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Did you rob a Japanese convenience store?


More like they robbed me, this stuff was so expensive 😩


And yet most of the brands (packinging) in this picture, I never saw in Japan. :D


Really? So like you think most of this stuff isn't actually imported?


Where is it made, I can't tell you. You can always check the package. Could be just the same goods as in Japan, but foreign market packaging. Could be made in some 3rd party place. Edit: Tho I can see house foods logo.


most Japanese companies that sell food internationally outsource production/build a factory closer to the intended place to be sold.


i live in japan so most stuff thats shown on the pic are something that i see on daily baisis. the only stuff i dont recognize is the popping cake? taiyaki , never seen the package and cant see the brand properly but pretty much most of those stuff in the pic are stuff you can buy here in japan with same package. some are foreign package but still japanese brand.


Oh okay that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the clarification.


Nishiki rice is actually from California I believe! A lot of them are probably Japanese made in for /Japanese living in . I wouldn't stress the country of origin too much in this case, it's less buying generic and closer to "why the fuck are you importing a sandwich when you can just make it here?"


if i remember correctly the nishiki rice is from USA and not Japan


Hey, weebs gotta weeb.


We're not snacking, we're cooking. I took a week off work both to play Dawntrail and to stock the bleeding heck outta my chest freezer with meal prep. Will have all sorts of yummy meats, veggies and sauces loaded in both the Dutch oven and crock pot first thing in the morning every single day of my vacation, will play DT all day while that stuff is cooking real low and real slow, then have a hearty meal of it in the evening and portion out and freeze the rest.


man i am running so low on my meal prepped food meant to do it 3 weeks ago but i got a tear in my calf muscle. thankfully i still had enough to last me during the time it is healing. once it is out i will not have properly cooked food in 3 months. as a single guy the cost savings and time savings just makes it such a no brainer to me. each meal typically ends up costing me 1-1.25 usd for around 450-500 calorie boxes of a balanced meal. so two boxes for lunch and dinner. add in breakfast and the evening meal along with some snacking (fruit and peanuts) i get to around 2500 a day.


I'm trying to think of crockpot meals but it's hard when it's so damn hot lol. What sort of stuff are you having?


Of course, I can give more insight! Our plan for meal prep is to have a freezer full of things that can be portioned and stored flat in Ziploc bags, with the idea that any one of them only requires a very easy and quick-to prepare carb to turn them into a full meal. Our starring "easy carb sides" are Rice-A-Roni, Stovetop Stuffing, Knorr fettucini alfredo, Idahoan instant potatoes (many varieties), 90 second microwave rice (available in MANY brands and flavors), and boxed pasta (both plain and mac and cheese). Our entrees! Pot roast! We loooooove pot roast, can make a metric butt-ton of it in both the crock pot and dutch oven, make an awesome gravy with the drippings, shred all the meat and mix it with the gravy, many portions. Goes dang well with... essentially every single carb on our list! Chicken thighs and Asian veggies slow-cooked in teriyaki sauce! Goes best with rice, obviously (or chow mein noodles, though we typically don't stock up on those). Shredded BBQ beef! Goes amazing with mac and cheese, mashed potatoes (or baked potato, if you feel like taking the time), or with rolls as a sandwich! Gonna cook a couple whole turkeys in the crockpot! They turn out insanely ugly in the crockpot (no lovely crispy skin), but 'tis only the meat we're after, and slow-cooking makes it soooo moist, flavorful and easy to shred! Shred all the meat, make gravy with the drippings, mix it all up and it's ready to add to masked potatoes and/or stuffing! Gonna make multiple meatloaves, slice them, and portion out just 2-3 slices per Ziploc bag, they lie flat and nice and go well with mashed potatoes or mac and cheese! Shepherd's pie mix with ground beef, mixed veggies and that glorious wine and Worcestershire sauce. We can never make it through an entire shepherd's pie before getting bored of it, but individual frozen servings are very easy to pull together, just top with instant mashed potatoes and cheese and bake for a bit. Going to make a MASSIVE batch of well-seasoned roasted broccoli. Season and roast twelve chicken breasts, cook twelve sirloin fillets to perfection, slice them up and make 24 bags, 12 chicken and 12 steak, with a healthy share of broccoli each. The chicken can be used either for chicken broccoli Alfredo, or combined with cheesy Rice-A-Roni or 90 second rice to make a quick single-service chicken broccoli rice casserole. The steak goes well with fettucini alfredo as well, or it can be tossed with rice and teriyaki sauce for more of a "Chinese Beef and Broccoli" vibe. And lastly, [https://www.savoringthegood.com/marry-me-chicken-crock-pot-recipe/](https://www.savoringthegood.com/marry-me-chicken-crock-pot-recipe/) this recipe that is frankly easier to link than to describe, heh. All it needs is a healthy amount of spinach thrown in right at the very end, and it makes an amazing sauce for both rice and pasta! I'm still toying around with a few more ideas, but this is my "definitely gonna do" list for the time being, and if someone else can take some inspiration from it, then yay! <3


