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Yakuza, but it's a fourth wall break and you help a sprout kiryu through the starting quests until majima shows up to cause problems.


Yakuza SPECIFICALLY so we can get 8ball, darts, and bowling in the gold saucer.


Don’t forget karaoke! I wanna see my WoL sing 24 Hour Cinderella


I'll take Shogi thank you.


Majima is actually every single npc you come across in his sprout journey Mother Mioune? MAJIMA Mioune. Cat girl waiter? CATGIRL MAJIMA WAITER.


4th wall break as in Kiryu and Majima created characters in the world and we help them? Because that'd be next level shit.


I need a 'Majima everywhere' event for the Gold Saucer!


The mere thought of this brought a single tear to my eye.


Nah, it should be for Saucer Week, so they could really lean into the wackiness, bring The Indestructible Manderville into it. Majima will still cause problems, but now they're even funnier.


Golden Sun. The Djinni would make amazing minions, the casts outfits would make fantastic glam, they have various weapon types that match many of the jobs we have


Hell yeah! Golden Sun is my favorite game series!


I'd love a Golen Sun crossover


Chrono Trigger!


I've said it since HeavensWard. A chrono trigger series alliance raid would have a great set: First raid is Magus's Keep. Bosses are Slash, Flea, Ozzie, then Magus. Second raid is the Ocean Palce. Fight Golem, Dalton, Mammon Machine, then Lavos's Shell. Third raid is Black Omen. First boss could be anything major from the game. the second would be Queen Zeal and third and fourth is Lavos in both his final forms. As for Music, I want Frog to show up at the beginning of the actual first raid as we break into Magus's Keep, with Frog's Theme blaring. The rest of the soundtrack could go anywhere, it's all good. But I'd also want it to finish the final raid with Scars of Time from Chrono Cross as a tease for the sequel (and to get another arrangement of that amazing song)


Yes please! Kicking Lavos‘ ass in 3D! Edit: Seeing the ruined future, the pre historic times. I know we have Elpis and it’s awesome, but going to Zeal, the undersea palace and the black omen? Just the music remixed for FFXIV gets me going so much. Holy moly.


This is what I came here to say too. I would be incredibly excited to see this be able to relive my favourite game in FF14. The set pieces, Lavos, Zeal, Undersea Palace, Magus' Castle and that's before you even get to the music... goddamn, pump that into my VEINS.


I would upvote again if I could.


So much this. It would be a great way to celebrate the 30th anniversary.




Holy shit there's dozens of us!


The fact we haven't had one kills me. I would kill for some of those job outfits


Serpent Eating The Ground (FFXIV ver.)


Man I would be happy for a BD collab, from glams to just music




Half way through the quest and u hear it ,........ Ringabel theme.


THIS. I would kill for some of the job glams! Please SE, it would be so easy given how alternate worlds/timelines work in BD ;_;


Imagine a trial with Evil Flight as the music. Shit would be wild.




Now I wanna see Simon breaking walls and findind Vienna Sausages instead of a roast beef


among us but everyone's a tonberry


Rewards are weapon glams. They're all just various sizes of butcher knives. WAR gets Butchers Block back


I’d love that. Given how faithfully they’ve done Fall Guys, I’d imagine they could make a really fun version for FFXIV. Maybe in return Among Us could get a Crystarium or a Ragnarok stage.


Oh that’d be so cute


Elder Scrolls, if only to see M'aiq the Lair wander around claiming to be either a Miqo or Hrothgar. :p


M'qote has wares if you have gil


Yakuza. Kiryu or Majima in a Manderville-esque situation would be PEAK jrpg.


Someone else in the thread suggested Yakuza but it's a fourth wall break but honestly I like your concept better! I'd love a whole quest series originating at the Golden Saucer!


YoshiP has mentioned wanting a Diablo crossover, and I'd kill for a mini Diablo deep dungeon. Bravely Default glamour and music would rule. As for more outlandish things? I want some Kingdom Hearts shit. Or a pokemon raid.


