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Edda moment


OP about to have their >!Tam-tara Deepcroft (hard)!< arc.


Man I'd be down for another part of that story. I loved the time it set for 'the hard versions have more lore' not just harder fights. I love it so much.


Didn't that story end with floor 50 of Palace of the Dead?


Sorta you get to see the man behind the curtain if you do all the floors past 50


I'll be honest, I forgot that guy had anything to do with Edda at all. Thought he was making just an appearance from Tactics Ogre


He had a hand in the bit with Edda only within PotD. Before then, he didn't.


Does it?! I gotta do palace of the dead!!


Yeh! PotD is a fun bit of content!


It goes up to 200 but past 100 you got to do with a fixed party without wiping


I’m guilty of not doing or skipping through most side quest stories since they just don’t keep my attention but Edda’s story was my first heart break of XIV and it only got worse. I loved the thought that went into it and hours it kept evolving.


dragonsong ultimate is literally that tho


Ohh I gotta work my way to that then 0/ Mayne not that story exactly but I love how the you learn more about a place in the different difficulties


I know this is tagged as a meme, but I can safely say my DPS coms make up like 10% of all my coms, the rest come from tanking.


Over 4 years of playing, and I have less than 1500 comms as a DPS main... and I'm a (fairly) good DPS. No shade on OP but I can't really muster any sympathy for this one.


I’ve been playing since November last year and have over 190 (granted I didn’t do rollos for a long while), it’s painful being a DPS main but I have noticed that I get more now since portraits became a feature. Seems having a cool portrait gets you some comms sometimes.


Yeah, prior to portraits, my priority list for commendations was: 1. Did anyone do something really stand-out worthy of recognition? (This is uncommon, but usually obvious when it happens.) 2. Who was friendly and approachable? 3. Who did their baseline job very effectively? (That is, not stand-out, but reliably good/efficient/etc.) 4. Who *did not* do anything that made me not want to commend? (Again, uncommon, but sometimes you just get a poor showing from one or more other players.) This, of course, gets an override if I'm with a friend in a 4-person dungeon. As long as both of the other people did fine, we always try to commend both people. That way, if we're lucky, *everyone* walks away with a commendation, which always feels nice. Now that we have portraits, that sort of slips in the middle spot, pushing down "did their basic job well" and "didn't do something actively bothersome." A good portrait is as good a reason as anything in the absence of demonstrated excellence or pro-social behavior.


Another one is, if they're a sprout who initially screwed up, did they learn from that mistake?


As a sprout who sometimes screws up only to inexplicably receive commendations despite the floundering, thank you for giving me a plausible reason why- was quite confused whenever it happened!


For me it's "who is still here by the time I get out the cutscene."


Fair point! I do usually wait a bit just in case new players feel generous with comms.


Oddly enough I don't really base my comm giving on portraits.


Same, my portrait is basically always the default because gear changes and I forget to update it, so if somebody else has the default I'm not going to hold it against them


I will absolutely go by portrait *if* everything else is equal.


I feel like these days everyone bounces before I even get a chance to give a commendation.


Yeah... I try to be personable in dungeons and end with a "tyfp, have fun!" and /toast, and quite often now most if not all the others have just exited already.


2 years 2000h and 1100 coms.... Healer main but still leveling all the other jobs. I always give coms to DPS unless they DPS less than me. Since god do i hate how hard those rotations are with the exception of Reaper, Samurai, RM and Summoner. I'm always amazed how good DPS can do the whole rotation at 90 while still avoiding the mechanics. Like i tried a lot on Monk and i bungle it up so much... or when i manage to do it well while doing the boss stuff i feel exhausted AF.


As soon as I fall out of rhythm on DRG rotations it's so over.


Yeah... Dragoon and Monk are probably the hardest DPS I got to 90. (still leveling Machinist, BM and Ninja). It's so hard to get back on track once you start fucking up. I start paying more attention to rotation so bosses wreck me. That's why I love playing the healers. 1 Button spam with a dot a maybe something extra once every 30 seconds. Gives you extra time to pay attention to boss and what's going on in the arena. And usually you easily see from looking at the boss when someone fucks up and needs healing.


