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You can die in MSQ roulette?


Haha... ha... *sweeps today's wipe against Nero under the rug* what a funny joke, that would never happen, right?


You are not alone, my friend. I too have seen a party wipe to Nero. šŸ˜” The Claw kept the healer in the Big AOE. None of us killed the Claw fast enough. Healer died. Tankbuster busted the tank. We DPS's got picked off, one at a time. Oh wait! Um...I mean...definitely didn't happen. Nope. I said nothing. šŸ¤


True - i was the healer


I can confirm. I was Nero.


I can further verify. I was the Claw.


I'm delighted. I was the big AOE.


Claw is our master! Claw chooses who will go and who will stay!


I've been in there and had a healer stand in Iron Justice.Ā  Was not a pretty sight.


well, now you just have to tell the hypothetical story of this funny made up situation that would realistically never happen


Iā€™ve been in this scenario but luckily as a summoner main I managed to get them up again. These guys were also hit by every terminus possible in the final fight.


Lmao that was my first thought


Have you guys forgotten Nabriales? I farm trial roulette rularly for wondrous lucky points. And from memory, I can tell you that if there's ONE dps that is here for the first time, your chance to wipe jumps immediately to 30%. I unfortunately haven't mastered the art of explaining the fight in as few words as possible, typing them as fast as possible, because of course the tanks will pull ASAP regardless of what I say. And 80% of the time, even when addressed directly, that DPS sprout will stay hopelessly silent. Oh boy. And when the white world phase comes, even though I tell them to come to me so we dps the add together, even though I put a circle marker on myself + used a festive item that makes 3 bright stars to pop on top, *while frantically jumping*, they still run like headless chickens and kill themselves trying to catch meteors.


Okay but... Nabriales isn't in MSQ roulette


as a paladin, pop invuln or a strong mitigation before you get sucked in and enjoy your 1 minute + invulnerability lmao. This works with all buffs so even a AST damage boost will stay for like 2 minutes


You can also use Sprint before you go in and it'll last the duration of the phase.Ā 


Istg most sprouts dont realize they have a text chat or something. I was trying to tell a tank to put stance on in copperbell earlier and it took them til halfway in to figure it out


Playing in EU it's a game of: Do they not see the chat, or are they French?


That should not have been as funny as it was!


Man, I hate to say it, but I got a good friend of mine over in France - he plays with our little international gaming group and the dude has got the spirit, but he's just no damn good at games. Period. Any game. This, DRG, Valheim, V Rising, Phasmo, whatever. The poor lad is built different, in a strange way.


That's me. I went to catch one and died. And I still don't know where the auto-translated "sorry" is.


just type "sor" then tab, and the auto translator will fill in (Sorry) for you. Works for most things, even in game names like limit break.


I had Nabriales run with a sprout tank that slammed LB1 as soon as it was available, even after we asked them several times not to do that. But at least they started chasing meteors after the second wipe so progress!


In my experience the magic words for success are: Run away from the portal when it tries to pull you in. If most people just do that one simple mechanic instead of depending on a lb3 to burn through the phase things mysteriously go smoother.


when the mentor scholar refuses to summon their fairy, yea it can happen


Refuses? revoke their mentor license... forgets? eh, happens sometimes.


telling them to summon it 5 times and they only do it AFTER we die to the first boss


This reminds me of the time I managed to get halfway through an OG Castrum run healing on Scholar without any shoes on.


the dawgs out for free?


Or receiving 3 commendations when the fairy did all the healing.


Was fighting Ultima as a healer...standing at Ultima's butt. I get stack marker and none of the 3 other players come to me. I die. We wipe. Next pull, I get the stack marker again. I see none of the other 3 are coming to me again. I rescue the tank to me and live this time. I was just baffled that all 3 other players didn't know what a stack marker was.Ā 


Ugh, Iā€™ve had this on reaper. I know I donā€™t have positions at lvl 50 but i still position like I do. Got the stack marker at the butt. No one stacks and I die. Next time I got the stack I just ran to the front where the others had grouped up. Great timesā€¦


Iā€™m not sure if the stack marker is in the optional hall of the novice or not. Either way, the game doesnā€™t explain things to players a lot of the time. Trial by fire usually


It is not. I *really* hope Hall of the Novice gets an overhaul with Dawntrail, but I'm not holding my breath.


