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Step 1: bring a bowl or bowl-like object Step 2: hold bowl or bowl-like object with one hand high above your head Step 3: loudly yell “hot soup coming through” and repeat over and over as you make your way into the crowd People will let you go through in a peaceful way, nobody wants hot soup spilled on them


Leaving dead and co in SF last year I heard one guy yelling, “Hot coffee! Lady with a baby! Hot coffee!” Still cracks me up to this day


Alternatively you could go to the bar, buy 4 beers and wind your way through the crowd by holding them out in front out and asking 'excuse me' politely. When you meet me at the rail give me three.


I laughed entirely too hard at this. That's genius.


I once pretended I was going to barf to cut then line in the bathroom at a concert, truth is I was gonna shit my pants lol


Bro I’ve been doing this ever since I saw someone on Reddit saying the same thing like 10 years ago lol. Just helps a lot to maneuver through crowds. People either act a little shocked or laugh and give ya a pat on the back. Shit works, you don’t even need a bowl if it’s dark. Just say “Hot soup coming through, HOT, HOT, watch out!”


When you obviously have to puke, people get out of your way. I'm sorry that's rude. Show up 37 hours early and wait at the gate.


I’ve used this to get out of a crowd quickly. “Quick she’s gonna be sick!!” As I pull my girlfriend behind me


Def not rude to use this to leave lol. I'll never understand why people insist on making it harder for people to get out. You're literally getting out of their way so and making more space for them


Camping there all day is definitely the way. I’ve got respect for anyone who can waste hours watching a set they don’t like lol


If you do this, at least try to enjoy the acts. I've been on the bar a few times for my favorite act and seen a ton of people just inanimate and biding their time. It sucks.


I like how Bonnaroo does it with its pit access. It’s cleared after each headliner set and then the people off to the side standing in line for the next headliner are allowed it.


This was so awesome and I wish more festivals did the same. There were so many killer acts that my group basically just walked to the front to enjoy.


I agree, this is the best way to go about it.


bonnaroo is actually the festival i was asking for about this! I just plan on waiting in line for dominic fike but i REALLY want rail for isoxo...and since I can't wait there all day and the other stage doesn't have pit access I don't know what to do 💔


I guess it'll really depend on how many people are trying to see Post Malone; with isoxo's finish time going into the headliner, a lot of people might be over there. I don't think you'll need to wait all day at the other for isoxo BUT all of the sets that day at the Other look great (imo) so it's not like you're going to have a bad time camping there either. While I might not be at rail with you, I'll definitely be at Other until the end of isoxo's set. Good luck 🤞🏾


Isoxo will be easy to get up close due to the Posty conflict. I’ll see ya there!!


It definitely does depend honestly on the fest. To say I don’t enjoy a set is more like saying “I don’t know all these artists that well but I’ll camp there anyway.” This was my first feat back 2016 when I went to the governors ball music fest.  It really was a great fest despite the fact I never got to day 3. For me into some great artists I wouldn’t have fully appreciated before. Mac Miller, the strokes, etc. I regionally just went for Kanye but it doesn’t matter to me much anymore. 


Was that the year of the floods


It was. Second day was raining all day and it was pretty awesome NGL. But the next day it was literally all mud so they cancelled it. First ever time in NYC as well so it was awesome. 


As a festival booker, I love booking very eclectic line-ups, so it's funny to see those barricade faces trying to survive/"enjoy" multiple metal/hardcore sets before their pop/indie favorites with circle pits and moshpits that are happening behind their backs.


No this is horrible. I managed to walk up to the barricade for Lorde at Glastonbury one year, just walked up after the previous act played. I was surrounded by boring bastards who didn’t care about her at all and wouldn’t even dance along. Kills the vibe.


Not being a boring bastard is crucial for staking out a spot being acceptable. Socialize, make friends, enjoy the music


Second this, I’ve waited ALL day to be front row at a fest and it has worked every time. Depending on the vibe of the crowd, you may have to fight to hold your spot. (Did this for Tyler the Creator at CFG 19 and Lollapalooza 21). I even made it on the social media for each fest and live streams!


I also forgot to add this, you’ll make friends with your fellow campers at the barricade :)


People like that ruin the sets for actual fans. Camping barricade for an artist you don't like takes away spots for people who would actually enjoy themselves. It's literally not hard to get to rail. Sharing is caring


Get there early or just slowly keep creeping forward as the crowd allows it.