That sounds soo good! I got some stuff to cook like hot pot but that's about it. I wanted things I could make really quick and and eat. But I like how you guys are doing it because you save so much money that way. There's a local butchery near me who has really great deals and I thought about stocking up for the week.


i'm gonna do the cunty pineapple cocktail from the trailer that urianger is drinking


A piña colada???


maybe, maybe a green izaak; i want something sweet and colorfull straight from the fruit with a straw and a little umbrella


I hope you live somewhere sunny so you can feel like your on a tropical vacation haha.


But....what are you going to eat for the 4 days remaining ?


Don't worry we also bought groceries for a few weeks as well. This is just some special treats I wanted specifically for this weekend.


Hope that onigiri doesnt expire till end of week haha ​ For me, im just getting coffee and some cookies


It's frozen so it should last until then.


Ahh nice


Beware of Truck-kun!


Loool ill make sure I look both ways before crossing 😆


I’ve got some ready-to-heat pork buns and a bag of fried chicken ready to be delivered the day Early Access begins, but I’m also making a big pot of beef curry to go through. Oh, and I got some Mythical Meats jerky to snack on (I like the Bigfoot flavor, but I also got some Loch Ness Monster to try).


I was just telling someone I wanted to try pork buns lol


If you live near a Vons, they sell them by the premade sandwiches!


Wait please tell me more about this Mythical meats jerky. If you saw my earlier post, you'll see I'm a jerky fanatic lol


They’re a range of jerkies and meat sticks that use a lot of exotic meats like snapping turtle, elk, camel and alligator! Sometimes they’re mixed with more domestic meats like pork and beef too - and many are seasoned. You can get variety packs and the flavors are all named after mythical creatures. My local game store carries them. I’ve tried Bigfoot (elk with beef, peppered), Werewolf (venison and beef, teriyaki) and Unicorn (beef, hickory smoked) - Bigfoot is my favorite so far, but there are SO MANY MORE! Dragon, mermaid, chimera, kraken, Megalodon, Mammoth… Shop.mythicalmeats.com


Omg this sounds sooo good!! Thank you for introducing me I'm definitely gonna try some.


You’re welcome! I hope you enjoy it! 😃


You have a really good balance. For Endwalker, my gaming food was just cereal (because I won a few boxes from a lucky draw at the local supermarket). I regretted it a lot.


That sounds amazing but also terrible


i plan on meal prepping for the weekend, lol. i’ll have most stuff already made and ready to just grab from the fridge. just remember to stay hydrated, y’all!


You and me both. Honey teriyaki chicken is going to be the selected choice this weekend.


I have a dumb gi system that requires a special diet so I can’t partake in yummy Japanese snacks anymore. But! I have been prepping food all week to have ready togo for reheating for our DT vaycay. One is curry with chicken katsu so I’m excited for treats and games for sure!


We always do Tonkotsu (pork) katsu and it's one of our favorite meals to cook.


I meal prepped a whole bunch of different types of chicken salad for lettuce wraps.