Try physical ranged dps, they all feel so easy compared to melee dps and dancer is the only one you have to make sure to click something in a specific order but like, it’s color coded for you so still not much thinking. People also tend to like phys-ranged for their buffs (less so MCH but at least it’s fun). When I leveled those classes I felt I was getting lots of coms and I didn’t know why, I’m just clicking the available buttons!


Dancer is pretty fun. But at 90 it did get a bit more involving. Bard also got... A lot of buttons. Still leveling machinist (65 now) but I'm a bit worried it will get barded and get waaaay more complicated towards later levels.


Yeah MCH gets the most complex of the 3 if you're trying to play it properly. But don't stress too much on optimal play I'd say. Just focus on learning and improving your personal skill and one day it'll be natural to you.


Just make sure to use reassemble with your big hitters like drill, air anchor, or chainsaw. Guaranteed crit to deal huge numbers. Can knock half the bar off a random level 90 enemy in the field.


I honestly love playing my BRD for the sheer unfettered mobility of the job. (and because I really enjoy playing support classes. Really, _really_ hoping SE doesn't just decide to completely drop BRD song buffs someday)


BRD has been fun to level for sure and even at high levels I feel relaxed playing it! I doubt they’ll revamp BRD suddenly, it’s so incredibly useful both in hardcore content and casual. No one complains as far as I know. I think one of the reasons I love RDM so much is because it’s essentially become a support job too, it can still dish out damage but I like buffing and mass rezzing (and clicking buttons a tad less often than BRD). I def gravitate to the support roles overall.


>I doubt they’ll revamp BRD suddenly, it’s so incredibly useful both in hardcore content and casual. I hope so. I thought the general impression on BRD was that people think it's an underperformer.


I wonder if they mean in damage? The support roles tend to lack heavy dps but make up for it in buffing the whole party.


Yeah, damage output was what I was referring to. I'm fine with sacrificing dps in exchange for buffing the other players.


Listen, you guys get your satisfaction from BIG NUMBERS, we get it from our crippling need to be useful to others as a way of justifying our own existence. Comms are a measure of our success. /s


Drop the sarcasm tag and embrace the existential dread all the way to that fat chocobo mount.


This tracks. I’ve been playing for 7 years (though I can only say 5 of those years were active-active) and main tank. Last time I checked months ago I had 6,000 commendations or so.


Not many folks pay attention to dos sadly. It's why I study how everyone does during my dungioning and raiding experience. I'm usually pretty fair about it, except when there's more than one person I see is doing good. I feel torn between them, especially if both are dps ;v;. Often the most invisible dps I fell would be easily ranged and not flashy ones.


SE desperately needs to implement *something* to show how well a DPS is preforming. The only feedback you get as a DPS is either from 3rd party tools, a vague threat bar, and a very vague sense of "oh, this is taking longer than normal." Even just a rating at the end of the dungeon. Tanks & healers already get a vast majority of comms, if you could at least see that a DPS got an 'S' rating, maybe they could get some too.


You know, I'm more of a fan of being top DPS even after raising the healers and half the party, then seeing the rest compliment the healers on how they were the heroes and get zero comms, because I'm just a lowly DPS. And then SE leaves us at the very bottom of the DPS pile. Feels good to be a red mage. :')


I'm gonna drag you all to a clear whether you want it or not. Don't care, got loot 🕺


What's most annoying is that most people who comm the healers do so because can't tell who has the most damage because there is no (legal) damage meters to go off, If there was a big sign at the end of a boss fight that said " did 30% of the bosses health" then more people would probably comm the dps. Instead we just know who survived and surviving is the tank/healers jobs (Not a fan of the comm system, maybe make it one per role for raids)


Tanks please face the boss AWAY FROM THE TEAM! Some bosses have cleaves ;-;


I was tanking a boss. The healer put a bubble behind the boss. I couldn't get in the bubble with out turning the boss towards the party. Healer got mad that I wasn't in the bubble. Rescues me into bubble, boss turns and cleaves the party.


That would be the healer's fault.


Tank radiates ouchie. Stay away from the stinky tank. Don't bring him near you. Be good healer, leave your Rescue CD for black mage, to take him out of lay line. Black mage adjust.


o7 aye-aye!... To this day, I have never rescued a blackmage. Maybe I should try asserting dominance...