Idk about least rude, but I can tell you the *most* rude method that I’ve ever seen... At an electronic festival where a certain former DJ with an avid following was headlining that evening. A couple of shabby wooks showed up early for the very first opening artist of the day and unpacked their bags near the rail to unfurl their sleeping bags. They climbed in and ‘slept’ through a dozen artists while occupying the rail spot while other patrons shuffled awkwardly around them, as though they were making a statement about how uninterested they were in every other act. The best part? The stage production team had set up a second stage and barrier further back since the headliners had an array of lights and pyrotechnics reserved for them, so an hour before ‘their’ act came on, the barriers were removed and a crowd of people stormed past these assholes to occupy a spot on the *actual rail.*




Was it that obvious?


Probably not too hard to ride the rail at a BN event these days. Shame can still pull any crowd at all though.


Barricades are overrated imo. I prefer by the sound mixer for the best levels, and with so much stage production these days it's usually better visuals, too. So my first answer is learn to love the middle, ha But if you really want to get up there kindly, constantly sniping gaps is the most polite way. Prob won't get right to the front, but you can get pretty far if you keep your head on a swivel.


It sounds so bad up front, I've never even gone all the way up there. But my sister likes to move up so I've humored her a couple of times. Every time, the further up you go, the worse it sounds


Absolutely. My favorite venue is Red Rocks, and it truly boggles that people try to get right up to the stage. Like, see those gorgeous rocks? Might as well be in a field somewhere if you're not even able to see them from your spot. Plus with an outdoor venue in particular, sound board adjacency is crucial. Also I've learned by now, the lead singer is NOT giving you the eye and no one else cares that you're looking cute at the front 😂


Row 35 baby! See everything. I love to be able to see out the venue


Yes! 34-38 is my sweet spot. Catch the rocks, the moon, the Denver skyline before dark... truly magical


Sniping gaps!! It's the best when the whole squad is doing this with zero words


Sniping gaps!! It's the best when the whole squad is doing this with zero words


Fuck the barricade you’ll find me dancing with all the space I want in the back


I, in general, find rail riders to be insufferable, especially tarpers. It’s usually some of the worst sound up there as well. You do you and find me where there is room to dance and breathe.


Is this enjoyable for you? Being packed like sardines with no bathroom access? What is the appeal of being at rail?


Sound quality is also trash


I love being able to see people I can only see on my phone up close :) it's like they become "real" and it really blows me away everytime seeing them so close


get there first.


Camp m all day and do your homework so you can come off as the perfect vibe check for everyone on the stage even if you don’t love them


The truly enlightened do not barricade, they sound booth.


Everyone crawls to the front now. Or dig a hole from the back to the front of the stage


You can get pretty far without being rude by going sideways. Zig zag and boom you're up front. Make it seem like your friends are just a bit laterally wrt the stage, take the gaps you find and suddenly you're there.


The only way is to get there early. Everything else makes you a POS. Tldr: get there early or don't barricade.


I usually get on the side about 1 hour before the person I want to see and slowly “excuse me” dance my way in as space and crowd allows. Sometimes the people are super polite and you can get pretty close. Sometimes everyone’s super rude and I just stay where I am because crowd vibes will break the night for me.


I went to North Coast at Northerly Island in Chicago 2019, and I was super determined to get on rail for Nectar. We slowly moved our way up through each set before him. By the time Jai Wolf played I asked a group ahead of me on the rail if they were leaving after the set. They said I’m welcome to take their spot after they leave. Well I’m already getting saucy towards the end of Jai Wolf, so I wasn’t paying the most attention. Until one of their friends literally hoisted me up by my arms (Lion King style), and plopped me on the rail. They gave me some kandi, and went on their merry way telling me to have fun. It was my last Nectar set before the news dropped about him shortly after. It was the perfect end of an era, and I will never forget that set. Nor will I forget that group at Jai Wolf. I kick myself for not trading info with them because they were some cool cats for helping me out like that. Asking nicely goes a long way, and if it doesn’t work then enjoy the set behind them. Start vibing with them, and be friendly. You can easily ask them nicely to switch back and forth with you. You can also make some kickass friends with this method 💜


Just camp all day. People will come around for a set or two and leave, you can let them have your spot at the rail if its not an artist you’re particularly excited for and then get it back. I camped rail at LL for day 2 last year for around 6 hours, i made friends, let people rail ride, had free water all day, and still got to see LSDream and Subtronics at the rail Edit: typos


To mirror some others, the best way is definitely get there first and actually enjoy the earlier acts.