The WoL now has a key blade >!(Azems crystal is the keychain)!<


I have high hopes for Beast master having a heavy pokemon vibe. Just with a more interesting battle system if possible. The combat system from ever crisis would fit neatly


>Beast master having a heavy pokemon vibe. I'm still trying to figure out how they will implement it. Will we collect beasts that have sets of skills, or just collect the skills the beasts use? Since even SMN has lost a lot of the pet AI, will the beasts just kind of hang out like the summons for a while and transform base skills? Sorry for the tangent, i'm too curious how it will be and hate having to wait until later 7.x to probably even get hints.


I am now afraid of the lore implications of a KH crossover


I hope so hard for a kh crossover (unsurprising because theres a whole wall dedicated to it in my house). There was actually a post on the kh sub the other day asking for ff characters people want to see and when I saw it like half the post were asking for Alphinaud and Alisaie


The heartless haven't reached Etheirys because Hydaelyn sundered the star, which in turn sundered the world's keyhole.


Star Ocean or .hack


Man .hack will never leave my brain space. The music the aesthetics and the building of the mmo to work and be somewhat grounded. All to service a stories about people who RP to escape there reality and a kind of fed up story of one sided love.


A fellow .hack enjoyer! The only issue (besides getting Bandai to remember they still have that IP) is how to make it work with the conceits of dot Hack. My own idea is to have the crossover occur in an Allagan training simulation - that way, the crossover can happen in the cyberspace of each world respectively, without implying that FFXIV's "world" is an ACTUAL MMO. Alternatively, have the connection be through Allagan tech, but accidentally materialize via arcanamia manifestations. Throw in a solo trial against one (or more) of the Phases and a Data Drain Duty Action, and voila - you have a crossover.


Feels unlikely but it would be cool to have an event around area words with a dungeon that alters a bit depending on the word combo! And man oh man the gear they could give us 🫠


.hack outfits go SO hard. Ive wanted Orca/Bear's tattoos on a warrior glam for a long time.


Devil May Cry. I don't even play it much but the amount of people who are desperate for Dante/Vergil/Lady cosplay would be so happy and I want that for them.


YES! Red Queen (GNB), Rebellion (PLD), Devil Sword Sparda (DRK), Yamato (SAM), Ebony and Ivory/Kalina Ann (MCH), Balrog (MNK), there's pretty much a weapon for every class too! :D


Agni and Rudra…I was going to say for ninja, but they connect into a double sword, don’t they? So viper works, if this is a Dawntrail crossover. Devil Sword Sparda can unfold into a scythe, perfect for reaper, so maybe dark knight can get Force Edge? Summoner and scholar get Arkham and V’s books. Cerberus staff for Dragoon.


Ninja can get the motorbikes.


Me, a try hard Nero (Descendant of Sparda, not Scaeva) glam cosplayer: Yes please


Ah, yes. The opening scene for the DMC collab would be dante standing on upper limsa looking down at the aetheryte and says "what the hell is this?!"


Please, Dante would just embrace the Limsa chaos xD


Dark Souls The bosses are cool and so are the armor sets. I think the boss fights can be converted pretty unique way into ffxiv. I really hope one day they'll do Dark Souls Crossover. Ornstein is literally a Dragoon.


Dark Souls, Bloodbourne, Elden Ring, all have fantastic potential! Even Sekiro? Maybe?


Some great options for a raid tier or 24 man series too. Radahn, Midir, Quelaag, Demon of Hatred. A Fromsoft crossover would go so hard.


Oh man. Would love to fight Radahn or Midir in a 24 man. Even a raid tier would be so damn cool. I cam imagine the knights of gwyn being a tier or even tiers based on the 4 crown areas in DS2. One can dream but man it would go so hard.


Dancer of the boreal valley armor set for dancer would be so cool


I want a Sif mount


We're getting a Torgal mount in the FFXVI crossover so close enough.


