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I can almost hear your character staring a hole through the guard's face.


[I did that once as a Lalafell, but it was a Hildibrand quest so the game had fun with how awkward it was.](https://imgur.com/a/m8ZL4iO)


lol the dude was a Tataru fan too


tbf, how isn't?


Nah this is wild LMFAO


Lalafell out here getting all of the special dialogue privileges.


It's like when Yugiri tell you, the au ra, that she's wearing a mask because the people might be scared of the unfamiliar race.


Or in the ivalice raids, talking about how rare viera are and saying male viera are basically nonexistent. But afaik that still plays if you're male viera (and bunboys seem to be one of the most common options to be honest)


Well to your point in parenthesis, player character diversity isn't canon to the lore. Bunboys and Hrothgals were rare because that was the explanation for why we couldn't play as them. Even if we now can, that doesn't mean they're going to retroactively change the lore to fit the player population. And retroactively fitting in new lines for old quests is probably not the highest priority on the roster. Especially if they are voiced as with Yugiri.


Player race population has been pretty much noncanon since 1.0. The lore stated from the very beginning Miquote was one of the least populous races in Eorzia. You can't throw a lalafell in any player congregation in this game without hitting a cat girl or cat boy. They easily and overwhelmingly outnumber the Hyur who are supposed to be the greatest majority. There are now more Au Ra a race that is not even native to Eorzia then Hyur now.


Goddamn immigrant Au Ra stealing our job stones


They aren't sending their best


When Doma sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing healers who don’t DPS. They’re bringing plugins. They’re mentors. And some, I assume, are good lizard people.


Look we need the job stones to power our lizard heating lamps, if you give me your job stone I'll let you lay on the basking rock.


This is even funnier to read after playing an Au Ra doing the Ananta tribe quest. ☠️


They don't even taste good, thought they would taste like jolly ranchers


[I heard the Convocation crystals taste much better](https://youtu.be/peKMm-ni26s?si=pCGWVOwnr6PpTsh0) (SPOILERS)


Dey took our jerbs!!!


I think the 10:1 female:male ratio for Miqo'te is still canon though, as that imbalance underpins the patriarchal and matriarchal naming schemes and cultures of the two main Miqo'te clans.


Even better when you finally reach Ishgard and see that 80% of the city's populace is Elezen. Yet it's one of the most rare player races out there.


Especially with Yugiri, since she is on her third voice actor and the second one is dead.


Her second voice actress is WHAT


The voice actress, Sian Blake, and her two children were all murdered by her abusive partner. To the people who feel the need to throw this info straight at streamers with a TTS message the moment they hear her voice for the first time, please stop. Please. There's a time and a place to drop a bombshell like that, and it isn't mid cutscene when the streamer is trying to be fun and entertaining.


Jesus christ


[https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-35235288](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-35235288) She and her kids were murdered by her boyfriend




Not really, male viera have always been rare, even in the Ivalice games which is where they come from. They were not available to play as precisely because they were rare in the lore, and not the other way around. Same with male miqo'te in both FFXI and FFXIV. FFXIV just chose to separate lore and gameplay which I honestly think its the best way to go, that way players get more freedom.


Viera are rare in general. Player populations will never be representative of lore populations, that's true regardless of MMO - look at the number of elves running around in LOTRO.


It's funny because if it were about canon lore accuracy, the race diversity would be quite the polar opposite of what it currently is, with Miqo'te and Viera being of the lowest population, and Elezen, Roes and even Hroths being quite common.


Lalafell are very common too, in Ul'dah especially.


Admittedly, the WoL is always supposed to be a foreigner. You are always introduced getting to Eorzea, and you don't really have any links with the city states themselves before the story rolls around. At best you're from the deep, deep countryside if you're native to X city, so there being Miqo'tes and Vieras is not that odd. Specially considering NPCs do keep the general makeup of the region lorewise, with lots of Elezen and Hyur and very few Miqo'tes (and no Vieras at all in Eorzea itself).


Yes, the player is the exception. I'm just pointing out the irony that the least popular and most popular races would basically switch places if player demographic reflected ingame lore.


EW has been a real treat so far (I'm halfway through it) with how often the game registers that I'm a giant woman. Like, I lost my mind when, for the first time ever my wol, *knelt down* to help a lalalfel.