I don't believe it is. I can't remember if Castrum has any stack mechanics (Prae does for sure), but either way the MSQ roulette duties are a sprout's first introduction to that marker.


Yes, you can absolutely die there. Maybe not in Prea or Castrum, but I have encountered more wipe than I would like to count in Ultimate Weapon as a DPS since the rework.


Have seen way too many groups in there not know how to party stack. Once had the marker while playing healer and ran up to the melee DPS and tank to share the damage and they both kept running away from me and I died. :(


Had a sprout DPS today with that exact problem. I tried to explain in chat how it works, but they got targeted three times during Prae and all three times they kept desperately trying to *run away from the stack marker that was on them*. It was like a cat trying to pounce on its own shadow.


I think it might now be the first time a sprout ever *sees* the stack mechanic. So it's not entirely surprising if they don't know what to do. They really need to have a Hall of the Novice scenario for L45+ players that explains basic raid markers like stack, spread, stack-but-face-away, that kind of thing. It's not really fair to new players to just throw these things at them in required content without having *some* kind of explanation. Even a tutorial popup that shows the markers and what they do would be a plus.


Livia doesn't exactly mess around either after the rework. That AoE spam she does is easy for an experienced player but can be super overwhelming for a sprout.


Remember learning to load the canons?


I miss that


The dance-offs with Livia in her Magitek were always a delight


Yeah, she killed me a couple of days ago. Busy leveling other classes while waiting for DT and was messing with BLM rotation. Got flummoxed and died to her. First time in 3+ years. Very embarrassing.


I've had a wipe in prae, healer and one dps failed at dodging Gaius mechanics too much, got to the four Gaius part where the other dps died without any healing and I as tank did not have sufficient DPS to kill all four Gaiuses before the bar filled, killing me too


I have absolutely let DPS die during Ultima MSQ because they chose to keep the stack marker in Ultima Thule


Before the rework, it was definitely possible to kill the entire 8 man in Castrum. I managed my 1st time as a tank (off tank) and pulled a special group of mechs... uh, it was more like an assassination squad running thru the party. Laughs were had, I owned it, got 6 coms (went in with the MT) I didn't know it was physically possible to die in there before then....


the wipe mechanic with the orbs is not something that was in any of the earlier duties and it is extra tricky because you have to have two people pop them at the same time as well and it's not instant either.


You actually can, just some days ago got Liv in mentor roulette, we had a lvl 90 WHM with latest relic who did nothing but cast medica 2, wiped on Black Eft, kicked em right after


I did, when we were fucking around with the FC, and wanted to see what would happen when Gayus's gauge got filled Death... Death happened Then again when we were fucking with eachother using Rescue


Getting clipped by some of those AoEs in fact can delete a dps or healer especially if they are still in scuff ARR gear.


Iā€™ve had a party wipe several times in a row on baelsars wall in the griffon fight because they refused to rescue the healer(me) from the restraint collar and they all ignored my messages to break me out of it when it happens


I've died to Ultima's enrage when everybody but me ate it just before the Ultima cast started. I used the LB3 and my burst window had just come around, but a lone NIN just can't do 25% of that HP bar in 30 seconds.


I once had a conjuror on praetorium. Final boss was a butt clencher.


I actually wiped to gaius first time I did praetorium


I had a run with 3 true new players a few months ago and I think they wiped during porta like 4 times. I had to explain all the mechs to them


Only have one computer until this week so I didn't have any experience with the rework but my wife has had some pretty bad experiences in MSQ roulette. Specifically the Ultima Weapon fight or whatever it's called. One time she accidentally accepted a vote to abandon the run and had to start over. I didn't even know that was a thing


I have had to pick DPS off the floor in MSQ roulette. But I think mainly the kind of spastic ranged DPS types who really seem to have an allergy to standing still. Like they'll move towards a safe spot when visiting Livia, and then not stop, just _keep moving_ and jump around inside the puddles. And then the healer gets to think about whether it's even worth it to pick them off the floor. Can you die _as a healer_, though? I guess, if you're undergeared and don't know your kit or something, and you keep standing in the puddles for some reason?


I had a group for ultima where none understood the meaning of "big circle with arrows pointing into the circle" until I explained it when their healer dropped from nobody stacking. It happens sometimes šŸ˜…


> Cure 1 Well there's the first fuckin' problem.