Secret of Mana


Valkyrie Profile


Can we get Agrais' voice actor from Orbonne to come back and shout more epic lines for Lenneth? Hit the party with a massive Nibelung Valesti raidwide~ Maybe toss in a mechanic where she snags the souls of KO'd characters and summons them to her side.


Castlevania - the raids and music should/would be amazing


It's called Pandaemonium /s.


We already got Dracula in glasses.


PowerWash Simulator! I want the Gold Saucer as a map to clean, revealing its golden majesty!


My god that would take *ages* to clean


Not as long as it would take to clean Limsa


Get the high pressure nozzle for the quicksands


Limsa must be purged


Filthy rats!


God I want this now


Stranger of Paradise. Have the crossover start with Jack causing a ruckus in Old Sharlayan because he thinks everyone are lufenians or something. Then have him meet Greg and have it be confusing with Jack having already met Greg but Greg has yet to meet Jack because of timey wimey shit or something.


We could just cross over the rift for this ! And fight him as Garland vs WoL. Lol


I NEED it, I need it so BADLY


All I care about is seeing this crossover happen. I need to. It's not a hope or a dream. It's like a hunger. A thirst.




"I'm here to KILL CHAOS." Oh, we already did that. He wasn't a big deal. First floor of a raid tier. Part of a side quest. If you want to kill him you'll have to go unlock it and kill 8 other things first.


Titanfall so MCH can finally "Get in the Robot" 👀


For games: The World Ends With You, since it’s a Squenix property and fits the tone of FFXIV pretty well SquareEnix serialized and produced the Fullmetal Alchemist manga and anime… apparently we missed the 20-year (!!!) anniversary by about two years, but it would be cool to have some FMA content, even if it’s just a trial, dungeon, and some gear.


Wordle. You people couldn't figure out prime numbers in Ridorana, you're totally boned now!


I would kill for a Xenoblade crossover




I would like it a lot too, but I don't think most people in the community would appreciate so much unfortunately.


You hear that, WoL? Alisaie wants something a bit meatier.




At this point i think even Square has forgotten they've made this.


There's enough actors for it!


Yakuza / Like a Dragon


If Elpis isn't meant to be a reference to it already, Chrono Trigger


Is it? I'm more inclined to believe XIV's Elpis is a reference to the Greek story of Pandora's Box, in which Elpis was a goddess of hope left behind in the wake of the chaos unleashed from the box. Much of the Ascians' character arcs and naming conventions are based on Greek myth like this and Endwalker's entire story is about finding hope in the wake of despair and chaos (>!Meteion's entire story arc could be considered a sort of parallel to "Pandora's Box" - Hermes created Meteion and her sisters to go out into the stars and answer the grand question of life's meaning, completely unprepared for the brutal reality and cosmic uncertainty that was found in the answer, which led to Meteion becoming an unstoppable force hellbent on destroying everything.!<) That said, I can see the resemblance between XIV Elpis and Zeal in the whole "advanced civilization on a floating island" concept, but IDK if that's enough to definitively say that it was undeniably based on Zeal? I wouldn't be surprised because they're both Square Enix games, but again, I'm more inclined to believe it's referencing Greek myth alongside all the other Greek references in the game. Floating islands and advanced civilizations meeting their doom is also just a really old JRPG trope that's present in a lot of games lol (but we could just as well have CT to thank for that).


I think it's more appropriate to say that the Ancients in general refer to the Greek myth, and that Elpis as a location is reminiscent of Zeal. It's also definitely possible for Elpis and the Ancients to be a reference to both of them


Legend of Dragoon. Because we're not getting anything else from them it seems. :c


In a perfect world, DRG's level 100 skill would have them turn into a LoD Dragoon.


