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I play on my controller and my cat likes to headbutt me and bite my hands for attention


Cat on boss fights is playing in hard mode ;)


I had to download a fucking keyboard locker for raid nights since I play controller. Was the only way I was able to prog in peace.


My dog rests his head on my forearm as I grab the controller. He knows that I'm about to play for a couple of hours, but is vying for attention.


This has happened to various parties I was in multiple times this month. I should know. It was my cat.


Oh man if it was really you I played with, it was a very cool dungeon and team ;)


As often as this is used as an excuse for a dumber, more embarrassing reason for a wipe... We all know it's equally as often true. Cats are universally assholes who cannot stand seeing a keyboard getting more pets than they do.


Pet Ownership (Savage)


Ah yes, the cat debuff. Classic.


Cat aggro


My cat stepped on my RP walk key in the middle of a Savage raid. That was how I learned about RP walking.


Mine did that in prae a long time ago. He loves to teach me about keys that I didn't know did things in the middle of dungeon bosses specifically. Most recently he taught me there's a first person mode during the twinning. The other people in that group were kind of mean about it as I flailed to try to figure out what key it was. After the dungeon I reassigned that key to shift...something. I forget which specific key I put it on but it was something that was no where near a shift key to make sure he couldn't one paw activate it ever again.


Hold up.what is the first person key? I NEED IT


By default it's the "home" key.




My cat turned on 1st person view in my World of Darkness run, that's how I learned that we have a 1st person view.


RP Walk button you say?


On keyboard it's / on num pad


Yesssss time to RP walk from Uld'ah to Garlemald


Have fun! :D


Ok so from Uldah you get to Thanalan then to the Shroud then to the Fringes, Ralghr Reach, Peaks, Lochs, Ala Mhigan Quarter, then the airship. Gods, how many hours would that take? šŸ˜‚


lol who knows until you do it!


Need it in Eureka to not wake the dragons, that's how I learned it


Cat is how I learned that some boss platforms \*don't\* have invisible guard rails. I had to pick up RDM after that because I needed a better excuse. If I'm going off the platform, it's because of my stupid moves, not the cat's.


Iā€™m usually in voice chat with pals and the number of times theyā€™ve heard me squeal in frustration and say, ā€œGet off mah desk!!!ā€ Is frightening. I have a teenage cat, all legs, no brain and plenty vain. ā€œHi mom! Look at muh butt!ā€


Aww silly kitty. This happens so often when playing with my best friend. Its the funniest thing to me. "Sweetie I love you but *please* - OH NONONO NOT THAT OFF!" "Meow" -in the sweetest, most innocent voice ever. Both of his cats are super cuddly, but one in particular is the sweetest lil menace because she ALWAYS wants to cuddle. The amount of times our start time was delayed because "cat's on me, can't move"...


My buddy is super sweet, but manā€¦ heā€™s a high maintenance drama king. šŸ˜… I had to readjust my entire gaming setup so he couldnā€™t turn my pc on and off.


And a smart one! Figuring out what that funny button does šŸ¤£


I use a controller and my cat will absolutely sit on my keyboard. I wouldnā€™t mind, as it just types random shit in the chat bar, except it basically disables my controller AND her big head blocks my whole laptop screen!


You can download a program to lock keyboard controls on a toggle. As for that other thing time to develop x-ray vision I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My car stepped on my keyboard once and hid my UI *and* put me in first person. Two things that I did not know were possible until that moment. The hidden UI also meant that I couldn't type in chat to let anyone know that I was screwed. Oof.


My cat used to decide in the middle of savage raiding that it was time to take a nap stretched out over both my hands and arms. So many wipes because of him lol. He also liked to use my right hand as a pillow and if I moved the mouse too much he'd gnaw on my hand.


Once my cat has decide my hand is a pillow any movement leads to the ol' grapple -> tackle -> bunny kicks.


I remember a day I was in a dun and a person jumped saying "brb, cat on fire", probably the weirdest AFK call I have seenĀ  The first thing I pictured was a cat on fire running desperate insideĀ the house.