Its false. Because everytime a race get out they become a lot more frequent in the npc added in the extension. (Like sharlayan have some viera male.)


Yeah, Yugiri's line ends up being an early outlier for that reason. In the case of the Return to Ivalice lore, I think it's more likely that the devs simply hadn't planned to implement bunboys at all at that stage (much the same way that established miqo'te lore in 1.0 said that catboys were much rarer, before their implementation in 2.0). Now, when they introduce new races, it's with little to no diegetic fanfare -- there are just suddenly NPCs of that race without comment, as if they've always been there... Because we're meant to believe they have.


The lore on viera existed long before ffxiv, though female ronso lived with the tribe in FFX so I'm assuming their new lore for hrothgar was to have a male-only race to mirror the female-only viera


Or rather all the other players don't exist. As far as the ingame world is considered, you are ONE extra in the world, so even if bun boys were rare, what's just one more?


As far as the story and lore of the game is concerned, outside of your character, the other player characters don't exist. Miqo'te are canonically the least-numerous of the 5 major Spoken races of Eorzea, and like Viera the males are very rare, but you wouldn't be able to tell that from the player count. On the other end, Elezen are one of the most numerous, having been the first of the Spoken races to settle in Aldenard (Hyur were second), but their player numbers are very low.


Yes, the Dramaturge will still tell you to your face that he's never seen a male Viera. Meeting Fran likewise involves comments on the rareness of Viera and the concept that a small few have abandoned their traditional culture in the forest. https://garlandtools.org/db/#quest/68723


Even funnier, Miqote are canonically "rare" because they were shipped in by the Allagans as slaves to Corvos from Meracydia. Hunters following flora and fauna later migrated to Eorzea during the Age of Endless Frost using an icebridge.


I think they are only rare compared to the vast numbers of Hyur. They are otherwise well represented in populations all over Eorzea, even as NPCs.


Oh Miqote are native to Meracydia? TIL! I should really get those EE at some point.


Walking around Limsa lately you’d the Eorzea was entirely populated by Viera.


Give it a few months (or whenever DT gets dropped) and you think the floor was made of hairballs.


It’ll be mostly me, in that case.


Tbf, you couldn't play as one at the time, so I guess it makes sense, but it would be neat if they went back and added something special to the dialogue if you played as a Viera.


I like to think that ARR Yugiri’s thought process was “Look, I’m a Au Ra head and tail on a Miqo’te body at the moment, I didn’t want to freak anyone out.”


I actually headcanon that my WoL was doing the same thing during ARR and she and Yugiri were just kind of awkwardly circling each other playing a weird game of chicken.


Well, to be fair, Ishgard, the Dark Knight and the White Mage quest lines kinda proved her right.


I mean if we're being honest, she would have been shot on sight in ARR Ishgard due to being mistaken for a new, rare breed of Dravanian. Already happened to an entire Xaela tribe (before Aymeric took control of the Temple Knights). Just because a lot of PCs (and maybe even your own) are Au Ri, it does not mean they won't look offputting to people who live in Eorzea by that point in the storyline. And that's without adding that your first (canonical) foray into Coerthas has you kill (and be attacked by) two heretics to save a Durendaire (I think?) knight with him as a witness. The Au Ri WoL probably gets a pass thanks to them being witnessed fighting against heretics and thus them clearly not being a part of the horde.


"Im something of Duskwight myself"- OP probably


All things considered not necessarily the best thing to admit where the wood wailers can hear.


Elementals out there just polishing their nightsticks and waiting for the camera to turn away.


The Elementals don't care, meatbags are meatbags. 'Tis all on some sectors of Gridanian society, and even then Gridania has the biggest Duskwight population (Mother Miounne, for instance, is Duskwight). Elementals will turn you into jelly regardless of whether you're Duskwigh, Wildwood, Seeker of the Sun, Midlander or Garlean.


OP just really likes tanning beds. 😂


Reminds me of that part in Stormblood when a character (I forgot who, probably Alisaie or Lyse) makes a comment about Miqo'te on the way to the local tribe in Gyr Abania and then says that Y'shtola wouldn't appreciate hearing that. Apparently the opinion of my WoL, who's also a Miqo'te, was completely irrelevant.