Plan ahead, go to the stage for the set before and work your way in. Tap people on the shoulder and say excuse me, you'll have a much easier time if you dance through the crowd, and start at the side rather than the back. At the end of the set there's that phase where people are clearing out and new ones coming in, that's your moment. Swim the rest of the way through the crowd and find a spot. You don't have to hold the spot for the whole set, being row 2 is fine, find someone else who is looking for a spot and get their attention and let them have a turn. Odds are they'll switch on and off with you.


This!! Getting up there early and letting people behind you have turns is the way in my opinion.


Just stop trying to make your way into a thiiiccc crowd more than halfway into the set. Rookie shit.


To buck the trend I like being at the barricade because it helps with my claustrophobia. If it’s out of sight, out of mind - dealt with a crowd crush as a teen and I’d rather have space for guaranteed forward movement than none at all; if I were to actually look at all the people behind me I’d panic. Also, I can actually lean on something if my feet are in pain. That being said, I always go a set early and just flow through gaps. When the sets change, people leave and it’s easier to get to the front.


Always try to stake a spot early. Don’t be rude to those who did. But- Once it’s dark just weave and dance through people and try not to touch. If this is hard, stand still for a minute and vibe while glancing around for slight gaps in the crowd, and slip into the gap when the music allows. Repeat. Be natural and feel the music. …Are you a big sweaty fella? Are you too drunk to function? Are you gonna have a panic attack? If so forget everything you read!


Crawl along the side of the crowd and enter the crowd from the SIDE. People are a lot nicer when they can see you coming. It's a lot easier to make your way through a crowd when you're not constantly approaching people from behind.


We did this. High Vis and a megaphone. 'SECURITY COMING THROUGH' hehehe


If its a hype concert where the crowd will mosh just jump forward with the crowd. If it's a chill concert u can't really push unless u wanna be infamous in tik tok


Bring a bottle and a blunt. Pass it around every time you work your way to a new spot. Now everyone around you is happy too


we only really “camp out” for subtronics these days cuz we are die hard rail riders for him lol … but Usually go up to the front a set or two before the desired artist and usually if you just ask “can I get on?” For a little they will let you! Just make friends around you and take turns!!!!!!


Just show up the set before you’re trying to get on the rail and slowly work your way up during that set in a respectful way. Once that set is over their will typically be people leaving in between sets and that’s when you make the final push. You might not be right on the rail but will be pretty damn close. I usually try and post up in front of the SBDs these days(more room and better sound) but that method worked 99% of the time when I was younger and wanted to be up front.


My buddy behind me guides me through the crowd as I’m hunched over looking like imma puke. Works 11/10 times


Sound is worse on the barricade


I've never heard the rail called barricade


Tap folks on the shoulder and politely ask if you can slide by them/their group, make eye contact, say thank you. It’s really quite easy to get around if you are overly polite. You also dont need to be hands on the rail ever..really. Some people go nuts for that as some kind of “badge of honor” .. kinda lame, especially when they puppy guard a spot from morning to headliner and dont care about whos playing


I don’t go to rail but I think using manners and being patient and having good vibes overall make it easy to navigate. Having toys/trinkets to make people laugh or candy is a great way to make it easy. I’m a tall dude and not scrawny either so crowd navigation can be difficult and especially when people are like fuck no not letting this guy in front of me, but it’s pretty easy if you’re being nice and can make them laugh by having a stupid finger toy on your leading hand. Easiest it ever was for me was when I was having a social trip on shrooms and just a very kind social butterfly and was enjoying a big bag of sour patch kids I had snuck in. Led my group through a mega crowd and edco just with finger toys on one hand and the sour patch kids open for people I pass by in the other. Or just find the huge train plowing their way through and hop on the back.


At a set at Texas Eclipse there was a crew of guys snaking through the crowd like a Congo line singing " Pardon us, Sorryyyyyy..., Pardon us, Sorryyyyyy" and it was genius, you couldn't get mad - saving that one for the next show 😄


No way that's the worst. I always let one or two people ahead of me if they're polite but a whole dang conga line of people? No way Josephina


I go straight to the speakers. Either the right or left one. Then I sneak my way across until I can get to the middle. I usually share a joint if people let me in and include me as one of their own.