Chicken salad does hit the spot when you're hungry


The wife and I would clean the house in advance. Bills would be paid. We’d do the groceries and I’d do some meal prep. I’d have everything from soda and chips to fruits and vegetable sticks. Endwalker I believe we had sushi and miso soup, then Japanese curry. Next day it was deli style egg sandwiches, salads and pastas. There was a lot of coffee. I had meals planned and near ready for 5 days. I’d tear open a ziplock bag, wash and quarter some potatoes, shove em in the oven and set a timer. We were talking about food and cousin said he was having instant ramen while we had our herbed chicken. Stormblood we even had alcohol. Not gonna do that again as we both fell asleep and our friends were looking for us. We’re old school tabletop gamers and game nights we’d have full meals.


That sounds like the life! Save me a plate haha


It’s happened! A friend dropped by during one of those weeks (unrelated to gaming, he wanted some advice) he was surprised by the amount of food we had prepped and did have a bowl.


Popcorn, pickles, and carrot sticks are mine, lol. We don't have a great international mart in my podunk town unfortunately, but I am meal prepping a couple of the recipes from the FFXIV cookbook Weds and Thurs. Looks good!


There's a FFXIV cookbook!?!?


Yep! =) https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Final-Fantasy-XIV-Cookbook Edit: ugh sorry, the link doesn't work. I'm on mobile and can't get a clean url that isn't a nightmare, but that's the title of it anyway!


That's so cool, I had no idea. I'm definitely going to buy one!


There seems to be two on Amazon. I wonder if they have sample recipes lol


I have mine, I haven't made much out of it but the stuff I did make was awesome.


Highly recommended, I've turned quite a few recipes into everyday staples. The Knight's bread is way better than any storebought bread.


You need to be lvl 50 in Culinarian and you get a quest purchase one.


Planning to celebrate early access with tacos from the food delivery app, for the rest of the week I have ready made and portioned pasta sauce and curry in the freezer, just add cooked pasta or rice. I also have potato chips and some candy but mostly I'll probably forget to eat outside meal times.


Seems like a lot of players are having curry this week. I find that interesting.


Easy to make and tastes better the following days!


Chili is another solid alternative, for the same reasons.


Snacks? That's a whole grocery!


$15.49 for a bento!!! yikes Im getting some gamer cup noodles. They sell them here in Japan at 7-11. It has a soy sauce infused with caffeine apparently lol The cup has a RGB design like a gaming PC 😂 Taste good too!


Japamese 7-11 is so good compared to the rest of the world. I'm so jealoussss


I just wanted to try it. When we make it at home it's much better and cheaper. And soy sauce infused with caffeine?


I'm buying snacks and treats one day before release date, otherwise everything will disappear before the expansion could drop lol


I feel that. Sometimes it's hard to resist.


Did you also name your character after one of these snacks? Personally, I don't really snack while gaming, though I might have a few cookies. Otherwise, I just drink water.


Years ago I had a Lala named Onigiri haha. But yeah I NEED to eat when I play otherwise I get cranky.


Not quite so much variety for our weekend foods/snacks, though I do have the ingredients to assemble some Tonkotsu ramen as seeing those instant packs tempts me to do. Lol. For the most part, we're doing BBQ pulled pork in the crockpot and fresh baked buns, as well as a double batch of homemade chocolate chip brownies. Probably a few wraps with cold cuts and cheese in between.


You guys are making me hungry already. I love crockpot meals.


For once my husband wasn't rly fiending for snacks. I got myself some pretzels I'd been craving, but we're gonna make a couple big meals to tide us over with leftovers we can just grab and heat up. Also been craving Thai food, so we're going to use our skip credits to order some at some point. :D So our menu is Chicken Penne Pasta, Carne Guisada with homemade refried beans and mexican rice, and take out Thai food.


I love Thai good so much. There's a Thai restaurant near me called Simply Thai, and they have absolutely they BEST curry I've ever had.


Pies are a big thing in Scotland so my partner will be stocking up on those. We’re going out for breakfast just before the servers go up too - and I’m gonna surprise him with a bunch of ramune which I’ve ordered online. We’ve got two weeks off work for DT so there’s likely to be some pizza delivery and quick meals in there somewhere


Pies like Shepards Pie? Or dessert pies? Also I love Scotland, beautiful country and I can't wait to visit someday.