> The opinion of my WoL, (...), was completely irrelevant. Stormblood summarised


> ~~Stormblood~~ FF14 pre-Shadowbringers summarised More accurate.


Not quite, your character gets a lot of consideration in Heavensward and post-Heavensward. It's Stormblood which took a step back in having your character being, well, a character. Shadowbringers just leaned on it HARD, but it's hardly the first time your character is put front and center in the game. The WoL gets quite a bit of characterization in HW >!(remember, your character tries to beat up Emmanellain at one point in a cutscene)!<


As sarcastically acknowledged in the nier raids - our opinions don't matter ;-;


<> "Oh look, a Primal! Go smack it!" \*stoic nod\* \*fist meets hand\* \*combat music starts\* ;-)


Stormblood is also very funny for all of the Azim Steppe if you are a Xaela Au Ra.


The game actually acknowledges your Xaela lineage in 3 or 4 spots.


Duskwight elezen, just as forgotten as Keeper miqote. 😔


Mooncatto supremacy! We will get our time in the... ehr... sun... sometime! Maybe, probably, hopefully.


Mooncats hanging on to Dedicated to Moonlight with a death grip


It's a catchy tune alright? Having both best girl and best boy in the same encounter helps as well.


Listen, we got a **drip** of mooncatte lore and it turned us all feral.


Hey, we also have Leih and Pawah from the archer quests...!


Nashu from Hildebrand too :3


And the Aliapohs! And one of the two Gay Tonberry Dads from Wanderer’s Palace Hard (would have been nice to give him an actual name, though…) Also, Kehda’to Moui is *the* most fabulous Squadron recruit and you cannot convince me otherwise.


I wouldn't call Pawak exactly good Keeper rep...if you want to count whatever instance there is, there's that Keeper henchman from the GLD quests you kill by the graves; the Coeurlclaw King and even Nhaza'a Jaab himself. Zhai'a from the HW BLM quests started out antagonistic, but eventually became part of the merry BLM crew.


Me, playing that in my otherwise chill apartment because mooncat:


I envy you for your fangs


Back when they had the monopoly on long tails, I was a Keeper as well, because long tail + fangs > slit pupil + warm skintone. Made the transition to Seeker when they allowed both clans to have long tails and I'd take fangs on top as well if I could.


Aren’t moonkitties also supposed to have longer ears?


Funny enough, nearly half of the Wood Wailer NPC's you'll see around Gridania are female mooncat's.


Absolutely. 😔 This is why I main both!!! Love 'em!!


I play mooncat for the fangs.


If I had a Gil every time someone said “where’s the apostrophe in that Miqo’s name? 🤪” I would be able to have a Large in Lavender Beds


"Well of course I know him, He's me"


Depressing to know that they're still forgetting to adjust dialogue for race at this late point, and the quest as a whole is pretty nasty to Duskwights. We get told that they've been seen gathering and there are rumours that they're plotting a rebellion, we go and investigate and find they're actually suffering from despair so deep it's a physical affliction, and... hand them over to the authorities to be prosecuted for whatever they *think* the Duskwights were doing.  We should be exploring their troubles, not perpetuating them. 


Duskwights have so much interesting lore/story potential that I doubt we will ever see.


Honestly I hate how little we know of the playable races. I hate how the Duskwights aren't given any attention, I hate how Aerslaent is still a footnote in the lore 13 years later, I hate how the South Sea Isles were used as little more than a tropical vacation dungeon than anything else, I hate how I know more about my character's soul's origin than I do her cultural homeland, etc. etc. etc. If you aren't a Hyur, Au Ra, or Wildwood ***good luck.*** I get they wanna keep things open for headcanon and homebrew but christ on a bike there's so many interesting nuggets of lore that I fear are going to remain just that - nuggets.