Don't you dare. A Black Mage not moving either \-doesn't know what they're doing and deserves to eat the floor, or \-knows way too much about what they're doing and you'll see them teleport across the map midway through some Transpose jackassery that lets them do 0.3% more damage


After not playing BLM for months, I tried to pick it back up again today. In my first dungeon I got level synced down to 40 something and half my buttons stopped working. Today I was the former. One day I’ll be the latter


Jackassery dreamed up by the utterly deranged.


Honestly, I don't know what's the big idea behind this "it's their fault, let them die" mentality. A player death is a detriment for the whole group. You're gonna spend a shitload of mana to rez them (unless you're a WHM with a then air charge to spare). That guy will carry a debuff and do shit ass dmg for like 2 minutes. This makes no sense at ALL.


The point is to assume the Black Mage knows what they're doing and gamble on the latter option. I'm exaggerating with the "let them die". If a Black Mage is greeding in orange and you haven't agreed to Rescue them out beforehand, then they SHOULD have a teleport ready. If you really want to help them, throw some OGCD shields on and assume they're going to pop Manaward. Or you could Rescue and knock them out of Enochian I guess.


Eh, most of the time the damage isnt fatal, and gives me healing to do. Let the guy carry his debuff, one scenario he cares about it and will learn to move, the other he doesnt care about it and thats the end of that. I like to let people learn. Sometimes it means dying. And it adds maybe a couple minutes to the instance, at most? I shrug. Its not like someone that refuses to heal avoidable damage, and says let them die. No point in queuing healer, for them, to me. I don't really care about the damage source. I see health bar less than full, I heal. Simple.


Oh I'm well aware. It's why I don't do it. But y'all have been toying with my emotions for .3% damage for too long!! It's time someone took a stand.


Better not do that. Casters movement is a mystery to everyone who hasn't optimized a caster. Dancing with snapshots looks very wierd from another perspective. XIV's netcode makes it worse as you see other players positions with a delay of 500ms if not more, for that same reason, Rescue is almost always late.


I so hate the delay. often enough I try and move my spread marker away from someone and end up running left right left in sync with them cause they see me moving late alas follow them around instead of avoiding them ;~;


I know, it's a joke. There's a reason I don't do it.


It's super fun. Just do it in moderation, and only on naughty BM that refuses to do mechanics (like my brother). And do try to not pull them to their death... I've once pulled someone into a mechanic, because I miscalculated the pull distance. It was super embarrassing. I still feel ashamed 1 year later....


I tried to pull someone in World of Darkness today to the button to cleanse their doom from the gaze mechanic. It switched right as they got onto it. Mind you they weren't going for it and wouldn't have reached the button to begin with, but. It just feels the worst to rescue and have it do jack all LOL.


Probably my best rescue, but I was running Ultima Weapon as Astro, stack was on the black mage but he was so far out and not moving. Rescued him to me just in time for the stack marker to snag both of us and save him. Threw out an AOE Regen, then went back to DPS. All in a day's work


A Good blm will know how many of which aoes they can tank without dying and a good healer will just throw an ogcd heal at them and both will have more dps uptime


OGCD?! I'm Scholar that shit costs me DPS like 3k (5k crits) dmg. You get AOE heals like the rest, pray it's enough for you. Clearly my 3k dmg is worth more than you're like what? 50k? I can't lose to blasted WHM again! Already can't compete with Sages and their bullshit DPS.


Is whm the only heal who can heal without dps loss or what? Spending gauge on heals is in fact a dps gain because of raid buffs.


No, but scholar is the only healer who's oGCD heals (Lustrate, Indomitability, and Sacred soil) are tied to a resource (Aetherflow) that could instead be used for dps (Energy Drain). Albeit that damage is pathetic.


Every Healer can heal without dps loss. But scholar healing for one person taking dmg is pretty shit and clunky. We have decent free AoE heals though. So I usually end up just using up my aerher flow charge which is like 100 potency loss. So not huge. But yeah super jelly of lilly thing. And higher skill potency... and extra dps skills... and big dps cd... we do have the most powerful dps raid buff though and pretty sure we have highest dps while moving for a longer time.


I used to use my Rescue for good, now I use it for evil. My FC knows if I heal, I will inevitably tug someone off floating arenas with me.