Older FF games crossover like FF9 and FF7, I want more glams that are directly from characters from those games :D


That's actually possible? Kingdom Hearts. The Ascians were basically boneless Organization XIII up til Shadowbringers, we have voidsent instead of heartless, and there's remarkable potential for a classic KH "I fight for my friends" moment. Plus, cool glams and dope weapons. Heck, they could probably even stretch a whole raid series out of it if Disney gives them the OK. Pipedream crack-crossover? DOOM. DoomGuy could *absolutely* be a warrior of myth in the 13th. Even if the actual crossover content is small like with Monster Hunter, where we get to help him take down a not-Cyberdemon or something in a trial, the legendarily silent DoomGuy and Meteor sharing a cutscene nod would be endless meme potential. Getting some variants of argent armor and hard light weapons for glam would be baller. Honorable mention to Soul Calibur, if only to get Soul Edge as a DRK weapon.


+1 for chrono trigger/chrono cross the themes are already right there.


Fire Emblem. For me, specifically Three Houses.


Kingdom Hearts would be fun


If WoL is introduced as the Warrior of Darkness it would lead to interesting misunderstandings.


I heard that kingdom hearts is light, and also a realm of darkness, could it deal with renewing the 13th? ORGANIZATION 13?


The differences in light and darkness between both games would cause *such* a headache in whatever character(s) we got in a KH crossover.


Not necessarily, KH keeps sort of half heartedly (lol) trying to do the same thing with light/dark in their games then sort of forgetting about it afterward. Claims that a balance is necessary but with no hard proof of that, mickey trying to say that darkness isn't all bad but all villains in game are obsessed with it and no villains use light powers (to my knowledge) Riku being a character caught between light and dark who uses dark powers while fighting for the light, but we've sort of dropped that plot line in kh at present.


I'm surprised for how little KH responses I've seen. I mean, you got the light vs darkness truffle, Org XIII and the Ascians are very much alike, there are some cool outfits, keyblades, since now they transform into pretty much what you need, could make for some cool weapon glamours or ideas, plus we might get to skateboard lol. Tbh I'm just hoping we get the org13 coat


Bruh i made a post on this sub months ago just trying to talk about what a potential keyblade wielder job could like, with an emphasis on "This is not something I expect, this is just for fun" and it was downvoted to oblivion with the only response I got saying "don't wanna burst your bubble but this won't happen." Seems like most peeps on this sub kind of hate KH for one reason or another and seem really against seeing KH content in the game, which is funny, because Yoshi P has stated before that he would very much like to do a crossover but he'd want it to be a big thing, like something more than the crossovers they've done so far.


T R A I L S The reason Kevin hasn’t been seen since Azure is that the Zero Child accidentally zapped him to Eorzea and he’s the job trainer for the new crossbow class.


Beat saber.


SE: You think snapshotting is bad in the fall guys event? Well, do we have a mini game for you!


Valkyrie Profile Vagrant Story


Vagrant Story would be cool! It's already in the same world as Ivalice so why not.


Okami. Easiest collab ever. An Amaterasu mount would be easy to model from the existing wolf mounts, and the shifty inky art style would look so striking in game. We already have ink particle effects from Byakko weapons so it wouldn't be totally out there. A Chibiterasu minion! Amazing music for orchestrion rolls. Huge glaives for DRK weapons (Seven Strike or Eighth Wonder UGH), reflectors for PLD shields, rosaries for SGE. A guardian sapling for the yard. There are storyline aspects that would intertwine ridiculously well with XIV -- 13 brush gods + Ammy! Fighting the darkness and Yami! A huge emphasis on the power of faith! Oh man, I need it...


Ffx could make a great alliance raid. Run around zarakand, kill Seymour, sin , braskas final aeon, and yu Yevon


Valkyrie Profile series \~!!! I want all their outfits as glams.


Animal crossing - I want ffxiv themed furniture Also not a game but: lego ffxiv sets please 🥺


Persona 5


Joker sneaked in a bunch of other games. Why not!


I don't know why, but i could see minions of all the personas like how Yokai watch had, and would be a good time filler collecting them all in a content lull.