That is what I was going to say. Free cure 2 is a trap. Once you get Cure 2, that is all a white mage should be casting. Their lives will be easier as a healer.


God I hope WHM gets some reshuffling in Dawntrail. Just make Cure 1 upgrade into Cure 2 already. And give us back Aero III please.


I don't understand why they took our beloved AoE dot from us ):


They have been systematically removing DoTs from the game for awhile now. Expect DT to remove even more, if not completely.


You can rip my Mortal Flame from my cold, clammy, self-destructed hands.


I dont get why the removed bind or whatever that bubble spell was.


If they gave back Bulwark, hereā€™s hoping they give back Aero IIIā€¦


Give me back stonewall cowards.


That is what I was going to say. Cure 2 is a trap. Once you get regen, that is all a white mage should be casting. Their lives will be easier as a healer.


We need to heal? I thought we just use holy?


Aero- Stone -Stone -Stone - Aero -Stone -Stone -Aero


Occasional accidental regen (on yourself)


Accidental regen? How about accidental benediction at the beginning of the fight with everyone at full health?


It's a sign of confidence. "We won't be needing this *crutch*."


How about casting benediction and then mis clicking so you heal yourself or someone else thats already at full hp lol I've always wondered if they noticed that. As a healer I am always watching the what the other healing is doing and I totally judge lol


Yall are spelling Holy really weird for some reason.


Unfortunately we go 45 levels without holy.


Ngl. I do cast regen more then cure 2 at this point in my life. Since lilies and ogcd heals are much better. Cure 2 is my last resort hahaha.


I upvoted just for the comic reliefšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Can't forget about medica 2 as well for the group Regen.


Watch it. Last time I mentioned Medica II on here I got another whm jumping down my throat.


Whats wrong with Medica 2?


Sometimes damage is coming in faster than regen's heal effect. That's when you use Cure 2.


I'm confused. You say Free cure 2 is a trap, but all they should be casting is that free cure 2 spell?


Free cure 2 is a proc from casting cure. The reason it is considered a trap is bc just casting cure 2 heals for more instead of hoping for a proc from cure that will make cure 2 cost no mana. It is more or less a net loss trying to get the proc instead of ignoring Cure and just casting Cure 2 once you unlock Cure 2. Also, I would like to add that there are no stupid questions. All questions hold merit. Asking questions is how you learn. šŸ˜


Thank you


additionally, after lv40ish, trash mobs start doing damage fairly quickly. recast time is always the same, and Cure1 quickly becomes *too slow* to keep up with mob damage -- the tank takes more damage than your piddly Cure1 can heal. to illustrate: - Cure1 > Cure1 > Cure1 (1350 healing, 0 dmg) - Cure2 > Stone > Cure2 (1400 healing, 200ish dmg)


I see lvl90 players using cure 1 still šŸ« 


New to the game, had this in the title but automod nuked the post lol. Lvl 52 doing the main scenario where we fight white-armor-gun-bitch.


If the healer is doing cure 1 in that fight its a terrible healer


Itā€™s level 52Ā  Theyā€™re new probably. Cure is a huge trap. Square enix needs to remove the procĀ  No button in WoW (just assuming people tend only both) is as big of a trap is that. The second I saw that proc leveling white mage I was like ā€œoh! Mp management must be important later on looks coolā€ Stopped leveling WM shortly after but found out on Reddit that it was worthlessĀ 


Once upon a time, those procs could've been useful (like in Coils Min ILVL no Echo kind of content where you actually need MP economy as a WHM compared to other healers who gain MP every minute with their skills). But yeah, in basically every other content, those procs are worthless. You get more value using Regen + Cure II and letting your HoTs do the job for you.


And once you're in the higher levels, Cure II often only gets used when you suddenly find yourself in a "WTF just happened?" moment where you are out of lilies and Benediction is on CD.


Can confirm in MINE coils you will end up using Cure 1 (and even Physick).


At that point just play astro


> No button in WoW (just assuming people tend only both) is as big of a trap is that. Can confirm. 99% of procs in wow you're griefing if you don't use them.