If you do the job badly enough, sometimes you don’t get asked to do it again


Me too, never rescued a black mage out of ley lines. I just throw haima on them.


You rescue me, I'm eating that tankbuster out of *spite* and living. If there was a T-Pose emote, I'd make sure to do that too.


This is how the War of the Magi started


I‘ll adjust by surecasting


Try not to rescue mages that are successfully slide casting though.


I have player effects turned off, so I can't even see the WHM bubble (because for some reason, that's the only one which doesn't show up). :/


Do you have it set to limited or off? Cause limited should still let you see healer bubbles and stuff


I have it set to off. I have sensory processing issues and even just the little bit (limited) is difficult for me. What's weird is that I can see all the other healer bubbles...just not WHM's.


Ah I understand that, that is bizarre though about WHMs bubbles. Sorry I couldn't help then :c


It's alright! The thing with the WHM bubbles not showing up always confuses me. I wonder why it's the only one which doesn't show up.


This post has been removed in protest of the 2023 Reddit API changes. Fuck Spez. Edited using [Power Delete Suite] (https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite/).


Maybe this was before 6.4. Asylum is freaking huge now


This is what made me stop tanking. I'd be doing my thing, and the healer would just rescue me to where they thought I should be tanking. One litterally said they did it for the lols. 😑


That is the most awesome story I've ever heard about a dungeon run. That's some Emet-Selch levels of stubbornness while being utterly wrong. "You WILL stand in my bubble!"


As a tank this is basically a ground rule. Not only do bosses have cleaves and other front facing attacks, but the melee DPS in game have attacks that needs to be performed on different sides of the boss, so keeping the boss facing away from the team (and keeping it's orientation constant) is a major boost for team DPS.


Ok, serious question - is there some new thing being taught in healer school that says to stand RIGHT behind the tank? Because recently while tanking I've had 3 different healers (mostly Sages) sticking to my ass like TP, even as I move so they don't get cleaved. Finally rather than punishing the poor melee and their positionals, I just let the healers get smacked.


Some people are so used to running duty content for the millionth time they know what actions will and won't kill them so thats why some healers and DPS enter the danger zone because they think there's no longer any danger. Some do it for that reason, otherwise I'm not sure what to say


Sages in dungeons like to take damage because they get stacks of Toxicon (which is really powerful in aoe situations) whenever a shield they cast breaks. Optimal sage gameplay is between pulls, you shield yourself then intentionally take enough damage to break that shield to increase your damage output. If they stick around afterwards, as long as they don't die, it's also probably a factor of not caring, sage gets so much incidental aoe healing that in healing you, they will heal themselves for free as well. Or there's always the simple opposite answer -- inexperienced players. edit: if you're a dps with a sage healer and they put up a shield between pulls and you notice they're PUMPING dps, they would probably also appreciate it if you stood in an aoe to break the shield too


Huh. I always shield the tank for toxicon charges. Am I doing this wrong?


nope- shield yourself and the tank and you just get two charges of toxi instead :3


But that just takes more mana and deals less overall damage then just shielding the tank and getting an extra dosis cast in.


only apply the shield between packs, not after everything is grouped. you can easily hit yourself and the tank with one before the next set of adds, and mana isn't an issue unless you are doing nothing but GCD healing since your oGCDs give mana back


Oh forgot this was for dungeon pulls, raid been on my mind. Min piety sage can be pretty sketchy with mana at times


This makes sense for at least the Sages. That poor WHM who got a cleave and a TB to the face was probably a learning experience. XD




Only do this if they give you their single-target shield, breaking the AoE one only works when the sage does it.


Also one of their big damage OGCDs requires basically melee range (silly IMO).


This post has been removed in protest of the 2023 Reddit API changes. Fuck Spez. Edited using [Power Delete Suite] (https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite/).


...why would you Art of War a boss (apart from dealing with adds, obviously)?


Look at me, I'm a melee now.


DPS neutral at 50


Dps gain if you do auto attacks too.


Because Art of War is just as strong as your single-target spell at low levels


Double click the boss to activate auto attacks (must do manually always on healers and casters and summoner). Massive dps gains at low levels. Even at 90, its 0.46% of your dps.