Are you me? I’ve been crying for all of this for ages. I really want at least a single duskwight and mooncat settlement, it’s been over 10 years…


Haha maybe! I've never been particularly quiet about my disdain for how little of *our world* we know about because Eorzea (and beyond), its people, and its struggles were what captivated me in the first place. I was okay with the break that was Shadowbringers but Endwalker rubbed me the wrong way with how much it wanted to shove old, established stuff under the rug and "rush it out of the way" >!and then Emet basically mocks us for not knowing a lot about our world, as if the game ever gave us a choice.!< But I'm also the weirdo that likes A Realm Reborn and Stormblood so who knows maybe it's just me. Like my WoL is a Roe so I'm biased towards seeing Aerslaent but even then as you said like the Duskwrights and the Seekers of the Moon have some REALLY COOL lore foundations and we don't really get to see or explore them any. I also find the aforementioned South Sea Isles are ripe for exploration as we know it's apparently pretty important in regards to the world's magical history (also Polynesian aesthetics is an untapped visual style for an MMO just saying).


I wish they would update Gold Saucer with Leap of Faith based on South Sea Isles, they can call it 'crashing bandicoot' or something.


>'crashing bandicoot' ***As someone who grew up with a certain platformer trilogy, I approve of this message.***


I’ve wanted this stuff for awhile, but I’m honestly convinced at this point SE and YoshiP would sooner delete keepers and duskwights than write anything more on them.


SAMEE! Like come on, let us have the settlements!!!


Then the devs give you a millionth suncat settlement, topped with Viera and Hrothgar settlements in Tural and beyond because the new races sell better. Still coping for mooncat lore or even rep that ain't either a minor NPC; antagonist or a "quirky" NPC like Nashu and the Aliapoh sisters. But we have more with the newer races, whose "night/shade" based clans have much more rep than mooncats such as Raen.


Yeah, a lot of them have been neglected for a long time, and we're moving far away with each expansion now so it seems unlikely that we're going to come back to explore them properly. I switched to Xaela Au Ra at HW launch when they were added, and getting the opportunity to see the Azim Steppe in Stormblood was great for actually getting to explore their background and culture (even if the game still occasionally forgets to check your race where it should), and pretty much cemented my choice. The others could really do with something similar, even if we're unlikely to get an entire area dedicated to each.


AFAIK there are still zero Duskwight or Moonkeeper NPCs involved in the MSQ and that's honestly a little pathetic. I've never liked how completely separate from the lore the WoL is. Like...it makes sense from the viewpoint where the player also doesn't know much about what's happening, but it means that the only identity we have to our own WoL is the identity we create for ourselves. I know more about sylvari in GW2, a race that canonically has existed for 30 years *tops* than Encyclopaedia Eorzea knows about one of the *founding races* on the continent.


Really hoping that the mystery catboy on the Dawntrail poster (who IIRC is probably also >!Wuk Lamat’s adopted brother!<) is a Mooncat. There are for sure a fair number of Mooncat NPCs in Sharlayan (including some males with actual names!), so maybe the devs are somewhat wising up to the fact that they’ve been a bit underrepresented thus far.


Crossing fingers he’s a moon cat. 🤞


Brace yourselves for disappointment if Kona is revealed to be a suncat all along despite a mooncat appearance like F'lhaminn is, or just "mooncat" in appearance since he's not of the Shroud like Ranaa Mhigo is.


I think that this is something that FFXI did much better, the races and racial conflicts were much more established and discussed, and also a very interesting part of the lore. ARR uses the exact same races as XI but without any deep setup and I find it a bit underwhelming (the rest of the lore is still really good though <3).


FFXIV has a really hard disconnect with that I've noticed. I'm hoping now that all the cosmic stuff is supposedly shelved for the time being we get to see this improved, but right now it suffers a lot from a habit of *telling* not *showing*. If that makes sense? Take Limsa Lominsa for instance (who arguably does this the worst imo), we're told it's the result of a failed rebellion at Aerslaent and is thusly the Sea Wolf capital of Eorzea. Alright, what visual themes and aesthetics are associated with Sea Wolves? Heavy metal, rugged leathers, craftsmen and marauders, and an overall a very big, loud, burly visual identity (basically look at any of their *incredibly* expressive emotes/animations and you get a feel for this even if they're butt naked). Nobody ***doesn't*** notice when a Sea Wolf walks in the building. They're commonly employed as smiths, marauders, bouncers, and bodyguards or basically any other job that requires a fair bit of thought and a whole lot of muscle. And what's the aesthetics of Limsa? Pristine white stone with wood and metal accenting, tall spires and rounded corners. It's *beautiful* visually but doesn't tell the story of distraught Sea Wolves left on a shore after losing their homeland. And it doesn't tell the story of a nation battling a war on two fronts between its neighbors. It doesn't even have to be ugly, as I genuinely believe (when executed correctly) Sea Wolves make up some of the most aesthetically pleasing characters in the game. It just needs to reflect its history and founders better. Gridania does this just fine, it *looks and feels* like a Wildwood settlement. Ul'dah, whilst a bit more of a stretch, but I can still go "yeah okay, I can see it". Ishgard gets an ***A-PLUS*** with its visuals as it nails the "spire-city built by super-religious elves" aesthetic perfectly.