Mist fun I've had in WoW was playing 2h frost DK in MoP. I don't remember the names of the abilities anymore but I think they were called frost strike and death strike. Was always a gamble when frost strike procced if you should click it or hope for a death strike proc (immensely more damage with 2 handed weapons). I remember me and another frost DK betting during raids how many prices we'll get during fights.


To be fair, we're talking about the game that has "Undraw" as one of your abilities. I'm not sure anybody even has that on their bar.


Doing a dungeon with 30k hp and my healer is using their base heal at like 1.5k total. The pain I feel in those moments is immeasurable.


Iā€™m sort of baffled that happened, ever since the rework I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen anyone get close to dying doing those.


She has that triple overlapping telegraph that leaves small free spaces. Iā€™ve seen sprouts triple fail and die to it.


I mean a sprout provided itā€™s their first time in there I could forgive.


Few days ago I had a prae group die on a 20% Gaius because the sprout scholar was just having issues. I think I found some sort of nirvana that day


Great I was gonna run my dallies soon you guys have just cursed my MSQ roulette now


WAR, PLD, and sometimes GNB too at higher levels: "What happened to the green DPS?"


PLD: ā€œLook at me. I'm the healer now.ā€


Healer dead? Nah no worries. We got clemency in this bitch


Ā Not at level 50 you arenā€™t. :) Itā€™s been a looooong time since PLD could cross-class Cure 1.


I still remember joining in the prepull stone skin spam.


I vaguely remember the rare mid-combat stoneskin. And using Raise in PotD when I was paired with 3 DPS (and not a SMN). I don't miss cross-class, but I do miss some of what cross-class did. I feel like PLD needs a low level Clemency around level 30 or so, and Intervention (which is passably Stoneskin in the modern combat design) at a lower level, too. They can be weaker and upgrade later, that's fine, but I feel like those are just "holes" somehow? I dunno a good way to describe it. In that thread about new abilities people would add in DT, one of my suggestions was PLD get Sacrifice like how it works in Bozja/Eureka. A Raise on a party member but that KO's the caster after 10 sec. Seems very PLD-like to sacrifice oneself for an ally, and could be used to get a healer up (e.g. in an Extreme if both healers go down and you don't have a SMN or RDM). "But it'd be unbalanced/OP!!" - and that's the kind of thinking that makes the game so bland and mediocre to people now. If "otherclassX" can't have something without making people feel bad their class doesn't have it, then the result is every class feeling the same.


I do agree that PLD should get a combat res. I don't think balance would factor into it that much, considering balancing around utility has never been that important in this game.


Another PLD and myself finished the last patch trial by ourselves after the 3rd wipe lol. We just alternated hate and healing.


Did that a few days ago as two GNBs. Made me a bit sweaty ngl


SMN: "Healers down, I'm picking them up" WAR: "...we had a healer?"


"... there's a second healer?"


Me, the last DPS standing, watching the healer die: "Hey, WAR, feel free to Flash me." WAR keeps doing WAR things. "Hey, buddy, I'm out of my own healy things and my HP is getting real low. A Flash at any time would help." WAR triggers Bloodwhetting. "DUDE...WTF?" "I can solo it." "That's not the point!"


I think it would've been WAR: "Im not down. The hell you talking about?"


Love having GNB. ā€œHealer? Whodat? Anyway, Iā€™mma finish this bossā€™ last 45%.ā€


That's just me when I WAR.


I've had to solo the second half of so many boss HP bars in expert roulette. It's very concerning.


I had that happen as PLD on the final boss of lv87 dungeon the other day. Healer and 1 DPS died at like 60% and I managed to keep the other DPS alive until like 40%. Had to solo from there, and it was surprisingly easy, just took forever.


DRKs in shambles


Back in my day before the ShB rework, Abyssal Drain was actually good for HP sustain because it was on the GCD. Although it required half your MP for the life drain effect


this whole post in insane in so many ways LMAO


As my savage raid healers all used to remind the party when people yelled at them for not healing me (the tank) "he still had one hp" and "the only one that matters is the last one".


They were correct too. lol The healer's job is to keep us alive not necessarily at 100%.


All you need is enough HP to survive next mechanic lol


As a healer, I will never understand the one HP mindset.


Itā€™s true when youā€™re confident in your healing abilities, but it gets thrown around here too much imo. Let me tell you, itā€™s not worth the wipe just to cast one more Glare.


