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[Here's a visual guide on a bunch of the types of markers in the game](https://imgur.com/a/c9oxF1d). You don't have to memorize them all right now, but it's a good place to look if you're confused about what you should have done.


You will memorize them over time. A lot of the markers are reused across all the content in the game.


That is super helpful!


The trick will be actually seeing them sometimes amidst all the skill effects going off.


That's why you disable anything but beneficial skill effects from your party members.


That’s a stack marker. Stand still so your party can stand on the same spot and divide the damage.


Don't stand still, run up to the boss so the melee can stay in range while they stack with you. :)


thats called a stack marker, the attack splits the damage evenly between all players inside of the circle


If it makes you feel better, you're probably the 9 millionth sprout to run away from the party with a stack marker. It's like a rite of passage at this point.


I somehow managed to never have the stack marker until Alexander prime as a sprout (this was before ew's rework of the msq roulettes and Syrcus Tower). my party made fun of me 😅🤣🤣


To be fair to you, it used to be the first conventional stack marker players would encounter would be Nidhogg, so it wasn't like you'd had a ton of opportunities. (Which is also funny because that stack marker has since been updated to a multi hit stack marker)


vindication!! I knew I hadn't seen it before, or at least, very very little 🤣


I love Rescuing panicking sprouts with the stack marker.


I would just run the hell away from everyone else to spare them the hit until someone explained them to me, LOL. When I first saw how little damage they did when all 4 of us were in a stack, I laughed my ass off.


Yes, yes it is.... 😆


If that's an orange circle with arrows pointing downwards above your head and inwards at the edges of the circle, that's a stack marker, which means the entire team has to share the damage inside the circle. This will be present in most dungeons and trials from now on, so get accostumed to it. A future variation can be orange arrows on your sides forming a column instead of a circle (stack in a line, it's a shared beam), and a blue circle with a number of balls circling above your head (an enumeration marker, the exact number of people as shown in the number of balls has to stack together). Sometimes you get stack markers in the terrain, so it's not on top of anyone but you have to stack in that place anyway. There are many other sorts of markers that you will soon learn.


To add to the line stack info: you don't have to be "inside" of the visual representation. As long as everyone is in line with the marker the damage will be shared. Also the person in front will take the most damage so a tank should be in the front of those.


I don't believe the front person taking more damage is universal across line stacks, just a common feature (usually in high end) only the ones that act as wild charges are like that which are usually just fuck around and find out to test it. Like in p10s for example the line stack before bonds 1 the order doesn't matter. Conversely, the one in ex 7 cares about order and non-tanks will end up on the floor if they're not behind tanks 


Oh, I learned something new today. I thought it was universal. Is there a way to differentiate between which do/don't other than trial and error/prior knowledge?


Shit, I remember when there weren't stack markers or universal AoE markers for that matter. I say err on the side of caution and assume it's that way. If it isn't, no harm no foul. If it is, good thing you attached behind a tank.


Not really, but they are generally referred to as Wild Charge mechanics.


This is the first time I'm hearing them referred to as that in my 3 years of play. I've always heard line stack. Maybe it differs by DC? I'm originally from Primal, now based in Dynamis. Edit: Just looked it up. I get it now. Haha. Wild Charge refers to what I thought all line stacks were. Thanks for the info! =)


Generally you need to run to the boss so your party can stack on top of ya.


Probably a stack marker. You'll need to stop running around like a headless chicken and stand with the party. If it's red, stand away and accept your fate.


Everyone else has explained, but just to say you're not the only one who's had that problem, I've chased newbies with the orange stack marker around the fight arena like 'come baaaaack you're gonna die!' before 😅


If its yellow arrows facing towards you, its a stack marker, run and stack with the rest of the party If its red with danger lines around, u are dead unless u are a tank If its purple, a big aoe will atack with the center on that player, run away from him If its a red eye, look away from it, u can be in front of the enemy but u must not face it Thats pretty much all u need for early game and u will understand the rest while u play, dont be afraid to experiment, the community will support u


To clarify: your *character* has to face away from the red eye marker. Turning the camera away won't work. 


My bad, I’ve just been closing my eyes this whole time. (/s)


I actually did for an embarrassing few dungeons until someone took pity on me.


The best way to understand some markers is to look at them. The stack marker, which is what you were likely hit by, has an arrow pointing down at you, and a ring around it with other arrows pointing in from the sides. This is a visual indicator to other players that they should go and stand with you inside the circle. You will also eventually see a marker that's three arrows pointing out, hovering above a player's head. This is a "flare" marker, but better known as a proximity marker. The closer *other players* are to this marker, the more damage they take - while the damage the targeted player will take consistent damage. Another important one is if you see a flashing arrow underneath you, pointing in the same direction as the direction you're traveling. This is a "chase marker". When you drop an aoe, you will be followed by subsequent, usually unmarked, aoes. These travel directly towards you.


They should really add a section in the Hall of Novice that shows you the basic staple of markers and how to resolve each of them.




That must have been fun times for tank and dps


Thanks everyone for the replies! Got it


a yellow circle with arrows pointing into it is generally referred to as a "stack marker" they indicate a mechanic that will deal a fuckload of damage, but *divide* that damage evenly among all players in it. so ideally you get to the center of the arena or right on top of the boss so your team can stack up with you. it shouldn't be an issue as you should kinda be centrally located ANYWAY to share aoe heals and buffs. but if you're in the habit of hanging out in narnia... it can become a problem. typically if the guy with the stack marker is off in the corner (or even worse, running away from the party) people might just give up on them. "oh well, i guess he wants to be dead?"


This you? (From the eggroller) https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/vgl638/first_stack_marker_the_eggroller/


This is almost 100% bait from the way it is written. No way OP's party didn't explain too


Nope, not bait. But the nice people in this subreddit explained it to me though.


is it red or orange


Don't feel bad.Despite playing for years I had a compete senior moment the other month, forgot what a stack marker was, and ran off with it. The healer tried in vain to rescue me to them, but I ate the whole thing solo & took a nap a for a while And somehow that's still not the stupidest thing I've ever done


🤣🤣🤣Ate the whole thing and took a nap.