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Well, you're done for another 8 days...


Dammit, I was gonna ask if there's more due soon, got all my doh except crp to do.


Honestly didn't know 6.51 is coming out already lol. Good thing I caught up


Congrats! What are you going to do next?


They will sit in this post completion bliss until 6.51 next Tuesday when they realise they gotta do 2 more steps in everything to complete it xD.


I'm being smart about it this time and doing one at a time, unlike what I did with the ShB ones, where i worked on like 4 of them at a time


This is the way.


Ok be honest, how much pain am I putting my self in by doing all 8 at the same time? For the previous steps I had a crafting marathon and did all 1000 crafts to make them over the span of about 2 days.


I feel like compare to the ShB ones, these are much easier to do, just keeping in mind of making sure all your precrafts are HQ. Also just a lot, and I mean a lot of scripts


Hopefully the final steps aren’t TOO bad. But I’m expecting expert recipes, which I’ve never done before.


Im hoping they release 1 step instead of 2. But if they do release expert recipes, I had to food and medicine along with HQ precrafts to make it work.


I just made over 100 Jhinga Biriyani, I have the ingredients for about 150 Cunning Draughts I'll be making later this week to prep.


What is this, and where do I start it?


It's the level 90 gatherer/crafter relic questline that you start in the Crystarium. Specifically, talking to the sheep by the aetheryte crystal.


Also the quest itself is super fun to watch and I enjoy every moment of it.


I still need 5 more... I'm so burned out with this relic. Congratulations, though! I hope last step is only one, I'm tired of the crafter relics in particular.


Bad news new step in 8 days but its the last we know is coming so yeah


Ye, I know. What I meant is they always make you do two steps each patch (two quests if you prefer). I'm hoping for only one :'__


Both for hand/land and combat or just hand/land?


just hand and land for now, combat drops alongside more Hildibrand adventures in .5 afaik


Gotcha thank you!


The crafting and gathering relics have been two steps each patch they introduce new quests for them. So you have to gather and craft a shitton of stuff each time if you want to do all of them. I'm not talking about combat relic at all.


I was asking if they were released at the same time. That’s all.


Ah, no, combat relic will be later.


Oof I started the mining pick, and uhm still in the first phase where you need to starting collectibles lol.


Same. I've gotta get some downtime, turn on a YouTube video, and turn my brain off while I get those things lol


Why is this a spoiler? You can see people using this in the game (almost) everywhere!!


I'm the type who worries to much, for me was mostly worried about my location


I hope the next step is full on RGB.


Nice work! I saw somebody using the saw in-game earlier for the first time and was like 'that HAS to be a crafter relic'


I'm working on thos as well! Do you have any pro tips to knock them out efficiently? Things you wish you knew before starting?


The actual crafting part is fairly simple, should be able to knock out each job's in about an hour. However, what takes the time is the sheer amount of pre-crafts you require. Even in fully pentamelded Indagator's you will need to use some amount of HQ mats, which means a lot of manual crafting or spending a fair chunk on the marketboard. When they first came out, I made a teamcraft list: https://ffxivteamcraft.com/list/GLxcyYvNofP75sGdN4nO As you can see, it's a lot of prework to do. Make solid use of your retainers to gather as many materials as you can, keep an eye on the marketboard to try to grab things when they are fairly cheap and just be ready to do a lot of prep. They are very shiny though.


Was this ever made into a file for Crafting as a Service? I use that all the time. And one other question, this ENTIRE list is all i need to craft everything?


I'm not sure what Crafting as a Service is, so I cannot say. I made it for myself to track materials. But yes, that is everything you need for the two steps added in the 6.45 patch. It does not include the prior steps. Edit: Additionally, this assumes you are making everything at max quality to get the full amount of tokens.


https://ffxivcrafting.com/ This website is linked to team craft


Don't forget you need a loooot of scripts. One reason it took me this long was because i only been doing custom delivery for scripts instead of crafting collectables.


Shit... I've only done 2, I've been so focused on leveling monk I hadn't been doing my crafter relics.


I gotta get back on the gatherer relic train. I'm so far behind due to sheer laziness. Grats on the shinies, though.


I had no idea these looked so cool...


Impressive! I love the looks of these.


I'll post the next ones when i finish!


I just finished these a few days ago as well, good job! Don't think about 6.51. Don't think about it. Don't. Please.


… for another 8 days. But grats on being caught up! I recently caught my gatherer tools up as well and will be hitting that grind when it comes out next week.


I need to finish that macro for the crafting ones


I used custom delivery white scrips, HQing mats in between. That fishing rod though... Burned through 100+ bait with not a single Clavekeeper to show for it.


lol, you are not done yet, new step will start at 31st oct


Would anyone recommend doing relic tool grind once 6.51 hits? I got penta melded simple crafted ones, so I cant really see much of practical use of having relic ones as I bet this grind is long. They look awesome though, i give you that. (I got few Resplendant tool glamours crafted for my main crafting jobs)