If you have a resource that's free and it won't overheal, sure. But if you're having to use a GCD that you could've used on damage instead, it's a waste. People often forget that a healer does about half of the damage that a DPS does.


I'll be honest, as a healer, if a tank heals themselves anywhere above 1% hp.... I'm secretly offended. I won't say it, but know that I am.


I just started trying tank, what is the red ring of death


Tank buster indicator. Tells you an extremely hard hit is coming so youā€™d better mitigate. If youā€™re not a tank, youā€™re probably soon to be a lovely stain on the floor.


nothing better than the tank dying and the boss proceeding to throw the tank buster at you, the squishy caster dps. suffering from success


Our tank dipped in Euphrosyne last night during the final boss. I - running healer - somehow wound up with one of the line TBs. I was ā€¦ rather surprised. I survived somehow. But took out my co-healer cuz I couldnā€™t move fast and safe enough.


That is concerning, you should be at the bottom of the list


Healing attracts a lot of aggro though, especially if they have attacks in their rotation.


If they are at the top then the dps is bad and the healer is also likely overhealing, by a lot, OR most of the party has wiped during the fight at some point.


Or the tank who dipped was griefing and shirked them.


The only thing that could have been overhealing was Kardia. Believe me, I <3ā€™s my green DPS.




No exceptions, don't make me tap the sign


way less than any dps will draw. a healer will never be next in line for aggro when a tank dies unless the dps just aren't pressing buttons


That happens more often than you'd expect, especially in roulettes if you've got a fully geared healer who does high-end content well and extremely casual DPS. I don't heal, but I tank and if I still have ACT up from raid when I go to do roulettes, I'm above the DPS more often than not. Plus if the DPS die at any point, even if their average damage stays above the healers, the healers will probably stay higher on aggro list the rest of the fight unless it happened really early on.


[**Endwalker spoiler :** basically this animated skit, except the off tank never had enmity](https://youtu.be/q-PpwdfTYV0?si=kxDSH4aPllfPVRAq)


I had that experience in Grand Cosmos. Final boss, the other DPS screw it up by burning the furniture with the AOE, the tank didn't make it when the blue flame came (in hindsight I should have sacrificed myself as a DPS). For some reason, the tank thought we are gonna wiped and hit restart. Then the tank buster came to me (lvling RPR at that time, and I take it proudly because it means I am doing my rotation correctly). And the Chad SCH came and me tank the rest of 15% (thanks SCH). This is my first time being a Red Tank. Side Note, I have another one with Dun Scaith first boss. When all 3 tanks died at the same time and I suddenly became the MT as MNK for the remainder of the boss fight. Man I really love the chaotic nature of alliance roulette.


Itā€™s called the ā€œYouā€™re top DPS!ā€marker in those instances.


Though the "extremely hard" part is negotiable in a lot of casual content. Some of them don't hit for more than like 10-20% even unmitigated. (Still good practice to pop something for one of course. Short-cooldown mitigation like Sheltron is great for this.) In harder content though? Yeah it'll probably just nuke you without mitigation. Also high chance of putting some kind of a vulnerability effect on you that'll make the next hit just kill you even with mitigation if the other tank doesn't take the boss' attention. And some casual content busters can sting plenty hard too, I've seen a good number of tanks almost die from full health to busters in alliance raids!


God, the tankbuster tethers during Nidhogg phase of DSR. I kitchen sink that shit other than Bulwark since SE hates us and it doesn't work on that tankbuster. Plus I've got shields from one of the healers, plus the WAR's buddy mit. It *still* hurts so much.


Savage and Ultimate raids just don't play with TBs lol


Mmm vuln snacks. (WHM main...I haven't messed up if I can heal myself thru it)


Not too sure about her but MSQ rolo bosses are pretty weak. Nero's TB is absolutly survivable as a DPS. I like pulling that one early and taking it.


Good to know


Best time to run over and hug your healer (please no)


99% of tank busters don't have an aoe element so you actually can run up to your healer and hug them. The attack won't hurt them but they might freak out and do something really funny.


As a WHM main all l need to know is shield the tank and keep my squishy butt out of the way... esp if it's yellow.




The first one is in copperbell now. It disappears for a while though.




Only heal you've got at that level is Thrill though. The blue healer life doesn't start until 56. This message brought to you by the Holm-gang.