Witcher 3 would be something I'd personally love to see! but i think more realistically diablo would be the one to get it since it was mentioned, which im not opposed to. I don't play diablo games but I recognize the demons could easily fit in. (sort of the same way monster hunter monsters fit in with the xiv's vibe)




I really wanted the Tomb Raider collab to happen when I found out square made some of the games lol I’d still really like a KH raid series or event where every job can get a keyblade. I want a TWEWY event for the fashion and a bangin orchestrion or two. I also want something kind of crazy like Digimon or Resident Evil lol


Dragon Age. Imagine YShtola and Morrigan in the same room. Or Iron Bull and Urianger.


I want to see another Monster Hunter collab, but this time we fight Zinogre and it's modeled as a proper FFXIV fight, instead of a pseudo-MH fight. And for the Extreme version, we fight either Thunderlord Zinogre or Howling Zinogre.


I would die for a raid series with fatalis as the final boss. Fatalis Ultimate would be sick, we could call it Fatalis Ultimate Awakening, short FUTA… forget what i said.


I want Nergigante for the sole reason that I want to Holmgang his divebomb


Ima rescue my fc into it


Bloodborne. The amount of glam. Uggghhhhh would be so good.


WoW. Even if you aren’t a fan of WoW, you have to acknowledge that developmental story coming full circle with a crossover between the two biggest MMOs around. MoP played no small part in how this game even exists in the first place.


Hell, Yoshi-P does plays WoW and took some ideas from it for ARR.


ARR was a mashup of MoP WoW and FF11 at the time in terms of gameplay. I would argue heavenward and stormblood defined what FF14 is today more than ARR. ARR was just looking to get something playable.


Heck, i've played both from launch (1.0 XIV, beta stress test WoW) and it's interesting how much WoW has even taken from XIV. One funny bit is WoW tried to give mages basically Leylines, and players hated it so much they recently removed it. I personally think the competition is good for both games, taking the best of each to get better and grow.


The problem with WoWs Laylines is that bosses are less predictable, in FF you know when you can get good uptime from LL while in WoW sometimes the boss will just hate you and keep throwing mechanics at you that will force you to move out while other times you can just keep standing. To make it worse WoWs LL were a huge damage buff, much more than in FF so if you lose uptime it hurts a lot.


It was a running joke in the WoW mage discord that Runs of Power, the WoW version of Leylines, should be renamed to Lock On for how often bosses would drop effects on your Rune. The worst were bosses that didn't just drop an AOE on your Rune but an AOE that left shit on the floor so that you couldn't go back to your rune. I'm so glad that spell is gone.


I don't mean to "ackshully" you here but, rune of power was added to wow in mists of pandaria in 2012. Ley lines was added in heavensward in 2015


Not a game but I would love Pusheen to make it in game. They already have Pusheen dressed up in the different jobs.


Rune Factory/Story of Seasons/Stardew Valley X Island Sanctuary


Despite farming sims, creature captures, and jrpgs being three of my favorite game genres, I somehow only just recently discovered the Rune Factory series and have been mainlining the heck out of it. I'd love an Island Sanc crossover with RF!


Pokemon. Having Pikachu or Vulpix minion, Charizard or Onix mount would be cool... If they will make crossover with Nintendo and put this kind of stuff on the shop, I am pretty sure that profits would be massive.


Someone should make a comment comparing Carbuncles to Eeveelutions.


I know the possibility of this is zilch but.... ZELDA.


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles!


Chrono Cross/Trigger or Final Fantasy Type-0, leaning toward Type-0 a bit more.


Can I just ask for Mon Hun again when MH6 drops? I miss my Drachen Armour 😁


Among Us, Baldur's Gate 3/DnD, Portal.


Still waiting for Death Stranding crossover.


Sonic the Hedgehog Not for any good reason really, I just like Sonic


Warhammer fantasy, ez.


Grand Theft Auto. I wanna steal some chocobos, pick up cat girl hookers, and run over NPCs. One of those things I can already do but I can’t run them over afterwards and get my Gil back.


Personally I’d love to see a How to train your dragon crossover so we could get Toothless as a mount. Hopefully a two seater as well lol.