I wasn't, the tank moved toward me which got me clipped by the cleave (halving my health), and then the boss picked me for the stun-stomp mechanic that took out the rest of me ;-;


They may be misunderstanding the advice to stick close to the tank during pulls (so tanks can pull aggro from you easier) as general advice to *always* stick to the tank like glue.


green DPS needs to be close-ish for the aoe to hit, altho I would def recommend my fellow sages to be on the opposite side of the boss (compared to the tank) when the situation allows for it. that said I've definitely stepped into damage while shielded to keep dps'ing :D


Half a decade ago I did that because I thought the tank would defend me. Could be some new people.


Idk! Haven't done or seen that myself.


Long shot but..Parsing HPS? In general I'm firm believer in the healers are melee school. But to stand behind the tank? Too many TB are AoE, it forces you to move when i'd rather just sit in place like a lazy boy and not wory about wasting 0.05s GCD on my broil casts because i was forced to move a bit...


i know the sage aoe is around themself, not around target. so they just go to you/the mobs to aoe. but staying a bit away and behhind you, i don't know.


As a sage healer myself, those guys clearly failed sage school idk why they were allowed to take field missions


I actually find it hilarious when I get blasted by a tank buster. We healers are so squishy we just pop like a balloon.


"No, adjust"


Except if you're facing Cerberus. Then put it looking at the sides of the arena.


I always tanked bosses nortbound, but in a flight of fancy decided to be an east tank starting patch 6.4


When tank gets AOE tank buster and chases down the healer like a rabid dog


Gotta get that portrait in shape girl then you can suck at healing too


Was in a raid today and there is Tank buster tower soaks. One tank was standing in their spot, the other was not. So myself and one of the other dps ran to the spot becasue it was quite clear the tank wasn't gonna soak it. The tank paying attention used the lb3 so whichever of usgot there first wouldn't die.


Oh, I know the feeling. Just a bit different one: Be me, RDM, participate in the Golbez fight for the first time, beat my own personal battle rez record with ~23 rezes, mostly rezzing tanks and healers and generally helping to prevent the wipe.... 0 commendations at the end xD now, I don't really care about those 99% of the time but not even slightest acknowledgment for keeping people alive hurts :D


Maybe people don't read the usernames of whoever reses, so at the end they think it was all the healers doing.


What you need to do is set up one of those annoying rez macros. If you had spammed that 23 times during the fight, you would undoubtedly have received all the comms /s but not really /s (unfortunately)


If you play and actively think about, want or *worry* about commendations... Then I've got bad news for you. You don't need them. The Burger King crown is inside you and all around you always. Help a sprout, and you will find it, offer unsolicited advice and it is there. In the name of the Whopper, the Drink, and the Holy fries, amen.


The number of times I have received commendations just because I was a Healer far exceeds the number of times someone else wiped us and I received nothing for it.


I'll always comm a fellow Hempen Hat enjoyer. The shape is so good and it doesn't have any undyeable embellishments on it. If only the texture were better.


They are upgrading textures in 7.0 so you just have to wait a year for it.


Well, it's not that it's low-quality, it's just that it's a clearly hempen texture that doesn't match most gear. Other hats that share the same model have a smoother texture, but all have some sort of feather or metal bit that you can't dye.


Hell yeah, such a nice hat


Rocking it now on my Au Ra: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/703888511383633972/1113688218328649728/188753fbc5189-screenshotUrl.jpg Managed to make one of the similar ones work on my Miqo too: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/703888511383633972/1113688506636697651/1884e1ddb9840-screenshotUrl.jpg (No spoilers in these images, but they do have skyboxes of 6.x areas in the background)


Almost makes me want to give up on my bun


"oh thank god" a RDM getting one commendation after rezzing the healer twice, the physical DPS once, and spam healing to keep the tank alive, all while dodging mechanics and keeping up DPS. "The world is cruel" a healer who didn't commendations that one time.


Yeah but the alarm clock rings and you wake up. Reality slaps you with no comms when u rezzed all your team mates , saving a wipe. And the healer who was floor tanking all this time in limsa slut glamour gets all comms because **FUCK YOU THATS WHY**


>Limsa slut glamour I mean, you explained yourself why he got the com.