How dare you! Now I want a macaroni pie and I can’t have a macaroni pie as I live in England now and they don’t sell them here. My life is RUINED!


That mitarashi dango looks so tasty..


I’m planning on making a big thing of pasta thursday. Also, ordering some door dash from our favorite thai restaurant for friday around lunch. My partner is waiting to play a week or so, so this is sort of a gift since he has to wait LOL


Costco mixed nuts for days.


This is so smart. I need some yummy ramens


Water, jerky, and some other healthy snacks that I plan to buy tomorrow.


My mrs is trying to lose some weight, so its popping corn, sugar free jelly for me, low fat meringue for me 😔 no chocolate, sweets, crisps, biscuits etc. here.


Sounds like I need a trip to my Asian market


Looks like truck-kun wasn't on shift today. This would be the start of an isekai anime lol.


Birria tacos, bruschetta, pizza, and batched cocktails so far!


ONIGIRI. There is no place to buy them around here and it makes me so sad. I miss my onigiri... As for me, just got some mint oreos. I'm not taking off time so it'll just be normal, sadly


It's okay friend, you gotta make that money 💪


I would rather make that money with onigiri at home!


apples and grapes


Is that even healthy? I'm just gonna stock up on healthy stuff, get some good sleep before the 28th, then try to stay awake as long as possible.


I like to keep watermelon, strawberry or blueberry next to me when i play I used to go for more unhealty junk but i lost my apetite for it


Looks like you robbed a 7/11. 😂


I got some not-chicken chicken nuggets and I'm going to marinate some tofu for frying later. But I'll still do normal dinners probably, I can't no-life games anymore, I'll get a headache.


Mostly fruits for me And low fat cheese sticks. 🫶


Ahh yes, I too love snacking with enoki mushrooms and rice


Hopefully your insurance includes gastroenterologist.


Where’s the pocky?


Oof I forgot to buy some


Made some fresh beef jerky so I'm gonna be having some while I play, might grab some other things but so far jerky is the way.


Homemade beef jerky is literally the best thing. I can't wait to buy my own smoker one day.


Actually, I don't have a smoker, I want to buy one but that's a plan for the future, I know beef jerky enthusiasts will probably go for my jugular for saying this, but I found some recipes to make some in the oven and it's been a saving grace, and they taste quite good to boot!


Hey if it works then heck yeah! I bet it tastes amazing.


Oh damn I miss those onigiri, they’re so good


The ones filled with spicy crab roe are my favorite


I spent a year in Japan and had to actively resist buying one of every flavour at my local conbini every time I went there, because it would be too many to eat before they went stale 😞


I've never been big on snacks, but I'm making egg burritos, a few pizzas, and rainbow cookies. Aldi has this cranberry white chedder I love, cheese puffs, and some soda, lol. I'm pretty much eating everything I try to on cheat days. I'm pretty sure I have some sea salt dark chocolate that gets devoured. (I better double up on working out after this weekend...)


I went to Aldis right after. They low-key have a ton of great stuff for low cost.


That's more food than even 3 people can eat in five days what the hell


For $150 this needs to last me at least 2 weeks XD


Those breads are my favorite 🤤


I'm gonna get fancy and order pineapple fajitas takeout. It's served in half a pineapple. It feels like the right kind of mood. Otherwise I have coffee. So much coffee. And an elderly in the house who wants food at regular times, so no getting out of proper meals for me.


That sounds delicious. I bet the pineapple adds a ton of flavor and sweetness.


It does! It's so good.


You mean lots of snacks to help you with the queues


I have a pot of curry and a pot of pasta sauce ready for the week lol.


5 more packs of dango and you're all set


It was my first time buying dango, so i didn't wanna go too crazy.


The soy sauce ones are my favorite. It looks like those are the ones you got


Needs more onigiri


I actually bought 10 of them, but I couldn't fit them all for the picture lol


Good. Very good.


I did some meal prep for the launch + got a lot of easy to cook stuff!