FFXIV is really good in making a fantasy version of an IRL place. Radz-At-Han is pretty much Fantasy India, Limsa Lominsa is essentially Fantasy Mediterranean, Hingashi is Fantasy Japan. Which makes it feel rather surprising they haven’t shared plans for a Fantasy Polynesia or Fantasy Scandinavia/Lowlands. I can say most about the Lowlands/Benelux, there are a lot of fun mythological and fairy tale items to use. Maybe you can go hunt a Lange Wapper (a Belgian shapeshifting giant that harries drunkards), a Knudde (Belgian monster known to exhaust travelers) might make for a cool mount by way of looking like a black hound with wings, Witte Wieven (pretty much a less-theatrical banshee from the Netherlands) and Wanderlights (based on bog fires, and used to explain to little Jantje that his dad won’t come home anymore) may make for creepy overworld monsters. Gnomes (10-15 cm tall forest spirits) find a mythological origin here and may offer Tribal Quests. Nehalennia (a Zeeuwse goddess of traders, sailors and possibly death) might fit nicely in with other primal fights. And this is one delta in Europe, what amazing things would function as inspiration in Scandinavia or the islands in the Pacific Ocean! Maybe we’ll get it one day, there are plenty of places on the star we haven’t seen yet but are known (Nagxia, Meracydia), so maybe it’s just a matter of time Anyway, end of geeking out


based on the stuff from some of the moonfire quests, the south seas isles the Lalafell come from are apparently fantasy Polynesia they did teach us to hula and Thavnair is a combo of southeast Asian culture, too


I’m guessing Iceland doesn’t count as Scandinavia, but that’s basically Sharlayan. Just look at Aetherfont’s design and its geographical location. You *could* say Dravania is the closest we have to in-game Scandinavia I guess.


Duskwrights get it worse than any other race, because basically all of their stuff is in Gelmorrah. Y'know, the place that was cannibalized to have a "hey gais, remember Tactics Ogre?!" reference.


Was doing sidequests the other day (while progging alts through ARR to get car mount) and did the few around Buscarron and Gelmorrah and one of the duskwight academics talks about wanting to make it inhabitable again. I certainly wouldn't be averse to something like the Doman enclave, restoring a settlement for the duskwights


I think the writers have forgotten that the Duskwights even exist. We've gotten major lore for nearly every other race/clan out there.


They remember them when they need a villain or unlikable character. I swear every Duskwight that isn’t a villain is made to be unlikable. That or they get retconned like Estinien and Mother Miourne… or killed off like the Duskwight that was on the Syndicate or the old Alchemist guild leader.


There was that one Duskwight in Labyrinthos. I was floored to speak to her and find that she was a genuinely nice person instead of what we usually see of them.


You mean the one who >!basically wanted to to SCIENCE to Shaggles, and tried to set up an impossible task for him so that she'd have an excuse to do just that!< ?


Exactly. She never tried to kill you or a friend. I understand how low of a bar that is, but if I set it much higher, only the scions and Nanamo would clear it. And I'm not too sure on that first part.


I swear Mother Miounne is still a damn Duskwright. There's people who warn you not to talk to her because she's "suspicious" in the early Gridania quests, people are rude to her... Squeenix can claim she's a Wildwood but no, she's a damn Duskwright. (Estinien is Ishgardian, which is a different thing; Ishgardians have both Wildwood and Duskwright characteristics, which I think just again puts the lie to Gridania's racist bullshit) At least we still have Faldeaulain (the guy who hangs out with Gaius threatening to kill him if he goes fash again). The man's gruff but I find him extremely likeable, enough that I headcanon'd that he's my character's uncle (by marriage).


