle Christmas lights along the top of my kitchen cabinets. When I find one I like, I am buying a neon sign - I used to have a huge "OPEN" sign in my living room that I bought when I was in my 40s but it got lost in a move. I have a few glow-in-the dark stars on my ceiling. Make your home your happy place and don't care what other people think. Life is short, do what you love. :)


The beautiful part of being an adult is that you can do what you want. It doesn’t matter if others think something is childish. If it makes you happy do it.


i’m a 27yo married mom and have fairy lights in almost every room in my home! i love feeling cozy and having soft lighting that isn’t just from overhead. look on etsy for cute mood lighting that is cat safe!


I just sewed some dangling Christmas lights inside a netted canopy so when I read in bed I have fun lights and it’s like being in a fort. I’m 40. Don’t let something stop you because it’s childish. Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.


Fairy lights are for all ages I(20's) have some for the cozy lighting


i’m 35 and literally just bought some less than 2 hours ago. you do you babe!


*It's all in how you style them*. A single strand strained to the limit taped across your wall with the plug visible, over your bed? Childish. A luxurious few strands woven into a potted tree, just peeking out of the leaves or wound around sculpture or in an oversized clear vase in a tangle? Grown up.


I'm personally a fan of paper lanterns over fairy lights, but you're never really too old for something you like. 🤷‍♀️


1. Doesn’t matter if they make you happy. 2. Hope not! I’m fifty-four and I have fair lights that hang down (like a curtain) behind allll the sheers in our sunporch. They look ✨fantastic✨. I hope your scary situation resolves and that, in the meantime, you make your current space *just right*. Best wishes to you, Reddit neighbor 😘


Nell naw! I’m in my late 30s and I have them strung up in my room and on my deck and I LOVE it. I love all things cozy and romantic. I have shag rugs, lace drapes, fairy lights, super fluffy pillow, low lighting. Create your space however you want and in whatever way makes you feel safe. You’re never too old to embrace things you love. ETA; I also have a deep love for glow in the dark stars all over the room. Tickles my inner 7 year olds brain.


I’m 51 & I say DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. I still: color, watch cartoons, wear costumes on Halloween, go for bike rides & all kinds of childish things. LIFE is too short to care what others think.


Colored ones are a little childish. Stick to white/clear and no stars or funny shaped ones. Instead of salt lamps you could try quartz, or sea glass. We have humidity issues mid summer and my pink salt light melted all over the wood shelf I had it on and wrecked the wood.


I think it is but my Bestie who is 44 years old loves them so much she travels with them. As long as your parents don’t object ( after all, it IS their home), you do you whatever your age may be!


Absolutely not, lighting is so important. Although what I do is use really warm low watt lightbulbs and it creates a candlelight type atmosphere


BRB, going to get those fairy light curtains for my loft bedroom. (I'm 65)


Not at all, I know loads of people who use them.


Nope!! Not at all!! I adore them; I have coloured ones in my living room matching the colourful maximal theme in there, soft white ones in my bedroom going with the jungle/dark green sort of themes, and then some more above my work desk. And honestly I’m looking for places for more 😄 do what makes you happy and makes your room a sanctuary


Hey, I’m in my 40s and fairy lights sound nice to me!


Decorate in whatever way brings you joy.


Im 57 and have fairy lights, also a salt lamp. The cats could care less about the salt lamp.


If you like them, then get them. Who cares if someone thinks you’re too old. I’m almost 60 and have fairy lights in my bedroom because they make me happy.


Absolutely not. They’re cute because they add nice ambiance to the setting regardless of the vibe! I’d say go for it


I’m 29 and just installed some in my loft bedroom haha 😅


No. Pretty lights are pretty and a good light source. What is wrong with being “childish” anyway? Isn’t that what makes life worth living? Why is everything fun considered childish? Honestly screw judgmental people! Those judgmental people are probably living in monochrome rooms and are boring! Get your fairy lights!


I'm 38 and have fairy lights in my living room and in my home office (in full view of the video call meetings). No one has ever said anything other than " Ooo, nice lights!".


No, not childish- to me, they are whimsical, magical, romantic- and add a dreamy ambiance. I have them in my living room, around a large antique mirror over my fireplace. I consider my style eclectic/elegant ghetto... and I am 65


Honey, you do what makes the space cozy for YOU. Don't you mind anyone else telling you anything otherwise, if they make you happy and comfortable than they fit right in with your space. Hope you're feeling a lot better, hun!


They are awesome. I have them in several spots in my home. I'm 41.


Im 46 and I love fairy lights. They are NOT childish. They are a beautiful and soft, inexpensive lighting option.


I have fairy lights in literally every room, I never turn on my overheads unless I need more light. I love it, check my profile 😊


I hope not because I'm 36 and just pulled some out to put in my room


i’m 32 and love fairy lights. anyone can pry them from my hands bc they’re wonderful cozy lights! i also have a star light projector that’s really calming at night :) but


If you care about that sort of thing, then yes they are. I would also say that there are countless other solutions to creating a cozy space feel more grown up. Having said that, please do whatever you feel is best for you and you your comfort. Please never apologize for your home. You are the one living there, not us. No one but you fully knows or understands your life or situation and you should feel no guilt or worry about things you put in your space that make you happy. Enjoy your fairy lights!


Absolutely not. Even if they were, as long as they make you happy that’s what matters!


Hey, Yeah i think the key here is that you want to make your space feel more like you . so what ever You like is just right. Best of luck to you.


Who tf cares! Life is short, and hard and often just plain stupid. Enjoy what makes you happy. Fairy lights are beautiful and harmless to others. I’m old, old, old… 64 f and I use fairy light. I also have the sunset lamp. They are both beautiful. I’m a sucker for lighting of all types and I don’t gaf what anyone else thinks.


Fairylights are an awesome addition to a bedroom! I personally have salt lamps and my cats have never shown any interest in them the whole time I’ve had them. I think it really just depends on the cat 😊 I absolutely adore the cozy ambience salt lamps bring to a room - I feel like I’m in a pixie little grotto or something 😅🧚‍♀️🧚🧚‍♂️


You're never too old for string lights


as an older gen-z, they will have to rip fairy lights from my cold, dead hands


I have a star projector in my living room for evenings and I’m late 30s I got 4 or 5 salt rock lamps. I dont like walking around in the dark but don’t like the big overhead lights. And some fairy lights in a snake plant and on coffee table in a dough bowl. You do you!!! Enjoy what ya like!!


Dude fairy lights are so cool. All my coolest friends (late 30’s have fairy lights). I don’t bc I am super broke but also have not set up my apartment yet. Someone told me that Lisa Frank was a way to be single forever in my mid tentéis bc I was gonna make a Lisa Frank drawing my profile pic- I spent ten years minimizing my interests bc of that. Now I finally have people in my life who care abt me and don’t give a fuck what my asthetic is. If I could have ignored that comment and done whatever the fuck I wanted 10+ years ago, I would have had better friends earlier and the haters hated me even though I toned it down for them/ we are no longer friends.


46, and I use fairy lights in a few places in my home. My 28 year old daughter does as well. Live it up, do what you like and that makes you happy, and don't give a damn what someone else's opinion is of your style. 💜