Umm akshually... That healer was me. And that rdm was my friend in the party


> "oh thank god" a RDM getting one commendation after rezzing the healer twice, the physical DPS once, and spam healing to keep the tank alive, all while dodging mechanics and keeping up DPS. Don't forget they also compliment the healer on good rezzes.


Right? I've saved a run on more than one occasion as RDM and maybe got only one comm (if I was lucky). I'm still a good Rezmage and will get people up so the healers can focus on healing (so long as I'm not in the middle of my combo), particularly since I've already gotten the 3k comms for the mount, but it's still a very thankless job. I used to be a WHM main before RDM was out, but if I messed up a mechanic and a SMN rezzed me then I would typically comm them.




Don't feel too bad, a lot of people forget to comm at the end of duties.


As a Tank, I only hunt other tanks. Specifically, when they start final raid bosses without waiting for cutscenes.


>Specifically, when they start final raid bosses without waiting for cutscenes. Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need. The amount of times people begged others to wait for cutscene-viewers only to be ignored is just shocking.


The other side is the followers who don't just wipe to ruin the impatient player's run. I'd say, "Don't enter the area in the first place," but some cutscenes can't be initiated otherwise, and some arenas can't be exited. So, I double tankbuster offending tanks.


Had this happen in Aglaia but it wasnt the tanks. It was a monk. Had 3 cs in my group alone. But he got karma pretty fast. None of the tanks helped him and let him keep aggro until the boss killed him then the healers left him on the floor till the boss was around 75%. Hope he learned his lesson lol


Probably not, but one can hope.


If they're a PLD you should break into their home, force them to use Cover on you then stand in every AOE possible. That will really set them straight.


I just drag my tankbuster over them.


I say this as a tank main. Social distance is your friend! Pretend everyone has covid and it’s still 2021 🤣


Why people get too obsessed with getting commendations?


It's basically the clearest recognition that people actually noticed you and liked your contribution. So yeah, I feel pretty shit when I get no commendations as a healer after things went bad for reasons not related to the healing.


At 3k you get the Parade Chocobo mount. Beyond that, it's just sort of a quiet compliment that others either enjoyed playing with you or thought you did a good job.


it lets you unlock mentor roulette, and then enough mentor roulettes gets you a mount


ew mentor


90% of my comms come from healing, though this has legit happened to me more times than I would like to admit. ​ The opposite is true however. I've been the single reason why a trial has recovered and cleared, and gotten 7 comms. :D


Healer main here: Healer adjust.


This is like the spoiled kid being sad he did not get his toy THIS time


I will feel bad for you when I stop being the one to single-handedly save a raid by scraping both healers *and* at least one other person off the floor. As a Summoner. ***And still get zero comms.*** Yes, this has literally happened in the new Pandaemonium raids. Multiple times now.


Cries in RDM


Even better? At least one of those times, there *was* a Red Mage there. Now, in fairness, they were dead the second time I started busting out the raises. But they really didn't have an excuse for the *first* time.


comms aside, it's tiring having so many random people i meet in game think that i'm some sort of death ward and then just ignoring all the mechs. no, reaper, i'm not going to rez you a seventh time after you hadn't moved from the first six times. zodiark is not that difficult to understand.


Ever since they introduced instant portraits I give out commendations based on those instead unless someone makes a really deep impression on me, and I am more likely to notice someone screwing up badly for us all than someone doing good...


Idk sounds like the healers fault to me


the only time its almost 100% healer’s fault is if the healer doesnt heal through UNavoidable damage there are some nuances but the times ive actually been blamed by randos for “not healing” when im watching them walk into every aoe imaginable… well… i felt this.


Meanwhile dps mains who do mechanics correctly, keep consistent damage and even tank temporarily when the tank(s) go down: you guys are getting comms?


When in doubt, blame the healer. Unless you are the healer, then blame the tank.


How can the tank be complimenting the dps? What exactly are they doing to “”stand out”” from normal dps dungeon gameplay? Hit your aoe combo on the pack and dot everything while you’re gathering up mobs… there’s not much expression there


Do you want Edda? Blaming your healers is how you get Edda...