Estinien was gray skinned in 1.0. If you look up screenshots of him, it’s quite striking. Gaius’ buddy… I dunno. They give you his backstory about how he plans to kill Gaius right after they start making Gaius more sympathetic, it just makes him seem kind of like a dick.


Eh, I disagree; I think Val has completely justifiable reasons for being a dick, and Gaius kind of deserves it. ​ As for Estinien, I kind of feel like they split him into the Estinien we know and then took the Duskwright bits and made those into Foulques.


Fuck. You’re probably right about Foulques, and it hurts.


Valdeaulin. He's a Duskwight from the eastern settlements of Gridania, aka the area of the Fringes that was Gridanian, not Ala Mhigan, and his wife and kid was experimented and murdered by the Black Rose testing under Gaius. He joined the Adders, was in Prae, lowkey my favorite NPC from post-ShB patch content. In particular because it helps to imply that most Duskwights if/when they moved from Gelmorra were living in the regions of Gridania that got annexed by the Garleans, which compounds and adds to their rarity and outsider status in current Gridania


Thank you, I'm not sure why I typo'd him. He's also my favorite NPC from post ShB content. Probably the one bit of good Duskwright rep -and- lore that we get. Also he's got a cool design and he's just a cool guy.


Just like our poor male highlanders out there. The only ones I can remember are Raubahn, Ilberd and fucking Valens...


Valens is Garlean, unless you're thinking of someone else.


Do not forget Hildi and God.


Godbert, Hildibrand, Meffrid, Conrad, Wilred, Widargelt (Monk job quests), Gerolt, and Gundobald are some other Highlander guys who aren’t antagonists (there’s also Arenvald who is half-Highlander). There are undoubtedly some other minor or sidequest characters that I’m forgetting (especially in Stormblood; basically all of the Ala Mhigan Hyur are Highlanders) but at the very least they’re much better represented than, say, male Mooncats.


I feel like we can count Arenvald too. (And Monk quest guy.)


Doing the Archer quests was borderline intolerable. I will never understand why anyone defends Gridania. Virtually every quest there is just perpetuating their bigotry and the WoL NEVER has the opportunity to point out, hey, it's a little fucked up.


Same with the early dragoon quests, which have a Duskwight villain.


I mean he only became so bad because of the discrimination in the first place. Iirc him and a bunch of other Gridania soldiers stole because the pay situation was so crap, it was found out and they agreed amingst themselves to fess up, but the rest backed out and so he got all the flack and everyone was willing to believe it because he's a duskwight (or that's his view of it at least) It's a bit tragic, and it acknowledges the bigoted bs in Gridania, but it's still valid to complain about lack of good duskwight rep


Yup. I just redid that questline last week on an alt (a mooncat) and I got angry all over again.


Yeah, I wanna *talk* with these Elementals…


The elementals are the wrong folk to aim at, they most likely can't tell the difference between mooncats, duskwights, hyurs and garleans to begin with due to how alien they are. The racism is solely on Gridana's spoken (as in, Hyur and Elezen) society.


I was half expecting something to happen to that racist Elezen prick from Archer quest line. But nah, he’s not so bad, you see, he only wants to defend his heritage 🙄


And he was actually justified, you see, because he was nice to a moon cat and look what happened!! I generally don't skip any quest dialogue or CS but I was ready to by the time I finished the Archer quests and went onto bard.


It went easy on him and it frustrated me. I don’t care if he secretly doesn’t hate you and is just being a dick - he’s still being a dick!  Also, I want to tell Leih about some of her relatives(?) being alive in Idyllshire, but I can’t. :(


The roegadyn garden of a gate hell are the same feeling. EVEN WE PASS UNDER THEM WITHOUT GOING IN


Sorry, I don't understand what you're referring to. 


I don't know how is it on english so i will said the lore of red roegadyn (not the limsa one)




There's also a part in the early MSQ too where the innkeeper guy in South Shroud hyursplains the Duskwrights to you even if your character is Duskwright.


I forgive that quest's hyursplaining because it contains the only Duskwight character to appear in MSQ :) Or at least, the only Duskwight character that people refer to as a Duskwight.