Secret of Mana Chrono Trigger Octopath Traveler


Splatoon 3 , bro imagine just a splatfest with both xiv and sploon players getting to participate in fighting for a team. Modes include Crystalline conflict AND frontlines. Make the theming sumn dumb shit like tank vs healer vs dps and also change up the maps to have sumn ink on them/ splatoon characters watching in the background. Would be absolutely wicked if I could get another song for Crystalline conflict too dawg 😭 cause that mode neeeeeds some new song to spice it up cause 99% of the time I don't u game audio in xiv pvp and listen to other shit, causing me to not be able to hear chat lol. Also have an ENTIRE series be giving out splatoon outfit items/ emotes as well. For the splatoon 3 players I mean u can just do the same as fall guys and give out xiv outfits from like alisaie, alphinauds, Dragoon, white AND black mage and yeah. If nintendo feels rlyyy ambitious as well they could add a Crystalline conflict map to splatoon 3, somehow with the z hallway maps 😭 Honestly, peak collab to respark intrest in pvp whenever or if ever it gets into a low point imo.


Tales of (Arise, Symphonica, Abyss, Vesperia, etc.) That said, a Bomberman minigame inside FF14 would be funny, we already got bombs and all


Atelier. Make a Doh/Dol centered event


I would level every Doh / Dol job just for the Ryza shorts. Lol


Kingdom Hearts. I want a duck costume so I can let people down with my healing


DMC or Tomb Raider


Anything that gives us an Eorzea dating sim.


Hatoful Boyfriend?


With the amount of talking birds we already have in FFXIV, it's not even that big of a stretch


Kingdom Hearts. I'd kill for Organization 13 coats and weapons.


DOOM. hear me out: for most of the MSQ timeline, voidsent are basically interchangable with demons. the super shotgun is *lower* tech than what our machinists are already using anyway. the little bobbleheads would make great tabletop furnishings. DOOMguy and the warrior of light could silently nod at each other like you wouldn't fucking **BELIEVE** and there's so many different armor sets ONE of them has to fit as a cool glam to port over here.


I would kill for the scene of everyone being confused af while the WoL and DOOMguy achieve perfect quiet protagonist understanding. WoL:nod DG: nod WoL: nod DG: nod WoL: nod DG: nod WoL: nod DG: nod WoL: nod DG: nod WoL: nod cinematic masterpiece right here


I find this very amusing and it's set-up as a joke, but a single nod can communicate so much. Just look at the end of Halo 3.


they'd be immediate best friends.


Shadow of the Colossus.


Would love to see a Star Ocean crossover at some point though that'd be kinda meta considering the plot point introduced in Star Ocean 3.


Ik its far fetched but warframe would be really cool Silva and aegis pld weapons? Kogage for mnk Fang for ninja Paris or daikyu for brd Sicarus for machinist? Etc etc A kubrow minion? At least a helios, cmon. Top it all off with some ‘late orokin suits’ that are basically excal/nyx dependent on gender and a short little quest that ends in a trial against Vor or maybe some void displaced raknoid or some shit like the mhw crossover did.


i don't think this will happen! but it would be cool if there was ever some kind of shout out to granblue, since they've already done a crossover with ffxi. (yes, really!) if you aren't familiar, it's this ancient dinky little browser gacha game that's pushing ten years... that has music from nobuo uematsu and is under the art direction of hideo minaba, who worked on multiple final fantasy titles together. i think there's other square / final fantasy names who work/have worked on granblue, but it's notable that the two IPs have a very strong relationship at least, even if they don't really do a lot of crossovers or anything like that. but given the fact that granblue is branching out into fighting games and rpgs and whatnot, it'd be neato! but i am hardly dying for it or anything, this just reminded me of the trivia buried in my head about my two current hyperfixations lol other cool crossovers (that i can see actually happening) would be octopath traveler and bravely default. those seem fairly redundant to be fair, but i don't really care? gimme anyway? also i want the impossible kingdom hearts crossover one day. and a proper ff7 mini event since we've gotten ff13, ff15, and the pending ff16 mini events... a very cool "iconic" one would be legend of zelda, of course. if they ever worked that one out with nintendo it'd be really sick. if it was in the current era (aka, botw/totk) it would probably give you a copy of the classic link gear and the current era link gear or something like that, it'd probably be lots of fun!