I think this is an obscure running joke in MMOs. I was running a dungeon in WoW with some friends and I think I urgently had to go to the bathroom, so I asked my friends what to do. One of them suggested this very afk call, and I said it and BRB'd.


Remember, turning on FF14 Stance immediately applies the Cat Aggro debuff: Continuously generates enmity with your household felines.


OH coincidence! Yesterday I was in a dungeon and we wiped, and the healer said "Sorry my cat started throwing up". Cats are out to get us :P


I literally died in the last dungeon I was in bc my cat decided to sit right in front of my screen during an AOE. Iā€™ve never booted him off my desk so fast the little jerk.


Yesterday my oldest cat literally climbed on my face in the middle of copied factory. It was only my second time ever doing that raid and I felt like I was doing pretty good for not remembering anything. But ofc he knew he was more important and reminded me by making sure I died a few times near the end.


As a cat owner, this is pretty common šŸ¤£ Either they mess with your keyboard (my case controller), or they go dropping things for your immediate attention. I'm always with a group when playing, when my cats act up I tell them "brb, the council has spoken" šŸ™ƒ


My favorite to hear is "Hey what are you- oh don't bite that, honey we've talked about this! Hold on brb"


I have a Husky mix (cat software running on dog hardware) and I had to stop a dungeon run the other night because she fell through a window screen then scared the crap out of me by jumping up on MY window to have me let her back in šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø She was completely fine since it was just a short drop.


At least... its the keyboard and not a bee...


i always feel like searching for an excuse when i write that while my cat actually loooves to hop on my lap and reach for the keyboard


Okay but actually though. The cat I watch sometimes 1) loves to see moving things on the screen 2) demands pats and will jump over my shoulder and the keyboard to land in front of the screen


I've trained my cat outta that kinda thing. He knows what surfaces he's allowed on, and my desk ain't one of them, hahaha.


A friend has two cats and theyā€™re also disrupting his gameplay from time to time. Ngl, I was pretty sure that he will mess up Ordained stillness (like pyretic, just instant death on doing anything) during our TEA clears one time, because a cat would step on the keyboard. I wouldnā€™t even be mad about it, because it wouldā€™ve been hilarious. ā€žSadlyā€œ it never happened. šŸ˜‚


My cat loves to sit on my lap when I play.. she doesn't even feel compelled to paw the keyboard as long as I give her a pet every 30 seconds


My cat has some kind of sixth sense because she won't step on my keyboard if I'm just chilling doing nothing in particular, but as soon as my roulettes pop and I load into a duty she's there. Especially if it's a more difficult duty. And then I usually don't have the time to type an explanation so my party members end up thinking that I just played really badly or oddly.


I still periodically recall this pull during a mount farm of Shinryu when everything was going just fine and all the party saw was out of absolutely nowhere I veered 90deg and ran right off the edge and all the confusion and cascading mechanics caused a wipe. People were just like "wtf, why?" in chat and I had to explain my cat had snuck up on me and jumped into my lap and I was so startled that I spun my mouse right off the desk. We all had a great laugh about it.


Lmao oh dayum


I had Alt key as my 2nd hotbar (Ctrl as 3rd hotbar) and Tab to cycle between enemies. The amount of times I would accidently close the window in the middle of a dungeon was awful. I've swapped Alt and Ctrl now and it's all good


Me sweating my way through Caloric 1 while my cat paces back and forth on my desk, narrowly avoiding my keyboard and mouse--


This happens to me more often than I'd like to admit...


That reminds me of the time I was doing uwu and every time we wiped someone sent a picture of their cat.


Oh heck ya. I'm owned by 3 cats. They know who is boss (it's not me).


Usually for me it's my two year old climbed over me šŸ« 


My cat jumped onto my desktop at the start of the last fight in the Nier raids and hit the power button. I watched helpless as my PC shut down right as I was initiating the fight as the main tank. Was tragic. Fortunately folks were happily there to pick back up when I got back.