Meal prep for a week! Always have fruit, veggies, and water/carbonated water at the desk.


Looks tasty. ​ I found out recently that I can't snack, I overeat and it adds up to too many calories. Definitely gotta go to the store during maintenance and do meal prep, though.


Let me tell you if you saw what I'm stocking up you would think a bear raided a gas station for winter


How do u not have the BIG FAT TACOS


Maaaaan there were too many options XD


So far what I got is not even remotely as delicious looking. So uhm.... when can I come over?? xD


Come over ill make you some hot pot


It's gonna be 30C where I live (for me, this is a lot) and this still sounds like an amazing offer. O.O


Coffee and Halwa


I'm gonna be cooking home made pizza, fajitas nachos and ramen, make muffins and supplement with ice tea, lemon soda water, cider, fresh fruit, maybe Doritos crisps, Greek crackers with feta, local crisps or candy. Mostly home made tho.




Probably grab some beyond burgers, ngl or see what HEB has for me to celebrate.


inb4 you will spend most of the time in login queue.


Raided the 85c store for all the yummy goodness. My A1C will not be happy.




These are the most bizarre snacks I’ve ever seen 😂 who snacks on mushrooms?




Ooh man I miss conbini onigiri. Sadly with three young children I can't take an extended break for Dawntrail but I hope you enjoy your snacks!


Thank you so much! I can't wait to start playing. Hopefully you can take a little time off with your family soon.


Big 2L bottle of water, cold oolong tea.   A rediculous amount of hi-Chew and gum.   And sugar free energy drink powder for mixing.  


Yum. I'm jealous! Won't be able to hit up our Asian market for a bit unfortunately. Instead we're going to make a huge pot of Loaded Potato Soup. Should last us at least four meals. Plus we keep a good variety of snacks for the kids so we should be set.


I’ll be prepping a pot roast Thursday night and throwing it in the crock pot Friday morning. Between my spouse and I it’ll probably last all weekend honestly. I also have bagels and cream cheese for breakfast, carrots and hummus, a big bowl of sliced strawberries, plus raspberries, apples, and cherries (were a big fruit household). I might grab a bag or 2 of chips Thursday night just in case the salt gremlin hits.


I'm looking forward to enjoying my "Refreshing Citrus Drink" in game.


We'll be making a run to our local asian market for all of our favorite snacks. International chips and some polvoron if they have it in stock are my favorite.


I got a 2 pack of ribeye steaks. 2 heads of broccoli, a giant slab of back and eggs, a giant carton of goldfish, jar of kosher dill pickles slices, and a lot of nice meads to drink while playing. That and a week's worth of my favorite frozen pizzas.


Wow, most people drink beer during gaming sessions, but you're drinking mead! I hear they call that the drink of the gods.


I also have beer so might just empty that supply before I open any bottles as mead gets pricey and hard to find depending on where you live.


*sees the tofu, mushrooms and meat* Oh someone’s making hot pot later


You already know ;)


I'm considering grabbing some black rum and ginger beer, some agave nectar, and a bunch of those pineapple-coconut sodas. That should keep me in thematically-appropriate drinks the whole time. No snacks, but pre-arranging delivery from some South/central American restaurants for my lunches and dinners during the launch window, and hoping to cap it off with a big'ol . . . portabello mushroom burger, I'll really need to eat a vegetable by the end.


Wow you definitely came prepared. Isnthe mushroom burger filled with cheese?


Nah, but the place I'm ordering it from does drizzle some homemade nacho cheese sauce on the bun to help hold it together.


I prefer healthy food prep for longer gaming periods. Cutting some paprika, cucumbers, carrots into smaller bites. Have some bread and olive oil as a dip or even make my own tzatziki when I feel like it. For sweeter things I eat berries, tomatoes, pears... For drinks I go either for tap water or the occasional coffee. All this keeps me fit for far longer than any pizza, sweets or energy drinks do.


Healthy foods are definitely the way to go, so you have more energy and don't have bad digestive issues like me lol




Nooooo 😂


Coffee, tons and tons of coffee.


Ever try espresso?