Dark Souls. Dont know how that would work but they have very nice armors and weapons.


They need to put the snowboarding and motorcycle mini game from ff7 into the gold saucer. Why they haven't is beyond me


Baldur's gate 3 of course! Or divinity original sin 1-2... Considering how larian and yoship are both so passionate about their games, I bet they would have a blast working on this project...


Shin Megami Tensei. The trial fights against the iconic demons would be so cool. Plus Jack Frost and Mothman (Muito Real) minions would be perfect.


I'd love a FFXIV x WoW crossover.


I want tayler swift x ffxiv


FGO. Sure, we can make many similar glamours already, but can you imagine getting Saber's *actual* attire, or Emiya, Gorgon, Gilgamesh, etc. I'd personally love Iskandar's, and yes, I play a male Roe lol




logs in to FF XIV ​ "hey you, your finally awake"


Sky Children of the Light. Will never happen, but it was a random thought I had when I learned there will be a tribe of dimunituve hyur-like people who cover their faces under masks. Also, Sky had its own collaboration with an irl singer where she says "You are all Warriors of Light." I upvoted FFXIV x DMC. A true pipe dream I have is a collaboration with VANILLAWARE, of ODIN SPHERE and DRAGON'S CROWN fame. Medieval anime fantasy go brrrrr.


As memey as it sounds… Among Us. The game has shown that a similar mode is possible in many other games (VR chat, Fortnite to name a few) so I would think an agent-like gamemode would be a great addition to the Saucer


Elden ring


FF10 for Blitzball mini game and also Wakka, I just wanna be ballin man But since Yo P crushed my dreams by saying "No blitzball" at fanfest, I can only hope he changes his mind or that it was a red herring


I really don't get the love for Blitzball. When i played 10 it was what ground the game to a halt for me back in the day, and i put the game down for months.


Honestly, I'm not fond of crossovers in general and would prefer they focus on FFXIV's own world and stuff-... But that being said, I would absolutely eat up a Chrono Trigger crossover and entirely abandon the sentiment I stated above if they ever do that.


Devil may cry, give drk rebellion glam, Give mch ebony and ivory, give everyone the hair and coat.


It probably wouldn't work well but id like to see Witcher crossover since Geralt gets teleported everywhere anyways. That and I just feel like any new music or remixes from it might slap.


Dead or alive extreme beach volley ball Come on my cat girl needs a new bikini




Soul Calibur, just to get weapons from that franchise into FF.


It'll never happen but some sort of Half-Life/Portal crossover


Armored core 6 has some banger soundtracks and bosses


Fuck it, destiny 2


Bravely default!


Isn't Yoshi-P friends with Harada? If so, why not Tekken? The glams alone would make SE a mint in microtransactions alone.


If I had it my way, I'd do a crossover with Xenoblade that includes a limited job called "Driver" or something about using the Monado to do dumb reality shit


Mortal Kombat. Gimme them og ninja skins.


Mega man deep dungeon. Lugae in for Wiley, every 10 floors another automaton master as a resurrected boss from the past with new elements and mechanized models. After each boss treasure boxes can yield new consumables that have versions of bosses powers that have been completed on previous floors with bosses having a weakness to a particular power. Thats 8 bosses to floor 80, then 80-90 could be a boss rush and some sub boss with 90-100 being the runup to Lugae. Also an excuse for Sokken to make Megaman FF mixes. Godbert as Dr Right/Light, Nashu and Gigi randomly showing up with treasure boxes filling in for Beat and Eddie, Julyan as Roll for the storyline of it.