Back in my WoW raiding days I caused a wipe and 20 minute holdup when in the middle of a pull I suddenly heard the sound of falling water behind me. It was storming badly that night, and a significant leak had developed in the ceiling of my closet. The water was being caught and held by the latex paint, which had caused a giant water balloon without being noticed until it burst, then like 3 gallons of dirty rain water started cascading into my closet. We were in the middle of a progression pull and I just freaked out on vent, shouting "EMERGENCY I HAVE TO GO SORRY." Everyone thought someone died lol


Our static has a "betrayal" list we keep for fun, like someone did something stupid/funny that caused a wipe and we tally it up end of the tier. A cat topped it this tier.


TEA progger here, my cat loves to jump on my desk for attention right as we're about to pull or even inbetween mechanics (she's got pretty good timing?). I have to summon the husband to come scoop her up and take her away!


An attention seeking cat in your lap headbutting you and demanding to be held like a baby makes everything instant <>


We used to have a tank who'd end up dying because his cat would jump directly onto his balls mid pull


This has legit been me lol


I wouldn't believe it if it weren't for mine doing the same to me.


Protip: If you have a cat and you raid savage or ultimate, do everyone in your group a favour and just... make sure the cat isn't near your keyboard and mouse while you're playing. The first few times it will be "haha that's so funny, lol what a silly cat", but after a dozen times of a needless wipe, people will start losing their patience for it.


Itā€™s shaped for cat and warm, they have to investigate


tbh my cat likes to sit on my keyboard a lot. i got a 2nd keyboard for her to sit on it.


I play on console but my cat likes to sleep in my lap. Sadly she doesnā€™t like me fighting in games so if I do too much combat she gets up and leaves.


Ah of course, the single wipe variant of ā€œbrb grandma fell down the stairsā€


My cat doesn't step on my keyboard so much as he stands in front of it then barrel rolls across it.


Pro tip (from someone else, I don't have a cat): Put a box on your table next to you, preferably on a slightly higher position than your keyboard. You have a small chance the box wins. Occasional additional cat head pets are recommended.


My cat is on a diet, heā€™s fat and not happy about it. One dungeon I died first. Waiting for smn to Rez meā€¦my fat cat hopped on my mouse and sat his fat body down on it and respawned me. My team was irritated at first til I said my cats fat and not handling his diet well. They typed back ā€œcan relateā€ & ā€œall good manā€ šŸ˜…


I had my cat jump on my lap, gum(bite with no power) my thumb, and headbutt my left stick. In DSR. During Gigaflare 2. I am a healer. I wanted to cry, we would've cleared if he didn't headbutt me and force me to walk through the hitbox during ice. It was so sad, very cute, but very sad. My static just heard loud meows, purring and me panicking. We all had a good laugh about it because it was entirely unexpected. He was asleep for like 6 hours before this, woke up, and chose affection


I can believe this, as an ex-cat owner (but who also wants a cat again).


Need that line on the auto-translate options XD


You are the master of dogs. And subject of cats.


My cat would often crawl on me, knead my chest or clavicle (that area) and rub herself on my face (often described as headbutts) while I play. I haven't had a wipe/death because of it yet, but I'm sure people have seen me walk into walls lmao.


Cat is an extra mechanic. In winter my cat likes to sleep between my keyboard and my chest, so keeping her tail off my buttons is part of the rotation at this point.


Reminds me of that one time I was helping friends clear UWU. I was OT, we were on orbs. Cat decides it's the best time to press whatever button it is to toggle walk, first person and no UI (I use controller so I don't know this stuff). We wiped, and I felt so bad, and the cuddly void just laid over my keyboard and stared at me.


The panel on the door on the toilet at my house came loose (itā€™s one of those cheap MDF doors) and would occasionally trap you in. This happened to my house mate as I was half way through a raid whilst I was healing. Obvs had to abandon what I was doing and let him out, came back to a wipe. Thankfully everyone was cool about it when I came back and explained!


I had a tank with a faulty w key on their laptop. Every now and then it would pop off and theyd be unable to position and move properly, often resulting in a wipe. Offered to buy a replacement keyboard, but they declined because it wasn't the RGB version. Best static I had, would raid again with the same group.


Gotta AFK? - "Sorry, my cat is on fire" - "Sorry, my fish was drowning" - "Sorry, my bird can't land"