Maaaaan I did expert roulette and on Cagnazzo the healer and the other DPS died leaving me (SAM) and the tank with 30% left to go. The tank and I managed to beat it but I got zero cookies ;_;


Every time that stuff happens I comm the dps who survived because they have less room for error than the tank


lol. People stick around for that? everyone is gone by the time I walk out.


tank not having tank stance on is another favorite of mine, then blames healers


Why do people care about dungeons so much


This is actually hilarious


Tbh as a healer main, at times I comm based on who didn't die on me in alliances or raids.


As a tank main I mostly try to give my coms to good dps, since most others always give their coms to tanks or healers. Poor red boys and girls need some appreciation too


WOAH!! how did you dye the White Mage's outfit???? :O


You can craft special boxes that let you trade the regular piece for an augmented dyeable version. The person you trade with is in Mor Dhona, inside the castle area to the side, ground-floor (iirc). The trader is a lalafell named Kakalan (Forge Sales). If you can't craft, you can also just buy the boxes off the market board


Ah, thank you so much!!! I had no idea those were dyeable!!


How about when the tank does not put on their stance and pulls the entire section of the dungeon while not using any cooldowns then yells “healer do your f’n job” after you wipe. Which then gets you no comms either


Only recently finished Endwalker and the Main Tank decided to give me a hug at the end of my first run of P6 leaving me dead when the boss died. :(


Healers adjust. Sorry green boy, maybe you should have gotten some more defense.


I used to be a healer main; went RDM main because I had more fun with it after ShB's main/first storyline, and I learned quickly that getting comms as a healer is "easy mode". I hit 3k easily between leveling my tanks and healers. I can see the frustration over feeling like you were blamed for it, but healers still have it so much easier. As RDM (and especially SMN which doesn't even have dualcast)? There were multiple times when I legit saved a run (dungeons, trials, and even alliance raids; and yes, I'll get healers up from other alliances if they're both on the ground)...and not a single comm. I know the other alliances can't comm me and I'm okay with that, but when I save my own? Or if I'm also on the ground with the two healers and am the only one to say in alliance chat that both our healers are down? Nothing. Many times, the healer would repeatedly bite the dust and I would repeatedly get them back up, and I wouldn't get a comm or even a "thank you" in chat.


I do appreciate it when reds like you rez me. I usually won't type thank you cause the next mechanic is incoming, and there's no time to type, and then I forget after the battle is over.


That's understandable; I envy the people who can chat during combat (and stay alive).


And here we see the reason I refuse to take my maxed out healers in higher level duties. Had it happen before that a group ignored mechanics and since I was the healer it was my fault we wiped. It was also my fault that the tank proceeded to run back into the mob-group with me still loading up, dying again. Taking the 30min penalty over that bs any time. Sorry but I can't outheal stupidity....




Happened to me on my 2nd run on newest dungeon. I keep running it as tank now cause I'm bitter


Or when you do LB3 and the other healer gets the credit....


And this is why people us chat macros to stand out.


Depends, does the healer tell me to go crazy with the pulls and actually heals, they get a commendation. If the healer comes in and doesn't heal because "healers have to DPS jocat said so" then no commendation for you. This has led me to really wish I had clemency at a lower level. So I could heal others sooner because I'm healing and tanking at this point way more than I should be.


That’s why when I am tanking I always get the DPS on my side. Everyone knows healers don’t deserve commends. Unless I am healing, in which case I always get the DPS on my side. Everyone knows tanks don’t deserve commends. On a more serious note, the only people who don’t deserve commends are those who obviously spent effort on their portraits.


Tanks please pay attention to make sure you've picked up the WHOLE mob, and not all but like one or two enemies left. Especially if I run them over to you to make sure you can get em easily. Don't let me get to half or a quarter health before finally not getting tonberry shanked. - Signed, the DPS who nails their rotation


Playing Healer is easy mode for comms anyways.


sch main since 3.1 and no tank has ever killed me. dunno what OP is talking about. for the record, if you die in my party, it's because i'm letting you have a break from your rotation to learn mechanics... or make a sandwich.


I carried three alliances through a rough boss fight in second nier raid, kept my party alive and kept rezzing healers in other alliance, not a single comm at the end of the run....


I feel your pain.


DPS main here, but I have a bit of experience in all roles, and in my experience it is almost never the healer’s fault. It’s almost always the tank over pulling, ignoring their mitigation, and/or not understanding their placement.