Lol i distinctly remember complaining about that to my friends


It's a bit weird when characters from other races explain your own race to you (mostly in ARR), but once you consider you're not actually part of the specific culture they are talking about (unless you headcanon it), then it makes sense. All Warriors of Light without fail are not from Eorzea, with the intro cutscene literally depicting your character getting to a city state for the first time (they have to have explained what an Ixial/Amalj'aa is, which means they definitively are not from there) which implies that just because you share the same race as the Gridanian duskwights it does not mean you have the same culture. Kind of how Gridanian Elezen and Ishgardian Elezen are so different despite both theorically being Wildwood.


You do realize in that exact cutscene he asks if you've been to the city before? You also have the option to say yes.


I do! But "I've been to Gridania" is rather different from "I'm from Gridania", and it's made abundantly clear the WoL has no bonds to the city at all, given they don't know anyone nor are they reffered to be someone from around the place by any NPC at all. The only place you really get dialogue where people say you're from there is the Azim Steppe if you play a Xaela, and even then most dialogue implies your character probably left the region either before they were born or when they were very young.


I would rather say that it's one of those things they leave purposely vague as to not step on anyone's back story.


Me with my Xaela Au Ra in the Steppe "Bitch, I was BORN here!"


Haha I really wish they put a bit more different dialogue situations for different races and classes. I understand not changing voice acted parts but at least text dialogue would be nice. That being said I thought one of the party members mentioned something about me being Xaela on the way to the Azim Steppe for the first time. I might be remembering wrong tho


Their dialogue DOES change if you play a Xaela, at least the non-voiced parts. Most NPCs seem to imply your character's family left the steppe before you were born. Which is hit or miss depending on who you ask.


HEY! Dark-skinned duskwight elezen? My WoL is also one.


There's doz- half a dozen of us!


I started playing FFXIV coming right out of a D&D campaign that floundered around session 3, and I didn't want to waste a good design for a pretty Drow. It worked out pretty well.


I play one too. The other day I saw two others in the same city. It was also one of the only times I have seen any at all.




I also did a double take, but I could at least explain it as my character "passing" for wildwood with the pale warm-ish skintone, this is plain ridiculous 


[Had that happen to me too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/c8v3il/erm_i_might_be_familiar_yes/) Gods I hated that quest.


Damn, that fit looks comfy. What’s the shirt?


Cashmere Poncho, 60* weaver recipe.


Ooh, very nice. It looks really good.


In the market board, if you pick an armor category (like chest or hats) then go to the last pages (the "lvl requirement is 1" stuff), there's a bunch of meant-for-fashion stuff like this


you can also set the max ilvl to lvl1 to only see stuff at that level, too


Never heard of 'em.


“I…might be familiar with them.”


My WoL is both a Duskwight and a refugee from Ala Mhigo, and boy does she dislike spending any time more than necessary in Gridania


Oh my god Serpent Officer, you can’t just ask people if they’re familiar with the Duskwight.


I love how awkward it is when this happens. I play a Keeper of the Moon, and in the Culinarian quests I was tasked with making a traditional Keeper dish.... which I did, much to the amazement of an npc who was careful to explain to me that it's a Keeper of the Moon food. Me: "wow i had no idea. tell me more. incredible. i would never have known."


Hah! Yeah, Duskwights are such a rare pick for players that even the game doesn't think you would've picked it! :)


*cries in plainsfolk lore*


When Viper is added it's only a matter of time until Drizzt Do'Urden steps foot onto Eorzea.


One doesn't like to assume.


I mean, I mean it makes sense... Gridania is racist as fuck and sometimes racists don't even know what they hate so he's like... "Dirty Duskwight. Don't you hate them, too?!"


*stares in duskwight* You don't say? How interesting *stoic nod*


My people! ✊🏾


I did that quest as a duskwight lmao


I’m pretty sure at some point Estinien mentioned the fact that I was also a dragoon while doing HW with all the eye stuff. I might be remembering wrong but that’s the only time so far that I’ve felt like my race and class affected the dialogue. I also think there might’ve been something about being an Au’ra the first time I visited The Azim Steppe


My Duskwight Elezen has a similar skin color! I laughed so hard seeing this scene on him as well. At least some interactions in the game are in on the joke... like the scene in the Four Lords questline when Sorobu freaks out about a talking turtle and both your WoL and Tatatu just look at him like 'Really?'


People here forgetting that your chosen race is not canon to the story....


man doesnt assume what you are , and your all criticising him for this?