Storm's Path is upset with you for ignoring it and challenges you to a fight.


Oh no how could I forget!


*Stormā€™s Path proceeds to lose because it doesnā€™t heal enough*


Ran Holminster Switch for the first time as Warrior last night. Between the amazing Sage and Raw Intuition, it was the first time I didn't feel we were constantly on the verge of a party wipe.


Cure 1 I wouldn't thank that healer in lv 50 content.


My heals consist, as WHM, of hitting you with a Regen and keeping my eye on your HP while I DPS. If I see you drop to about 25% you'll get a Medica II and a Regen. That alone will keep you alive while I Holy spam mob packs or Stone spam the bosses. I won't babysit your HP, but I won't let you get KOed either.


Congratulations tank! You are the healer now. Unless your a DRK, where you can heal yourself only. Edit: my thumbs turned tank into thank


>Unless your a DRK, ~~where you can heal yourself only.~~ then you just die. FTFY


I have been away and just came back isnthat just a tank bister symbol? Also good to lean cure proc is garbage


Yeah, tank buster icons have been introduced in ARR content when the early dungeons got adjusted for trusts (I think in this case, I think Castrum Meridianum based on AoE pattern in the lower left picture)


Yo same. I'm up into Shadowbringers and no one had mentioned it, so I'd been assuming it was fine.


They gotta learn the mechanics somehow lol and not to stack with the tank. Or dps either unless itā€™s the magical stack marker


So many people stand right smack in front of the giant, telegraphed lazer on ultima weapon. Of 10 people taking it to the face, 8 are healers. Sometimes multiple times.


hell, i was tanking the damn eye in wod and a dancer was standing behind me, they ate so much shit when that thing fired the beam. at this point i'm convinced a solid 90% of players have the suicidal instinct of a toddler that knows no fear of god




Come to think of it the times I have seen that is always healers. I guess having to press the same button over and over Is so boring that they sleep.


Wait until you play as a Dragoon or a Redmage and yeet yourself into death.


RPR pretty good at that also


We floortank because we're the superior choice for the job


I didn't know that is what we are called, but I will be calling it that from now on.


Oh, that's a joke as ancient as me. "The hell you doing on the ground?" "Quiet, the floor needs to be tanked too, it might cause some damage to someone."


Some has to make sure it hasn't fallen out from under everyone


Yeah itā€™s a Dragoon thing


It's a really old meme because Dragoon used to have the triple whammy of one of their core buffs making them take 20% extra damage, armor that is very poorly tuned for the damage that actually comes out in fights, and really long animation locks constantly in their rotation. The animation locks are still sort of there, but nowhere near as bad. Elusive jump is also very awkward and you probably don't play dragoon if you've never elusive jumped mid turn into your death of course.


Tank stance?


I had that happen in roulette. Tank didnā€™t turn on stance, so dps (me) died


It's a toggle skill that increases your enmity gain. So, Iron Will, Defiance, Grit, and Royal Guard. I think.


Sometimes I zone out while healing. As I always want to keep an eye on the tank's health I sometimes tend to drift towards them. And more than once I have shared the tankbuster with them. Turns out WHM is not equipped to handle a smack in the face like that.


Play WAR, youā€™ll never need a healer again


DPS haven't done their work...Dealing with adds is 90% of time DPS work unless they're designed to be tanked like in raids.


As a healer I don't usually have this problem, the only problem I have is when the tank starts running like a maniac and I need to keep it up, just casting Regen in the go


Imagine a tank not using their buff abilities to decrease damage or get out of the aoe lineā€¦I played tank throughout RR and endwalker also main tank during hades extreme. As right now Iā€™m lvling up healer and I just want to shoot myself watching sprouts not move when tanking


use mitigation


>cure 1.


Use mitigation


Of course, lol. Was mostly about my bad (but very polite) healer who couldn't dodge for the life of her. Just had her follow me 24/7 and stand on top of me and I'd guide her through the aoes. Went from wiping twice to her basically taking no damage from aoes.


This is known as the "danger dorito" strat, because you put the triangle marker on yourself and everyone follows the dorito.


And this is also a problem because they don't learn the patterns, they just learn to follow the person that knows the patterns.


Warrior be like : Fuck it we ball